How to distinguish metal from platinum. Where can you find platinum nuggets? Compare platinum with silver

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How to dispense platinum - authentication and care

Platinum belongs to the category of precious, high quality metals. It is highly regarded by both jewelers and buyers. Its high cost is due to the high level of labor costs for its extraction. In this article, you will learn what platinum looks like, how to recognize platinum at home, how to check the authenticity of platinum, how to distinguish it from gold and silver.

The element has been known to mankind for a long time, it was used in ancient Egypt. Platinum was originally valued even below silver. In ancient times it was called white gold and was not considered a great jewel. Due to its physical properties, it was sometimes considered unfit for work.

Around the 18th century, scientists discovered its valuable physical properties and recognized it as an expensive and valuable metal. It gradually came to be used for modern needs. For example, for the manufacture of medical devices and instruments. Let's designate some of the physical properties of the metal. Ductile, refractory, malleable element, ρ = 21450 kg / m3, melting point - 1772 Cᵒ.

How to choose the right platinum

Platinum today is an expensive precious metal that is widely used in jewelry. It has external similarities with white gold and silver. Often times, silver can be passed off as platinum. Especially if you buy metal from your hands. It is advisable to make such purchases in trusted jewelry stores. But there, too, one should not lose one's vigilance. It is almost impossible to visually distinguish platinum from a fake, but there are some nuances that you should definitely pay attention to.

Due to the high cost of metal, jewelry made of it is rarely massive. Most likely, these are neat, miniature products. Also pay attention to the ability to heat up. Try to warm the jewelry in your palms for a few minutes. If it does not accept your body temperature, then you are dealing with an original.

Be sure to look at the presence of a sample (850, 900, 950, 999) and at the data indicated on the tag or in the so-called product passport. Do not under any circumstances agree to purchase jewelry without these attributes.

How to check the authenticity of platinum at home

Platinum has a pure white luster not found in any other metal. Even the highest purity silver will have a grayish tint.

Do you consider it necessary to distinguish platinum on your own? Here are some ways to check for platinum.

Ammonia or ammonia

Ammonia is easy to get at any pharmacy. The ammonia will not react with metal, unlike others, which remain dark spots. If no reaction happened, you are the lucky owner of a real jewel.


From contact with iodine, a dark spot will appear on the platinum. It can be easily removed immediately after the experiment. The darker the color of the spot, the higher the metal fineness.


Salt also comes to the rescue if you need to verify the authenticity of a piece. This experiment will take a little work. You will need:

  • can;
  • batteries;
  • salt solution with water.

Pour the solution into the jar and put the jewelry in it. The plus of the battery must be connected to the product, and the minus to the bank. In case of precipitation and turbidity of the liquid, you are dealing with a fake. If the water remains clear, everything is in order. If you smell chlorine, don't be alarmed. This is the result of a reaction. You have the original in your hands.


This method is the least effective, but it also has the right to life. Like other precious metals, platinum is not attracted by a magnet. This will protect you from rough counterfeiting, but it will not be possible to distinguish silver from platinum in this way.

How to distinguish platinum from other metals

From silver

Silver is most often given under the guise of an expensive metal. Here are a few criteria to look out for when choosing a platinum jewelry to help determine the authenticity of platinum.

  1. Tint. The original will always be lighter and whiter than silver. If your platinum jewelry has darkened over time, it is most likely silver.
  2. Silver is much lighter. Their weight is significantly different. Jewelry of the same size will always weigh differently.
  3. Density. This indicator for white metal is one of the highest among others, so it does not lend itself to almost any mechanical stress.
  4. Resistant to temperatures. Platinum is much more resistant to high temperatures. For example, if you bring her to an open fire, nothing will happen to her. Silver, on the other hand, heats up very quickly and takes on ambient temperature. You can check this even by holding the product under hot water for a few minutes.

How to tell platinum from white gold

Less often, white gold is given out under the guise of an expensive metal. An important difference, which unfortunately cannot be verified upon purchase, is that white gold is an alloy of several metals. Typically, these are nickel, palladium, silver and yellow gold itself.

In the case of white gold, one of the added elements can cause allergies. Platinum, unlike white gold, does not cause allergies.

