Facial massage using Japanese technology. Zogan (Asahi) massage for facial rejuvenation without surgery. Indications for the procedure

Asahi massage is a Japanese technique that differs significantly from the classical procedure in more rigid and deeper movements. Asahi removes excess fluid from cells, improves face tone and shape, and makes wrinkles less pronounced.

Mechanism, contraindications

The massage improves blood circulation, rejuvenates, reshapes the face and removes toxins. After the procedure, the mood improves. You can do it at any age.

To perform the massage correctly, you need clean skin, knowledge of anatomy, accuracy and accuracy, good posture of the patient. There are several techniques. With lymphatic, for example, put the fingers on the temples, and then slowly lead to the collarbones.

They put their fingers on the forehead, press, and again lead to the collarbones and so on. During the toning technique, the fingers are placed at the beginning of the eyebrows, press down and begin to move downward. Each technique has many movements that need to be repeated several times.

In order for the massage to have an effect, it must be done regularly. Indications for massage: double chin, wide pores, bags under the eyes, expression lines, sagging skin. Contraindications: skin diseases, herpes, ENT diseases, pathologies of the lymphatic system, loss of energy, oncology. Below you will find all of Asahi's massage techniques.

The essence of Asahi Japanese massage

Japanese facial massage is very different from the classic aesthetic massage we are used to, which cosmetologists do to us in the salon or we ourselves at home. In the classic version of the massage, all movements are soft, gentle, not causing discomfort.

And Asahi massage deeply works the muscles, it is based on manual techniques, to perform it, you need to apply sufficient pressure on the skin and muscles.

Asahi massage (Zogan) includes:

  • Lymphatic massage. It is aimed at removing excess fluid from the skin of the face and relieving puffiness under the eyes.
  • Deep muscle massage. Based on manual techniques, it helps to relax muscles, improve metabolic processes in the cell, and also contributes to obtaining a lifting effect and correction of the face contour.
  • removal of excess fluid from tissues,
  • improves metabolic processes,
  • trains the muscles of the face, - increases the tone and turgor of the skin,
  • improves complexion,
  • tightens the oval,
  • reduces the severity of wrinkles.

Yukuko Tanako said that performing the Japanese Zogan massage daily will make you look 10 years younger. You can master this simple technique yourself at home. But do not forget about the fact that the face requires careful handling.

Any manipulations can cause complications, and therefore, before performing Asahi massage (Zogan), you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications, technique and types.

Who invented

This massage method has been known since ancient times. But it was brought to perfection and presented in a practical form by the Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko. In 2007, she presented the book "Facial Massage" to the world. This work has caused positive reviews and lively controversy among both readers and critics.

Have you noticed how young women in the land of the rising sun look? Their beauty is often distinguished by longevity, sophisticated features and snow-white skin. Maybe we should adopt their beauty recipes?

The well-known name for this amazing massage is Zogan, which literally means “face creation”. In Runet, he is better known as Asakhi (or "massage of the morning sun")

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recognize lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, since it affects the pathways of lymph flow.


The Japanese technique differs significantly from the generally accepted rules regarding facial massaging. The effect on the skin is completely different and unusual for European cosmetologists - it is more effective in comparison with other massage techniques. Also, this massage therapy includes the treatment of two eyelids and the area around the eyes.

Japanese Zogan facial massage, if performed incorrectly, can cause pain in the patient. Undoubtedly, during the procedure, your sensations will not be the most pleasant, but pain should not be present.

When working with a face, not only the skin is subject to processing, but muscles and other structures underneath that affect the change in the shape of the face.

The Japanese believe that beauty lies not only on the surface, it comes from the inside, that is, from deeper forms of the face. That is why the work on change must begin with them - to harmonize all areas and structures of the face.

As a rule, Asahi Zogan facial massage is performed independently. Thus, a person can control the force of pressure based on their own feelings.


This procedure will be useful for women of any age. The sooner you start massage, the better your skin will look as you age. So, the benefits of Asahi are as follows:

  1. Significantly increases lymph circulation. This leaves the skin clean, soft and smooth.
  2. Rejuvenating effect. The skin becomes denser to the touch - elastic, the depth of wrinkles decreases and their number is noticeably reduced.
  3. Improved mood. During self-massage, hormones of happiness are produced. That is, after the procedure, you feel both light and at ease.
  4. Correction of the shape of the face. Without surgery, you can make it more sophisticated as well as more pronounced. The cheekbones, nasolabial region, cheeks will change, the second chin will disappear.
  5. Elimination of puffiness of bags under the eyes. Increased lymph circulation will eliminate these "defects" if they were not caused by any disease.
  6. Removal of toxins. They are accumulated by the epidermis for a long time, which leads to rapid aging. The acceleration of lymph and blood during the procedure will allow them to be removed from the body faster.

Japanese rejuvenating massage is a truly miraculous method that allows you to achieve visible results within a month after regular use.

This is due to:

  • intensive effect even on the deepest tissues, which distinguishes it from standard rejuvenation techniques;
  • performing a massage with the whole palm, and not just with your fingertips;
  • detoxification of skin cells by stimulating the lymphatic vessels;
  • toning, strengthening the muscles of the facial region of the head;
  • the formation of a clear contour of the oval of the face;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • improving the color of the skin.

Asahi massage allows you to include the skin, connective tissue, muscles and facial bones in the process. Thus, the effect of this technique on the condition of the facial skin is complex, which ensures its high efficiency in the fight against age-related changes.

If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried the Japanese rejuvenating face massage described in the book by Tanaka Yukuko, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin.

This is confirmed by the fact that the question "Why do Japanese women look younger than their age, why have they not had power over them for a year?" is constantly discussed on forums, in magazine articles, and does not lose its relevance today.

On the net you can find many photos of the Japanese beauty Masako Mizutani, whose face looks unusually young, despite her age "well over 40".

By adopting the secrets of the youth of Japanese women, you can master an affordable natural way to preserve natural beauty. However, due to the fact that the technique involves an effect on the lymphatic system of the body, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

The mechanism of influence on the body

The essence of the massage is to irritate the receptors, muscles of varying intensity, by means of pressure on certain points. Nerve endings transmit a signal to the somatic and vegetative parts of the brain, due to which the effect is achieved.

Mechanical energy is converted into a nerve impulse. Receptors transmit a signal along peripheral fibers to the central nervous system, and from there they return via efferent fibers to the muscular and vascular system.

A reflex reaction occurs, manifested by changes in certain organs and systems. Under the influence of mechanical irritation, the skin becomes more elastic.

The basis of the effect of massage on the facial muscles is a complex chain reaction caused by three factors:

  • neuro-reflexive;
  • humoral;
  • mechanical.

The humoral effect consists in the release of biological stimulants, which are subsequently absorbed into the bloodstream and affect the state of the organs. The mechanical factor makes it possible to enhance the synthesis of proteins, improve the respiratory processes of the skin, eliminate fluid stagnation, and increase the body temperature in the massaged area.

Mechanical action releases histamine and acetylcholine. Substances help improve the condition of blood vessels.

The ratio of the impact of mechanisms and responses will depend on the state of the nervous system, the general state of the body. The nature of the massage is determined by the force of pressure, pace, exposure time.

Indications for massage

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face is performed in order to:

  • getting rid of bags under the eyes;
  • smoothing mimic wrinkles;
  • getting rid of sagging skin and double chin;
  • narrowing the pores and activating stagnant lymph and diverting it towards the lymph nodes: near the ear, under the lower jaw, under the tongue, on the neck in front to accelerate the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the tissues of the face and improve their nutrition;
  • strengthening the muscles of the face and lifting the corners of the lips;
  • anti-aging effect.

Contraindications to the use of massage

The technique brings an effect already from the first session. Aggressive movements do not harm the skin of the face, because it has a certain reserve of elasticity. Short-term exposure, even if intense, will not stretch it. Correct Asahi massage provides lifting (tightening) of the skin. However, there are contraindications.

Do not massage Asahi if you have:

  • skin diseases of various etiologies;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • cancer;
  • sweet decay and general malaise.

Basic rules for performing Asahi Zogan

Revealing in her book the secrets of youthful facial skin, Tanaka Yukuko notes that every little thing is important, even the mood with which you are doing the procedure, affects the final effectiveness.

Don't expect Japanese anti-aging facial gymnastics to rejuvenate you if you ignore the basic rules for doing it. Consider the features of performing exercises that involve gymnastics for the face of asahi zogan.

Clear skin

This is the main rule, without which the effect of rejuvenation will not occur - the ducts for the movement of lymph will be closed. Cleansing the skin is easy with washing with soap or a special cleanser, then wiping the face dry with a towel or napkin.

If the dirt on the skin is very strong, the pores are clogged, it flakes off, has “not the best look”, use an additional scrub.

