Low energy what to do. Options for increasing physical energy. What foods help to increase the amount of energy in the body

Today, no one argues about whether it is possible to maintain activity and prolong youth due to vitamins.

But not everyone knows what vitamins to drink for vivacity and energy, where to buy them, what is the specificity of this or that vitamin complex, whether it is important to take into account age, gender, nature of activity and ecological living conditions.

With the help of vitamin therapy, it is easy to "tune" your body in a positive way, to make an eternally drowsy, sluggish whiner a person energetic, productive and ready for new achievements.

Vitamins that give a person vigor and energy

Those who want to be healthy should know the essential vitamins, the use of which leads to increased energy and vitality. Let's take a look at some of these "magic" vitamins and their features.

Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C)

Ascorbic acid contributes to the production of norepinephrine in the body

Combining with one of the amino acids - phenylalanine - produces norepinephrine, which provides vigor and high spirits.

The production of norepinephrine occurs in nerve cells, where ascorbic acid penetrates some time after the consumption of the corresponding products.

It is important that a background of magnesium and calcium is always "attached" to vitamin C, otherwise it will not be absorbed. When choosing vitamin and mineral complexes, be sure to study the composition on the package.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene)

It also has one more name - retinol. A powerful antioxidant. Responsible for hydrating the cornea. Maintains the moisture content of the mucous membranes at a normal level. Helps maintain vision, especially with age-related changes.

Normalizes the work of the digestive tract, respiratory organs. Strengthens the immune system. It is extremely important for women: it balances the reproductive system, has a beneficial effect on lactation in nursing mothers, and normalizes metabolic processes in fat cells.

Thiamin (better known as vitamin B1)

Vitamin B1 helps keep you alert and improves mood

It is often referred to as the “pep vitamin”. Without it, the nervous system and mental activity are doomed to exhaustion.

Do you want to maintain clarity of mind, fast memory, sharpness of thought, creative activity? Then the best assistant in this is vitamin B1, which must certainly be included in the mineral and vitamin complexes you are taking.

With a lack of thiamine, a person experiences drowsiness, gets tired quickly, and becomes irritable.

If thiamine is not included in the complex of vitamins for energy and vigor, it makes absolutely no sense to purchase such products.

Biotin (aka vitamin B7)

Also called "vitamin H" and "coenzyme R". Responsible for the assimilation of proteins, in which energy is released. In addition, coenzyme R is involved in carbohydrate metabolism (balancing insulin).

The most important thing is that vitamin B7 is a participant in glucose metabolism, that is, it largely depends on biotin whether the nerve cells of the brain receive a sufficient amount of glucose or not. When glucose levels are low, a person becomes apathetic, lethargic, irritable, even angry.

Vitamin B7 must be part of those vitamin and mineral complexes that you intend to consume.

Scientists have recently discovered an amazing fact. It turns out that a healthy intestinal microflora synthesizes biotin, so the issue of its "supply" to the body can be partially considered solved (but this is provided that there are no serious intestinal dysbiosis).

Vitamin D (as cholicalceferol)

Without it, a person gets tired quickly and recovers for a long time after physical exertion. The reason is that without this vitamin, the blood vessels and heart muscle weaken noticeably. As a result - insufficient oxygen supply, sluggish blood circulation.

Conversely, if the balance in the body is normal, all cells are well supplied with oxygen, mental activity is active, the mood is excellent, energy is abundant.

What foods contain the listed vitamins?

Sources of Ascorbic Acid (or Vitamin C):

  • citrus;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • kiwi;
  • spinach leaves;
  • black currant;
  • horseradish roots;
  • parsley and dill;
  • broccoli, etc.

Daily doses:

  • children under 1 year old - 25-35 mg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 40-45 mg;
  • adults (men and women) - 45-100 mg;
  • elderly people - 55-150 mg.

Sources of Vitamin A (Retinol):

  • granular red caviar;
  • poultry, medium and small ruminants;
  • egg yolks;
  • whole milk and real country cream;
  • green vegetables.

Daily doses:

  • babies under 1 year old - 400 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 500-700 mcg;
  • adults - 3400-5000 IU;
  • elderly people - 3600-5900 IU.

Sources of Thiamin (Vitamin B1):

  • country milk;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • pork (meat and liver);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • whole wheat grains;
  • bran;
  • rice husk;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • green buckwheat;
  • rose hips, etc.

Daily intake:

  • babies up to 1 year old - 0.3-0.5 mg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 0.7-1 mg;
  • adults (men and women) - 1.1-2.5 mg;
  • elderly people - 1.5-3 mg.

Sources of Biotin (Vitamin B7):

Products. which contain vitamin B7

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • cauliflower;
  • tomatoes;
  • dairy products;
  • egg yolks (but not proteins, because they do not give biotin, but destroy);
  • mushrooms;
  • bean curd;
  • brown rice;
  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • nuts;
  • fruits, etc.

Daily doses:

  • babies up to 1 year old - 10-15 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 20-30 mcg;
  • adults (men and women) - 35-200 mcg;
  • elderly people - up to 300 mcg.