Again, don't forget to make sure you have a sample. The fineness of platinum and white gold is different. For gold it is 500, 585, 750, and for white metal - 850, 900, 950.

Gold is easy to mechanical stress. It is easy to scratch or leave marks on. Platinum has a very high density, so this shouldn't happen to it.

The weight, as in the case of silver, is very different. Platinum is much heavier.

Although white gold has this name, it still has different shades. This is due to the presence of certain elements in the alloy. Platinum jewelry always has a noble white hue. The only shade very similar to the precious metal is the rhodium plating. It shines beautifully and also has a white undertone, which makes it almost impossible to visually distinguish it from its more expensive congener. However, over time, this coating begins to wear off and needs to be renewed.

Also, the difference lies in the cost. Premium metal products will never cost less than white gold.

From stainless steel

It is very difficult to distinguish a stainless steel. In the question of how to determine platinum, methods that work for other metals will not help. Pay attention to the price. Steel will be much cheaper. Steel will not be branded, while platinum jewelry always has it.

For the rest, it is possible to distinguish between stainless steel and platinum only in the laboratory by performing physical measurements.

Platinum as a catalyst

This expensive metal, in addition to jewelry, has a very wide range of applications in other areas. For example, in the technical field, it is used as a catalyst. With its help, nitric acid is produced. Platinum catalysts accelerate many chemical reactions due to which it is used in the production of sulfuric acid. In 1821, a chemist from Germany discovered the property of platinum catalysts to accelerate the process of converting wine alcohol into wine vinegar without exposure to high temperatures. At the same time, he noted that nothing happens to the metal itself. He also found that a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, when interacting with platinum black or platinum sponge, causes combustion. And due to the active release of heat, an explosion occurs. So, he invented the means for producing fire before matches were invented.

The world's first platinum catalyst was produced in the 60s of the last century by the UOP company. It was a dehydrogenation catalyst.

Platinum is also used as a catalyst in other industries. It:

  • The oil refining industry, where it is also used as a catalyst;
  • Electrotechnical sphere of production. It is used for the production of various sensors, electrical devices, contacts, devices where high accuracy is required;
  • Automotive industry. In this case, platinum is used as a catalyst;
  • Space industry. Manufactured fuel cell electrodes in spacecraft
  • Medicine. All surgical interventions are performed with platinum instruments; metal is also used in dentistry, cardiology, for the manufacture of prosthetic parts
  • Glass. High-quality optical devices are produced with the help of metal. They also produce fiberglass and equipment for the production of premium quality glass
  • Chemical devices.

How to get platinum from a catalyst

Many resourceful people, knowing the great value of the metal, know how to get platinum from a catalyst and use it. Platinum catalysts are most commonly found in the automotive industry. It is from such a catalyst that the precious metal is most often recovered. An auto component filled with ceramics or metal looks like a honeycomb, and its upper part is coated with a precious metal. It can be platinum, rhodium, or palladium. This is necessary in order to reduce the level of toxic substances emitted during vehicle operation.

Resourceful people, knowing about this sputtering, use auto catalysts to extract the noble metal. Two methods are used to extract the paid ones:

  • leaching;
  • "aqua regia"

The leaching method is used more often. For its implementation, you will need nitric and hydrochloric acids. Due to the fact that the auto catalyst is made of ceramics or aluminum, this complicates the leaching process, since ceramics or metal react with acids and oxidize. This results in the loss of some of the platinum. Therefore, this method requires several catalysts.

At the beginning, the catalyst is soaked in a hydrochloric acid solution. Then it is heated and oxidizing agents are applied when vapors appear.

What a platinum nugget looks like

This article focused on processed platinum, ready for use in various industries. The way natural platinum looks differs significantly from its processed look.

In nature, this metal occurs in the form of nuggets or natural metal. Most often, such nuggets are found in the form of placers or in primary deposits. Outwardly, they look like ordinary stones only of a metallic, silver color. Quite large deposits in Russia are located in the Urals. For the first time platinum was found there as an admixture to placer gold in 1819. When people did not know about the value of this metal, it was ignored and when other metals were mined, they were simply thrown away.

