How to choose a female ski suit for skiing. From boots to hats: a selection of skiing clothing. Ski suits prices

Such a snowy, such a dazzlingly beautiful winter! What winter fun can be more exciting than skiing? But for such a rest, you need the appropriate equipment.

A ski suit is not only a comfortable, warm and beautiful thing, but also, of course, technological. Modern ski suits are developed in laboratories and go through many stages of testing. However, not every ordinary mortal will understand all the fancy characteristics and mysterious signs on the labels. It is important to understand that the most expensive model is not always the best. In some cases, you will overpay for the design or for the brand, while the main qualities of ski clothing will not be at the highest level.

A ski suit is a whole set of accessories and clothing, the choice of which is strictly individual. This set includes: pants, jacket, thermal underwear, glasses and gloves.

If you go to the mountains in a fancy suit (pants + jacket), while putting on plain cotton underwear and a woolen sweater on your body, do not expect a good effect. A ski suit should not be extremely warm, its main task is to prevent the body from getting wet during active riding, and at the same time breathe. What happens if you wear wool and cotton under the bottom? You feel warm at first, but as soon as you get hot, your body starts sweating and these natural materials collect moisture. Then you cool down, but this moisture does not go anywhere, and as a result, a sharp temperature drop and a cold. For this reason, special thermal underwear has been developed from synthetic materials, the main task of which is to remove moisture.

What should you look for when choosing a ski suit?

Waterproof ski jacket

First indicator: water resistance. This indicator shows how much water pressure the product material can hold. This indicator is measured in millimeters of a water column (mm The higher the number, the better.

A good ski suit has a water resistance rating of 10,000 (m.w.) and above.

Vapor permeability of a ski jacket

The second indicator is very important. It largely determines whether your skiing will be comfortable and long-lasting. The vapor permeability coefficient shows how much vapor a material can pass per day per square meter. Again, the higher this figure, the better the body will "breathe" under all this gear. Under heavy loads, the vapor permeability of a ski jacket should reach 20,000 g / m2 / day, with medium-intensity loads - 10,000 g / m2 / day, if you are a beginner and no special loads are expected, then 5000 g / m2 / day will do.

What you need to know about membrane suits?

Ski suits with membranes have the best indicators of water resistance and vapor permeability. At the moment, there are 3 types of membranes: hydrophilic, pore and combined.

The first type works on the principle that in order for moisture to be removed to the outside, a sufficient amount of condensate must accumulate on the surface of the membrane. For this reason, the first type of suits are always slightly damp. However, this material is very durable and elastic; it does not require the purchase of a special washing shampoo.

Pore ​​membranes They work on the principle that microscopic holes (pores) allow steam to pass through, but not water. Such membranes work only at very low temperatures, but they do not work in the rain. Products with such membranes are very short-lived and require careful treatment.

The most modern at the moment are. They combine the best qualities of the first two types, but also disadvantages. Suits made of such material stretch well, wick moisture away, but at the same time do not work well in high humidity conditions. It is the third type that has the highest vapor permeability and water resistance and is ideal for extreme conditions. The prices for such suits tend to bite the most.

How to properly wash a ski suit with membranes?

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers write on labels on how to properly care for such expensive suits. But after two or three washes in a washing machine with powder, all the useful qualities of suits with membranes are simply lost. When purchasing a product, check with a sales assistant if it requires special care. As a rule, specialized stores sell special shampoos for washing products with climatic membranes.

The rule of three layers

Choosing a good suit (pants + jacket) is not all. Correct equipment assumes the presence of three layers, the first of which removes moisture from the body, the second prevents it from freezing, and the third protects against wind, snow and rain. We have already talked about the third layer, this is our costume. But what are the second and first layers?

The first obligatory layer is thermal underwear. It should be your size, in no case should it be free for you. It is better not to save on thermal underwear, it should be hypoallergenic and seamless, the material is polyester.

The second layer of equipment is insulation. It can be a variety of sweaters or vests made of synthetic materials. Tip: in some models of jackets, the insulation is part of the ski suit, it is better that the second layer is separate from the third.

This was an article on how to choose the right ski suit, I hope the information was useful to you!

As a rule, people are puzzled about buying a ski suit even before buying skis. And this is understandable - equipment can be rented, but it is better to have your own suit. It is good if you are able to spend an arbitrarily large amount and there are specialists nearby who are ready to offer a really suitable option. Then it's enough just to decide on the style of your future costume. In any case, it is important to understand what you are paying for and what is really important to you.

