What is the average height of a person. Men and women from different countries ranked by height

The growth of a person, inherent in genetics, is almost impossible to change, but a lot depends on the growth of a man and a woman in their lives. Are modern people really superior to their ancestors? Why don't we grow all our lives? What is the maximum height of the human skeleton? And which of the famous people have you surpassed in growth?

Human growth is one of the most important indicators of the state of the body. It depends on a whole complex of hereditary properties, the intake of many substances into the body, its hormonal regulation, environmental conditions, social status, etc.

Growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland stimulates the development of cells and tissues. The natural cessation of growth is not due to a lack of hormone formation by the pituitary gland, but an age-related decrease in the ability of cells and tissues of the body to respond to the action of this hormone. Growth is also greatly influenced by insulin (a hormone of the pancreas), products of activity and adrenal glands.

Excessive secretion of growth hormone leads to diseases such as acromegaly or gigantism, the lack of the same hormone - to growth retardation, up to dwarfism. Gigantism manifests itself more often in males. Lilliputians, or pituitary dwarfs, - proportional subjects. These include everyone whose height at the age of twenty does not exceed 140 centimeters for men and 130 centimeters for women.

Growth also depends on social well-being. It was noticed that once the difference between an aristocrat and a poor man reached 20-22 centimeters. In the 13th century, the average height of recruits from the south of France was 154 centimeters, and from Paris - 162 centimeters; at the same time in Russia the average height of service people was 162-164 centimeters, while Muscovites were taller than Novgorodians.

The growth of a newborn depends on the size of the parents, the size of the uterus, the mother's nutrition, the presence or absence of toxic processes in her body, as well as the number of previous births. From birth to 7–8 years old, boys and girls generally differ little in body length. After 8-10 and up to fifteen, girls grow a little faster, and then boys grow taller than girls.

Girls stop growing by the age of fifteen or sixteen, boys - by the age of 18-21. The growth of bones in length is most often completed by the time of puberty, and in men it occurs later than in women, which is why they often have a higher growth. Statistics show that over the past hundred years, the growth of adolescents has increased by an average of 10 percent, which is about 17.5 centimeters.

Currently, the average height of a Russian man is 176 centimeters, a Russian woman is 168 centimeters. On average, the height of men is 13.5 centimeters higher than the height of women.

Psychologists say that men have an irresistible desire to reach the 183-centimeter mark. At the same time, it is possible that the taller a man is, the more sexually in demand he is.

These days, the taller a woman is, the faster she climbs the career ladder. It is possible that its growth is due to the significant content in the body of the male sex hormone testosterone.

It is believed that a man should be taller than a woman. And if he is a ruler, a boss, then his figure, at least in the representation of subordinates and in the image (sculpture, painting), as a rule, rises above ordinary people.

According to American researchers, the wife's height exceeds the husband's height in only one of 720 married couples. But A. Pushkin barely reached the shoulder of his wife Natalia Goncharova.

According to research, goodies are more often presented as tall and physically strong people. And women of all cultural backgrounds recognize tall men as more attractive.

Don Quixote had, judging by the famous literary work, a long narrow body. Sancho Panza, on the other hand, was short, stumpy, had a short neck and massive muscles. Now think about how our ideas about these literary characters would change if they exchange bodies with each other ...

There is an international club, currently numbering about 3 thousand people, whose height exceeds 2 meters. If in the first years of the club's existence its members only consoled each other, then later they began to fight for the production of furniture, shoes and clothing designed for their growth, for the reduction of taxation, etc.

In A. Belyaev's science fiction novel "The Man Who Lost His Face," hormones "brought" the beauty Gedda Lux to a height of 287 centimeters. Such growth has not yet been recorded in real people. But in the life of men (their limb length usually exceeds the length of the body), the following records take place: the Russian Fedor Makhnov's height reached 285 centimeters, the Finn Kayanus and the Dutchman Albert Kramer - 282. Records for women (they usually have the body length prevailing over the length limbs): the German woman Marianna Veda was 255 centimeters tall, and the American Dolores Pullard was 250 centimeters. In Russia, the tallest was, obviously, Elizaveta Lysko - 227 centimeters.

