Abstract of a lesson on designing in the origami technique for the preparatory group "Kite. Lesson summary. Origami paper art in the preparatory group

Summary of a paper design lesson in the preparatory group.

Theme: "Puppy"

Target: creating conditions for the formation of skills with the methods of paper sculpture technique, the creation of crafts using the origami technique.


Promote the formation of the ability to combine design methods, combine several methods at the same time in one craft, using the skills and abilities acquired earlier.

Promote the improvement and consolidation of paper handling skills: folding a semicircle into a high cone, bending the lower corners of the triangle to the corresponding sides.

Show independence in the design of the appearance, develop creative imagination, the desire to do the craft.

Develop imagination, thinking, memory, ingenuity, artistic taste.

To cultivate independence in the performance of work, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale, individual work to consolidate skills.

Material for the lesson: brown paper, square, brown semicircles, glue, brushes, scissors, colored paper scraps.

Course of the lesson:

Children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher reads the tale "Kid and Carlson". There is a knock at the door, Carlson runs in.

Carlson: - Hello, children!

Children: - Hello, Carlson.

Carlson: - I know that good girls and boys live in your d / garden, in your group, and you will help me.

Educator: - what happened, Carlson?

Carlson: - I really need your help. I know that you will help me! I have a friend named "Kid", and so he is now ill and he really wants to have a friend - a puppy. I really want to help him and that's why I flew to you. Help the Kid!

Educator: How can we help?

Carlson: I know everything about you, and I know that you are great masters, you know how to make toys with your own hands. So I want to ask you to make a puppy for the Kid.

Educator: Well, will the guys help Carlson?

Children: Let's help.

Educator: How are we going to make a puppy? Of what?

Children: Can be made from paper.

Educator: How are we going to make paper out of paper?

Children: Need to make a torso. Fold in a semicircle and glue.

Educator: What are we going to do then?

Children: Head.

Educator: What else do dogs have on their heads?

Children: Ears!

Educator: How can you make a puppy's face with ears? Let's think about it. We have already made such toys and we know what this method is called. What is it called?

Children: This method is called origami.

Educator: That's right, a muzzle can be made from a square using the origami technique. How it's done?

Children: Fold the square in half from corner to corner, and then wrap the lower corners towards the top, and you get a muzzle with ears.

Educator: Will the work be finished on this?

Children: You need to connect everything, glue it together, and then make the eyes, mouth, paws, tail.

Educator: Well done, you all know how to do it, they told everything correctly. Let's hurry, otherwise Carlson is waiting and very worried.

Children are working.

Final part:

Carlson: Well done, they did their best. What beautiful puppies everyone has turned out, I don't even know which one to choose for my Kid. Do you have kids in the kindergarten? Let's give puppies to them and they will play with them. Well, I’m starting my motor, and we’ll fly to the kids.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a paper design lesson in the preparatory group "Wintering Birds"

Objectives: To strengthen the ability of children to fold a square diagonally (the basic shape of the "scarf"). Continue to teach children to bend backward along the line and bend forward parts of the craft. To educate accuracy in the warehouse ...

Summary of a paper design lesson in the middle group. Topic: "Wonderful twig"

Strengthen design skills, develop the ability to combine parts; improve basic skills of spatial orientation; develop creativity, aesthetic taste ...

Artistic design from paper using origami technique in the preparatory group.

Educational area: artistic creativity.
Theme:"Elephant" (collectively).
- to teach children to design from paper using the origami technique of an elephant;
- to consolidate the ability to bend a sheet of paper in different directions, well ironing the fold;
- develop memory, attention, imagination, eyes, small muscles of the fingers;
- foster interest in the art of origami, accuracy; the ability to work in a team, the desire to help others, to bring the work started to the end.
Preliminary work: examining the elephant in the picture. Reading about elephants from B. Zhitkov's series “What I saw”, stories: “Elephants”, “How an elephant swam”. Memorizing V. Kotaev's poem "Elephant", listening to the song "Pink Elephant". Reading the story of R. Kipling "Baby Elephant".
Demonstration: equipment for display, drawing paper with the image of the sea, sand, palm tree, elephant.
Dispensing: gray squares or newspaper sheets. Applique equipment. Mystery.
This beast has a huge height,
Behind the beast is a small tail.
The animal has a large tail in front.

