Beautiful girls in hijab on topic avatar. The subject of women's wardrobe, which gives rise to the most controversy in society. Now I know everything about him

The one who thinks that all Arab girls are enslaved individuals, wrapped from head to toe in a veil and obeying the whims of a despot husband, is mistaken. In fact, everything is not so, and now you will see it.

The most beautiful Arab girls

Meet Afef Jnifen - model and TV presenter from Tunisia. With a strong character and a desire for independence, she ignored the standards of society and went to study in Switzerland. This was followed by a move to Paris, where she was offered to become a model. The work gave her an invaluable gift - the opportunity to travel. But for her it turned out to be Italy, where she lives to this day.

French dancer of Algerian origin Amelia Zidane. This beauty is not only one of the TOP 5 belly dancers in the world, but is also the first dancer to appear on the cover of a gloss without being a model.

The real sex symbol of the Middle East comes from Lebanon. From childhood, the girl was pretty and incredibly talented. At 16, she won the Miss Lebanon pageant. By the age of 20, she began to decorate the covers of fashion glossies, and in 2002 her career as a singer began. At 18, she gave birth to a daughter, and in 2009 she became a grandmother.

Nancy Ajram is a famous singer from Beirut. She released her first album at the age of 15, and at 17 she joined the list of professional artists in Lebanon. But she won fans not only with her sweet voice, but also with an interesting appearance: a brunette with bright blue eyes.

Stylish arab girls

Wife and mother of the heir. She is considered one of the stylish women of the Islamic world, and this is not surprising. The wardrobe of the Moroccan princess is filled with evening dresses with traditional patterns and embroidered gems. At social events, she looks like a sultana from the movie "Magnificent Age".

Dina Abdulaziz is a slender and incredibly beautiful brunette, mother of three children and wife of the Prince of Saudi Arabia. For a long time, Dina and her husband lived in New York, and it was there that she formed the opinion that Arab girls can also choose what to wear.

By the way, in the summer of 2016, Dina Abdulaziz became the chief editor of the fashion magazine Vogue Arabia.

Hijab and oriental girls

Arab girls in hijab are a separate category of oriental beauty. As the proverb says: "The wife is the rose of the house." Therefore, in Islam, female beauty should be hidden from prying eyes.

See how beautiful Arab girls look (photos below) in a hijab.

And if a young girl is still allowed to be uncovered, then for married women the absence of a hijab is unforgivable. Today, this traditional dress is mandatory in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. And in countries such as Tajikistan, Turkey and Tunisia, wearing a hijab in state institutions and educational institutions is prohibited.

Myths about the appearance of Arab girls

Many people believe that Arabs (without exception) are black-haired, with dark skin and black eyes, and all Arab girls are plump and have curly hair. But this is not so, because most of them are very similar to Europeans, but they have an oriental twist.

The Middle East is actually a place of mixing of three races: African, European and Asian. Describing the Arab world, it should be noted that it is diverse. For example, in Syria, Lebanon and Algeria, the skin of the population ranges from light milky to chocolate, and in Sudan, beige and olive shades are very common.

Eyes are the highlight that all Arab girls have. Photos of the bewitching views presented in this article are proof of this. The shade of the eyes is from bright blue to black, the figure of oriental beauties resembles a guitar, and hair is not only dark shades.

Arab girls know a lot about natural beauty and cosmetics. That is why many beauty secrets of Eastern women deserve special attention:

  • Argan oil is the number 1 product in the box of Arab beauties. It is applied in its pure form on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair.
  • Amla extract is a miracle remedy for rapid hair growth. You can use both powder and oil.
  • Rose water is a wonderful refreshing facial tonic that can replace the micellar water familiar to many women.
  • Turmeric is the basis of face masks. To prepare, mix 2 tbsp. l. milk and the same amount of rose water, a pinch of turmeric and 50 g of flour.

Arabic models

Girls always dream of conquering the world catwalks, and there are such desires in the Eastern world too. Here are a few beauties who have conquered the world catwalks.

Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid is the first representative of the Arab world to climb the Western catwalks. In the mid-70s, she posed for Vogue and participated in the shows of Yves Saint Laurent, Klein, Versace.

