How to keep our skin moistened at home. Moisturized and elastic skin is no longer a dream, but reality

Without regular home moisturizing, the skin of the face becomes sensitive, prone to inflammation, it quickly fades and acquires an unsightly look. In addition to using masks and creams, there are other ways warning dry dryness.

Determine whether you have dry skin at home this way: if, when pressed, traces from the fingers do not immediately disappear, then the skin needs moisturizes.

And since moisturizing is included in the generally accepted basic care, information about the relevant means is useful for each woman.

Dry skin and cause of its occurrence

Dry skin is the result of the disorder of acid-alkaline balance, water and fat metabolism in the body.

If I ignore the problem, the skin will soon "thank" you with subtlety and deterioration of color, high sensitivity, premature appearance of wrinkles and early fading.

In the norm, the moisture must come both from the inside and outside. The hydration process ensures cells, supports their elasticity and youth.

7 reasons for dry epidermis

The main reasons for the appearance of dry skin:

  • Influence of weather conditions
    Frost, wind, sun rays, reduced air humidity - all this negatively affects the healthy condition of the face.
  • Other external factors
    Industrial soap, even the safest, contains substances that are dried by the epidermis.
    Another factor that does not depend on a person is water from the tap, often chlorinated and containing heavy substances.
    Polluted air is another source of negative impact, especially in large, industrial cities.
  • Wrong care
    This is actually a complete lack of care (nothing but daily washing) or, on the contrary, abuse masks, peels, alcohol lotions, etc., as well as the use of unsuitable hygienic agents.
  • Cosmetics
    Poor-quality or incorrectly selected, and sometimes not removed on time.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
    The dermis is sensitive to the internal problems of the body. Smoking, alcohol, insufficient consumption of pure water, nutrition with chronic disadvantage of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, stress, constant lack of sleep and other nuances of modern life are not rejuvenated.
  • Diseases of internal organs, genetics
    This is invariably manifested in the state of the epidermis.
  • Age-related changes
    With age due to hormonal changes, in particular, the lack of female sex hormones, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the adequate secret is slower. Already after forty years, during the menopause, many women notice the heightened dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.

How dry skin is developing

The protective layer is weakened

The level of moisturgenicity of the epidermis is regulated by two mechanisms: the state of its horn layer and the volume of the treated hauling secret.

The horny cells of the skin and fat released by sall glands form lipid layer. It protects the skin from moisture loss and from the negative impact of external factors, including pathogenic microorganisms.

By virtue of one of the above reasons, this barrier is broken.

Internal moisture is lost and attacks external environment

When the lipid film is weak, it does not fully perform its protective functions, as a result of which moisture evaporates quickly, and the skin itself becomes subject to regular inflammatory processes.

Signs of dryness appear

This is the peeling and the feeling of the grid, the formation of a grid of small, barely noticeable wrinkles, which, with the subsequent absence of moisturizing and continuous exposure to external factors, are quickly converted into deep grooves.

Usually the first wrinkles appear in the corners of the mouth and eyes and on the neck - the skin is the thinnest.

How to moisturize dry skin

Take preventive measures

If possible, exclude factors negatively affecting the state of the epidermisbut. Of course, in one day to change the mode of work and recreation, diet, etc. It is impossible.

But at least reduce the level of consumption of harmful meals and beverages, reconsider its cosmetics and be more physically active for each.

Correct cosmetics and leaving for skin moisturizing

Pay attention to Impartic tonic, vitamined and nutritious masks, creams with collagen content, hydrants (provide normal moisture level), glycerin, sorbitol, linolenic acid, and other high-quality moisturizing cosmetics.

Such a complex contributes to the restoration of natural epidermal protection.

For deep skin cleansing, give preference to moisturizing enzyme peeling. Its action is maximally delicate.

Make an individual comprehensive moisturizing program

If you trust the nature more than the Moltnyh injections and other beauty receptions, take everything under control.

Contact your cosmetologist and nutritionist and make an individual program., including tips for nutrition and skin care, taking into account your age, rhythm of life, degree of dehydration of the epidermis, etc. And, of course, adhere to all recommendations.

The cosmetology effect that has a strong internal base is more noticeable and long.

Rules for applying and using masks

Note! With incorrect application or unnecessary use, the mask can harm. This is especially true of the compositions with severe structure.

