How to achieve reciprocity from a man you love. Receiving gifts (yes, yes, gifts can melt not only a woman's heart!)

Who, tell me, did not suffer from unrequited feelings? At least once in your life? I'm sure everyone has had it. But if you know about 9 lessons of a competent love spell, then with their help you can achieve the desired reciprocity.

"Women who claim to be
they never made an effort
to conquer the man that
true love comes by itself

probably forgot
how they weaved their webs
or they are incredibly lucky "

From the book by Tracy Cabot
"How to Win the Man You Want"

Lesson 1. Introductory

The search for reciprocity of feelings occupies a huge part of every person's life. Moreover, from early childhood. Our first falling in love and suffering from inseparability occurs, as a rule, in kindergarten. "I want to sit with this boy at the same table!", "I want to go with him!", "I want him to pull my pigtails more often than others!"

Reciprocity is when two "wants" coincide and become one in common. This is an amazing feeling. This is the highest harmony of feelings. It's good if everything goes so well. And if not? Do you remember the words of the once popular song from the movie "Big Change"?
We choose, we are chosen
How often it does not match.
I follow you with a shadow
I'm getting used to the mismatch ...

So I propose exactly the opposite. In the case when the "want" does not coincide, you do not need to follow the shadow, and even more so - dutifully get used to the mismatch. We must do everything in our power to make reciprocity appear as if by itself.

Lesson 2. Analytical

Every woman undoubtedly has certain requirements that she makes to her chosen one - a man. But for some reason we forget that every man has in the same way certain requirements that he makes to his chosen one - a woman. Sublimely, of course, sounds "love not for something, but just like that." But this is a kind of slyness. To be frank, we still love and love us precisely for something.

Therefore, for a man to want you, you must become the object of his desire. And for this it is necessary to analyze what this particular man likes about a woman in general. It is necessary to draw up a personal portrait of the woman desired for him and ... to be reincarnated into his ideal. Let them say "You can't be lovely"! But I will say this: depending on what is meant by the concept of "strength".

Lesson 3. Image

"A man loves with his eyes." It's trite, but there's nothing you can do - fact. If, having seen a woman, a man does not want to approach her, then he has no chance to fall in love with her inner world. Therefore, start, first of all, by changing your image.

And don't be afraid of drastic changes. For example, to become a brunette instead of a blonde, to turn long hair into a short haircut, to lose weight, to pump up muscles, to completely change your wardrobe, choosing a different style of clothing for yourself from now on. Think of it as not being a man's standard. Be inspired by the passion of the creator, the sculptor. Feel like Pygmalion and Galatea at the same time.

Lesson 4. Psychological

Any goal is achievable if you are able to penetrate into the soul of your chosen one, to understand his psychology. What he likes and what he doesn't like, what he feels pleasure from, and what causes wild irritation in him. What he is already accustomed to, and what is new and unexpected for him.

Reciprocity is based on the ability to communicate competently. Everyone knows this textbook example of a meeting between a man and a woman, when, having fallen in love at first sight, a man hated a woman as soon as she spoke. And it is not for nothing that psychologists are now increasingly raising the issue of psychological compatibility between partners.

Lesson 5. Philosophical

Surprisingly it may seem to someone, but in the very depths of the coincidence of desires lies the very philosophical stone - the question of the meaning of human life. A worldview is not some abstract thing, divorced from everyday life. It is the philosophy of life that determines what a person is fond of, what he reads (and does he like to read in general), what films and programs does he watch? What, in principle, does he fill his free time with? What is his hobby? What does he think of love in the end?

Do you still think that desire has nothing to do with all of the above? Then your chances of winning a man are very slim. These worldview motives are not obvious, I understand. But still, as a rule, we want the whole person as a whole - this particular personality, this particular individuality. Such a powerful desire does not arise in the absence of a coincidence of philosophies.

