How to get rid of deep hematoma under the eye. It is important to note a few proven principles. The main thing to adhere to such a scheme

The bruise under the eye is not necessarily a consequence of the fight, since it may appear due to an awkward movement, fall or other situations. Knowing how to quickly remove the bruise under the eyes, you can not be afraid that someone will notice unpleasant swelling and blue. As for a physiological point of view, the bruise is considered a place of injury of soft tissues, which causes damage to cells and vessels.

How can you quickly remove the bruise under the eye?

Prevent the formation of a bruise or at least to reduce the damaged area can only be able to help immediately after injury. In addition, it is important to use these advice correctly.

To begin with, find out how to remove the bruise under the eyes of the blow to the shirts. It is necessary to attach to the place of damage to the cold, it may be snow or ice wrapped in natural matter. Another option is a cold metal object, for example, a tablespoon, moistened in ice water. The cold must be tightly attached to the place of the bruise and keep it for 15-30 minutes. You can use wet wipes or towels, but it is important to be periodically wetted in ice water, without giving them the opportunity to heat. Low temperatures lead to narrowing vessels, and therefore will not stick to the affected place. After compress, it is recommended to lubricate the bruise with a special ointment. If you have the first help with the appearance of a bruise, it was not possible, then avoid changing the skin color will not be possible. Then you can use the tools that will speed up recovery.

How to remove the tumor and bruise under the eye?

Today in the pharmacy you can find special ointments, creams and gels that contribute to the acceleration of the healing process. The selected tool must have a resolution effect. It is important to use them regularly.

What funds will help to remove the bruise under the eye in 2 days:

  1. "Troksevazin". Gel must be applied for two days every hour. This means helps to strengthen the walls of the vessels.
  2. "Sinyakoff". The leech extract contained in ointments, contributes to a more rapid resorption of the bruise. He also helps to remove inflammation and swelling. Apply the ointment is needed 5 times a day.
  3. Heparinovaya ointment. The composition includes anesthetic, which helps to get rid of pain. This ointment takes off swelling and increases blood coagulation. It is necessary to apply it 2-3 times a day.
  4. "Lioton". It is worth noting a good anti-inflammatory effect, and this gel strengthens the vessels. You need to use 3 times a day.

In addition, it is additionally possible to take tablets containing vitamin A and Askorutin, since these substances strengthen capillaries.

How do folk remedies quickly remove the bruise under the eyes?

To reduce the recovery period, you can additionally use proven folk recipes that have been used for many years to solve such a problem. Consider several popular options:

With the question, how to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, everyone came across. In one day, the problem is impossible to remove, but relieve states and reduce the bruises quite real.

The reasons for the occurrence of bruises under the eyes are different:

  • Severe physical injury;
  • Small household injuries against the background of increased vessel fragments;
  • Insect bites;
  • Allergies;
  • Dental diseases;
  • Operations.

According to Obaglazar, the bruise under the eye most often appears in people actively engaged in sports - martial arts, football, ice skating. This can be attributed to physical injury. When exposed to force on the skin fabrics, they are damaged simultaneously with their minimal blood vessels; Blood is poured into subcutaneous layers. The injury place swells, and after a while the bruises appear. If the bridge is injured, the lesions will affect both eyes.

The note
When bleeding from the nose after the injury, it is impossible to mix the root - the bruise will only increase.

If you do not take any measures, then the injury will take place within 7-10 days - the term depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The color of the hematoma will gradually change from the dense-violet to painful yellow.

The correct actions immediately after receiving the injury will help, according to obhaglaz, to limit the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat, accelerate the resorption of the bruise. If a cold compress is quickly attached to the place of bruise, the affected vessels will be narrowed, the pressure in them will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in blood release in tissue. Such a procedure will be able to minimize the consequences, but provided Ice application immediately after impact.

For assistance, ice is applied at least by 15-20 minutes - placed in a heating or plastic bag, wrapped in a towel, so as not to frozen the skin. Apply the cold to the hematoma under the eye is necessary several times for 5-6 hours. The interval between applying compresses should be at least an hour so as not to harm. It is worth noting that the cold is effective directly in the first minutes after injury.