Maria Verem'eva, editor of the Sport-Marathon blog, talks about how to choose a ski suit

    Classic. Austere sportswear without unnecessary details and time-tested colors. Designed for a wide range of skiers who prefer to ski on well-prepared slopes. The cut of the classic alpine skiing suits does not hinder the movements typical of technical skiing. Most of the models are insulated to keep the rider warm on the lift, and at the same time are equipped with good membranes to provide effective wind protection and moisture wicking during physical exertion during descent. Serious vagaries of the weather and its constant changes are not scary for skiers skiing within the resort - indoor heated lifts, the presence of cafes and chalets where you can warm up and dry out reduce the requirements for the technical components of a classic ski suit.

Descente Suit

    Fashion. Ski suits for those riders who want to look chic on the slope. Technical properties in them sometimes fade into the background. Such costumes are "chosen with the eyes." The main thing is a premium appearance and decorative elements - stripes, fur, rhinestones and even hand embroidery. The cut of trousers and jackets is less like sportswear. In women's models, it is made as fitted as possible in order to emphasize the figure. This cut is not always comfortable to ride, but you will look chic and respectable. Suits in this category are equally appropriate on the slope and apres-ski and can become part of the city's wardrobe.

Sportalm suits

    Fashion premium sport. Suits in this category combine the most advanced technologies and sophisticated cuts with decorative elements and an attractive appearance. The tight fit does not hinder movement due to the use of highly elastic materials, and excellent membranes and insulation provide excellent thermoregulation.

Mountain Force Suits

    Freeride. The simplest forms and bright colors, a minimum of pathos, a maximum of functionality, are aimed at connoisseurs of off-piste skiing. They are characterized by the use of advanced, maximum vapor-permeable membranes, because the freerider is very active on the descent and often walks on foot, trying to find non-rolled slopes. Off-piste enthusiasts need the ability to effectively combine layers of clothing, adjusting the kit to changing physical activity and weather conditions. Therefore, in their ski suits, as a rule, there is no insulation at all - it is replaced by a separate down jacket and fleece, which are constantly in the rider's backpack and help to "adjust" the necessary thermal insulation depending on the conditions. Therefore, the cut of the freeride jacket and trousers is notable for its baggy, in order to accommodate all layers of clothing and provide the necessary freedom of movement. Every detail of a freeride suit is created to be extremely functional and does not "stand idle" when using it. For example, the pockets allow you to conveniently position all the equipment that should be at hand, while not overlapping with the straps and belt of the backpack.

Norrona Suits

Before buying, you need to clearly imagine where and how actively you will be skiing?

    If you are purchasing your first suit and have not yet decided whether you will actively ski in the future, and the budget is tight, then it makes sense to opt for relatively simple models of jackets and trousers. They will be quite enough to understand whether you like skiing or not. An insulated jacket and trousers, which do not differ in a pronounced sports cut and unnecessarily catchy colors, are perfect for this role. Then, along with the ski slope, they can be safely used in the city - even if you stop skiing, then money will not be invested in clothes in vain. If you plan to ride a lot, actively, and the proposed suit should last more than one season, then you should approach the issue of choice as responsibly as possible. Buy immediately a jacket and trousers made of advanced and high-quality materials, as well as with a cut that suits your figure as much as possible, so that the chosen things will last for many years. Plan your budget - good ski suits don't come cheap. It may be worth saving on the purchase of cool fleece and thermal underwear, but at the same time invest the maximum in outerwear, because the comfort of the skier on the slope depends on it. Do not forget about the sales - at the end of the season you can almost always get good things with big discounts. If you plan to ride off-piste, especially with a walking approach to the descent point, feel free to choose non-insulated freeride suits. Of course, their unusually bright colors and loose fit would be out of place in an urban environment. But a freeride jacket and trousers will allow you to create an ideal microclimate for you in any riding conditions, due to the right combination with other layers of clothing. So you will feel comfortable skiing anywhere - from the warm and sunny slopes of Gudauri to the cold Siberian Sheregesh.

What makes up a ski suit and its cost?


Perhaps the key "technical" element. A thin film of membrane hides right behind the outer fabric of the jacket and trousers and provides its wearer with dryness and protection from the wind. It prevents you from getting wet from external precipitation and at the same time releases the fumes from the body outside, preventing you from getting soaked with sweat.

The characteristics of the membrane are indicated by two numbers, for example, 20K / 20K or 15,000 / 10,000. The first denotes water resistance, and the second denotes vapor permeability. The higher these numbers are, the better the membrane “works”.

