I like plump women. Do thin guys like fat girls

Want to know if men like fat girls? The results of a sensational psychological study show that men prefer curvy women with curves, but only when they are emphasized. They are not confused by cellulite and full thighs. Surprise? Perhaps yes.

Do men like fat girls? Photo Melnikov Dmitry / Photobank Lori

Men prefer "crumpets"

It has always been believed that the pinnacle of erotic-sentimental dreams of guys are not fat girls, but inaccessibly beautiful top models. Perhaps with feminine lines, like Eva Herzigova or Bar Refaeli, but always corresponding to the ideal parameters of the figure. We know that in real life, men, like women, continuing to dream of perfection, fall in love with people who are as similar to them as possible.

The celebrities we admire - models, movie stars, singers, and athletes - are just people with their own strengths and weaknesses. However, love, as you know, is blind ... All these axioms are easily refuted by the latest research in the psychology of men.

Scientists have proven that men like fat girls who accentuate their figure

It's all about the degree of stress! The more a man has it, the more he likes plump women, since touching their body gives peace and comfort.

The study was led by neuroscientist Martin Toove from the University of Newcastle (UK), the results of which are published in the journal PlosOne. It was attended by 80 men.

The men were divided into two equal groups. In the first phase of the experiment, half of the subjects were subjected to a series of stressful experiences, among which there was an interview simulated in a somewhat aggressive manner, while others were not.

At the end, all the men were asked to look through photographs of various women: slim, thin, plump and fat. Immediately after watching, the subjects had to indicate their preferences, and their result was very indicative. A group of stressed men opted for fat girls, or at least normal weight, while those who were in a relaxed state opted for photographs of skinny ones, whose figures were close to the standards of model appearance.

Why don't men under stress like thin women?

The explanation lies in the fact that men who are in a state of nervous tension try to find comfort and convenience in order to get rid of stress. The rounded shapes have a calming effect on them, like antidepressants. In addition, it is recorded in the brain, almost at the level of ancestral memory, when stress and danger throughout human history come from lack of food.

Thus, through this strange mechanism, stress forces the modern man to find safety in luxurious female forms - a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And this is confirmed by the famous stars with gorgeous shapes, driving millions of men crazy. Jennifer Lopez, Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Kate Winslet, Renee Zellweger - this is not a complete list of recognized beauties who can hardly be called skinny.

It only remains to add to the results of this sensational study: men like well-groomed girls who radiate harmony and self-confidence. In this case, it does not matter at all whether you are fat or thin.

I have a very beautiful girl, but once she lost a lot of weight - and I realized that it was unpleasant for me to hug her: pressing against her back, I felt bony shoulder blades. I have always liked girls when “there is something to hold on to,” but that does not mean that I liked the very same excess weight. For this is not healthy. But girls who are obsessed with fitness are too fit - tough, and we men love softness more when there is something to squeeze.

How to squeeze, for example, elastic muscle or bones and skin? In fact, preferences lie deep in our unconscious, they are inherent in genes - it is not for nothing that the fat mass in men and women differs by ten percent. A woman needs a higher percentage of fat in order to be able to give birth, so that hormones are normal (with a low fat mass, menstruation disappears).

Therefore, we are unconsciously looking for those who are "healthier." In Africa, a plump girl with wide hips is considered the standard of beauty. But no one is talking about a sagging belly. Yes, it is ugly for both men and women. But the smooth rounded outlines of the thighs, poured breasts are beautiful and sexy.

Evgeny Yakovlev, consultant psychologist

For me, as I think, and for many men, weight or obesity are not the determining factors of choice. I had relationships with girls and women of completely different complexions. But both mothers of my children - yes, they tend to be overweight. Estrogenic body type. I met my future wife when she was 17, and I immediately saw that she had a figure - the most feminine of all with whom she studied together.

Of course, I didn't choose for this, but it's wonderful when there are roundness, everything that distinguishes a female from a male figure. And the fact that according to the classification it is called the "estrogenic type", I already knew: I was a fifth-year medical student, and I was going to become an obstetrician. Of course, there is a predisposition for women of such a physique to be overweight. But my preferences are not very conscious, but in fact they are about femininity and motherhood. And the fact that the pick-up artists have their own points system, I know.

No shame

Let's start with the fact that under the modern concept of "completeness" it is possible to bring 44-46 sizes. In most cases, girls with forms are attracted to men by the notorious "future motherhood." A juicy woman (big breasts, full wide hips) is instinctively perceived by a man as the future mother of his children, able to bear / feed children. Plus - it's better to swim on the waves than to beat against the rocks.

“Its soft and inviting forms, covered only with thin cold silk, attracted his gaze, sliding along the luscious bulges and smooth depressions of the body. He dreamed that she was always there ... "

Reading another novel about eternal love, girls often ask themselves the question: "What exactly did the author of the next bestseller imagine?" Indeed, today a modern girl looks thin with the eyes of fashion publications, without visible bulges, and the concept of a bust is limited to the volume of the chest in the region of 90 cm, and it does not matter whether the mammary glands are developed or not, the main thing is to observe the proportions! But what about being plump or fatties who, looking at photos of modern beauties, feel flawed, and moreover, how, in this case, can meet the love of their life?

This topic, especially relevant in recent decades, excites the minds of the entire female population of the planet. What should she be to please the stronger sex, and do men really prefer us? For the answer, it is worth going back several centuries ...

Fat women in the history of mankind

The eras of the lean can be counted on one hand. Among them, one can distinguish Ancient Egypt, where Nefertiti was considered the standard of beauty - refined and fragile, the Rococo era in Europe, which resembled a puppet theater - girls tightened their waists to impossibility, giving excessive volume to the “soft spot” with the help of wide skirts. The beginning and the end of the XX century as its standard chooses thin, in the first case "girls-comrades", in the second - tall, excessively thin with protruding pelvic bones, without pronounced breasts.