Kenza Furati is the first Arab model of Muslim origin to take part in a photo shoot in a bikini.

Hana Ben Abdelsalem is a Tunisian model and face of Lancome.

Reema Fakih is the first woman from the Arab world to win the Miss USA title.


Zizi Adele is an Egyptian singer born in Kuwait. Glory to the girl came in 2005, when she took 3rd place in the song contest "Star Academy". Within 2 years, she signed a contract with the largest music production company in the Arab countries.

Latifa is a Tunisian singer whose first album was released in 1988. The beauty sings not only in Arabic, but also in French. To date, she has released 70 clips, 20 albums and starred in several films.

Sofia El Marik is a singer who starred in a diaper commercial at the age of 4. At the age of 15, she got the role of Sophia Loren in a Moroccan film. Singing career began with participation in the show "Star Academy".

Melissa, like many previous Arab girls, was born in Lebanon and is considered one of the popular singers in the Arab world. Melissa sang a duet with the famous musician Akon.

Amar Al Tash is the most photogenic artist in the Arab world. In 2008, she became the sexiest woman, and in 2010 she was in 15th place in the TOP 100 sexiest Arab beauties.

Amina Kaddour is a supermodel, originally from Algeria.


Continues our rating "Beautiful Arab girls" actress from Syria - Sulaf Favakerji. Remarkably, she became famous thanks to her bright eyes. She played in many Syrian soap operas, in 2008 she was one of the torchbearers at the Summer Olympics, and in 2011 she defended Bashar al-Assad.

Makhtab Keramati is an Iranian-Persian actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Nadine Agnathios is a green-eyed beauty and a Lebanese TV news anchor.

Diana Karazon is a Jordanian-Palestinian Arab actress. But she became famous thanks to her participation in the Superstar competition and has since been recognized as the most successful singer in Jordan.

Gabrielle Bow Rashid is an Arab actress and Miss Lebanon title holder. After the beauty contest, she began to receive offers from Lebanese film companies, and also starred in many videos.

Egyptian beauties

Undoubtedly, Cleopatra is considered one of the most beautiful Egyptians in the world, but we can only judge her external data from the words of historians. But what the daughters of famous pharaohs have become now, we can find out from the photographs of the following beauties.

Yara Naum - was born in Cairo, and in 2008 became the owner of the title "Miss Egypt".

Elham Vagdi - represented her homeland at the Miss Universe contest.

Arva Gouda is a model and actress who won the Egyptian Oscar for Best Actress.

The most stylish and powerful woman in the Arab world

Her manner of dressing shocked the United Arab Emirates. Girls living in Islamic states admire her beauty, style and strong character. It is not surprising, because the former mayor of Qatar allowed his wife not only to remove the hijab, but also to participate in public affairs.

Meet Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Minsed - mother of 7 children, one of the most stylish first ladies in the world and a public figure.

Having met her future husband at the age of 18, she was in no hurry to catch her luck by the tail, but first entered the university, completed an internship at prestigious American universities, and only then got married.

In her images there is no hint of the true "fashion of Qatar", where women are dressed in abayas and wear headscarves. On rare occasions, Moza may appear wearing trousers, but she always wears a stylish turban on her head.

Now she is 59 years old, and you must admit that she looks amazing, and this once again emphasizes that Arab girls (photo confirms this) can also look stylish and beautiful. However, there are rumors that in order to preserve her youth, Sheikha Moza underwent 12 plastic surgeries and spent about two million dollars. And those who have ever dealt with her fund admire not only her appearance, but also her determination, perseverance, authority and incredible ability to work.

Style is the main weapon against stereotypes

These Arab girls and women challenged their traditions and became trendsetters, founders of their own brands and designers. No, we are not talking about representatives of Europe or America. A story about modern - beautiful women of the East.

Rania Al-Abdullah is the wife and mother of four children, one of whom is the crown prince of the kingdom. In everyday life, she prefers jeans and T-shirts, but at social events she shines in luxurious outfits by famous designers. By the way, Giorgio Armani himself has repeatedly called her the main muse.

