Trendy makeup arrows. How to draw arrows on the eyes - advice from makeup artists. We select eyeliner fashionable makeup. Stunning arrows on the eyes (50 photos) - The best options for a stylish make-up

01.03.2017 by

Which of our compatriots is not familiar with and loves the eternal classics - arrows in front of our eyes ?! No one will remember that first woman who painted them, but it seems that they have always been. It is impossible to imagine women known all over the world - Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, for whom arrows have become the hallmark of their style without eyed down. And Cleopatra is the queen of Egypt, whose image has been preserved for us by time? And what about the images of the Egyptian pharaohs?

How did they come about?

The history of the emergence of arrows dates back to the time of Ancient Egypt. Moreover, those first were with a religious meaning and reproduced the cut of the cat's eyes, but cats were worshiped by the Egyptians as sacred animals. The arrows were applied to the eyes with black paint (a mixture of clay, henna and Nile silt). A narrow strip from the corner of the eyes extended almost to the ears.

With the campaigns of the Macedonian, the Greeks began to fail their eyes, then the Romans. I must say that lead was used for the production of paint. Therefore, the beauties from Rome grew old early, their skin was literally corroded by lead.

The inhabitants of medieval harems were born of a new, eastern "arrow" tradition, when the arrows were drawn with a mixture containing antimony from lamb fat, almond oil and basma. It happened that ash was added here.
After the temporary oblivion of the Renaissance, the eyelid fashion was reborn. Italy was the first in Europe of the XIV century to remember them. They painted on the face, which was covered with whitewash so abundantly that it seemed as if an artist was painting on canvas: eyebrows, arrows above the eyes, lips. The flowering of cosmetics could not be stopped even by the prohibitions of the church. Women weren't the only ones to adorn themselves with arrows. Men also did this.

The French took over from Italy. It was here that not just long large lines came into fashion, but ornate curved, twisted into rings, of black, purple, blue, burgundy colors.

By the 19th century, cosmetics were already being produced by manufactories. Liners were sold dry and diluted with water prior to application. Natural makeup, airy beauty is in fashion. The arrows themselves became shorter and thinner, often quite short - barely noticeable notches at the corners of the eyes. It was permissible to draw them long and thick only for the ladies of the half-light.

1. Triangular arrow

This version of the arrow focuses on the eyelid and makes your eyes big and expressive. With an arrow like this, you don't need to add additional accents: just mascara and nude lipstick on the lips.

2. Glitter arrow

If you use the shimmery eyeliner correctly, you can make a beautiful one that will turn you into the queen of the party! To make this version of the arrow, just apply beige eyeshadow and make a classic arrow.

3. Cat Arrow

Cat-eye makeup is ideal for both a casual look and an evening out. In order to make the most graphic arrow, use an eyeliner with a thin felt tip.

4. Egyptian cat's eye

Another awesome graphical arrow option! Egyptian Cat's Eye is a bit too flashy for everyday use, but it will perfectly complement your look at an evening event. Combine these arrows with your everyday makeup, and be sure to use a quality liner that won't leave black spots or gaps in your eyeliner.

5. Double arrow

Just look how cool the eye looks! To repeat this version of the arrow, first apply shadows in the crease of the eyelid, then bright shadows on the entire movable eyelid, and then make a classic black arrow and a contrasting arrow from glitter.

6. Classic double arrow

If you want to but hesitate to try a new variation of graph arrows, try the double arrow! This arrow visually lengthens the eyes and makes them more expressive. For the double arrow, we recommend using a beveled brush and gel liner (liquid liner can turn your arrows into smudged lines).

7. Thin arrow

This option is ideal for those who have not yet mastered the technique of drawing a perfectly straight arrow. To draw such an arrow, stock up on a gel eyeliner: it will do an excellent job with such a "delicate" job.

8. Ombre Arrow

Such a bright version of the arrow is perfect for the summer season. But it is enough to replace the palette of bright shades with darker ones, and you get very stylish autumn (or winter) arrows. You can try transitioning from purple to dark blue. We wrote about how to make ombre arrows earlier.

We showed you the best graphical arrows. Keep in mind that the arrows demand the perfect face tone and the most natural lip makeup. Try it and be the best!

