How to treat a cold in pregnant women - traditional and folk medicine. Can pregnant women be treated for teeth? What is the harm of anesthesia

How not to get sick with ARVI during pregnancy?

Before going outside, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with 0.25% OXOLIN OINTMENT. This recommendation also extends to the first trimester of pregnancy, when the ingestion of drugs is highly undesirable, and prevention and treatment are best done with safe folk remedies, which we will talk about later.

Common and well-known measures in the midst of an epidemic, which for some reason many are neglected, are the following:

  • limiting contacts, visiting public places;
  • wearing gauze bandages;
  • rinsing your nose and gargling immediately after visiting public places - this helps fight viruses that you could get from several people in crowded places;
  • taking vitamins and supplements as prescribed by a doctor;
  • prior vaccination 1.

How to treat colds and SARS during pregnancy

There are several absolute rules for expectant mothers, neglect of which is dangerous for the life of the unborn child.

  1. In no case should you prescribe medications for yourself, as they can adversely affect the embryo, causing irreversible changes in it; this is especially true of antibiotics, which are required only to combat the complications of acute respiratory infections or influenza and are prescribed individually by a doctor.
  2. Call a general practitioner at home.
  3. Start treatment as early as possible and prevent the development of the disease.
  4. Affect foci of infection (mucous membranes of the nose, throat) with folk remedies.
  5. Observe bed rest during the first days.
  6. Ventilate the apartment regularly.
  7. Drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body.
  8. Stick to a dairy-plant diet.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies

They relate to the effects on different organs, but in general they contribute to the improvement of the condition and recovery.

Throat treatment during pregnancy

  • Gargle with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water). The water should be warm, but not hot.
  • Rinsing with a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water, you can add 2-3 drops of iodine solution) - such a solution has a destructive effect on viruses, helps fight inflammation.
  • You can gargle with decoctions of herbs: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus.

These herbs are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. They can be used separately or combined. For example, you can brew chamomile and coltsfoot leaves - this remedy also has an expectorant effect when coughing. The only contraindication of the listed herbs is hypersensitivity, individual intolerance.

Gargle at least 3-4 times a day.

Of the drugs that are safe for expectant mothers, one can name HEXORAL(aerosol, which has an antiseptic effect, is suitable for combating inflammatory diseases of the pharyngeal cavity. Main dosage: apply 2 times a day, a single dose is administered within 1-2 seconds. Contraindications - individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug).

Aerosol is also quite effective. INHALIPT(contains glycerol, peppermint oil, sulfanilamide, eucalyptus oil and other constituents). It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Contraindication - hypersensitivity to essential oils.

Cough treatment during pregnancy

Steam inhalation: boil jacket potatoes (5-6 small potatoes per liter pot of water), add a pinch of eucalyptus leaves, keep on fire for another 2-3 minutes, then put the pot on the table, cover with a towel and sit for 5-7 minutes). You can add 1 drop of fir oil immediately before the procedure.

As an antitussive and expectorant agent:

  • tea made from coltsfoot leaves, plantain leaves and black currant;
  • onion syrup: Wash a medium-sized onion (in the husk), pour water flush with the onion and add 50 g of sugar. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, let cool, then strain and drink 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day, preferably 20-30 minutes before meals).

Elevated temperature

Antipyretic drugs:

  • linden flower tea;
  • dried raspberry tea;
  • a decoction of dry apples (add half a glass of dried apples to 1 liter of boiling water);
  • cranberries rubbed with honey (take 2 tablespoons of cranberries, mash, rub through a strainer, add one teaspoon of honey and pour 2-3 tablespoons of very hot water (60-70 ° C). Stir, cool slightly and drink in small sips);
  • beet or carrot juice (you can add 1/4 of white cabbage juice to it).

Treatment of a common cold during pregnancy

Rinsing the nose with solutions and tinctures:

  • Iodine-saline solution (pour half a glass of warm water, add a few drops of iodine and salt on the tip of a teaspoon. Put 2-3 drops in the nose, alternately in each nostril. This rinsing is good 3-4 times a day).
  • Herbal collection (take rose hips - 1 part, peppermint leaf - 3 parts, succession herb - 2 parts. Brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with boiling water (1 glass), insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours, filter through cheesecloth, add before rinsing 1-2 drops of fir oil, rinse the nose 2-3 times a day).

For instillation into the nose:

  • aloe juice diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Medicines safe for pregnant women:

  • AQUAMARIS(sea water) - a sterile solution of sea water - moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation.
  • PINOSOL- contains oils of mint, pine, eucalyptus oil, vitamin E, other components, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • NAZIVIN- due to vasospasm of the nasal mucosa reduces inflammation.

What is ARVI?

SARS - acute respiratory viral infections - are caused by various viruses that the sick person releases when coughing, sneezing, talking.