Knowledge of anatomy

Before mastering this technique of rejuvenation, it will be useful to look into a book on anatomy and get acquainted with the exact location of the lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels on the human body, since it is the effect on these points that provides the miraculous effect of the Japanese face massage against wrinkles.

If we describe their location briefly, then these are places near the ears, behind the ears, the occipital zone, the lower jaw, tongue and neck.

Precision and Accuracy

All movements should be followed in a specific sequence according to the instructions, while the pressure on the points should not be strong. Self-massage of the face in Japanese is a painless procedure, however, careless massaging of the lymph node area can cause discomfort.


During the procedure, the back should be perfectly straight, and if it is impossible to keep the posture, it will be better to carry out self-massage in the supine position.

Use of assistive devices

If you delve into the study of the Japanese secrets of beauty and youth, you can find out that the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun use special oils and creams during the Asahi massage, the acquisition of which from us is quite problematic.

Therefore, for sessions of the procedure at home, you can use natural oils, high-quality massage creams or an oatmeal mask, which will enhance its effect and promote the elimination of harmful substances.

How to Master Japanese Massage Technique?

After the Japanese facial massage became known all over the world, many massage therapists began to study the intricacies and features of this technique. The technique turned out to be as simple as possible, so everyone can do it correctly on their own.

The massage scheme is in the public domain; to study it, you do not need either great experience or any special knowledge. To start self-massage, you just need to visit a specialist in the salon once, or find training videos on the Internet.

A mistake during training sessions will not become critical, so you can improve your skill without fear of adverse consequences. The description of the technique is presented in more detail below.

Asahi. Lymphatic

Warming up

  1. Place your fingers (they need to be firmly connected to each other so that there are no gaps) on the temples. Then slowly lead from them to the collarbones. This is how each exercise should end.
  2. 3 central fingers of each hand - on the forehead, press them. Lead down to the temples. Slow down near the ears. Lead to the collarbones.

For the orbital area

  1. Cover your eyes.
  2. Light movement - along the edge of the lower eyelid, outside - inward. Return already along the line of the upper eyelid, along the border with the eyebrows.

For nasolabial folds

  1. Lead the fingers from the central point on the chin - through the corners of the lips - to the nasolabial fold. The pressure must be strong enough to be felt by the gums.
  2. Place your fingers on the nasolabial folds. Lead upward, bending around the nasal wings, ending the movement on the bridge of the nose. Massage its center point. Fingers down the lower eyelid to the temples and collarbones.
  3. Guide your fingers from the central point of the chin through the corners of the lips to the nasal wings, slow down near the eyes, and take your hands to the temples and collarbones.
  4. Cover your cheek with one palm. Lead the fingers of the second hand up diagonally to the bridge of the nose. Linger. Do the final exercise. Repeat on both sides of the face.
  5. Place your hands horizontally under the eyelids so that they form a perpendicular to the nose. Dilute them to the temples, then to the collarbones.

For face contour correction

  1. With the palm pad, which is under the thumb, press on the area under the cheeks, leading up to the eyes. Make the final movement.
  2. Tilt your head slightly. With the same pillow in the palm of your hand, pull your cheeks to the temples. First, the pressure should be strong, and then gradually release it.
  3. Place the same pillow under the chin, lead it up the lower jaw to the temple. Do it alternately on the right and left. Exercise will get rid of a double chin.

Tightening the muscles of the whole face

  1. Place your thumbs under your lower jaw.
  2. Place the edge of the palm along the mouth and nose - as if you want to call someone.
  3. Spread your arms to the sides so that the skin of the cheeks is pulled as much as possible towards the ears.

From wrinkles on the forehead

  1. Connect the fingers of one hand tightly.
  2. Make horizontal movements, moving from the center of the forehead to the sides.


Repeat the first exercises - to warm up the lymphatic system.

Asahi. Toning

From wrinkles on the forehead

  1. Fingers - at the points where the eyebrows begin to grow (inner part).
  2. Pressing, collect the skin on the bridge of the nose in folds, return to its normal state.

From wrinkles between the eyebrows

  1. 2-3 fingers - in the middle of the eyebrows.
  2. Begin an increased downward movement, but at the same time provide resistance with the muscles.

From flews

  1. Pull in your cheeks as much as possible, breathe in through your nose.
  2. Fix.
  3. Dissolve your cheeks, exhale slowly with your mouth.

From nasolabial folds

  1. Make circular movements along the wings of the nose in a clockwise direction.
  2. Then place your fingers under the nose, circle the lip contour with pressure in different directions.

From mournful wrinkles in the corners of the lips

  1. Grit your teeth, take a deep breath through your nose, while trying to smile as wide as possible.
  2. Stretch out your lips and exhale as much as possible, but with your mouth.

From the double chin

  1. Tilt your head back, tense your chin.
  2. Grab the upper lip with the lower jaw, fix.


Shiatsu is more Japanese massage than gymnastics. Thanks to the complex of pressing, the regeneration of the skin is stimulated, and the blood flow improves.

Massage is performed with 3 fingers: middle, index and ring. The pressure on the points should be no more than 7 seconds, the fingers should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Avoid twisting your fingers while applying pressure, as this can stretch the skin a lot.


  1. The movements should start from the middle of the forehead, placing your fingers in its center. You should press for 5-7 seconds, slowly stepping back from the center, until you reach the temples.
  2. Now you should apply pressure to the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples.
  3. Work your eyebrows by applying pressure with three fingers for 7 seconds. One finger will be located at the base, the second in the middle, and the third at the tip.
  4. After that, make pressing movements first at the outer, then the inner corner of the eye.
  5. After that, pressure should be applied in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, between the two eyebrows.
  6. 3 fingers placed on the closed upper eyelid will help relieve tension from the eyes. It is necessary to carry out light pressure on the eyeball with a repetition of about 7 times.
  7. After that, you should massage the lower eyelid, while avoiding stretching the skin.
  8. Next, the fingers are placed under the cheekbones and pushing movements are carried out, slightly lifting them up. The exercise is repeated about 5 times.
  9. Then press down on the points near the wings of the nose.
  10. Work in the area around the lips, pressing your fingers in the center above and below them, and then the corners.
  11. Next, 3 fingers on each hand should be placed at the edge of the chin on both sides, and with the thumb press the lower jaw. Thus, light pressing movements are carried out towards the ears.
  12. After that, place one finger in the fossa under the lobe, and the other above the auricle. Press on these areas 3 times.
  13. Move your middle finger to the jugular cavity and push, holding the pressure for 3 seconds.

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The main task of Japanese gymnastics for a small face miyabi is to improve the outflow of lymph and get rid of age-related swelling and puffiness of the face. With the correct execution of exercises from this system, not only the skin is actively involved, but also the muscles of the face and neck. Here are the basic principles of this set of exercises:

  • Active effect on lymph nodes and blood vessels by squeezing, stroking, rubbing;
  • Short session duration - maximum 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to properly distribute this time in order to massage all problem areas;
  • Active pressure on biologically active points located where the lymph nodes are located;
  • Activation of important reflexes by the method of mechanical action on certain points;
  • Using stroking movements to eliminate wrinkles;
  • Correction of the shape of the nose using rubbing movements.

Important! Miyabi is an effective facial gymnastics that allows you to achieve good results in 2-3 weeks. Miyabi exercises are always included in Japanese facial skin care.

Preparing for the session

Cleansing is a mandatory procedure before performing a Japanese massage. The covers are freed from cosmetics, they use a light detergent (gel, foam), tonic. To enhance the effect, it is permissible to steam the skin a little by taking a warm bath or shower. This is often overlooked when preparing for the procedure.

Clean covers are lubricated with oil (cream). There are special formulations for Japanese massage sessions. It is permissible to prepare a suitable base yourself using a non-greasy base oil.

To increase the effectiveness of the effect, add 1-2 drops of esters suitable for the type of skin, useful for solving existing problems.

Preliminary study of the movements, the sequence of actions. Knowing the location of the lymph nodes is a prerequisite. Errors in performing actions can negatively affect appearance and health.

Attention! The procedure is performed in any comfortable position that allows you to keep your posture. For self-massage, the most often used position is sitting (standing) in front of the mirror.

Execution technique

Consider the technique of performing the Japanese massage Asahi Zogan and the mechanism of action on the lymph nodes of the face.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to distribute the massage cream evenly over the entire face, or the cosmetic which you prefer to wash off the cosmetics, in the event that you have resorted to self-massage, washing off the cosmetics before going to bed.

It is important to prepare your skin for massage. To do this, you need to develop the area of ​​the lymph nodes located under the temporal region, going down the neck, to the very collarbones. Swipe up to three times with your fingers, which should be sufficient.