Sources of Vitamin D (cholicalceferol):

  • veal;
  • fatty herring;
  • fillet of mackerel;
  • cod and halibut liver;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • parsley, etc.

Daily doses:

  • babies under 1 year old - 10 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 2.5-4 mcg;
  • adults (men and women) - 100-500 IU;
  • elderly people - 150-300 IU.

Vitamin complexes for invigorating and energizing

Correctly selected complex of vitamins will provide you with an energy boost

There are many good, proven in practice, effective vitamin complexes on sale today.

Each of them has its own nuances.

Much depends on the specific purpose: whether vitamins are shown for girls and women or men, for children or adults, and may be targeted at elderly people.

Consider the most popular vitamin complexes.

Complex "Alphabet Energy"

Indicated for general strengthening vitamin therapy. Developed on the basis of natural plant extracts.

Among the ingredients of the Alphabet Energy complex are vitamins B1, E, A, C, H, folic acid, selenium, zinc, etc.

Vitamins provide a smooth transition from sleepy state to wakefulness. Strengthens the immune system.

Protects the body from external stimuli, as well as from the inside at the level of metabolic processes. Enhances antioxidant protection. Increases endurance. Return the working capacity.

The daily rate consists of 3 capsules: "Energy of the morning", "Vigor of the day" and "Revitalizing". You can take 3 tablets once a day in the morning or 3 times a day for 1 tablet - for breakfast, lunch, at dinner (the second method is preferable, because it gives a more lasting result).

The average price on the market is from 245 to 315 rubles.

Complex "Vitrum Energy"

It is indicated against hypo- and avitaminosis, with obvious signs of diarrhea, anorexia, depression, apathy, etc.

Fights fatigue. Helps to recover during intense physical exertion. Normalizes mental activity.

It is prescribed for people over the age of 12. The daily dose is 1 tablet once a day with meals (the course of administration is 1-2 months).

The average price in the market is 680-710 rubles per pack of 30 tablets, 1100-1135 rubles. per package 60 tab.

Vitamins provide energy for the whole day. The composition contains vitamins A, E, C, group B, a number of amino acids and minerals (zinc, selenium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.), ginseng extract. The complex has a high antioxidant effect.

Strengthens bones and teeth, as well as hair and nails. Fights infections. Improves performance. Normalizes sleep. Restores weakened sexual function. Neutralizes stress. Improves blood circulation. Awakens optimism and good mood.

Adults and adolescents from 14 years old take 1 tablet a day (no more) before lunch. Drinking in the afternoon is permissible only for those who work and must remain vigorous at night.

The average price in the market is 380-465 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.

Complex "Duovit" for girls

Developed taking into account the characteristics of a young female body (protection of the functions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, support of lipid metabolism, strengthening of the osteoarticular apparatus, etc.). Includes vitamins A, C, B, E, D, folic acid and a range of minerals.

Market prices are on average 265-315 rubles per pack of 30 tablets and 340-430 rubles per pack of 60 tablets.

"Complivit" for women over 45 and older people

The manufacturer has developed a whole line of products for different categories of consumers.

Women's formulations are focused on alleviating the condition with the extinction of reproductive function, protecting against tumor threats, prolonging sexual activity and general tone.

Aimed at protecting the musculoskeletal system, vision, cardiovascular system. Consume according to the instructions provided.

Prices fluctuate between 168-410 rubles for 30 tablets and 220-490 rubles for 60 tablets (depending on the composition and the intermediary's trade margin).

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine. Feel the entire surface of your body, as it is when you are immersed in a hot bath.

I'm not saying try. Just do it. When you do not try, but do, it turns out right away, and training is not needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes out to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it is not really tangible. With your imagination alone, you take the first step towards managing the shell. Over time, a real feeling will come.

People with developed psychic abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Each person initially already has extrasensory abilities, they are simply not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. You can wake them up through long training or in one moment - it's just a matter of the power of intention. Of course, it is rather difficult to acquire such an intention. But for our purposes it will be quite enough to bring your energy into a healthy state. A weak shell is defenseless against a violent invasion.

Healthy energetics can be developed and maintained by doing special exercises on a regular basis. It is very simple and takes a little time.

1. Stand up straight, as it is comfortable for you, without straining. Breathe in and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (approximately at the distance indicated above), exits the head and goes to the sky.

2. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters the head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't need to physically feel these currents. It is quite enough to just imagine it. Over time, your sensitivities will be trained so that you learn to feel them.

3. Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without crossing, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the binding of flows to breathing. You can use the power of imagination (intention) to speed up the flows, give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills overhead as a fountain. Likewise, the downdraft exits and also spills out in the opposite direction, just below your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally combine the splashes of both so that you are inside the energy sphere.

4. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the surface of your skin and then stretch that sensation into a sphere, similar to how a balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of your skin, a sphere of closed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something.

Do not worry that you do not physically feel the central currents. You are so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy internal organ. By regularly focusing on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, not real enough.

This is energy gymnastics. By closing the flows to each other in a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you anchor this shell in a stable state.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such gymnastics. First, the shell protects you from defeat. Secondly, by training your energy, you clear the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are tightened. All this does not happen all at once, gradually. But on the other hand, you do not need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore the normal circulation of energy.