The incubation period - from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms - lasts 3-5 days. The disease develops gradually, and the state of health in the first days is quite satisfactory, the temperature rises slightly, symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract appear - a runny nose, cough, hoarseness. The duration of the disease is on average one and a half to two weeks.

These diseases occur most often in the off-season, when, due to the contrast of temperatures, hypothermia of the body can occur. And since the infection spreads by airborne droplets, then during this period there are so many sick people, moreover, trying to transfer the disease on their feet and thus multiplying the number of sick people around.

In expectant mothers, acute respiratory diseases are often more severe and cause more complications. Why is this happening?

Pregnancy and infections

The fact is that pregnancy itself for the female body is a factor that lowers immunity: in this way, an immune conflict between the mother and the fetus is prevented. A decrease in immunity is necessary in order for a child to develop normally, which is "alien" to the mother's body.

When a disease occurs, viruses that have entered the body have a destructive effect on many organs and systems; in rare cases, the fetus can also be adversely affected. Therefore, viral diseases increase the risk of termination of pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Note! Freshly prepared juices contain phytoncides (biologically active substances formed by plants). They kill or inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms, thereby preventing secondary (bacterial) complications.

When the temperature rises above 39 ° C, you can do vinegar (9%) or vodka rubdown - for this you need to wipe the whole body with a napkin dipped in vodka (do not rub!). When the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, which the doctor will prescribe.

The question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy is quite relevant for almost every expectant mother. After all, problems in relation to dentistry can appear at any time, but few people know whether they can be treated or not treated, being pregnant. So, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, if so, what kind of diseases and for what period: we will study all these questions in this material.

The main misconception of many pregnant women is that it is categorically impossible to treat a toothache during pregnancy. However, such delusion and refusal of treatment can lead to the fact that the tooth infection develops into a more serious inflammation and negatively affects the health of the unborn child. This is especially true for the early stages of pregnancy, when the protective placenta has not yet formed completely.

However, dental problems often appear in pregnant women against the background of hormonal changes in the body. And the question here is not whether it is possible or impossible to treat teeth. The main thing is that it is advisable not to bring their condition to the point of the need for serious treatment. That is why at the very beginning of pregnancy doctors prescribe a course of vitamins which helps protect teeth from the negative effects of hormonal changes.

Features of dental treatment during pregnancy

What can be treated during pregnancy?

Naturally, you cannot protect your teeth from possible diseases even during pregnancy. Also, a pregnant woman should see a dentist if she has the following symptoms:

  • bleeding gums when brushing your teeth or eating;
  • dental sensitivity;
  • periodic or persistent toothaches.

All of the above refers to signs of incipient inflammation and must be treated without fail. This should be done as early as possible during pregnancy. Otherwise, the doctor you will have to do complex manipulations without anesthesia and it will be very painful.

It is allowed to install fillings for pregnant women of any composition, they do not pose a health hazard unborn child.

So, during pregnancy, the following dental diseases can be treated:

  • initial stage caries;
  • periodontitis and pulpitis;
  • periostitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

Extraction of teeth during pregnancy with the use of anesthesia is also allowed, but only in the last trimester. The rest of the time prosthetics allowed excluding implantation.

What procedures should not be performed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should not carry out such dental procedures as:

  • whitening and strengthening;
  • removal of stones;
  • correcting the position of the teeth or bite;
  • removal of wisdom teeth.

In this case, other teeth are allowed to be removed, but only in late pregnancy.

What medications should not be taken during pregnancy?

Often in dentistry, a number of pain relievers and other strengthening drugs are used. We list those that should not be given to pregnant women:

  • Lidocaine is an anesthetic, in causes side effects, including seizures, decreased pressure and others;
  • Stopangin - can cause fetal pathology, provoke its transfer;
  • Sodium Fluoride - a remedy for caries, can disrupt the work of the heart and negatively affect the health of the child;
  • Imudon - immunomodulator, during pregnancy do not recommend using, since the effect of the drug on the fetus is not known.

As you know, the use of any medication during pregnancy must be agreed with a doctor.

In the first trimester, the placenta has not yet formed and any drug treatment can negatively affect the fetus. Dental treatment is allowed only in extreme cases that require urgent treatment. For example, this applies to pulpitis or periodontitis, which, if treatment is delayed, can infect the entire body with an infection. But other diseases are better left for later.

In the second stage of pregnancy, you can have your teeth treated and undergo a routine examination by a dentist. In the third trimester, remove and it is recommended to treat teeth with extreme caution, to prevent stressful situations and not to bring the treatment process to the onset of fainting.

X-rays and pain relievers for dental treatment for pregnant women

It is forbidden to do X-rays of sick teeth for pregnant women, the only exceptions are images taken with a radiovisiograph, the radiation of which is minimized.