Nowadays, the Turk Sultan Kosen is recognized as the tallest man in the world, his height is 247 centimeters, and the Chinese Bao Xishun is 236 centimeters. Zhytomyr Leonid Stadnik with a height of 255 centimeters is still an unofficial record holder and continues to grow.

In 1872, in England, a marriage was concluded between Scotchwoman Anna Swan (height 234 centimeters) and captain of the guardsmen Martin Bates (height 218 centimeters).

But there are limiting values ​​for human growth. We cannot reach a height of 3-4 meters: our bones are not designed for such a load. Below I give data on the growth of a number of very famous people that I was able to collect, based on information in the periodicals.

The rise of famous people

A. Pope1 m 35 cm
Tamerlane1 m 45 cm
Alexander the Great1 m 50 cm
Charlemagne1 m 50 cm
A. Pushkin1 m 59 cm (according to other sources 1 m 64 cm)
M.Lermontov1 m 60 cm
B. Mussolini1 m 60 cm (according to other sources 1 m 55 cm, 1 m 62 cm)
Z. Freud1 m 60 cm
Napoleon1 m 61 cm (according to other sources 1 m 52 cm, 1 m 65 cm, 1 m 69 cm)
I. Stalin1 m 62 cm (according to other sources 1 m 69 cm, 1 m 53.5 cm)
Kim JongIr 1 m 62 cm
V. Lenin1 m 64 cm
A. Hitler1 m 65 cm
N. Khrushchev1 m 66 cm
S. Yesenin1 m 68 cm
N. Sarkozy1 m 68 cm
V.Vysotsky1 m 70 cm
V. Putin1 m 70 cm
D. Medvedev1 m 72 cm
S. Berlusconi1 m 73 cm
Nicholas II1 m 74 cm
M. Gorbachev1 m 75 cm
L. Brezhnev1 m 76 cm
Ivan the Terrible1 m 78 cm
B. Yeltsin1 m 88 cm
V. Mayakovsky1 m 89 cm
Peter I2 m 01 cm (according to other sources 204-213 cm)

The shortest, obviously, should be recognized as a thirty-seven-year-old woman described in the 17th century by the French naturalist Buffon, who had a height of 43.3 centimeters, and the Filipino Juan de la Cruz, 48 centimeters tall. Nowadays, the height of the twenty-five-year-old Turk Suleiman Erie is 87 centimeters, and the eight-year-old inhabitant of the island of Java Karey is 51 centimeters. In 2010, the eighteen-year-old Nepalese Gyanendra Tapa Magar, who has a height of 55 centimeters, got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Often in some states, undersized subjects also unite in clubs, because tax services do not take into account that they have to order special clothes, shoes, furniture, adjust the car control system to their height, etc.


There is such a politically correct error in the table. Putin's growth is classified information. Try to type in the search ?! In fact, not 170 cm, of course, but much less. Likewise Medvedev.

So Mayakovsky was a giant among his own people! Somehow I was amazed myself when I went to the houses-museums of writers - there they have such small beds, small shirts lie)))

Length is a horizontal measure and is best used by undertakers in discussions of human height. It would be more correct to talk about height.

05/11/2014 23:06:54, AVL

In the error table. Hitler's height, for example, 175.

11.05.2014 19:21:01, q

Comment on the article "The growth of men and women: what it depends on. Norms and records"

I wish you next year to break all records and grow to the desired mark! My friend is -150, another woman is definitely not more than 140. That is, they live fully. And a huge number of men love petite ones.

On littlevane they are discussing just [link-1] Depends not on age, but on growth zones, if they are closed, then no longer. I took mine at 12 regarding growth, with growth hormones all the norms turned out to be, but Men grow longer than women, if I remember correctly up to 25 years old.


You need to look at the growth points for this to take x-rays. If they are closed, it is useless to prick.

my friend's son always grew up small. I grew up to 163 cm at the age of 13 and that's it ... with my mother 169 cm and dad 175 cm. They took me to an endocrinologist. It was too late. Puberty had already started, the growth zones were closed. Buy shoes are a problem and the smallest in the family. Now I'm an adult. I got married. The girl is very tiny with him. But all the doctors said why they brought me so late. And the parents were young, they were waiting for what else would grow up.

