When to potty train your child. Possible reasons for failure. How do you know if your child is ready for potty training?

Many mothers, tired of endless diapers and washes, want to potty train their child as soon as possible and finally get rid of annoying diapers that cost a lot of money. It is important to remember that the baby develops gradually and understanding of many physiological processes is simply not available to him until a certain age. It is believed that a future adult can use the potty consciously only at the age of 2-2.5 years, but it is worth starting to potty train earlier - this process can take at least six months.

Time for potty training a child

In the first year of life, urination and stool in a child are reflex. That is, these processes occur regardless of the desire of the child. The baby does not feel the filling of the bladder or rectum in any way, and even more so cannot regulate these processes. After a year, children begin to feel the filling of the rectum, and closer to two years, the filling of the bladder. That is why pediatricians recommend starting potty training at 18 months. At this age, the child is already physically prepared to get acquainted with the potty.

Indicators of when to put a child on the potty are the following criteria:

  • the baby is able to stay dry for 2 or more hours;
  • wakes up dry after a nap;
  • the child is developed enough to squat, stand up, sit down on his own;
  • bowel movements occur at about the same time;
  • understands when addressed to him, can explain his needs. It is also desirable to "recognize" different types of clothing (panties, pants, sweaters).

These statements are direct proof that the time has come to teach the child to use the potty. The urinary system is sufficiently developed to hold urine. The nervous system is able to control urination. In other words, now the child can endure.

Parents who begin to wonder early on how to potty train their child still hope for good luck. An example for them are children who learned to do this as early as 8 and 10 months. How did their parents manage to potty train them at such an early age, if it is believed that this is impossible? The process of urination and defecation in such children takes place at the level of a conditioned reflex. In other words, the child is put on the potty and they begin to pronounce “piss-piss-piss” or “ah-ah-ah.”

Keep the baby on the potty until he does the necessary "work". As a result, either the parents just successfully catch the moment and attribute it to the child's achievements, or the child develops a reflex to these words, but this is not what you need to strive for. The goal of parents is to explain why a potty is needed, how and when to use it. In children who were taught to the potty early, in the second year of life, an unreasonable (as it seems to parents) refusal of it often manifests itself - the baby does not sit on the potty. Everything is explained by children's protest - the child finally begins to feel the urge to go to the toilet, and he is still forced to go to the potty under "piss-piss" and "ah-ah-ah."

It is best to start potty training in the warm season, when the baby has fewer clothes on and it is much easier to use the potty than in winter.

When choosing a potty, preference should be given to models made according to the anatomical forms of the child. For girls, it is better to choose a round shape, for boys - oval or with a ledge in front. Now there are many different options in stores, designed for every taste and budget, but when choosing, you need to remember that the pot should be comfortable, stable and not cold. The child will not like it if he has to sit on a cold pot, this can cause active resistance during use and learning. Its height should be suitable for the baby.

The most common option is a plastic potty chair. You should not buy pots with musical or game elements, because instead of an item that needs to be used only when necessary, it can turn into another toy. In addition, additional effects will distract the child from the process. An important criterion to pay attention to is sustainability. Small children can be awkward, and failing to sit or get out of the seat can frighten the child and discourage them from using the item.

After buying a potty, the baby needs to be introduced to him. It is worth showing him a new “plastic” friend, telling him why he is needed. If the child is not interested, try another time, do not insist too hard, so as not to cause negative emotions. To make the story about the need for a potty better remembered by a child, show how to use it using toys as an example. Fill your favorite rubber bear with some water, play with it and tell it that it wants to go to the toilet. Immediately put the bear on the pot and press it to make water flow. If you have older siblings or just kids you know who are a little older, you can ask their parents to show your child an example of how to use the potty. So the training will go much faster.

While getting used to a new essential item, the child should, if possible, be weaned from the diaper. This is fraught with regular cleaning and washing, but this way the baby will quickly understand the structure of his body and the need to use the potty due to the visual connection between the urge and the subsequent bowel movement. This does not mean that the little man should walk completely naked, but he will understand that walking wet and dirty is unpleasant, which means that you need to use the potty in time.

