How to learn how to flirt with a man? Mistakes, rules and examples of strategies. How to Learn to Flirt with Men: A Step-by-Step Strategy, Practical Flirting Techniques

Even in ancient times, women knew about flirting - the art of seduction, and successfully used it.

For some, this is an innate gift, while someone has to work hard on themselves in order to feel relaxed and comfortable next to any man.

Flirting is the language of relationships between the beautiful and strong halves of humanity, which is expressed in non-verbal and verbal actions. Facial expressions, words, gestures hide hints, sympathy, playfully and naturally help to show interest in a person.

Before you flirt with a man, you need to study your own behavior and manners, not being equal to other women. After all, each of us has its own unique personality, style, image and habits. It is important to learn how to manage virtues correctly, without adopting someone else's demeanor.

Coquetry does not have to apply exclusively to a stranger. You can flirt with your husband, boyfriend, colleague, old friend, and childhood friend. What do you need to know about the magic of flirting and how to flirt correctly in order to maintain passion in a married couple?

Refresh your husband's feelings

Many people think that flirting with your own husband, living in a marriage for a long time, is not at all necessary. Life, boredom and gray everyday life come into a relationship, leaving your experienced emotions with your husband far behind.

Women are haunted by the insidious question: “Is it right for me to push my beloved on such an adventure?” But the wisdom of the weaker sex is precisely to quietly create comfort in the house, maintain the warmth of relationships and not allow feelings to fade away.

How to flirt with your husband to bring back passion and romance?

  • Visit places where you walked with your husband before you started dating. Remember how he courted you and why he liked you.
  • Praise your loved one more often, say that you love him, gently touch him, be gentle, take care of him and spend more time with your man together.
  • Do not forget that you can flirt with your husband with a romantic candlelit dinner or while taking a bath together. For this, it is not necessary to look for a “suitable” place.
  • Buy erotic lingerie, pamper yourself with beautiful clothes, don't be afraid to walk around in it in front of your husband just like that, without any special reason.
  • Fill family life with a positive mood, find out what your man does not like about your behavior. This way you can avoid petty quarrels without trying to ruin each other's nerves and time that is best spent on romance.

New object of sympathy

Softness, femininity, a certain naivety - these are the qualities that make the hunter's male instinct wake up and subconsciously begin to protect you from all the troubles in the world.

With any acquaintance, the main thing is to remain yourself, not to exaggerate your strength, courage, independence, and, conversely, not to seem windy and frivolous.

Not knowing how to flirt correctly, women often behave with a man in an unnatural, constrained way and cannot properly show their indifference to him. And this is not surprising, because the same questions are swarming in my head that prevent me from relaxing:

  • Should I get to know him? How to get there first?
  • What phrase to say? Or is it better to remain silent?
  • How will I look into his eyes?
  • What if he turns away from me and does not want to continue communication?
  • What if I don't like him?
  • What should I do if I don't get this man's attention?

Such thoughts make it difficult to focus on getting to know each other and having a good time. And for doubting and modest girls who do not know how to flirt correctly, tips are described below that always work unconditionally!

Playing rules:

  • Meet Enthusiasm, be self-confident, do not be afraid to take the initiative.
  • No need to open America. Just say the usual "Hi!", ask a question on a neutral topic, or express your opinion on some minor detail.
  • Demonstrate your humor, curiosity and knowledge in some area. Ease, carelessness and fun will allow the interlocutor to feel comfortable and enjoy the process of communication.
  • Use pre-prepared props. Any interesting thing will help you flirt correctly - a magazine, a book, bright jewelry, perfume, an unusual T-shirt with an interesting inscription, and even your pet with whom you went for an evening walk.
  • Anywhere (be it a party or an entertainment center) do not seem passive, become a participant in the event. You should not hide in a corner and wait for the end of the holiday, it is more efficient to be the mistress of the situation, and not a guest.
  • Give the man you like a few compliments, just do not confuse with flattery. Make eye contact, keep your back straight and don't cross your arms - it's off-putting.
  • Actively listen to your partner and talk less, in no case do not interrupt.
  • smile. The more often, the better. A smile is very contagious, and it also promotes openness, warmth, and a penchant for pleasant conversation.