06/14/2016 11:28:11 AM, Rakita

In the modern world, being lonely is much easier than before, and this is already a historical fact. Women and men have ceased to depend on each other in everyday and financial terms, and if single men still met at all times, then single women used to be much harder to survive alone. There are no fewer single women now. But for what reasons do they choose loneliness and is it a conscious choice? In her article, psychologist Olga Volkova will talk about what kind of psychology she is ...

daughter 21, height 156. I have a height of 175 :-) At one time went to the doctors and to the endocrinologist, everything is normal. For short women, men of any height are suitable, and Kolomna versts still look for boyfriends.


Why obsess over cm? Better invest in dancing, stretching, posture formation. By the way, there are many artists of short stature, heels put on +10 cm and forward. It is necessary to focus on self-confidence, and not to be complex.

10/04/2018 17:46:35, Nnn

At the age of 15 I was also 156 cm. The weight was also small. Now (39 years old) I have a height of 165 cm, weight 59 kg. From 15 to 17, she grew by 5 cm. The next 5 cm gained after 18 years to 25. Although they say that after 18 they do not grow. But in general, low growth and weight are common with celiac disease. No other classic symptoms. Anything can happen ...

03/07/2017 15:26:49, Marina Mak

She wanted not to work, rrraz - and on maternity leave. Or you don't have to work at all if you don't want to. Nobody will condemn, only support. How about men? You also don't want to work sometimes. And it is necessary :) How would you react to the fact if your husband said that they say "I'm tired of it, I quit, I don't want to work, I want to lie on the couch and do nothing." *** Topic moved from blogs


“Left alone, Father Fyodor thought for a minute, said:“ It's hard for women too, ”and pulled out a chest upholstered in tin from under the bed.

I would have been scared for the state of his health. God forbid.
I just don't understand why I should be interested in someone else's opinion of my non-work work.

For many women, pregnancy leaves scars, stretch marks and folds on their bodies. This is a reality that women are trying to hide, and not to show the media. But one photographer decided to change our attitude towards the mother's body. Early last year, Jade Bill, a young mother from Tucson, Arizona, walked into her studio, undressed, picked up her one-month-old baby, and took a series of self-portraits. In the pictures, she saw an unfamiliar body - roundness that was not there before pregnancy. What she saw did not ...


I think the best photos are in which there is as much life as possible. And not those that depict strange, absurdly ideal beauty.

Favorite photo of Guram with my participation. An hour before the birth of my youngest son. I am ... as defenseless as ever.

if you want to make money, turn to human complexes. ideal soil.
as a genre photography they are good, filled with emotion. but they don't talk about motherhood with naked bodies, this goes against human morality and it will become obvious if babies are replaced by older children who do not cease to be children with age, and these women are their mothers.
there are no photos as erotica. after such an emphasis on the shortcomings of the female body, I would not get up. and still would not get up for a long time.

A question that has been worrying me personally for a long time, what should be dominant for a woman: a happy family life or rapid career growth? Moreover, this question, apparently, worries more than one of me, since in my life I have seen many "real wives" and no less many "hardened careerists". And I have met those who belong to the golden mean (she herself!). Let me try to describe both: A real wife. It is clear that a woman does not work anywhere and at best ...

When does the feeling of old age come? Someone feels like an old man at the age of 20, and someone even at 70 behaves like a child. Interestingly, women are especially sensitive to age. Men, on the other hand, worry little about the passing years. British scientists conducted a study to find out at what age a person begins to feel that he is getting old. The poll showed that the beautiful half of humanity “grows old” at 29 years old, and the strong half at 58! Why? Various factors affect how you feel. Women...

How tall do you think is tall for women and men? So it depends on the generation. In my mother's post-war class, the tallest girl was 165 cm, and she was tall - the average height of her classmates was somewhere around 155-158 cm. In my class, the height of 165 cm was the most ...


So it depends on the generation. In my mother's post-war class, the tallest girl was 165 cm, and she was tall - the average height of her classmates was about 155-158 cm. In my class, the height of 165 cm was the most average, and now he is rather low.