How to apply mask

  • Collect hair. Tie them in the tail, scam, hide under a bandage or golk.
  • Clean your face from day dust. Use milk or foam for washing with a neutral pH.
  • Place your skin over herbal decoction (for example, from chamomile) 20-30 minutes. Temperature should be comfortable, not burning. Or attach to the face of a hot towel.
  • Apply a mask with a cosmetic brush - firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, the composition applied in this way is evenly. If the healing mixture is thick - use a cosmetic wooden spatula. Zone around the eyes, lips, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland is worthwhile.
  • When the mask is on the face, accept the horizontal position and do not speak. Explanation Simple - If you go or sit, the composition of the mask is imperceptibly sliding and pulls the skin instead of feeding it. The result is suitable. It is considered perfect if you lie in a warm bathroom, throwing the head back. So additionally the steam effect works.
  • Do not forget to make an allergo test before using any new composition and do not experiment on the basis of rumors. Do not add anything superfluous so that you will probably get it, moisturize your skin, etc. Instead, you can scream allergies. Not all components are combined with each other, even if they are useful separately.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton sponge, moistened in warm water. Carefully flush the mixture until the face becomes completely clean. No aggressive and sharp movements.
  • Clean and apply cream suitable for your skin type.
  • After washing the mask, it continues to work in the deep layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is recommended to do not even talk at least an hour, avoid active facial expressions and not go out.

Frequency and rules for using homemade moisturizing masks

The frequency of use of a moisturizing face mask largely depends on the type of your skin:

  • for fat - 2 times a week
  • for dry - 3 times a week
  • for combined - every day: one day - dried, toning, the other - moisturizing
  • for normal enough one procedure per week

If you take into account age, then:

  • up to 25 years, it is recommended to apply a mask 2 times a week with any skin type.
  • after 30 - 2-3 times a week, depending on the availability of individual dermatological problems
  • after 40 - 3-4 times a week

As for the components, they must be fresh and environmentally friendly.

Another important point: do not make hasty conclusions about the recipe. Already after the first application, you will feel external and internal changes on the skin of the face, but at once the miracle will not happen.

Healthy moisturized skin is the result of regular and continuous care.

Recipes of moisturizing masks at home

Moisturizing Fat Leather Mask


  • Egg protein - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Protein beat before the formation of foam. Couple with fresh lemon juice. Apply one layer of the mixture and when it gets free - one more. Remove 20 minutes of water of the contrast temperature.

Belkovo-lemon composition moisturizes and whitens, narrows pores.

Moisturizing face mask with aloe


  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • Aloe juice - 1 tsp.
  • Flour - 1 tsp.


Aloe juice is useful when it is properly prepared. Cut a couple of lower leaves of the plant, wash them, dry, wrap with paper and put in the refrigerator for 8-12 days.

After this time, the darkened areas cut down, with the rest, clean the peel and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Several times strain it through gauze.

Juice can be stored in the refrigerator, in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid for 1 month.

For making masks, connect all components. Hold the mixture on the face of 20 minutes.

Mask moisturizes, nourishes and levels the complexion, gives the effect of the presence of a light matting basis.

Intensively moisturizing face mask


  • Fresh cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • Liquid vitamin A - 1 tsp.
  • Sour cream (natural yogurt) - 1 tbsp.


Stir the components, stand on the face of 15 minutes. This folk remedy gives an instant powerful moisturizing effect, acting as ambulance.

Moisturizing creams do it yourself

Homemade creams are stored in the refrigerator not more than 4-5 days.

Moisturizing cream with olive oil


  • Lanolin - 4 ppm
  • Bura (no more than 5%) - 0.5 C.L.
  • Glycerin - 0.5 ppm
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Bee wax - 4 ppm
  • Water - 2 tbsp.

Bura, Lanolin and Glycerin is sold at the pharmacy.


Mix the wax, olive oil and lanolin and warm the mixture on a water bath. Separately heat the water (at least 75 degrees), add the boor and glycerin. The borae must completely dissolve.

Then gradually (a few drops) add this mixture into a melted mass with wax. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula until it turns out a thick light cream.

The bee wax forms a thin protective film that contributes to the deduction of moisture.

Bura softens and blends the skin. It gives a thick consistency cream, and also serves as easy preservative. In combination with the glycerin, the drill dries the skin, but this effect is completely eliminated by the rest of the ingredients.

Moisturizing Cream with Avocado based on Bee Wax


  • Beeswax - 10 ml
  • Avocado oil - 12 ml
  • Wheat embryos oil - 2.5 ml
  • Glycerin - 2.5 ml
  • Pink Water - 60 ml
  • Gorky orange ester - 6 drops


Wax melt to a liquid state, constantly stirring it. Do not stop stirring the mass, add Lanolin to it and then the remaining ingredients.

This cream moisturizes and soothes the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin.

Moisturizing Cream with Jojoba Oil


  • Jojoba oil - 6 tbsp.
  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Vitamin E - 1 tbsp.
  • Bee wax - 2 tbsp.
  • Pink extract - 4 drops


Instruct in just boiling water vitamin E, jojoba oil and wax. Still the composition until the wax is completely dissolved.

Then cool the mixture, enter the pink extract and aloe. Mix thoroughly and break into a hermetic glass jar.

The effect of moisturizing after the use of this home cream is saved for a long time., peeling disappears, even very dry skin becomes gentle and velvety.