Lesson 6. Strategic

Before embarking on concrete actions to win the desired man, it is important to honestly admit to yourself what you want in the end. Because the love spell strategy is determined by the ultimate goal.

There are two types of love spell:
love spell (aimed at feeling love, the goal is to cause love)
sexual love spell (aimed at libido, the goal is to induce sexual desire)
It is clear that the second is easier to implement than the first.

By the way, an unexpected nuance, according to the latest poll by Playboy magazine, sex is on the fourth place in the list of male values. The men surveyed gave the first three places to love, family and friendship.

Lesson 7. Tactical

What, in fact, is the nature of the action of a love spell? This is the emergence of an energy information channel between two people. Based on this understanding, a love spell tactic is being developed. Here are some traditional tactical tricks.

Body language and gesture dance.
You know that the impression of you depends on:
55% of the way you move and gesture
by 38% - from the way you speak
7% of what you say.
Therefore, in order to win the heart of a man, one does not need to indulge in speculation. Your body should send silent positive signals to him. This allows you to make a free posture, palms open to the interlocutor, and a raised head. There is also such a trick - mirroring your interlocutor's pose creates a feeling of closeness.

The energy of the gaze
Eye contact is known to have an extremely powerful emotional impact. Any experienced flirt will tell you that. And even psychologists now call the gaze a powerful weapon. Scientists neurophysiologists have proved that at the moment of crossing the eyes, the same part of the brain is excited as when receiving an award. Look as a reward! Without any magic. Just do not need to inform with a glance "I want you!" - will have the opposite effect. Say with your gaze "You are the best!", A man should be reflected in your eyes, he should be comfortable from your gaze.

Extreme situation
Nothing brings you closer together like dramatic events. Because there is a close connection between anxiety, arousal and attraction. It is clear that you should not attract something bad to yourself. But extreme is not necessarily a sad ending, it is any difficulties experienced together. It is necessary to find an excuse to be close to your chosen one (not to be confused with "alone") in a matter that involves joint overcoming of any non-everyday problems. It can be a hike, renovation, an excursion, a general hobby - dancing, for example, or tennis.

Sense of humor
Much has been said about the benefits of laughter. But even in such a matter as the conquest of love, laughter plays an important role. If you are both laughing at something, then you are at the mercy of one, moreover, positive emotion. Joint laughter, regardless of all other virtues, disposes people to each other instantly.

The power of art
In ordinary life, people are somewhat withdrawn or, even worse, hidden under false masks. Art separates us from reality and reveals our essence. Being at the mercy of art (whether we are watching a movie or listening to music), we are enriched spiritually. Imagine if such spiritual enrichment becomes joint. You unwittingly coincide spiritually and intersect in your experiences. The more common experiences arise in you, the more you become attached to each other.

Lesson 8. Optimistic

Remember the famous formula for success from the movie "The Sorcerers", which experienced magicians admonished the hero of Alexander Abdulov: "See the goal, believe in yourself and not notice obstacles!" What is a powerful optimistic message, do you feel ?! Well, it was not in vain that you could pass through the walls with this message! Forward, conquerors!

Lesson 9. Final

Do not dwell on just this one desire of yours. Fanaticism is repulsive. But harmony attracts. Therefore, live fully and have different desires.

Love spell, of course, is not an easy task. And not everyone, of course, will master all these lessons. But not because everyone cannot master them. And because not everyone wants to master them. Here, in fact, as in any striving, it is this persistence of desire that is important. If you really want something, everything will work out!

Well, who is to blame for the fact that nature gave us a powerful instinct for procreation?

How to get love? Someone figured out this question at school, and someone until the end of their lives did not find an answer to it. You can read books, look for answers on the Internet, ask for advice from friends, but there is no universal key, and you can only take something for yourself. To achieve love, you will have to do all the main things yourself, because no one knows your situation better than you, and no one except you will help you better. But some questions can be answered with a completely universal answer. So what does a guy have to be to get a girl to love and what do they even want? It often happens in life that you get to know a girl, fall in love with her and cannot imagine your life without her. Her casual look gives you a great mood, you start dreaming about her and start thinking about how to attract her and make her yours forever, but you don't know how to pull it all off. For many, such a desirable girl remains in their dreams, especially if the guy is waiting and does not wait for the first step on her part. How do you achieve reciprocity?

