How to renew relationships. How to return the old feelings and relationships that have cooled down Feelings for your husband have cooled down advice from a psychologist

Men spend time on work, professional growth, training, family problems are not as important for them as for women. They stop supporting the girl's interest, stop paying attention. Accordingly, after a certain time, they begin to think about what to do if the girl has lost interest in the guy. A woman's feelings can quickly cool down, but fortunately, they can also quickly reappear if you start showing interest in her.

What to do if a girl has lost interest in you?

When a girl stops behaving like before, a man does nothing. He believes: she is naughty, she has depression and she will cope with the problems herself. This is an obvious mistake that makes things worse.

If she started behaving strangely, it means first step towards separation already done to her. During this period, it is necessary to surround her with care, the relationship should become what it was in the first month of meeting: warm, colorful and interesting.

If it seems to you that the relationship has become obsolete, there is no point in continuing it, then it is recommended to talk heart to heart. Such a conversation will allow you to identify obvious mistakes in the relationship, correct them and draw conclusions.

The girl has cooled down to me: what to do?

The girl has lost interest in me, what should I do in this case? - this question can be seen on the net in the forums. It is asked not only by teenagers and young guys, but also by mature men who have extensive experience in relationships.

There is no single answer to such a question. Each lady has her own character and temperament. For someone, a present in the form of milk chocolate will be pleasant, and someone will not melt at the sight of an expensive fur coat, car and diamonds, and will also take it for granted.

But there is three steps that will melt the heart of 90 percent of girls.

  • You are the most unpredictable person. Nobody knows what to expect from you. If you fall under the description of these terms, then you will be able to avoid problems in relationships. The girl's life will be filled with bright moments, and her feelings will never cool down;
  • Learn to listen to her. Every man sometimes misses "past the ears" what his girlfriend says. Take her words seriously, fulfill some of her requests, only then she will understand that you need her and there will be no thoughts of leaving in her head;
  • Don't do anything to spite her. Men try to make a woman jealous by paying attention to other girls. In fact, by such an act, they provoke her to seriously begin to consider other representatives of the opposite sex.

The surest way to awaken feelings in her is to find out the reason for the cooling of her feelings and try to correct it.

How to get a girl back if she fell out of love?

If a girl fell out of love, then something needs to change in life. First, you need to change your behavior.

A romantic young man who gives gifts and blows off dust particles must for a while transform into a cold-blooded "chick", and vice versa. The girl will understand that she has not yet fully recognized you, she will be interested in a new image and this will help build relationships.

Any relationship with a partner can be characterized as a competition of two characters. If the relationship has recently been filled with scandals, then you need to show your ability to give in. She will understand that the time spent with you can take on a different shape, and she will give you another chance.

In the process of reconciliation with girls, the technique " far close". It implies the constant maintenance of the girl in a tense state, which does not allow her to transfer her attention to another object of sympathy. What is it? For one week, you need to actively look after the girl, show maximum perseverance, call several times a day, write SMS, give flowers, read poetry, sing songs, invite to the movies and show other signs of attention.

What is going on in her mind at this moment? She begins to understand that you still belong to her and will feel relaxed.

The next week, on the contrary, you need to behave as calmly as possible, ignore her, do not answer calls and SMS. In 70 percent of cases, the girl understands that you have lost interest in her and will begin to take the first steps towards you.

Dealing with Relationship Mistakes

It is best to deal with any problem before it occurs. This also applies to relationships. A man shouldn't let a woman fall in love with him. To do this, he needs to systematically analyze relationships and work on mistakes.



Don't hesitate to speak up at the right time. This will avoid conflicts. You are a man, you are sometimes allowed to hide your emotions.

You point out her mistakes.

Keep doing this, but only when you are alone with her, not in front of her friends and relatives.

You don't help her around the house.

Buy her modern household appliances that will make housework easier.

You pay little attention.

Review your work schedule. In your diary, set aside one hour a week to talk with a girl, and often show signs of attention to her.

You communicate with other girls.

Continue to communicate with them if necessary, but only in such a way as not to undermine the girl's trust. Better not to tell her about it.

There are many mistakes in a relationship. If you do not want to lose your soulmate, then you need to learn how to work on them together.

Why can a girl cool down?

Representatives of the stronger sex are tormented by the question: what to do if a girl has lost interest in a guy? But at the first stage of the relationship they are not interested, why can she lose her feelings. However, if this is foreseen in advance, then many problems can be avoided.