To begin with, it is best to plant the baby on the potty regularly:

  • in the morning after sleep;
  • before meals and after it;
  • before and after daytime sleep;
  • before the walk and after it;
  • before bed at night.

At the same time, do not allow to spend more than 5-7 minutes on the potty, otherwise this process will take most of the day. In addition, long forced sitting on the potty discourages the desire to "communicate" with him. Therefore, do not force the child to sit on the pot against his will, if it is obvious that the desired result cannot be achieved at the moment.

Do not forget to explain to the child every time why you put him on the potty. So he will remember marker words (“write”, “poop”, replacement with onomatopoeia) and learn how to use them correctly and explain his needs to you in the future.

Potty training should not be started if the child is sick or during teething. On such days, children are especially capricious and scattered for quite objective reasons, besides, deviations from the norm in health can affect the frequency of needing the toilet.

Every time the baby succeeds in doing what they want from him, praise the child. But it should be only praise, not rewards in the form of sweets and toys. If problems arise, do not scold the child, try to be patient and understand temporary setbacks and regularly remind the crumbs of the existence of the pot and its purpose. The potty must always be clean and in a place accessible to the child.

The last stage of the program, how to potty train a child, is to consolidate the result. After a few months of regular planting, the baby may ask for a potty himself. But this does not mean that after the first independent time everything will always work out - mom will have to change more than just children's pants! Children often flirt and forget about everything in the world, so if parents notice that the baby has not gone to the toilet for a long time, it is worth reminding him of this. Be attentive to the behavior of the child: if the child freezes during the game, grimaces for no reason, pushes, starts to grunt, it is likely that you should immediately put him on the potty.

Why is the child afraid of the potty?

One of the most frustrating situations for parents is when a child is afraid of the potty. The reasons may be very different. For example, a baby immediately after a daytime sleep - still warm, sleepy - was seated on a cold pot. Also discourages the desire to "communicate" with the pot for a long time sitting on it. Therefore, the maximum time that a child should spend on it is 10 minutes.

Quite often, a fear of the potty develops in those children who are shouted at because of unsuccessful attempts at training. Parents must be patient if they want to succeed in this business. The potty should be in a quiet place where the baby can concentrate. Harsh sounds or other incidents that can frighten a child can discourage them from even going to the potty for a long time. If the child does not go to the pot - do not despair, do not lose patience and in any case do not yell at the baby. Wait. He must realize what is required of him, and learn to control his own body. Sometimes it takes months, but the result is worth it! The day will come when the baby will ask to go to the toilet and will be glad that everything worked out for him.

Remember that even if nothing works out for you and your child categorically does not accept the need to use the potty, then you should be patient - by the age of four or five, one way or another, the child will get used to using the potty or the toilet. All children are individuals and develop in their own way. After all, there are no healthy children who, after the age of five, have learned to do without diapers.


The child is growing, and every parent is faced with the question of teaching him to go to the potty. Disputes about at what age it is necessary to acquaint the baby with this subject do not subside. Some parents start almost from birth, others wait until the child learns to sit, and others - when he asks himself.

Therefore, the question of when to potty train a child will have to be decided by each parent.

The topic of potty training a child is quite relevant among parents. From how many months can a child master this skill? Many try to start accustoming the baby to going to the potty as early as possible, almost from birth. At the same time, the child is kept over a potty or a bath for some time, repeating the sounds “pee-pee” or “pee-pee” and the like. Over time, the child develops an instinct to urinate at this sound. However, this is just a trained reflex, and it has nothing to do with conscious action. That is, the child performs urination unconsciously.

According to experts, the physiology of the child is such that up to 1 year he does not feel the fullness of the bladder and the urge to urinate. The same situation and defecation. Only after 12 months, or even after 1.5 years, as the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system as a whole develop, the baby develops the ability to control discharge. And only by the age of three, the child develops persistent conscious desires to urinate and defecate.

Therefore, it is not advisable to start potty training a child earlier than a year. It depends on the physiological maturity of the child how quickly the “toilet science” will be mastered.