When skiing "from cafe to cafe" on good trails and in sunny weather, its performance is not of fundamental importance when choosing a ski suit. But they become important if you regularly encounter the vagaries of nature and do not want them to disrupt the ride and spoil the pleasure of it. So, in Krasnaya Polyana it is very humid throughout the season and, making a descent from the top, you can immediately get caught in wet snow and rain. In this case, a membrane with a weak water resistance can lead to dampness of the clothes, which will ruin the whole day of skiing, and in the worst case, lead to a cold.

A high-quality membrane with high water resistance is important not only for a jacket, but also for ski pants. By kneeling or sitting down, we create additional pressure, which can lead to leakage of fabric with poor water resistance. Therefore, so that the trousers do not get damp on a cold and damp lift chair, pay attention to the membrane used in them and its indicators.

W. L. Gore Gore-Tex membranes guarantee high-quality performance, and the clothes in which they are used will definitely keep their wearer dry in all weather conditions, be it rain or sleet. Top-end versions of Dermizax membranes from the Japanese company Toray, which are used today in many first-class ski suits, do not lag behind them. Both companies independently determine the best combination of membrane and fabrics for specific operating conditions, allowing the buyer not to delve into the technical properties and characteristics. A little more attention should be paid to the membranes, which are produced under the own brands of ski clothing brands.

Outer fabric

All fabrics used in ski clothing can be divided into two categories:

    elastic; inelastic.

As a rule, elastic fabrics are used in suits that differ in tight and fitted cut, so that they do not impede movement during skiing. Some ski jackets and trousers, such as those from Kjus and Mountain Force, stretch not only the outer fabric, but also the lining and even insulation. This provides unparalleled freedom of movement while maintaining a stylish look. So, the narrower the cut of your future suit, the more elastic the fabrics should be, only this way you will not only look good, but also ride comfortably.

Inelastic materials are used in a wide variety of ski suits at any price point. In some cases, their use is not necessary due to the use of loose baggy cut in clothes, in others it is a way to reduce the final price of a jacket or trousers. In freeride and ski-touring ski suits, the elasticity of the fabric is sacrificed in favor of the greater strength of the materials used.


Natural down is rarely used to insulate ski suits. with high physical activity in such clothes it is simply hot, and the fluff itself quickly damp from the body's fumes. Therefore, synthetic insulation is most often used, the choice of which in the modern market is huge. We will not go into the technical details of each of them, but we will note an important regularity - the price of a suit will be the higher, the lighter and warmer the insulation used in it.

Well-insulated ski jackets are essential for riders who ride in regions where extreme cold is not uncommon - for example, in Sheregesh or Khibiny. In most cases, a small amount of insulation is enough for a suit - the relatively warm weather in European ski resorts, the Georgian Gudauri, as well as the popular Krasnaya Polyana often allows you not even to use a fleece, but to ride, throwing your jacket right on the thermal underwear.

When buying a ski suit without insulation, which is in demand among freeriders and ski touring enthusiasts, it is important to take care of the purchase of middle insulation layers for the torso and legs, for example, a set of fleece jacket and pants. A bonus when buying a non-insulated ski jacket will be its versatility. She will perfectly serve in any season, even in the summer on a hike, even in the fall for mushrooms.


Naturally, the final price of a ski suit is influenced not only by materials and sewing methods, but also by its pattern, on which the rider's comfort and appearance depend. The sophisticated articulated cut of the jacket or trousers, which provides maximum freedom of movement, requires a large number of details and precise design on the part of the developers. This, in turn, complicates the production process and leads to an increase in the final cost. So, the manufacturing process of the Arc'teryx Alpha SV jacket requires 197 working operations and 13 people have time to work on it! In ski suits from the Fashion category, the pattern also occupies a special place. Sometimes several designers work on it at once, trying to create a recognizable, memorable and vivid appearance.

Important details of a ski suit

Ventilation holes

The presence of ventilation holes on the jacket and trousers is extremely necessary for freeriders and fans of ski touring. Even membranes with high vapor permeability are not always able to cope with the volume of heat and moisture that is generated during hiking uphill and dynamic descents on an unprepared slope. Also, additional ventilation will be to the taste of all actively skiing skiers, because will help improve thermoregulation in hot weather and with increased physical activity.

Not all ski suits are equipped with ventilation zippers, and less often - into women's ones. The reason for this is the greater "frostiness" and less sweating during exertion among the fair sex. So if you know that you will ride actively and are not particularly cold, choose models with ventilation.