07/27/2012 00:26:01, nevazhno

I have a height of 172, which means that all women who are near mine are +/- 3-4 cm, I consider average height, from 176 and above - tall.
I consider men to be tall if they are above 185.

It has been scientifically proven that psychological support for a woman in labor reduces pain sensitivity, promotes the physiological course of labor, and also shortens their period in time. The generic dominant controls the complex process of childbirth, which depends on the neurohumoral changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Without psychological preparation, a feeling of fear of expectation arises in any woman in labor, or childbirth will be normal for her, for her unborn child, which they dream about, which she has been waiting for so much ...

Today I quarreled with my husband again. And for the last year this has been happening for the same reason: I am on maternity leave, the child is two years old, I have taken over most of my everyday life. Thank God my mother is actively helping me, without her I would be unbearable. Every time my husband comes home from work, he looks for an excuse to find fault with the cleanliness of the apartment. I am tormented by the question, why did it not bother him before, but now, even some uncleaned toy after a child becomes my "jamb"? Let me explain. When we started living together ...


Thank you all very much for your feedback. My mother's example still taught me, and in any case I will not be left penniless. In September, my daughter will go to kindergarten, and there I go to work and my husband's quiet life at home will end. I will not hire a nanny under any circumstances, this is my subjective opinion.
For those who do not quite understand me, I want to explain: doing household chores in the presence of all household appliances, of course, is not katarga, but I am not eager to do it every day. When for the whole day you have time with the child and to the doctors and around the house to redo a lot of things, and to the store and something else to sew for your child, and to do sports. And by the time your dad returns, you are satisfied with yourself, well, if not admiration, then at least some gratitude, but instead you hear: "Is that all? I would have done all this in 3 hours, but here it was difficult to clean up?" It doesn’t end with anything but a scandal, and after that I don’t feel like having sex, or warmth, or even talking.

An example of my mother's life (. From time to time he started a conversation with me about why my mother does not work (apparently, he was counting on what I would give her. I did not dare to open such a topic ..). I know for sure that money did not play any role. Father received a lot (a great rank in the army) and at the same time was very intangible. He needed the social status of his wife. The same wonderful mommy is my friend. Her husband is a wealthy oriental man. Moreover, he is very burdened by his wife, a housewife. It was sounded in the presence of me and my husband and the case is slowly but surely moving towards divorce, most likely ((. Well, there are such men. Although women too .. I can't imagine that I can fall in love with a * householder *, even if he is rich.

07/11/2012 2:47:42 PM, songbird ...

In this post, I want to dwell in detail on the various factors and circumstances that stimulate the onset and development of obesity. I'll start with two of the most significant factors, namely the availability of food and the introduction of technology into everyday life. The first factor - the availability of energy values ​​- directly affects the incidence of obesity. There is a dependence of the occurrence of this disease on the increased consumption of high-calorie carbohydrates and fat-containing foods. It has...

Since nothing has been discussed here yet, let's try to discuss something simple first :) In the age conference, the question "what size of clothes / shoes to buy", etc. often pops up. Maybe we will try to write down how tall our children were at 10 years old and 11 years old (who have already turned), well, or in the interval between 10-11, and then we will build a diagram, it would be interesting to look at the distribution clearly :)

that is, do you consider it normal that a woman has sex with different men, being married and kind of like loving one? Yes, the price does not depend on age, personally checked. It directly depends on the number of buyers, I alone can easily ...


The topic was very relevant, it was not in vain that there were so many responses! And, I think, everyone will agree that truly happy are those who know how to sincerely forgive and forget the insults caused by the people closest to us. This great gift from God, of course, is rarely given to anyone, but everyone can try to "educate" him in himself!

But according to all tables, this corresponds to the norms, growth is below average. It grows evenly, 6 cm per year. I'm already going to sleep :) And about the massage, by the way, I heard from you for the first time :) In basketball - well, it still depends on the character.