Suitable age. Signs of a child's readiness

At what age to start introducing the baby to the potty, each parent chooses independently. Based on the physiology of the child, it is better to start no earlier than 1 year. It is likely that it will be even easier to teach a 1.5-year-old baby to use the potty. However, it is also not worth delaying much with acquaintance with the pot. To determine whether a child is ready for this science, you should pay attention to such moments in his development:

  • The baby can squat and stand up on his own;
  • Able to withstand a break between urination for about 2 hours;
  • A certain rhythm of bowel movement has been developed;
  • The child understands the meaning of the words "pee", "poop", can express these desires with gestures or sounds;
  • Knows the necessary parts of the body and items of clothing;
  • Feels uncomfortable in wet clothes when peed

If your baby has at least a few of these skills, then it's time for him to get acquainted with the potty.

Which pot is better to choose

Having decided on the age at which it is necessary to start potty training, parents think about buying this item itself. How to choose the right potty for the baby, which one is better to take? Many are puzzled by these questions, because the assortment presented in stores is quite wide: pots, chairs, musical ones, in the form of different animals, all kinds of shapes and colors.

First of all, the pot should be comfortable and functional. A regular plastic pot will do just fine. The child should feel comfortable when using this item. It’s better if it’s not just another toy, but an object that people use to go to the toilet.

Do not let your child just play with the potty. He must understand its purpose.

It is important to choose a pot of a convenient shape and the right size so that there are no difficulties during its operation. For boys, it is convenient to use a model with a ledge in front, which will help to avoid unpleasant puddles when the baby is sitting on the potty. If the pot has a back, then this will give additional comfort to the child.

This item should be located within the reach of the baby, so that if necessary, he can use the potty on his own.

The learning process should be comfortable for everyone.

Learning in detail - stages

Potty training requires a lot of time and effort on the part of parents. In acquiring this skill, the following stages can be distinguished:

  1. Getting to know the pot. Parents purchase this item and explain to the child how to use it;
  2. Potty training. The kid gradually learns to use the potty under the guidance of an adult;
  3. Consolidation of acquired skills.

Getting to know the pot

To successfully master this skill, it is necessary that not only the child, but also the parents are ready. It is necessary that learning should not take place occasionally, but constantly. This will take time. It is necessary to choose the right time so that the child has a good mood. It is good to start in the summer, when there is a minimum of clothes on the child. It is most successful to plant the child on the potty after sleep, especially if the diaper is dry. If the baby has developed a bowel movement regimen, for example, in the morning after breakfast, then you can put the child on the potty at this time.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to show the baby the whole sequence of actions: take off your panties, sit on the potty, pee or poop, where to pour, wash, put. Of course, until the child can perform these actions on his own, but they will interest him.

Be sure to praise the baby if he did it right. But scolding for not going where you need to is not worth it. The pot should not be associated with negative emotions.

Getting used to potty

So, the child's acquaintance with the pot took place. How long it takes a child to get used to this subject depends on his physiological readiness and on the patience and method of teaching parents. Someone masters the potty in 7 days (Gina Ford "How to potty train a child in 7 days"), while someone cannot achieve the desired result for months. It is clear that the earlier the child is potty trained, the more time and effort will be required from the parents.

We gradually introduce the pot not only after sleep or after eating, but also when necessary according to the daily routine.
At 1.5 - 2 years old, children can hold urination for a long time. If the last time the child peed 2 hours ago, then you can already put him on the potty.

We continue to praise the child in every possible way for going to the potty, and do not show irritation if he did not succeed. The process should be accompanied by only positive emotions.

We consolidate skills

At 2 years old, the child feels well the filling of the intestines and bladder and the need to go to the toilet. He understands that wet shorts are uncomfortable and unpleasant. The child consciously begins to ask to go to the toilet. At this time, you can teach the child to take off and put on pants, close the potty, and at 3 years old, wipe the ass on their own, pour the pot into the toilet, and wash. The child has already memorized the sequence in which to act and is able to perform these actions.

Encourage the independence of the child, help to consolidate the acquired skills and acquire new ones.