Asma Al-Ahras is the graceful first lady of Syria. Due to the fact that she grew up in England, she prefers to wear a European style instead of a hijab. Even stylists admire her carefully selected wardrobe, because Asma chooses her own outfits.

Ameera Al-Taweel is a princess and ex-wife of the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

It is very different from our usual idea of ​​what Arab young girls should be like. Amira is a fighter for human rights and, even becoming a member of the royal family, did not change her principles.

The article will tell you in detail about what a hijab is and why Muslim women need to wear it.

In the modern world, where every person has freedom of speech and action, the right to do what he wants, to travel all over the world, there are occasionally women, as they say, "from another world." We are talking about girls who “hide” behind the canvases and therefore others will never know their hair color, hear their perfume aroma and see body features.

We are talking about Muslim women who can meet in any city in the world, be it Europe, Russia, the Baltic States or Asia. To understand why they wear such clothes, you can only learn all the nuances of the Muslim faith. These women have completely abandoned all feminine "advantages" like swinging their hips while walking, flirting at work, admiring men on the street and beach swimsuits.

The reason that a woman puts on a hijab is hidden "deep in her heart", because every Muslim woman faithfully and faithfully loves her patron - Allah. A hijab is a piece of cloth that covers a woman's head. This piece of clothing should hide almost all ladies' beauty: youth, smile, pleasant facial features, thin sexy neck, ears.

INTERESTING: Wearing a hijab encourages the Koran. However, no matter how much fabric a woman is supposed to wear on her head, if she doesn’t like it, she has the right to “slip away” from it. Holy Muslim scripture says that the real hijab "comes from the heart."

This statement should be understood as a voluntary desire of a woman to behave correctly, not to give ambiguous signs, hints of free behavior, not to flirt with words and eyes. Muslim women perceive the hijab not only as a cloth, but also as an “invisible veil of faith” that covers them from head to toe.

Hijab is the behavior of a woman that will not let her husband's reputation be tarnished, as well as her "calling card". Despite the fact that all the feminine charms are hidden under the canvas, you can still enjoy them, but only to the husband alone, since he is fully responsible for his wife. A woman is also not obliged to cover her head to her parents and brothers, children and nephews. Muslims perceive female beauty as a jewel that should be hidden from prying eyes and kept as something secret.

What can be seen around:

  • Person (in whole or in part, depending on the country and the family's views on the persecution of the faith).
  • Hands (some Muslim women also prefer to hide them).
  • Eyes (the only permissible part of the body for viewing).

INTERESTING: In the modern world, it is customary to call a hijab any women's clothing that could tell others that she is a Muslim.

When going out, a woman must follow the following dress code rules:

  • Clothing should hide the entire woman, from head to toe.
  • You can open the face (partially or completely), hands and feet (in some cases).
  • Clothing should not fit the body so that the hips, waist and chest do not stand out in any case.
  • In no case should clothing be transparent, so that through the fabric it is impossible to see the features of the figure and see the color of the skin.
  • Clothing on a woman should not resemble men's dresses
  • Clothing should not be overly bright or eye-catching.
  • Clothing should not be soaked in perfume
  • Ringing and too defiant shiny elements should not be hung on clothes.
  • Clothing must be clean and neat

The advantages and disadvantages of the hijab are difficult to list, because despite the fact that the woman is completely hidden under it, it does not allow the body to be fried by the sun's rays. As a rule, the hijab is sewn from natural fabrics so that in summer a woman does not feel stuffy and hot.

Hijab and burqa: the difference

There is a variety of Muslim women's clothing, which has not only different names, but also a reason for wearing it, as well as a territorial affiliation. Increasingly, in the modern world, Muslim women open their faces, simply wrapping their heads in a headscarf (hijab), however, in families with a classical and strict religious way of life, one can also find a veil - clothing that completely hides a woman from head to toe.

How beautifully and quickly to tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim woman: instructions, photos

It is not necessary to be born a Muslim to be able to tie and wear a hijab. Many Slavic girls successfully marry Muslim men and, accepting their faith, undertake to fully fulfill their will, serve Allah, and not allow others to tarnish the honor of their spouse.