It should be noted that the energy shell cannot protect against vampires and pendulums. These freeloaders pump energy by tuning to your frequency. When the pendulum tries to hook the victim, it deviates from balance. At this point, in order to fall through the pendulum, you need to wake up and reset your importance. The muscles will relax, the energy will come into balance, and the pendulum will fall into emptiness. After all, if you yourself do not swing, he will not be able to take energy. Mindfulness is necessary in order to constantly monitor those moments when you involuntarily deviate from balance.

An increase in energy does not mean its accumulation at all. This may seem strange, because we are used to phrases like “I’m lacking energy” or “I am full of energy”. You can only store physiological energy in the form of calories. To do this, it is enough to eat well and rest regularly. A person has nowhere to accumulate free energy. It comes into the body from the Cosmos. If the channels are wide enough - there is energy, if they are narrow - no. Therefore, high energy is, first of all, wide channels.

Free energy is always present at every point in unlimited quantities - take as much as you can carry. It is necessary to learn to let it in and feel like a part of the Universe. It doesn't have to be a one-off act. It is necessary to constantly strive for a feeling of energetic unity with the outside world.

It seems to a person that if he accumulates a lot of energy, he will become strong and will be able to achieve success. Such accumulation serves only as a preparation for influencing the world by the force of inner intention. As you already know, trying to change or conquer the world by force is extremely difficult, thankless, ineffective and, therefore, energy-intensive. A person, interacting with the world by the power of inner intention, thinks too much of himself. In fact, he is just a drop in the ocean.

External intention does not change or fight the world. It simply chooses what is required in this world. Outside intent in a "variation space store" does not need to bargain for goods or take them away from sellers. There is no need to accumulate energy to work with an external intention. It is already in bulk everywhere - we literally bathe in it. Accumulating is like swimming in a lake and holding water behind your cheeks in reserve. Do not try to accumulate energy, but just let it flow freely through you in the form of two opposite streams. You can sometimes close these streams into two opposite fountains. That's all it takes.

Do not strive to turn into a bunch of energy, but imagine yourself as a drop in the ocean. Recognize and feel that you are one with the Universe, you are a part of it, and then all the energy is at your disposal. Do not concentrate energy in yourself, but merge with the energy of the Universe. Expand your energy sphere and dissolve it in the surrounding space, while not forgetting that you are a separate particle. Then, just by moving the little finger of your outer intention, you will do, within a certain period of time, something that can never be done by the power of your inner intention. I'm talking about achieving your goal, not an inner intention to kick someone in the face. Momentary needs can really be satisfied only by the power of inner intention.

Free energy will be present in sufficient quantity if the energy channels are not narrowed. The narrowing of energy channels occurs for two reasons: clogging of the body and constant exposure to stress. In a slagged organism, energy cannot circulate freely. In stressful conditions, the channels are clamped even more. Short-term bursts of energy uplift are usually followed by long periods of decline. During such periods, a person cannot live a full-fledged active life, but drags out a measured existence.

Over time, energy channels atrophy more and more. This is due to the fact that with age, a person stops developing, enters a measured rhythm of life, and work with the channels practically stops. Channel training occurs when you have to use intention at the maximum level. By achieving vital goals, a person stimulates intention, and therefore channels. As soon as the major peaks are taken, the bar of intention begins to gradually decline. So the time comes when in the evening (and not only) you want only one thing - to spread out in an armchair in front of the TV. Energy channels are narrow, there is no energy of intention, life is not a joy, but a burden.

Fortunately, things can be easily fixed. This does not require you to force your intention to take new peaks. Energy channels are well trained with energy gymnastics. But it will be even better if you always carry the feeling of the central currents and the subtle body with you whenever possible. This state has a number of benefits. You are in harmony and balance with the world around you, are sensitive to changes in the environment and successfully move with the flow. You are connected to the information field - an unlimited source for creativity. You get access to the energy of the Cosmos. You broadcast harmonious radiation that creates an oasis of well-being and success around you. But the main thing is that you act on the verge of the unity of soul and mind, that is, closer to external intention. So your ability to control external intention develops, which means that desires begin to be fulfilled faster and easier.

It will be enough from time to time during the day to turn on the fountains of energy flows and try to mentally strengthen them, but without zeal, without straining. If at the same time you feel some heaviness in your head, it means that the upward flow is stronger than the downward one. In this case, focus on the downdraft and amplify it slightly. The currents must be in balance, so that the center point is somewhere in the middle of the body. From this point, mentally direct the radiation to the entire energy sphere, while the sensation of the subtle body is clearly enhanced. Thus, you should have a complex upward and downward sensation combined with the sensation of your energy body.

If you focus on the downward flow, the energy center will move downward. Conversely, if you focus on the upward flow, energy will accumulate in the upper body. In addition, the physical center of gravity will move in the same way as the energy one. This property can be used in sports. If stability on the feet is required, as in alpine skiing, it is worth strengthening the downdraft. And if you need to jump, then strengthen the ascending flow. The masters of martial arts are well aware of these properties of energy flows. There are those professionals who are almost impossible to budge if they focus on the downstream. Conversely, if the master is concentrating on the upstream, he can perform unimaginable jumps.