Moisturizing Cream with Cocoa Oil


  • Cocoa butter - 0,5 glasses
  • Sesame oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Orange extract - 2 tbsp.
  • Apricot extract - 2 tbsp.


Connect oils and warm them in a water bath until a liquid state is obtained. When the composition cools, add the rest of the components and mix well.

The cream is suitable for normal and young face skin.

Folk remedies for humidification

Washing milk

No wonder Cleopatra used milk as the main cosmetics.

Its active substances carefully care about health, cleanliness, smoothness, elasticity and a flat face, have a soothing effect, so even suitable for very sensitive skin.

Regular washing milk completely restores the protective functions of the epidermis.

Contraindications for use One - local inflammatory processes: acne, wounds, etc. In this case, the product may aggravate the problem.

Use natural milk for washing, spend 2-3 times a week procedure. Previously clean the skin from makeup or day fat and dust.

If your skin refers to a normal or fatty type, dilute the milk with warm water if the dry is dry - linden or chamomile influence. For ease of use, dairy makeup can be frozen and use ice cubes.

After washing, gently blocked the face with a soft towel and apply a nutrient cream.

Washing with acidic milk

Lactic acid acts softly, so suitable even for problem skin with eels and inflammation. This is a kind of home chemical peeling and simultaneous moisturizing.

As a result of daily washness, the skin texture is improved with acidic milk, its tone is aligned, the pores are revealed and cleaned, and collagen formation increases.

It is believed that the benefits brings milk, which does not lie in itself (this is putrid fermentation), and from the crusts of black bread lowered in it.

Cucumber and oatmeal mask

Moisturizes, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.


  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Oat flour


Clean the cucumber and disintegrate his flesh. Add oatmeal to the cucumber mass until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mixture on your face and stand 15 minutes. Rock water temperature and apply nutrient cream.

Carrot mask

Rejuvenates, tones, soothes, softens, heals the wounds, contributes to the development of collagen, brightens pigment stains, adjusts the level of moisture in cells.


  • Carrot juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Cream - 1 tsp.
  • Cottage cheese - 1 tsp.


Apply the composition on the purified face no more than 15 minutes. If you reap the mixture, you can get an unnatural skin shade.

Moisturizing mask with egg and honey

It feeds, moisturizes, whitens, relieves inflammation.


  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.


Beat the protein, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the composition with a dense layer, withstand 15 minutes. Wash out warm water.

Prevention of dehydration

  • Drink in the morning of 1 tbsp. Any vegetable oil.
  • Use the air humidifier in the room where are the most.
  • Take vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus, beer yeast, greens, seafood, egg yolks, liver, green apples are useful for skin.
  • Apply purchased or homemade moisturizers to the wet skin after the shower, then use the nutrient cream. Creating a protective film, you save the desired effect.
  • Do not use moisturizing tools before coming to the frost.
  • Clean the face from makeup with milk or micellar water, since the flowing chlorinated negatively affects the state of the epidermis.
  • Use for water filters.
  • Drink at least 1.5 -2 liter of pure water per day.

Elastic moisturized leather in youth - this is the norm. In maturity, this is the result of systematic efforts that should be made for the sake of preserving their own youth and beauty.

Video about how to moisten the skin of the face at home

Make your skin more beautiful and moisturized can be independently at home. The main thing is not to be lazy, then the result will certainly please you. We have prepared for you video with excellent advice that you need to do at home to improve the skin condition.

Many of us periodically test the feelings of the depression on the face. This is a sign that the skin does not have enough water or he loses her a lot. Dehydration can threaten all (dry, normal, fat, combined) types of epidermis, although the dry skin is most often suffering. In addition to discomfort, dryness leads to an irritation, peeling, dim color face and early wriggles.

Why the skin is dehydrated

The reasons why there is not enough moisture, a lot. But revise the most common:

  • incorrect care (frequent use of soap, scrub, alcohol lotions leads to the fact that the lipid layer is "washed", which holds moisture);
  • insufficient (or incorrect) water consumption;
  • washing hot water;
  • dry air indoors;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • long stay on the scorching sun, frost or wind;
  • smoking;
  • the effects of diuretic or laxatives;
  • age changes;
  • stress.

The video tells how to moisten the skin of the face at home:

It happens that the reasons are not always possible to eliminate or quickly. But the skin you need to help! And then the cosmetics, homemade masks, etc. go to the move and here it is important to choose them correctly.

Choose moisturizing agents by skin type

Usually, the complex for permanent skin care includes:

  • cleansing;
  • tonic or lotions (you can read what you need a facial tonic, also read,);
  • night and day creams;

All of them must be moisturizing and for a certain skin type!

Young leather full of forces, dehydrated it rarely. It will quickly help the production of the class "Mass Market". You just need to choose and purchase a moisturizing complex. Decorative cosmetics also need to be selected with moisturizing components.

