How to distinguish a high-quality mink coat from a poor-quality one. Countries of North America. Choosing a mink coat, taking into account the type of figure

In principle, now many people do without a fur coat. This is especially true for young people. A warm and comfortable down jacket helps out many. But many girls and women want a more expensive thing, like a mink coat, and nothing can be done about it! Moreover, now the majority of consumers use such types of payment as installments and loans.

Are all Chinese fur coats?

The Yakutsk market was flooded with mink coats from China. According to experts, the share of Chinese fur coats in the Russian market is about 80%! Almost everything that is sold today in our fur coats salons is somehow connected with China: either it is sewn there, or it is made from raw materials purchased in the Middle Kingdom. And labels that say "Made in Greece" or in another country are just a diversion from the eyes. According to statistics, out of 10 fur coats on the Russian market, 8-9 coats come from China.

About how best to choose a fur coat, we asked the sales assistant Anastasia Fedorova to answer.

- Anastasia, how to learn to choose such an expensive thing?

Only a specialist can choose a high-quality mink coat. Because this is a very difficult matter. But let's try to figure it out. The cheapest mink is walnut, that is, light brown, then dark brown. Then - various redheads, from juicy golden honey to light amber. Even more expensive is black mink, beige, gray and blue - also gray, but with a grayish-blue tint. In the next price category - the so-called "tourmaline", it is - beige undercoat and brown long hair, which creates an interesting smoky effect and white fur, sometimes with gray hair. The most expensive is the black diamond mink, black with a blue or purple tint. It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish it from just black. In addition, skilled furriers have learned to dye cheaper fur so dexterously that you cannot tell at first glance: the fur also sparkles and shimmers.

- And what to do?

Method one: spread the undercoat with your fingers - it should be purely black and check the color of the skin. If the skin has not been subjected to hairdressing, it should remain white. Then iron the fur against the grain. Long hairs should not break, and the underpads should be thick enough.

The easiest way to test the durability of a mink fur is to grab a few hairs with your fingers, as if you were taking a pinch of salt, lift the coat and wiggle it a little. If the hairs don't come out, you have a reliable fur coat in front of you. You can also shake the fur coat and see how the villi crumble. If the process is clearly not intensive - after the drying procedures, any fresh fur coat will "fly", then everything is fine.

- What else should you pay attention to?

And, of course, the fur should be the same in length over the entire area of ​​the fur coat, depressions and even more bald spots are unacceptable. If the fur is dyed, pay attention to the color, it should be uniform on all details. Run your hand over the fur several times - you should not have a feeling of greasy on the palm of your hand, high-quality fur is always elastic and silky to the touch.

Unscrew the lining and look at the leather fabric. In a good fur coat, it is soft, smooth and elastic. If the skin tissue is tough, rustles or rattles at hand, then there is a high probability of poor quality and fragility of the fur coat.

- What are the best mink coats?

Of course, mink coats made in Greece are considered the best and sturdy ones. But their price in Yakutsk is very high, there are fur coats from 200 thousand and more. The most inexpensive are fur coats from China, but you need to choose them very carefully. Because there are good quality coats, but there are also very low-quality ones. Such fur coats will not last long for you. And in general, my advice is to buy a fur coat in a well-recommended salon. Such salons value their reputation and, as a rule, will not sell low-grade or poor quality fur coats.

What should you pay attention to?

Examine the fur carefully - it should be shiny, smooth, soft, with a thick undercoat.

How to distinguish quality from fake? Run your hand over the garment against the direction of the mink hairs. If, after this manipulation, the hairs returned to their original place and the appearance of the fur coat area did not change, then the quality of the fur is good, if the hairs bristled after your action, it means that the fur is of poor quality.

Look at the flesh, you can do this by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the skin is light, it means that the fur has not been dyed or toned. If the skin is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed, or the fur coat, so to speak, was not the first freshness - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the fur coat will not last long.

Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out too much. Especially often poor-quality seams can be seen on the shoulder section, especially if a fur coat with a hood that covers these joints.

How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old one? Shake off the product, if hairs fly from it, it means that the fur coat is old.

The lining of the fur coat should be made of high quality, but not "flashy" material. Her patterns are precisely tailored to the size of the product. The manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on the fur, not the lining.

The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so you can see the inside of the garment. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he himself will offer you to check the fur coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the seam stitching - it should be neat, there should be no mink hairs in the seam.

If you still realized that the fur coat is dyed, this is not the worst thing. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the quality of the paint is important. It can be defined as follows: take a light-colored handkerchief, slightly moisten it and slide it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it, do not take this coat.

The hairs must be of the same length (excluding the undercoat). If some hairs are knocked out in length from the rest, most likely, the mink was trimmed to give it a neater appearance. This means that initially the fur was not of very high quality.

A little about Black Lama. In a real Black Lama, the undercoat is different in color from the main hair color. It is dark brown in color, very dense. And the main hairs are black. Black Lama mink products look like plush. It is this fur that is considered the highest quality and most durable. If you ever see products from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is, and will be able to unambiguously define it in the future.

About prices

In Yakutsk, the prices for fur coats are very different. It depends on the fur, the country of origin, how relevant and fashionable the fur coat is.

But fur salons try to keep the pricing policy at about the same level. The most expensive mink coats made in Greece. The average price for them is 230 thousand rubles.

A mink coat from Canada and China can be bought at about 80-120 thousand and above.

We will also reveal a little secret: in some pawnshops in Yakutsk you can buy a new mink coat at a price even lower than in China itself.

By the way, since August 12, 2016, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2016 No. 787 on the implementation of a pilot project to introduce marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the commodity item “Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur »The sale of fur products without special marking is prohibited.

But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a new fur coat, do not despair. You can calmly pass the whole winter in a down jacket, which is sometimes warmer than a mink coat. After all, the main thing in our frosts is to be warm and comfortable.

With the onset of cold weather, perhaps every female begins to dream of a fur coat. And even if she has one, there will still be a desire to purchase another one.

Buying a fur coat from the most valuable and respectable mink fur today is a profitable purchase. A product made of high-quality fur, good cut and workmanship can warm the hostess for a long time, bring her joy and cause the envious glances of others.

It is difficult to detect a fake, but it is possible.

Unfortunately, in practice, buying a fur coat is not always fun. The market is overflowing with beautiful mink coats sewn somewhere on the knees in the basement.

At first glance, a fake cannot be distinguished from a quality product, however, after a short period of time, the fur may lose its outer gloss, its hairs will begin to crumble, and the fur coat may disperse at the seams.

In order to avoid troubles during the purchase and subsequent wear, we will tell you how to determine the quality of a mink coat, we will give general advice when choosing. So, the choice of a mink fur coat, which a potential buyer, first of all, should pay attention to:

  1. Fur quality;
  2. Seams, cut;
  3. Colour;
  4. Price;
  5. Place of purchase.

Recognizing quality fur

A fur coat cannot be light.

First of all, we pay attention to the quality of the fur. The outside of the mink coat has a shiny, even fur of the same color. We carefully inspect the product.

The pile of a mink coat should be dense, when a light cloth is carried on the outside of the coat, there should be no traces of paint, indicating the color of the product.

Shake the fur coat well - there should be no characteristic dry crackling, which indicates improper or long storage of the fur coat in the warehouse.

Move your hand "against" the coat - high-quality fur will instantly return to its original position. Evenly dense, smooth fur with a characteristic iridescent shine along the entire length will indicate a high-quality fur coat made of good solid mink.

Let's move on to the seamy side. The inside of the mink coat must have a soft skin that is susceptible to crushing. Mezdra - the reverse side of the skin should be soft, without cracks and squeaks when squeezed, elastic. Examine the lining of the fur coat.