If the bruise is obtained at home, then instead of ice, it is convenient to use the screw tools:

  • Frozen fruits or vegetables;
  • Ice cream meat or semi-finished products;
  • Metal objects, such as a spoon.

If you use chilled products, then the plastic package in which they were in the refrigerator, you need to wrap in a towel, so as not to put the infection and frow skin.

Help remove bruises and reduce its sizes, according to the site, even a cooling drink from a refrigerator, instantly attached to the place of the bruise.

After removing the cold compress, the affected place should be applied to the ointment of a throksevazine or heparin. It is necessary to relieve edema so that it does not progress, and to relieve pain. It is necessary to lubricate carefully, not allowing drugs to get into the eyes.

Medicinal preparations for hematoma

A day after the strike to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, change the treatment strategy, applying not cold, but heat. Warming accelerates the restoration of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, as a result of which the bruise is absorbed faster. The effect of heating, oblazapy notes, have some pharmacy agents specifically created for the treatment of similar injuries (bruises). Some of them:

  • Thrinksevazin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Ointment "Sinyakoff";
  • Balm "Rescuer";
  • Balm "SOS";
  • Ointment "Quarter";
  • Ointment "Badgya";
  • Means containing the extract of Arnica mountain "Arnica Gel" or homeopathic preparations in capsules.

These drugs are superimposed on the injury area and help remove the hematoma under the eye.

To quickly remove the bruise, it must be carefully lubricated by ointment once every 3-4 hours.

We also compiled a list of different ointments in a separate article that help to remove bruises.

Folk remedies against bruises

Although the XXI century in the yard, but the traditional medicine can easily suggest how to quickly remove the bruise under the eye using only the remedies. These methods are at all no worse than pharmacy drugs.

Making compresses from brave herbs

A good effect, according to the site, give a rumor from the burst of dry herbs of the plantain, chamomile, sage and marigolds. Infusion is preparing: a mixture of equal amount of grass is poured with boiling water in the calculation of 2 hours l. Grass on 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours in closed dishes.

A folded piece of gauze or a dense soft tissue is wetted in a decoction, apply to the place of the bruise. Hold until the compress cools. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 hours. In this way, traces of injury can be removed quickly.

Apply the cabbage sheet

It helps to quickly resorbing the hematoma under the eye, overlapping immediately after injury, loss in the cabins of the cabbage sheet. You can use a whole piece, for this, pre-softening it with a kitchen hammer. The sheet is attached to the place of the injury, they change every 3-4 hours.

We use salt compresses

The usual kitchen salt dissolved in water at the rate of 2 tbsp. Salt spoons at 100 gr. Warm water helps to remove swelling, reducing pain. For a compress, a folded gauze or a dense soft tissue is wetted with a solution, pressed and superimposed as a plaster.

Vinegar with salt and iodine

A well applies a mixture of two tablespoons of vinegar, 9%, tablespoons of salt and five drops of iodine. For treatment, according to Obaglas.Ru, it follows this mixture to lubricate the bruise before bedtime.

Draw a mesh from iodine

Helps to quickly remove the bruises of the grid, applied to the night of the bruise. In addition to the warming effect, such a mesh has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to remove swelling.

We use apathechy jumper

To quickly remove the bruise with the help of a sponge of Badyagi, you should take a pharmacy powder from a grinder of a sponge, to dissolve warm water to the state of the Cashitz, and put on the injury. After drying, the remedy should be washed with cold water. More than three times a day, according to Obagazar, such a recipe is not recommended.

Making a grandfather and stepmother

Sticks from the infusion of a dry herbal collection of the richness of marsh and mother-and-stepmother, mixed porovna, effectively clean the bruise. For the preparation of infusion 2 h. Dry mixture pour a glass of boiling water and warm up for about five minutes. Insist 2 hours in closed dishes.

Folded gauze or soft tight fabric moisten in a decoction and apply on the skin, for 20 minutes. Repeat every three hours.