Despite the fact that hoods are used in all ski jackets, their design can vary greatly:

    For decorative purposes, the hood can be trimmed with fur. This is especially true for jackets from the Fashion category. It should be noted that the fur looks very sad after the snowfall or rain, which is typical for the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana. In some models of jackets, the hood is removable. This expands the range of applications of jackets, making them part of the urban wardrobe. The voluminous and widely adjustable hood makes it equally comfortable to put it on both over a ski helmet and over a small hat. The ability to pull the hood over the helmet can be very useful when using an uncovered lift in bad weather, while protecting your head from gusts of cold wind as much as possible.

Snow protection skirt

Almost all ski jackets have a snow skirt. This is an additional strip of fabric with a fastener, which is located just below the waist level, its task is to protect from wind blowing and reduce the risk of stuffing snow under the jacket. The skirt should clasp tightly around the belt; if it turns out to be too high during fitting, then, most likely, during active skating, it will bulge higher and expose the stomach and lower back. Many snow skirts are additionally equipped with silicone dots or stripes to increase traction on the fabric of the trousers and reduce the risk of slipping.

A very useful option is the possibility of attaching a snow-protective skirt with trousers, which allows you to get a one-piece suit that reliably protects against snow ingress. Some brands, for example Norrona and Bergans, also have an additional snow skirt on their trousers. Buckling with a jacket, she turns the suit into a real jumpsuit, which is not afraid of "bathing" in a freshly fallen powder. For those who want to wear a ski jacket in the city, we recommend paying attention to the models with a detachable snow skirt.

Protecting trousers from cuts with piping

A very important element that significantly reduces wear and tear on ski pants. Inserts made of extra strong fabric are located on the inner side of the legs in the area of ​​the bootleg and protect them from being cut by the ski edging when falling or at the moment of strong edging.

In freeride trousers, this reinforcement can be located along the entire perimeter, because it is assumed that the rider will walk not only on snow, but also on scree, where there may be cutting edges, and will sometimes wear crampons.

Pants belt design

When evaluating the fit of your trousers, pay attention to their belt. It is very important that it be inflated and cover the lower back. So it will be much more comfortable to be on the slope - the wind will not cool the back and lower abdomen, and if you fall, there will be less chances of snow getting inside the suit. Especially important is the overstated belt of trousers for girls, because The cut of women's jackets is usually shorter than that of men's models.

Convenient when the belt of ski pants is widely adjustable. Most often, Velcro is used for this. For better thermal insulation, it is better to tuck a fleece and a thermal shirt into trousers, and this requires additional volume. Pay attention to the lining of the pants as you try them on. Sometimes manufacturers use soft and pleasant-to-touch fabrics for it, which allows you to refuse to use thermal underwear pants in warm weather.

Winter active types of recreation - skiing, snowboarding will bring pleasure only if you properly prepare for them. First of all, this concerns equipment - ski clothing, accessories, equipment.

Any type of winter skiing implies a long stay in frosty air, frequent contact with snow and active movement. Walking up the slope in your casual winter clothing is unlikely to enjoy the pleasures of relaxation, as such equipment simply does not fit the conditions. In normal clothing, the skier will get wet very quickly both outside (due to contact with the snow) and inside (active movement leads to strong sweating). And in frosty conditions, getting clothes wet brings little pleasant sensations, since things become heavy and hinder movement due to accumulated moisture, and if you stop moving at least for a short time, it immediately becomes cold.

Therefore, when deciding to go to a ski resort, you should take care that you have a good ski suit. Only with such equipment will you always feel comfortable going to the slopes of the mountains. But choosing a decent outfit is not so easy, because there are many nuances.

Components of a ski and snowboard suit

A complete skiing equipment should consist of three layers:

  1. Underwear;
  2. Insulating;
  3. Protective.

Only with a multi-layer structure of clothing can you feel comfortable during a long stay on the street.


Thermal underwear is used as underwear. Its task is to wick away sweat and keep warm. In order for the underwear to perform its functions, it is important that the clothes fit the body well. Only with full contact with the body will the proper drainage of sweat be ensured, therefore, when choosing these clothes, you should give preference to T-shirts with long sleeves and underpants. In this case, you should choose thermal underwear with the minimum possible number of seams.

As for the materials of manufacture, underwear made of polyester, polypropylene, sheep wool, as well as combined options, including both natural and synthetic fabrics, are suitable for skiing.