From early childhood, parents try to educate a girl so that, becoming an adult, she can attract a man, tie him to herself and successfully marry. Failure to attract a man and marry him to yourself is a sign of failure in a girl's life and an indicator of her unattractiveness. Therefore, each girl, unconsciously for herself, is very afraid of being alone and striving to be sure to get married. At the same time, modern girls do not want to be very dependent, they want freedom and try to achieve success in their careers. Thus, girls have two vectors - to arrange a personal life with an accomplished guy and at the same time remain quite free. How can you achieve reciprocity in such complex natures?

To begin with, it is important to deal with yourself, with your feelings. Is it love or do you just want to be with someone, no matter who? Do you just want sex? Do you want this particular girl or do you, in principle, do not care? If you just need a partner, consider whether you need to build a difficult relationship with this particular girl. Attractive, smart, nice girls are in great demand, and it won't be easy to win the competition. It may be easier to find another option that is more affordable. If we are talking specifically about sincere feelings, then there are several rules, the study of which will not take much time, but will save a lot of effort and possibly help to achieve success.

First of all, you must understand and realize that you can build an ideal relationship with any girl. If a girl says that she is not interested in a relationship, it means that she is literally NOT INTERESTED. Not interested in anyone, nobody interested her. So it's time to ask yourself the question: if not me, then who? - and start acting. How to get a girl interested?

There are several rules, read them, it's worth it.