Making honey ointment

A good tool to quickly clean the bruises, the site notes, is honey. It is used together with other means: grated raw bow and loss in a powder of the plantain with a powder. The components taken in equal parts are mixed, applied to the fabric and strengthen it with the plaster on the site of hematoma. Hold at least two hours by changing the compress three times a day.

We use aloe

Blooding can be quickly removed using the healing properties of aloe. The leaf cut from the plant is washed, cut along in half, fix the plaster at the injury site. Change the compress as the sheet drying until the hematoma is disappeared.

We use wormwood

In order to quickly remove the bruise, widespread the grass of bitter wormwood impose on the affected places. If the bruise is big, then the layer of wormwood should be thick. Change the grass without giving her to dry. If there are no fresh, then you can use the dried dried grass, but it, according to Obaglaza, is less effective.

We treat bruises onion juice

If you need to quickly remove the bruise, then the fresh small bulb is crushed on the grater, and a teaspoon of salt adds to the resulting casket and applied to the hematoma as a compress. Watch the mixture does not get into the eyes.

Balm from beet

If the bruise should be removed very quickly, then you can make balsam from beets, aloe and celandine. For its cooking you need:

  1. small beets to grind;
  2. pour the spoonful of the juice chill;
  3. add a tablespoon of the Cashits from Aloe Sheet.

The mixture is kept for two hours, press, juice is overflowing into a glass of glass with a lid.

Wetted with a balsam, applied to the hematoma region for 20 minutes, once every two or three hours. Burst can pass in three days. This recipe is popular, as it is very simple and relatively quickly.

Use heating

In order to quickly bring the bruise, notes, the injury place should be played, only if the swelling itself passed (swelling). You can use as a heat source:

  • cooked steep egg;
  • pouch made of fabric with heated salt or sand;
  • folded in a few layers of a stuffed hot iron fabric.

The compress must be warm enough, but not hot.

Clean the bruise in one day at home

It is worth understanding that the body needs time to restore damaged vessels, hematoma resorption and the fact that there are no such miracles. But if you still need to quickly display the bruise in one day, then, according to Obaglazaru, it is possible to easily disguise or clarify it.


You can apply a masking pencil depending on the stage of hematoma. If the skin color is at the point of impact:

  • green - Need a red pencil-consilet;
  • brownish - take a pink pencil;


    All means are good when they are used correctly and at the right time. And you need to make a report, as the oblagasar notes that in one day the bruise is not removed.

    A lot depends on first aid, as far as it was correct and operational. Also what actions were carried out after it. After all, if everything is done clearly, you can significantly reduce the time of recovery and minimize problems. In any other case, only makeup will help.

Dear readers, hello! No matter what reason bruises on the face appeared: whether it was a drop or stumbled on the door jamb, or it was a bruised fist in a fight, but in any case the question arises: how to quickly get rid of the bruise under the eye? It is this localization of the bruise most of all and causes "live interest" about the reason for his appearance. I will tell you how this small problem can be solved.

Bruisies or, as they call doctors, hematoma is a limited accumulation of blood with a breaking of small blood vessels - capillaries and the formation of the cavity in which the blood flowing out of damaged vessels accumulates.

Most often, this occurs as a result of a sharp and strong mechanical impact and the bruise of soft fabrics. The main symptoms are pain, the presence of limited swelling and the appearance of skin redness. Over time, gradually the color of the hematoma varies from purple-red to the crimson-blue and yellow-green.

If such injury is not accompanied by a disruption of skin cover, most of them do not turn to the medical institution and try to get rid of this cosmetic defect on their own and faster. On the one hand, it is right, because small bruises of soft fabrics of the health of danger to health do not represent.

But if, the bruises are extensive or he appeared without any reason, then this is a reason to seek medical help as soon as possible. In this situation, an additional examination is necessary, in which a more serious and life-threatening pathology can be revealed.

According to the severity of the hematomas look different:

  1. Easy degree. It manifests itself in the first day after injury, the pain in palpation is insignificant, there is a small swelling of red.
  2. Average degree. Blooding appears after a few hours after injury. In the process of touches and the underlying fabrics and muscles, which is why the pain is felt and even a naked eye is visible in swelling.
  3. Heavy degree. Symptoms appear immediately after injury or within an hour. The tumor on the site of hematoma is more pronounced and very painful when pressing. It is at such hematomas that a doctor must seem to appear.