You managed to find your everyday look, you are satisfied with it, but sometimes you really want to try something new, to add a zest to your familiar look. Why shouldn't this fresh note become two charming arrows by the eyes? This modest piece of jewelry becomes incredibly trendy in 2016. And it is not surprising: the arrow is that little graceful touch that will complement your make-up, add a certain charm and chic to your face.

It is no coincidence that Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot and many other celebrities resorted to the help of the shooters.
To create makeup with arrows, you will have to arm yourself not only with knowledge, but also with a very specific cosmetic arsenal.

Arrow tools

To create, you need one of the following cosmetics.
Eyeliner. She doesn't have to be black. Moreover, in 2016 the color palette of your cosmetic bag becomes richer and more diverse than before. The eyeliner gives an intense color and is highly durable. You can opt for liquid or cream-based eyeliner.

Pencil. It is considered one of the simplest and most obedient tools for creating arrows. You can choose a soft or hard pencil. The first one often helps out beginners, the second one is preferred by professionals.

Eiliner. Dry eyeliner used by professionals. Ailiner allows you to create subtle strokes of amazing accuracy, but requires a firm hand and good dexterity from the person working with it, it is completely unsuitable for beginners in the make-up business.

Baked shadows. Arrows made with such shadows look very attractive, soft and unobtrusive. They allow you to create the perfect color and light play of your shooters. Look gorgeous in combination with a thin line made with liquid eyeliner.

You will also need some aids.


Cotton swab dipped in alcohol-free tonic. Any artist is not immune to mistakes. A cotton swab will help to gently deal with them.

Bright daylight ... Light is your reliable partner when creating any make-up. It is he who will help to see and objectively evaluate the result of your work.

Necessary knowledge base ... Even if you did not have time to acquire one, do not be discouraged. We will put it together!

Draw arrows

How to draw arrows in front of your eyes?

Get into a comfortable position. Do not hold the mirror and hand on the weight, rest your elbow on the table, then your line will be fine, clear and will not be interrupted.
If the skin of the eyelids is slightly pulled up and to the side while drawing, your arrow will turn out to be even.
Start with a thin but even line. You will always have time to make it thicker, but removing excess eyeliner will be much more difficult.
When creating arrows, do not forget to emphasize the lashes. If the eyelashes look faded and runny, even the most graceful arrow will not make you more beautiful and attractive.

The main types of arrows

Classic arrows on the eyes. They pass through the entire eyelid, ending in a small, graceful, slightly rounded tail that does not go beyond the boundaries of the eyelid. These arrows will perfectly complement the wide-set almond-shaped eyes. If you have a rounded shape of the eyes, it is advisable to bring the tails of the arrows slightly beyond the border of the eyelid.

Wide arrows on the lower and upper eyelids are also good for round, wide-open eyes. Gracefully curved lines extending beyond the boundaries of your eyelid, continuing its line, will give your eye a visual resemblance to the classic almond-shaped eye shape.

The discovery of 2016 was eye makeup, which is complemented by massive arrows ... When they are created, a fairly extensive surface of the eyelid is treated with a liquid eyeliner. These arrows are good for a bright and unforgettable evening make-up.

"Cat's eye" or "cat yae". The cat is one of the most feminine representatives of tetrapods. It would be nice for us women to adopt their elegant gait, flexible graceful movements and a regal look. The so-called cat arrows near the eyes will help to shade the latter. Do not be afraid of the apparent complexity of execution, if you approach the creation of makeup wisely, making arrows a la cat's eye is not so difficult.

How to create a cat's eye: step by step instructions

1. Draw the tail of our "cat's eye". To get them right, the tail must continue the line of the lower eyelid.
2. If you are happy with the result, create a thin eyeliner for the upper eyelid. Do this so that the eyeliner connects to the line of the ponytail you just drew.
3. From the tip of our tail it is necessary to draw a small triangle, until about the middle of the century.
4. The final touch: carefully paint over our graceful triangle.

They are gaining great popularity these days hyper arrows ... It is impossible to tell where the line lies between ordinary visage and real art. In any case, these chic arrows suggest paintings by true masters. Such arrows will make your eyes charming, fill the image with mystery, and visually open your eyes.