Platinum is the most expensive material for jewelry making today. The demand for such jewelry and the high cost of raw materials have led to the appearance on the market of unscrupulous sellers who want to enrich themselves at the expense of an uninformed population. How to determine platinum and not fall for the tricks of scammers? Everything is very simple. You just need to know some of the intricacies of metal verification for authenticity.

I learned about platinum back in the 18th century. The first deposit was discovered in Russia. This expensive precious metal is found in nature dozens of times less often than gold, which is why it was called the "queen of metals". Platinum has a high density index, excellent wear resistance and resistance to the corrosion process. The metal is heavier to the touch than other alloys. The ratio of the percentage of pure substance is 85-95%. Thus, it turns out that platinum products consist of almost pure metal. The impurities are iridium and osmium. Platinum products do not break, bend or fade over time. This is another plus to all the other advantages of white metal.

Despite the ancient discovery of platinum, it has become popular only in our time. These raw materials are used to make beautiful jewelry in the form of rings, earrings, chains, pendants and delicate necklaces. Only small-sized products are made, because massive items will turn out to be very expensive in cost, and not everyone can afford it. For example, a 5 gram ring will cost about 1500-2000 thousand dollars.

Under the guise of noble metal, they increasingly began to sell counterfeits from cheaper raw materials. There are ways to tell platinum from non-precious material at home.

Methods for checking platinum jewelry

Not every jewelry buyer is an expert in determining their authenticity. It remains only to rely on the decency of the seller and the popularity of the company. A test is usually put on jewelry, indicating the authenticity of the metal. Values ​​such as 850, 900, and 950 apply to platinum. The first two digits indicate the percentage of the precious metal in the alloy. But what to do if the sample has worn off over time, and the appearance of the ring or pendant is worn out and looks more like silver. Of course, you can give the product for an independent examination, but this is an extra waste of money and time. There are several other fail-safe ways to test for originality of platinum that are easy to handle on your own.

Physical methods

There are several physical methods that do not require special professional skills and sophisticated equipment:

  • you need to pay attention to the color of the product. Silver has a darker and duller hue, while platinum looks brighter and shinier. In addition, it does not darken and does not fade even during long-term storage;
  • weigh similar items of platinum and silver. If you pick up jewelry made of expensive metal, it will be much heavier than the same thing made of silver. If the decoration is too small and it is difficult to determine its weight, then you can use a pharmacy scale;
  • check for temperature changes. If you take a piece of platinum in your hands and hold it in the palm of your hand for a few minutes, then it will not heat up. This is due to the poor thermal conductivity of the material. If the jewelry is made of silver or other alloy, then after such manipulations, it will heat up;
  • "Check for a tooth". This method has been known for a long time. Platinum is so dense that its surface is difficult to damage. The product can even be scratched with something sharp and not a trace will remain on me. If it is silver, then the softness of its structure will leave traces of mechanical impact on it;
  • platinum is refractory and is not afraid of high temperatures. If you bring the product from it to an open fire, nothing will happen, the color will not change, there will be no trace. It will not even heat up, whereas a silver ring cannot be put on a finger.

Another way to test a platinum item is to do some calculations. You need to put the jewelry in a container with water and calculate the volume of the displaced liquid. The result obtained is divided by the weight of the product. For precious metal it will be equal to 21.45, for silver - 10.5.

Chemical methods

You can determine platinum at home using iodine. A drop of this reagent on metal will be dark. The darker it is, the higher the content of pure metal in the alloy. In addition, after wiping off the iodine, not a trace should remain on the jewelry.

Ammonia can also be used to test precious metals. Having entered into a reaction with this substance, the platinum will not react in any way, and the silver will immediately darken.

If there is hydrochloric and nitric acid in the house, then they are also used to determine the originality of platinum. The reagents are mixed in a 1: 3 ratio. This mixture will dissolve all metals, but not platinum.

Criteria for choosing platinum products when buying

Of course, no one will carry ammonia or, moreover, a mixture of acids when buying a platinum item. How can you verify that the seller offers an original piece of jewelry? It goes without saying that the first thing worth paying attention to is the stamp on the seamy side of the product. Every self-respecting manufacturer necessarily puts it on all jewelry.

