New Year is a special holiday. New Year is a special holiday, and children are waiting for it the most. To make the New Year special

Progress does not stand still and it is not always possible to keep abreast of all innovations in the field of payment for mobile services. In some situations, there is such a need to transfer money from Megafon to MTS. In this article, we will consider in detail the methods of transfer between operators and the peculiarities of their implementation.

Megafon is one of the largest cellular operators in Russia, so a significant part of the country's population uses its services. It is important for a company to make the use of its services convenient, simple and affordable for every client. Therefore, there are four ways to transfer money from Megafon to MTS, so that people can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Via USSD request

The most widespread and well-known is the mobile translation service. It involves sending a USSD request with the following content:

To transfer money in the amount of 500 rubles, you should dial the combination: * 133 * 500 * 89201234567 #. The subscriber's number is dialed in any format: 8, +7 or without. After sending the command, you need to respond to an SMS with a confirmation code to complete the operation.

The conditions for the provision of the service should be taken into account:

  • After the transfer, at least 10 rubles must remain on the account
  • You can send from 1 ruble to 15 thousand rubles at a time
  • The maximum transfer amount per day (and per month too) - 40 thousand rubles

If you transfer money from Megafon to MTS through the USSD command, the commission will be 8.5%.


You can transfer money from Megafon to MTS using a simple SMS. The transfer conditions are the same as when sending the USSD command described above. Information for iPhone owners: Disable iMessage before sending. Your actions:

  • Create a new SMS message.
  • Specify the recipient who needs help.
  • Type a message: # transfer amount (You can write any phrase after a space, for example, the purpose of the payment).
  • Send.
  • In response to the request, an SMS comes with a confirmation code and the amount along with the commission.
  • To confirm the operation in the response message, dial the specified code.

When sending money from phone to phone, you will have to pay a commission of 8.5%, but not less than 10 rubles

Through the Megafon website

You can transfer money from Megafon to MTS in another simple way - using the form on the official website. To find the form, use our instructions:

  • If you are on the Megafon website in your region, go to the section Services and options -> Payments and transfers
Transfer money from phone to phone of another operator
  • We select the transfer from phone to phone and click More details

  • On the next page, fill in all the fields of the form and confirm the translation

  • We are waiting for an SMS with a confirmation code, and send it in a reply message

The commission for the translation through the website is 8.5%

Via phone

There is an application Megafon.Bank, with which you can transfer money from Megafon to MTS, from phone to phone with a commission of 8.5%. This option will be convenient for subscribers who need to transfer money more than once. Detailed instructions for this operation are in the article:. The main thing is not to forget about the commission.


Transferring money from Megafon to MTS will not be difficult if you follow the detailed instructions. Choose any method convenient for you, just pay attention to the interest that will have to be paid, without a commission it will not work to transfer money.

The era of digital technologies has come, so people can no longer imagine their life without tablets, phones and other devices with 3G. Such a technique was created specifically for access to the necessary information, entertainment and communication on the vastness of the Internet - the grandiose world wide web.

Now everyone wants to always be in touch, as well as have access to all services provided by mobile operators. But when the money on the account suddenly ran out, it is impossible to make even an urgent call, just go to an e-mail box, send a message. There is also an available way out of such situations!

Today, each of the Russian operators makes it possible to transfer funds between subscribers' accounts within the network. And if you need to transfer money to a subscriber of another operator? In fact, it is also very simple, and such an operation is available for all Megafon subscribers. This material is for those who want to know how to transfer money from a megaphone to mts.

There are several ways to make a transfer: USSD request, sending an SMS message with a special text through the official Megafon web page. Let us dwell in more detail on each of the indicated paths.

Transferring money from Megafon to MTS by SMS

When it is most convenient to use a mobile phone, you can transfer money from a megaphone to an MTS by sending a text message. To do this, create a new SMS message with the following format: (phone number of the MTS subscriber) (transferred amount) and send it to the number 94011 .

For example, to send 200 rubles to a subscriber with number 8 (9YY) -YYY-YY-YY, you need to write in a text message: 89YYYYYYYYY 200, and then send an SMS to the service short number 94011. Soon after successful completion of such actions, a notification will be sent to your phone performing the requested operation. Additionally, a commission (4.95%) will be withheld from the sender's balance.

How to transfer money from Megafon to MTS using USSD request?