Signs of a man flirting

The opposite sex knows how to draw attention to themselves and interest the person they like no worse than us. If a man knows how to flirt correctly, then he will surely be able to arouse your sympathy for him.

Therefore, finding out if a friend is flirting with you never hurts, and you too can start a mutual game of flirtatiousness with him.

  1. He shows a sufficient amount of attention, tries to take care of you, treats you kindly and jokes.
  2. He is completely open in communication, does not avoid questions, does not try to change the subject.
  3. A man talks about his values ​​and what is dear to him in this life.
  4. The interlocutor is interested in your life, hobbies, family, childhood and opinion about his costume.
  5. He is always ready to help and offer you possible support.
  6. A partner sometimes boasts, tries to be the best for you, but does not lie and does not exaggerate his merits.
  7. The man is very attentive and remembers the little things that you mentioned.
  8. You are not indifferent to him if he not only speaks beautifully, but also acts.

Choose for yourself the main line of behavior that you will follow when meeting, and will not be afraid to take steps towards.

Remember that the main key to flirting success is sincerity, not high heels and plunging necklines. Any mask you wear will open sooner or later, and the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

Men like interest in them - then they reciprocate, show tenderness and delicacy. Use a variety of weapons - hints, gestures, provocative phrases, a sexy look.

Admire your partner and let him do the feedback. Thanks to these simple methods, you will not only enjoy talking with a new acquaintance, but you may also find your life partner in this person.

Flirting is a natural manifestation of sympathy for the opposite sex, which can cheer you up and increase self-esteem for both one and the other side. Unexpected meetings of eyes, charming smiles, pleasant compliments, half-hints hanging in the air - there are a huge number of very different opportunities to show your sympathy and start flirting.

Flirting, seducing, captivating, the girl sends some signs to the man. flirting with a man is a meaningful, but rather harmless game with its own subtleties and rules. Laws, nuances, flirting rules every girl should know. This will help you get a man interested in you and maybe make him fall in love.

One of the main rules for flirting with a man is a smile. A smile will show the person you are interested in that you are open, that you are ready to continue communication, in the end, that you are in a great mood. A correct, sincere smile will never go unanswered. You can practice on the street, choosing random passers-by as objects - return smiles will certainly cheer you up, as well as the mood of men passing by. Who knows, maybe in this way you will be able to find the man of your dreams.

Another essential ingredient flirting with a man is the look. With a glance, you can convey a lot of emotions, show your interest, desire to continue acquaintance, some timidity, shyness, or, conversely, a challenge. It all depends on your temperament, on your mood. The technique of a seductive long look is simple: the girl, smiling seductively, throws a “random” look at the man, then lowers her eyes in embarrassment and slowly raises them back, this time you can “add a little courage and interest.” This can be repeated several times.

If the first technique does not bring the desired results, you can use the “shooting glances” technique. In this case, you need to be able to correctly, accurately capture the moment. The girl glances at the man she likes, and by the time he looks at her, she looks away.

In addition, you can try to apply the power of a close evaluating look of half-closed eyes. But looks and smiles are far from the most powerful tools in a girl's arsenal, although it is almost impossible to do without them when flirting with a man. One of the most effective elements the art of flirting with a man is a touch.

Touches can be purposeful or random. Being close to a man, the girl, as if by chance, touches him with her chest or thigh, which hints at his desire for a possible acquaintance. Another opportunity to touch a man, to purposefully touch, is the opportunity to exchange any objects. Such a touch is not considered accidental, and therefore, in order to hint to the opposite sex about your interest, you should extend the touch a little longer than is required by etiquette. By the way, this flirting rule often used by men when meeting girls. Kissing her hand, they hold the woman's hand in their man's for a little longer, while looking intently into the girl's eyes. It is simply impossible not to understand such a hint.

But girls who often use touch should not forget that some men may perceive touch as a hint of a desire for sexual intimacy. Therefore, it is desirable to still learn to feel that fine line that separates the harmless from the offer of a closer, intimate acquaintance. So, for example, if during a slow dance a girl keeps some distance between her partner and herself, it means that she does not want to be close to him.
You can demonstrate your interest in a man by invading his personal space - while it is enough to lean towards a man or approach him at a distance of less than 75 centimeters.