So, consider the main points why a girl can cool down:

  • Her life ceased to be varied;
  • She ceases to feel needed by him;
  • There is no warmth and romance in her life;
  • She does not see him as a "reliable shoulder";
  • For her, there are no prospects in the form of creating a family.

Relations- this is a kind of fire, which must be supported by two people at the same time. If at least one of them ceases to supplement it with flammable elements, then it will gradually begin to fade and soon go out.

Video about the girl's chilled relationship

In this video, psychologist Yegor Sheremetyev will give 7 tips on how to get a girl back if she has lost interest in you:


Try to understand what could have influenced the changes, what the relationship has been like lately, whether there have been conflict situations. Frequent quarrels and reproaches leave a negative mark in the soul and move away from the person. You could be disappointed in the chosen one or leave disappointment in his heart.

deal with feelings and honestly answer the question: “What do I not like about this person?” You can write down the answers: this will make it easier to analyze the situation. After you understand the claims and dissatisfaction, think about what you can change in a person from the received list, and what you need to put up with.

Try to remember all the good things that happened in the relationship: those moments of life when it was nice to be next to a person. Good memories will help revive feelings for the chosen one.

Try to call your loved one to a frank conversation, which should take place in a calm atmosphere in a peaceful tone, without making claims, statements or reproaches. Try to understand the feelings and problems of the interlocutor. Perhaps its distance is due to external factors that have a strong influence on the psycho-emotional mood. These may be problems at work, conflicts with relatives, etc.

Take the first step towards getting closer. Perhaps you need to be alone. You can go together out of town or to another quiet place. Temporarily isolate yourself from everyday problems and external irritants. Let yourself enjoy the joint communication.

Try to change something in yourself - this applies to both appearance and internal state. When you come home from work, do not fence yourself off with a computer monitor, but just sit nearby. In the morning, take the time to ask your soulmate about the upcoming day, kiss gently before leaving and wish you all the best. During the day, call and say a few words about how you miss and look forward to meeting you. Sometimes, to maintain love, there are not enough little things in which love and care for a person are manifested.

Meeting each other, young people sometimes think about how long their feelings will last. Sincere love often accompanies people for the rest of their lives, but ordinary affection and sympathy ends sooner or later.


To understand whether your feelings are forever or not, first you need to learn to separate such concepts as “love” and “falling in love”. In the most general sense, love is the desire to make another person happy. A loving guy or girl will do everything to make the object of his sighing happy next to him. To learn to love, you need to know the tastes, preferences, desires and aspirations of your chosen one. To do this, spend more time with each other, share your experiences, make plans for the future. This will help you get to know your soulmate better. Sometimes you can hear the phrase from someone: "I love him because he is smart." No matter how strange it may sound, but you love a person not for something, for everything. A loving person cannot give an exact answer to the question of why exactly he has feelings for his chosen one. He loves absolutely everything in him: appearance, physique and even character flaws.

Learn to talk to your partner. Share all experiences. And even if something does not suit you, you need to talk about it in a calm tone. It is equally important to learn to listen and hear a person. Laugh when you are happy, cry when you are sad. Remember, sincerity is important in any relationship. Any relationship sometimes experiences some difficulties. This is usually associated with the beginning of a joint life, the birth of a child. Of course, time, one way or another, changes people. The main thing during this period is not to lose yourself. After going through all the difficulties and maintaining your relationship, you will become a real team.

Falling in love consists in a completely different attitude towards a person. Next to him, you feel elated, you want to constantly spend time together, but at the same time you have the only desire: all your undertakings, manifestations of care and affection should be exclusively mutual. If there is no reciprocity, breaking, worries, suffering and attempts to replace a person who does not need you with someone else who will appreciate you and your care begin. Love quickly lights up and quickly passes, so such feelings cannot be eternal.

If you understand that you are ready to do everything for a person for free, you worry about whether he is full, whether he is dressed, whether he is healthy, and it doesn’t matter to you at all whether he is next to you or not, you just worry about his well-being, are interested in him experiences and even ready to let go to another person, if only he was happy, this is sincere and real love, which does not pass with time. Yes, if you are not together with the object of your adoration, you can start dating someone in the future, but you are unlikely to be able to love someone. Your thoughts will always return to the same representative of the opposite sex, but only when you think that he is alive, healthy, and everything is fine with him, you will be calm.