As a rule, many manufacturers either do not use lining at all, or do not sew the lining along the bottom edge of the garment, or leave some part of the lining not hemmed to the fur so that the potential buyer can be convinced of the quality of the mink skin. The yellowness of the skin testifies to its not the first youth.

We pay special attention to the inner seams. It is desirable that they are not adhesive, such products tend to creep at the seams. In this regard, it is not recommended to purchase a product from pieces of mink, since the joints between them are often glued, which means they are prone to sticking.

In general, it is believed that the fewer seams, the better the fur coat.

It is also worth noting that a mink coat should not be too light. Yes, in comparison with a muton, such a coat is lighter, but you should be alerted if the coat is very light.

Most likely, the manufacturer stretched the leather too much during processing and it was produced for an area with a warmer climate than in Russia.

In any case, it is recommended to choose fur coats in a specialized store that has been dealing with furs and specializing in mink coats for more than one year. Here, the storage conditions of products are probably not violated, stable supplies have been established, there are certificates, discounts and promotions attractive to buyers are in effect.

And yet you should not "bite" on the model with too low prices. Most likely, sellers in this way seek to get rid of stale models or, possibly, from products with a hidden factory defect.

Choosing a mink coat, taking into account the type of figure

It is important to choose the right style.

Experienced specialists work in popular fur salons and shops who will help you choose a style, taking into account the wishes of the client, her age, and features of the figure. Choosing a fur coat according to the type of figure is not an easy task, but very feasible.

Slender owners of tall stature are suitable for models of both light color and brown, of any length. However, if you do not want to appear even taller, then you should not choose a narrow model "to the floor" made of black mink - it will visually stretch the silhouette even more.

For girls and women of medium height, those who wish to appear slimmer, fitted models of medium length are suitable. You should also not choose models on the floor or, conversely, too short, if you are not going to always flaunt in heels.

It is not recommended for women of short stature to choose models that are flared to the bottom with massive flared sleeves, since the volume of such a fur coat will eat up centimeters of growth. For women with full legs, models with a length just below the knee are suitable, for overweight women, A-line models are ideal.

For owners of narrow shoulders and narrow hips, a model of a mink coat with a "rich" hood and a flared or straight cut will serve as an ideal outfit. The problem of narrow shoulders is easily solved by models with shoulder pads.

Girls with broad shoulders, on the contrary, fit fur coats without a hood, but only with a neat collar.

Also, models without a hood will emphasize the beautiful neck of their owners. By the way, lately one can see more and more models on sale with small hoods or without them at all, but only with small narrow collars.

Thus, the manufacturer is most likely seeking to save fur costs.

General rules when choosing a mink coat

A fur coat requires quality care.

Light tones will slightly add volume, that is, plump, dark tones - slim. There is an opinion that light fur coats are only on the way out.

In fact, light colored fur is less practical, but today there are a number of products that can help keep the fur clean and bright. When buying light fur, mentally prepare yourself to visit the dry cleaner at least once a year.

For mink fur coats, they will emphasize the individuality of the model. For example, long leather gloves are often attached to fur coats with short sleeves, and a mink or leather belt will perfectly emphasize the waist.

Today, fashion is changing rapidly, designers and fashion designers do not get tired of experimenting with furs. Fur trimming, bleaching, lamination, laser treatment - all these methods allow you to create many interesting models, and decorative elements - buttons, rhinestones, locks, chains allow you to make a separate mink model unique, and its owner - inimitable.

However, if you plan to wear a fur coat for at least 4-5 years, then it is better to give preference to classic models with a standard cut and without unnecessary trinkets.

In any case, it is better to carefully plan the purchase of a mink fur coat and not rush to make a choice. Try on a few models, go home and sleep with the thoughts you like. And only then, having made a well-considered, deliberate choice, you will not regret an expensive purchase.