You can test with a magnet. All noble metals are immune to its strength. However, this method does not guarantee 100% result, since silver will not be attracted either.

In the store, you can weigh a piece of gold in one palm, and put platinum on the other. What is heavier and turns out to be the desired metal. If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the originality of platinum, it is better to make a purchase in the presence of a specialist or someone who is at least theoretically grounded in the choice of such things.

Platinum is the most expensive precious metal, which is found in nature ten times less often than gold, which is why it was nicknamed the "queen of metals". Platinum has a high density index, incredible wear resistance and resistance to the corrosion process. The metal also has a great appearance, so the jewelry leaves no one indifferent. In addition, platinum products do not break, bend or fade over time. Many people who are interested in jewelry made from this metal are wondering how to determine platinum at home.

Natural Platinum Ingot

A little about metal

Platinum is a metal with a high hardness and density, so it is used in the jewelry industry in almost pure form, while the gold alloy can contain up to 63% of the ligature. Platinum is characterized by the following samples:

  • 850: the alloy is 85% precious metal and 15% master alloy;
  • 900: 90% precious metal and 10% master alloy;
  • 950: 95% precious metal and 5% master alloy.

Metals such as rhodium, palladium, iridium and silicon are added as ligatures to platinum. These metals do not add an uncharacteristic hue to platinum, but only emphasize its white-silver shine.

Checking platinum jewelry

When asked how to check platinum, it should be said that the check should start at a jewelry store. The purchase of platinum items must be approached with knowledge, since such jewelry is expensive, which is used by fraudsters trying to sell gold or silver to the buyer at the price of platinum. Therefore, you need to buy platinum jewelry only in large jewelry stores or salons that offer their products under well-known brands. Genuine platinum jewelery will never be sold by hand.

Platinum jewelry is not massive, primarily because this metal is very rare and expensive. Therefore, if the seller offers the buyer a massive ring (pendant, earrings) made of platinum, then this should alert.

You need to take a platinum jewelry in your hand for a few seconds and try to heat it. If the metal remains cold, it will be a sign of its authenticity, since platinum has a weak thermal conductivity.

At home, iodine can be used to verify the authenticity of platinum. Select a small area on the item to be tested and apply some iodine to it. If a dark spot appears on the platinum, this will indicate the authenticity of the metal. Important: iodine must be wiped off as soon as possible so that there is no dark spot left on the jewelry!

If you put a little ammonia on real platinum, then this substance will not harm the product. If the jewelry darkens from ammonia, this will indicate that it does not contain platinum. The most radical method of verifying the authenticity of platinum is the use of "aqua regia", consisting of nitric acid (1 part) and hydrochloric acid (3 parts). The test object should be placed in such a solution. Tsarskaya Vodka will not affect natural platinum in any way.

If there is a silver item at home, the size of which is similar to the parameters of the platinum jewelry being tested, then the weight of the two items can be compared. Also, for verification, you will need a high-precision scales (pharmaceutical). On them you need to weigh the jewelry in turn and compare their masses. Silver will be 2 times lighter than platinum. But if the items weigh the same, then this will indicate that they are both made of silver. In the same way, platinum can be distinguished from white gold, which is very similar to the "queen of metals".

You should also evaluate the appearance of the product. Platinum is characterized by a pure white luster, while silver (even high-grade silver) has a grayish tint, which is clearly defined when juxtaposed with two pieces of jewelry. Unlike silver, platinum does not tarnish or darken over time.

Platinum authentication methods used at home are not 100% reliable. Only an expert can accurately determine the authenticity of the metal.

Platinum is one of the precious metals. The first mentions of it are found in documents dated back to the 16th century. In Russia, the first deposit was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. This chemical element is considered rare and expensive. It happens that counterfeits from cheaper materials are sold under the guise of precious metal. There are ways to determine platinum at home.

Many products can now be ordered from online stores. These purchases are usually significantly less expensive and can be delivered directly to the customer's home. Jewelry is no exception. However, with this method of purchase, the risk of acquiring a fake increases. To reduce it, experts recommend buying expensive jewelry from jewelry stores.