If you choose this option, you will also only need your own mobile phone. If you need to transfer money from a megaphone to mts, you need to perform the following actions: dial * 133 * (transfer amount) * (subscriber's phone number) on the keyboard of your phone and press the call. For example, when transferring the amount of 120 rubles to the account of subscriber 8 (9YY) -YYY-YY-YY it will look like this - * 133 * 120 * 89YYYYYYYYY #, then press the green “call” button.

When the operation is successful, your phone will receive an informational SMS notification. This service is also paid, its cost is determined by the amount of funds transferred.

Transferring money from Megafon to MTS through your personal account

To transfer funds through the Megafon website, you will need to have access to the Internet, as well as a browser installed on your computer. After starting the browser, enter into the address bar and press the "Enter" key.

A page will open where you need to enter your phone number and click the "Get password" button. An SMS password will be sent to your mobile, which you need to enter in the field below, then click on the inscription "Login". After completing these steps, you will be authorized.

Next, you will be redirected to a page where you need to specify the recipient's mobile number and the amount to be sent. It is important to fill in these fields very carefully, to check the correctness of the input so that the money goes to the account of the desired subscriber. After entering the correct data, you need to click the "Transfer funds" button.

When funds are successfully credited to the specified recipient, the sender will be informed via an incoming message. The fee for this service is 6.95% of the total payment amount.

Conditions for transferring funds from Megafon to MTS

  • At least 10 rubles remain on the sender's account;
  • For one day, a transfer of no more than 15 thousand rubles is permissible;
  • The number of transfer transactions is not limited, but their total amount cannot exceed the limit of 15 thousand rubles;
  • The amount of all transfers for a calendar month is also limited - it should not exceed 40 thousand rubles.

Thus, for a simple transfer of money from a phone account, you just need to know the recipient's mobile number with a country code (that is, in an international format). In addition to transfers to MTS, it is possible to send funds to the numbers of most Russian operators.

Those who wish to deactivate such a service need to call 05077 ... Or you can visit any Megafon customer service department with personal documents.

Nowadays, most people have some kind of modern gadget:

  • smartphone,
  • tablet,
  • notebook,
  • or something else.

And now the question of how to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS is solved quite simply. It is enough to use the services provided by the cellular operator, or transfer the required amount using USSD combinations. Regardless of the transaction performed, you will need an SMS confirmation to transfer funds.

If there is a need to send money from a MegaFon phone to an MTS number, and Internet access is limited, you can use the USSD code. To perform the operation, you must do the following:

  • press the following keys * 133 * [amount] * [user's mobile phone] # (= call);
  • perform SMS confirmation.

It should be noted that the service is not free, and when you send an SMS, funds will be debited from your account.

For example, to make a payment from a number to the balance of an MTS subscriber with a phone number 8 999 999-99-99 in the amount of 200 rubles, you should dial: * 133 * 200 * 89999999999 # and press the call.

Replenishment of a personal account using an SMS message

The mobile operator Megafon offers services that allow you to send the required amount of funds to the balance of another mobile phone via messages. How to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS via SMS service? To make a money transfer you should:

  • start writing sms, you need to enter [subscriber's mobile phone] [amount of the shipment];
  • send what was written to the special abbreviated number 8900.

The payment to the specified smartphone will arrive fairly quickly. It won't take more than a couple of minutes. The cost of SMS special number 8900 for users is zero. The transfer commission is 4.95% of the transfer amount, it is deducted from the account of your smartphone SIM card.

Sending money using the website

How to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS using the operator's official website? If it is possible to go online, it is much more convenient to use the services that are presented on the main Megafon website. In addition to sending funds to another subscriber's mobile phone, you can also repay loans, pay for purchases in online stores.

After going to the official website of the mobile operator, select the section "Transferring funds from the phone account" and then go to "To another phone". In the window that opens, you need to enter the transfer amount, recipient data and sender data. To confirm the operation, you must enter the code received from the SMS message. The commission for the transferred payment to the MTS account is 6% of the total cost.

Are there any restrictions for sending funds? The main conditions for making a payment to another smartphone number:

  • after payment, at least 10 rubles must remain on the smartphone's balance;
  • no more than 15,000 rubles can be sent per day;
  • you will be able to send no more than 40,000 rubles per month.

Clients often ask questions about what the commission actually is. It is worth considering that any money transfer sent, including from MTS to Megafon, implies a small commission, which varies from 3 to 7%.