Now it may seem to you that you are the most miserable girl in the world, you are panicking. Beloved fell out of love with you, and it is very difficult to come to terms with this. No need to panic, you should also not call the guy, beg him to come back, or tell him what a bastard he is. If you want to cry, then cry, cry out loud. hit the pillow, you can scream. This usually helps to calm down a little, and in a calm state it is much easier to draw up a plan of action and begin to implement it.

You began to sort through various reasons in your head and concluded that you were not quarrelsome, you were not too jealous of the guy, you didn’t throw tantrums at him, but you even tried very hard to maintain normal relations. This happens often, there is nothing surprising in this. Guys leave not only girls who tend to spoil their nerves, but very good, soft, compliant ones. What is the reason? Do you remember how your relationship developed? The young man showed interest, you started calling, there was no less interest on your part, so sometimes you seized the initiative, called more often than the first, more often offered to meet, or were the first to reconcile at the slightest quarrels, indulged the guy in everything and simply dissolved in him, trying to spend every minute together. Well, this is a direct way to make a guy fall out of love.

Meetings with such a girl become insipid, she pleases, she does not value herself too much, forgets about pride, why then the guy should appreciate the girl, he will probably go in search of a more valuable girl, the one that needs to be achieved, which becomes a desired trophy, and not herself falls into an embrace. Perhaps she will even be a bitch, it often happens, but she will be loved if you do not start to act correctly. No tears and tantrums when a guy leaves, take care of yourself and your appearance, do not think that you will not be able to become more beautiful, slim, stylish.

Anything is possible and change will begin sooner than you might think. Act like you don't care about the guy, never ask mutual friends about him, don't talk too much about yourself, be a little mysterious. The guy will be very surprised when he finds out that you have become prettier, do not yearn, but live a new life, you can post photos that will reflect your new hobbies on social networks. And there should be a lot of hobbies, as well as changes in you, so it will be easier to survive the separation itself. When you yourself begin to value yourself, love yourself, stop criticizing, start accepting the courtship of other guys, your ex-boyfriend will go crazy with jealousy, he will be greatly offended by your indifference, and this is exactly what you need. Gradually, his feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, but remember that for some time you will have to remain inaccessible, distant. When your boyfriend loves you again, try not to invest too much in the relationship. Always give the guy the opportunity to miss you, sometimes refuse dates, referring to some objective reasons, let the young man not always know about your every step, leave him just for fantasy. Be happy!
I highly recommend reading the next book. Lots of positive feedback.

It often happens when the feelings of lovers cooled over time and ceased to play an important role in life. What if the feelings have cooled? Indeed, at a certain moment, even for couples living in peace, harmony and understanding, there comes a period when it becomes boring.

What to do if feelings have cooled?

First, there is no need to make scandals, be offended by each other, ignore each other in any situation, avoid conversations or go to the side in search of thrills.

On the contrary, it is necessary to try to renew relations, to warm up those feelings that have cooled down, to unwind, to change the situation that has been flashing before my eyes for so many years.

If a woman asks the question “What if feelings have cooled?”, It means that she is not indifferent to her beloved and she is trying to fix it.

6 tips for those whose feelings have cooled

In order to return the cooled feelings you need:

Try to remember what exactly heated up the situation between you, remember all the conflict situations. What did it all lead to and where did it all begin? Understand the causes of your quarrels and conflicts.

After all, scandals, quarrels, conflicts, negative emotions - this is the first thing that causes chilled feelings in life away. After all, negative communication has two continuations - either a quarrel causes passion, or a quarrel moves away from each other;

Try to understand yourself and your loved one. Evaluate yourself, your character, find your favorite shortcomings and good character traits. Find the same in your spouse.

If feelings have cooled, try to understand what exactly you like in your spouse and what you cannot stand in his actions and character. Ask him to do the same. After analyzing yourself and your spouse, think about what you can change from the list received;

Remember all the good times with your spouse. Those moments when it was just good for you and him to be together, and nothing more. Good memories will bring you back to your spouse and help bring back some feelings;

Call your loved one for a direct and frank conversation. It should take place in an atmosphere of complete calm and peacefulness. Do not express a negative attitude towards the actions of your soulmate, do not make claims and reproaches. It is possible that the distance in your relationship has arisen for reasons related to neither your loved one nor you. It is possible that your loved one has problems at work or his relatives are pestering him. The created psycho-emotional mood most likely affects your relationship.