Self-respecting companies sell jewelry with a special tag... It is made of thick cardboard. The tag must indicate the article of the product, sample, weight. Such a label is attached to the decoration with a thread with a metal seal, on which there is an imprint of the manufacturer. Some jewelry comes with special certificates, although this requirement is mandatory only for items with stones.

There will be a sample on a platinum product. Jewelry made of this metal can be rated at 850, 900, 950 or 999. The markings must be clear and easy to read.

If the numbers are not clearly stamped or do not meet the standards, there is a high probability of forgery. It is better to refuse such a purchase right away.

Next, you need to carefully examine the decoration itself. Genuine platinum items usually have a very high price tag and no less high quality. The best master jewelers work with such metal, so there are no flaws or visible defects on rings or chains. If the intended purchase looks like a hastily crafted product, it is most likely fake.

The size of the product is also of great importance. Real platinum jewelry is never big and bulky - the metal is too expensive for that, so the massive item offered at an unusually low price is a deliberate fake.

Physical methods

There are several methods available that do not require special professional knowledge and using complex equipment:

  1. It is worth paying attention to the color of the metal. Silver has a darker and duller hue, while platinum looks light and has a brighter sheen. In addition, it does not darken and does not fade, even after long-term storage.
  2. Compare the weight of the items. If you take platinum jewelry in your hands, it will be much heavier than the same thing made of silver. For comparison, you can hold in your hands rings or earrings of about the same size, made of these two elements. If the decoration is too small and it is not easy to determine the mass, you can use a pharmacy scale. Theoretically, a thing can be made of an alloy of silver with another metal with a higher density. However, such materials have a high cost, so it is simply pointless to produce such fakes.
  3. You can take the product in your hands and hold it in your clenched palm for about a minute. Platinum has a low thermal conductivity and will remain cold after this test. Products made from other metals will heat up much faster from the heat of human hands.
  4. For a long time known method - "check for a tooth". Platinum has such a high density that scratches or teeth marks cannot be left on it. Silver is a softer material; traces of any mechanical impact can remain on it.
  5. The density of a product can be determined by placing it in a container of water and calculating the volume of liquid displaced by it. This number must be divided by the mass of the decoration. For platinum, the resulting value should be 21.45. If the indicator is approximately 10.5, the item is made of silver.
  6. Platinum is refractory and is not afraid of high temperatures. It will not melt or change its color, even if you bring it to an open flame of a gas burner or lighter. A genuine piece of noble metal can even be put on a finger after such an experiment, but a silver ring will heat up and can cause a burn.

Chemical methods

If the authenticity of the jewelry is in doubt, it can be verified using chemicals... Due to their natural properties, all metals react in different ways.

The simplest reaction that is easy to carry out at home is the hydrogen sulfide test. To do this, you need to take a stale egg and put the product on it.

If the item is made of silver, the metal will react with hydrogen sulfide, which releases the egg and turns black. Platinum does not enter into such an interaction and its color will remain the same during this experience.

There are other ways to find out if platinum is genuine. using chemicals:

  1. Alcohol tincture of iodine can be dripped onto the surface of the platinum. In this case, the liquid will retain its dark color. The richer it is, the higher the sample of the test material.
  2. When interacting with liquid ammonia, most metals are covered with a black coating. Platinum in this sense is an exception. This feature can be used to determine the authenticity of the material.
  3. The way to distinguish platinum from other metals using aqua regia is unsafe and undesirable to use it at home. However, it does take place and allows in some cases to determine whether the purchased jewelry is actually made of platinum. The term "aqua regia" means a mixture of 3 parts of concentrated nitric acid and 1 part of sulfuric acid. Almost all metals dissolve in this composition, but it does not act on platinum. It should be noted that the solution must be taken cold. If a mixture of acids is heated, it can dissolve even platinum.

Other verification options

Almost all precious metals are immune to magnetism. This property can be used for testing. If a purchased item is attracted to a magnet, it is most likely made of steel. There will be no platinum in such jewelry, or it is contained in a minimal amount.

Another relatively simple experiment can be carried out to determine the authenticity of platinum at home. It is quite interesting and will allow you to check the real nature of the material from which the decoration is made. To carry it out you will need:

  • tin can;
  • concentrated sodium chloride solution;
  • battery.