Position of the hand and fingers during massage:

Your hands should be relaxed and flexible, while pressing on the lymph nodes of the face should be done with three fingers. Try to engage the soft tissues of the face to provide the necessary fresh blood flow, and direct your movements from the central base of the face to the periphery and down to the collarbones for lymph drainage.

Forehead area

The massage starts from the forehead. It is necessary to place three fingers of each hand in the middle of the forehead, with a brush along the base of the forehead. Run your fingertips along the forehead downward, along the temporal region towards the collarbones up to 3 times. Remember to press lightly while moving your fingers.

Eye area

With the middle finger, from the outer corner of the eyes down to the inner corners, then through the top we return back to the outer ones. Press lightly with your fingers in the area between the outer corner of the eyes and the cheekbones. Then slide your fingers, as mentioned earlier, along the lymph nodes of the face, down the neck to the collarbones. Repeat this three times.

Mouth area

Starting from the middle of the chin, placing your fingers under the lower lip, massage the skin of the face, running your fingertips along the lips towards the corners of the lips and through the corners of the mouth, continue moving your fingers to the area that is located above the upper lip under the nose.

Stopping, lightly press with your fingers in the area located between the upper lip of the mouth and the nose. Repeat this exercise three times.

Nose area

It is necessary to massage the wings of the nose, which are located near the respiratory openings at the base of the nose on the sides. After massaging two or three times, move to the bridge of the nose and with the fingers of both hands, massage the soft tissues of the nose from the upper base down, towards the wings of the nose.

Massage, repeating movements up and down. Then continue moving along, along the cheekbones to the base of the ears and down the neck to the collarbones, driving away excess lymph.

Cheek area

With two fingers, press on the cheek area, located at the base of the lower jaw, and slide your fingertips along the face towards the corners of the mouth, further to the wings of the nose, reaching the area that is located under the eyes at the inner corners of the eyes, where increase the pressure by pressing on the tissues faces, no more than three seconds.

The second buccal exercise will require you to grab your chin with one hand and push it slightly to the side. With the fingers of your other hand, press on the opposite part of the face in the cheek region at the base of the lower jaw and move your fingers diagonally to the inner corner of the eye.

Do not forget to press at the end with a light movement of your fingers, in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye, no more than three seconds. Then, as usual, slide your fingers along the face along the cheekbones to the base of the ear and down the neck to the collarbones. Repeat this exercise three times. When finished, repeat the same with the other part of the face.

The area between the chin and cheeks

Press with your fingers in the area between the wings of the nose and cheekbones, while grabbing the fatty tissue, now with force move your fingers to the sides to the ears and down the neck to the collarbones. Do this exercise three times.

The second exercise for this area involves developing the relaxed part of the facial muscles. Press the soft part of your thumbs, which is at the base of your hand, into the area from the wings of your nose to the corners of your lips. Pressing for no more than three seconds on the tissue of the face, move the brush along the face towards the cheekbones, down to the neck and collarbones. Repeat the exercise three times.

The third exercise will require you to press the soft part of your thumbs, which is located at the base of the hand, on the cheek area at the base of the jaw along the face. Press with some effort, dispersing stagnant lymph from the corners of the mouth to the cheekbones and down the neck to the collarbones.

The final stage of facial massage

This is a lifting of the whole face and its relaxation. We need to squeeze the face, as before from the base of the nose, only now we press our palms along the index fingers, and move in the direction of the cheekbones, ears down to the collarbones. Repeat this exercise three times.

Now you need to rub your forehead with two fingertips to prevent and eliminate wrinkles. The second hand can be placed under the chin to give stability to the face. The movement of rubbing the soft tissues of the face must be carried out up and down, in the direction of the right and left.

Finish the massage with the usual movement from the forehead, down to the temples, along the neck to the collarbones.

For getting rid of forehead wrinkles

Exercising will help soften deep wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones:

  1. Press your palms to your temples, apply an effort with your middle fingers. Cover the eyelids and rotate the eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise several times. Return to resting position. Perform up to 6 times.
  2. Raise your eyebrows up to the stop. In this case, the eyes must be opened wide. Count to 5. Relax your muscles. Do 5 reps.
  3. Press your palms to your temples, press with force. Raise your eyebrows up to the stop, preventing this movement with your hands. Perform 6 reps.
  4. Starting from the bridge of the nose, describe the brow arch with pressure. Each subsequent time raising your fingers above your eyebrows. Repeat across the entire width of the forehead.

Eye area

The middle finger pads should pass without pressure from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner one along the bottom, and then with pressure along the milestone to the outer edge of the eyes to the temples, where it is necessary to linger for 3 seconds. Then again along the bottom of the eye without pressure, and back along the bottom, but already with pressure.

Again, you need to stop at the temples for 3 seconds (middle and index fingers), and then move the fingers even further to the temples, stopping for 3 seconds, and down to the ear without pressing.

Lifting the corners of the lips

With two fingers - with the ring and middle fingers, lightly press on the middle of the chin. Move your fingers smoothly up, making a circle around the lips. When you reach the middle of the upper lip, stop for 4 seconds.

The area between the eyebrows

The tips of the index fingers are located in the middle of the brow arch. The skin is pulled down, at the same time the muscles resist this movement.

It is necessary to perform the exercise at least 15 times, holding the tension for a couple of seconds.

Technique for smoothing the nasolabial folds

Place the middle fingers of both hands on both sides at the wings of the nose. Make 5 circular movements up and down, up and down. Then with two fingers - middle and ring - make movements to the cheekbones. The final touch is the final movement.

Tightening the face and cheeks

This massage movement fills the cheeks, lifts the cheekbones and corners of the mouth, and lifts the sunken face.

Place your fingers in the middle of your chin, pressing firmly, circle your fingers around the lips and lead straight from the wings of the nose to the inner corners of the eyes and hold there for three seconds. In this case, use the first and second phalanges of the fingers. After stopping, we continue to the temples and end with the main movement of Tsogan.

Repeat all over again - the center of the chin, the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose and lift the muscles up. If you use only your fingertips, the muscles will not lift, so use your entire palm. The massage movement is performed three times.

Raising the lower part of the face

This massage movement corrects the oval of the face, lifts the lower part of the face and cheeks, and smoothes wrinkles from a smile.

We support one side of the face - rest the center of the palm against the bone of the lower jaw. On the other side of the face, with effort, we move our palm along the skin from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. After stopping, weakening the pressure, we move to the temple and finish with the main movement of Tsogan.

Repeat the exercise on one side of the face three times in a row. Do the same three times on the other side of your face.

Nasolabial triangle

The following exercises are used to smooth out wrinkles in this area:

  • The tips of the middle fingers are placed on the wings of the nose. Circular movements are performed - 5 times. After execution, the fingers are located on the bridge of the nose, slow up and down manipulations are performed.
  • The fingers are placed below the nose, parallel to the nasal septum. Slowly fingers move along the upper lip. First to the left, then to the right.

Face tone

This movement is aimed at creating a lifting effect and eliminating wrinkles. Execution: place the thumbs of both hands in the hyoid fossa, place closed fingers with palms facing each other at the back of the nose. You should now have a triangle.

With the index finger (with all the others) and the tip of the palm, lead along the cheekbones and cheeks to the temples, fix the position there for 2 seconds and perform the main movement of the Japanese face massage.


The 3 fingers of each hand, horizontally located on the cheekbones, should strongly squeeze the nostrils, and then they should be taken to the tragus of the ears with the completion of the movement.

Strengthens the middle third of the face and cheeks

Press the fingers of both hands on both sides of the nose and forcefully spread them to the temples. Finishing movement.

Exercises to comprehensively fight wrinkles on the face

To get rid of wrinkles in several areas of the face, you can apply the following exercises at the same time:

  1. Compress the jaws tightly. Place your hands on the jugular cavity, pressing slightly. Take the corners of the lips to the sides. In this position, slowly raise your head up and then lower it. Do up to 6 reps.
  2. With the middle fingers, with pressure, describe the lines from the center of the chin to the ears, as if describing the oval of the face.
  3. Affect the points by pressing in the center of the forehead and the back of the head with the middle fingers. This must be done at the same time.

Fighting a double chin

Place the base of one of the palms under the chin and with pressure draw from the center to the ear tragus, then - the final technique. Perform the same exercise in the opposite direction with the other palm.

You can master the ability to correctly perform facial massage. There are tutorial videos available for this. The best option is to have 1-2 sessions in the salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. Thus, you will be able to understand the very technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, regularity is required.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face should be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways.

This massage is of a therapeutic nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, a little pressure is enough with pressure on the face.

  • cleanse your face beforehand. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper towel. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  • Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  • carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of your face to press.
  • at the end, be sure to remove the remnants of the oil base (cream) with a napkin, wash with warm water.