Also, many are interested in whether it is possible to use pain relievers for pregnant women during dental treatment. This can be done, but only topical preparations are allowed the effect of which on blood vessels is minimized are Ubistezine and Ultracaine.

When contacting the dentist "in position", do not forget to indicate the exact date, it is very important for the doctor to select the most gentle type of treatment.

How can bad teeth affect the fetus?

Some diseases associated with the complication of caries, namely periodontitis and pulpitis, can negatively affect the development of the unborn child. Complicated caries not cured during pregnancy can provoke premature birth and low birth weight of the baby. They can also spread the infection and infect the soft tissues of the fetus, especially in the early stages. In some cases, this can lead to miscarriage.

Untreated stomatitis can cause similar consequences. That is why at the slightest manifestation of a particular dental disease during pregnancy should go to the dentist without delay and not to think that the problem is local and limited only to the oral cavity.

Prevention and dental care measures

Naturally, in order not to bring the teeth to such a state and not to provoke problems, you need to take care of them, and this should be done with special care during pregnancy, since simple dental care will no longer be enough now.

So, what preventive measures should be followed:

  • brush your teeth at least twice a day;
  • do not forget about using dental floss every time after eating;
  • rinse your mouth after eating;
  • for cleaning, use a soft brush or medium hard;
  • do not use pastes with a whitening effect, so as not to damage the enamel;
  • use pastes with a healing effect, change them regularly;
  • regularly consume a sufficient amount of foods containing calcium;
  • observe the vitamin intake regimen.

Pregnant women often suffer from gum disease. To prevent this, it is necessary regularly massage your teeth with your fingers, applying a medicated toothpaste for a few minutes.

Do not neglect all kinds of folk remedies for strengthening the gums and preventing caries, make sure that your teeth are healthy and do not bleed.

During the planning period for conception, women are advised to visit the dentist for oral cavity sanitation. This is necessary to maintain the condition of the teeth during gestation. During the period of gestation, the body weakens, existing diseases become aggravated, and the risk of developing new ones increases. You can prevent them even before pregnancy. But it is not always possible to avoid problems, therefore it is important to know at what stage of pregnancy it is possible to treat teeth with anesthesia, X-ray, removal and cleaning.

It is possible that it is during this period that the eruption of wisdom teeth (eights) will begin, provoking unpleasant sensations. You should be prepared and know how to relieve pain and what to do when. Removal is an extreme measure of treatment, but if necessary, it will have to be pulled out, because if not cured, the consequences will be even more serious. Before starting therapy, a snapshot is always required, but it cannot be taken in every trimester of pregnancy.

  • Is it possible to treat caries in pregnant women
  • Application of anesthesia and anesthesia
  • Early and 1st trimester treatment
  • Therapy in the 2nd trimester
  • Treatment in the 3rd trimester and later
  • Is it possible to remove teeth for pregnant women
  • Wisdom tooth
  • A wisdom tooth is erupting: what to do
  • Removing the figure eight
  • Is x-ray harmful and is it possible to take a picture
  • Cleaning
  • When can you do ultrasonic cleaning?
  • Whitening
  • Implantation
  • Prosthetics
  • Oral Care Tips

During gestation, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the mouth and caries increases, and not because trace elements are spent on building the skeleton of the unborn baby. The reasons are a weakened defense mechanism and hormonal changes that start from the moment of conception. But before you treat your teeth during pregnancy, you should figure out when and how you can do this, because certain events negatively affect gestation.

Reference! When a tooth hurts or the periodontium becomes inflamed, you should immediately contact your dentist. The doctor will carry out safe treatment and tell you what to do to avoid pulpitis and periodontitis in the future. Under no circumstances should these problems be ignored.

Can pregnant women have teeth treated with anesthesia?

Dental treatment during pregnancy with anesthesia is possible. Anesthesia is carried out with drugs with a minimum concentration of adrenaline. Local tissue freezing is also permissible. General anesthesia, anesthesia with adrenaline are contraindicated.

The main drug in dentistry for anesthesia during pregnancy is Articaine. Ubistezine, Alfacaine and Artifrin are also used. The anesthetic Lidocaine, popular in dental practice, is contraindicated.

Dental treatment during early pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, any therapeutic measures are not recommended. It is dangerous to treat teeth during early pregnancy. In the first months, the organs and systems of the unborn child are laid. In the first trimester, there is the greatest risk of threatened abortion.

If therapy is necessary in case of acute toothache, emergency measures can be taken. The dentist can perform arsenic-free nerve removal. This also applies to other indications for treatment. In case of caries, a filling must be placed. Filling is possible, but only without the use of anesthetics. Treatment is postponed if possible until the second trimester, when there is no serious threat to the woman's health.

