Stones that grow and multiply. How do stones appear on a plot of land? Can stones grow

The young, still developing world always consists of stone, water and fire. This is what the planet looked like a billion years ago. A sky covered with thunderclouds, in which the flames of erupting volcanoes were reflected, and a raging, eternally stormy sea.

In the mad chaos of lightning, rolling thunder and roaring volcanoes, it was born. Today it is she, cozy and green, but then everything looked completely different. The land, shivering nervously in the incessant, vomited from itself what would later become basalt and gneiss.

The mountains, crawling over each other like giant monsters, gnawed and maimed each other, dropping huge blocks of granite and gabbro.

Only over time did the earth gradually get rid of birth pangs and calmed down, from time to time throwing columns of volcanic eruptions into the gradually clearing sky and shaking the rocky surface, crumbling and grinding individual blocks and rocks.

World of water

The climate gradually became milder. Warm waters filled the lowlands and depressions, and such a life was born in them. Outlandish crustaceans and molluscs spread surprisingly abundantly in warm seas. Dying away, they literally covered the bottom with their shells and shells. More and more mollusks appeared in the warm brackish water, the layer of their remains at the bottom became thicker, thicker and harder. Collapsing under their own weight, the shells were mixed, as if fused with each other, turning into solid stone blocks.

The rolling stone does not grow with moss

Those stones that are found in everyday life, in most cases, are remnants of either destroyed sedimentary rocks, which makes up about 75% of the total amount of stones, or metamorphic rocks of the order of 18–20%, that is, rocks that have changed inside the earth under the influence of pressure and temperature. Everything else is igneous rocks such as granites and basalts. Initial rocks from the depths of the planet.

All these boulder stones have acquired their present appearance mainly as a result of weathering on land and flowing rivers in the water. Only an insignificant part of the remnant stones on the plains have preserved, if not the original, then at least a fairly ancient appearance, but they were also affected by weathering, this is especially noticeable in the case when the boulder or remnant is composed of sedimentary rocks that are relatively easily destroyed as a result of atmospheric phenomena. As an example, we can cite the characteristic figures of weathering in the valley of ghosts at South Demerdzhi in the Crimean mountains.

Amazing stones can be found far from cities in the center and south of Romania. Trowants - that's what the locals call them. It turns out that these stones can not only grow, but, much to surprise, multiply.

Basically, these stones are devoid of sharp chips, they have a rounded or streamlined shape. In these areas there are a lot of different boulders, from which these unique stones-trowants differ little. However, after the rain, incredible events take place with the trovants: they grow like mushrooms, increasing in size.

So, for example, a small trowant, which weighs only a few grams, can eventually grow to gigantic proportions and weigh more than a ton. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster.

The main constituent of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, they also look unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on a cut that looks like a cut from a tree, you can see several so-called age rings, centered around a small hard core.

But, nevertheless, geologists are in no hurry to classify Trovantes as unexplained phenomena for science, despite their amazing origin. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the growing stones, although unusual, but their nature can be easily explained. Geologists are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term processes of cementation of sand, which have been taking place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, such stones appear on the surface.

Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".

Reproduction by budding

Nevertheless, trowants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.

The structure of the new trowants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.

Locals have known about the unusual properties of trowans for more than one hundred years, but they do not pay special attention to them. Earlier, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovantes can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.

Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.

Over the past three months, I have been worried about pain in the kidneys, I have difficulty urinating. I am inclined to believe that I have stones. Tell me, how dangerous and how quickly do kidney stones grow?

Expert answer:

Kidney stones are a manifestation of urolithiasis, characterized by the formation of salt stones (stones). They are expressed by aching lower back pain, attacks of renal colic, hematuria, pyuria. Diagnostics requires a study of the biochemical parameters of urine and blood, ultrasound of the kidneys, excretory urography. Treatment of kidney stones may include conservative therapy aimed at dissolving calculi, or their surgical removal.
Growth rate

The process of formation of kidney stones is always individual, and depends on a large number of factors. Their growth rate can be up to one centimeter per month.