A seductive smile, a piercing look, gentle touches - this is the art of flirting which any girl should master perfectly. These flirting rules are conscious actions, but we perform many elements of flirting subconsciously, for example, without controlling our actions, we can touch our hair, neck - these are the same signals to the male half, calling for a closer look at you.

Another important element the art of flirting with a man is a soft female voice. Many men like a gentle calm voice. Voice can be used at two levels. At the first level, the normal voice you use in everyday conversations and situations, and at the second level, the voice that can be used when seduced. It sounds deep and sexy. Try to combine a charming smile, a gaze, a gentle voice, and the result of such a complex effect on the opposite sex will not take long.

You can also intrigue a man and demonstrate your passionate interest in him by making compliments and flirting during a conversation at a disco, party or any other place.

Think about an interesting topic of conversation with a man in advance. Because there are men who need help during the conversation in order to continue. If a girl does not continue to flirt with a man during the conversation, he may doubt that he is attractive to her.

The girl is capable of a great opportunity to demonstrate her individual sexuality in a dance with a man she likes. During the dance, try to look deep into the eyes of your partner more often, do not look around at the rest of the dancers. Show the man that he, and only he, is of interest to you. Dancing, you can again apply flirting rules- gently touch the man, hug him by the neck. But try not to go beyond, do not be overtly sexual and vulgar. It can turn a man off.

The art of flirting with a man manifests itself in the ability to feel that fine line that separates a slight hint of interest from too active imposition of one's society, because excessive activity can scare even the most courageous man.

Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Hello dear reader. In this article you will find the answer to the question of how to flirt with a man. You will learn what are the tricks of flirting with a stranger, how to communicate on the phone. Find out how not to behave while flirting. Let's talk about the rules of beautiful flirting. Let's get acquainted with examples.

flirting rules

  1. Smile. This is a signal that you are not against communication with a young man.
  2. Don't be shy to shoot with your eyes. Look in the direction of the young man, as soon as his gaze collides with yours, switch your attention to something else.
  3. Opt for sweet scents. A pleasant smell will help hook a man.
  4. If you are brave enough, you can approach a man by entering his personal space. Such proximity will indicate your serious intentions. But timid guys can be intimidated by such behavior.
  5. In clothes, use special details, accessories.
  6. Try to be laconic. The girl should be mysterious, the conversation should be playful. Chatter will ruin everything.
  7. It is desirable that your voice does not sound very loud, but at the same time not too quiet, so that the man does not have to ask again.
  8. When talking with a young man, you need to take such poses that can emphasize the dignity of the figure. You can touch a lock of hair, you can play with your feet, sigh languidly, drop a thing and bend down to pick it up.
  9. Don't forget to praise the man if he deserves it. But do not resort to open flattery.

Options for starting a conversation

Let's look at examples of what flirting can be.

  1. The situation when an unfamiliar guy and a girl are in the same department of the supermarket, near the same rack. A young lady can advise a young man to buy a certain product, it is important that she really likes it and is good. For example, it could be a coffee can. She can accompany her advice with these words: “this is what a real man needs.”
  2. Another supermarket. The girl needs to get the goods that are on a high shelf. She asks the guy she likes to help her. He says the following phrase: “oh, how good that you are here, please help me get a jar of peas.” It should be borne in mind that such a situation can also occur if a girl does not need a jar of peas, she simply uses it as an excuse to make an acquaintance.
  3. If you have to flirt by correspondence, then you can use the following examples:
  • “I watched a great movie yesterday, the main character of which reminded me a lot of you”;
  • “Would you be able to stay up all night until morning, walking the streets at night?”;
  • "I dreamed about you today."

Flirting with a stranger

A girl may run into a young man who is interested in her on the street, in transport, in a store or in some other place. It must be understood that this acquaintance may not take place if the young lady does not make certain efforts.

Let's look at how to flirt with a guy if you don't know him yet.