Zogan massage for different ages

The rules for conducting Asahi's massage for the face depend on the age of the woman:

  • if the girl is under 20 or a little more, then massage is distinguished by light techniques aimed at maintaining the health of the skin;
  • procedure for a woman of 30 years is aimed at eliminating puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • when a woman is over 40, the sessions get rid of mimic wrinkles, and at the same time the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • procedure for women over 50 maintains muscle tone;
  • For women over 60, the Zogan technique will help tighten the face, neck and chin.

Let's take a closer look at the differences in the Zogan technique, depending on age.

20 years

Lasko face massage according to the Asah method for twenty-year-olds is performed as follows:

  1. folded fingers spend 3 times in the corners of the mouth, heading to the ears;
  2. rubbing movements are performed along the path of lymph flow to the chest and neck region.

Place the middle and ring fingers at the nose, and with the rest walk to the corners of the mouth 3 times.

For girls over 30

Japanese self-massage after thirty covers problems such as removing darkening (circles) under the eyes, bags and puffiness.

Learn to massage correctly (do not forget about the final movements after each approach):

  1. Place your fingers at the bridge of your nose - near the inner corners of your eyes. Slowly move them along its contour towards the ears. Do it three times.
  2. Now start at the outside of the eye socket. Place your fingers there and smoothly move along its lower contour towards the nose. Next, place your fingers at the inner edges of the eyebrows and make a circular motion outward - around the eye socket to the inner corners of the eyes. And from there move back to the auricles. Do it 3 times.

Women over 40 and 45 years old

If you are over forty, Asahi's facial massage will help with expression lines, have a tonic effect on the skin and prevent sagging of the chin and lift the cheeks.

Perform each point of self-massage Zogan 3 times and complete with the final movement:

  1. Clench your fingers into fists so that your thumbs are on top of your index fingers. Place the fists on the nasolabs. Move smoothly along their line to the chin area until your fists close. Now we move up along the edge of the cheekbones towards the ears.
  2. Place your fingers on your chin so that their pads are in contact. Apply a little effort and hold this position for three seconds. Release the pressure and, without lifting your fingers, move to the wings of the nose. Press lightly again and wait 3 seconds. Then move without pressure to the ears.
  3. Place the fingers of one hand on your cheek and the other palm on top of them. Press harder than in the previous exercise, release. Repeat a little higher, gradually moving towards your ear. After the hands go in different directions: one performs the final movement, and the second moves along the mandibular contour to the middle of the chin.

After 50

After 50 years, the main problems of women are sagging cheeks and the appearance of flaps on the skin, and there are special exercises to combat these problems:

  1. Fold your palms into fists and hold them with pressure on the line from the corners of the mouth along the lower jaw to the ears. Repeat three times.
  2. Make intense smoothing movements along the nasolabial folds from top to bottom. Perform a reception on both sides.
  3. Place one hand on top of the other and press your palms against the skin in the temporal zone. With moderate pressure, move to the ear, then start the final basic technique with one hand, and work the line from the ear along the lower edge of the chin with the other.
  4. Put your palms on your cheeks and press on your face, trying to lift them. Move slowly towards the ears, trying to pull the sagging skin there.

Japanese facial massage after 60 years

Sixty-year-old women should take special care of their skin. At this age, it is required to provide her with maximum nutrition. You can maintain tissue tone with the Asahi massage.

With proper care, you can easily look ten years younger, it is important to remember that our beauty is in our hands. A set of exercises on a regular basis will help you achieve good results.


Women need to master the basic movement, which is mandatory after performing each technique. Place your thumbs near your earlobes and slide down, sliding down your neck to your collarbone. Repeat the movement 3 times.

A great exercise can help get rid of puffiness under the eyes. Compulsory in complexes for women 40 years old. Place the pads of your middle fingers near the outer corners of your eyes. Start moving towards the inner ones without strong pressure.

On the bridge of the nose, stop the movement for 2 seconds, continue to move to the brow arches in a circle until you return to the starting position, stop for 3 seconds, repeat the circle. Moving over the eyes, increase the pressure. Do the basic exercise.

Place 3 fingers in the center of the forehead to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. Press on the central zone, hold your fingers in this position for 3 seconds, then in a zigzag motion with equal pressure, move your hands to your temples. Finish the exercise with a basic technique.

The following exercise will help eliminate wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle. Place your middle and ring fingers in the center of your chin. Click on the point, make a circle, stopping over the center of the upper lip for 4 seconds. What follows is a basic technique.

We will consider a complex exercise for women after 50 years in more detail.

  1. Place 3 fingers in the center of your chin. Press on the point, move up, bypassing the lips, to the outer corners of the eyes, stop for 3 seconds, reach the temples. Finish with a base element. Reception helps to tighten sagging cheeks, can be used as a prophylaxis.
  2. Place the middle of the left palm under the left jaw. With the right brush, draw a line from the corner of the jaw to the inner edge of the eye, linger at the point for 3 seconds, move to the temple under the eyelid, return with a smooth downward movement. Finish with a basic trick. Do a similar complex for the second side of the face. Exercise improves skin tone.

For young girls, an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the cheeks is suitable. Using the tips of three fingers, draw a line from the center of the nose to the temples. You can get rid of a double chin using the following technique: place your palms in the center of the chin, using pressing movements move in different directions to the earlobes. Finish with a basic exercise.

  1. Exercises for the eyes and wrinkles around them. You need to close your eyes, slowly and gently run your fingertips along the border of the lower eyelid. Movements are done from the outside to the outside, after which the fingers must be returned and held over the eyebrows. All internal movements are done easily, and external ones need to be carried out with little effort.
  2. Exercises for working out the forehead. To remove wrinkles, you need to put your fingertips on the inside of the eyebrows, move the skin towards the nose and back. Carry out the procedure slowly, with light pressure.
  3. Exercises for the eyebrow. Place the index fingers on the middle of the eyebrows, try to pull the skin down, at the same time creating resistance by the muscles. Repeat 15 times, all the time fixing in tension for 3 seconds.
  4. Cheek technician. You should pull your cheeks into your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose. Stop for a couple of seconds, relax your face and exhale through your mouth. After that, fill the cheeks with air, fix it for 5 seconds, then roll the air from one cheek along the lips to the other cheek and vice versa.
  5. Complex for the elimination of nasolabial folds. With the middle fingers, make 5 circular movements on the wings of the nose, similar to those used for a cold. After that, move your fingers to the bridge of the nose and move it up and down. Place your fingers under the nose in the fossa and gently move them along the lip in different directions.
  6. Technique for the skin around the lips. You need to clench your teeth so that there is an effort to smile as much as possible while exhaling air. After that, fold your lips as in kisses and exhale through your mouth. Put your fingers in the corners of your mouth, actively move the skin up and down, then stretch your lips a little on different sides, as if smiling.
  7. Removal of the double chin. Tilt your head back, strain your chin, try to bite your upper lip with your lower jaw. In this position, lock for 5 seconds, return to the starting position, exhale. Place 3 middle fingers on your chin, massage the tissues to warm up the folds. You do not need to work for a long time so that the skin does not stretch. It is recommended to massage the chin for 3 minutes.

Since the lymph flow is activated during the massage, a quick disposal of harmful substances begins, some of them exit through the skin.

Due to this, there is a likelihood of a rash, acne after the procedure. They appear a few days after the session, but this may be the norm. The usual pause between gymnastics makes it possible for the tissues to recover, after which the course must be continued.

If the face is thin, then when removing the liquid, there is a possibility of even more weight loss, which leads to sagging skin. In this case, it is better to refuse the Japanese technique. From the whole complex, you can use some exercises to work out individual areas that need correction most of all.

After the appearance of muscle tone, youth will appear on the face. Japanese massages and gymnastics are best done in the morning, otherwise there are risks of puffiness after sleep.

There is no need to use expensive services of beauty parlors after 40 years. To restore youth, beauty, it is enough to devote 10 minutes a day, using Japanese gymnastics. Already after 3 weeks of regular procedures, noticeable improvements appear.

The cost of a session in the salon

You will be able to master the Japanese massage Zogan on your own. It is required to carefully study the rules for performing the procedures, to consolidate the actions in practice. The impact is required to be carried out on a regular basis, the cost of sessions with a professional master is 500–2500 rubles. This is a considerable amount for 20-30 minutes of exposure, which must be performed as often as possible.

How many procedures need to be done and how often

Possible problems and solutions

With the correct execution of the Asahi massage and adherence to the basic postulates of the system, skin problems, as a rule, do not arise, however, in some cases, after exercise, the following may appear:

  • rashes;
  • rosacea;
  • swelling;
  • strong face slimming.