Have you ever been tested for growth hormones? Your husband? My adopted child is very small. His bio parents are the same small ones. I nevertheless reached the Institute of Edocrinology and we passed all the tests. Diagnosis: growth hormone deficiency. The doctor said that his parents most likely had the same. often inherited. Bone age - 2 years. All the same, doctors in polyclinics said the same thing that these are developmental features.
Are you in Moscow? Consult the best and professionals.

12.5 - 144 approx. Short too. Even a daughter in past ages from 3 years is at least 10 centimeters taller than him. Children look like the weather. But the son does not recognize the problem at all, does not want to play sports, neither straightens his back when he sits crookedly, nor hangs, although they hung a horizontal bar for a reason. So I hope for at least some growth spurt later on in the afterbath. I brought a leaflet to read how to stimulate growth, I did not read it. So it looks like it’s me who’s complex, not my son, so I’ve scored for now. The endocrinologist had, she believes that as long as there is growth dynamics, there is nothing to worry about. Yes, the fact that the child is small, I noticed only in the kindergarten, he went there when he was 4 years old. Although an absolutely full-term healthy baby of 53 cm was born, there were almost no illnesses.

Something like facial beauty for a woman. I would compare the low (significantly below normal) height in a boy with a conspicuous external defect in a girl. Yes, it all depends on the attitude towards oneself, self-esteem, complexes, etc. etc...


and you do not wedge on his growth. I have a friend, he is already 60 years old, 1m60 tall. So he is a very interesting person, he was never shy or afraid of anything, because he was very well brought up and was always loved. Can in front of everyone invite a lady with a height of 1 -80 to dance; you can laugh at him, but he doesn't give a damn. As he himself says, his mother loved him very much and never inoculated any complexes. And you mean hormones. So what, Gagarin was small, that's why he flew into space. To each his own. Crazy. You instill problems in him, someone has crooked legs, someone has a long nose, and the most important thing is how you treat yourself.

If you are relevant ...
My husband is more than 10 cm shorter than me. And at the dawn of our relationship, we were very actively interested in how he would at least grow up a little at the age of 20. Here are my points for you.
1. tell me where he works and what is the name of the doctor who advised you (or even worse prescribed *) to a child of 8 years old to inject growth hormone, if everything is in order with the pituitary gland (as you yourself write)?
2. Give the child to swim, and make sure that in adolescence he would still be actively involved in it (sports), then a growth spurt is guaranteed for you.
3. there is an author's technique (I do not remember whose) how an adult can increase growth by stretching the spine (my husband worked on it 1-2 cm for half a year and earned himself).
4. there is, at worst, the Elizarov apparatus.

Now I told my husband your story, I am quoting (excuse me if rudely) "Hormones go straight to my mother's head, and relatives tell the cost of a year's course of this hormone therapy, and the child will not have any problems"

Therefore, when a constant partner appears, a man (and a woman too) behaves like a hungry person who has fallen into A, its size depends on the prevailing efforts and the degree of his own sexual hunger. When hunger becomes more, then less effort is required.


What's so surprising? The most common thing. The forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. Until there is a permanent woman (no matter whether an official wife or a permanent close friend), sex is a kind of hunting trophy. It is far from always achievable when you really want it. We do not consider Ananism. Replacement, of course, but not quite equivalent. Hence the desire to hunt. For not every hunt ends with a trophy. Sorry for such a cynical expression. It's just the most intuitive form to understand. Therefore, when a regular partner appears, a man (and a woman too) behaves like a hungry person who has ended up in a restaurant for a buffet with an unlimited number of approaches. Many. Miscellaneous. For a long time. With interest, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement and ingenuity. Then ... even the brightest holiday, when it lasts too long, becomes everyday life. And the sexual appetite inevitably returns to the level of individual natural need.

And it is different for different people. Someone needs twice every day, in the morning and in the evening, and it would be nice as a bonus instead of lunch. :) And for someone and once a month - this is the ceiling. This is neither bad nor good. It's just personality and nothing more. The subconscious feeling of psychological availability plays a role. Something like that: I didn't eat it today, I eat it tomorrow, because it won't go anywhere. It is always there. In contrast to the former hunt, when, if not now, then it is not a fact that then it will happen at all.