Causes of formations

Stone formation is based on the processes of crystallization of urine, saturated with all kinds of salts, and the deposition of crystals on the protein matrix-core. Disruption of mineral metabolism can be genetically determined. Therefore, people with a family history of nephrolithiasis are advised to pay attention to the prevention of stone formation, early detection of calculi by monitoring the general analysis of urine, passing ultrasound of the kidneys and ultrasound of the bladder, observation by a urologist.

Acquired disorders of salt metabolism can be caused by external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) causes. Among the external factors, the greatest importance is given to climatic conditions and the drinking regime and diet. In hot climates with increased sweating and a certain degree of dehydration, the concentration of salts in the urine increases, which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Also, dehydration is caused by poisoning or an infectious disease.

Among the internal factors, the hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands is distinguished - hyperparathyroidism. The increased work of the parathyroid glands increases the content of phosphates in the urine and the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue. The concentration of calcium phosphate salts in urine increases significantly.

Endogenous factors of stone formation also include gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis.

Amazing stones can be found far from cities in the center and south of Romania. Trowants - that's what the locals call them. It turns out that these stones can not only grow, but, much to our surprise, multiply.

Basically, these stones are devoid of sharp chips, they have a rounded or streamlined shape. In these areas there are a lot of different boulders, from which these unique stones-trowants differ little. However, after the rain, incredible events take place with the trovants: they grow like mushrooms, increasing in size.
So, for example, a small trowant, which weighs only a few grams, can eventually grow to gigantic proportions and weigh more than a ton. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster.

The main constituent of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, they also look unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on a cut that looks like a cut from a tree, you can see several so-called age rings centered around a small hard core.

But, nevertheless, geologists are in no hurry to classify Trovantes as unexplained phenomena for science, despite their amazing origin. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the growing stones, although unusual, but their nature can be easily explained. Geologists are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term processes of cementation of sand that have been taking place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, such stones appear on the surface.

Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".

Reproduction by budding
Nevertheless, trowants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.
The structure of the new trovants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.
Locals have known about the unusual properties of trowans for more than one hundred years, but they do not pay special attention to them. Earlier, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovantes can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.
Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.
Open-air museum
Today Trovante is one of those sights of Central Romania, which attracts tourists from all over the world to take a look. In turn, resourceful Romanians make souvenirs and decorations from small trowans, and therefore each guest has the opportunity to bring a piece of the stone miracle with him from the trip. Many owners of souvenir stones claim that when they get wet, memorable items from trowans begin to grow, and they sometimes move around the house without permission, which makes a rather eerie impression.
The largest accumulation of growing stones was recorded in the Romanian county (region) of Valcea. On its territory there are trovants of all shapes, sizes and colors. In connection with the great interest of tourists, in 2006 the Vulči authorities in the village of Costesti established the only open-air museum of trovants in the whole country. Its area is 1.1 hectares. On the territory of the museum are collected the most unusual-looking growing stones from all around. Those who wish for a small fee can familiarize themselves with the exposition and purchase small samples as souvenirs.

Science confirms whether stones grow in nature and got the best answer

Answer from Єyvf Fyvf [guru]



Answer from Dasha Lifanenko[active]
Amazing stones can be found far from cities in the center and south of Romania. Trowants - that's what the locals call them. It turns out that these stones can not only grow, but, much to our surprise, multiply.
However, after the rain, incredible events take place with the trovants: they grow like mushrooms, increasing in size.
So, for example, a small trowant, which weighs only a few grams, can eventually grow to gigantic proportions and weigh more than a ton. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster.
The main constituent of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, they also look unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on a cut that looks like a cut from a tree, you can see several so-called age rings, centered around a small hard core.
Geologists are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term processes of cementation of sand, which have been taking place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, such stones appear on the surface.
Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".
Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.
The structure of the new trowants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.
Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling stones from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.
There is something similar here in Russia. For several years now, on the territory of the Kolpnyansky district of the Oryol region in the village of Andreevka and its environs, rounded boulders have appeared from the ground, as if by magic, on the surface.
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