The composition of moisturizing creams for the combined type includes dimethicone, cyclomethicone, mineral oils. They hold down moisture in the skin for a long time and soften it. In the composition of excellent means for dry and sensitive skin can be fat, beeswax, vegetable juices. But the water in them may be absent.

The video tells how to moisten the skin of the face instead of cream:

For a fatty type, it is better to choose light emulsions, gels with dimethicon. This silicone forms a thin film on the face surface. It prevents the evaporation of moisture, but the skin breathes at the same time.

If you use Dimethicon funds, pay special attention to the subsequent quality cleansing. The substance is removed by special cosmetic compositions, grease-containing lotions.

Add to constant care should add additional:

  • moisturizing masksYou can buy them or cook at home. Well, if there are natural vegetable humidifiers in the funds, such as juice or cucumber extract, scarlet faith. Oils (linen, olive, sea buckthorn, sesame, wheat sprouts, jojoba, almond) are also saturated with the skin with vitamins and prevent dehydration. For example, they speak of its effectiveness. According to the link you will find more;
  • moisturizing serum or ampull cosmetics. This is the express assistance to highly dehydrated skin.

Pay attention to the composition, date of release, term and storage method, packaging integrity! If you care for yourself, resorting to the services of cosmetologists, then be sure to ask the Council from your master, which means you need to use.

The video describes how to moisturize the fatty skin:

Choose good cream

Skin lack moisture? Change cream! Its composition should be acid that keeps moisture in cells. The most popular and efficient acids are hyaluronic, dairy, glycolic. Described Libriderm face cream with hyaluronic acid. Another substance of the same action is chitosan. It is obtained from crustacean shell. Also, like hyaluronic acid, chitosan holds moisture. In the same property, only the milk proteins, silk proteins, amino acids possess.

On video - moisturizing cream for problem skin face:

Apply oil

Beautiful leather humidifier - olive oil. It can be found as part of many cosmetics. This is a popular ingredient in domestic masks. The easiest way to use is: to heat the oil and warm the disc on the face and the neckline area. After half an hour, the remnants flush the napkin. If the skin is combined, then you need to apply on dry areas.

Olive oil is a good assistant when peeling. It is necessary to lubricate the peeling places several times a day. It is suitable for zone around the eyes: moisturizes, fit and smolden wrinkles. Oil must be applied and a couple of minutes gently drive the pads with a finger.

On video - Homemade moisturizing face skin masks:

Apply aromatherapy! Essentials add to basic oils.The most suitable basic oils:

  1. Avocado. It has vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, fatty acids, lecithin, minerals.
  2. Apricot. Contains unsaturated fats (oleic and linoleic acids), easily absorbed, does not leave the fatty gloss.
  3. Sesnoy. Contains oleic and linoleic acid, Vitamin E.
  4. Soy. Ornate antioxidants. Suitable for sensitive skin.

With dehydration of the skin, essential oils will help: Neroli, geranium, lavender, sandalwood, calendula, ylang-yulang, myrta, jasmine, sage, and others. A few drops of you like add to the base and apply on the skin.

Essential oils - substances are very concentrated, they cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form, only with base oil or adding to cream!

other methods

Excellent moisturizers:

Moisturizing in the winter

In winter, the skin of many becomes land. To avoid this, you should consider several recommendations:

  1. Pay special attention to face skin care. Moisturizing creams use in the evening, and nutritious - in the morning. Conducting water to apply half an hour before exiting the house! Peeling is mandatory. But to make it enough once a week, and in some cases even every two weeks. Scraver pick up soft, gentle. But the number of moisturizing masks can be increased (two or four times a week).
  2. The protective cream from the frost is mandatory in winter before entering the street.
  3. Use sunscreen!
  4. Take care of the humidification of the air indoors! With long stay in rooms with dry air, use moisturizing sprays every two hours.
  5. Drink enough water!
  6. Review your diet. Power must be balanced. Add products rich in vitamins A and E! Well when dry skin helps fish oil, it can be purchased in capsules and drink a course. Linen oil (1 tbsp. A spoon per day) also fill the lack of these vitamins.

On video - moisturizing agents for skin:

So that the skin always remains elastic and smooth, ensure its moisture in sufficient quantities. Methods suitable each finds for themselves. For a good result, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons for dehydration. And the dry skin will win the complex: balanced nutrition, water mode, correct care.

In any season, the skin needs nutrition, purification and moisture. Heat, wind, frost - all this affects skin cover, dries it, dehydrates. To maintain the necessary moisture in and skin cells, it is necessary to care for the epidermis, consume a lot of water, consume products containing the necessary vitamins and trace elements. For skin moisturizing, you can use lotions, creams, masks, decoctions, pieces.

Moisturizing skin cream

There are quite a lot of money on the cosmetic market in the market with a mark "Moisturizing". So it is or not, it is necessary to watch what is part of this fund. It is best if there are natural oils, hyaluronic acid, vegetable extracts, vitamins.