There is no need to neglect the general rules for using the product, because after all, a mink coat is an expensive purchase, and expensive things are often capricious and require careful maintenance. No need to wear a fur coat in the rain or wet snow. And do not forget about the correct storage of a mink coat.

It is recommended to store the fur coat in a dark, ventilated place, in a non-synthetic cover on a hanger. In order to avoid impregnation of the fur with unpleasant odors, it is not recommended to store the fur coat with foreign objects that have a specific smell. And it is advisable to put moth remedies next to the mink coat.

This video will show you how to choose a mink coat.

In contact with

Despite numerous protests from animal defenders, natural fur coats are still popular with Russian women, and no artificial fur can warm up in severe frosts, typical for most of the country. Buying a mink coat is a significant event that does not happen often, so the choice of this product from a valuable and expensive fur should be especially careful.

Before you go to the store

First of all, decide on how you will wear a fur coat, what you need it for. If this is a thing for every day, fur coats should be considered below the knee length, with a long sleeve that covers the thumb to the middle, and, preferably, with a hood, in which you will not be afraid of any frost. The undercoat of such a fur coat should be thick and dense, which will affect its weight, but will provide the necessary comfort in winter. For representative purposes or for driving a car, you can purchase a shortened fur coat or short fur coat, with ¾ sleeves, which will need to be worn with long gloves.

Since mink fur is quite expensive, there is always a danger that they will try to sell you a fake mink coat, impersonating a dyed rabbit, honorik or marmot. A specialist, of course, can easily distinguish a fake, but an inexperienced buyer can be deceived. In addition, the quality of fur and tailoring strongly depends on the country of origin, the bulk of these products on the market are from Italy and Greece, recently Chinese fur coats of good quality have appeared, but in this case it should be checked especially meticulously. Therefore, it is best to buy a mink coat not in the clothing market, but in a reputable salon or store specializing in the sale of fur products. In this case, you will receive guarantees that the fur is real, and the opportunity to return the fur coat in case of a defect.

Mink coat outside

At first glance, all the fur coats hanging on the hangers in the store will seem equally attractive to you. To recognize the quality of the fur, one should not look at the fur coat, but rather touch it and even slightly wrinkle it and pat it. To the touch, the fur of the mink should be dense, smooth, shiny and slightly prickly, unlike the fur of a rabbit or goat, for example. It should be voluminous and maintain this volume if you pressed the fur with your hand and then released it. Move your hand against the direction of the growth of the villi - they should not break or fall out. Scrub the fur with a piece of white damp cloth to make sure that there is no paint residue on it.

Shake the fur coat so that the villi lie flat. On its entire surface, the height of the fur cover should be the same, no bald spots, bumps, bald patches, the effect of "uneven haircut" - this happens when the fur of an animal is damaged as a result of clarifying relations with relatives living with it in the same cage. And, by the way, very often rusty spots from the cage rods remain on the fur, and you cannot remove them, incl. pay attention that the fur coat is dyed evenly. The length of the mink fur can be different - depending on the breed and sex, long-boned and short-boned ones are distinguished. The short-boned one will last longer, it will cost a little more.

Keep in mind that if you find any defects that will be invisible when worn, you are entitled to a discount

Mink coat inside

European manufacturers often leave the lining of a fur coat unstitched so that you can evaluate the dressing and quality of the flesh - the back of the mink skins. If the mink is unpainted, the skin should be light in color, ivory or cream, soft and supple to the touch. Shake the fur coat - there should be no dry, "thundering" sound. Each skin must have a seal confirming that it is a mink, the size of the pieces from which the expensive product is sewn should not be less than 15x15 cm.

There is a technology in which fragments of a fur fabric are not stitched together, but glued together, such a fur coat can literally creep away after two years of socks. Therefore, carefully inspect the seams, they should be thin, even and rolled, which makes them completely invisible in the product. Sometimes you can hear that a fur coat is sewn "in dissolution", which means that for a better fit, the skins are cut with a laser and then sewn together. In this case, a herringbone pattern will be visible on the flesh. Pieces of leather can be sewn between the pieces of fur; the smaller there are, the more expensive the fur coat.