The Asian approach to beauty is trending now. Europeans and Americans have already adopted the principles of double skin cleansing, cloth masks, 12-step facials, and a soy diet. But there is another secret rejuvenation technique that comes from Japan. This is a special technique of Japanese facial massage. Everyone who has done it says: minus 10 years is guaranteed to you!

Japanese massage asahi

Facial massage, which came to us from Japan, is also called asahi massage. Sometimes you can hear another term - the Tanaka technique.

Yukuko Tanaka is our contemporary, beauty expert, cosmetologist. It was she who told the world about the ancient Japanese art of facial massage.

Millions of women have already mastered the Asahi technique. Many of them confirm the anti-aging effect of the procedure. And almost everyone says that the face is refreshed, the swelling goes away.

Yukuko Tanaka, a famous Japanese stylist and cosmetologist, looked great even at the age of 65

Who is the Tanaka Technique for?

The big plus of Japanese massage is its simplicity. It is not difficult to master the technique, you do not need special education for this,Additional accessories are also not required. There are no strict age restrictions for Japanese massage.

Girls under 25 years old should not get involved in facial massage. At this age, the formation and growth of skin and bone tissues continues, and it is better not to interfere with nature to complete this process.

Women of 25-30 years old will be able to get a tonic effect from the massage. After 35 years of age, Japanese massage will help to stop the development of gravitational wrinkles, the skin will be tightened and elastic. Women who have entered the period of menopause will appreciate the ability of Asahi massage to keep the oval of the face clearer, relieve the skin from dullness and dryness.

Asahi massage helps to sharpen the facial contours, relieve the skin from dryness, and stop the appearance of wrinkles


  • with various skin diseases of the face or neck;
  • with diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • with rosacea;
  • with any chronic diseases;
  • with diseases in the ear, throat and nose;
  • with rosacea on the face.

If you catch a cold, stop doing Japanese massage until the illness is cured.

General poor health and poor health can also be a contraindication to massage asahi. When this procedure does not bring you relief, but only takes away strength, it is better not to resort to the Japanese technique.

If you have suffered a very strong weight loss, during which dips appeared on your face, then you should:

  • perform actions superficially until the muscle mass gets stronger;
  • reduce the amount of exercise;
  • reduce the frequency of classes.

Technique types

The ancient massage from the Land of the Rising Sun is unique because it affects not only the skin, but also muscles, bones, blood vessels. Asahi is often referred to as lymph massage or deep massage. Both terms are correct, but they are not the same thing. These are two types of Japanese Asahi technique.

In combination, these two types of massage form the famous procedure from Tanaka. Basically, Asahi is a 2-in-1 massage, lymphatic and deep at the same time. Working together, the two types of massage help to achieve the "minus 10 years" effect.

Lymphatic massage

With lymphatic massage, the edema disappears, the grayish complexion characteristic of aging skin goes away. In addition, massage:

  • accelerates the detoxification process;
  • enriches skin tissues with nutrition;
  • removes excess moisture.

Deep muscle massage of the face

Asahi deep massage is a self-massage containing manual therapy methods, which:

  • relaxes facial expressions;
  • relieves tension in facial muscles;
  • makes the skin elastic;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • promotes lifting of facial contours.

Advantages and disadvantages of massage from Yukuko Tanaka

Japanese facial massage does not solve all problems; the technique has its pros and cons.

Table: pros and cons of Asahi

What makes massage technique unique

Asahi differs from classic facial massage techniques. This will take effort. This can be embarrassing for those who believe that the person requires extremely delicate treatment. However, massage proponents argue that the muscles of the face need daily stress. They have to work every day in the same way as they do the muscles of the arms and legs. And when there is no muscle contraction, it leads to premature wilting and atrophy.

Asahi massage is performed with pressure, but it is impossible to act roughly in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Many women worry that massage will stretch the skin of the face and cause wrinkles to appear more pronounced. It's a delusion. There is no skin injury during the Asahi massage. Pain is a sign that you are doing something wrong.

Video: Yukuko Tanaka Demonstrates the Technique of Ancient Japanese Massage (Russian translation)

How Asahi massage is done in a Japanese salon

Asahi massage today can be found in the price lists of many salons. They learned to do it in Europe. But if you want to enjoy an authentic experience, find a Japanese salon.


  1. The procedure begins with a consultation. The doctor checks the client's physical health, inquires about the condition of the skin, allergic reactions.

    A preliminary consultation with a doctor is an indispensable element of the massage procedure

  2. The skin is cleansed of make-up, impurities, oil. The process is complex, it starts with a steam bath, then a light peeling, washing is done. At the end, the face is soothed with a tonic.

    Before face massage, the skin is cleansed with special products.

  3. After thoroughly degreasing, the skin needs hydration and nourishment. For this, a vitamin and soothing mask is applied to the face.

    Before the massage, a mask is applied to the face - as a rule, one that does not require rinsing

  4. During the mask, the master massages the neck, shoulders, décolleté and head to improve blood and lymphatic circulation.

    A preparatory massage for the shoulders and neck is like a warm-up before fitness, it prevents sprains and injuries.

  5. The specialist massages the facial muscles using Japanese technology. Deep workout of the muscles is combined with light massaging of the lymph nodes.

    Asahi facial massage involves pressure on the muscles of the face.

  6. The treatment ends with the application of toner and moisturizer. And in Japan, the client will certainly be offered herbal tea.

    After the massage, a sunscreen is applied to the skin, ultraviolet rays are undesirable immediately after the procedure


The described procedure is much longer than self-massage. This is a real ritual and it takes 1.5 hours. In a European or Japanese salon, such a massage costs about 100 euros, in American massage parlors for asahi they charge from $ 65. In Russian salons and clinics in the post-Soviet space, a session of Japanese Asahi massage costs from 700 to 1200 rubles. If done on a daily basis, it can seriously empty your pockets. Therefore, most often, clients of massage parlors sign up for a course of 7 or 14 sessions. In this case, the salons provide discounts.

The preparatory stage of self-massage

Preparing for the procedure is a special ritual that helps prevent unwanted side effects from the massage. Try to strictly follow all recommendations so as not to harm the skin and lymph nodes.

Stages of preparation for facial massage:

Remember step 4 from the preparatory phase. You will repeat it constantly during the massage: all exercises (except one) end with this movement from the ears down the neck.

After the massage, you need to cleanse the skin again.

How to do Japanese self-massage of Asahi's face

Master the 11 exercises, do them exclusively in the order in which they are described. Self-massage is performed with both hands, using the index, middle and ring fingers of each hand. In some movements the whole brush works. Repeat each step three times:

  1. Place your fingers in the center of your forehead. Press for 3 seconds, then work towards your temples without releasing the pressure. Work your way through the lymph nodes at the ears, then vertically down the neck to the collarbones.
  2. Place the middle fingers of both hands at the corner of your eyes. Move your fingers in an arc to the bridge of the nose, and then return to the temples along the line of the eyebrows. Once again, slide your fingers to the bridge of your nose. Then again use three fingers on each hand and repeat the movement from the ears to the collarbones.

    Strictly follow the lines indicated in the diagram

  3. With the fingers of both hands, press the center of the chin for 3 seconds. Then, with effort, move your fingers to the corners of the lips, continue above the lips. The fingers of both hands should meet under the nostrils, where the pressure should be increased.
  4. The nasolabial folds are smoothed out with a nose massage. First, massage the wings of the nose vigorously in a semicircular motion (5 times). Go up to the bridge of the nose and massage the sides of the nose up and down (5 times). Finish the nose massage with the habitual diversion of excess lymph through the cheekbones to the collarbones.

    Do not slouch while self-massage

  5. Firmly slide your fingers from the chin to the corners of the mouth, through the wings of the nose to the inner corners of the eyes. When you reach your eyes, increase the pressure and hold it for 2-4 seconds. Then return to the lymph nodes in front of the auricle and collarbones again.
  6. Massaging each cheek is done with two hands. Start on the right side of your face. Hold your chin in place with your left hand. With the fingers of your right hand, start moving from the chin to the bridge of the nose. Move along the nasolabial fold. Bringing your hand to the bridge of the nose, repeat the movement already familiar to you with the removal of the lymph to the collarbone. Massage your right cheek three times, then repeat this massage on the left side of your face.

    Find a balance between strong pressure on the skin and a comfortable feeling

  7. Straighten the nasolabial folds. Use your thumbs to press down on them, and then move the lymph away from them as usual.
  8. Now you need to get rid of the flews. Place the bases of the thumbs on the chin in the area of ​​the so-called Shar Pei folds. Then forcefully draw the lymph to the cheekbones and neck.

    If the massage mixture is quickly absorbed, re-lubricate the face so that there is no injury to the skin.