That is to say, this is one side of the coin. There is also the second - emotional. Yet sex is not just a mechanic. For that matter, the mechanics may well be replaced by a faloimitator. Sex is primarily about emotions. For if they are, then even not particularly refined sex leaves a fantastically pleasant sensation, and when there are no emotions, then the most refined Kama Sutra leaves so-so impression. Rather sport than sex. This is where the subtleties begin. Formally secondary, but in fact key. Having become a private person from a leading behavioral goal, it turns out to be tied to other vital emotions. How was your day. As at work, success. What is the emotional background of communication between spouses in the family. If, for that state in which sex is not only wanted, but also "can" requires a certain attitude, and it happens "not every day", then if it is a little cynical to say that "to start" you first need at least a small psychological self-urge ... Then yes, then "the appetite comes with eating" and everything turns out great. But on the starting push, you still need to take an effort, as it were, from outside. Apply willpower of your own kind. And its size depends on the prevailing efforts and the degree of their own sexual hunger. When hunger becomes more, then less effort is required. Then the hunger is satisfied, the starting effort becomes greater again. :)

And that "before it was more, more often and in several approaches", then the psychological responsiveness of the partner also plays an important role. Agree, there is a huge and clearly tangible difference between an active partner and a woman who simply allows herself to be fucked, or between a man who clearly drags on the fact that he has sex with this woman and a man who just mechanically hammers like a jackhammer without any emotions? :)

"no strength" is a common phrase that masks the lack of need for more frequent sex

11.10.2006 16:54:01, ....

I do not mean those who are restricted by the prescriptions of religion, etc. Maybe men will also answer about their experience in terms of the number of women before and during marriage? In addition, I know several people whose second man became a husband :) 2. Probably depends on the person, because ...


1. I don't know, there was no desire to check :), and my husband became my husband not at all because he was my first man :)
but I don’t feel "unrepentant", tk. I don’t need to go to bed to understand what can come of it and whether I need it ... for more than 7 years now, I don’t need it :)

Adyn, savsem adyn ... It is already the eighth year. And somehow it does not pull on others :) His - the same way.

The Netherlands means "lower lands", but now this European kingdom is increasingly called by another: the Country of giants and giants. There is nothing strange in this and this is not an exaggeration, because the average height of a Dutch woman is 1.71 meters, and a Dutchman is 1.85 meters.

The reason for such superiority in growth over the inhabitants of other countries remained a mystery until recently. Scientists did not know why the Dutch became the tallest people on the planet. Although, just a couple of centuries ago, the subjects of this kingdom in the north of continental Europe were considered one of the lowest ... the lowest.

How could such a significant metamorphosis have taken place in just two hundred years, a very insignificant interval by evolutionary standards? The most common explanation is a heavy diet and a high-calorie diet, in which meat and dairy products play an important role.

However, scientists are now confident that it is not only about nutrition and diet. Quite a few other European countries have also made considerable progress in raising the level of well-being of their people, but from this they did not grow at the same astronomical rate as the Dutch. The average Dutchman, according to the statistics department of the Dutch army, has added a very impressive 20 centimeters over the past 150 years, i.e. became taller by the ancestors who lived in the middle of the 19th century, by a head. Over the same century and a half, the average American, who 15 years ago had the status of the tallest person on the planet, became only 6 centimeters taller, although he also did not starve and ate a lot of meat.

Scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, led by public health specialist Gert Stulp, decided to solve the mystery of such a rapid growth of the Dutch. They checked the statistics of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (called LifeLines), a huge database containing the most detailed information on more than 94,500 Dutch people who lived in 1935-67.

British scientists drew attention to an interesting pattern - the growth of fathers with many children, who had an average of 0.24 more children more than the least fertile Dutch, was 7 centimeters higher than the average Dutch. The growth of the least fertile parents was 14 cm below average. In addition, tall and stately men of Dutch blood are more likely to get divorced and have new families in which more children appear.

The researchers attributed this pattern to evolution in action. It turns out that tall men find it much easier to find a partner for themselves than short ones, and women of short stature are more likely to choose men with a height above average as their companions. Thus, tall men have a greater chance of passing on their gene pool to future generations.