Blue color changes gradually. After 2-3 days, the red shade changes to the crimson, and then on violet. Then the color gradually changes with dark on yellow, starting from the edges of the bruise and comes to the center. Here, the soreness of the injury place becomes less pronounced.

About a week later, the color of the hematoma acquires a greenish tint. And at the same time, bruises as if descending below, but this is not necessary to be afraid, as the strength of gravity and the cavity is triggered here with the remains of the wrinkle blood goes away. In this stage, pain and swelling disappear, and the skin gradually acquires natural color.

On everything, if you do not use the means to quickly remove the bruise, will leave about 1.5-2 weeks. For many, it is too long.

How to quickly get rid of the bruise on the face?

It is this question that worries most. After all, even if it is temporary, the defect on the face causes aesthetic discomfort: someone needs to go to work or on a date ... and even cosmetics sometimes cannot correct the situation. What to do?

It is possible to treat the bruise yourself only if there is no damage to the skin on the face. If they are, then first of all, they require primary surgical processing or sewing. If there are insignificant damages, then all the actions for the treatment of bruises are carried out, not hurt wounds.

Well, since it happened, bruised appeared on the face, then first of all it is necessary to take action that would help minimize the situation.

The first thing to attach any cold subject to the place of the bruise. If the injury happened at home, then remove any frozen product from the freezer (package with minced meat or dumplings, ice cubes, etc.), but before you wrap it in a towel and only then attach it to the bruised place. It is impossible to keep for a long time, hold no more than 10-15 minutes.

If this happened in winter and on the street, it is quite suitable for snow, after pre-wrapped it into a handkerchief or a scarf (the snow is dirty and so you can make an infection into the smallest abrasions).

If there is nothing like that in stock or you are in nature, then do at least a cold compress: Moisten any cloth with cold water, or attach any cold item to the place for 15 minutes.

Applying cold compresses, do not overdo it: if you keep cold for a long time, it will adversely affect the underlying tissues and can cause inflammation, which will lead to a longer resorption of the hematoma. The cold can be applied several times a day for 15-20 minutes, but more than 1-2 days. The main task when applying cold compresses is to narrow blood vessels, stop the bleeding, remove swelling.

Then, after 2-3 days, the following task is: to help improve blood circulation and rapid hematoma resorption. We make warm compresses. It can be a warmer with warm water, bags with warm, but not hot, salt.

How to remove the bruise on the face quickly - what ointment is better?

After cold compresses and making sure that the bleeding ceased, the hematoma region can be smeared by the following means.

Heparinovaya ointment

Impose an ointment no earlier than 2-3 days after injury. If it is used earlier, immediately after the injury, the active components of the ointment coagulate blood clots and the resorption process will delay up to 2 - 3 weeks.

But if you apply an ointment after 2 - 3 days, then as a result

  • blooders will quickly disperse,
  • swelling will disappear
  • the pain will decrease.

The heparin ointment is applied to the affected place with a thin layer, ranging from the center and grabbing a small edge of not injured skin. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day before the bruise disappearance.

Contraindication to the use of heparin ointments is increased sensitivity, impaired integrity of the skin and increased bleeding.

Tramel S.

Homeopathic preparation of similar action. Used in post-traumatic states. Bruise, swelling and pain when it takes place in a week at 2-3 times.

The ointment can not be used for children up to 3 years of age, with individual sensitivity, tuberculosis, autoimmune and cancer diseases, HIV infection.

Vishnevsky ointment

The liniment (ointment, but more liquid consistency) is 94%, there are still dead and xeroform. The tool is applied even when there are small wounds and abrasions, while suppresses the development of pathogenic microflora, activates blood microcirculation at the injection site, speeds up the process of regenerating tissues and wound healing.

For use, a small amount of money is applied to the dressing and apply an injury to the processed place.

Contraindication to use is the individual tolerance of the means, as well as the violation of the kidney function. Another negative moment of the line: it smells very unpleasant.