  9. Full face lift is achieved by draining stagnant lymph from the entire face. Fold your palms into a house: fingers connected and palms apart. In this position, place the "house" on your face. Your fingertips touch the bridge of your nose and your thumbs touch your chin. Press your hands to your face, press down on it, and then spread your arms out to the sides of your ears and down your neck.
  10. Finish the lifting massage with another drainage of lymphatic fluid.
  11. Rub your forehead to remove wrinkles. One hand fixes the face in place, supporting the chin, the fingers of the other hand massage the forehead in zigzag movements. Complete the process by draining the lymph.

    Repeat each exercise three times.


External changes in the face that should appear after 2 weeks of Asahi:

  • reduction of puffiness;
  • smoothing of deep folds, disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  • face contour lifting;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • reduction of acne.

Professional massage will give more pronounced changes on the face, and self-massage can achieve at least two or three of the listed effects.

Asahi professional massage leads to more noticeable results

I tried Japanese massage. And I didn’t regret it. Now I do asahi every day. It does not last three minutes, as some people write on the net. My procedure takes at least 10 minutes. Given the preparatory phase of cleansing, prepare to spend at least 15 minutes in the morning asahi. I warn you that Japanese self-massage is not for lovers of long nails. It is necessary to press strongly on the skin of the face, the fingers literally go deeper into the skin. And if you want to achieve success in massage, then you will have to give up a long manicure. Otherwise, there will be injuries. Another tip: remove hair from your face and neck, remove rings, earrings, chains. All this is necessary to avoid cuts and not impede smooth movements on the skin of the face.

My results were not immediately dramatic. But I liked that the extra fullness of the cheeks was gone. With age, this volume somehow appeared by itself, and I took it for granted. I was very glad that I removed these extra swellings. The lifting effect was visible after 10 days: the nasolabial folds were no longer so pronounced. This was not the case either after creams or after facial gymnastics. If you want to see if the Japanese technique is right for you, you will know in a week, the results come quickly.

You need to adjust the process if you don't see any positive results after the first week.

Table: the lack of positive effects from Japanese massage and the reasons for this

EdemaThe lymph is not drained away from the face, the massage is done at night.Take the lymph not to the chin, but strictly to the collarbones.
WrinklesInsufficient hydration of the face during massage.Apply the massage product more liberally, use olive oil as the massage mixture.
Loss of elasticityErrors in massage technique.Carefully study the master classes with Asahi, follow all the recommendations.
Lack of any changesIndividual features or mistakes in massage technique.Take a Japanese massage course at the salon. If there are still no results, the Japanese technique is not your method of rejuvenation.

Asahi's unwanted effects

Like any cosmetic procedure, Japanese massage has side effects:

  • acne, rash, acne;
  • tired face;
  • rosacea.

They are extremely rare, most often explained by the individual characteristics of the organism. First, make sure that the reaction on the skin occurs after the massage. Then take action.


Most often, an outbreak of acne, if it appears from massage, occurs in the area of ​​the lymphatic tract. If this happens, stop performing the asahi procedure until the acne is healed. Otherwise, the rash will spread to other areas of the face and neck.

Be sure to cleanse your skin after massaging, it will be a good prevention of acne.

Tired face

If you often massage before bed, then the next morning you may wake up with a tired face that has lost its tone. The best time for Asahi is morning.

Loss of skin turgor is another possible consequence. If the face loses its elasticity, then you are doing the massage incorrectly. Review all of the Japanese massage techniques and tutorials. Try taking a lesson from a specialist. An insufficient amount of massage agent during massage can also lead to a loss of skin tone and resistance to external influences.

Instructional videos usually use a minimum of massage to demonstrate the technique, but the massage product must be applied liberally


The appearance of rosacea is a serious consequence of massage. It is best to see a dermatologist right away to get the treatment you need. And the massage technique should be modified:

  • do not do exercises during which there is strong pressure on the skin;
  • release tension when touching the affected skin;
  • use a cream that strengthens the walls of the blood vessels.

The Japanese face massage asahi (zogan) is an incredibly effective method of restoring youthfulness to the skin after 50 years. In this material, we will tell you in detail about all the nuances of this procedure and teach you how to perform such a massage at home.

The effectiveness of Japanese facial massage

Asahi massage is a special technique of rejuvenating facial massage, which actively affects the deep layers of the epidermis and lymph. This massage is sometimes also called Zogan, which means “face creation”.

The effect on the skin occurs with the help of stronger pressure and not along the massage lines we are used to, but along the lymphatic vessels. As a result, not only superficial folds and wrinkles are worked out, but also all tissues, muscles and even bones.

This massage normalizes the outflow of lymph and enhances the circulation of blood cells, so in addition to rejuvenation, you will receive many pleasant bonuses! What result can you expect after such a procedure?

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increasing the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • a healthy complexion and a toned contour;
  • elimination of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • slowing down the aging of the skin.

In reviews, this Japanese massage is often called alternative face plastic - it gives amazing results after a couple of weeks of application. For women over 50 years old, this procedure becomes a real must-have!

Procedure rules and contraindications

First of all, the Japanese face massage asahi (zogan) is intended for aging skin - after 40 or 50 years. However, women who have not yet been affected by age-related changes can also perform it as a prophylaxis. Let's consider the main nuances of this procedure.

Rule # 1... Be sure to cleanse your skin of impurities - tonic or foam. Hands should also be clean.

Rule # 2. Apply a massage product to previously cleansed skin. It can be special massage oil or any other cosmetic oils. You can also use cosmetic milk or face cream. After the procedure, the product must be washed off.

Rule # 3. The massage should be performed with a straightened back. And not lying down, but sitting or standing. Until you master the asahi technique, do the exercises in front of a mirror.

Rule No. 4... The effect on the skin should be tangible, but without pain - do not overdo it.

How often should this massage be done? In order to speed up the result, you need to do the exercises daily. Or at least 2-3 times a week. You will achieve the effect only if you observe the regularity of the procedures.

Before and after

Important! Be sure to take into account the contraindications, otherwise the massage procedure will be harmful. Do not massage asahi for any inflammation of the epidermis and skin diseases, chronic problems with the lymphatic system, diseases of the ENT organs. It is also undesirable to do it during menstruation.

Step by step massage

Strictly follow the step-by-step technique. Each Asahi massage exercise should be done three times. Also, each of them will have the same final movement - drawing the fingertips in a straight line from the earlobes to the collarbone (along the lymph nodes). This final exercise promotes the drainage of fluid in the lymph.

  • Strengthening the forehead line... It is necessary to press the index, middle, and ring fingers of the left and right hands to the middle of the forehead. Wait 3 seconds and spread your fingers to the sides - moving towards the temples. Then slightly reduce the pressure of the hands, move to the auricles and complete the movement.
  • We tighten the area around the eyes. Place your middle fingers on the outer corner of your eyes. Without pressing, move to the inner corner of the eye, as if bringing the eyes. Then, with more tangible pressure, return to the opposite corner - but already along the upper eyelid. The next step is again to slide your fingers over the lower eyelid and push back with a stronger pressure. Linger for a few seconds near your temples. Perform the final movement.

Basic exercises
  • Tighten the chin and lips. Connect your ring and middle fingers on both hands and place them on the bottom of your chin. With a pressing motion, circle the area of ​​the mouth, lock in a point above the lip. Press on it for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position and do the exercise again. It doesn't require completion.
  • Working on the nasolabial area... Reconnect the ring and middle fingers of both hands and place them on the wings of the nose. Perform circular massage movements for a few seconds. After that, slide your fingers to your earlobes (along the cheek area) and do the final exercise.
  • We shape the cheekbones. Now place your fingers in the middle of your chin again. With a strong circular pressure, bring them to the wings of the nose - touching the area of ​​the cheeks. Then, with a softer pressure, lift up to the lower eyelid and spread your hands to your temples, and then move to your ears. Perform the final movement.

  • Strengthening the bottom of the face... Place the palm of one hand under the chin. With a palpable pressure from the other hand, draw a line from the junction of the upper and lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye - diagonally. Then move to the auricles and complete the exercise. Repeat on the other half of the face.
  • We work on the middle part of the face. Place three fingers of each hand on the cheekbones - the hands are in a horizontal position. With firm pressure, draw a line to the wings of the nose and lock in for a couple of seconds. Then spread your arms and draw a straight line to your earlobes. Make the final movement.
  • Correct the outlines of the face. Place your palms on your lower jaw with your fingers pointing towards your ears. Pressing on the base of the palms, draw a line to the ear and perform the final exercise.
  • Get rid of the double chin. Form a triangle with the index and thumbs of both hands. Place your chin on the lower edge of the triangle - you need to firmly press your fingers to it and fix the position. Move your index fingers from the inner corner of your eye to your ears. This is followed immediately by the final exercise.
  • Smooth the forehead. Place your index, ring and middle fingers in the middle of your forehead (palm in a horizontal position). When drawing a zigzag, move first to the right temple, then to the left and back. Perform the final movement.