  • - First, all guys are very predictable. They usually start dating a relationship in one of very predictable ways ... and they usually act in one very predictable way on dates, and after the date they do one of several predictable things, and so on. If you want to have a chance, unlike hundreds of other boring guys, change your stereotypes. Do everything differently, try to come up with your own original line of behavior.
  • - Do not try to immediately evoke mutual love - no matter how you want it, it will not happen quickly. The girl needs to be given free space. You can't call her every day, declare your love a couple of days after meeting, stalk her, constantly ask what she is doing, etc. You need to give the opportunity to the girl to miss you.
  • - Don't try to impress, don't apologize for who you are. As it is, it is, and if you have your own life, do not give it up. Don't try to suck up and become a girl's friend. Friends don't stand a chance. All friends are basically a kind of girlfriends.
  • - If you feel that she is “testing” you with difficult behavior, changes plans at the last moment, constantly shows dissatisfaction, etc. - relax. Take a step back in your relationship. Get colder. Make it clear that this is not interesting to you.
  • - Get rid of all your complexes, how to do it - there is information on the Internet. This must be done, because shyness will only get in the way. A successful guy must be convincing and a little, quite a bit impudent. Be bold and confident. Any girl wants to see a strong personality next to her, behind which she will be like a stone wall. Behave confidently and persistently - you clearly know what you want. Purposeful individuals attract girls (just don't confuse persistence with importunity).
  • - Relationships are impossible without trust, so do not deceive and be extremely honest with the chosen one. Girls are very sensitive to lies, so do not embellish your own merits or personal qualities. Sooner or later the situation will clear up and a lot will be spoiled. Don't try to pass yourself off as someone you are not - be yourself, no masks or pretenses needed. The girl will love you because you are exactly you, and not some ideal, carefully rehearsed image.
  • - Do not spare compliments, but do not throw them around just like that, but remember that they should always be in place. If you stupidly flatter, they will lose all interest in you. But still, any girl is pleased when they give her compliments and, believe me, your chosen one is no exception. Remind her often of how beautiful, smart, and talented she is. If you are embarrassed to tell her all this out loud, try to text her from time to time with admirable confessions. You can be sure that her positive reaction will not be long in coming. At the same time, try to avoid hackneyed, dirty phrases, and strive to come up with some bright, individually selected words for your girlfriend.
  • - Try to have a positive outlook on life, talk not about problems and shortcomings, but about beauty, love and high feelings. Treat many things with humor. You should be able to cheer up your chosen one when needed. She will definitely appreciate this quality of yours. If you're wrong about something, admit it. She will also definitely understand and appreciate this self-deprecating heroism.
  • - Be at least a little romantic, even though it is difficult. But if you get a candlelit dinner, unexpected flowers and all that stuff, it will bring a mega-plus to your relationship. And one more thing, girls are big fans of giving advice, so take advice on any issue. The girl will feel significant, and this will bring results. And all the time, let's understand that the chosen one excites you very much and is very dear to you. It is a very pleasant feeling for a girl to feel that you excite and attract someone.
  • - It is not at all necessary to buy and wear ultra-fashionable clothes and shoes, it is enough just to be neat and tidy, but at the same time dress tastefully, understanding what suits you and what does not.
  • - One of the main and most common mistakes of guys who are just starting to look after a girl they like is the desire to move to an intimate relationship as soon as possible. This is the wrong position. Girls, unfortunately, are not as crazy about sex as guys are. The most important thing is not to rush to develop relationships, to give your darling an opportunity to get used to you as a man who is a part of her life, who at the right time will lend his shoulder and come to the rescue.
  • - Remember that the role of a guy's financial situation and his handsome appearance is greatly exaggerated. This is definitely a plus for a guy, but this is not an opportunity to conquer any girl without any difficulty. First of all, girls are interested in the positive capabilities of your personality and condescension to her weaknesses and shortcomings, the ability to forgive. The main thing with which you can attract and keep a beautiful girl nearby is the ability to communicate in such a way that it would be interesting and easy for her to be with you. To do this, you will have to try to understand not only her, but also your character. You must know exactly all your pros and cons. And fight the minuses with all your might. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to change your character in many ways. But it's worth it.
  • - If you have a super-serious relationship, then try to see her inner world behind the girl's appearance and understand how much she suits you in general, because you will have to spend a huge amount of time side by side, and so as not to regret later on wasted days, weeks and years, you should at the very beginning understand if there will be discord due to discrepancies in the basic understanding of life. If you are lucky and the girl, with all her beauty, also turned out to be the owner of a sharp mind, and at the same time still has such character traits as independence, complaisance, modesty and kindness of soul, then you can only be congratulated.

So, in the question "how to achieve love?" quick recipe, no super express method. Love comes quietly, you can't tell her to hurry up ... But knowledge and application of all these simple but effective rules will allow you to win the heart of your chosen one. Your girlfriend will definitely reciprocate and give you a lot of wonderful emotions and experiences, which are called by one common word - love. Wang just needs to strive to behave in the following way: to love, but not to lose self-respect, to look after beautifully, to have principles and to be able to forgive other people's mistakes and shortcomings. Unfortunately, the situation is that the guy does not choose a companion, but only offers himself as an option in all available ways and various options. In humans, everything is the same as in nature: if the female does not want a male, then the male will not take her by force, no matter how he wants to. So the guy's lot is to present himself correctly. Well, after you succeed, respect and value your choice, because it is so wonderful, and all the girls are so beautiful, be sure that your choice is the right one! Don't be discouraged if everything doesn't work out right away. You already know how to achieve reciprocity from a girl, and this is the most important thing. Relationships are rarely easy to build immediately and easily, continue your unobtrusive attempts at rapprochement. And take your time, the relationship that is achieved for a long time is much more serious than those that began in a week.

Maxim Dalnitsky, practicing psychologist

Method number 1. Materialization of thought

This method is suitable for girls who have not yet met the man of their dreams, but at the same time are quite ripe to fall in love. Using this method, you can easily fall in love with a suitable man who will reciprocate and become the love of your life.