Badyaga - light green powder made of crushed skeletons of freshwater sponge. The acting agent are silica needles that have a local irritant when applied to the skin, and the blood flow is improved, the inflammation of the tissues is removed and the pain decreases. Powder is used only for outdoor use, not absorbed inside.

Bodhage enhances the restoration and oxidative process in the skin, as a result, the skin is rejuvenated, its elasticity increases and wrinkles smoothed.

Before use, the powder is diluted with warm boiled water so that it turned out not a thick casher. A cotton disc or gauze tampon is smeared on bruises and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off. Powder suspension can be imposed several times a day.

Badgy can not be used if there is abrasions or wounds on the skin, also with individual intolerance, allergic reactions, with exacerbation of skin diseases. In cancer pathology, the powder has an annoying effect, which can negatively affect the further development of pathology.

Especially it should be noted if the bruise is located near the eye, then the Badgy should not be used. In this case, it can provide an irritating effect on the mucous eye and cause tearing.

What is used yet?

In addition to the above preparations for hematoma resorption effectively apply:

  • Indochin
  • Troksevazin,
  • Lyoton
  • Lioton1000,
  • preparations with leech extracts,
  • balm "Rescuer",
  • "Sinyakoff.

All of these means also have a resinking, wound-healing effect, relieve pain, restore blood circulation. Before using any of them, first read the instructions for use, contraindications are possible.

A very good effect is achieved when applying creams, which contains vitamin K.

What helps from bruises - recipes of traditional medicine

How can I quickly remove the bruise using folk remedies and methods? It must be said that these funds and methods help to get rid of hematoma faster and return the face aesthetic appearance.

  1. Gymnastics for eyes. Of course, this method will not remove the bruise, but it will improve the microcirculation in the eye and eyelids, and this will also improve the hematoma resorption. Read more about Gymnastics Read
  2. Vinegar and iodine. In the teaspoon of the table vinegar, dissolve 5 drops of iodine, the resulting solution moisten the disk or gauze tampon and attach to the hematoma. Keep no more than 20 minutes. As soon as the disk or tampon gets dry, wash the solution again and apply again to the bruise.
  3. Iodine mesh. Moisten your cotton wand with iodine and draw directly on the hematoma iodine mesh. Draw a line with thin but frequent. The grid can be drawn in close proximity to the eye.
  4. Aloe, Collarshoe. Clean sheet cut into half and the inner side attach to the hematoma, secure it with the plaster. Aloe dried leaflets. Replace fresh.
  5. Annik tincture. Ready tincture is sold in a pharmacy. A row with the tincture of Arnica will help to quickly remove swelling.
  6. Tincture parsley. 50g chopped parsley leaves pour the glass of vodka. Mixed in the tincture, Cat disk apply to the place of the bruise.

If the trouble occurred in nature, find the leaves of the burdock, mother-and-stepmother, plantain and after a cold compression, attach any of them to the hematoma. You can consolidate the plaster.

Masks from Synyakov

Similar masks, judging by the reviews, rather effective and help within 2-3 days to get rid of bruises. It is important to apply to the hematoma area immediately after a cold compression.

Sutter the purified potatoes, add a spoonful of milk and a little flour into the resulting cleaner. Put the mixture on the bruise for 20 minutes. Repeat procedure several times a day.

Fresh parsley leaves finely grind and apply onto a cotton disk and put on the bruise for 15 minutes. Such a mask will speed up the healing process and remove swells.

Instead of potato casher, you can use onion, garlic, cabbage kashitz.

And in this video you still recognize several recipes, how to get rid of the bruise under the eye, look.

Dear readers, the answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of the bruise under the eye, you got. But know, resorting to the above methods, you get rid of the bruise anyway in 2-3 days, in one day to get rid of it is simply unrealistic, given the pathological changes in the skin with such a injury. But if you don't do anything, then the bruise itself will resolve after 10-14 days, while it will be "blooming" for a long time and transfix with different colors of the rainbow.