Yukuko mastered the technology in question for a long time - during the period of working with famous personalities who sought to look young and beautiful. Initially, she tried to achieve this effect through a conventional massage performed before makeup, but this did not lead to any effects, so the girl began to study other methods.

Having familiarized herself with the structure of the facial muscles and the functioning of the lymphatic system, Yukuko prepared her own anti-aging technique, thanks to which a large number of women can rejuvenate their skin without the help of surgery.

Asahi or Zogan massage has several interpretations of the translation: "sun in the morning", "face creation" and "10 years ago." It differs from the usual procedure in the softness of movements and the absence of uncomfortable sensations. Thanks to the actions of a specialist, you can work out all the muscles of the facial area.

In what cases is Zogan prescribed

The technique in question perfectly tones the epidermis, tightens the oval of the face, evens out its contours, and makes the face more attractive. It is suitable for both prophylaxis and for.

There are several main indications for massage. They are as follows:

  1. Appearance.
  2. The presence of a double chin.
  3. Laxity of the skin.
  4. Unnatural complexion.

Zogan is often prescribed to prevent symptoms in women over 30 years of age.

The effectiveness of the procedure

According to Yukkuko, massage activates some beneficial processes for the body:

  1. Removal of accumulated fluid from the skin.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  3. Facial muscle training.
  4. Increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin.
  5. Improving facial contours.

Yukuko Tanaki assures that with regular massage, a woman will notice improvements after the first sessions.

How to do Zogan correctly

The position of the body during the procedure is recommended for a woman to choose on her own. The masters recommend doing this while sitting or standing, maintaining an even posture and keeping your head straight.

Strengthening the forehead

In order to strengthen the muscles of the forehead, movements should start from the central part of it. 3 fingers are placed at the indicated point, and then they are spread apart, pressing on the skin. Next, the palm is pressed against the forehead and moved to the ear. The procedure is completed by moving the fingers along the lateral surface of the face and neck to the collarbone. It is customary to complete all exercises with this final stage.

Lifting the skin around the eyes

The procedure begins with gentle fingers touching the outer and inner corners of the eyes. Movements are carried out first along the lower, and then along the upper eyelid, lingering for a few seconds at the temples. At the top, the movements should be lighter, and at the bottom - a little assertive. At the end, the fingers are moved from the temple to the lymph node located near the ear cartilage.

Strengthens the muscles around the eyes and chin

The hands are raised to the level with the face and the elbows are gently raised. Fingers are placed on the outer corners of the eyes and lead them to the inner corners. Next, you should "describe" a semicircle along the edge of the orbital bone to the vernal circle and linger for 3 seconds at the temples. After that, the same movements must be performed already on the lower eyelid.

Tightening the muscles on the cheeks

With slight pressure, stroke the area located at the corners of the mouth, smoothly moving the fingers to the upper jaw. After that, you should move to the eyes and linger for a few seconds. Then efforts are weakened, lead along the temple to the cartilage of the ear.

Strengthens the skin on the chin and mouth

The specialist presses on the middle of the chin and freezes for 4 seconds. Then he moves his fingers higher, to the fossa above the lip. Without touching the corners of the mouth, the fingers abruptly return to their original position.


The palm is placed on the lower jaw, supporting the cheek. Move two fingers along the opposite cheek from the masticatory muscles to the eye. After a few seconds, the pressure is relieved and the fingers are moved onto the ear cartilage.

How to prepare for a massage

First of all, a woman should carefully study the technology of the procedure. It is very important to take into account the location of the lymph nodes in order to prevent possible complications that can adversely affect the appearance of the face.

For the cosmetic effect to be preserved for a long time, you should undergo at least 7 sessions of Japanese face massage according to the Asahi method. It will be possible to rejuvenate the skin after 20 procedures.

To fully consolidate the results, experts recommend leading a healthy lifestyle, eating right, following facial expressions and engaging in Facebook building.

How much does a Zogan session cost in a massage parlor

Before mastering the technique in question on your own, you should visit a professional salon several times and trust qualified specialists. The cost of one session depends on the skill level of the master and can range from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Due to the fact that the amount is quite large, many women prefer to perform massage on their own, after studying the literature and training videos.

Precautionary measures

The main limitation of the massage is the gentleness of the pressure applied. If you move too intensely, you can harm your own health. You should try to work the muscles deeply, but not to allow the appearance of uncomfortable sensations.

There are several contraindications for performing massage:

  1. You should consult your doctor if you have rosacea or rash on the skin.
  2. You will have to give up Zogan during a runny nose, sore throat and fever.
  3. Pathology of the lymphatic system.
  4. A complete contraindication is malignant neoplasms in the body.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.

In addition, you need to reschedule a visit to the salon during menstruation and hypertensive crisis.

Japanese face massage according to the Asahi technique, depending on the age of the patient

The techniques used may differ depending on how old the client is. The procedures are recommended to be carried out every day for 3 weeks, and then no more than 3 times a week.

Asahi after 40 years

The procedure is carried out with the aim of the skin, smoothing it and tightening the cheeks.

The technique for its implementation is as follows:

The actions are repeated at least 3 times.

Asahi after 50 years

The procedure is aimed at eliminating sagging cheeks and getting rid of flews.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Fold into fists, move from the mouth along the bottom of the jaw to the ear.
  2. Perform light strokes downward from the nasolabial fold on both sides of the face.
  3. Place the right palm on the left hand, press on the temple and move smoothly to the ear, and then to the chin. Run on both sides.
  4. Put your palms on your cheeks, gently press, lifting the skin and move towards the ears.

After each exercise, do the final steps. Repeat 3 times.

Asahi after 60 years

At this age, a few more exercises are added to the already indicated method to help fight the laxity of the skin on the neck and chin.

The execution scheme is as follows:

  1. Place your fingers under the chin, run along its edge to the ear area.
  2. Take a napkin, press it to your chin for a few seconds. After that, lead with your finger from the dimple on the chin along the edge of the face on both sides.
  3. Grasp the chin with an open palm and gently lower down the neck.

Repeat all steps three times.

Complications of the procedure

If all actions are carried out in the required sequence and according to the rules, problems should not arise. But there are some exceptions.

ATTENTION! The article and the recipes posted in it are for informational purposes only! Before using face masks, you must consult a specialist!

Rash on the skin

The first step is to figure out the exact reasons for the appearance. Often, such a problem, if it is associated with it, arises in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Here, doctors advise to interrupt the session and try to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon: change the basis for the massage and better cleanse the skin.

Dramatic slimming of the face

In the event that a woman has too sunken cheeks and a small fat layer, massage should be done with increased caution. To prevent weight loss, it is worth working only on the upper part of the face.

Swelling in the morning

Experts blame the evening sessions for the appearance of puffiness. To fix the problem, you should revise the schedule for visiting the salons and perform the procedure not before bedtime, but in the morning.

Asahi massage technique

Couperose on the skin

It is better to use creams that contain hesperidin, a substance that strengthens the vascular walls and removes the nets on the face. Besides. The client may be assigned special mimic gymnastics and consultation with a vascular specialist.

Yukuko Tanaka is a beautician and beauty expert from Japan, she has published a book that has become a world bestseller. In it, she described the unique massage technique of Asahi (Zogan). In fact, Tanaka did not come up with anything new, because her work was limited only to systematizing information about beauty massage to preserve youth and beauty of the face, which has been used for many centuries by Japanese women.

Asahi massage (translated from Japanese "Morning Sun") differs from traditional European techniques. It is based on a fairly aggressive effect on the skin of the face. In many ways, he ignores the generally accepted lines of massaging. For example, mechanical action on the area around the eyes is performed on both eyelids from the inner corner to the outer one. The approach to the effects on the skin and muscles around the mouth is also significantly different.

The pressure in the Asahi massage is on the verge of a pain threshold. Such a "strange" technique for a European cosmetologist has a justification. It consists in a completely different approach to massage.

The Japanese method of mechanical action on the face works not only with the skin, but also with superficially located facial muscles, as well as with all other structures that form the face, including bone tissue.

According to the Japanese, the beauty of the face lies not only in the outer shell, but also in deeper forms. Therefore, the work on attractiveness should be carried out not only on the surface. All structures of the facial area need to be harmonized. For this reason, Asahi massage is also called osteopathic.

As a rule, this massage is performed independently. To carry it out, it is enough to remember a few simple rules. By doing self-massage, you will be able to control the intensity of pressure in accordance with your feelings.