A fur coat made of luxurious natural fur can add charm and elegance to a woman's look. However, when buying a mink coat, many run the risk of buying a cheap fake. It is important to know how to check the quality of a fur coat in order not to become a victim of deception.

Most often, inexperienced customers ask themselves how to check a mink coat for its authenticity, because many dream about this product. First of all, experts recommend paying attention to the quality of the fur itself, its appearance, color, length and density of the pile. If you buy a mink, there should be no light or dark spots on the skins, they should be monochromatic.

It is advisable to inspect the product in daylight, since special light is often used at exhibitions, on which the fur looks especially attractive. There should be no defects on the surface of the material - breaks, creases and bald spots. High-quality mink fur should shine beautifully, be uniform and evenly thick.

Proceeding from the fact that you will wear a fur coat, sit, ride in it in transport, the actual question is how it will behave during operation. Not sure how to check the quality of a mink coat regarding its wear?

Experts give one simple advice - try to pinch the product a little, if a pile remains on your hands, you shouldn't buy one.

How to check the quality of a mink fur coat: basic methods

You can understand the quality of mink skins during inspection of the leather tissue by assessing the condition of the inner part of the product. To do this, bona fide fur clothing manufacturers leave a small part of the hem unstitched. If the bottom of the fur coat is carefully sewn up, and there is no way to inspect the material inside, most likely poor quality skins were used. Such a product will not last 10 seasons, as is usually the case if all the conditions for dressing skins are met.

There are several more ways to check a mink coat when buying, so that the thing will serve its mistress for a long time. Check the quality of the seams, especially in the area of ​​the armholes and pockets, they should be as reliable and durable as possible. One of the main methods of how to check the quality of a mink coat when buying is the fitting of the product you like. It is imperative to evaluate the constructive qualities of outerwear, namely, how it will fit the figure of its potential mistress and whether it will be comfortable and comfortable in it. When trying on a fur coat, you need to sit down, raise, lower and cross your arms in it, you should not feel constraint in movements, only such outerwear can be replenished with yours.

Before buying, do not hesitate to sniff the fur of the outerwear, this is another effective way to check a mink fur coat. Experts say that the product should not emit harsh and unpleasant odors.

Some sellers may use perfume during pre-sale preparation, but this fact should be considered with caution.

The most common defects in the quality of fur

Every person who decides to allocate a considerable amount of money for the purchase of luxurious outerwear is looking for effective ways to check the quality of a mink fur coat so that it will last up to 10 seasons. When inspecting a fur fabric, special attention should be paid to its appearance.

The most common defects include:

1. The presence of traces of burnout and fading, wear of the fur, all this indicates the old age of the animal, the skins of which were used when sewing a fur coat. Even if the mink was young, the skins were not obtained during the catching season, but when the animal was subject to molting.

2. Furs stuck together. In the presence of such a defect, there is every reason to believe that the manufacturing and storage technologies of the fur coat were not followed. High-quality mink fur should have an attractive shine, smoothness and perfect evenness of the hairline.

3. Rusty spots on light fur are the result of keeping animals in metal cages. It will be impossible to get rid of rust.

Based on the fact that mink is one of the most expensive furs, cheaper materials are often given out under its guise. How to check the authenticity of a mink fur coat and not buy a cheap fake marmot or rabbit fur? Mink fur is characterized by a stiffer and thicker pile, and it is also longer than rabbit fur.

Learn more useful information will help the video on how to check a mink coat when buying:


How to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Mink fur makes you fall in love at first sight. Fashionistas pay attention to long models, choose shortened versions, buy short fur coats or vests, fur coats. Mink is popular and therefore the question often arises: how to define a mink coat, a high-quality, sturdy product?