The selection of thermal underwear according to the material of manufacture should be based on the expected pastime and weather conditions.

Polyester- a perfectly acceptable fabric for those who are planning to just have a good time at the resort. Polyester is good at wicking moisture away and retaining heat, and is suitable for wearing in low-temperature environments.

Polypropylene has slightly better characteristics than polyester, so such underwear can already be worn in fairly harsh winter conditions.

Sheep wool and mixed fabrics, which includes natural and artificial materials, an option for the harshest weather conditions, therefore such thermal underwear is chosen by professional skiers engaged in freeriding.

In addition to T-shirts and underpants, socks are also included in underwear. They should also be selected from the above materials to ensure good moisture removal. Socks have proven to be excellent for alpine skiing.


The next important component of a ski suit is insulation. The task of this layer is to retain heat and remove moisture from the underwear. Insulation can be a separate part of clothing, or it can be a composite layer of the upper part of clothing - overalls or a jacket with pants.

The second option is more suitable for professional skiers and snowboarders who devote a lot of time to skiing. A separate option for the average ski resort vacationer is the preferred solution.

Therefore, if you are planning to go skiing for a couple of weeks, pay attention to separate insulation. This is due to the fact that skiing will only take up a part of the total pastime, and just moving around the complex in full gear will not be very pleasant due to the heat and strong sweating. Having separate equipment, you can always put together clothes that are comfortable for walking.

You need to select insulation according to the material of its manufacture and filler (if any). Here, as in the case of thermal underwear, both natural and artificial fillers and fabrics are used.

In general, heaters are:

  • Downy (with filler);
  • Sinteponovy (with filler);
  • Fleece;
  • Polyartec;
  • Tinsuleitovs.

Heaters with fillers - an option for amateur skiing. Their main drawback is knocking down the filler, because of which this part of the equipment stops performing its functions, although this does not happen immediately. Depending on the quality of manufacture, the insulation can normally last more than one season.

The heat-preserving ability of down and padding polyester heaters depends on the density of the filler. For light and medium frost, a heater with a density of 60-80 g / m is suitable. kv - for a jacket and 60-60 g / m. sq. - ski pants. At low temperatures, heaters with a density of 80-100 g / m should be selected. sq.

Fabric insulation from Fleece, Polyartek and Tinsulate are more reliable and do their job well, so it is better to choose such equipment if you are planning long skiing.

The same conditions are taken into account in the event that a decision was made to purchase outerwear, which includes a layer of insulation. That is, when choosing, it is imperative to inquire about the materials of manufacture and filler (if any), as well as density.

Protective gear

The upper protective component of the equipment is the most important. It can include a separate jacket and pants, or it can be made in the form of a jumpsuit.

Quite serious requirements are put forward for the upper outfit:

  • Wind protection;
  • Waterproof;
  • Water vapor permeability;

Such equipment is made of sufficiently dense, but elastic fabrics that are resistant to mechanical damage, which are not blown by the wind, which eliminates the blowing out of heat.

Waterproof and vapor permeable- one of the main parameters of clothing. That is, it should not get wet and at the same time remove steam from the body. For this, the fabric for outerwear is made in layers and may include from one to three layers.

The three-layer fabric uses an upper protective layer, a membrane and a lining. In a two-layer fabric, only the first two layers are used, glued together, and the lining is a separate component. The first option is equipment for professional skiers, while two-layer clothing is optimal for all winter lovers.

There is also a single-layer fabric, in which the membrane layer is not used, and water resistance and vapor permeability is provided by special impregnations, but this option can be considered an amateur one.

Since water resistance and vapor permeability are one of the main parameters and have specific values. The first parameter is measured in mm. v. Art. and characterizes the water pressure that the material is able to withstand. Water vapor permeability is measured in g / m. sq. and indicates how much moisture the fabric can take away.

The cost of the upper equipment directly depends on these two parameters. For beginner skiers, outerwear models are perfect, in which both parameters are 5000/5000.

For severe weather conditions, you should pay attention to equipment with indicators of 10000/10000 and above.

Choosing the top outfit

... you should immediately decide on the type - separate or overalls. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Separate ski jacket and pants do not always protect against snow ingress. To reduce the likelihood of this, it is very important to choose the right equipment. But such clothes are more comfortable, easier to put on. This type of clothing is considered more preferable, especially for a child.

The overalls better protect against snow penetration but not always convenient. Going to the toilet in these clothes can be a challenge.