While doing physical exercises, pay attention to the central flows. You should not do this too diligently - diligence will not achieve anything. Just cast an inner glance sometimes in front of the spine and visualize an upward flow and a downward flow. If you regularly mentally move the central currents, the free skill of feeling them will gradually develop. It may seem that some of the movements are in no way consistent with the visualization of flows. Take your time, over time you will learn to easily correlate any movement with the sensation of flows.

If you are doing strength training, you can significantly increase your energy by focusing on the central currents. When a movement is made with tension, attention is drawn to the muscles. When a reciprocal movement is made, in which the muscles relax, attention switches to the central currents. The moment of relaxation should be delayed for one or two seconds and the movement of flows should be felt.

Take the bar chin-up as an example. At the beginning of the ascent, the breath is delayed, the ascent is performed, the exhalation is made, the attention is focused on the effort. Then, when returning downward, an inhalation is made, the muscles relax, and attention switches to the central flows. Imagine how, during relaxation, energy flows move simultaneously in both directions. It is necessary to fully straighten the elbows and hang on relaxed hands for one or two seconds. Then you will clearly feel the energy flows - they seem to be released and begin to move slowly. At the moment of relaxation, you do not need to speed them up, release them and give them the opportunity to move freely.

Performing push-ups from the floor, the central flows can, on the contrary, be pushed with force. Straightening your elbows, simultaneously mentally push the flows with force as you exhale. Inhale and exhale in the exercises in the order that is more convenient for you so that it does not cause discomfort. But in general, in most strength exercises, during the effort phase, breathing is delayed or exhaled, and in the relaxation phase, inhalation.

By paying attention to flows, you are already stimulating their amplification. The alternation of tension and relaxation stimulates them even more if attention is directed correctly. At the tension stage, they stopped and compressed like springs. During relaxation, the springs are straightened and the force of the poto-koe increases. After tension, the accumulated and compressed energy is released and literally pushed with force through the central channels.

Increasing energy will not only increase your vitality, but also make you a more influential figure. Your radiation will become more significant. This will come in handy when you need to influence or convince someone of something. There are also known forceful methods of energetic influence on people, but they run counter to the principle of transurfing, which states that you have no right to change anything, but you can only choose. There is no need to fight and put pressure on the outside world. This is a very ineffective way to achieve your goals. As you know, the world, as a rule, responds in kind to the pressure of force.

The higher your energy, the better people treat you, because they subconsciously feel energy and even consume it to some extent. But ordinary people do not feed themselves purposefully, like pendulums. They seem to bathe in someone else's energy, if energy in excess overflows over the edge of your "fountains".

By providing surplus energy to people, you gain their favor. People are so accustomed to giving energy to pendulums that they are always pleased with the source that gives energy itself. These sources include the so-called magnetic or charismatic personalities. They say about them: they have some kind of inexplicable charm, magnetism. This is not surprising. What makes you more sympathetic: a puddle of stagnant water or a clean spring? Don't worry if your energy is being consumed by others. That small excess of energy that you give to others will only work in your favor.

Let's say you have a very significant meeting. Ditch the importance and turn on your central flows. Let them beat with fountains. You will need far fewer smart words and convincing arguments. Just turn on your fountains. By attracting and passing free energy through yourself, you are gifting others. On a subconscious level, they will feel it and, without realizing it, will be imbued with sympathy for you. The secret of your charm will be a mystery only to them.

As already mentioned, energy enters the human body in the form of central streams, is formed by thoughts and, at the output, acquires parameters corresponding to these thoughts. The modulated energy is superimposed on the corresponding sector in the space of variants, which leads to the material realization of the variant. Modulation only takes place when soul and mind are one. Otherwise, mental energy is like interference in a radio receiver.

With the power of inner intention, you can perform elementary actions in the material world. However, the material realization of a potential in the space of variants occurs only by the force of external intention. It arises when the soul and mind are united in their aspirations. Strength is proportional to the level of energy. External intention is absolute determination combined with high energy potential.

Energy is increased by training the central flows and cleansing the body. But in transurfing there is another great method that will help expand channels - process visualization.

To raise the energy of intention requires intention itself. You can give yourself this setting: my channels expand, and the energy of intention increases. While doing gymnastics, visualize this process. As you remember, the essence of process visualization is to state a fact: today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. Launching energy fountains, repeat in your thoughts the statement that your energy of intention is increasing every day. So the intention itself will support itself and increase the energy incrementally.

Do not forget that the intention to increase the biofield must be cleared of the potentials of desire and importance. Diligence and diligence in an effort to increase energy flows will reverse the blockage effect. Any effort and diligence creates excess potential because you attach excessive importance to achieving the goal. Intention is not diligence, but focus. Only focus on the process matters. If you do the exercises with all your strength, but your mind dreams of an outsider, then you are wasting time and energy. Loosen your grip on diligence and just focus on the action.