Causes of failures and errors in training

Not all children are equally successful in potty training. Parents are often to blame for failures. In order for the acquisition of the skill of "going to the toilet" to be successful, the following mistakes should be avoided:

  • Do not scold the baby if he does not want to use the potty. It is possible that it is not ready yet, it is better to postpone it for a couple of months.
  • If the baby went past the potty or forgot to ask, there is no need to scold him or express dissatisfaction;
  • The pot must be dry and warm so as not to cause discomfort in the child;
  • Do not keep the child on the pot for a long time;
  • Do not force seat;
  • When a child is sick or just naughty, you should not start learning;
  • Do not make a toy out of a pot.

If not everything works out as you planned, watch the video of Marina Romanenko, a psychologist and mother of four children:

When to See a Doctor

It happens that even after 3 years the child urinates not on the potty. This is not always associated with diseases, but it is impossible to miss a possible disease. Therefore, if a baby after 3 years has frequent involuntary urination during the day, he constantly urinates at night in bed, then this may be a pathology.

Enuresis can be caused by congenital abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system, inflammatory diseases, and other factors. Often this situation can be caused by neurological problems.

Therefore, the child must be shown to the doctor.

Why does the child not want to go to the potty

There are situations when a child categorically does not perceive the potty and does not want to use it. Most often, this situation is associated with the mistakes that adults made when accustoming the crumbs to the potty.

    1. Often parents shame the child for his “mistakes”, laugh or punish, humiliating the baby and injuring the delicate child's psyche;
    2. Sometimes, if a child is immediately accustomed to the toilet, then the baby may be afraid of him. It is necessary to use a special child seat or still purchase a potty;
    3. Some stress or problems in a child can lead to his reluctance to sit on the potty. No need to insist. Give him time.

In any case, sooner or later the baby will master the ability to go to the toilet. No need to force him.

Do diapers interfere with the process

Many people think that putting a baby in disposable diapers interferes with potty training. However, many pediatricians do not agree with this opinion. Studies have shown that babies with and without diapers learn to consciously go to the potty at about the same time. This skill is associated only with the development of the child's nervous system and the ability to control the urge to urinate, which develops in a child closer to 2 years and later.

Contrary to popular belief, diapers do not interfere with the process

When a child is ready to learn the potty, following these simple recommendations can help him:

    • At home, the baby can be left without panties and even without panties, so that it is easier to use the potty;
    • Praise the child for successful "going to the toilet";
    • If the baby did not go to the potty, do not scold him for the puddle. Remind him once again that he has a pot for this;
    • Make sure that the pot is dry and warm, the child can quickly get it;
    • When planting crumbs on a pot. Provide him with a quiet, calm environment. It's good that nothing distracts him

A little effort and attention from the parents and the baby will definitely master this “science”.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Children's doctor Komarovsky E.O. advises not to rush to accustom the child to the potty. In his opinion, the sooner parents try to instill this skill in their child, the more effort will be required on their part.

Do not compare your child to other children who already know how to do something better than him. Remember that every child is different.

As they grow, kids learn and comprehend all the subtleties of the "adult world". One of the stages of growing up a baby can be called potty training. In this situation, each mother acts intuitively or based on her experience with other children. However, not everyone knows that in a certain period this process can go much easier and faster.

When accustoming a baby to a potty, it is not the process of mastering itself that is of particular importance, but its method, that is, how it is accustomed to a new action for him. The task of parents during this period is to try to make the mastered actions become their own for the baby, and not what adults require from him. It is important to form the baby's interest in their movements, urges, etc. During this period, the joint work of the baby and the adult with a new subject is important. The child learns to distinguish between how one can and cannot act, which, in fact, usually causes difficulties.

When should a child be potty trained?
Retention of urination and defecation independently forms in a baby from about seven months to a year. At this time, the baby is closely engaged in studying his body and its capabilities (touches the contents of the pot with his hands, slams them in a puddle made by him, etc.). During urination, while playing, the baby can arbitrarily delay this process, thus developing the ability to regulate urination.