Another creative invention of the XXI century is arrows a la Cleopatra. Only one glance of the Egyptian queen made the hearts of men tremble, threw the empire and the state at her feet. The arrows helped to highlight and emphasize it, of course. However, this makeup is suitable only for those women of fashion who look at the world with wide-open almond-shaped eyes. For the rest, there is a high risk of visually reducing the incision of your eyes. But we don't want that! The “mirror of the soul” should be deep, wide and bottomless.

We wish you a firm hand, the right choice of color palette and obedient brushes - nature will do the rest. And if it is true that Cupid shoots arrows at men's hearts, then it is quite possible that these will be the same insidious arrows in front of your eyes.

There are no girls who would not like this kind of make-up - arrows decorate absolutely everyone, but you don't need to limit yourself to the "classics". Perhaps you should show your imagination and choose exactly "your" type of eyeliner. And we will inspire with ideas!

makeup artist M.A.C Events Team

Our heroine said that she often uses eyeliner, but is not too happy with the result, and has not tried anything other than the classic arrow. Usually, most girls emphasize the upper eyelid with black liquid eyeliner and are limited to only this. But in fact, makeup artists have a ton of original ways to draw beautiful arrows!


Pin-up arrows

The first arrow shape can be attributed to the pin-up style. Its playfully upturned tip resembles the very images of pretty girls from retro posters of the late 40s - early 50s, which emphasized openness, perkiness, a sense of inner freedom and flirtatious femininity.

We could have made this arrow less upturned, adhering to straight lines, then we would have got a more strict everyday image.

Glam rock arrows

This arrow cannot be called sugary-glamorous, and at the same time, it looks shocking enough to be attributed to the glam rock style. In general, this make-up is for free, attractive, confident and cocky.

I used a jet black eyeliner that fades into lighter shadows closer to the inner corner of the eye.

Sophia Loren style arrows

While creating this makeup, I deliberately changed the shape of the eye. The task was not to emphasize its natural form, but, on the contrary, I wanted to experiment and offer our heroine something unusual. It is worth noting that such makeup always makes it a little older, so approach it with caution.

Such arrows were the calling card of the Italian actress Sophia Loren - almost always the diva was painted that way. This was our inspiration!

Colored arrows

Colour! What else do you want in summer if not bright colors? I think when colored eyeliner is used in front of your eyes, no matter what shape of the arrow you choose, everyone will distinguish you as a bright, cheerful and extraordinary person. In the end, the arrows don't have to be black at all - it's time to move away from stereotypes.

In this case, the eyeliner is applied with a fairly wide line that fills almost the entire movable eyelid, which makes the image even more expressive. With such an arrow, you don't need to use shadows. If you save time and at the same time love brightness - welcome, this is your image!

Arrows from the lower eyelid

Well, this look is especially suitable for those who feel like a "tomboy" girl. If you do not like sugary femininity, then you can take note of the arrow drawn along the lower eyelid. It will not be like everyone else, and very stylish!

Girls who know how to properly apply makeup on the eyes and emphasize the dignity of a cat's look with spectacular arrows are always confident and attractive. Can you easily draw arrows and make perfect lines yourself? To do this, you should be patient, practice a little and take note of useful information. You will be able to learn how to properly line your eyes and make straight arrows, as well as get acquainted with the technique of applying cosmetics to create a spectacular new image.

Arrow options and selection for different types of eyes

How do you like these arrows?

Consider the popular types of arrows that are currently in fashion in order to correctly draw and arrange beautiful makeup.

The options may be different ...

Classic arrows

The traditional version of the classic arrows can be a great addition to any eye makeup, as well as serve as the sole accent of the appearance. Thin arrows are drawn as follows: first the outlines of the tail, then the line along the growth of the eyelashes, then all this needs to be connected. Be sure to make a gradual thickening from the inner corner to the outer one.

Double arrows look very impressive. Such fashionable makeup opens the eyes, visually makes the eyelashes thicker, being an active tool for seducing the opposite sex. To begin with, draw the ponytails from the corners of the eyes to the tips of the eyebrows with a black liner. Next, draw a line towards the inner corner of the eye. Then we make another short tail, from the outer corner of the eye down.