Among the most famous and efficient, you can allocate the top ten of the best:

Creams that will perfectly moist your skin, you can do at home, having very little ingredients at hand.

  • Oil cream - a pair of beeswax spoons, 6 large bowls of jojoba oil, spoon of liquid vitamin E, aloe juice spoon, a pair of pink water spoons, rose oil and oil and oil of 5 droplets. To start in the water bath, warm the bees in the water, the oil of a minor and vitamin E. When the wax is mocked and the mixture is mixed, remove the mass from the fire and cool. With the help of a blender, beat the pink water and aloe juice, gradually adding essential oils.
  • Cucumber - Spoon of bee wax, medium cucumber, 3 large almond oil spoons, chamomile decoction. Oslo and Vosk rolling on a bath. After that, pour a pair of decoction of the beam (you can take boiled water). Cucumber shake on a shallow grater and add to the mixture. Tomber mass on low fire for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Body cream - 120 ml pink, 4 spoons of bee wax, 12 capsules vitamin E, 120 ml of almond oil, pair of wheat germ oil spoons, 15 droplets of essential oils (on your choice). Almond oil and wax melt on a water bath, then gently introduce pink water, stirring to a homogeneous state. After the mass be cooled into it, it is necessary to pour the essential oil and Vitaine E. Everything is vigorously first and shifted into the jar.

Moisturizing skin components

By purchasing a cream or other moisturizer in the store, it is necessary to carefully examine the composition of this product. There must be included:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • chitosan;
  • urea;
  • pyrrolidoncarbonova acid;
  • silk and dairy proteins;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sorbitol;
  • plant extracts;
  • natural and essential oils;
  • vitamins.

Hyaluronic acid keeps moisture in the skin, creating a film that does not allow moisture to leave the skin cells. Chitosan according to properties is similar to hyaluronic acid. Milk proteins and amino acids turn moisture into the gel, which does not give it to leave the body. Sorbitol is a soft humidifier, forms a film that does not damaging skin and holding moisture. Funds in which there is dimethykon are perfect for any skin, even for the most.

Vitamins Moisturizing Skin

Everyone is well known that vitamins are necessary not only for the health of the body, but also for beauty. They are perfectly affected by the skin, without giving her to grow old and becomes sluggish and dry. If the body lacks vitamins, then the skin begins to gradually collapse. Vitamins can be consumed both internally and externally. For example, vitamin A is best to eat externally. It contains a lot in various products. But if you decide to sit on the diet, then its amount decreases dramatically, so it can be used externally. Vitamina is most often added to a variety of wrinkle creams. In solution, it can be used to moisturize the skin, treating acne, dermatitis.

Vitamin B2 - he advises to take the body inside. It greatly improves the appearance of the epidermis, cover and nails. It contains this vitamin in fish, cheese, milk, greenery.

Vitamin C - can be consumed inside and outside. Vitamin helps in the production of elastin and collagen, nutrition and moisturizing epidermis. Contained in any citrus and vegetables yellow, green.

Vitamin E also perfectly affects skin. You can take outwardly and inside. It is contained in vegetable oils, nuts, sea fish.

Other vitamins of group B are consumed externally. B5 (Panthenol) and B3 (Nazin) as part of a variety of means perfectly moisturize the epidermis.

Products Moisturizing Skin

Many diverse products may well improve the condition of the skin and moisturize it.

Vegetables and fruits of orange color (mango, carrots,) - they contain useful vitamin A. The avocado contains vitamins C and E, monionenaturated Fats supporting moisture level in skin cells.

Eggs (boiled) - protein, sulfur, lutein, group vitamins V. The greenery of a dark green shade should also be included in the diet (it contains water, omega-4 fatty acids, iron and folic acid). You can also add asparagus and garlic to your diet.

Poultry meat (the best turkey), Olive oil, too, perfectly appreciate the body and skin cells with the necessary moisture. Do not forget that simple water is the most important source of fluid in the human body. It is necessary to drink at least a pair of liters of pure water, preferably melt.

Soap moisturizing skin

Soap exists for cleansing skin face, hands, body, legs. I want it not only cleaned, but feed and moistened to the skin. On the shelves in stores there are many different types of soap, just below you can familiarize yourself with the list of brands that are not dried, and really moisturize the epidermis:

  • DOVE;
  • Palmolive;
  • Duru;
  • Himalaya Herbals;
  • Vatika Dermoviva;
  • Organic People;
  • baby Soap Gohnson's Baby.

Many are fond of doing. There are posses in it - you know perfectly from what it is made and what properties in yourself carries. Honey, dry milk, essential and natural oils (olives, peach, avocado, jojoba, castor, oatmeal are added to moisture into the soap base.