Get closer. Be alone, go out of town, go hiking together in nature or in another peaceful place. Forget for a while all everyday problems and get rid of everything that annoys you. Enjoy chatting with each other.

Also change something in yourself. Be more often just nearby, sit together, watch a movie, go out into nature, change everyday everyday life for unrestrained weekends. If feelings have cooled, try to diversify your life.

How to update relationships?

Over time, family or love relationships tend to "cover with a slight touch of everyday life." You no longer kiss each other, looking through the good old melodrama, you will not wait for flowers from him for no reason, and there is no question of surprises at all.

Bouquets of flowers disappear, kisses while watching your favorite melodrama, surprises. How to renew relationships with simple means? The answer is very elementary.

The second half deserves your constant attention. Most couples are just busy in their everyday routine, forgetting over time to even ask about how her or his day went, what's new at work (at training, at school, etc.).

But romantic relationships are based on mutual interest. Even if you are unbearably exhausted by the working day, and your only goal is to quickly fall into bed, do not deprive your half of your attention - even half an hour will be enough for this.

A gentle touch, a romantic kiss will give you two unforgettable moments of joy and satisfaction and help renew relationships;

Do not forget about the interests of your beloved (lover), trying to diversify life with romantic deeds. Let's say you have planned a trip to the theater or watching a new comedy, and he has already bought a ticket for the final match of the season - make concessions to him.

Reschedule your visit to a play or movie screening to another day. Just tell him about your plans and together reschedule the cultural trip to another date convenient for the two of you;

Take care of your significant other. Banal care for each other can make your relationship very romantic. A cup of aromatic coffee in bed, prepared before waking up, a bath with aromatic - and tenderness in a relationship can be guaranteed to you.

From focus to action

Let's move on to a more specific plan to "renew the relationship." Organize a romantic dinner, for no reason, just like that. Such actions are very romantic. Get back from work a little earlier, cook his favorite meals, decorate the apartment. Be sure to buy candles, fill glasses with sparkling wine. This turn of events will greatly surprise your lover;

We write love notes as in childhood. Leave each other romantic messages on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or nightstand. Just draw a heart or write a declaration of love. Try to correspond, correspond, indicating each time what you love each other for.

How to renew a relationship after many years of marriage?

The lack of new impressions and sensations turns a happy life together into a daily routine. How to avoid this phenomenon and how to renew the relationship?

The correct answer to this question, and mainly the ability to answer it correctly, can save any marriage from an inevitable split.

To begin with, remember the times when you just met - agree, then there were more smiles, jokes and other pleasant and interesting little things.

In other words, then, in order to please your partner, you tried to be boring, original. In order for your relationship to last happily ever after, nothing prevents you from repeating your past experience and returning to the beginning again;

Change the familiar and disgusting home environment - to renew the relationship, add a twist to the relationship. Such changes can be of different scale. You can simply rearrange the furniture in the apartment, start repairs, buy new clothes, or even move completely - the surrounding life is also of great importance;

Try changing your image. For example, start with a hairstyle - visit the salon and get a model haircut. You can change the color of your hair, make a make-up. Come up with an individual style of clothing for yourself. If sports or classics were your everything until today, try on a romantic look. Take the risk of wearing what you always dreamed of, but never dared to.

Joint goals, leisure and a bit of psychology

Nothing brings people together like a common cause. Draw yourself a plan or set a long-term goal, the implementation of which will require joint efforts. You can, for example, learn to play tennis and visit the court together from now on. Another option is to start saving money with your husband to buy a new house, car, etc.;

Analyze the current state of affairs in your relationship, your behavior, actions. The same scenario for every day, the same holidays, shopping trips and other "everyday life" drags you into a gray routine. To renew your relationship, add something long forgotten to your daily routine.

For example, go to a restaurant with your significant other, arrange a candlelit dinner in your apartment, dance somewhere, as in your youth. Take some creative approaches: take a cooking class together, take part in a bowling tournament, or go to couples fitness. Cheer for your local (or favorite) football team - this will awaken your former passion;

In the end - just talk heart to heart with him, sometimes even this is quite enough. Share your thoughts, doubts, fears, discuss the situation together and decide on further actions.