All you have to do is formulate a mental order. For example: "I easily start a relationship with a man that I love and love." In order for your mental "order" to be fulfilled exactly, formulate it as simply and concretely as possible. And to make the desired happen faster, constantly remember your goal.

The main thing is that every time negative thoughts rush through my head ("All around there are bastards", "There are not enough normal men for everyone", "I am not worthy of love. Who will love someone like me?", Etc.), right there replace them with positive ones ("I am surrounded by wonderful men", "My man is looking for me and will soon find me", "I am worthy of love", etc.)!

Method number 2. We give to get

This technique is suitable for those girls who have already fallen in love, but have not yet had time to wait for reciprocity. To attract the attention of a man you like, you first need to show a sincere interest in him.

If you managed to fall head over heels in love, use one little trick: do not demand reciprocity! Moreover, try not even to expect any reciprocity from the object of your passion. It may sound strange, but it is very effective!

What to do? Just enjoy your love to the fullest. After all, the state of being in love is in itself extremely pleasant. Revel in it. You are in love, which means that you look great, receive a lot of compliments, are full of inspiration and are ready for new feats and achievements. Tell yourself: it doesn't matter whether he reciprocates me or not, I still prefer to rejoice in my love and enjoy it, instead of senselessly worrying.

The trick is that as soon as you give up the intention to receive something (for example, love, attention, etc.), replacing it with the intention to give it something, you are more likely to receive what you gave up. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Method number 3. NLP comes to the rescue

Psychologists often argue whether one person can control another. Is it possible to make someone fall in love with you by force? Opinions differ on this point. And yet there are strong psychotechnics that allow, if not to fall in love, then, in any case, to greatly captivate another person.

The first thing that is required of you is to take the position of the player. That is, to treat the process of conquest as a gambling and exciting game (and not as a matter of life and death). It turns out - great, it doesn't work out - well, it was just the first round, you can always win back. This position will save you from unnecessary worries and give your actions ease.

To win over a man, adjust to him. Speak with him in the same language (try to adopt his vocabulary, voice, manner of communication). Get to know and share his interests with him. Try to discover as much in common between you as possible. In NLP, this is called mirroring and attaching. Try to understand what kind of relationship this man wants, what kind of woman he needs. And then think about how you can fit into this scheme. How can you give him what he wants?

The key to this technique is precision. Make sure that his state during the conversation is euphoric, full of love, even if this love is not yet directed at you. And subsequently, every time you want to awaken in him the feeling of being in love, just touch him in the same way as you did the first time. And you will see how his state changes. In this way, you will gradually be able to intercept the love originally addressed to another.

Method number 4. Languages ​​of love

People perceive and express love in different ways. Gary Chapman identified 5 love languages: words of approval, acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts, physical touch.

To achieve reciprocity, simply determine which of the love languages ​​your chosen one uses more willingly, to which he is more likely to respond, and give him what he wants:

- words of approval (compliments, praise, declarations of love, etc.);

- acts of service (feed him lunch, help clean up the bachelor's apartment, show concern);

- quality time (do with him what he loves: go to hockey, watch football, talk about what he is interested in. Even if you don’t understand anything about it, show interest and he will gladly explain to you what’s what);

- receiving gifts (yes, yes, gifts can melt not only a woman's heart!).

- and of course, physical contact (hugs, kisses, massage, touching).

Method number 5. Jazz improvisations

The most reliable way to win a man's heart is relaxedness and ease.

Love is jazz! Improvise! Your logic, your life experience, your reason, your rationalism are absolutely useless when it comes to such an irrational feeling as love. Listen to your intuition, listen to your inner voice - they will tell you the shortest way to the heart of your beloved.

It often happens that on your life path you meet a very nice but shy guy. Do not wait for more daring girlfriends to fool him, take the initiative into your own hands! We will tell you how to achieve a guy and his love without humiliation and psychological pressure. After all, women have so many secret ways!