The recipe for the moisturizing soap is 100 g of natural soap (you can children, without dyes, additives), 150 g of dry milk, a bowl of coconut oil, a pair of oat flakes. Slice of soap rubbing on the grater. Ground soap melt in a water bath (it is impossible to boil it), after which it is in soap to fall asleep milk, constantly stirring. When the mass becomes homogeneous to pour oatmeal, coconut oil. When the oil messes the mixture to pour on jars or molds. When the mixture freezes, you can pull out and use. Store in the refrigerator no more couples weeks. You can also add essential oils to soap, or aloe vera, to improve the effect.

Oil moisturizing skin

For nutrition and moistening, the epidermis are also ideally suitable for natural and they contain a huge number of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body. Olive oil is considered the best humidifier. It is best moisturizing the skin. It is added to various creams, lotions, shampoos. Also olive oil is perfect for dry and sensitive. It is possible to use it in its pure form, or adding to your favorite cream.

In the second place of moisturizing oils stands almond oil. There are many vitamins of group B, vitamin E, A, F. Vitamin A moisturizes, vitamin E feeds, slows down, vitamin F adjusts the work of the sebaceous glands. Almond oil is used in creams.

Coconut oil is quite universal. Suitable absolutely for any skin. Perfectly drinks, moisturizes, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory property. It is used in pure form or in tandem with other oils, you can also add to the mask, cream.

Mink oil () - in composition similar to human fabrics. Perfectly absorbed, softens and moisturizes the epidermis. Often used for the manufacture of creams.

Sesame oil - as part of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins of group B, proteins. Perfectly cleans, rejuvenates and moisturizes.

  1. Carrot mask - mix a spoon of carrots, a spoon of oily cream, yolk. The resulting mass is smeared on the face by a quarter of an hour. Wash warm water.
  2. Medovo-egg - beat a couple of proteins, add a half of olive oil spoons and 40 g of honey. After that, fall asleep a couple of spoons of oat flakes. Keep your face for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Oatmeal - oatmeal to cook on milk, cool. Mix a couple of porridge spoons with a spoonful of honey. Hold 20-25 minutes.
  4. - The skin must be cleaned. Take gauze napkins, moisten them in a sea buckthorn juice. Slightly squeeze and wipe the skin of the face. After 25 minutes, wash warm water.
  5. Curd - mix a spoon of honey and a couple of fat spoons (you can add a little cream). A mask hold on the face of 20 minutes (for freshness of the skin you can add carrot juice).
  6. Clay - any breed of warm milk (Romashkovoy decoction, water). You can add vitamins A and E, essential oils for greater efficiency. To keep for at least 20 minutes.

To maintain the youth and health of our skin, it is vital to maintaining the normal level of moisture. The humidification of the skin of the face is the very first and most important stage in the care of the health of the epidermis. Regular moisturizing is required by anyone in any type. Over time, with a lack of moisture, small wrinkles appear, rashes and other unpleasant problems. Visiting beauty salons will certainly contribute to both the deliverance from dehydration and a decrease in the budget. But, how to moisturize the skin of the face and at home and is it possible to do it yourself? The answer to this question will be positive, let's try to figure out together.

Proper nutrition for skin moisturizing

A fairly common cause of skin dehydration is a faction of the sebaceous glands. Eliminate this negative phenomenon can be diet. To eliminate problems and errors in nutrition, first of all, it is necessary to establish fluid flow. During the day, it is necessary to consume from one and a half liters of pure water (necessarily non-carbonated). If you replace the water of tea, it will not be considered clean water. Tea is the food, but you can sometimes replace the herbal decoction. For example: Robber blax contains a huge number of vitamins and will be useful to the body as a whole, including the skin of the face.

The next step will be balancing the power supply. In order to moisturize the skin, in its diet, it is necessary to include products with the content of the following vitamins: F, D, C, E, A. It is these vitamins that are responsible for the radiance and a healthy face of the face. Nutritionists are recommended for bringing the sebaceous glands to normal, consult the following products:

  • tomatoes;
  • milk products;
  • carrot;
  • beef liver;
  • green salad.
Correcting its food, you can go outside procedures for humidifying the skin of the face. Listen to the Soviets, how to properly carry out face care, as well as how to use the skin for humidification at home.

Care for porched skin at home

You need to start with cleansing. Many of women are deeply mistaken believing that it is enough to wash every day with water with soap to maintain a normal skin condition. This method of purification is not suitable for each type of face. If you have a very dry skin from nature, it is better to use soft tools as: foam, milk for washing and others. If you are accustomed to washing soap, then choose softer species designed for cleansing the face. To remove makeup, the same means are used as well as various tonic, but not containing alcohol. Alcohol contributes to the dehydration of the epidermis. Therefore, when choosing a liquid for cleansing and removing makeup, read the instructions carefully.