Well of course it's him
Well, of course it's ... (Elephant).
Put on the board a picture where you painted: the sea, sand, palm tree and an elephant.
The elephant is not happy
Waits in vain for new settlers
Do him a favor
Make a friend for the baby elephant.
- Let's help the baby elephant and construct a friend out of paper for him.
- Fold a sheet of paper with a "scarf". Expand. Bend the sides towards the middle. The result is a "kite".

- Fold the top to the side (horizontally).

- Unfold the top, dropping the tip down - to the side.

- Fold back the upper half of the resulting trunk.

- Fold back the upper half of the resulting trunk. Make a break and lower the trunk down.

Shape the legs by cutting out the marked areas.
Physical education "Sun".
The sun rose early in the morning.
All the kids were cuddled.
Cross the palms. Spread your fingers wide, forming a "sun with rays".
Now make a friend for your baby elephant yourself.
Summing up.
- What did you learn to design from paper?
- Tell us about your work.
- What was difficult to do?
- Find the tidiest job.
- Give children the opportunity to play with crafts.

Lyubov Zaitseva

Abstract GCD paper construction(origami) v kindergarten preparatory group« Pencil»

OO "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Target: create from color pencil paper way« origami» .


To cultivate the ability to bring what has been started to the end;

Learn to work with paper, follow the pattern, step by step;

Develop an eye, accuracy of actions, self-confidence.

Vocabulary work:

Fold line, landmark.

Preliminary work:

Reading: V. G. Suteev "Mouse and pencil» , Fairy tales about pencils and paints", Valentin Postnikov « Pencil and Samodelkin» . Hearing: Grigory Gladkov "In Box B Pencils» ... Self-education educator: reading by Paulo Coelho - "Oh pencil", a parable from the book" Like a river. "

GCD move:


Magic wand

I have friends

With this wand

Can i build

Tower, house and plane

And a huge steamer!

Children: Pencil.

Educator: Guys, let's remember the cartoon "Box with pencils» ... Funny pencils can paint the whole world, paint a rainbow, forest, flowers, house, sun! (Visibility)... In every home where there are babies, they always live in a box or pencil holder

Children: - pencils.

Educator: Multi-colored, of different heights, they are always ready for the fact that in our free time, we can take them and draw.

Image pencil occurs more than once in animation "Mouse and pencil» , "Fairy tales about pencils and paints» .

Today I invite you to make paper pencil(blanks are on the tables).

The teacher fixes 2-3 samples of the already made ones on the board pencils.

See how sharp they are!

Kids love the designs - colorful noses and shirts pencils look for real!

Educator: Now I will show you how to make from paper like a pencil:

(demonstrates, explaining each step, the children, gathered at the table, look).

Children go to the tables, take seats.

Educator: Now let's do the craft together: Take a colored sheet paper... What can you say about him?

Child: One side of it is white, the other is colored.

Educator: Right.

We put the sheet in front of us with the white side up.

Step one: bend the leaf on top, about 1 cm, with a movement "to myself"

Children perform, the teacher performs the same operation.

Step two: in the place where the colored strip appeared, connect its edges and outline the middle. This mark will serve as a guide for further operations.

Step three: Put the blank in front of us with the colored side up, fold the edges paper"Airplane".

Step four: repeat the operation, future pencil acquired a sharp nose!

Educator: Guys, let's read the familiar poem by Valentin Berestov, and at the same time move forward.

“I am a baby pencil. (Squat)

I wrote a hundred pieces of paper. (Move your arms to the left - to the right)

And when I started, (Hands outstretched, palms "Push")

I could hardly fit into the pencil case. (We raise our shoulders one by one - we move our shoulders)

The schoolboy writes. And it grows! (Stand on tiptoe, hands up)

Well, I - on the contrary ”! (We sit on the chairs)

Step five: turn the blank over with the white side. Movement "Push" fold the workpiece from below so that between the spout pencil and its colored body remained white "Sharpened" part pencil.

Step six: Turn the workpiece over. Let's add - "Close the booklet"- from left to right, bend one side, the other - from right to left. The width of the action is based on the white "Sharpened" part pencil.

Step seven: Below, at the base, we will lay one part, the smaller one, inside the larger one.