Salt water is poured into the jar and the product is lowered. Then the supposed platinum is connected to the positive pole of the battery, and the wall of the tin container is connected to the negative pole. If the item being tested is indeed made of a noble metal, chlorine will start to evolve from the solution. It can be identified by its characteristic pungent odor. In this case, the liquid will remain transparent. If there is a counterfeit in the container, the solution will become cloudy and a sediment will fall on the bottom of the can.

The most reliable results can be obtained from an expert assessment who can distinguish platinum from silver. At home, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat the tests used by a specialist.

Eleanor Brick

The fear of being deceived plagues many people, and this fear is not unfounded. According to statistics, over the past 10 years, the extraction of precious metals has practically not increased, but the number of jewelry stores is growing at an incredible pace. Alas, even when buying jewelry in a jewelry store, there is a chance to run into a low-quality fake. Do you have doubts? The verification of the authenticity of precious metals is available not only to specialists, but also to each of us. To do this, there are many ways, the implementation of which is possible at home.

All that glitters is not gold

Only a jeweler who has at his disposal all the necessary analytical equipment can check a gold piece and issue a reliable conclusion on belonging to a noble metal. The Assay Office carries out a professional check. Examination of gold jewelry is not a cheap pleasure, the price of the service ranges from 10 to 20% of the estimated value of the product. counterfeit more and more often, and no one wants to waste money. By the way, the need to check gold for authenticity may arise not only in relation to jewelry, but also, for example, when buying ingots or nuggets.

Silver earrings with cubic zirkonia, SL; (price by link)

The most difficult type of counterfeit for self-determination of gold is a piece of jewelry, on which the thinnest layer of precious metal is applied. It is extremely difficult to determine the authenticity of such work at home without causing harm to the product.

The most common methods of counterfeiting gold items are:

  • surface gilding;
  • replacement with copper;
  • alloys of aluminum and other metals;
  • titanium and gold alloy.

Fake jewelry made from alloys, which are close to gold in color, leave spots with a green tint on the skin, especially when the ring is worn for a long time. The substitution of gold for less valuable metal alloys by others or similar sputtering can be determined using well-known methods.

The first step is to test gold by comparison. Surely you have a piece of jewelry, the authenticity of which you do not doubt. On a rigid object, draw a line with these two decorations. Gold items will leave the same mark, but if there are differences, this is a direct reason to doubt the quality.

Use a magnifying glass to peer at the mark, which should reflect the sample of gold. It should be clear and free from damage.

The cost of a gram of gold changes daily, however, you should rely on it when buying jewelry, even if they are not purchased in a store.

Gold ring with diamonds and citrines, SL; gold earrings with diamonds and citrines, SL; (price by link)

There is also an opinion that the sound helps to calculate the copy. Crystal ringing when hitting a hard surface emit gold items. A dull sound or any other sound is cause for concern.

Iodine test

Iodine is capable of changing the color of most components that are used to counterfeit precious metal, but at the same time, such a test is completely harmless for jewelry with a fineness above 500 (i.e., which contain more than 50 mass percent of gold).

A drop of a pharmacy alcoholic solution of iodine should be applied to a product that is in doubt, and after 10-15 seconds, remove its remnants with a napkin. If a trace of iodine remains, then this is not a gold product. Unaltered metal color may indicate authenticity.

Magnet test

Precious metals are not affected by the magnet. Steel products covered with a thin layer of gilding will instantly be attracted to the surface of the magnet; real gold jewelry will not react to the magnet.

Many manufacturers use designs of locks for chains and bracelets, which include a steel spring - in this case, the magnet will only attract the lock.

Indifference to a magnet is a prerequisite, but not sufficient. For example, most copper-tin alloys are non-magnetic. However, such products are much lighter: the difference in weight can be felt even without an analytical balance.

Vinegar check

A cheap fake will turn black with acetic acid. If you run into it with a breakdown above 500, then nothing will happen to it. This is another surefire method for recognizing authenticity. 3-5 minutes is enough to carry out the experiment.