For washing, use cool or room temperature water. It is impossible to wash the skin with hot water. With hot water, you are injured by the cells of the epidermis, expanding the pores, while violates the normal operation of the sebaceous glands. For the correct washness of the face it is better to make herbal decoctions. They contain nutrients and perfectly moisturized the skin. Infusions that are used for washing, manufactured from parsley, calendula, chamomile, Melissa. For their cooking you need to boil the grass in boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Cool the decoction and can be used, and you can use it two days if you store in the refrigerator.

In order to properly worked the cells of the epidermis, the skin massage is considerable. For example: Hydromassage can be performed every week. It is done as follows: Alternately, score cold and hot water in the palm of the palm and slightly pat face. Massage perform from 1st to 3 minutes. If there is a desire, then learn the face massage technique, for example, Shiatsu. At home required no less than two times in 7 days to moisturize the skin of the face.

Than moisturize the skin of the face at home

It is possible to moisturize the skin of the face at home, applying folk recipes.

Moisturizing masks

Curd. For making masks will need: linseed oil - dessert spoon; Soft cottage cheese - tablespoon. Mix the ingredients and spill efficiently. Clean the face and apply a mask. After 1/4 hours, remove the mask (you can napkin) and rinse the skin thoroughly with indoor water.

Sealess mask. It requires sea buckthorn juice. Take a cotton swab, silent it in advance in juice, apply abundantly on the skin. Hold the mask on the face up to 25 minutes and wash down the cool water.

Oatmeal. Take oatmeal (tablespoon), ask for it and sneak with one cheese egg yolk. Add olive oil into the mixture to get a more liquid consistency, and mix thoroughly. Mask impose on the skin of the face and let her absorb her for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Lotions and tonic for moisturizing

At home, it is possible to moisturize the skin of the face with the help of special lotions and tonic, there are several effective recipes below.

Lotion on herbs. For his preparation you need 3 herbs: Yarrow, Hop and Melis. Take each herb on 1 teaspoon. Pour the mixture of 200ml boiling water putting on the stove, bring to a boil. Lotion insist to 5 hours. Colding it, put in the refrigerator. This makeup face wipe 2 times a day.

Tonic with glycerin. It requires several strawberry berries that need to be confused to get puree. Strawberry puree pour a third piece of glass of boiling water. Add glycerin to the mixture - 1. spoon. Mass mix thoroughly and cool. The resulting tonic twice a day moisturize the skin of the face.

Honey lotion. For cooking it is necessary to take the flowers of the linden (art. Spoon) and brew 200ml boiling water. The resulting solution is required for 60 minutes to insist. Infusion to strain, and it is also necessary to add honey (art. Spoon). Mix thoroughly.

Compresses for humidifying skin

Vegetable compress. For its preparation, it is necessary to combine freshly squeezed watermelon juice or cucumber with carrot juice. You can use several vegetables at once. In the resulting juice, moisten a tissue napkin and cover her face. Hold it up to 15 minutes, and then breathe water.

Compress made from brazing herbs. Take an equal proportion of 1: 1 three herbs: Melissa, chamomile and mother - and - stepmother. Make a mixture thoroughly mixing them. Boil 2 tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water, cover it and leave cool. Fabric napkin, moistened in a decoction, impose on the face. Hold 1/3 hours and washed with water.

Funds that you cook at home is several times more useful for your skin than creams and industrial production masks. You will definitely notice the stunning results after their use within 2-4 weeks.

Neither acne, the face does not glitter and is not inflamed. Unfortunately, natural beauty is difficult to preserve, and the impact of numerous external factors on the skin leads to unpleasant consequences. As you grow up, the girl marks the appearance of peeling on the face, in frosty weather the skin bluses, and the unnatural color is saved for several days! Everything is added to the feeling of depth, no matter when it was last washing. In general, a pleasant little and all this means that the skin of the face lost moisture, you will have to take therapeutic measures.

Note: You need to be able to distinguish dry skin from. In the first case, the skin will be thin and tender, in adolescence, she does not cause any problems to the girl. The dehydrated can be the skin of any type, even fat, if it was actively treated with a special "drying" cosmetics.

How to check your fat skin? Everything is simple:

  • wash warm water;
  • get into the face and wait for it to complete drying without the use of a hair dryer;
  • after two hours, put a napkin to the face and click on it slightly.

And now the results:

  • if there are no fat spots on the napkin, then the skin of the face has a dry type;
  • if fat spots in the forehead or nose area are clearly visible on the napkin, then the skin will be combined or fatty.

One nuance should be taken into account: all signs of dry skin may be present, and the test will show that it is fatty or combined type. In this case, we are talking about cutting the skin ,.

Causes of dry skin

The condition under consideration of the skin is not a disease, you just need to learn to care for the face . First of all, it is necessary to understand that it provokes the appearance of dryness:

In addition, some dermatological diseases affect the condition of the face of the face - for example. But in this case we are talking about the disease, so the question of the restoration of the health of the skin should be solved only in a tandem with a beautician, a dermatologist and an endocrineologist.