It turned out pencil, which can serve as both an interior decoration and a bookmark.

To play around, offer to squeeze closer to each other (perk pencil) connected parts, they go deeper into one another - the front wall - in a semicircle - pencil is on the table!

In a snowy field, on the road,

My one-legged horse is racing.

And for many, many years

Leaves a clear mark.


P.S. Unfortunately, I could not upload some photos.

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Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world and construction from paper (origami) in the preparatory group

Designing with paper in the preparatory group is different from similar activities with younger children. The oldest pupils of the kindergarten are already almost schoolchildren, and their preparation for school lessons is laid in the lessons of applied art, when working with paper and cardboard.

An object for crafts can be any natural phenomenon, season, animal or bird. Everything that is part of the surrounding world is reflected in a variety of creative pursuits. Working with paper in kindergarten is an important part of the educational and educational process. This type of activity is very useful for the younger generation of creative individuals.

Paper construction in the preparatory group: birds

There can be an unlimited number of options for such creativity, the theme of birds is vast and inspires to create works in different techniques. To begin with, it is worth dwelling on the three most adapted to age.

1. A bird made of a sheet of paper folded in half. The teacher prepares patterns in advance and distributes to children in the classroom so that they circle the silhouettes on their leaves. Then the bird is cut along the contour and folded in half. Bend the wings outward and attach the thread to the craft.

2. Bulky bird made of paper rings. For work, you need colored paper, scissors and glue. The basis of the entire structure consists of wide paper rings of different sizes. This requires strips of the same width, but different lengths. Glue them into rings and put them inside each other, from smallest to largest, secure. The head is made similarly to the body, and the tail consists of straight wide stripes, which, if desired, can be likened to feathers by cutting the edge in the form of a fringe.

3. For older children who are already quite developed, it is possible to design from paper in the preparatory group using the quilling technique. Here, the end application on a plane from narrow paper strips twisted into multi-colored spirals is appropriate. Such a bright and beautiful panel can be the result of joint creativity, which will later serve as a worthy decoration for the group.

Fall Crafts

The most picturesque time of the year, of course, deserves a reflection in children's creativity. Application from flat elements or volumetric composition - each of these crafts perfectly conveys the light sadness of fading foliage and the brightness of the palette that paper design in the preparatory group can convey. Autumn will be an inspiration. For work, you will need brown paper and cardboard for wood and red-orange shades for foliage.

Application and volumetric composition

For work, you need to prepare several different templates with the outlines of leaves of various tree species. Children will use these blanks to make their own elements. Branches are made of brown brown paper twisted into dense bundles. To revive the composition, you can plant a small perky bird on the top.

In a similar way, an autumn volumetric composition is made. The trunk is twisted from waxed wrapping paper, and the leaves are made using a torn technique. Thin colored paper, yellow, orange and red, is torn into pieces that are used as foliage.

Garden theme in paper crafts

May be continued in other antics of paper design in the preparatory group. For example, paper vegetables. Children enjoy making familiar objects. The most beautiful of these is the pumpkin. You can make a whole composition using the paper strip technique.

For work, you need colored paper. Orange and green. The sheets are cut into long strips. For the body, orange crafts are needed, and climbing stems are made of green. It is necessary to take six stripes and fold them on top of each other, aligning them in the center, like a snowflake. Glue all the parts at this point of contact to each other.

Then take the opposite ends and glue them together in the form of a ring. In this way, glue all six paper rings. If necessary, you can increase their number. The finishing touch of the craft will be branched lashes, which are made of green paper strips tightly rolled in the form of spirals. Children are very fond of paper construction in the preparatory group, vegetables are an extensive topic for classes.

Vegetables and fruits from segments

Another interesting technique for creating paper objects is gluing segments. The work requires a symmetrical pattern made of thick cardboard in the form of any vegetable or fruit. Based on this silhouette, several identical parts of the desired shape are cut. Each piece is folded in half. All parts are glued together from the seamy side only from one edge.

The result is a three-dimensional shape, consisting of many flat parts connected by ribs. If desired, such a craft can be folded - and it will turn from voluminous to flat. Any vegetable or fruit can be constructed in a similar way.