The same pattern is observed among Dutch women, albeit in a less pronounced form compared to men.

British scientists have not done genetic research. They concluded from observations that it was evident that more and more Dutch people were acquiring tall genes over time.

"Natural selection, in addition to a good environment, may explain why the Dutch are so tall," says a research article published in the Royal Society journal Proceedings B.

“Growth is a very hereditary trait,” explains Gert Stulp. “Taller parents give birth to taller children. Since tall people in the next generation have more children who are also taller, the average height of this generation, other things being equal, also increases. "

The tallest people in Africa share the palm with the Americans and the Dutch. it representatives of the Nuer people from Eastern Sudan - (average height of men 184 cm).

Tall groups (170 centimeters and above) also live on the east coast of North America and in Argentina. In Europe, tall people usually live in the north of the continent. In addition to the Dutch, these are Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Scots. For a long time, among Europeans, the record was held by Montenegrins: the average height of men in the country is 177 centimeters, and in the city of Trebinje - 183 centimeters.

In 1960-1970, the average height of Soviet men was 168 cm, women - 157 cm.In Russia at the beginning of the 90s, the average height of men was 176 cm, women - 164 cm.

In the world, the average height of an adult man is currently 165 centimeters, and a woman is 154 centimeters. The difference in the height of men and women in different nations ranges from 8-12 centimeters.

The smallest people on Earth are the Mbuti pygmy tribe. The average height of men is less than 140 centimeters, women - 120-130 centimeters. They live in Equatorial Africa in the Congo Basin, in the least accessible wooded areas. Pygmies - "people with a cam", so this word is translated. Very small people can be found in many places near the equator. These are the Aeta tribes living in the Philippines, the Semangs of the Malacca Peninsula. Low growth is also characteristic of the population of the far north of Europe, Asia and America (Lapps, Mansi, Khanty, Eskimos).

Americans are no longer the tallest people on earth. As Dr. John Komlos of the University of Munich found out, in 1850 the average white American was 173.69 centimeters tall. In 2000, the average height of a US citizen was 178.7 centimeters. For blacks in the United States, this figure is slightly lower.

Over the same 150 years, Europeans have grown much stronger, and now the Netherlands is the leader.

If in 1850 the average height of a resident of this country was only 164.5 centimeters, then at the turn of the millennium it was 184.12 cm.

The German scientist has published a number of articles, in his opinion, explaining why Americans have slowed down their growth since the 1950s and are now far behind, according to the Washington Post. Initially, Komlos assumed that it was a possible influence of short migrants. However, when he conducted additional research, excluding fresh US citizens from the sample, the trend remained the same: the growth of Americans in comparison with Europe slowed down.

One of Komlos' articles indicates that since the 1950s, the average height of a child in the United States has stopped increasing. At first, this seems strange, because the standard of living of Americans is rising. The quality of medical care has also grown.

Apparently, according to a scientist from Munich, over the past decades, the American diet and his lifestyle have changed a lot.

The food is plentiful, but unbalanced. The anthropologist draws a parallel between the decline in the growth rate of Americans (and according to some sources - the first decline in the most average growth in 300 years) and the growing epidemic of obesity, especially among children. But it is precisely childhood years that are critical for the formation of growth. Although a person grows up to 20-25 years, the most important from the point of view of anthropometry are the 1st, 6-8th, and also 13-15th years of life.

In addition, according to Komlos, Americans have begun to pay less attention to children, which also affects their condition: many indicators related to the quality of life of children in the United States are much lower than in Europe. At the same time, this quality is lower even from the womb: the mortality rate during childbirth, those born with a weight below normal, the level of infant mortality and child poverty, oddly enough, in the United States is still lower than in European countries (of course, in this case, about Russia and other countries of the ex-USSR are out of the question).

However, many colleagues disagree with the conclusions of their Munich colleague.

In their opinion, it is difficult to compare a country as large and heterogeneous as the United States with comparatively small countries with low immigration rates. “Well, to say: you just have to pour money into health care - this is a completely simplified approach,” - argues with Komlos Tom Miller of the American Enterprise Institute.