By the tooth

You've probably seen in the films how the main characters tried the gold coin "by the teeth". This method is only suitable for high-grade gold (whiter than 900), which is relatively soft. On such gold, a trace of teeth will definitely remain, since its hardness is much lower than that of other metals.

Determination of the authenticity of gold using analytical instruments

Instant recognition of metal components at home is possible using a special device called a metal analyzer. The result is displayed on the screen for 2-3 seconds. To obtain it, you need to aim the device at the object under study. The analyzer is widely used by precious metal miners.

Gold earrings with diamonds and sapphires, SL; (price by link)

In order not to doubt the authenticity of gold jewelry, you should choose the right place of purchase. Jewelry salons and pawnshops are points of sale for real precious metal. Hand buying is always a risk.

Platinum Jewelery Authentication: Your Own Expert

Platinum is a precious metal used in jewelry making. The silver-white metal gained its fame back in the 18th century, but only in our time it has become widely used by jewelers. As a rule, only small jewelry is made from platinum, such as rings, earrings and chains. This is due to the high cost of the material.

With the spread of the Internet, it has become much easier to purchase jewelry. However, you will not have the opportunity to examine the product before purchasing, which means that you may be faced with a fake. Many people prefer not to risk buying jewelry in specialized stores, but in this case, you are not immune to counterfeiting. So how can you independently verify the authenticity of jewelry made of platinum?

Determination of the weight and density of the product

Platinum is a heavy metal whose weight is comparable only to iridium, osmium, rhenium and uranium. All other elements are lighter. In addition, in the production of jewelry, the specific gravity of platinum is from 85% to 95% in the total weight of the product. That is, jewelry is almost 100% composed of this noble metal. Items made of gold and silver, for example, contain a much lower weight of the precious metal.

The use of iridium, osmium and rhenium for the purpose of making jewelry heavier is impractical, since these elements have the same cost as platinum, moreover, they are rarely found in nature. Pick up a platinum ring and a similar-sized ring made from a different metal. A platinum piece will be heavier than a similar piece of jewelry made from a different alloy.

May 26 2016 at 12:42 pm PDT

If you have a suitable measuring vessel, you can measure the density of the item. To do this, you need to weigh the precious accessory, and then place it in a bowl of water and determine the volume of the displaced liquid in cubic centimeters. After that, the weight of the jewelry in grams should be divided by the value of the water displaced by it in cubic centimeters. The resulting value should be near the number 21.45. In this case, we can confidently assert that the platinum jewel is genuine.

Use of chemicals

  • Iodine. Take regular medical iodine and drip it onto the platinum item. The drop should have a dark color, only in this case it is possible to speak about the authenticity of the noble metal. The darker it is, the higher the quality of the decoration. No streaks should remain on the accessory. Also, no stains will remain from acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Ammonia. All precious metals, except platinum, react to the effect of this substance. Only it does not turn black and does not react with ammonia.
  • Nitric and hydrochloric acid. These chemicals should be mixed in a 1: 3 ratio to produce aqua regia. When heated, this mixture will slowly dissolve the platinum product. When cold, no change will occur.

How to tell platinum from silver

Silver is much cheaper than platinum, so some careless manufacturers sell silver items under the guise of an expensive noble metal. To distinguish a fake, the first thing to consider is the color of the jewel. Platinum is a lighter metal, while silver has a gray tint. In addition, due to the high cost of platinum, large items are not made from it. If you are offered a massive chain and at a bargain price, then most likely they are trying to deceive you by selling a silver accessory.

You can try both products per tooth. Nothing will remain on the platinum, while a slight trace will remain on the silver. This is because platinum has a higher density. In addition, these elements enter into chemical reactions in different ways, for example with hydrogen sulfide. At home, you can use a rotten egg, on which jewelry made of two metals should be put in turn. Silver will turn black when exposed to hydrogen sulfide, but nothing will happen to platinum.

Heating the product

Platinum is a refractory metal, so it cannot be melted with an ordinary lighter, stove flame or gas burner. Platinum jewelry will not change color even when heated. By the way, platinum has a rather low thermal conductivity, which means that a product made from it will heat up longer than, for example, from silver and gold, but it is very problematic to draw any conclusions based on this property.