A guy grows cold towards his girlfriend for a number of reasons, but they are not always associated with the fading of feelings and the behavior of a woman. It can be problems at work, fatigue, lack of new sensations. In such cases, a woman should not throw loud phrases about parting, based only on suspicions and inner feelings. If a man is really dear, it is important to understand his feelings and try to fix everything. In most cases, a relationship once saved by a woman becomes the basis of a strong union, as the man begins to appreciate her more.

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    Causes of relationship problems

    Starting a relationship with a man she likes, the girl sees in him not just a partner, but a life partner. Relationship development involves several stages. First, there is mutual sympathy and a desire to spend all their free time together, then a desire to live together and enter into a legal marriage, and then - children, work, life ... You can just enjoy relationships, but no one knows how long it will last, therefore it is required certain attention and detailed approach to each life situation.

    In every relationship, there comes a moment when the transition from romantic passion to gray everyday life and everyday life is inevitably approaching. The monotony of everyday problems and worries should not overshadow the joy of the presence of a loved one. Let him smile less or not devote so much time to walks, this does not mean at all that he no longer has warm feelings in his soul, because there are a lot of reasons for such behavior.

    How to return a relationship

    At the beginning of a relationship

    At the moment of acquaintance between young people, inexplicable physiological and psychological reactions occur. Depending on the temperament and psychotype, the first manifestations may be different. Someone experiences wild passion and attraction, someone does not leave for a minute, fearing to lose tactile sensation, someone maintains constant communication, etc.

    Every man is by nature an earner and a conqueror. At the beginning of a relationship, he begins to actively court and make many pleasant and unexpected surprises. Usually all this lasts exactly until he realizes that the chosen one is completely at his disposal. Then he cools down and again begins to devote more time to work or friends, or maybe even rush in search of new experiences with another girl.

    A bright and emotionally intense stage lasts no more than six months, then the girl begins to think that the guy has cooled down. An interested young lady is still waiting for something new or the same attention and burning eyes. Here it is important to understand the true reason for the change of emotions. Not always a young man is disappointed and looking for a reason to end the relationship. In this case, much depends on the woman.

    The guy stopped writing

    Discord in marriage

    Living together is not only romance, but also life. All worries, financial issues and interests of each of the partners become common. Disappointment usually awaits those who are not ready for this responsible step. New sensations pass quickly, and a lot of common problems arise. The guy, who has now become a husband, begins to worry about financial well-being, goes headlong into work and seeks to provide his family with everything necessary. At this stage, a girl is also subject to much more requirements, because home comfort, cleanliness, order and cooking require not only time, but also certain skills.

    Domestic needs begin to put pressure on romance. The husband begins to show less and less attention, and this also has an explanation, because tired at work, he wants warmth and support from his loving wife. But it is also difficult for the wife, as she usually combines both work and household chores. Excessive suspiciousness and exactingness of women lead relationships to a dead end. It is important to be wise and not go to extremes.

    Everyone has the right to their own opinion and personal space. You can’t limit each other in something very important, because any limits can provoke alienation and a desire to get rid of them. Returning lost feelings and restoring relationships is difficult, so it is important to respond to any emotional changes in a partner.

    Maximum attention and observation will help answer the question of what exactly happened. Knowing the cause, it is much easier to deal with the problem, avoiding critical situations.

    How to get a girl back

    Love in the distance

    There are many opinions about love at a distance, but they are divided into two main groups. Some say that this is impossible, others are sure that even tens of kilometers are not a hindrance to true love. The truth is in both cases, because everything is individual and depends on the specific situation. The reason for separation may be a business trip, shift work or military service.

    Sometimes work involves moving the spouse to another city or even country. The desire to make good money is not a vice, so you should not treat separation negatively. If there is a feeling that the guy has cooled off, being on a long business trip or on watch, then it is important to understand that he works there. Lack of attention is easily explained by fatigue and busyness.

    Having dared to take a step to wait for your beloved from the army, you should understand that it will not be very easy. It will take a lot of patience, by all means, you need to show maximum support, care and understanding. You can convey your feelings to him with the help of words of love and tenderness, he must know that they are waiting for him at home. Real problems may arise when he returns, because it will definitely not be the same as before. The army greatly changes the character and attitude to life.