Bruises under the eyes - a phenomenon that spoils all the mood and impression of its appearance not only to women, but also to men. The reasons for their occurrence are very and very much, some of them are associated with internal factors, the other with external. Even a banal lack of sleep or extra half an hour in bed can lead to their occurrence.

Causes of bruises under the eyes

In total there is a reason, respectively, to solve some problem, you need to dig and find its source, this, in turn, will help to understand how to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye. One of the most serious problems can be called a violation of the work of the internal organs. In this case, it is necessary to go to the district physician, pass the tests and pass diagnostic research to identify these violations if they are. The most simple reason is heredity or overly thin skin in the eye area.

Folk remedies in the fight against bruises under the eyes

Immediately it is worth saying that all the events undertaken in solving this problem may be meaningless if not to get rid of the root causes. Let's say if the whole thing is in violation of the work of the internal organs, and you go to the salon and give mad money for the procedure, then you know - you throw your blood to the wind.

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye after impact, especially if you have an important meeting or event? One of the most effective and truly helping ointments is called heparin. Due to its composition, it is capable of "resolving" blood under the skin, as a result of which the bruises literally disappear. Also well will help the bodiage. But it is all pharmacy means, and now we will look at folk recipes.

How to quickly remove the bruise under the eye: folk remedies

First of all, you need to be patient. It also needs to be careful not to cause harm. Bruisies under the eyes that appear from stress, health problems and heredity, may pass without a trace.

Strong tea

Famous, perhaps, to all and every way - to attach tea bags. It can be done otherwise: brew a strong-strong tea, which will preach half an hour or more, then flush in it a couple of pieces of gauze or other fabric, and attach to the eyes. Hold ten minutes. It is advisable to choose a day off so that you have more time, and you could repeat this procedure every three hours.


Fresh cucumber - often in films you can see women with cucumber slices on the face. This vegetable is an excellent assistant in removing edema and deliverance from pigment spots. It should also be held in front of ten minutes, the interval between the procedures is half an hour. And if applying slices not only to the eyes, but also all over the face, it will be possible to get rid of small wrinkles.

Kefir and cottage cheese

It is believed that these two products are perfectly whiten, and the second is so generally indispensable in the fight against hematomas, so when the question arises how to reduce the bruise under the eye quickly should be remembered about fermented milk products. To get a mask of these two components, you just need to mix them so that there is Cashier. Take two pieces of gauze, just let them be more to make bags of them, in which and place Cashitz. Such a compress keeps about twenty minutes, and you need to make a mask daily, until the bruises come out finally. It can also be used in preventive purposes.

Vodka with ice

Knowing how to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye, you will always look fresh and spectacular. One of the popular options is ice vodka. You need to take the ice tank and pour into it mixed with water in equal proportions vodka. Apply a piece of ice to the bruises and keep until they come down. After you can attach a warming compress.

Juice cabbage

Take the cabbage sheet and beat it until it starts to highlight the juice. After just attach a leaf to the bruise. This vegetable should help quickly, it is a good tool when it is necessary to get rid of bruises in a short period of time.

Vegetable oil with honey, egg yolk and flour

Bad ecology and constant stress can cause dark circles under the eyes. That is why more and more people are wondering how to quickly remove the bruise under the eye. The most effective means are natural. Mixing all the ingredients, you will have a kind of ointment, keeping in the area around the eye you need a whole day, and preferably night. You should take a large spoonful of honey and as many vegetable oil, add some flour and egg yolk to it. Mix well to homogeneous mass and apply like ointment on the area around the eyes.

Cora Kalina

How to bring the bruise under the eye quickly and painlessly? Take advantage of one of the proven options - Valina's bark. Mix two teaspoons of a municipal cortex and clean, add one teaspoon of aloe juice and pour all this with boiling water. After the fluid is impaired (for half an hour), moisten the pieces of gauze and attach to bruises.

Herbal infusion

It is necessary to make a decoction of one of the following herbs: chamomile, parsley, cornflower. After he cooled, fill it into molds to create ice. Frozen pieces apply to bruises through a piece of fabric.