Second trimester treatment

Dental treatment during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester will be beneficial. The placenta has already been formed, the laying of systems has occurred, and the psychological state of pregnant women at this time is the most stable. The therapy can be performed with an anesthetic substance, and it is also allowed to take an x-ray.

In the second trimester, you need to visit a doctor even if there are no complaints for preventive measures. The dentist will perform professional hygiene, fluoridation, and, if necessary, recommend the optimal oral care products.

Late dental treatment

Treatment is not recommended in the last trimester. Sanitation, namely filling, depulpation - removal of a nerve and blood vessels, tooth extraction during pregnancy is best performed from to. In the 3rd trimester, the uterus is greatly enlarged, which leads to excessive pressure on the vena cava when in a horizontal position in the dentist's chair. This lowers blood pressure and disrupts overall blood flow.

Reference! If it is necessary to carry out any procedures, it is recommended to lie in a chair slightly turned on its side.

The woman's body at this time is extremely sensitive to various stimuli. Pulling teeth, even with anesthesia, will be very stressful, which will affect the blood supply to the fetus. When problems appear in the third trimester, you need to visit a doctor and he will decide what to do. If possible, treatment will be carried out after childbirth.

Is it possible to remove teeth during pregnancy

Tooth extraction during pregnancy is always performed in the 2nd trimester. Pulling it out early and late is dangerous. But even in a relatively safe period, the risks remain. When a tooth hurts for no apparent reason, it is necessary to take a panoramic X-ray before removal in order to choose the optimal treatment regimen. During pregnancy, X-rays are permissible, but only on modern equipment, which is now used in dentistry.

Reference! Radiovisiographs can reduce the radiation dose tenfold, therefore they can be used to diagnose diseases of the oral cavity in pregnant women and young children.

Before removal, the doctor necessarily correlates the risks and decides when treatment can be postponed. If indicated (including rotten teeth, cysts), extraction is performed using a local anesthetic.

What to do if a wisdom tooth grows

A wisdom tooth during pregnancy can bring a lot of problems. When it just erupts, the gum hurts a lot. If this process is disrupted for some reason, inflammation of the hood formed by the tissues of the gums occurs - pericoronaritis.

When a tooth is cut, aches and hurts, you can do the following:

  • rinse your mouth with soda solution several times a day;
  • hold a broth of sage or oak bark in your mouth;
  • examine the tooth, remove food particles and plaque around it;
  • put a piece of ice on your cheek.

Pain medications can only be taken to relieve pain with the permission of your doctor. Your dentist may prescribe safe NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for local pain relief. When a tooth is very sore during teething, it is effective to use anti-inflammatory dental gels on a natural basis.

Removal of a wisdom tooth during pregnancy

Removing a wisdom tooth during pregnancy is highly discouraged. The figure eight has difficult access, and almost always requires the use of additional tools to extract from the hole.

Reference! Often, difficult removal is accompanied by complications when the instruments break or the crown tissue crumbles, and its particles get stuck in the hole, provoking alveolitis.

It is dangerous to pull out a wisdom tooth for pregnant women for several reasons:

  • requires anesthesia;
  • it is necessary to do an x-ray;
  • take medications to prevent complications.

This is a triple hit to be avoided. Whenever possible, the eight is treated with conservative methods before childbirth, then its removal is carried out.

X-rays are dangerous for a woman and an unborn child. The harm of X-rays on traditional devices and CT during pregnancy makes them unsuitable for diagnosis in this group of patients. In dentistry, radiovisiographs are used - installations with minimal radiation, which reduces risks to a minimum. Panoramic X-ray of the tooth is contraindicated in early pregnancy and in the last trimester.

The safest period for visiography is the second trimester (up to and including). When a woman took an X-ray at an early stage and was treated, not knowing that she was pregnant, this will not affect the baby's health in any way.

Can i brush my teeth during pregnancy?

Professional teeth cleaning during pregnancy can and must be done. This is an important measure for the prevention of dental diseases. Every woman in the second trimester is advised to visit the clinic for professional hygiene.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth during pregnancy

Removal of dental plaque using ultrasound has contraindications. These include:

  • the presence of implants;
  • increased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Ultrasound cleaning is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but some nuances must be taken into account.

If you are afraid of dentists, even such a simple procedure will be stressful, therefore it is recommended in the 2nd trimester. To avoid discomfort during brushing, the doctor may use local anesthesia, but the procedure itself is painless.

Whitening teeth during pregnancy

Whitening is not an important therapeutic measure, therefore it is recommended to postpone the procedure. For its implementation in dentistry, abrasive substances and acids are used that act locally, that is, do not have a systemic effect.

The procedure is not contraindicated during the period of gestation, but whether it is possible to whiten teeth during pregnancy should be checked with the dentist in each individual case. The event requires special preparation, includes a complete sanitation of the oral cavity. When there is a bad tooth, cavities or hypersensitivity, whitening should not be done.