Thick arrows

They make it possible to draw cute arrows with a spectacular shape, brightly draw the contour of the eye. Here you need to adhere to the basic rule: the thicker you make the arrow, the thicker and longer the eyelashes will be needed. In some cases, false eyelash tufts are relevant.

Raised arrows for a cat-eye effect

Cat look will exactly provided if you draw this option. The eyes will appear larger, the gaze will be more slanted. Raising the arrow should be done from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple. The line should be wide and the rise sharp enough.

Arabic arrow

This option is very popular on Instagram, especially when combined with bright shadows. The contour under the eyelashes, on the lower and upper eyelids, is well painted over, without gaps. From above, the arrow thickens with a departure from the corner of the eye, and from below, a thickening is made at the end and joins.

Master class on drawing arrows with shadows

First you need to choose the right tools for drawing and decide which brush is more convenient to draw for you. You will need a beveled brush or a thin brow brush. Then follow the instructions:

  • Apply the required amount of eyeshadow to the brush.
  • Mark the tail of the arrow, mentally or with the help of improvised means, continuing the line of the lower eyelid.
  • Apply the continuation of the arrow as close to the lash line as possible, painting over the empty areas.
  • If the shape is wrong, you can correct the arrow using a cotton swab, dry or wet.

How to draw arrows on different types of eyes with your own hands

First you need to determine what kind of eyes you have and choose the form of makeup for them. This will allow you to correctly choose the most profitable option of all the existing ones.


The round shape needs to be slightly lengthened, outlining the inner corner with eyeliner. It is advisable to make the lines with a pencil bold, not thin, otherwise the effect of bulging eyes is guaranteed to you. Try to draw and blend the arrows correctly to fill in the space between the lashes and narrow the roundness. It is not recommended to draw the bottom arrows.


In this case, you can draw different types of arrows, since such eyes are the standard of beauty. An interesting idea is to make shaded long arrows with a widening effect. You can try the 60s style by making dramatic arrows. Start leading the line from the inner corner, gradually increasing towards the end. Note that the ponytail should continue at the end of the lash line.


It is better to draw visually enlarging arrows for narrow eyes that do not go beyond the border of the eye. The lower eyelid is left unpainted, or the line is emphasized only at the end. It is unacceptable to use a bright pencil for the bottom line. The eastern cut with small eyes can be corrected by making thin arrows, thickened only in the middle. The edges of the lines should be done with feathering.

Widely spaced eyes

Some secrets will help to reduce this shape: we bring the eyelid along the entire length, extending the line towards the bridge of the nose. It is advisable to perform it along the lash line. The lower eyelid must also be brought along the entire length.

Arrows on close-set eyes

Here, the makeup progress is the opposite of the close fit. It is better to start the arrow with a small indent from the inner corner of the eyelid. At the outer corner, you need to make rounded beautiful tips.

Who are the different arrow shapes for?

Who came up with the idea of ​​drawing underline lines in front of our eyes, and why are they needed? This fashion came from ancient Egypt. Egyptian beauties, and Cleopatra herself, were lovers of such tricks, doing makeup so that the eyes seemed larger. Since then, such a trick has not lost its relevance, continuing to be very popular among women, regardless of age. Age 40 is also not a hindrance to look well-groomed and stylish. In this case, black classic options for the eyes, or in a retro style will do.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners: how to beautifully paint your eyes with eyeliner, felt-tip pen, pencil

The drawing scheme with a felt-tip pen, liquid eyeliner is simple in stages, consider further simple drawing rules:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to your eyes.
  2. Using a hard lead pencil, draw the outline of the arrow from the inner corner to the middle. Next, we will continue the line and finish with a neat tip.
  3. Using the eyeliner, paint over the outline of the arrow, leaving no gaps.

How to do eye makeup with a pencil in stages? Correctly apply makeup on the right and left eyes with a pencil as follows:

  1. Apply a special eyeshadow base to the eyelids, then blend with a brush.
  2. Use a soft to medium soft pencil. We put one point near the inner corner, the second just above the growth of the eyelashes, in the middle, and the third parallel to the outer corner, at a level above the average.
  3. Connect all three points into one, try to make the transition as smooth as possible. The arrow should go clearly along the lash line.