In addition, women can travel all over the world and therefore, getting into a Muslim country, they should definitely learn how to wear and tie a hijab. So a woman can show honor and respect to local residents, not raise unnecessary questions and not hear criticism in her face.

IMPORTANT: When tying a hijab, you can completely open your face, but you should wrap your head tightly so that the hair is securely hidden.

How to tie a hijab:

Video: How beautifully and quickly to tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim woman?

Inventive Muslim women have found and invented many ways to tie a headscarf to look good and attractive. If you are having trouble tying your hijab correctly, watch the video carefully for detailed tips.

Video: "Three ways to tie a hijab"

How to make a hijab from a scarf?

If you are not a Muslim and you should cover your head only when necessary (traveling or visiting Muslims), you do not need to buy a special piece of fabric to cover your head. You can use the usual scarf or tippet (wide thin scarf). Detailed tips and photos will help to tie it on your head correctly.

Why do Muslim women wear a hijab, at what age, what color should a hijab be?

Wearing a hijab for girls from a Muslim family is considered mandatory when they reach puberty or adulthood (15 years are considered). However, the Qur'an commands to teach children from a young age "teach children to pray from the age of 7 and beat them if they do not pray at 10." So is the hijab, it should be tied even for little girls, so that wearing it at an older age would be comfortable.

INTERESTING: The exact age for wearing the hijab has not been established. However, if a girl is going through puberty (the appearance of hair on the genitals or the first menstruation), she should definitely wear a hijab.

The hijab should not be provocative. Most often it has a black color, but in the modern world you can also find light shades of hijabs, as well as scarves decorated with patterns. In some cases, the hijab is pinned with decorative pins and flowers. You should not hang ringing objects, bells, beads and anything that will attract attention unnecessarily on the hijab.

How to dress and wear a hijab?

Rules for wearing a hijab:

  • The hijab opens the face completely.
  • The hijab should be tied so that all the hair is hidden under it.
  • If you can’t hide your hair with a scarf, you should put on a special hat under it.
  • The hijab can be tied in a knot or secured with a pin, pin, brooch.
  • The hijab also hides the neck, if the neck is not hidden, a special shirt-front or turtleneck is worn under the hijab.
  • The hijab is put on when a woman leaves the house and in the presence of other men (husband's friends, guests).

Can you wear a hijab at school?

Wearing a hijab is a personal matter for every family. Modern Muslims do not impose on their women the desire to wear a hijab. However, there are still families who consider this headdress to be evidence of true faith. Wearing a hijab at school was generally allowed if it did not cause discomfort to the child and other students. However, some schools in Russia have announced a ban on the hijab, making a distinction between education and religion.

Video: “Can I wear a hijab at school?”

Can a Muslim woman not wear a headscarf?

The question "can" or "not" to wear a hijab is not the right one. Wearing a hijab is not determined by rules and voluntary desire. In Muslim countries with a strict lifestyle, it is considered a shame for a family to be on the street without a hat. At the same time, in Europe, as well as Muslims living in states with the Orthodox faith, you can not wear a hijab so as not to attract the attention of others. The true hijab for a woman is faith in Allah and following the laws of the Koran.

Beautiful girls in hijab: photo

A piece of clothing like a hijab can be beautiful. In order for a woman to look attractive in a hijab, you should properly tie a scarf on your head, choose clothes and complement your image with details (jewelry, accessories, shoes, makeup). Any woman is beautiful if well-groomed!

Photos of girls in hijab:

Wedding hijab: photos of girls

The wedding hijab is an indispensable element of the wedding attire. It differs from the everyday hijab in its pretentiousness and solemnity. The wedding hijab can be decorated with stones, embroideries, flowers, beads, lace.

Oddly enough, in the modern world, where men and women have equal rights, there are prohibitions. First of all, this concerns the Islamic religion, where, according to the Koran, every girl is obliged to cover herself with traditional clothes.