It is during this period that one can try to offer the child to sit on the pot, but only as an acquaintance with this “most interesting” subject, and not to demonstrate the direct administration of natural needs. Most likely, it will not be possible to develop a stable habit of using the potty in a child during this period, since children at this age are very active and cannot sit in one place for a long time. But if the baby is very calm by nature, it may well turn out to teach him how to use the potty.

From ten to thirteen months, babies strive for independence and may resent against the background of prohibitions and any coercion of adults - this is the so-called crisis of one year. The pot is one of them. That is why children often refuse to go to the potty, even if before that they were accustomed and there were no problems.

After about fourteen months of life, the baby can be taught to use the potty independently on a conscious level. However, parents will have to be patient and prepare for occasional puddles.

With children as young as two years old, the process of potty training is easier and faster. Firstly, the child understands well what is required of him, and "unauthorized" puddles in this case are less common. Secondly, at this age, children are very concerned about toilet matters, which, of course, gives an advantage in accustoming.

Of course, children are all different, the development of each particular baby may differ from the average, so the above figures should be considered approximate. Therefore, in the question of the age when it is better to start potty training, you should focus on the behavior of the baby.

How to speed up the process of potty training a child?
It should be noted that it is much easier to potty train children who did not wear diapers. But with children who wore diapers all the time, you have to sweat. In this case, it will not do without puddles and "heaps".

To speed up the learning process, you should learn a few simple recommendations.
First you need to purchase a comfortable, stable and outwardly attractive pot. You can allow the baby to touch it and carefully examine it. The pot should be in the baby's room, in the place where he usually plays, so that the child constantly sees him, and if he wants, he can sit on it, get comfortable, so to speak. If this subject causes alertness in a baby, you should not rush into learning.

You should also give up diapers if you haven't already. This is necessary in order for the child to study his body and understand the functions of the priests and genitals, establishing a connection between the urges and their consequences, more than once.

It is important to show your child how and when to use the potty. After observing the baby, you will notice that before the act of urination or defecation, he calms down, groans or shows his displeasure. It is at this time that it is best to invite the child to go to the potty (“My sun, let's poop or pee in the potty), because that's what we need him for.” It is important that adults demonstrate by their own example how and where to pee.

If the baby does not want to sit on the pot, never force him to do this by force, otherwise you can cause disgust for this necessary item. If the baby sits normally and does not try to get off the potty, you can put the child on it first after he pees or poops in the diaper. A dirty diaper should be changed when the baby is sitting on the potty, defiantly putting it in the potty.

Next, you need to observe the baby and put him on the potty several times during the day: after sleeping in the morning or afternoon, after eating, before and after a walk, before going to bed. If you managed, as they say, to catch the moment, and the pot was used for its intended purpose, be sure to praise the baby for the work done (pat on the head, kiss, and just say a kind word) so that he will imprint in his memory the pleasant emotions associated with the use pot.

If a child has an "accident", do not scold him or show your disappointment in any way. It’s just that at such moments you need to affectionately remind the baby that “all things” need to be done in a potty.

I note that if the baby has not yet learned to control himself and go to the potty in the daytime, you do not need to try to accustom him to this at night.

Remember that a child needs to go to the toilet in a calm environment. Stress, strangers, strange environment do not allow the child to relax and do everything according to the rules. Therefore, when accustoming a baby to a potty, this factor should be taken into account.

To go to the potty without a reminder, each child needs a different time. The older the child, the faster this process is. So, for example, a one-year-old baby will need from a month to two for this, and a two-year-old - a week or two.

It is also worth noting that a child who knows how to go to the potty can still have “accidents”. This usually happens during teething, illness, during an exciting game, during a crisis period of one year.

How to refuse a diaper on the street?
As soon as the child has clearly formed the habit of using the potty, you can begin to teach the baby to do without a "diaper" and on a street walk. It is best to do this during the warm season.

As a rule, babies who have not worn diapers, by the time they are potty trained, can endure while walking and ask for a potty. Those children who wore diapers will also learn to do without them during walks, only before going outside, diapers should be removed and a few spare pants should be taken with you.