Mink fur is very diverse. Not only because this fur-bearing animal is bred on special fur farms and breeders have achieved great success, creating different color variations of skins. In addition to using natural colors, the fur fabric is also dyed, while achieving a wide variety of color variations.

Mink products have established themselves in the fur market not only due to the ability to choose any color or shade you like, but also due to the fact that things made of such material, provided it is well made and specially processed, are worn for a very long time.

Manufacturers authoritatively declare that a fur coat will last at least ten years, and with elementary care, all 15. This fact also suggests that replenishing a wardrobe with such a good thing to wear is the right decision. But, only a product that is good in its consumer properties can serve for a long time. And here we again run into the question: "How to determine the quality of a mink coat?"

A fake or a good thing: how to identify a good quality mink coat

Despite the fact that mink fur cannot be called rare, the cost of products from this fur is quite decent. Because of this, a lot of traders appear on the market who want to pass off a mink of mediocre quality as a first-class thing, to sell a fake in exchange for an expensive product.

Some "sellers" go further, disguising the fur of "cheap" animals as high-quality furs. For example, they try to pass off a rabbit or a groundhog as a mink. Would you like to "buy" such a trick? Then here's a tip on how to check the quality of a mink coat:

  • in a long-eared animal (rabbit), the fur is much softer and it is felt well when touched, the mink will be much tougher;
  • mink wool will not prick, despite the fact that the fur "resists" when stroking, and has a certain natural rigidity;
  • the fur of the mink is even, of the same length, while the hairs of the marmot can be of different sizes;
  • the hairs should not bristle, stand "upright", they lie evenly and neatly.

There are enough hunters for quick money, and therefore, it is worth warning buyers and recommending to purchase fur coats only from trusted manufacturers, those who will give a 100% guarantee.

Trust but verify. Learning how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake

Not only can you "stumble" on a fake, which in general has never lay next to the mink, but you can just as well purchase a poor-quality item. And it seems that everything converges, and the fur matches all the descriptions (well, not a rabbit - for sure), but after a while the buyer starts to complain about the appearance of the product: bald spots appear, the fur coat begins to shed, lose hairs ... Now it becomes clear that the fur coat, though from mink, but from poorly dressed skins, poor quality raw materials.

You can also avoid this scenario. How to determine the quality of a mink coat? The fact is that in many cases a fake will be visible even to a non-professional. Already at the first glance at the product, its shortcomings can be noticeable. So, how to identify a real mink coat:

  • the product should be without visible bald spots, the fur fabric should be flat. Mink fur consists of underfur and guard hairs. The tail is longer than the underfur (however, there are some exceptions, for example, in the Blackglam mink, they are almost level);
  • high-quality things have a soft skin (bottom layer of skin), on which there should not be any prominent traces of paint;
  • the lining of the fur coat is never completely sewn (in the "right" ateliers), there is always a gap through which you can inspect the same flesh and evaluate the quality of the seams, and indeed, see what size and shape the skins themselves are;
  • the fur should be soft, but at the same time elastic, the villi, if stroked "against the grain", should not prick. They should not stick out, and after such stroking they should take their previous position;
  • pinch your fur coat! Yes Yes! Do not be afraid, just pinch. A lot of hairs should not remain in the hand, they remain on the product, and not on your fingers.

After such a thorough "inspection", you can evaluate your feelings. If the cherished winter clothes did not pierce through any of the listed "procedures", then you have a quality product in front of you.

It is difficult to say what else the “craftsmen” can invent for counterfeiting mink products. There can be a lot of tricks. And therefore it is better to trust the advice of specialists who have long established themselves in the market.

Based on the foregoing, you need to use several rules:

  • make purchases only from trusted suppliers;
  • remember that free cheese can only be in a mousetrap and any mink coat, even if it is sold at a discount or on sale, cannot cost a penny;
  • pay attention to the quality of the fur itself, to how the lining is made.