(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Greetings, dear reader!
According to oriental healers, energy should flow through the human body without obstacles, filling all parts and internal organs of a person. This is facilitated by the elasticity and flexibility of the human body. If the mobility of any part of the body is impaired, the energy channel is blocked, it ceases to feed the internal organs, blood circulation and metabolism deteriorate. Hence, ailments arise that turn into chronic diseases. To combat them, a high level of vital energy is needed, which a person is able to generate himself. In this article, let's talk about how to improve your health and quality of life by raising your vitality levels.

What levels of vital energy are there?

Human energy is not a constant value, it can change even during the day. There are many reasons for this, but this is a topic for endless study.

Oriental medicine, based on the characteristics of the physical condition, offers the following scheme for dividing people according to the level of vital energy.

Low energy person:

    has cold limbs

    feels lethargic and drowsy


    gets tired quickly

    suffocates when walking

    has low pressure

    susceptible to cardiovascular disease

    prone to colds due to low immunity

    weak vascular tone causes varicose veins in the legs

You can check the energy level and balance using >>> Energy information test from Lisa Piterkina

Due to the weak passage of energy, such a person develops little vitality. A low level of vital energy does not allow coping with diseases. And since the body determines our emotions and emotions affect the health of the body, it turns out a vicious circle, which can be broken by exercises that kindle it.It is he who is needed to fight apathy and diseases of the body.

Excess energy level

A person with a high level of vital energy is like an energizer. His body produces energy well, but due to stagnation in some organ, it cannot move evenly throughout the body. Instead of a creative force, energy acquires the power of destruction.

What is typical for such people?

    excessive mobility


    constant anxiety, nervousness

    diseases of the joints and spine

    diseases of the digestive system

  • hypertension

    bad dream

Energy seethes in the human body, but it cannot provide all parts and organs with an equal amount of strength. Where energy is in excess, it burns through the blocked organ, thereby damaging it. Such people need to focus on achieving a balance of the level of vital energy through breathing exercises or meditation.

What is Adequate Energy Level?

Fortunately, most of humanity belongs to people with normal energy levels. Their energy moves through the body evenly as a whole, creating normal blood flow and a good metabolism. But, despite this, they also have a number of diseases.

It can be:

    chronic diseases with which the body fights and maintains outside the stage of exacerbation

    problems with the organs of internal secretion

    mood swings

The division of people according to the level of vital energy is very arbitrary. The essence of this division is to show how blocking of energy channels creates conditions for the occurrence of various diseases. A low flow of energy does not give strength, and excess energy burns organs. Therefore, it is important to create an energy balance in the human body to maintain vitality sufficient to fight disease.

Sources of strength

They will help in raising the tone and creating a sufficient level of vital energy, qigong, wushu, dancing, breathing exercises, healthy eating, physical activity, fresh air and other components of a healthy lifestyle.

Let's dwell on four factors that help to heal the body:

    proper nutrition

    body cleansing

    breathing exercises

    physical activity


The most accessible source for replenishing strength and raising the level of vital energy of the body is nutrition. Vitamins and microelements, when broken down, enrich the blood with nutrients. Therefore, products should be, first of all, natural and healthy. It is preferable to eat unprocessed grains, lots of vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition is considered correct, in which 50% is made up of plant products. It is recommended to include a lot of fish in the diet, as it is a source of the Omega-3 vitamin. And this is the main vitamin that strengthens the immune system, improves brain activity.

The musculoskeletal system requires calcium, which comes from dairy products.

Each product in a certain way affects human health and raising the tone. The main thing in a healthy diet is that it should be balanced and moderate.


Correct breathing is another prerequisite for creating a good level of vital energy in the human body. Almost all of us breathe incorrectly, the body is not saturated with oxygen to the proper extent. As a result, not all cells receive oxygen, stagnation forms, which interfere with the energy flow.

Correctly - this is to breathe through the nose. There are hairs in the nose that clean the incoming air from impurities.

The basis of breathing is inhalation - pause - long exhalation. The exhalation should be 2-3 times longer than the inhalation. The frequency of the inhalation - exhalation cycle per minute is 5 - 6 times.

Breathing with the diaphragm is beneficial for health. On inhalation, the chest should be compressed, the abdomen should be inflated. On exhalation, the abdomen tenses, retracts, the chest straightens. At the same time, all the lungs work and breathing becomes deep and saturated.

Such breathing creates a uniform access of oxygen to all cells, the movement of the diaphragm massages the organs of the abdominal cavity, improves their work.

Learning to breathe correctly is not difficult. The main thing is to do breathing exercises regularly, practicing for 10 to 15 minutes.

Cleansing the body

The reason for the lack of strength, insufficient level of vital energy, is the excessive slagging of the body. With age, the natural metabolic process slows down, toxins begin to accumulate in bones, cells, internal organs, and the brain.

The human body is designed in such a way that it can cleanse itself. A person is freed from toxins by the liver, kidneys, intestines, sweat glands. But with insufficient activity of the excretory functions of the body, you can help him. There are many detoxification methods that can help you gain sufficient vitality and help your body fight disease.

Let's start with water treatments. Everyone knows how a bath helps to get rid of harmful substances and to feel lightness. The Russian steam bath not only cleanses, but also well relaxes the spasmodic organs.