    Whatever the reason for leaving may be, you should not find out. The spoken word, the more rude or harsh, will put an end to the relationship. After all, if it’s hard for him, and a loved one only adds experiences, then he will have a reasonable question whether the girl has feelings, and whether he wants to continue them.

    Why did he get cold?

    In the attraction once created is only the effect of the first impression. In the process of relations, a specific image of the chosen one is formed, true desires again come to the fore, and the relationship acquires a different development, as a result of which the girl understands that the guy has cooled off. The most common reasons may be the following:

    • the guy saw shortcomings that contradicted his worldview and did not live up to his expectations (smoking, addiction to alcohol, a dissolute lifestyle, etc.);
    • the girl behaves rudely, does not take into account his opinion, tries to humiliate, obscenely expresses herself in his address;
    • he feels the restriction of freedom, the girl is constantly trying to absorb all his consciousness, attention and time;
    • there is an understanding that they do not hear him, do not pay due attention;
    • a man understands that he and a woman have different views on life and big differences in character;
    • he is very tired at work or has difficulty communicating with her;
    • the guy is hiding something very important for him, afraid to open up to his chosen one;
    • the illusions built by him in relation to a woman do not find confirmation in reality;
    • other interests and hobbies appeared, another woman.

    Is it necessary to sound the alarm?

    Most women think that the worst thing is the presence of a mistress. But in practice, dealing with this problem is not as difficult as with the disappointment of a husband in a life partner. Just one situation, a woman's behavior and attitude to a particular event can cross out all the positive in the perception of a man. As for betrayal, the most difficult thing is to overcome the feeling of resentment and betrayal. You can return your attention by understanding the reason for going “to the left”.

    Cooled feelings can be revived with the help of attention, care and support. Often women are too selfish and demand much more than they can get. This can be understood if the guy has cooled off, but does not quit, is not in a hurry to put an end to it, but behaves as usual.

    How to understand what exactly happened?

    The best way to find out about his feelings is to ask directly or try to speak frankly. A man can also have anxieties and doubts, he is also capable of experiencing temporary difficulties. It is not always necessary to demand an answer and start conversations, you should not do this after a hard day at work or at a distance. The feeling that a man has cooled off usually arises on an intuitive level. By telling him about your guesses, you can sow doubts in him and make him think about it. Perhaps there was no objective reason for concern, but after this conversation he would have food for thought.

    • The decrease in attention is manifested in the fact that the guy began to call less, stopped writing messages, looking for a reason to meet. He stopped falling asleep with compliments, giving flowers and gifts. This means that the relationship is moving to a new stage, and he simply does not consider it necessary to spend joint money on pleasant things. Most likely, personal problems have appeared and employment at work has increased.
    • A man stops showing desire and attraction for several reasons: he is tired of the routine and wants something new; the woman stopped taking care of herself and lost her former attractiveness; he is very tired; experiencing health problems.
    • There were signs of indifference. He indifferently reacts to a woman's flirting and attention to her from other men, is not interested in anything joint, looking for entertainment on the side with friends and colleagues. It is worth understanding whether he was disappointed in the actions, relationships and behavior of the girl, because there is nothing worse than indifference. In this case, it is most difficult to restore lost feelings.
    • Strives for freedom. If a man constantly strives to break free, and it does not matter to him where exactly, most likely, the reason is in a woman. Perhaps, excessive attention and the desire to spend all their free time together depresses him and deprives him of personal space.
    • He became irritable and does not talk about the future. In this situation, it is worth thinking about his mood and current affairs. Guys strong in spirit and character always try to hide problems from their chosen ones, thereby protecting them from worries. His irritation and frequent bad mood do not always speak of a black streak in relationships, you just need to be there, supporting and distracting from work and other things. Having problems at work or with close relatives, it is very difficult to make plans for the future.

    10 ways to bring back cooled feelings

    If desired, every woman is able to awaken in herself those emotions that can unbalance even the most callous man, forcing him to do everything as she pleases.

    If the beloved man has lost interest, you should not immediately take action, try to find out something and talk, trying to bring the chosen one to "clean water". A few days of personal detachment from the situation will help to weigh everything and understand whether there really is a problem. You need to understand how long ago the cooling of the partner arose, and what it is connected with. Perhaps the point to continue these relationships has been lost, and a real attempt to change everything will only be a complete cessation of all joint affairs and any communication.

    The following methods will help renew relationships and.