When choosing equipment, you should also take into account the type of sport you will be involved in. A cross-country ski suit should be well-fitted to create less resistance, for alpine skiing, a less fitted version is used, and when choosing a snowboard and freeride suit, completely free models should be preferred. At the same time, in any case, clothes should be as comfortable as possible and not hinder movement.

Color is also an important condition.... Bright ski equipment is not made in vain, but to ensure visibility. Women like bright colors more, which is why many women's ski suits are colorful. When choosing a men's suit, you can choose models of stricter color tones, but make sure that there are bright inserts.

When choosing equipment for winter recreation, you need to pay attention to:

  • processing of seams and snakes with adhesives, which will prevent water penetration through them;
  • The presence of zippered pockets;
  • The height of the lumbar part of the pants (it is better to take models with braces and a well-defined lumbar region);
  • The presence of zippered ventilation "pockets";
  • Hood;
  • The presence of elements for connecting the jacket with the pants;

All these conditions are met by well-known companies specializing in the production of ski equipment, such as FASC, Moment, Rehall. The only drawback of suits from such companies is their high cost.

Alternative options

Because of this, the question often arises whether it is necessary to buy a ski suit, for which you will have to pay a lot, but only a one- or two-week vacation is planned. And here you can do two things - buy used equipment or try to pick up things from your home wardrobe that are most suitable for an active pastime.

The option with a used suit is not the best, since it is very difficult to find a suitable model in which you will feel comfortable and free. In addition, it is not known how the former owner took care of the clothes. Ski equipment requires a special approach to cleaning and washing. And if the owner did not know how to wash a ski suit and did it in the usual way, then there is a high probability that the equipment has lost its quality, which will quickly get wet and not keep warm.

As for the second option, it is more acceptable, it is only important to correctly decide what to wear if there is no ski suit. Almost everyone has good thermal underwear and things that are quite suitable as insulation - fleece jumpers, sweaters, pants made of natural fabrics. The only question remains with the top equipment, but it is decided by the rental of equipment, which is available at every ski resort.

Having solved the issue of equipment, it remains only to choose a ski resort where you can have a great rest. And in this case, it is better to take advantage of the tours to the Carpathians, which include not only skiing, but also an extensive entertainment program, for example.

It is as difficult as in a microcircuit - without experience and knowledge, nothing good will come of it. It is not in vain that we compared the equipment of a skier with the parts of an electronic device, since materials for clothing are also created in laboratory conditions and undergo complex and multi-stage testing.

When choosing clothes for conquering snow slopes, you cannot be guided only by your own taste and trust the advice of sellers. You need to understand this topic yourself and clearly understand what requirements a skier's suit must meet.

Putting on the right ski underwear

Every detail in a skier's outfit is important, especially underwear. It should rid the body of sweat and retain heat. Modern synthetics, which are produced specifically for sewing thermal underwear for winter sports, are excellently suited to these duties. With such underwear, the skin will breathe, and sweat secretions will dry out quickly. There are several options for the material from which the laundry can be made:

  1. Polyester is the most common high performance material.
  2. Merino or lambswool is an excellent option for keeping warm in low temperatures and wicking moisture well.

A more economical option is impregnated ski thermal underwear. But the effect disappears after several washes, so such savings are not justified. A good option is multilayer underwear, which includes several synthetic fabrics or natural ones are added to them.

In addition to high-quality material, thermal underwear for a skier should have as few seams as possible and fit the body well.

Socks are also part of a skier's underwear. An excellent solution is knee-highs, which combine natural and artificial materials. Good socks should allow moisture to pass through without getting wet and effectively fight odor. Many manufacturers add sealing inserts to ski socks, and some even produce products with a massage effect.

Choosing insulation separately from the ski suit

The choice of insulation separately from ski outerwear has a number of advantages that cannot be ignored. First of all, this approach will allow you not to sweat, regardless of the circumstances. There are several options for choosing a heater:

  1. Down is selected for the so-called elasticity, the best indicator of which is at the level of 750 units. This material is not considered a leader due to its tendency to stall when exposed to moisture. In this state, the heat retention rates are significantly reduced. Even impregnation does not help here.
  2. Sintepon is the last century. Due to poor breathability and performance degradation after washing, many ski clothing manufacturers have abandoned this material.
  3. Fleece is a great option for any skier. Retains heat, removes moisture, does not hold down movements.
  4. Polartec is a kind of polyester that can become a full-fledged leader in our rating.
  5. Thinsulate comes out on top and leaves all other insulation options far behind. It is a synthetic substitute for down, characterized by durability, excellent heat retention and not deteriorating from washing.