A powerful detox effect is achieved through regular fasting. Abstinence from food should be carried out carefully and only after consultation with specialists, so as not to harm health instead of benefit. Fasting frees up the body's energy, which is spent on digesting food and starts the cleansing process. This method frees the body from toxins in a comprehensive manner, without focusing on certain organs.

The easiest and most affordable way to cleanse from toxins is to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of pure water per day. Water provides the body with conditions for self-release from harmful metabolic products.

And of course, let's remember the popular method of cleansing with an enema. Although doctors do not recommend frequent use of this method. The best effect of bowel cleansing with an enema is provided by the use of this method as part of a complex treatment in a sanatorium or hospital setting.

Some pharmaceutical preparations help to get rid of slagging and increase the level of vital energy. These are activated carbon, polysorb, allochol, magnesia. The listed funds least of all have side effects.

All methods of cleansing from toxins and toxins help to restore the body, but it is important to choose a method that will not harm your health.

Physical activity

The effect of physical exercise on human health can hardly be overestimated. Movement is life! Physical activity speeds up all life processes, kindles the inner fire of energy, rejuvenates, improves mood. For any age and health condition, you can choose your own training complex or a suitable sport. This can be gym work, running, walking, cardio workouts, dancing, oriental practices, skiing, skating, swimming and much more. The main thing is to force yourself to move, work on improving health, prevent the body from aging, increase the level of vital energy to combat ailments.

As an epilogue

We talked about only four factors that help in raising the tone and energy of a person. In fact, there are many opportunities for gaining strength. Sources of energy are in the person himself and around him. You just need to see them and be able to use them.

We wish you to find these sources for obtaining inexhaustible energy! Be positive, cheerful and optimistic! May any goals be achievable.

We hope this article was interesting and informative for you. And if so, we will be glad if you share it with your friends on social networks - may there be more healthy and harmonious people in the world!

There is no such person who would not like to feel heightened, feel young and beautiful, and also have excellent physical shape. This is every person's dream!

From time to time, the vitality is reset to zero for a variety of reasons, and the question of how to increase the body's energy at home needs to be addressed.

This is an important point for every person, since the general health of a person, his mood and performance directly depends on this.

A person who has high energy gets a huge number of benefits. A similar tone of the body must be had for the following reasons:

There can be two main types of such energy - free and vital..

The first is the special energy of the human subtle body, it is a source of creative and mental energy. It gives the desire and incentive to act, gives a creative boost and increases vitality.

As for the vital energy, it is required for the normal functioning of the physiology of the organism, that is, for the vital activity of the whole organism as a whole.

If the energy is weak, a person feels a decline in literally everything. Health and general condition suffers, as well as little achievement of goals, which automatically negatively affects the general financial situation.

To put your health in order, to improve your financial situation, it is worth studying methods of increasing energy, that is, solving a simple and at the same time important question of how to restore energy in the body.

They are quite simple and based on the usual healthy lifestyle.

If there is no energy and strength in the body, what to do is a question that can be solved without much material costs and some kind of forbidden knowledge. It is quite enough to simply adjust your daily routine and revise your lifestyle in a positive direction.

There are a lot of methods that help to solve the problem of how to raise energy and vitality. These are different, differing from each other, therefore, each of them is worth considering in more detail.

There are special methods of increasing vital energy, and there are ways to increase free energy.

Physical Energy Boost Options

As soon as the level of physical energy decreases, a person begins to feel powerless, he is constantly tired and overwhelmed. As soon as energy depletion takes on a critical form, various diseases immediately begin.

To prevent such health problems, it is worth taking certain measures and increasing the energy balance of the physical body.

To ensure a stable flow of vital energy, you will need to fulfill only two conditions - to establish good nutrition and learn how to rest.

When deciding how to replenish the body's energy, how to gain basic physical health, it is worth learning how to fully rest. Sleep regime deserves special attention here.

Here are some basic rules for normalizing sleep:

  • you need to go to bed and get up strictly at the same time;
  • it is worthwhile to allocate some time to organize an afternoon nap, it is advisable to devote 30-40 minutes for it. It is the ideal method to quickly replenish the body's energy reserves;
  • if you cannot sleep during the daytime, it is worth learning a couple of relaxing exercises. Sometimes it is enough just to close your eyes for 5 minutes and breathe deeply.

In the process of organizing a sleep pattern, special attention should be paid to its quality, not duration..

If you sleep deeply and soundly for about 5-6 hours, it will have a more positive effect on the body than 10 hours of superficial sleep.

To improve your overall quality of sleep, it is a good idea to exercise daily and eat well.

To increase energy, it is imperative to perform special exercises. To do this, you do not need to visit the gym, some complexes can be carried out at home.

To recharge, all you need to do is do a little exercise in the morning to work out the main joints.... If music is played for energy during sports activities, you can achieve a better result.

You don't have to run marathons to increase your vitality. As practice has shown, people who do light physical activity or just regularly go for walks relieve fatigue much faster than more serious exercises with weights.

You need to do it every day, even 10 minutes of physical activity will be enough, everything is better than just lying on the couch for this time.

If during the working day there is no time for classes, you just need to walk two blocks on the way home. It is a tremendous beneficial support for muscle and blood flow.