Benefits of Japanese Asahi massage for the face

Yukuko Tanaka claims that her massage system is suitable for women of all ages. The younger you start self-massage sessions, the better your skin will remain in old age.

Asahi provides the following benefits:

  • Excellent anti-aging effect... Wrinkles are noticeably reduced, their number is reduced, the skin becomes firm and firm to the touch.
  • Improvement of facial contours... Regardless of what shape of your face, you can make it clearer and more pronounced. Changes will affect the cheeks, cheekbones, nasolabial area (folds will be eliminated). You will lose your second chin.
  • Improving microcirculation of blood and lymph... Thanks to this, you will get rid of a number of such problems: acne, age spots, blackheads, blackheads.
  • Increased mood... Self-massage stimulates the production of estrogen - the hormone of happiness and joy.
  • Removal of toxins and toxins from under the skin... These harmful substances, which accumulate in the epidermis for years, cause an accelerated aging process. To avoid this, blood and lymph should be thoroughly dispersed.
  • Puffiness and bags under the eyes disappear... The acceleration of lymph under the skin of the face will help eliminate these defects, if they are not provoked by internal diseases.
The book of the Japanese cosmetologist also says that with the help of Asahi, you can open the energy channel. It will allow you to draw cosmic energy.

Contraindications to the Asahi massage

Like any massage, Japanese has a number of contraindications. First of all, you should not try to perform Asahi if you have a low pain threshold and your skin is too sensitive.

Also, refrain from this massage in such cases:

  1. Diseases of the lymphatic system... Asahi is aimed at an active mechanical effect on the lymph nodes, which can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of this system.
  2. Acute infectious diseases and ENT pathologies... This is sinusitis, pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis and others, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  3. Skin rashes... This category includes formations of any etymology - fungal, viral, bacterial.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome... This ailment is associated with the intake of oxygen in the body in small quantities, which is often accompanied by a chronic runny nose and nasal congestion. Mechanical stress will exacerbate the problem.
  5. Couperose... With it, the vessels under the skin are pathologically dilated and have increased fragility. Therefore, active massage will lead to additional trauma to the epidermis.
  6. Malignant formations on the face... The acceleration of blood and lymph can aggravate the disease.
You should also be careful with this massage if you have too thin layer of subcutaneous fat on your face.

Asahi Japanese Facial Massage Rules

Before proceeding with this beauty massage, you should take into account certain rules and prepare:
  • Massage should be performed exclusively on cleansed skin.
  • You need to use natural massage bases in the process (oat milk, various vegetable oils).
  • Techniques traditional from the point of view of classical massage (stroking, kneading) are not used. It is necessary to apply rubbing with intense pressure of constant force.
  • All movements must be performed with maximum effort. At the same time, you should not feel a sharp pain, nevertheless, this procedure is not only cosmetic in nature, but also relaxing.
  • The pressure should be reduced in the area where the lymph nodes are located. It is enough to stroke them with pressure. Especially this rule should be taken into account by those who have a thin face.
  • Each movement should be finished with a special “finishing move”. The only exception is the corners of the mouth and chin.
  • Most movements need to be performed with two fingers or three (in the forehead) - middle and index or ring and middle. For this reason, this technique is often called Y-massage.
  • Exercises on the cheeks are recommended to be carried out with a bump in the palm of the hand near the thumb.
To carry out the massage, according to Tanaka's recommendations, you need to sit with a straight back. In this case, you should not lean on the back, armrests, wall. Your neck should not be relaxed, and therefore you should not rest your head on the headrest either.

In Europe, Japanese technology has been somewhat modified. Here, this massage is done lying down, explaining that this way the muscles of the face relax much better, which means they better perceive manipulations.

Also, the Japanese cosmetologist advises to massage the face in a good mood, filling it with positive energy and imagining how it moves through it.

Asahi's facial massage technique

The Asahi massage complex included 12 exercises, including the "finishing technique", which must be performed after working out a specific zone.

Consider the Japanese technique for areas of the face:

  1. Forehead... Press the pads of the fingers of both hands tightly to the forehead in the center. We dilute the skin strongly towards the temples. In this case, we keep our palms horizontally to the forehead all the time. We turn them to a vertical position near the temples and move the skin to the ears. While working on the site, it is important to constantly keep your fingers on the skin without lifting them.
  2. Eyes... We lead two fingers on each side to the outer corner of the eye. Stretching the skin from the outside to the inside. So we will remove the puffiness. Next, press with greater intensity and move your fingers in the opposite direction - towards the temples. We repeat the manipulation three times in a row.
  3. Chin and mouth... To maintain elastic nasolabial folds, run your middle fingers from the center of the chin, firmly pressing and stretching the skin against the folds under the nose. Press firmly and firmly. When the fingers are under the nose, we press on this point, count to three, and then abruptly tear off the fingers, return them to the chin. We repeat the procedure three times.
  4. Nose... In order to eliminate the folds near the nose, we transfer our fingers to the wings and begin to press hard and at the same time and draw an eight. We repeat 5 times. We pull the skin from the nose to the ears and stop there.
  5. Corners of the mouth... Draw a circle around the mouth with our fingers as much as possible. Next, press hard and move your fingers to the upper jaw. Afterward from her in the direction of the eyes and stop there. We count to three. We move our fingers from the eyes to the ears, reducing the pressure. We repeat two times.
  6. Cheeks... To lift them, rest your chin on your palm. With the other hand we work with the face. We press with two fingers on the place where the chewing muscles end. We move our fingers diagonally up to the eyes. We stop in this zone for three seconds and drive down. Repeat twice on each cheek.
  7. Nasolabial folds and cheeks... To lose weight in these areas, press with a pair of fingers on the wings of the nose. Next, we strongly press and remove the skin to the temples. At this point, we slightly loosen the grip. We repeat three times.
  8. Lifting for a clear contour of the face... This exercise is suitable for the morning. We get up on our feet, place them shoulder-width apart. We bring our palms together in front of the chest, we spread our elbows to the sides. We rest on the chin with your fingertips. We press hard with our palms and bring the skin up to the forehead area. Don't hurt your ears. We repeat twice.
  9. Double chin... To get rid of it, put it on one of the palms, stretch the skin to the ear. In this case, it is important to capture all the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the face.
  10. Exercise to eliminate double chin in a standing position... We get up on our feet, close our palms so that the rhombus comes out, we spread our elbows to the sides. We put the chin on the thumbs brought together. We put the middle and index fingers on the nose. Massage the chin with the thumb pads for three minutes.
  11. Smooth the forehead... We put our palms on the center of the forehead and strongly dilute the skin to the temples. Then, with strong pressure, we lead it to the ears. We repeat several times.
  12. Final reception... It must be done at the end of each exercise. To do this, with three fingers of two hands, lightly press on a point located near the auricles. There are lymph nodes. We press not with the pads of the fingers, but with their entire length. We press them as tightly as possible. The duration of the pressure is two seconds. Then we smoothly go down to the area of ​​the collarbones. In this case, we do not change the pressure intensity. It is this exercise that is responsible for the high-quality outflow of lymph, therefore it is so important to carry it out after the main manipulation.
A massage session may include a study of not all zones, but those selected at will and the presence of specific problems. It is recommended to perform the procedure at least three times weekly. Ideally, every day.

Consequences of Japanese massage and ways to eliminate them

After Asahi, a certain skin reaction may appear. You should not be afraid of this, but you should pay attention in order to eliminate unpleasant consequences in time:
  • If you find a rash that is not associated with infection or fluctuations in hormonal levels, you should suspend the procedure for a while. When the pimples disappear, try replacing the remedy with which you massage. It is also necessary to pay more attention to cleansing the epidermis after manipulations.
  • Sometimes, after several massage sessions, Asahi may lose weight on his face. So that this process is not aggravated, it is necessary to reduce the number of sessions, but not the intensity of pressure. If this technique does not help, then it is better to stop the massage.
  • If after Asahi skin swelling appeared, then maybe you are using an inappropriate basis for manipulation. In this case, avoid oil products and do not carry out the procedure overnight. To eliminate edema, use light massage preparations, and transfer the sessions to the morning.
  • Sometimes the skin condition can worsen - sagging appears, elasticity is lost. This is due to the fact that not enough foundation was used during the massage, and the palms barely slid over the face.
  • If you have rosacea on your face, it is recommended to abandon Japanese massage procedures. But if you still dare to do it, then follow these tips: do not work on areas with damaged vessels, choose a massage base with hesperidin, perform mimic exercises.
By following these simple rules and strictly following the massage technique, you can regain lost youth.

How to do Asahi's face massage - watch the video:

Asahi Japanese facial massage is a unique method of skin rejuvenation without expensive salon procedures and surgical interventions. Spending just a few minutes every day with these manipulations, you can achieve excellent results within a couple of weeks.