Is it possible to activate the Mobile Transfer service to make payments from phone to phone? It is provided by default to all users when buying a SIM card, but if for some reason it is blocked or disabled, you can reconnect it. This can be done only through the operator of the TeleSystem "Megafon" by calling 8-800-550-05-00.

The subscriber's personal account is almost a full-fledged means of payment. With the money available on it, you can pay for loans, utilities, Internet access, digital television and much more. They are also used to pay for cellular services. Let's see how to transfer money in the account from MegaFon to MTS and what is needed for this. This opportunity is available to almost all subscribers who are individuals.

In the network of the operator MegaFon, the service "Money transfers" is available. It is she who allows you to transfer money from your personal account to MTS phones. Previously, this feature was available exclusively within the network, almost no one thought about internetwork transfers. But progress is inexorably moving forward, and today this service can be used by every subscriber who wants to transfer money from one network to another.

The Money Transfer service allows you to transfer money to mobile phones of any domestic telecom operators, including MTS. This operation involves the collection of a commission, and a very high... Therefore, sometimes it is more profitable to use alternative methods of replenishing other people's phones:

  • Through ATMs and bank terminals;
  • Through some payment terminals;
  • Through electronic payment systems;
  • With the help of cell phone stores.

Here you can transfer money, if not without a commission, then with a minimum top-up.

Let's see if it is possible to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS and how it is done. For this you need to visit the operator's website and follow the link "Services - Money Transfers"... We select the point of sending funds to the numbers of mobile operators and fill out the opened payment form. It contains the amount, the recipient's number (MTS) and the sender's number. We press the "Transfer" button and confirm our intentions in this way - after a few seconds the money will be on the recipient's personal account.

It is not so difficult to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS - especially when you have a computer at hand. But if it is not there, you will have to use alternative methods. The first is to send an SMS with the text “number amount” (without quotes, separated by a space) to the free service number 8900. You can also use the “Mobile transfer” service - send the USSD command * 133 * amount * number #. The number is indicated in 11-digit format, through "8-ku".

In order to avoid unplanned expenses, the choice of the tariff should be treated with special attention! The problem in this case is that the telecommunications company MTS, when connecting to the basic tariff, is somewhat cunning, since the Smart mini package assumes a monthly fee of 200 rubles.

Hardly all subscribers transferring their number from Megafon to MTS intend to use just such a tariff plan! It cannot be said that the base tariff of a telecommunications company is bad, the package includes such services as unlimited calls to MTS subscribers in the home region and 100 minutes for communication with users of other cellular operators. The designated minutes can also be used for calls to MTS subscribers in Russia. The Smart mini package also includes (unlimited) 4G and (one Gigabyte) 2G, 3G, EDGE Internet.

However, as practice shows, not all subscribers are ready to use a telephone with a monthly fee. In particular, as an alternative - when switching to MTS, the user can choose the "Super" package. The peculiarity of the "Super MTS" tariff is significant savings when making calls. However, for fans of mobile Internet this tariff plan will not work.

Connecting the special option “100” to the “Super MTS” tariff gives the user the right to one hundred free minutes (per day) for calls to the company's subscribers throughout Russia. This tariff does not provide a subscription fee.

Step-by-step instructions for transferring money from Megafon's personal account to MTS. The situation when you need to transfer money from phone to phone has happened to everyone. As a rule, practically all operators can carry out such transfers within the network. But what to do when you need to top up your phone outside your network.

Megafon has such an option, and the subscriber can freely transfer his funds to the account of other operators, without visiting the office or using bank cards.

How do I transfer money?

Let's consider an example when it is necessary to transfer money to the balance of a subscriber outside the home network. Let's say from Megafon to MTS. To transfer from phone to phone, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the field for entering the number on the phone;
  2. Enter the following data into it: * 133 * amount * subscriber number #(for example, * 133 * 150 * 9272680001 #);
  3. You will receive an SMS to which you will need to respond with a confirmation (what you need to answer will be indicated in the SMS);
  4. Wait until funds are debited from the account.

As a rule, such transfers are carried out instantly. Using this instruction, you can transfer almost any amount from Megafon to MTS in a matter of minutes, and to other operators.

Limits and restrictions

We figured out how to transfer funds to other subscribers, but we must not forget that there are some restrictions that must be observed for the operation to be successful.

  • Commission: Megafon subscriber - 6%, MTS subscriber and other operators - 8.5%;
  • The minimum transfer amount is 1 ruble;
  • The maximum transfer amount is 15,000 rubles;
  • The total amount of transfers per month is no more than 40,000 rubles.