House from a paper bag

Pupils of kindergartens are engaged in various types of creativity. Manufacturing and improvised materials can be provided for by the educational program. Designing from paper in the preparatory group, the house for the doll will really appeal to children.

The original idea is the construction from paper bags. Gift wrapping or grocery packaging will serve as the basis for a pretty design. One such bag must be prepared for each child. It can be brought from home to parents or pre-folded, such as from free newspapers or flyers. Additionally, you will need colored paper, glue and felt-tip pens.

The package is complemented by a gable roof made of a folded paper square, windows and a door. Children are able to complete all these elements on their own, designing from paper in the preparatory group assumes that pupils must be able to handle scissors and glue.

At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to organize an exhibition of handicrafts for parents so that moms and dads can see the efforts of their children and pay attention to the need for additional studies at home, if there is a need for it.

Abstract of a paper design lesson "Bouquet for Mom" ​​for older preschool children.

Borodacheva Olga Vladimirovna, tutor of MBDOU №38 "Cheryomushki", the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region.
Announcement: Spring is coming, streams murmur, birds sing their sonorous songs, the sun warms us with its warmth, the most spring holiday on March 8 comes to us. I invite you to do corrugated paper work with older children with us. Such work will be of interest to educators of older groups, bouquets can be used as a gift for a mother or grandmother, or to decorate a reception room for a holiday.
Target: Involve children in making bouquets, holiday gifts for mothers.
Tasks: Educational: To teach children to work with templates, to consolidate the techniques of working with scissors.
Developing: Develop the ability to compose, attention, imagination and fantasy, creativity.
Educational: To bring up accuracy, love for family and friends.
- Corrugated paper
- Patterns of vases, flowers
- Scissors
- Glue
- Black marker
- Stapler
- Ribbon
- Congratulations
Colored cardboard.


The teacher makes a riddle:
Reads books before bedtime
And he always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know he loves me ... (mom).
Educator: Guys, what holiday does the whole country celebrate in the first month of spring? Yes, you are right, this is International Women's Day - March 8th. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and our wonderful girls. Look, I have a magic heart, let's stand in a circle and play a game.
Didactic game "Pass the heart, call the affectionate word"
Purpose: To teach children to name adjectives, to develop children's oral speech, to enrich vocabulary.
Children pass the heart in a circle and call words that describe their mother. (Kind, affectionate, sweet, gentle, beautiful, smart, cool, wonderful and others.).
Educator: They write poems and sing songs about mothers and grandmothers, and our guys have prepared proverbs and sayings.
Proverbs and sayings about the mother. (Read by children).
1 It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.
2 A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
3 The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby to the mother.
4 The mother feeds the children, like the earth of the people.
5 Without mother, dear and flowers bloom colorless.
6 Relatives are many, but the mother is the dearest.
Didactic game "Moms and Babies"
Target: Teach children to name animals correctly, instill love for their relatives and friends, develop logical thinking.
Educator: Guys, every baby has a mother, let's remember what the mothers of animals are called, I will call the children, and you are their mothers, for example, a bear cub, and the mother is a bear.
Bunny - hare
Wolf cub - wolf
Goat goat
Foal - horse
Chicken - chicken
The fox is a fox.
Educator: Guys, do you like helping your mothers? Now we will check it out.
Physical minute: "We help mom amicably"
We help mom -
We wipe the dust everywhere (Circular movements of the hands).
We are washing clothes now, (Imitate washing)
Rinse, squeeze.
Sweeping all around (Bending forward and around you)
And running for milk (running in place)
We meet mom in the evening
We open the doors wide
We hug mom tightly (imitation hug)
Educator: Guys, in order to congratulate mom on the holiday, we will make a bunch of flowers.
1 According to the template, children cut a vase, large flowers and small flowers. For work we need 5 flowers, each flower consists of 4 large, and the middle of 2 small flowers, we connect all the flowers with a stapler.

2 Draw the middle with a black marker, glue the flowers on the vase, glue the ribbon.

3 On the back side we will glue congratulations.

4 Our vase with flowers for mom is ready!

Educator: Our gifts are ready, in order to congratulate mom we will learn such a poem that you can give mom with a bouquet of flowers.
Congratulations to mom
Spring holiday
I wish her happiness, peace, kindness,
You live dear for many, many years,
You are my sun, you are no better!