  1. Start building eyes. It is important to make eye contact.
  2. If a guy singled you out in the crowd, noticed you, you need to smile at him. By this you will indicate your desire to meet a young man. If the guy is interested in communication, he will smile back.
  3. Going about your business, you should from time to time cast a glance in the direction of a young man who liked.
  4. If the guy caught your signals, he will head towards you to get acquainted.
  5. When you see a young man approaching, speak to him first. You can say some kind of compliment, for example, if the action takes place in a fitting room, you can say that he is trying on or just purchased an outfit.
  6. Communicating, you need to know the boundaries, beyond which it is not allowed to go.
  7. It is important to ensure that the conversation does not reach a dead end.
  8. When the time comes to say goodbye, be sure to say that you were glad to meet you. This should be followed by the guy's offer of extra time, he can set up a date or ask you to leave your contact number.

By phone

If you are interested in how to flirt correctly in the absence of personal contact, you should listen to the following recommendations.

  1. You must be aware that flirting on the phone is not so easy, it's a whole science. Since the interlocutor hears only your voice, then you need to place all bets on it. It is important that the intonations are slow, the voice is gentle and soft, it sounds sexy.
  2. If flirting is supposed, then you should not wait until the guy calls first. The main thing is that your conversation should not be intrusive. Your courage will be appreciated by the young man.
  3. Before calling, you should think over the conversation, decide on a topic that will be of interest to both you and the interlocutor, plan what issues can be raised.
  4. It is better to replace the usual greeting with some original one.
  5. If the guy himself offers some topic for conversation, encourage him, enter into a dialogue.
  6. Do not interrupt your interlocutor, cut him off in mid-sentence, do not let him finish his thought.
  7. It is unacceptable to remain silent during a conversation. It is important that your conversation is alive. You can also compliment the guy, for example, you can note what a beautiful voice he has.
  8. Do not forget to call the interlocutor by name, this is one of the main rules of communication. Everyone is happy to hear their name. However, it is not necessary to abuse it by inserting it into every sentence. So the conversation will be unnatural.
  9. When talking on the phone, despite the fact that the interlocutor does not see you, a smile should remain on your face. Believe me, it will be reflected in your voice and manner of speaking. The interlocutor will feel how you are positively disposed towards him.
  10. The conversation should have logic, it is unacceptable to change the topic of conversation, jump from one to another.
  11. If communication is to be with an unfamiliar person, then it is important to avoid personal questions. You can ask about his hobbies, profession. You should not immediately reveal all the cards about yourself, it is better to create some kind of intrigue.

Possible mistakes

  1. Stiffness is your enemy. If a guy has shown interest in you, you do not need to remain motionless, be afraid to utter at least some word, blush. It is also unacceptable to be too vulgar, otherwise you will be mistaken for an easily accessible woman.
  2. You don't have to pretend to be a shy person if you're not. Over time, the guy will figure you out. An understanding will come that you cannot be trusted, impersonating someone else.
  3. No need to hope that a deep neckline, high heels or a short skirt will be able to impress a man, allow him to hook. These tricks may work with a young man whose hormones are seething, but a normal man will not fall for it. For such a gentleman, grooming, good breeding and subtle play are more important.
  4. It is unacceptable to indicate that you are not interested in the hobbies of the interlocutor. A girl, on the contrary, should show interest in what a man is interested in, ask him clarifying questions, but not be overly fanatical.
  5. No need to try to become a good friend, otherwise you risk being in. Being close to a man who interests you, remain feminine, this applies to both clothes, manner of speaking, and hairstyles.
  6. You should not break the distance, literally hang yourself on a man's neck. Be at a certain distance from the young man, keep his personal space.
  7. You don’t need to touch the guy, stroke him, ruffle his bangs if you just met. Well, in further communication, you should not abuse it.
  8. It is unacceptable to use vulgar words, including affectionate forms of words, to call him a “hare”, “hot stallion”, and so on.
  9. It is unforgivable to unnecessarily draw attention to your person, trying to stand out from the background of other people, interrupting in mid-sentence, wishing that only you were paid attention.

Now you know what it means to flirt, what this concept implies. If you want to catch the attention of a man, do everything so that he remembers you for a long time. By listening to the tips outlined in this article, learn how to flirt, make a special impression on guys.