To the question: "What is a hijab?" - many will answer that this is a scarf or cloth covering the head of a Muslim woman. Agree, this is too simple an explanation of the term for a religion such as Islam. After all, many people know that a piece of clothing sacred to Muslims must comply with Shariah norms, which means that it should not attract attention, should not be transparent and tight.

Woman in hijab: headlong into religion

If in Islam it is any clothing that completely covers the female body from head to toe, then for a Westerner it is a scarf with which Muslim women cover their heads and necks. The Koran says that the hijab is a garment that fully complies with all Sharia norms, that is, it is long, not defiant, and does not fit the female body.

What is hijab in terms of spirituality? There is a definite answer to this. As one Muslim woman said: "A woman in a hijab is comparable to a vessel with a lid. If it is not there, then everyone knows what is inside."

Hijab is not a style of a woman, but a position in life, and to come to the decision to wear it is a very bold step, especially being in a non-Muslim country. But for the Islamic religion, being a woman does not mean wearing long clothes and covering your head. First you need to put on the "inner hijab" (cover your soul), and the need to wear the "outer" will come with time.

Hijab as art

Despite numerous Sharia prohibitions regarding the correct wearing of the hijab, the city dwellers of the Persian Gulf have turned the traditional Muslim attire into a real art. They prefer an abundance of shades and decorations in an evening or home look, and at the exit - a plain hijab or abaya.

Ever since the Persian Gulf states experienced lightning-fast economic growth, the most famous fashion houses have begun to work on the look of traditional Muslim clothing, turning the wearing of a hijab into a real work of art.

Now the clothes have a more complex style, a variety of inserts and embroideries, scarves are trimmed with rhinestones and stones, including precious ones. Unfortunately, foreign designers and fashion designers still cannot get used to the fact that the hijab should completely cover the body, so the models show hair on the shows, and their hands are decorated with henna patterns and jewelry.

This Western vision of traditional Muslim attire appealed to young fashionistas, and many of them began to abandon Islamic prohibitions in favor of the style proposed by fashion designers.

Perfume, makeup and hijab

Many will agree that the interest of the Russian people in the East increased during the show of the series "Clone". Everyone remembers how our mothers, grandmothers, sisters were looking forward to the onset of the evening in order to find themselves in a mysterious oriental luxury for an hour. Most of us admired the beauty of Zhadi: a girl covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim attire. The only thing that was open to the gaze of others was her perfectly made-up eyes. And few people know that girls in a hijab before going out have no right to use cosmetics and perfumes. After all, fragrance and makeup will attract male attention.

The only allowed cosmetic product for eyeliner is antimony, and henna is allowed for hands.

Muslim cosmetics

Islam has a different concept of beauty, and such a concept as a Muslim woman's cosmetics is the best way to explain the subtleties of this religion. For lips, a woman uses only truth and sincerity, for her voice - a mention of the Almighty (prayer), for her eyes - a modest and warm look, for her hands - useful deeds, and for her body she finds patience and chastity. This is what a hijab is in the concept of a true Muslim woman.

Ringing jewelry

Jewelry in combination with a hijab is a separate issue, where permissibility depends on what they are and how much they are. But compared to cosmetics, a compromise can be found here. A woman wearing a hijab should not wear only those types of jewelry that attract attention. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wear jewelry on the ankles, as they will make a sound while walking. What is the point of wearing a hijab if in this way a woman will notify the opposite sex of her presence?

How obligatory is the hijab for children

This question is quite common, but perhaps many mothers of daughters have not yet figured it out completely, as they believe that their child is still not enough to wear a hijab. In fact, it is. According to Sharia law, a child who has not reached the age of majority is not responsible for his actions, that is, his actions are not considered haram. But this does not mean that he should do whatever he wants, and his parents will not pay attention to him.

True Muslims (and not only), despite their age, explain to the child the main provisions of religion: the prohibition of deceit, foul language, theft, envy. They should also tell him about the need to fast and pray.

By allowing a child to commit haram actions from childhood, parents doom him to the fact that upon reaching adulthood, he will consider this to be the norm, and it will not be so easy to retrain him. Explaining to a little Muslim woman what is forbidden and permissible, the family will be sure that a personality with the correct religious concepts is being formed in it.