If a few decades ago it was indecent to be the first to approach the guy you liked, today it is part of the order of things. Modern girls have taken an active position. So how are we going to get the guy we like?

Naturalness and beauty

Young people want to be close to a girl who is natural in everything. So, dear girls, you should not put makeup in thick layers on your pretty face, it is only important to emphasize the natural beauty that nature has endowed you with.

It is important for guys that their girlfriend looks great in any situation, so that you can be proudly introduced to friends in any form. The main thing is that you must be well-groomed, and too much makeup and vulgar outfits are unlikely to please anyone.

Common interests

The next stage of conquering a man's heart is common interests, or, more clearly, finding them. If he is a fan of the football club, then find out some information about the club so that you can keep up conversations with the guy about him.

But do not overdo it: if you know a topic of interest to a man to a greater extent than himself, you thereby confuse him, he will feel stupid. After all, we must remember that not one guy will tolerate female superiority over himself.

Courtesy and attention

To woo a guy, you need to compliment him. Rest assured and your boyfriend is willing to listen to them for hours. It is important to show imagination here. Emphasize compliments on the real virtues of the guy.

But all nice words should be appropriate, and flattery is not very welcome. For example, if a man is thin, then it would be silly to say that his muscles are driving you crazy. You can just praise him for helping you to deal with any issue, since another could not. It will be nice and appropriate.

A beautiful girl with whom it is interesting to communicate, who will appreciate the guy at her true worth, will not be left without attention from the guy she likes.

Become special. If you are dating in the same company, pay attention to the qualities that your chosen one likes in girls. And they really like it, and not just arouse interest.

Be exactly a woman - that timid, gentle, fragile and defenseless creature that nature originally intended you to be

When meeting with your chosen one, you become defenseless. Let him think that without him you will not be able to cope with anything. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Try to figure out what topics of conversation your man is interested in and try to keep the conversation going. Only if you are interested in English literature, and you can talk about it endlessly, while your interlocutor barely gave a couple of sentences on this topic, you should not continue. Men like to be listened to carefully and do not like to admit that they do not know everything.

Men love to be admired. Moreover, this can be both overt flattery and a hidden compliment on any of its merits.

You should not retell the last gossip told to you by a friend in front of men. There is no need to discuss cosmetics, "rags" and romance novels in the same way.

Even if you understand that talking about something your chosen one is somewhat exaggerating or fantasizing - in no case convict him of this - let him be in the spotlight.

To woo a guy, try to be a friend to him. Only here there are pitfalls - you should not turn into a guy's shirt, otherwise you will not be perceived otherwise as a friend.

Rejoice at his appearance. Even if he comes to visit at 2 am to drink coffee because he is bored. He will appreciate it.

All tips are aimed at showing your loved one that you and only you are capable of admiring him 24 hours a day. That you can always help him, at least morally. But be prepared for that. That you will sometimes have to give up your shopping trip because of the fishing trip. But in this case, you will become ideal and unique. You will be missed, missed, and ultimately vital.

Are you still interested in the question of how to achieve a relationship with a guy? No? Not surprising, because most likely after a while you will have to think about another question - the choice of wedding invitations.

7 more ways to woo a guy

1) First, you need to determine how dear the young man is to you. For what purpose are you pursuing it? For a short flirtation or for a strong and serious relationship. You also need to understand whether the guy is worthy of you wasting your precious time on him.

2) If you have decided on the candidacy and goals, then the time has come to look at yourself from the outside. How can you attract your chosen one? Any girl should have something that will make her stand out from all, the so-called "zest", which will give you beauty and irresistibility.

You must take good care of yourself and remain fashionable and stylish under all circumstances. You need to be sweet, cheerful, cheerful, smile more often and not be ashamed of the attention from the man. Smiling attracts men very much.