To interest the man you like, it is not necessary to have a stunning figure or the appearance of a fatal beauty. It is enough to be confident in yourself and be able to skillfully flirt. A woman who has successfully mastered the basics of flirting will never go unnoticed by the opposite sex. But getting the attention of the right man is sometimes not easy, so a nice smile is often not enough. How to overcome the invisible barrier that the representatives of the stronger sex build around themselves? How to learn to flirt carelessly and draw attention to yourself?

Where do the roots of female flirting grow from?

Since ancient times, the manifestation of interest in the stronger sex on the part of women was unacceptable. If a lady begins to choose a man for herself, then why all these wars and knightly tournaments? Women had to meekly wait until the choice fell on them. But not all the fair sex was satisfied with this option. Therefore, they invented a secret expression of their desires for a man, created their own strategy, which was later called flirting.

Even in ancient times, the famous Cleopatra comprehended the secrets of nature to obtain life-giving balms and decoctions, which she used to prolong youth and seduce men. Later, the women of England and France began to resort to veiled gestures: they gave the stronger sex a secret smile, a languid look or an imperceptible touch. Flirting, the woman secretly pushed the man to take the first step and agreed to take the initiative.

Important components of skillful flirting

Intending to comprehend the basics of flirting, you do not need to start amateur performances. It is best to use techniques that have been tested for more than one century. By learning to use your natural charm and talking with the stronger sex in the language of touch and gesture, you will not only increase your own self-esteem, but also achieve positive changes in your personal life.

Technique 1: Eye Contact

Eye play is different. A look can kindle a flame in a man's soul, or it can repel him. There are several flirting gaze techniques:

  • "Peeping". Cast a modest glance towards the chosen man and immediately look away or lower your eyes;
  • "Triangle". Draw an imaginary triangle with your eyes, starting with the eyes of the object of sympathy and ending with the "forbidden area";
  • "Glue" look. Keep looking at the man you like, complementing the look with appropriate gestures.

Technique 2: Smile charm

A smile transforms any woman and disarms the stronger sex. With a sincere smile, you seem to say: “I will not offend you. I like you, I want to get to know you." Therefore, for an unfamiliar man, your smile will be a call to communication. Try practicing in front of a mirror with a casual smile. Please note that only the muscles of the cheekbones participate in an open sincere smile and the muscles of the eyes tense quite a bit.

Technique 3: Enticing Gestures

With the help of special body signs, you can easily attract the attention of the desired man:

  • Crossed legs. Sitting in a cross-legged position and swaying your leg lightly, you attract the eye of an object of interest;
  • Silent call. Lightly stroke the leg and base of the glass, scroll the bracelet around your wrist, slowly sort through the beads - these gestures are sexual for men;
  • Guidance marafet. Flirt a little with a man: deliberately preen, straighten your hair, shake off invisible crumbs from the table, etc .;
  • Head tilt. During a conversation or “shooting with your eyes”, slightly tilt your head to the side - this technique has a bewitching effect on men;
  • Invasion of intimate space. An intimate zone is called a zone with a length of 15 to 45 cm. A person lets in only those who are in close emotional connection with him. Approach the man closely and follow the reaction. If he did not push you away and did not step back, then we can conclude that there is mutual sympathy;
  • Wrist display. The position of one of your hands in such a way that the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist is visible is an intimate sign that gives a man a hint of your sympathy;
  • Game with curls. sexy looking woman , running her hand through her hair or winding a strand around her finger, and representatives of the stronger sex confirm this.

Technique 4: Seductive Image

Don't underestimate make-up and clothing style - these are important components of successful flirting. In an effort to please the right man, you can choose one of several images:

  • Secret. If you are planning to intrigue a man, become a mystery woman for him, then this image is for you. Do a smoky eye makeup, which is a spectacular play of light and dark shadows. Eyes surrounded by a grayish haze will add mystery and understatement to the look. An important component of the image will be an elongated bang, reaching the eyebrows. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited - you can lay it on its side, completely cover your forehead with it, etc. Lips and cheekbones are slightly emphasized with natural shades;
  • Revelation. A seductive look is suitable for a confident woman. She knows what she wants and she chooses with whom and when. To attract attention, use a deep neckline, but make sure that the chest does not fall out of it. Emphasize lips with bright lipstick, scarlet color is ideal. Manicure should also be done in catchy shades. Style your hair in soft waves or curls - according to most men, this is the sexiest hairstyle;
  • Coquetry. This image is a cross between frankness and mystery. If you are not ready to go on the offensive, but do not want to be too mysterious, then a touch of coquetry will suit you. Create a sparkling look: to do this, use shimmery shadows of light shades on the upper eyelid and slightly darker tones on the lower eyelid. To draw attention to the eyes, mascara with a lengthening effect is also suitable. Lips can be emphasized with a transparent, slightly pinkish sheen, and elastic curls can be made from hair.