Dental implants and pregnancy

Dental implantation for pregnant women is contraindicated. Dental implants are an exception. They can be inserted during pregnancy, but this should be done if absolutely necessary. Implantation involves surgical intervention for a pregnant woman, the use of anesthesia, and medication to prevent complications.

The implantation of implants is a severe stress for the body. In addition, after the main procedure, it will be necessary to take anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, because without them the pain will be severe. Most drugs prescribed after implantation are contraindicated in pregnant women.

Is it possible to have dental prosthetics during pregnancy

Dental restoration and prosthetics during pregnancy are permitted. Installation of prostheses does not include:

  • surgical stage;
  • pain relief;
  • taking medication.

This is a painless procedure that, if a woman wishes, can be performed during gestation.

In some cases, prosthetics still have contraindications. This applies to cases when it is necessary to pre-remove, depulp and turn the enamel, when the crown is placed on a dead tooth. If the chosen design does not require this, a woman can safely plan prosthetics.

How to care for your teeth during pregnancy

It is important to pay even more attention to your oral health during pregnancy. To ensure proper care, you should visit your dentist. The doctor will tell the pregnant woman how to protect her teeth and gums from diseases as much as possible, and also recommend which paste to choose.

How to properly care for your oral cavity during pregnancy:

  1. Brush your mouth in the morning and before going to bed, and if possible at lunchtime.
  2. Floss daily between teeth.
  3. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  4. Buy a brush with medium bristles.
  5. Limit sweets that spoil your teeth.
  6. Use a low abrasive paste.
  7. If you have a tendency to form stones, use an abrasive paste.
  8. When teeth start to loose, use a soft brush.
  9. In case of bleeding gums, alternate hygienic paste with healing paste.

Also, during pregnancy, you should carefully consider the choice of paste. It should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, and fluorine should be in a minimum concentration. It is better to refuse whitening pastes. It is imperative to use a rinse aid. For pregnant women, it is best to start with herbal or homemade products. But from them there can be side reactions in the form of allergic manifestations:

  • gums itch;
  • swell;
  • go numb;
  • blush;
  • swell up.

It is worth giving up whitening at home. This will damage the enamel, increasing the risk of tooth decay and loss. They will begin to crumble, sensitivity will increase, and gum problems will appear. When this could not be avoided, and the gum leaves, you do not need to pull it, touch it with your hands and try to heal it yourself. If a tooth breaks off, but does not fall out completely, it is possible to restore it with filling materials without the need to remove the root.

By observing the general rules of hygiene and prevention of dental diseases, as well as by regularly visiting a doctor, you can avoid the need for treatment and maintain oral health. If the tooth begins to disturb, in no case should it be ignored. Prompt treatment will be safer than treating complications.

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Can teeth be treated during pregnancy?

Although our nature is incredibly wise, it still missed many moments. Whether deliberately or accidentally, it is not clear. However, the fact remains. For example, pregnancy. A mysterious mysterious process, when in a relatively short period of time a full-fledged person develops and grows from a small cell, with the most complex structure of organs and systems. But the maternal organism rejects the embryo as a foreign body, therefore, from the very beginning of conception, it is forced to fight for its existence. No, everything is thought out here: in addition to the fact that natural selection passes, the mother's immunity is naturally weakened in order to give the unborn child a chance to survive. But at the same time, a drop in immunity opens the door to all possible viruses and diseases: even an elementary one ... Doctors say that these diseases are incompatible with pregnancy, because they pose a potential threat to the fetus and the mother. However, more than 80% of women manage to catch a cold during pregnancy.

In addition, expectant mothers most often catch colds when all the vital organs and systems of the baby are laid, formed and intensively developed. And it is during this period that any disease, including colds, can be especially dangerous for him. And mom is also at risk. A complication of a cold can be:

  • fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • fetal malformations;
  • intrauterine infection and even fetal death;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • increased blood loss during childbirth;
  • the development of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • complications in the postpartum period;

It is impossible to assess the extent of the threat posed by the common cold. Here one can only guess how it will end. But the main thing is to act correctly and in a timely manner already with the appearance of the first signs of a cold, or only with suspicion of it. And then everything will pass with minimal risks for you.

It should be noted that there is no such diagnosis as “cold”. In this article, we are talking about a cold in the context of hypothermia or getting wet, which led to the illness of a pregnant woman. Doctors usually diagnose ARVI or ARI. Therefore, bacterial and viral diseases during pregnancy are described in the relevant topics: and. Although popularly they are also called colds - because of the similarity of manifestations.