Boiled potatoes

Boil one potatoes in the uniform. It should cool, but be warm. Cut potatoes in half and attach to areas around the eyes. Boiled potatoes will need to hold about half an hour; If you decide to attach a slice of raw potatoes, then you will need to hold it for no more than twenty minutes.

Raw potatoes

Also raw potatoes can be grate. Put the resulting puree in the gauze bag and attach the compress to the eyes. It is necessary to keep it at least fifteen, but not more than twenty minutes. This procedure is done once a week for one and a half months.


How to remove and reduce the bruise under the eye, our great-grandfather know, which for these purposes was used by Aloe Plant. This healing flower helps even in the fight against bruises under the eyes. You need to take a sheet and grate it, then add petroleum to it, and you got an ointment. All mix well and apply to the area under the eyes before bedtime.


Ointment or tincture is not so important, it will help both. In the first case, simply apply ointment on the bruises under the eyes, in the second - moisten your cotton disk or just a piece of watts, and attach to the eyes. The tincture cannot be applied for a long time, as it contains alcohol.

Coltsfoot and Bag

Put herbs in the dishes, pour with a small amount of water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil. He must bother five minutes, after that turn off the fire, cover the lid and leave to appease a couple of hours. Then just moisten cotton or gauze in it and attach to the bruises. It is necessary to keep ten minutes, and you need to repeat the procedure in two hours.


Take the Aloe Sheet, grind it. Add a teaspoon to it cleanly, mix. On the shallow grater, soda soda beets, shift it into the gauze and squeeze the juice. Mix everything together in glassware, in which you will store the tool. It watches cotton swab and applied to the bruise for twenty minutes. This is one of the best ways if you do not know how to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye.


Absolutely any clay will also help get rid of bruises. You need to make such a compress three times a day and keep it for two hours.


A simple compress from milk is no worse than other means. Moch the marblelet or cotton disk in it and attach to the skin about half an hour.

Walnuts and butter

Nuts shred in a blender, then mix them (two teaspoons) with pre-melted oil (tablespoon). Add a few more drops of grenade or lemon juice to the mixture. Mix well. Apply the mask for ten to twenty minutes.

Bread with milk

Two products that are in every home. Moisten a piece of white bread in milk and attach to bruises.

Potato starch

Potato starch will help in the question of how to quickly reduce the bruise under the eye. It needs to be diluted with water, but so that it is not too liquid or thick. We impose this peculiar bash with a thick layer for a long time, better for several hours.


Getting a hematoma under the eye is quite simple and not necessarily it should happen in a fight, a person can simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle, engaged in sports. However, during classes, it is necessary to be quite careful, so as not to get a serious injury, but it is not possible to avoid receiving bruises and bruises. If a person has a bruise in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, then this is a reason, once again arouse interest among passersby. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove the bruised bruise in one day, and whether it is possible to implement at all.

How does bruise develop?

The bruise is formed when a person hits himself or get a strong injury. At this time, the vessels are bursting, and blood falls under the skin. It should be remembered if the injury fell on the face, because in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body, the bruise can not appear immediately. This is, if the blow has been applied to the eye or bridge area, then within twenty-four hours, only strong swelling will be visible. After this time will be noticeable.

The eye appeared in the area, in just one day it is very difficult, we can say that it is impossible. And all because the formation of the bruise occupies a certain time, because the process of formation itself is divided into several stages. Of course, these processes can be accelerated slightly, but the possibilities of a person are limited in this.

So, there are two main stages, it is:

  1. The area where the strike was shown, swells and acquires red-blue, because the hemoglobin in the blood is so painted. The hematoma size will be directly dependent on the amount of blood flowing under the skin. Accordingly, so that the size of the hematoma and its color were not so pronounced, it is necessary to prevent greater blood flowing. This stage usually takes no more than three days, in some cases less. During this time you can not heal the place of the bruise.
  2. At the second stage of the formation of hematoma, hemoglobin decomposition occurs, therefore, the staining of the embell region changes. Initially, yellow color appears, then it becomes green and in the end of brown. If you do not take any action, then the hematoma comes down one and a half or even two weeks.

There is one home recipe, to remove the bruise.

You'll need:

  • One tablespoon of pressed grenade grains.
  • Three teaspoons of crushed Volosh walnut.