It is imperative that before the street it is necessary to invite the child to go to the potty, if he does not have such a desire, he should not be forced. If it is difficult for a child to go outside “to the bushes”, you can take a potty with you. If you missed the moment, and the child did the job in pants, then you need to affectionately explain to the baby that an error has occurred: “My bunny, you wrote in pants! Look how wet they are now! Come on next time we better go and water the grass!”. After that, you can change the baby.

If everything happened as it should, be sure to praise the baby, but do not overdo it, otherwise the child will do it not at will, but in order to be praised by his parents. After the walk, it is also necessary to invite the baby to go to the potty.

Such daily "rituals" will help the child to do without a diaper and during walks.

Gradually, as the skill of using the potty is strengthened, the child will wake up on his own at night to relieve himself. Then you can do without diapers at night. By the age of two years, the function of urinary retention during sleep is strengthened, as a result, the child stops waking up at night to go to the potty.

When should you not potty train?
Do not potty train your child:

  • during illness or immediately after it;
  • if you have changed your place of residence or plan to do so in the near future;
  • if you are expecting a second child or he has just been born;
  • if someone in the family is very sick or someone has died;
  • if you are getting divorced.
Finally, I note that kids love to examine and touch the contents of the pot with their hands. Therefore, with such attempts, do not shout or swear, give the baby the opportunity to personally bring the fruits of his labors to the toilet and flush it down the toilet.

Absolutely any mother thinks about how and when to start potty training her baby. He asks about the experience of mothers in the yard, studies the Internet, reads magazines and in the end is left with nothing. And all because there is a lot of information, and each is unique. In order not to waste time and energy searching for correct and verified information, we have reviewed the main points regarding this difficult but delicate process.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the readiness of the child to learn. If the child does not understand why the pot is needed and what to do with all this, then how much time is not spent, everything is in vain. Some mothers begin to "plant" (initially over a bathtub with running water) babies almost immediately after birth, trying to avoid diapers, from their point of view, which are harmful. Experienced women can easily calculate how many times a day they will have to go to the toilet with a baby like this. But if there is a desire and complete self-confidence, then no one forbids. Although it is better to spend this time on rest. A calm mother is better than the one who every twenty minutes stands over the bathroom with a child in her arms.

Psychologists believe that the ideal age for potty training is between eighteen and twenty-four months. Domestic pediatricians adhere to the same opinion. But it should be remembered that each child is unique, and the framework is conditional. A shift in age up or down is not a pathology, provided that the baby is developed by age and had the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills.

You should also remember the difference between girls and boys. As a rule, the beautiful half of the sex is potty trained earlier and faster. Boys begin to go to the pot a little later than their peers.

Until about a year and a half, they do not feel how their intestines and bladder work. The excretion of urine and feces occurs unconsciously. Therefore, frequent planting on the potty at an early age will help save only on diapers, but the nerves of mother and child will be wasted, up to a complete disgust for the hated potty on the part of the child.

So what signs should you pay attention to in order to understand that the child is already ready? So, you can potty train if your child:

  • understands speech and responds to it;
  • can express their emotions and desires at least at the level of syllabic words or gestures;
  • experiencing discomfort from wet linen, diapers;
  • remains dry during (if during the daytime - this is the first bell, if it is dry at night - then it's time to act to the fullest);
  • able to sit down, bend over and stand up confidently.

Parents should understand that in this delicate issue there is no place for aggression, pressure and looking back at other children.

Children do not choose a potty, this is the business of parents!

Modern models of pots have the most incredible shapes, colors, even music and lanterns. It is not difficult to guess which potty the baby will choose. But is it needed, so bright and toy?

Don't waste your money on an expensive potty with a few tunes just because your little one reached out to him in the store. Pediatricians say that the pot should be simple and convenient. This is not a toy, but a hygiene item with which the child should have only one association.

The right pot should be stable, with a wide and secure base. It is better if it is made of plastic, since this material heats up from the baby's body much faster. Plus, it is cheaper and more practical than metal and ceramic options. It is only important to remember that plastic should be non-toxic and pleasant for the delicate skin of the child.