A cold during pregnancy threatens the development of many complications. Therefore, it would be most reasonable to protect yourself from illness if possible. For this, the most important thing is to prevent a sharp cooling of the body, because it is from this that colds begin.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

  1. Try to avoid hypothermia, especially the lower extremities.
  2. In rainy weather, it is important not to get wet or chill.
  3. Drink natural vitamin teas, but do not overuse: hypervitaminosis for you is now no less dangerous than a cold. The same applies to multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.
  4. Many people like the use of aromatic oils for preventive purposes. For this, lavender, tea tree, rosemary, fir, mint, eucalyptus and others are perfect oils. But always consider possible allergic reactions.
  5. Or you can use a less poetic way: spread chopped garlic and onions in all rooms. If there are no contraindications, it is also useful to eat them.
  6. Walk more outdoors.
  7. Ventilate the room several times a day - whatever the weather!
  8. It is good if it is possible to do wet cleaning every day.
  9. Always dress for the weather. You don't need to wrap up too much, but you don't need hypothermia either. Moderate warmth and dryness can help prevent colds.

Treating colds during pregnancy

Treating a cold during pregnancy is not an easy process, but it is necessary. In view of the great danger of complications for the mother and child, it is necessary to be treated immediately.

The first thing you should do is consult your doctor. In your position, traditional anti-cold artillery is contraindicated, so the choice of treatment methods should be approached with extreme caution. If for some reason you were unable to contact your gynecologist, the main rule that you must adhere to in the treatment is not to harm. Less is better than more. Therefore, carefully weigh your every step.

Start with a plentiful warm (but never hot) drink: juice, teas, water, fruit drinks, milk with butter and honey, herbal decoctions (linden blossom, chamomile, rose hips). With a cold, this is the first salvation. But keep in mind that excess fluid can lead to swelling, so you should still control the amount.

Take into account that antibiotics, immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures, drugs that increase blood pressure and pulse, antipyretic drugs are now contraindicated for you. You should not take vitamin C tablets separately. Among the medicines, it is possible to use, for example, (to reduce fever and headache), (for sore throat), (for gargling). In general, the choice should be stopped at homeopathy. Only, as in any other case, all appointments should be made by a specialist.

For the rest, it is better to turn to traditional medicine. But keep in mind that you may have an allergic reaction to many of the ingredients in the recipes she offers. So choose the most harmless of the recipes. Horseradish helps very well during the period of a cold during pregnancy: rub its root on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of sugar, leave in a warm place for 12 hours, strain and take 1 tablespoon every hour in the acute period of a cold. This remedy has no side effects, is completely safe in your position and is an excellent natural immunostimulant.

In general, all therapy will include the treatment of cold symptoms:,. Other symptoms include headache, sneezing, general malaise, fatigue, and puffing when inhaling through the nose.

Inhalation with the use of chamomile and St. John's wort will help to avoid coughing, since they perfectly help to soften the inflamed nasopharynx, and inhalation of onion and garlic vapors effectively treats a runny nose. Aromatherapy helps well, especially conifer oil. An excellent medicine is honey during pregnancy.

They should be mentioned separately, since they often significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman who has a cold. It is recommended, for example, to breathe in vapors of baking soda, boiled potatoes in their uniforms, adding a tablespoon of chamomile or sage, black currant leaves, eucalyptus, oak, birch. It is useful to inhale a pair of grated large raw onion through your nose and mouth for about 10 minutes, but no more than 2 times a day. You can try inhalations with rosehip, thyme, hyssop, or chamomile oil. Heat the water, add a few drops of oil. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe for a few minutes over the "magic" saucepan. And go straight to bed! Individual intolerance to aromatic oils and herbs is common. Therefore, be attentive to your feelings. And it is better to consult your doctor before starting inhalation during pregnancy.

Thermal procedures are contraindicated during this period. However, if things are really bad, and the tried methods are weak, you can apply dry mustard plasters to your feet and put on woolen socks. It is not recommended to soar your legs, but if you are very cold (if your legs are numb), when you come home after unsuccessful adventures, your legs should definitely be warmed up. This method is used even if there are no cold symptoms yet - for preventive purposes. But you cannot use hot water! But the hands under the tap with hot water for the expectant mother can soar - this is an excellent remedy for a runny nose and sore throat! Dry heat won't do any harm either. At the first sensations of a cold, wrap a warm scarf around your neck, put on wool socks, warm pajamas and go to bed. If you take such warming measures in time, often in the morning there is no trace of a cold.

Don't forget about your menu. It should include light meals, not burdensome for the stomach, containing all the necessary substances and microelements. Exclude heavy meat food, thick rich broths, spicy, smoked and confectionery products for the duration of the illness.

If all the allowed methods have been used, and relief still does not come, be sure to tell your doctor about it. But if at the same time you are rapidly becoming worse and worse, in no case should you hesitate. The risks in a deteriorating condition are too great. Therefore, call an ambulance immediately.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

There is a misconception that it is strictly forbidden to treat teeth during pregnancy. But doctors say the opposite. Carrying out therapy while carrying a child is not only not prohibited, but also extremely necessary. It's just that there are certain deadlines and precautions for this.