3) If, in your opinion, the stage of acquaintance has already passed, and both of you were satisfied with the conversation, then the moment has come for you to take the initiative in communication. Let the chosen one become attached to you. Try to write small messages to him every day for 10 days, then stop writing, explaining that you have something with your phone. Look - his reaction to such actions on your part will not go unnoticed.

4) Finally, you managed to tie him to yourself a little. But do not go too far, do not impose or bother him. Give the man the opportunity to conquer himself. Since by nature all men are hunters, and they are not at all interested in “easy prey”. Let him take care of you: gives flowers, invites you to restaurants or somewhere else.

5) So that the representative of the stronger sex does not begin to doubt his choice in your favor, surround yourself with several fans. Let him think that other men are also interested in his girlfriend.

6) If you have rather strong feelings for your chosen one, do not show them to him, since he himself should fall in love with you, and not you with him. Let him know that you are a strong girl who needs to be loved. And only a worthy man will be next to you.

7) And, in the end, the last answer to the question: "how to get a guy." If you want your boyfriend to be head over heels in love with you, then you need to find sexuality in yourself. And the more you reveal yourself, the more beautiful you will look from the outside. A pretty woman can leave an imprint on the soul of a man.

How to get a guy to love

Love only then becomes true love if it is mutual. But now you are in love, and you want the chosen one to reciprocate you. How to get a guy to love? Almost every girl asks herself this question, but there is still no single recipe for success in love in the world.

However, there are several ways to get his attention to get the guy's love. Before you read them, honestly answer yourself the question: why has this guy still not paid attention to you? Maybe your dress code and demeanor are not to his taste? Let's try to figure it out together.

If you're in love with a guy, you probably already know a thing or two about him. Even if you are not closely acquainted, try to study the circle of his interests, pay attention to those with whom he is friends and communicates. You may have noticed.

What girls is this guy looking at with burning eyes? Are they slender energetic brunettes or languid blondes - "excellent pupils", or maybe mischievous red-haired giggles? Do you want to be in their place? Then become the girl of his dreams and you can achieve the boy's love.

To achieve a guy, you will have to sacrifice some habits, but love is worth it: change loose jeans for a skirt, if your figure allows, get used to using cosmetics, try to gradually change your hair color “to his beloved” and try to catch his eye more often.

Also try to share his hobbies and hobbies, sign up to the next sports section, pass on the license. Whenever possible, ask him for help with your studies or for advice on driving a car. He will be pleased to become your mentor. So you can get the guy's love.

However, in everything one must feel the measure. If you want to achieve a guy and constantly turn under his feet, obsequiously look into his eyes, do not give him a pass, and the whole school or institute is already gossiping that you are head over heels in love, the effect may be the opposite.

A guy can openly and harshly reject your love and bring you deep pain. Also, as a result of "clumsy" harassment, your reputation in school and in the company of friends can be damaged. A guy's love can only be achieved by observing a sense of proportion.

Falling in love can pass as quickly as it has surged, and your "exploits" will be remembered even in 20 years at the alumni meeting. So be smart about how you can get your boyfriend to love.

If you were able to attract his attention to yourself, try to become necessary for him, not a servant, ready to please at any moment, but a friend. There are many situations in life when a guy may need help and advice from a reliable girl.

Be there in difficult times. Perhaps a common cause or a test that you two will pass with success will be the beginning of his love for you. Try not to tell him about your feelings first, keep this secret in yourself as long as possible.

Love is beautiful. And mutual love is doubly beautiful! Do you want him to fall in love with you without memory? has collected the most reliable ways to take possession of his heart.

Love is the most beautiful of feelings. And it is doubly beautiful when it is mutual. Are you in love, but only dream of a reciprocal feeling on his part? Do you want him to fall in love with you without memory? has collected for you the most reliable ways to capture the heart of any man without resorting to black magic.

Method number 1. Materialization of thought

This method is suitable for girls who have not yet met the man of their dreams, but at the same time are quite ripe to fall in love. Using this method, you can easily fall in love with a suitable man who will reciprocate and become the love of your life.