Choosing the right ski jacket

Ski jackets must meet four basic and mandatory parameters:

  • dry in any weather;
  • warm at any temperature, but not hot;
  • compactness of the product;
  • lack of hesitation.

Separately, it is worth talking about the material that is used by modern manufacturers of ski clothing. To sew one jacket, you need to spend serious money on the purchase of a membrane, insulation, snakes with a waterproof structure, and accessories. It is clear that some manufacturers are looking for ways to save on costs without reducing the cost of the finished product. The easiest way is to replace the membrane (top material) with impregnation. Thus, it seems that the characteristics of the jacket are preserved and the manufacturer gets more profit. But everyone forgot about the user, who needs to wash his ski equipment several times and it will cease to be waterproof and moisture-removing.

These are not all the subtleties of choosing clothes for classes, there are still some nuances and rules that must be taken into account.

Jacket and nature of occupation

Yes, that's right - the choice of a ski jacket is determined by the category of athletes to which you can relate yourself.

  1. Sports as recreation. In order to go down the mountain slope several times a year, without bypassing the side of the coffee shop, you will need to choose a fairly expensive outfit, created using modern technologies using high-quality materials.
  2. Freeride, alpine skiing, mountaineering require completely different equipment from the athlete. Ski jackets for serious hobby of one of these sports should be light and compact, versatile, with an anatomical cut. Particular attention must be paid to the material that must breathe and provide adequate ventilation. Ski apparel from manufacturers such as Saga, Moment, Ortovox or Rehall is a good example.

We focus on the manufacturer

We have selected the most reliable manufacturers who do not skimp on their products, producing the best clothing for skiers.

Ortovox is a German company. No one has ever handled merino wool so skillfully. The woolen weave is so thin that it looks like a micron weave. The drainage capacity of this natural material is on par with synthetic fabrics. Ortovox ski clothing is tested by the best freeriding and snowboarding athletes.

The Australian company FASC initially focused exclusively on the domestic market and planned to become a purely national manufacturer. As they say, their own for their own. But the quality of the clothes was so high that the whole world wanted to buy clothes from this particular manufacturer.

Well, where can we go without the Americans? So the American company Moment, which is based in Reno (Nevada), got into this rating. Not only ski clothing is produced under this brand. This company places itself in the same line with Lamborghini as it creates skis and ski boards by hand. Each ski suit under the Moment brand turns out to be aggressive, always of high quality, incredibly stylish and expensive.

The Dutch have also learned how to make great clothes, which are produced under the Rehall brand. These products are made by people who are passionate about snowboarding, who embody all their experience and irrepressible energy in each suit. This approach to business has allowed the company to become a trendsetter in the world of ski clothing.

What the numbers on the jacket say

All the points that have been described above are the main and most common criteria for choosing a jacket for alpine skiing. But there are still some subtleties that few people mention, but that is why they do not become less important.

Each ski suit is marked with numbers that reflect its water resistance. This includes resistance to wet snow or rain, as well as vapor permeability and moisture evaporation. The latter characteristics imply the amount of water vapor that can pass through a square meter of fabric during a day. If skiing is moderate in nature and we are talking about an amateur, then sufficient water resistance values ​​are at the level of 5000 mm, and 5000 g / m2 is considered a normal indicator for vapor permeability. Fans of an aggressive type of descent are advised to choose a suit with higher rates - 7000 and 7000. Athletes who are fond of freeriding will need a ski suit with indicators of 10,000 and 10,000.

additional characteristics

A real quality jacket should have the following elements:

  1. Amplifiers are presented in the form of overlays, which are located in those places that wear out the most. Frozen snow is like sandpaper and can ruin a new jacket in no time if you run your elbows over it, for example.
  2. Pockets are not decorative, at least not in ski clothing. The more, the better. The presence of waterproof snakes is an indisputable advantage, which will be fully appreciated when placing documents and a walkie-talkie or telephone in the jacket.
  3. Double cuffs keep snow away from your body. They can have a different design (put on fingers, have fleece and elastic inside, and fasten with Velcro, have loops for fastening gloves).
  4. The adjustable hood is especially comfortable to use. The presence of a visor is encouraged as this element is able to protect from snow, wind and blinding sun.

It's hard not to notice how bright the skiers' clothing is. This feature affects not only women's ski wardrobe. Fashion and design sophistication are not counted here, since it is a necessity that can save a person's life. It will be easier for rescuers to find a skier dressed in bright clothes that will make him stand out from the white snow. Let the women's (or men's) ski suit have a restrained color, but the presence of bright inserts is required.