What is the threat of neglected caries?

The assertion of experts that dental treatment is a necessary procedure is not groundless. The presence of carious cavities and other foci of infection at least leads to deterioration already existing dental pathologies.

But this is not the most dangerous thing. The infection can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic complications.

Suffers in the first place Gastrointestinal tract, as the infection from the mouth quickly enters the esophagus and stomach. This can lead to gastritis, intestinal dysfunction, and late toxicosis. As a result, metabolic processes are disrupted, which negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

Often, in the presence of dental diseases, a child is born with a small body weight.

If the focus of the disease is located near the periodontium or bone tissue, then the infection can lead to complete loss of teeth... The infection can enter the bloodstream and cause organ inflammation or cause general intoxication organism.

Studies have shown that bacteria that cause tooth decay are a common cause of premature birth.

First trimester therapy

The first trimester is one of the important stages of pregnancy, at which to carry out dental treatment using anesthetic drugs extremely undesirable... During this period, the laying and development of all organs of the fetus occurs.

An incompletely formed placenta is not able to provide high-quality protection of the fetus. Any exposure to medications can lead to pathological disruption of formation his internal organs.

In this period of time, treatment is carried out only in the case of acute manifestations of the disease, for example, periodontitis, pulpitis, which threaten complication in the form of a purulent infection. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment is recommended to be postponed until a more favorable period.

Second trimester therapy

The second trimester is the most favorable time for treatment, since the risk of negative effects is minimized. By the beginning of this period, the woman's body gets used to the new state and becomes stronger.

The placenta, which acts as a barrier and does not allow the penetration of foreign substances to the fetus, is fully formed.

At this stage allowed to treat acute and chronic dental pathologies using anesthetics local action, which include lack of adrenaline or its presence is reduced to the minimum dosage.

Before therapy can conduct research using X-ray equipment(visiograph), only in this case it is necessary to use a special protective apron.

Conduct implantation in the 2nd trimester Not recommended, since these procedures require the use of a large number of medications.

Third trimester therapy

Just like the first trimester, the third applies to not the most favorable period for dental treatment. At this time, the muscles of the uterus become as sensitive as possible and react to any effect by increasing the tone.

Anesthesia drugs have the same effect. In most cases, they contain a minimal dose of adrenaline, which increases the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of premature birth.

In case of immediate intervention during therapy, the woman should be in a lying position on her side, since the fetus presses strongly on the main aorta and can cause an increase in pressure and loss of consciousness.

What diseases must be eliminated?

The dentist is not always ready to take on the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. The following pathologies serve as the main indications for therapy:

  • Caries... Even with a small lesion of caries, the infection penetrates into the gastrointestinal tract and causes its dysfunction. In addition, in the presence of cavities, the quality of chewing food deteriorates significantly, which increases the load on the stomach.

    With deep lesions, the infection can invade the bone, leading to inflammation and loss of the crown.

  • Periodontitis and / or pulpitis... They act as a complication after tooth decay. A problem that is not stopped in a timely manner leads to the occurrence of a purulent infection, which can lead to the development of sepsis.
  • Odontogenic periostitis- characterized by inflammation of the periosteal tissue. Complete tooth loss is a complication.
  • Periodontal disease, periodontitis... They are the cause of pathologies of the heart, joints and general intoxication of the body.
  • Stomatitis- a dangerous pathology, which is often accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body up to a steady rise in temperature and severe intoxication. The disease can provoke pathological development of internal organs or fetal death.
  • Gingivitis- inflammation of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity. Leads to a general decrease in immunity and the addition of other dental pathologies.

In addition to the listed diseases, during the period of bearing a child can conduct simple tooth extraction(except for the last molars, which most often require difficult removal).

It is also allowed to install orthodontic structures ( braces) and prosthetics with minimal use of medications.

Anesthesia drugs

The choice of the drug for the formulation of anesthesia plays an important role in the period of gestation. Preference is given to products with a minimum adrenaline content.

Usually, small dosage such a drug should not affect the uterus and penetrate the placental barrier, having a negative effect on the fetus.

Only a few drugs meet these requirements:

  • Ultracaine... It is a colorless solution, the active ingredients of which are articaine and epinephrine. As auxiliary components, the product includes: sodium metabisulfate, purified water, sodium chloride.

    The drug is fast-acting - the effect of pain relief occurs within 2 minutes after injection and lasts up to 45 minutes. It does not have a depressing effect on the vascular system and heart, but is prohibited in glaucoma, kidney pathology, severe hypoxia.

    It is also worth remembering the side effects of the drug: urticaria, lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances. The drug is supplied on sale in special cartridges (cartridges) intended for use only with a special syringe.