In the process of physical activity, energy is exchanged in the human body. The one that has stagnated leaves the body, and in its place comes more renewed free energy, which significantly increases the overall vitality.

To feel in perfect order, you should lead an active lifestyle - swim, run, exercise as much as possible!

Nutrition plays an equally important role in the process of increasing energy... There are special products that give the body energy, that is, they are one of the main sources of energy for humans.

When building a daily menu, attention should also be paid not to the quantity, but to the quality of the products consumed.

To increase the energy of the body through food, it is worth adding to the diet foods that are characterized by their natural increased energy potential.

Among the most popular and effective products are:

  • high quality carbohydrates- all kinds of cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal), sprouted wheat grains, black whole grain bread;
  • healthy proteins- beans, soybeans, nuts, low fat white meat;
  • healthy fats- fish, turkey, seeds, olive oil and nuts;
  • vegetables and fruits should be given at least 60% of the total diet... This is a special storehouse of vitamins, as well as fiber necessary for the body;
  • dairy products which help to quickly increase the overall energy of the body. This can be milk, low-fat cottage cheese, and yoghurts.

Drinking plenty of water is very important. The average daily dose for an adult is 1.5-2 liters. This is an important rule for both men and women.

If you compose your diet from these particular foods and use them in the required proportions, you can quickly and effectively increase the overall potential of the body.

It should be understood that increasing energy in the body is directly associated not only with the introduction of healthy foods into the diet, but also with the exclusion of white sugar, fast food, carbonated drinks. Coffee also needs to be minimized to the maximum..

There is energy in these products, but the damage that they are able to bring to the body is often completely irreparable.

If you follow these rules, you can quickly increase the overall level of your vital energy.

After a few days, a person begins to feel much better, problems such as drowsiness, lethargy, and decreased efficiency go away.

After physical energy is put in order, after the rules of a healthy lifestyle have become a system, you can think about increasing the more general and equally important free energy.

There are two ways to solve this problem - to close the energy channels through which energy leaves the body. To achieve a positive result, you need to give up certain negative aspects of life.

As soon as the refusal of something that takes up a large amount of internal energy is carried out, the person automatically provides its inflow.

This is a kind of method to "patch" energy holes in the subtle body. Here are some of the most basic methods for quickly and effectively restoring internal energy.

Many people have the misconception that drinking alcoholic beverages and various energy drinks is a great way to increase energy.

All this is true, but the effect of increasing energy from these funds is very short-lived.

In addition, these funds have tremendous harm on the body. It is for this reason that it is worth giving up the use of all types of alcohol and various energy drinks.

Another bad habit that you must definitely give up is smoking. Along with the harmful effects on the body, cigarettes also consume a lot of energy.

You need to make an effort, have patience and wean yourself from smoking.

Another channel where energy, important for life, leaves, is the negative accumulated in the body.

All negative emotions, experiences and various unpleasant feelings are guaranteed to take away positive creative energy from a person, and in a sufficiently large volume. This is especially true of a certain sense of guilt or resentment.

Through the constant rethinking of unpleasant life factors, a large amount of energy is consumed. To get rid of this, sometimes it is enough to forgive and let go of all insults.

It is equally important to forbid yourself to experience such emotions as jealousy, anger, envy, fear and irritation, that is, from everything that unbalances a person and automatically steals vital energy and strength.

Try very hard to avoid negative emotions in every possible way, you need to control your thoughts and not be scattered over minor problems and moments.

In addition to special methods of closing the outflow of vital energy, it is worth using methods to replenish it. You need to learn to receive positive energy, generating it from your own resources.

The presence in life of certain goals, desires or cherished dreams, fulfillment or achievement of certain goals, is an ideal and rather powerful source of energy.

If you have a dream, you will definitely find the energy to make it come true.... The whole universe is based on this.

If there is a dream, the whole Universe will strive with all its might to help it come true.

In the absence of a dream, a person must always face tasks, goals, it is imperative to make wishes for yourself and come up with dreams.

Love and hobbies

Love is a rather strong emotion that evokes in the soul a huge number of the most vivid emotions. As soon as a person has love, wings appear behind him and a powerful surge of energy is formed.

As for hobbies, this is a special form of creativity, which also tends to inspire life in a person. In the process of creation, a person opens channels that connect the subtle body with energy flows.

Each person needs to have their own hobby or business, which will bring great pleasure.... This is the perfect way to boost energy quickly.

Certain techniques of proper nutrition are able to significantly increase the overall energy of the body.

To achieve a positive result, it is not necessary to engage in the development of complex practice; it will be quite enough to learn how to perform deep breathing cycles, in which the lungs will be fully involved.

Most people make shallow breathing cycles, which negatively affects the general energy state of a person.

Correct deep breathing can increase both types of energy - physical as well as internal.

Deep breathing into all the lungs will increase the total volume of inhaled air. This automatically increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and other organs. All this has the most positive effect on the general energy balance, as well as on the state of health.

Summing up

To increase energy and make your life as fulfilling and healthy as possible, it is worth adhering to the following general rules.

The day should start with proteins and complex carbohydrates, the digestion of which will take the body a lot of time, and accordingly the necessary level of vital energy will be maintained.