Learning to make everyday and holiday arrows at home: tips for a beginner

Daily makeup for study, school, work is best done discreet, neat. It is important here to correctly draw thin and even outlines of the eyes with a pencil or eyeliner.

On the contrary, unusual multi-colored options for beautiful makeup, come in handy on the occasion of a celebration or a holiday, or add a fresh touch to your look. Colored options for arrows come in different types, some of them are as follows:

  • Black and white allows you to visually enlarge the eyes, make them deeper and more expressive. To easily make such a make-up, you need to apply a foundation and draw the same arrows with eyeliner. On top of them, you need to make white arrows and draw the inner line below with a white soft pencil.
  • Brown tones of the eyeliner look beautiful during the day, especially for girls with light brown eyes with a nutty twist.

"Important. The color of the eyeliner must be lighter than the tone of the mascara, otherwise the makeup will turn out tasteless and not expressive, and the eyes will seem smaller. "

  • Blue eyes are suitable for those with blue or bright blue eyes. This color combination looks harmonious; it is desirable to emphasize it with the same tones in clothes or accessories.
  • Anime-style pinks change a boring look for a new, interesting and original one. Suitable for young girls for theme parties, photo shoots, summer walks.
  • Gold ones allow you to make beautiful, shiny eyes. Such arrows are relevant for the holiday. Combines with warm skin tones and gold trimmings.
  • Purple eyeliner paint makes the look more daring and bright. Such a bold decision is appropriate for stylish people who are not afraid to attract increased attention. Lips in this case should not be painted with bright lipstick.

If you want makeup like Hollywood stars, you can decorate your eyelids with glitter and rhinestones, and stick special stickers in the form of arrows with patterns on your eyes. British singer Adele is famous for her spectacular, bright eyes, if you learn to paint like her, you will always shine with your beauty.

Tattooing for the eyes: the pros and cons of the procedure

There is not always enough time to draw perfect arrows. To avoid drawing every morning, you can make a permanent makeup of the arrows, which allows you to emphasize the dignity of the eyes for a long time and paint over the space between the eyelashes.

How long does the tattoo last? After the first application of the permanent, it will be necessary to carry out a correction, somewhere in 1.5 months after the procedure. Depending on the type of skin and special care, the tattooing on the eyes will last, on average, the time will be one and a half years.

Does tattooing hurt? During the painting of the shooter, the master applies a special anesthetic to the eyelids, which makes it possible to reduce pain.

The tattoo takes a long time to heal, crusts, swollen eyelids, redness and bruising may appear, but they disappear within two weeks. He must be carefully looked after. Post-procedure care involves the use of antiseptics, panthenol, and micellar water to remove makeup.

Keep in mind that the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo can be dire if you choose an inexperienced artist or use low-quality, cheap paint during the procedures.

What is biotattoo? Arrows in this case are applied with henna. This is done painlessly, without tattoo machines, it will last about 2 weeks.

Lifestyle for drawing: interesting ideas and tricks

You can make straight, wide lines using a spoon. You get a pretty active and catchy makeup. Draw arrows step by step as follows:

  • Take a clean, dry spoon. Hold the spoon by the edge and set it diagonally to half of the eye, to the lower eyelid.
  • Press the spoon firmly against your eyelid. Try to point the arrowheads in the upper corner.
  • To complete the arrow shape, take a spoon and attach it to the upper eyelid close to the growth of the eyelashes. Try to draw the shape straight. If your hand slips, use micellar water.

Arrow stencil pattern

You can also quickly draw arrows using a stencil. To do this, you need to purchase a special device in the form of a stencil, which will become an assistant in express make-up.

We draw with scotch tape

It is easy to paint the arrows and quickly draw the wings with ordinary tape, a piece of which is glued parallel to the eyebrow line so that the eyes do not look sadly lowered. The necessary line is drawn along the upper contour with an eyeliner or pencil. It turns out a neat and even makeup, which is very easy to do.