For a girl, it is better to buy a round pot, and for a boy - an oval shape with a frontal ledge. This difference is due to the anatomical features of children of different sexes. For travel, it is better to give preference to special models with a lid and handles.

Yes, disposable diapers are easier. But there comes a time when this blessing of civilization must be abandoned. Although parents will have to work a little and show patience so that the work they have started goes as quickly and calmly as possible.

There are many factors to consider when potty training your little one.

  • The potty is a new friend that the child needs to be introduced to. Calmly and kindly explain what the item is and why you need it. The ideal option is when the family already has children: older brothers and sisters, on the example of which the baby will be able to understand what is required of him.
  • If the child peed in his pants, you should not scold him, but explain that it is pleasant to be dry, but not wet, along the way telling that the pot will always help to stay dry.
  • Potty training is impossible without a routine. Therefore, you should make it a rule to put the child on the potty after eating, sleeping, a couple of hours after playing / waking up, even if the child does not talk about his urge to go to the toilet.
  • The pot should always be at hand. We hesitated a little, and that's all, the pants are damp.
  • Many children love to watch and listen to how water is flushed in adult toilets. This trick might help. Just every time the baby has done his business in the toilet room, give him the opportunity to flush the toilet on his own.
  • No aggression and effort in mastering a new business! If the baby categorically does not want to sit on the potty, you should not force him to do this. Just remove this item for a while, and then gently and unobtrusively offer to pee in it again.

We teach the baby to the potty in a week

One of the most common ways to potty train children is the weekly method, developed by an English female doctor and nanny with many years of experience. It is suitable for children from one and a half years old who show independence in their own dressing, know parts of the body, and also understand and follow the simplest instructions.

Day 1. Beginning of the day. We take off the diaper, saying: “So big has grown! Where are our panties? or something like that. We plant on a pot that can be put in the toilet room. Task: keep the child on the potty for ten minutes. This time is enough for the baby to do all his business. If the baby does not want, we do not force. We show imagination: we sing songs, we read books. But this is only at first.

Day 2. We repeat the actions of the first day, but there should be fewer games during these ten minutes.

Day 3. Morning - the same. We don’t wear a diaper for a walk, but we always pee in the pot in front of her. On the street, it is necessary to periodically ask if the child wants to go to the toilet. You can walk in the bushes or take the pot with you. A few such days will be enough to develop a skill.

Day 4. According to the assurances of the creator of the methodology, by the fourth day, if you follow these four points, the kids will begin to go to the potty on their own. The only thing is that they need to be constantly reminded of the need to go to the toilet. And be sure to praise and encourage the child, but not scold or shame for the fact that the child could not cope with the urge. Following these tips, it will be quite realistic to potty train your baby in seven days.

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Parents who are seriously concerned about the problem of potty training a baby always surprise and amuse pediatricians. Indeed, by and large, the result is always known to everyone: there are no healthy children over the age of 4-5 years who do not know how to relieve themselves in a potty. And yet, almost every mother whose child has passed the age of 9-10 months actively raises this question: how to wean the baby from and potty train him?

When to potty train your baby

Modern scientists have proven that the child's brain matures to a level at which it is able to steadily control the processes of urination and defecation, only by 22-30 months. Therefore, trying to teach a baby to a potty before this age does not make any sense at all. Thus, for the first two years, you have two options: use diapers or constantly wash baby pants.

Occasionally, a newborn baby can also fall into the pot if you aim it accurately and on time. But this is not a reason to brag to your girlfriends and doctors that your brilliant little one has already learned how to use the potty. There is no reason to get a child to regularly and consciously "trip" to the potty before he is 2-2.5 years old and he is able to consciously control the process of coping.

So the question "When to start potty training" comes down to a question of your parental sanity: you can start potty training your baby at 2 months and diligently potty train him "on a regular basis" for the next couple of years.

At the same time, you are almost guaranteed to encounter situations in which your little one will either fall into hysterics at the sight of a pot, or vice versa - play with it like with a high chair, or stubbornly sit on it for hours without result, and then instantly "do" in pants, as soon as you take him off this pot ...