Mix the ingredients to get a homogeneous mixture, and apply it to the injury area. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to help if a few minutes have passed after injury?

Since it is practically impossible to cure a bruise at home, especially in the case when it is big, then everything should be done, so as not to give to manifest themselves with all the signs of the bruise afterwards. It is necessary to do it very quickly, because the account of time goes for a minute. The earlier begin to take action, the faster the bruises will fall.

It is necessary to follow these rules:

  • In the first minutes after the injury, it should be attached to the patient, the cold. You can use any freezing from the freezer. But before that, the package must be wrapped in a towel, so that the skin does not touch the cold.

In the first minutes after impact, it is necessary to attach to the patient area of \u200b\u200bthe skin - ice

  • Time during which it must be done should not exceed ten minutes. If this limit is exceeded, then it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of a large hematoma.
  • Keep the cold should be for twenty minutes, then you need to take a break ten minutes and apply a cold towel again.
  • Also save you from hematoma for 1 day, drugs will help, for example, heparin ointment. It must be applied in the first ten minutes after injury. But you can do it and during ten minutes of rest from the compression. If you apply it later, the effect will not be so strong.
  • It is impossible to apply heat in the first day, because the effect will be the opposite. Heat can be used only after full swelling of the edema.

Solves with a resolution

If you need to quickly cure the bruise of the house, then various rows or masks with a clearing effect will come to the rescue. There are many such recipes, let's look at some of them:

  1. Mask from Badgya.Badgy is used to eliminate bruises and pigment spots on the skin, because it is a potent active substance. This tool will help the faster, but it still has its drawbacks. It should be extremely gently used if the injury fell on the face. Before applying the means to the skin's skin, it is necessary to make sure that you have no allergies on it. If everything is fine, you can proceed to applying. It is only worth remembering that the area under the eyes is too gentle, so it is not recommended to keep a remedy for a long time. By time it will take no more than five minutes. Apply the remedy should be carefully so that it does not hit the eye. If the bruise must be removed from another body area, then the journey can be applied without fear, but still with the mind. Keep no more than fifteen minutes. To prepare a mask from Badyagi, you need to mix powder and water.
  2. Compress from cabbage leaves.Cabbage does not have such a strong effect on the bruise as the previous remedy. But it is also often used to eliminate bruises under the eye. For the compress, you need chopped in a cabbage blender. The resulting mass attach to the bruise for fifteen minutes. The more often you will spend this procedure, the faster a bruise comes.
  3. Ointment from Luke.You will need a small head of the replist onion, one tablespoon of a grated household soap and melted wax. Clean it from the husks, put in a small enameled container, completely fill with sunflower oil and put on fire. Cooking follows until the bow does not turn, then it must be removed and squeeze the juice from it into the same oil. Also in the oil add a wax and soap, and put the container in the refrigerator to frozen the mixture. It should be applied at least three times a day.
  4. Salt compress.Each person understands that it is almost impossible to get rid of the bruise per day, so in some cases you can use in several ways at the same time. For example, the salt compress will quickly eliminate the bruise. To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of salt to dissolve in one liter of boiled water. In the resulting solution, wet a piece of fabric and attach it to the damaged area on the face, approximately half an hour.

Help medicines

Come on the pharmacy, you can ask the pharmacist about for a very short time. To date, there are many such drugs, such as Lioton, Troksevazin, Rescuer, Sinyakoff, Arnik and many other means.

If we speak in general, any remedy will help to get rid of the injury, which has a resinking and vasoconstrictor action.

Ointment from bruises "Lioton"

It will not be superfluous to receive vitamin C and RR, it can be done using a special cream or take vitamins inside. They will strengthen the vessels and quickly restore damaged tissues.

When you buy the drug in the pharmacy, carefully examine the instructions for use on the subject of contraindications and side effects.

Remember that the most effective way to combat hematoma is just trying not to get a bruise. But if it was not possible to avoid this, it will help in deliverance the therapy, undertaken in the first minutes after the injury. If this is not done, then the treatment will be delayed for several days, regardless of the method used.