    This injection system is painless. After the injection of ultracaine, the syringe together with the carpool are destroyed. The cost of one cartridge of this product is from 45 to 90 rubles.

  • Primakain... It is an anesthetic of combined action, which includes epinephrine and articaine. The main difference between this drug is its short half-life, thanks to which it can be used by children, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

    After the injection, primacaine begins to act in 30 seconds. The action lasts about 40 minutes. The drug is contraindicated in heart disease, anemia, renal failure, high blood pressure.

    In the last trimester using it can provoke bleeding... The average cost of the funds is 80 rubles.

  • Ubistezin... The main active ingredients are articaine, epinephrine. Additional components: sodium sulfite, water for injection. As well as other means of articaine series, it has an anesthetic effect 1 minute after administration and retains it for up to 45 minutes.

    The drug practically does not have a negative effect on the heart. In rare cases, there is a slight increase in blood pressure and heart palpitations.

    As contraindications are kidney disease, hypertension, tachycardia. Ubistezin can be purchased for about 40 rubles.

  • Septanest... The main components of articaine and adrenalin... It has a minimal vasoconstrictor effect and does not adversely affect the work of the heart.

    The maximum analgesic effect occurs three minutes after injection and lasts about an hour. The remedy is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, as it can provoke an attack of suffocation.

    Using in the first trimester may cause dizziness and loss of consciousness... The average market cost of one ampoule of the drug is about 60 rubles.


Injection-free therapy

The use of anesthetics is not always required during dental treatment. In some cases, pain relief can be dispensed with. Even if therapy is carried out at the safest period, the risk of negative effects of medications on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus always remains.

Therefore, in case of pathologies in the initial stage, they try not to apply anesthesia. As a rule, with such treatment, pain is absent. Instead of them, discomfort can only appear.

If the patient is not able to calmly tolerate discomfort, it can be used local anesthesia with a spray or gel.

In situations where the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, it is recommended to use anesthetic drugs, since in some cases pain can have a greater negative effect than the drugs used.


Dental treatment during pregnancy is a necessary procedure. The method used in this case will depend on the pathology and the degree of its neglect. No dentist will resort to anesthetic treatment unless there is a specific indication for it.

The use of painkillers will be justified only if the harm from pathology exceeds the negative effect of anesthetics.

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  • Daria Gikst

    September 9, 2016 at 03:25 PM

    Quite recently, a couple of months ago, I became a mother and the question of dental treatment arose for me. I can confidently say that pregnancy is not a sentence and not a reason not to visit the dentist. I am not a doctor, but at an elementary level, understandable for an ordinary person, I can make an unambiguous conclusion that the means used for pain relief are not more harmful than all those factors that no pregnant woman is insured about: ecology; the quality of store products (in the manufacture of which God knows not what they use). And it is better to cure the teeth before the baby is born than he will receive a dose of harm from his mother's sick teeth. Moreover, medicine has stepped far forward and converges to a minimum of painfulness of the procedure.

  • Olga

    September 11, 2016 at 2:55 AM

    I treated my teeth at the dentist during pregnancy, the doctor assured me that the anesthesia would not affect the child in any way, and I believed him. The main thing in the dentist's chair is not to be nervous, this can affect the child. So I tried to calm down and distract myself, think about something good. Of course, X-rays also needed to be done, but I was afraid and postponed this procedure. But now more than a year has passed since the birth of the child and I still have not done an X-ray, which means they correctly say that after you give birth there will be no time to go to the doctors at all. This is one of the reasons for dental treatment during pregnancy.

  • Lisa

    November 7, 2016 at 03:06 PM

    When I was pregnant, dental treatment didn't seem very important to me. With my teeth, in principle, everything was in order, but somewhere in the sixth month one of the teeth began to crumble and as a result, almost nothing remained of the tooth. I did not go to the dentist's appointment, but somehow a conversation about this incident came with my gynecologist, how much he scolded me that I did not immediately go to treat my tooth. My second trimester was almost over and I still went to the dentist, the tooth was affected by caries and it was difficult to save it with anesthesia, the dentist explained everything to me and explained that the anesthesia he used would not harm the child, but here's how since my caries would harm him badly enough. Only now it dawns on me how stupid I was ..

  • Marina

    March 2, 2017 at 05:24 AM

    During pregnancy, she treated all her teeth. I went to the dentist in the first trimester, but she advised to start all manipulations from the fourth month. She treated with painkillers, fortunately, this did not affect the child in any way. As a result, she breastfed the child for almost two years and her teeth remained intact. And if during pregnancy I had not taken up this issue, then probably more than one tooth would have had to be removed. So, really, you need to do everything on time. Moreover, now there are painkillers that are absolutely harmless to the expectant mother and baby.