Muslim parents who take care of their children will instill in their child the culture of clothing according to Sharia. But this is on condition that the mother herself follows all the instructions of the Koran regarding appearance. Having a model in front of him, the child will begin to perceive Muslim clothing not only from a theoretical, but also from a practical point of view.

Children in a hijab evoke a feeling of tenderness and gratitude to their parents for many. Until the age of majority, a girl has the right to wear what she wants, especially since many collections for little Muslim women are being created in the world. Thus, a girl from a young age will begin to get used to long dresses, skirts and scarves. in accordance with Islam, a girl becomes an adult when one of these three signs appears:


wet dream;

The appearance of hair around the genitals.

How to wear a hijab (photo)

First you need to take a stole or any other fabric and cover your head with it, securing the edges with a pin on the back of the head. The result should be a hat with long ends. Then one end is transferred to the opposite shoulder and secured with a pin, thereby covering the shoulder. Do the same with the second end of the scarf, just fasten it not on the shoulder, but in the temporal region.


Summing up and understanding what a hijab is, we draw conclusions:

1. Every woman must cover her awrah - unprotected places, that is, the whole body, except for the hands and face.

2. The hijab should not be translucent, fit the figure and have bright colors.

3. The covering must take place in the soul and only then go to the body.

4. Before going outside, a girl in a hijab should not use perfumes and cosmetics.

A Muslim woman must understand that covering her body with a hijab is not an infringement of her rights, but a protection of her honor and dignity.

Beautiful girls in hijab The heart rejoices when you walk around your hometown and see Muslim girls dressed in Islamic clothes. A beautiful light headdress, a delicate long dress that hides the shape of the body from someone else's gaze. All, absolutely all of them are tastefully dressed.

Everyone's gait is like a selection - smooth, while the gaze is lowered, and the face glows with light and tenderness. Isn't it happiness to see such beautiful girls around you!

Praise be to the Almighty that all of them are our sisters, daughters and just neighbors who evoke a feeling of boundless respect for them. Will the tongue turn to say that they are downtrodden, uneducated, dark and stupidly follow their religion, in which they understand nothing? Each of them studies in some secular educational institution, in parallel with this, receives Islamic knowledge in Islamic universities or in madrasas.

Luckily, everyone has this opportunity now. In a conversation with them, you can discover the rich spiritual world of these girls. Having such a wealth of knowledge, they do not pretend to be more than just a modest, submissive Muslim woman.

There is a hadith of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that what is much more valuable than our worship, performed by us in youth . We all know well how difficult it is in youth to resist evil temptations, of which there are a lot around us.

Youth- this is the time of ambition, when worldly goods seduce and attract, distracting from the spiritual.

Praise the Almighty! More and more young people are embarking on the path of truth and worship of Allah!

Those who drive around the city in the morning must have noticed how schoolgirls in white hijabs and boys in skullcaps run to the mosque to learn how to read the Koran during the summer holidays. And there is such joy on the faces of these children! No wonder it is said: "Children are the flowers of life."

When a woman in adulthood is dressed in a Muslim way, she definitely evokes a great sense of respect for herself. But... This is already a person who has considerable life baggage and who, due to his age and experience, is able to adequately perceive spiritual values, is able to distinguish between good and bad. Therefore, women dressed according to the norms of Islam are perceived with respect, but as a matter of course.

Among adult women, there are those who wear a headdress carelessly thrown over their heads (which is doomed to forever slip around their necks) - it seems to be in a headdress, but it seems to be not. Though casually, they wear it! And this means that not everything is lost, even a drop of our Islamic traditions remains in our people.

The paradox is that many of them pray, as they should, and leave the house without covering themselves. Due to ignorance of the norms of our religion, in their defense, they try to convince others of the uselessness of dressing closed, except when performing namaz. Dear women, dress like a Muslim! Especially when going outside. This is prescribed for us by the Almighty! Believe me, there is such charm in this! You are inaccessible to someone else's eyes! You are free from this sin! Alhamdulillah! May Allah save us all from sin and mistakes! Amine!