According to opponents of the Munich study, the average height of citizens depends on too many parameters to draw such direct conclusions.

However, its dependence on the standard of living can be traced. And because growth is built in childhood, social upheavals are delayed.

Meanwhile, the average height of Russians is declining. Director of the Research Institute of Children's Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Alexander Baranov, said in 2006 that "the growth of Russians over the past ten years has decreased by one and a half centimeters."

The average height of a resident of Russia is 170 cm.

At the same time, most likely, the decline will continue. For example, now in the Urals, the average height of a newborn is 50 centimeters (in 1980, throughout the USSR, the average height of a newborn was 51.7 cm). Apparently, these Russians, when they grow up, will become even shorter.

Other countries are also worried about the problem of average growth. Thus, several years ago, Vietnam adopted a program according to which the average growth of a Vietnamese person over the next 25 years should increase by 6.7 cm. According to the Vietnamese government, an increase in this indicator best speaks of the country's well-being.

The Vietnamese are going to achieve such growth, first of all, with the help of milk. The country's government intends to allocate it to children from a very early age. Moreover, since 1975, when the Vietnam War ended, the average height of Vietnamese men has increased from 157 centimeters to 163 centimeters. And without milk. And in Russia, dairy kitchens have existed since Soviet times. And they don't help to grow up. And if Dr. Komlos is right, then with the spread of fast food, children will grow even more slowly, because they

Scientists have identified the states with the tallest and lowest inhabitants on earth and told what factors affect the growth of a person.
A large-scale study conducted by the scientific community NCD Risk Factor Collaboration with the participation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Imperial College London showed that the country with the tallest men in the world (average height - 182.5 cm) is the Netherlands, and the tallest women ( 169.8 cm) live in Latvia. In contrast, the shortest men (159.8 cm on average) were found in East Timor, while women (149.4 cm) were found in Guatemala.
More than 800 scientists took part in the study, which are based on more than 1500 sources, including data from state medical and military research, tracked how the average height of an adult (over 18 years old) changed in 200 countries of the world from 1914 to 2014.


As a result, it turned out that at the moment there is a jump in the growth of people: for example, over the past 100 years, the average height of the inhabitants of the Earth has increased by 11 cm.In men it is 177.5 cm, and in women - 164.4 cm. Iranian men, who are on average 16 cm taller, and South Korean women, whose average height increased by 20 cm.

We add that, on average, men around the world turned out to be 12 cm taller than women.

Fully dozens of countries with the tallest men and women look like this:

Countries with the tallest men
1. Netherlands (182.5 cm)
2. Belgium (181.7)
3. Estonia (181.6)
4. Latvia (181.4)
5. Denmark (181.4)
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina (180.9)
7.Croatia (180.8)
8. Serbia (180.6)
9. Czech Republic (180.1)
10. Germany (179.9)

Countries with the tallest women
1. Latvia (169.8 cm)
2. Estonia (168.7)
3. Netherlands (168.7)
4. Czech Republic (168.5)
5. Serbia (167.7)
6. Slovakia (167.5)
7. Denmark (167.2)
8. Lithuania (166.6)
9.Ukraine (166.3)
10. Belarus (166.3)

As you can easily see, Russia did not enter any of the top 10. The growth of Russians has increased over the past 100 years: for example, women have become taller by 11.7 cm (from 153.6 cm in 1914 to 165.3 in 2014), and men - by 9.7 cm (from 167 cm to 176 , 5 cm). However, in the overall rating, the Russians took only 23rd place, and the Russians did 44th. We also add that Russia turned out to be lower than Belarus (men - 178.4 cm, women - 166.3 cm) and Ukraine (men - 178 cm, women - 166.3 cm).

Is it good to be tall?

After analyzing the data obtained during the study, scientists came to the conclusion that tall people live longer, get sick less often, have a more stable psyche, a good education and high salaries. In addition, a person's growth depends not only on his heredity, but also on living conditions: this, according to experts, explains the fact that people in more prosperous countries are on average higher. However, being tall has its drawbacks: according to one of the study participants, Professor Eliot Riboli from Imperial College London, in some cases it increases the risk of cancer.