How to moisturize dry skin

So, it was precisely identified that there is a dry skin of the face - what to do now? Cosmetologists assure that before seeking help in specialized clinics, it is worth learn to carefully care for the face and competently pick up cosmetics.

Permanent moisturizing

To ensure the external moisturizing of dry skin of the face, it is necessary to use the means, which contain, chitosan or collagen. These substances do not penetrate deep into the skin, but are able to create a protective film on the surface, which prevents evaporation of moisture.

Conservation of structure

The natural protective layer of the epidermis is available at each woman, just sometimes it loses its structure and its functionality is reduced. In order to prevent the destruction of the structure of the protective layer, you need to use caring remedies, which contains provitamin B, glycerin, various sucrose, urea and / or amino acids.

Restoring lipid layer

If the girl / woman is feeling the feeling of the skin of the face a few minutes after applying the layer of the moisturizing cream on it, then this means that the lipid layer is destroyed. To restore it, uses with essential oils, linoleic acid and phospholipids.

Note: Some means from the caring series in their composition contain several above substances. And in this case, cream or gel will have a combined effect - for example, create a protective barrier and restore a lipid layer.

Daily care for dry skin

  1. Purification of the face. For this procedure, it is necessary to use only milk or cream, even cosmetic foam can enhance the feeling of tightness. An excellent option will be the use of gels with natural oils, bisabol or algae to purify the skin of the face. It is extremely important to purify the face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening!
  2. Using Tonic or Lotion. On dry skin of the face you need to apply tonic or lotion without alcohol. Such tools are capable of restoring the pH level (it is always broken after washing the face). Tonic and lotion prepare the skin of the face to the "reception" of the moisturizing cream.
  3. Regeneration / Food. Active nutrition is achieved by a more dense application of a night cream, and it is worth a preference to a semi-synthetic agent tools. There are good funds on a fatty basis, but it is better to abandon them, or it is extremely rare - such a "heavy" basis has a destructive effect on gentle skin. The night cream is applied to the pre-cleaned skin of the face with a thick layer, and after 20 minutes, the remnants of the cream (if any) are removed.
  4. Cleansing deep layers. This procedure is performed once a week, it is designed to exfoliate the dead skin scales. With dry skin, it is necessary to use fruit acid masks for deep purification, but it is categorically impossible to use substances with salicylic or glycolic acid in the composition.

Note: With dry skin, it is impossible to use cosmetics that has a drying effect. If, after using a lotion, tonic or cream, a feeling of skin struts appeared, then from such a means you need to immediately refuse.

Maxi for dry skin skin at home

Buy efficient and safe treatments for dry skin are quite problematic - according to good, you need to have a special formation, which will allow to understand the composition of each product and evaluate its efficiency / security. Alternative can be home Maxi for popular recipes.


In a blender, you need to mix in equal amounts to the flesh and, it would be nice to add a small piece of meakty but this is completely optional. For pre-purified face skin, you need to apply the resulting mass and withstand 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizing cream is applied to the face.

Egg yolk

You need to mix 1 teaspoon of dairy powder in ceramic or glassware (sold in specialized cosmetic stores), 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting paste is applied to the face, withstand 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Note: When washing after applying masks, it is impossible to use soap or gel / lotion.

Fresh cucumber

Take the pulp of cucumber and apply a crap on the face cleaned skin, leave half an hour and then wash off with warm water. If you do this procedure every day for a week, the result will be immediately noticeable - the skin will be moisturized, the feeling of pullouts will disappear.

Honey and pink water

To return the tone of the skin of the face, give her healthy nutrition, you need to apply a mask on it, cooked from a teaspoon and the same amount of pink water. This mask is considered the most effective precisely for the care of dry skin.


In these fruits, fruits contain a large number of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. You can smash the flesh of the banana to the cassea and apply to the skin of the face. Such a mask should be withstanding 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. But even regular wiping of the shell of a banana (inner part) of dry sections of the face and neck will save them from peeling and redness.

Cottage cheese

This fermented milk product has anti-inflammatory abilities, so it can be used to care for dry skin. It can be applied to the face "Clean", and you can add 3-5 drops of lemon juice to it or a tea spoon of honey. The mask need to withstand on the face of 10 minutes, then flush with warm water.

In addition, to restore the skin of the face, get rid of peeling and redness, almonds, olive and coconut oil will help. They can be mixed and apply to the skin of the face and neck, simultaneously making a light massage. Usually this procedure is carried out before taking a bath.

Dry skin of the face can be a real problem for a woman - constant peeling, periodic redness, the feeling of tightness is unlikely to add beauty and feelings of confidence. In addition, dry skin of the face can challenge the lady and the early appearance of wrinkles. To avoid such phenomena, you should simply learn how to proper face care and use effective and secure funds.