Important Tips

When honing the skill of flirting, do not forget about simple but effective rules:

  • Use the mirror principle. In the process of talking with a man you like, use a psychological technique called a “mirror”. Unobtrusively copy the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Just do not get carried away, otherwise the man may think that you undertook to mimic him;
  • Don't raise your voice. Speak deliberately quietly so that the interlocutor approaches you. This technique will reduce the distance and create an intimate atmosphere;
  • Contact personally. Call the object of your sympathy by name more often - this will tell him about your respect and make the conversation more confidential;
  • Compliments. All men love to be praised. But compliment correctly: “I love your car”, “I love your suit” is wrong, “You drive a great car”, “You chose the perfect suit” is right.

For flirting to be successful, the women's portal website recommends enjoying the process. Do not approach seduction as a necessary measure to combat loneliness. Do not dream of a happy future with the desired man, but live in the present moment, only then you will succeed.

The art of flirting- This is a style of communication, the purpose of which is to please another, to show a sincere interest in joint communication. The art of flirting includes well-developed skills to communicate and maintain interest, using body language and intonation, capturing the individuality of the interlocutor. Flirting is not associated with manipulation techniques and deceit, everything is spontaneous and transparent. This is an easy game form of contact, for the pleasure of all participants, there are no conventions in it, but a lot of space for imagination, experiments and free self-manifestation.

Flirting is based on the ability to independently move forward in communication and transfer the initiative to another, avoiding cloying obsession.

Flirting is not so much a seduction strategy (here you are better off with pick-up artists), but rather the desire to please. Everyone who wants to please now flirts, even children unconsciously use flirting behavior strategies.

Flirting as an art of communication

Flirting, as one of the types of communication, is a completely natural and organic behavior, the basis of which is not the information presented, but intonations and gestures. This is an easy game that excites and introduces an element of lightness and play into relationships. Despite the fact that all manifestations of flirting are quite natural, society, especially the post-Soviet space, has little idea what it is, because this form of communication has been eradicated as harmful and interfering with raising a generation of workers.

Flirting, as a special art, makes it possible to take a closer look at a partner, chat, choose from several applicants. With its very light essence, flirting will allow you to enjoy pleasant communication, and not with a frozen mask on your face, decide the fate of your future life by choosing a chosen one. Many people forget that flirting is appropriate and necessary not only for dating, but also in long-term marital relationships. Such interaction allows you not to get bogged down in a routine and remain interesting to each other for many years.

When flirting with strangers, you should not set yourself the goal of what is happening - enjoy and see what you can get (maybe you will meet a great friend, a person with the same interests, you will get into an interesting adventure or trip, you will be able to solve long-standing cases or).

It is incorrect to interpret flirting as a windy and accessible behavior; it would be more appropriate to define it as the behavior of a person who wants to be liked, to be noticeable. How often does it happen that a guy passes by a pretty girl, or a girl does not pay attention to an objectively interesting person? This is due to the lack of a “I want to please you” signal, and flirting just makes it possible to manifest this desire. The attention that is bestowed during flirting is very nutritious for the emotional background, which automatically increases the level of physical health and attractiveness.

The art of flirting and seduction are secrets. Like any communication skill, flirting requires constant practice in any relationship (remember - flirting is a way to show sympathy, not to drag someone into bed or a registry office). Raise your own self-esteem and try to be different when interacting, there should not be a feeling of your need or pity. When flirting, show maximum attention to your partner, but do not impose. The ability to listen, ask questions, look at the interlocutor with an open, interested look - all these are win-win components of good flirting.