All these situations, which always worry parents so much, arise only because the baby is not yet ready to consciously perceive the purpose of the potty, as well as control the processes of pissing and pooping themselves.

On the other hand, you can start teaching at 20 months, when the child already clearly understands what is required of him, and in a couple of months, without nerves and tantrums, completely “make friends” between the child and the pot. So, how much time to spend on potty training is your own business and your own choice. But do not expect real success from the baby if he is not yet 1.5-2 years old.

The best time to start potty training your baby is in the summer after the baby is 18-20 months old.

Signs when it's time

It is reckless to focus only on age, understanding the fact that all children develop individually. There are several signs that will tell any mother that her baby is ready to learn potty science:

  • The child's intestines are emptied more or less regularly and "by the clock."
  • The child is able to never pee into the diaper for 2 - 2.5 hours.
  • The kid already knows the parts of the body and elements of clothing. Not necessarily he should be able to name them, but to show at your request - he must confidently.
  • The child is “torn” to dress and undress independently.
  • The child understands the meaning of the words "write", "poop".
  • In the case of an "opportunity" - if the child "spoiled" or even "put on" his pants - he expresses negative emotions from his being wet or dirty. In other words, the baby must be aware of discomfort.
  • Most importantly, the baby must be able to demonstrate his desire to go out of need. Until he knows how to do this, any attempts to potty train him will be in vain.

How to potty train a child: no problem!

By and large, this topic is extremely complicated and "inflated" by the parents themselves. In previous years, perhaps, there was such a need - to teach the baby to use the potty as soon as possible, until he ruined all the clothes and soiled the whole apartment. But nowadays, thanks to the existence of diapers and washing machines, this problem does not exist at all.

The fact that wearing diapers does not in any way affect how quickly a child learns to use the potty in the future has long been proven and obvious. Therefore, the vast majority of pediatricians are unanimous in the opinion that parents should not fool themselves, trying to make a child friends with a pot ahead of time. Do not torture yourself, do not torture your child - put on diapers and spend time with joy.

When your child is toilet science mature (not before 18 months of age), you can start potty training from time to time - especially in the morning or after going out. And while he is sitting, calmly and cheerfully explain to him what should happen in general, why he was seated and what is expected of him.

If it works out, be sure to praise it, if it doesn’t work out after 5-7 minutes, put it in a diaper, kiss it and let it play.

In no case should you show discontent, irritation, anger or anger towards a baby who does not want or cannot go to the potty yet. Otherwise, your family "toilet epic" runs the risk of dragging on for a long time ...

In the image and likeness

Imagine that you are faced with the task of teaching a child to assemble a pyramid of rings. What do you intuitively do? Most likely - the first 10-15 times you yourself will assemble the pyramid in front of your little one, patiently speaking for him while he is watching you: “This is a blue ring, we put it first - because it is the largest ... then the yellow ring. .., and to the very top - the smallest ring ... ". When you teach a child (and a person in general) something, there is no better way than a clear personal example.

But in the case of potty training, illustrative examples on your part, to put it mildly, are not very appropriate. Indeed, in modern society it is not rightly accepted that parents relieve themselves in front of their children. In this situation, other children will help you out! When a child sees how his slightly older brother or sister uses the potty, or in the nursery he watches how all the children perform this “ritual” together, he adopts this skill in a completely natural way and almost instantly.

He simply repeats what other children do - for a child, this is the easiest and most understandable way to communicate with the outside world. That is why, for example, in large families, the question is never of how to teach the youngest child to use the pot - he learns by himself, looking at the others.

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky: “Even if a child is not specifically taught to go to the potty at all, he practically independently adapts to it at the age of a maximum of 4-5 years. It is enough that this pot is simply in your house. And for the kid to attend kindergarten for at least a couple of weeks, where his peers will be a constant good example for him.

When exactly the baby adapts to the potty, there is absolutely no problem. He will definitely learn - it's a fact. And how to fool yourself with ridiculous questions - How to potty train? When to start teaching? What if he "hates" his potty? - just "put" this problem aside and do more pleasant and useful activities with your baby: go for a walk, etc. Everything will come in due time, including the ability to use the potty.