The membrane in the ski jacket offers additional benefits

The best suit for a skier is one with a membrane layer. It can be represented as follows:

  1. Hydrophilic or pore-free membranes have more disadvantages than advantages. There is a certain amount of condensation on their surface, which permeates the fabric and helps remove moisture. The skier always feels the increased humidity of the atmosphere around him. Such a suit will not protect against low temperature and high humidity. It is still not worthwhile to finally sweep aside this version of the membrane layer, since it can last a long time, it stretches well, is not whimsical in care and shows excellent results at an average temperature regime.
  2. Pore-structured membranes function by indistinguishable pores that allow steam to pass through but keep water out. In warm weather or in the rain, wearing such clothes will be uncomfortable, but in severe frosts, such a suit will warm you up perfectly and quickly.
  3. The combined version of membranes is at its best among all the existing options today, although it is still very far from ideal. Abrasion resistance, waterproofness, stretching - all these advantages pale in comparison with the high cost, poor tolerance of high humidity and low temperatures.

We dress children

A suit for children who are going to join alpine skiing is chosen according to the same rules, but with some reservations:

  • in overalls, it will be difficult for a child to go to the toilet;
  • the child grows quickly, so he will grow out of a ski overalls faster than out of a jacket and pants;
  • the split set can be worn individually and not only on mountain vacations.

In general, children's ski clothing is created according to the same rules as women's and men's wardrobe.

Choosing pants

You can't ride much in the mountains in one jacket, so you need to choose trousers. Their design can be different: low, high, straight or tapered. High trousers with shoulder straps are the best protection from the snow, which strives to get to the lower back. In addition, these pants do not impose restrictions on the choice of a jacket. But low pants, which are fastened at the waist, require the choice of a long jacket. We will not consider options with a low waist at all, since they are absolutely useless in the mountains. Pants with a tapered cut are fashionable options that you can choose freely and not fear for your comfort.

Trying on ski pants, you can and even need to squat and jump in order to understand how comfortable you will feel. They should not press, hang or cause any discomfort. Each skier should try on the pants together with the jacket, paying attention to how tight the jacket is to the pants. The length of the jacket must be at least 10 cm more from the waist level on the pants.

Choosing boots

Ski boots should be chosen no less seriously than all other items of equipment. We choose our size, put on shoes and stand in a stance familiar to a skier (it will be enough to bend your knees). We stand and listen to the sensations in the legs. Good ski boots should offer comfort, a snug fit, applying moderate pressure evenly to each section of the foot.

Found such a model? Move on. If ski boots suit you, then they should not provide excessive freedom of the foot, but the toes should move without difficulty. At the same time, the leg should not dangle in them, and the heel should not come off the sole.

Few people manage to find their ski boots the first time around. They come in a variety of stiffnesses and can have different block widths. Trying on should be done on the socks in which you plan to descend.

Women's ski boots, like children's ski boots, have anatomical features and can be designed for different levels of training. Thermoformed ski boots have great advantages. Such shoes adapt to the anatomical features of a person, making the skiing process as comfortable as possible.

Ski boots for women have an elegant design, often manufacturers add fur or plush trim. For those with a wide calf, models with a low top are offered, and for beginners, shoes with a light entry are presented.

Other items of equipment for the skier

We figured out the main elements of the skier's wardrobe, but there were some unaffected moments that also play a big role:

  1. Ski gloves should be the warmest of all that will be presented to you. They should be long, have additional elements made of natural material. In order for the skier not to lose his gloves, they must have comfortable and reliable fasteners. In addition, gloves, like a skier's suit, must not allow moisture to pass through, keep warm well and not hinder movement. There are already more advanced models that have carbon protection for the most vulnerable spots.
  2. A helmet is not always welcomed by skiers, although you should not give it up, especially when skiing near trees. The helmet should be lightweight and fit perfectly. For children, the presence of a helmet is a prerequisite for going to the snow slope.
  3. Glasses for a skier are not a decoration, but a means of protecting the eyes from snow, which not only creates discomfort, but can also harm the eyesight.
  4. The hat is chosen depending on whether the helmet will be included in the equipment. You can wear a thin one under the helmet, and without a helmet you need to choose a warm model that covers your ears, preferably with fleece.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the rules for choosing ski clothing, you can safely go on vacation to the mountains. You will not look like a chilled black sheep against the background of experienced skiers.