Silver cufflinks, Okami; (price by link)

If you still have doubts about the authenticity of platinum jewelry, then the best option is to contact a professional. Then you will have no doubts and you will be sure that your jewelry is made of noble metal.

Silver Jewelry Self Verification

Silver is a noble metal, the properties of which were appreciated many centuries ago. Pure silver and alloys based on it are widely used in the manufacture of jewelry, dishes, cutlery, and instrument making.


The cost of silver is quite high, and, by the way, recently the prices for this metal on world exchanges are constantly growing. Not surprisingly, the number of forgeries and falsifications is also increasing. When buying silver items, first of all, you need to pay attention to the sample. It is quite difficult to forge it: only top-class specialists can make a cliche. On the surface of the product, the sample should be well readable, with even, clear outlines. The assay mark on Russian-made silver items has the form of a rectangle with a three-digit number imprinted inside it, showing the proportion of chemically pure silver in the item.

The amount of impurities determines the quality of the metal. The following samples are most common: 720, 750, 800, 875, 916, 925, 960. Sample 720 means that the jewelry alloy contains 72% silver, 750 - 75% and so on. From this dependence it follows that the higher the sample, the higher the cost of the product.

Alloys 750 and 800 contain a lot of copper and are therefore yellowish in appearance. They are usually used for making cutlery. Silver in this sample is susceptible to oxidation, so you will need to clean your spoons and forks quite often.

High-quality silver used for the production of jewelry has a fineness of 925 and above.

Silver ring with cubic zirkonia, SL; (price by link)


If there is no sample on an item passed off as silver, you can ask a jeweler for a definition, for example, take it to a pawnshop and ask for an estimate. In addition, there are many ways to check the authenticity of a thing yourself.

Express ways to determine the authenticity of silver at home

  • One of the surest ways is a magnet: silver should not be attracted. However, this test alone is not enough: a lot of alloys that imitate silver are also not magnetic.
  • To determine, use sulfuric ointment, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The product must be spread with a thick layer and left to lie down for a couple of hours. Genuine silver or an alloy with a high content of this precious metal will definitely turn black.
  • Iodine test. Under a drop of an alcoholic solution of iodine, silver also turns black, and the higher its quality, the stronger. But here you need to be careful, these manipulations can lead to damage to the thing, since it will be very difficult to remove the stain.
  • Silver-plated brass or copper is often passed off as silver. You can make a scratch in an inconspicuous place: if a reddish or reddish tint appears on the edges of the cut, this is a fake.
  • Silver bends quite easily, and after the cessation of exposure does not restore its shape (silver-plated medt and brass are weakly springy, since they have high elasticity).
  • Silver has a high thermal conductivity. An item immersed in hot water heats up instantly. It also quickly takes on the temperature of the human body.
  • Fake jewelry will leave dark streaks on your skin. This indicates the addition of significantly cheaper zinc. Jewelry made from such alloys is very fragile and often breaks.
  • Silver has a specific smell, people with a sensitive sense of smell can determine the authenticity of the product.

All these methods of checking are rather superficial and can be used only for preliminary assessment. Only an expert jeweler can guarantee that the product is made of silver, and not just silver-plated. To be sure of 100% authenticity, you will have to make a cut or carry out calculations with a specific gravity.

May 28 2016 at 8:30 PDT

Real silver darkens over time. But it takes years, and its shine can be easily restored. To do this, use a special cream or ammonia. The shine of low-quality products is gone forever.

Silver test

One of the most accurate methods for determining the authenticity of silver at home is the silver test, which can be purchased at specialized stores or online. Following simple instructions, with a high degree of probability, you can determine not only the authenticity of the product, but also the approximate sample.

There are electronic devices that can distinguish silver, gold, white gold, platinum. However, their cost is so high that the purchase for the purpose of a one-time determination of precious metals at home is not economically justified.


Counterfeiting precious metals is one of the most common fraudulent practices. The increase in the number of falsifications is explained by the high income of fraudsters and the difficulty of suppressing such activities. That is why the purchase must be taken seriously. Only specialized stores that work directly with manufacturers can guarantee the safety and quality of precious metal products.

November 19, 2014, 17:18