All you have to do is formulate a mental order. For example: "I easily start a relationship with a man that I love and love." In order for your mental "order" to be fulfilled exactly, formulate it as simply and concretely as possible. And to make the desired happen faster, constantly remember your goal.

You can repeat your order silently or out loud while driving to work. You can fantasize, in all colors imagining a happy life together with the man of your dreams. The main thing is to dream, imagine the end result (that is, you and he are happy together), and not the ways to achieve the result (where you will meet it, how will you meet, what you will be wearing, etc.). It is the regular visualization of the end result that materializes your request.

The main thing is that every time negative thoughts rush through my head (“There are only bastards around”, “There are not enough normal men for everyone,” “I am not worthy of love. Who will love someone like me?”, Etc.), right there replace them with positive ones (“I am surrounded by wonderful men”, “My man is looking for me and will soon find me”, “I am worthy of love”, etc.)!

Method number 2. We give to get

This technique is suitable for those girls who have already fallen in love, but have not yet had time to wait for reciprocity. To attract the attention of a man you like, you first need to show a sincere interest in him.

If you managed to fall head over heels in love, use one little trick: do not demand reciprocity! Moreover, try not even to expect any reciprocity from the object of your passion. It may sound strange, but it is very effective!

What to do? Just enjoy your love to the fullest. After all, the state of being in love is in itself extremely pleasant. Revel in it. You are in love, which means that you look great, receive a lot of compliments, are full of inspiration and are ready for new feats and achievements. Tell yourself: it doesn't matter whether he reciprocates me or not, I still prefer to rejoice in my love and enjoy it, instead of senselessly worrying.

The trick is that as soon as you give up the intention to receive something (for example, love, attention, etc.), replacing it with the intention to give it something, you are more likely to receive what you gave up. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Method number 3. NLP comes to the rescue

Psychologists often argue whether one person can control another. Is it possible to make someone fall in love with you by force? Opinions differ on this point. And yet there are strong psychotechnics that allow, if not to fall in love, then, in any case, to greatly captivate another person.

The first thing that is required of you is to take the position of the player. That is, to treat the process of conquest as a gambling and exciting game (and not as a matter of life and death). It turns out - great, it doesn't work out - well, it was just the first round, you can always win back. This position will save you from unnecessary worries and give your actions ease.

To win over a man, adjust to him. Speak with him in the same language (try to adopt his vocabulary, voice, manner of communication). Get to know and share his interests with him. Try to discover as much in common between you as possible. In NLP, this is called mirroring and attaching. Try to understand what kind of relationship this man wants, what kind of woman he needs. And then think about how you can fit into this scheme. How can you give him what he wants?

NLP will also help when you are in love with a man who loves another and your feelings are not mutual. Try the anchoring technique. Let him tell you about the one he is madly in love with. When he speaks, pay close attention to his facial expression, tone of voice, posture, gestures. When he is at the peak of euphoric emotions (the main thing is that his state is extremely positive), touch your hand to his forearm (or some other part of the body). So your touch will henceforth be associated with mad love.

The key to this technique is precision. Make sure that his state during the conversation is euphoric, full of love, even if this love is not yet directed at you. And subsequently, every time you want to awaken in him the feeling of being in love, just touch him in the same way as you did the first time. And you will see how his state changes. In this way, you will gradually be able to intercept the love originally addressed to another.

receiving gifts (yes, yes, gifts can melt not only a woman's heart!).

and of course, physical contact (hugs, kisses, massage, touch).

Method number 5. Jazz improvisations

The most reliable way to win a man's heart is relaxedness and ease.

Love is jazz! Improvise! Your logic, your life experience, your reason, your rationalism are absolutely useless when it comes to such an irrational feeling as love. Listen to your intuition, listen to your inner voice - they will tell you the shortest way to the heart of your beloved.