Observing the limits, you will not have any problems transferring money to another user, the payment will be successful.

Video instruction

Be sure to pay your attention to this video, it will briefly tell you how to transfer money from Megafon to MTS, what method is there for this and what needs to be done for this. Viewing the instructions will take no more than one minute, during this short period you will gain new knowledge and will know how to transfer funds to other subscribers, while having only a mobile phone at hand.

Put an asterisk:

The mobile operator Megafon gives its subscribers an excellent opportunity to make mobile money transfers not only within its network, but also to the accounts of other Russian TV systems. If your relatives or friends have run out of funds on the mobile account, then you can easily transfer money from Megafon to MTS. In our review, you will find all possible methods of how to transfer money from Megafon to MTS.

How to transfer money using the USSD command

This method of transferring finances from one account to another is most popular with a large number of subscribers. All that is required to make a money transfer is to dial the desired number combination.

The service of transferring money from Megafon itself is free and available at all tariffs. However, a commission will be deducted from the transferred amount for the transaction. We will consider the amount of commission fees below.

To transfer funds using USSD, discard the following combination from your phone: * 133 * transfer amount * recipient's phone number #. In fact, it looks something like this: * 133 * 500 * 7XXXXXXXXXXX #.

After sending the request, within a minute, a response message with a code number will be sent to your mobile. After confirming the transaction with the code value, the money offer is considered completed, which you will be informed about in SMS format.

If the SMS with the confirmation password has not been received, the offer is considered invalid.

As mentioned above, in order to transfer money from Megafon to MTS, a commission fee of 8.5% of the total transfer amount is charged. Service rates may vary slightly depending on the region.

Transferring money from Megafon to MTS via SMS is also quite simple. The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

In the text field for messages, type a message in the following format: recipient's phone number, amount, and drop the message to 8900. In fact, it will look like this: +7 9XXXXXXXXX 500.

Important! To carry out a financial transaction on mobile gadgets of the iPhone brand, you must first turn off iMessage in the system settings.

The very sending of SMS to the system number is absolutely free. The client only pays a commission of 5% of the total offer.

Important! Before transferring money from Megafon to MTS, read the agreements and restrictions (see below).

How do I withdraw money via the Internet application?

It is also possible to transfer funds from number to number via the Internet. To do this, you must, of course, have access to the Internet itself and be an authorized Megafon user.

If you are not yet authorized in the personal account of the TV system, be sure to register. This will give you tons of new possibilities. You will be able to independently not only make transactions, but also control your mobile account, change tariff plans, enable and disable options, participate in promotions, etc.

To transfer money from Megafon to MTS via the Internet, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to and go to your personal account via the web page;
  • select the "Options and Services" section;
  • then go to the category "Money transfer to another number";
  • then press the button "Using the form on the site";
  • then in the empty fields you need to indicate: the amount of the transfer, the recipient's phone number, the sender's mobile number;
  • after entering the data, press the "Translate" button.

The internet service itself is free of charge. The subscriber is charged only 5-8% of the penalty (the estimated quota will depend on the region) of the total transfer amount.

By the way, in the same way you can transfer funds from the MTS card to the Megafon balance.

Terms of agreement

  1. Unable to top up the balance of a locked SIM card.
  2. After the offer, at least 10 rubles must remain on the sender's balance.
  3. The amount sent cannot be less than 1 rub. and more than 15,000 rubles.
  4. You can transfer no more than 40,000 rubles from one number per day.
  5. The service cannot be used by legal entities, as well as persons who are on corporate tariff plans (see conditions below).
  6. The service works exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For subscribers on corporate TPs and legal entities, the service is provided within the "Personal budget" service. It is possible to send funds here on the following conditions:

  • transfers can be made exclusively to accounts of operating companies and active numbers;
  • on the sender's balance after sending funds, an amount must remain in excess of the transaction itself;
  • no more than 15,000 rubles can be transferred at a time, no more than 40,000 rubles per day;
  • it is forbidden to transfer funds received on the balance sheet under the terms of bonus programs and promotions;
  • you cannot send money from the initial enrollment when replenishing your mobile balance.

If for some reason you decide to ban any offers with your number, you can do the following:

  • discard the system request * 105 * 220 # and confirm it with the call key;
  • send a message with the number "2" to 3311;
  • call technical support at 05000.