    1. 1. Frank conversation. Having collected the required number of arguments, you can call the guy for a dialogue. Complete denial of the problem indicates unwillingness to share experiences or lack of awareness on his part. Fanciful irritability and aggression speaks of unwillingness to be in this relationship. If the conversation turned out to be sincere, then you need to listen to all the words and requests. If he says that you need time - you need to give it, criticizes behavior and expresses dissatisfaction - you don’t need to be offended and take everything literally, it’s better to listen and try to find a compromise.
    2. 2. General hobby. It’s good if the interests are similar and once there was a tradition in a couple to go to the cinema or to the skating rink together. Then it is enough to resume everything, presenting a surprise in the form of tickets for the long-awaited premiere. In the absence of a common hobby, it is necessary to build on his interests. Fishing or football will be a great excuse to pass the evening or weekend.
    3. 3. Envelop with care and attention. Simple kind and affectionate words are lost in the process of living together. People stop wishing good night and good day, everything happens automatically. A smile in the morning and a warm hug at night can work wonders. At first, he will be confused by surprise, but after a short time he will get used to it and reciprocate.
    4. 4. Interest in his affairs. Showing maximum interest in his work or hobby does not mean imposing. The guy lacks interest in his affairs, he wants to share something, or he just needs support when changing activities or moving to a new position. You cannot understand a person until you know how he lives and what he thinks about. Maybe he has cooled down precisely because he is preparing for a new presentation, and an attractive work colleague provides him with proper support, who in the future is able to replace his wife.
    5. 5. Pleasant little things. A note in a borset, hourly messages with anecdotes or declarations of love, a photo in a purse or a banal confession of feelings on the bathroom mirror, written with toothpaste, will return the husband to the family. At a minimum, he will think about why all this happened and why this is necessary. There is no need to explain anything, you need to use a mysterious smile and move on. He will connect to this exciting game and also want to do something nice.
    6. 6. Joint rest. A change of scenery, a relaxed atmosphere, the absence of children, relatives and work will help to distract. You need to choose the desired tour, because someone wants to sleep off and soak up the bed together, and someone is ready to dance and have fun until dawn or wants to see new beautiful places and get a boost of energy for the coming working year. Vacation helps a lot to return the passion and attention from the beloved husband.
    7. 7. New rules and traditions. If every new day is similar to the previous one, it's time to change everything. A good option would be a joint trip on Saturdays to a restaurant or cafe, every week you need to visit a new institution, choosing in turn or by type of lottery. Once a month, you can try something new or buy the necessary thing for the house. The choice of an action or an object will push for communication and general interest, and after that you can share your impressions for some more time.
    8. 8. Joint business. Any joint business strengthens the relationship. Even such a problematic and troublesome repair in the apartment will help save feelings, most importantly, take advantage of the situation and do everything together.
    9. 9. Intimate life. Sex for many men is of key importance, it is worth listening to his needs and desires. If his experiments in bed are unacceptable for a girl, then such a relationship should be stopped. After all, not having received them in a legal marriage, he will sooner or later find what he needs on the side. It's like a time bomb where the relationship is doomed to treason. In the case of compatibility of intimate interests, it's time to experiment. A romantic dinner with a spectacular continuation, sex in an unusual place or playing the Kama Sutra will bring a lot of positive emotions. In a fit of passion, people come closer, they seem to open up to each other, psychological attachment is strengthened. Psychologists with extensive experience always start the search for problems with violations in the intimate sphere. Physiological reasons caused by the lack of sexual relations are not excluded, because sex changes the hormonal background.
    10. 10. Test by distance. Having gone away for a while, you can renew the relationship, but there is also a huge risk of losing everything. You can resort to this method only when nothing else helps. and the question of continuing the relationship arose with an edge. You don’t need to run away from problems, if a man needs support, you should never leave him. A loving person will be bored, and upon his return, his suffering from separation cannot be hidden, but an indifferent person will even be delighted and will try to bring the relationship to naught during his absence.

    Romance and passion should be present in a couple throughout life, but they also have their own degree of severity and gradation. It is almost impossible to carry the initial emotions, embarrassment and trembling in the chest through the years, because each life situation reveals the personality and exposes the essence of a person. The only thing that will help maintain respect and strengthen feelings is the ability to carry the first emotions in the soul through life and not lose self-esteem, no matter what happens.