The art of flirting with a man

The art of flirting and seducing men is one of the topics that have interested women at all times. This easy, non-binding game helps to seduce and fall in love with all the surrounding men, including the chosen one.

How to master the art of flirting? The main integral trump card is a smile. Only not the automatic and artificial, which everyone has prepared for sellers and casual passers-by, but sincere.

The art of female flirting and its secrets are held on, which means that when smiling, you must broadcast an emotional message with your warm, sparkling eyes. A sincere smile always evokes a positive, interested reaction - try to smile at everyone you meet at work and on the street, acquaintances and the first people you meet. When you smile heartily at passing men, the mood rises both for them and for you, they smile back at you, or maybe they wink and get to know each other. Learn to open up in expressing your positive feelings.

Pay special attention to your eyes. You can languidly lower your eyes, or shoot with your eyes, as if stealthily spying on the chosen man. The especially brave can try direct eye contact when it is necessary to hold the man's gaze for several seconds, and if this succeeds, then even on a crowded street he will notice you and will not pass by.

In addition to looks and smiles, touch is considered the most effective impact. You can accidentally touch a man or deliberately delay the touch (when shaking hands or passing an object). Touching is very effective and very dangerous, because without calculating the distance or the situation and the partner, you can signal to the man that you want intimacy with him. If you want something else, then approaching him, allow sliding touches, but do not allow the distance between you to decrease to fifty centimeters.

The art of flirting and seducing men is a multifaceted concept and is not limited to external manifestations. If you want to interest a man, and not just get a smile in response, then you should connect, charisma and communication skills. Think over several topics of conversation that will be relevant and help men keep up conversations with you, and also prepare in advance to maintain a conversation with a specific man of interest to you. After all, when a man runs out of words or he falls into excitement from excitement, your conversation should continue. Show interest and don't stop flirting. While you are flirting, you are interesting, as soon as you stop it, a man may decide that he is no longer interested in you and stop communicating.

In the application of all techniques, the main thing is the ability to feel a partner so that an easy game does not turn into an obsession. Leave space for a man to show his own initiative, distance yourself when you feel that he is fed up with your attention.

Try to play to your strengths and be natural. If you have a stunning walk, then adjust the situation to demonstrate. And if you don’t know how to demonstrate your body, but at the same time you know how to create a cozy, trusting atmosphere, to be an excellent listener, do it.

Flirting is, first of all, the art of communication, not eye shooting. Convey your interest and make a person feel their exclusivity - these are the main driving principles.

The art of flirting with a girl

The art of female flirting and male flirting have certain differences. The main trump card in male flirting is a sense of humor, an ironic attitude to the situation. It's not about memorizing funny phrases and interesting stories, for the most part, girls are not interested in what you say, but how you do it. If you can build your communication with her in such a way that she will constantly doubt whether you are joking or serious, you are guaranteed success. This behavior keeps you in suspense, there is a desire to solve the riddle, and as a result, the girl thinks about you most of the time.

Persistence, ingenuity and a certain amount of arrogance are your best friends. The girl, of course, will appreciate your compliments, treats and idolizing look, but she has already seen it all, many times. It does not catch and does not remain in memory. Interpret her words in the wrong way, make comments in clumsiness instead of rushing to collect what she dropped. But at the same time smile, behave good-naturedly. This tactic causes initial indignation, because few people allow themselves to treat a girl this way. And in this you win - you get an emotional response. In general, all your behavior should be aimed at evoking maximum emotions in a girl, and of a polar nature. You make a remark to her or make a sarcastic comment on something - and she starts to get angry, and immediately you offer your help, turn the situation into a joke - and now she rejoices. Such emotional swings are a powerful psychological hook that all girls fall for.

Another trick is to sexualize the space. Absolutely any topic can be commented on by entering an intimate topic, and in this way you put into the girl’s brain the idea that not only friendly communication is possible, and she herself begins to want it.

Remember the smile, body language and touch - this is the base from which there is no escape and which can save even the most disastrous event. And most importantly, remember that in front of you is not just a pretty girl, but a unique and peculiar personality, so an attentive attitude, the search for an individual approach, a combination of actions and their speed will become your best assistants, and not a list of flirting actions.