Coffee - the drink should be reduced to 2-3 cups a day... It is not necessary to completely abandon it, since in the right amount of caffeine prevents the development of senile diseases by improving brain functions.

You don't have to use sweets or specialty chemical drinks as an energy snack. it is better to replace such food with vegetable slices or nuts.

Walnuts, pistachios, almonds are an ideal source of energy... These foods are packed with healthy fats and protein, and are antioxidants.

Proper nutrition and a well-structured daily routine will help you quickly restore your overall health. A person has energy and strength to carry out daily affairs and to achieve numerous set goals.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is guaranteed to have a positive effect on the physical and psychological well-being.

And today we'll talk about how to increase vital energy.

In my research on life energy, I rely on Igor Isaev's book Energy Practices of Yoga and Qigong. And also on the experience of Natalia Solonenko, a woman who has been engaged in spiritual practices and issues of vital energy for 30 years.

Even the ancient philosophers argued that man is a microcosm - a reflection of the macrocosm, that is, the entire Universe. Consequently, all the laws that work in the universe will work in the person himself. This is what the well-known saying “Know yourself and you will know the whole Universe” speaks about.

Before we understand how to increase life energy, let's figure out where life energy comes from. The first thing that is important to understand is that the entire universe consists of a synthesis of three aspects of being - information (consciousness), energy and matter.

Both the entire Universe and a person act and develop due to the presence of flows of dynamic balance of three levels of reality - metabolism, energy exchange and information exchange.

These processes occur in us constantly and almost always automatically. We can realize and feel, and, consequently, influence only the coarsest and most dense metabolic process. Therefore, he is the most studied and understood.

About two other processes that directly act in our organisms, as well as in the entire surrounding universe - the exchange of energy and information - we practically do not know anything, since our senses do not perceive these processes.

This is why modern science recognizes that humans only use 10% of their brains. And what is the other 90% for? In order to manage your higher energy-informational processes.

So, we do not know anything about these energy-informational processes working in us. We do not deliberately work with each of them. These processes go on in us on their own, with low efficiency and intensity, and even under the distorting and overwhelming influence of unfavorable physical and emotional (energy) states, into which we, out of ignorance, plunge our body.

We throw in due to improper nutrition and breathing, low physical activity, addictions, inability to properly interact with other people and correctly assess the events of the surrounding reality.

Naturally, in such a situation, all our potentialities are realized in a meager proportion, and even average physical health, not to mention serious emotional and spiritual well-being, seems to the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth an unrealistic possibility.

Hence, it becomes clear why the term of the possible life of a physical body, calculated and proven by modern science, in 140-160 years, is completely unrealistic for each of us.

Sources of life energy

Where does vital energy come from and how is it manifested in our body? Everything, starting from our thoughts and ending with sensations in the body, originates in the energy-informational field and then manifests itself at the physical level.

All energy-information flows in our body move along energy channels and energy centers. The energy channels-orbits-meridians of a person are called hita (or nadis), and the energy centers are called chakras.

Where does the average person spend psychic energy in everyday life? It turns out, not only on vital processes such as maintaining normal heart function, muscle contraction and other automatic processes. The main consumer of vital energy is the nervous system and the associated psycho-emotional sphere.

We already understand that a person is not only a physical body (material category), but also an emotional and mental component (energy category), as well as consciousness (information category). And all these levels of personality require a constant flow of energy and information for their functioning. The more intensively they act, the more they spend them.

It is known that in all scientific works it is indicated that mental work of all the rest requires stress and effort from a person. That is, even classical medicine recognizes that an actively working consciousness and the associated nervous system require a large expenditure of physical and mental strength.

Therefore, it is important to know how to increase your vitality. Especially if you are doing mental work.

How to increase vitality?

There are 2 ways to increase the level of your vital energy (prana)

1. Do those things that give energy, and DO NOT do those things that take energy.
2. Engage in energy practitioners who pump energy.


1. Earth Element: There are foods full of prana (vital energy): natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables. Being in nature, contemplating nature, walking barefoot on the ground. Sleep from 9-10 pm until 2 am (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep). Go in for sports, love, what you love.

2. Water element: Drink plenty of water, preferably from wells or streams, swim in a river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Douse yourself with cold water, especially in the morning.

3. Fire element: Be in the sun and eat foods that contain sunlight.

4. Air element: This is the most important element in obtaining prana through the inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: Cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of prana will destroy him even faster.

On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last quite a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature. In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, monasteries.


Despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future
- setting and pursuing selfish goals
- aimless existence
- resentment, feelings of guilt or shame
- binge eating
- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate
- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers
- eating food devoid of prana: coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol
- food in a hurry and on the go
- smoking
- empty talk, especially if we criticize and condemn someone at the same time
- communication with negative people, conflicts, disputes
improper breathing, such as too fast and deep breathing
- being in direct sunlight, from 12 noon to 4 noon, especially in the desert
- promiscuous intercourse, sex without desire and, especially without love for a partner
- excessive sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep
- tension of mind and body
- greed and greed

That's all for today. Next time, let's talk about energy practitioners. I would be glad if you share your experience of receiving vital energy.