  • Greece was captivated by the beauty of the goddess Aphrodite, it is worth looking at the preserved statue - rounded hips, a protruding tummy, small breasts, ribs and collarbones are hidden under fat.
  • The Renaissance was captivated by the famous Venus, which emerged from the depths of the sea. Her beauty consisted of broad shoulders, large hips, healthy and blooming appearance.
  • The Baroque era was admired with full thighs, small breasts, and jade skin.
  • In the days of romanticism, full, with a magnificent chest and shoulders, rounded shapes, glowing with a healthy blush and cheerfulness were especially appreciated.
  • In the early years of the 20th century, men appreciated healthy women, with voluminous shapes, a bold look and a healthy blush. Russians were especially appreciated at that time - an example of the preferences of the male population is the painting "A merchant's wife at tea."

After analyzing the above information, we can safely conclude that you and I have almost always been the cause of sleepless nights and feats of males of all times and eras. Psychologists, including the famous Sigmund Freud, tried to explain this behavior.

Instinct has not yet been canceled

The psychologist, as you know, explained almost all human actions by instincts and libido - he subconsciously chooses a woman who is suitable for the role of the mother of his children in the future, evaluates her appearance from the side of high-quality offspring, where the body's fat reserve, wide hips and full breast. And everything that the young stallion does is rather a tribute to fashion. The fact remains that men of mature age more and more often prefer overweight, and not because they have no choice, but because the future mother is important to them, and not a "model" with an ever-bad mood and stress. And now let's answer the question why men choose overweight women:

  • Seductive bulges and dimples delight in the absence of protruding bones - it is pleasing to the hands and eyes.
  • A woman with pleasant forms, who does not deny herself the amount of food consumed, behaves similarly in bed. In addition, such will take good care of a man, putting another piece of juicy steak and a serving of crispy potatoes on his plate.
  • A good mood and a smile are always present on the face of plump girls, which guarantees, in their opinion, the absence of scandals, bad mood, and most importantly - the hated “No, I have a headache, I'm tired!”.
  • From the side of obese women, according to men, one should not be afraid of criticism, it is safe and warm with them.

What happens is that in order to make a man happy, you need to be cheerful, have a few extra pounds, cook deliciously and abundantly, perceive a man as he is. That's the whole secret of happiness! Finally, let's remember a few names with extra pounds:

Katya Zharkova - famous model

Cristal Rennes - the model who conquered Jean-Paul Gaultier

Queen Latifah - a singer who does not plan to lose weight

Larisa Dolina is a famous singer who realized that pleasant forms are not only beautiful, but also necessary for a successful career, and the list goes on and on. Dear readers, nothing is impossible and weight is not a hindrance to success!

Now more and more girls exhaust themselves with diets. The desire to lose weight is due to the prevailing stereotype that only thin girls attract guys. But is it? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question. All people are different and it is clear that “there is a buyer for each product”. According to the observations of experts, men pay attention to active, fit women, with a beautiful smile and glowing eyes. It is not the thickness of the body that influences their choice, but rather a harmonious build and an active life position. Often naive girls think that guys like skinny models that sparkle on the catwalks, but this is far from the ideal of beauty. This is only professional suitability: it is easier for such girls to sew clothes, and each model will be just right for them. After all, fashion designers understand that if a girl with curvaceous forms is released on the catwalk, then everyone will be attracted by clearly not a new collection ...

A woman who is confident in herself, behaves freely, and not constrained, is more attracted to men. That is, it is very important for a full woman how harmoniously she feels in her body, regardless of age and waist size. From the research of specialists it follows that men are most often attracted by overweight women, because for bearing a child this will be an influencing factor. But this does not mean obesity. Light fat on the waist and hips, soft bottom, full and plump breasts, all this attracts many men. Thus, the ability to present oneself is a guarantee of attention from the male sex.

Do men like fat ones, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. But it's safe to say that almost half of men like fat ones. Most often, a self-confident girl, sensual with an open gaze, achieves the location of men.

Why do men like overweight women?

The stereotypes imposed on TV screens are simply boring. Blondes with perfect figures and snow-white teeth are increasingly flickering before their eyes, but men only look at such images. After all, such ladies are capricious, unable to make important decisions. Often they are kept women, who do what they look after themselves for days, and do not look after their husband.

For some reason, many are sure that to be happy you have to be beautiful. Such girls are bombarded with flowers, given expensive gifts, etc. In fact, this is not entirely true. Men admire beauty, seek favor. But after that they get used to beauty and begin to look for other advantages. Not finding them, the girl runs the risk of being abandoned. For a guy to fall in love, beauty alone is not enough; it serves more as a bait. As a companion, men see, as a rule, a gentle, well-mannered, caring girl who knows herself, beautiful and attractive, the price, walking through life with her head held high, despite the extra pounds.

Why do men like overweight?

Because they should have everything. If a glass, then to the brim, if money, then full pockets, and girlfriends should also be full. The main thing is that you should not bother yourself about whether you have excess on your hips or, on the contrary, something is missing. A man decides for himself whether he likes a woman or not within 3 minutes of communication. Even an overweight girl can be erotic. It all depends on self-confidence and self-esteem. Each person is different. Someone is satisfied with completeness. The main thing is not to be ashamed of your body, to strive to improve it.

Don't exhaust yourself with dieting, exercise, and lean food. Be natural, love yourself. By the way, having a good appetite is also one of the attractive factors. Think about it.

And the remaining 10% are hiding it. Is there some truth in this joke? We asked fans of puffy ladies to respond on men's forums. It turned out that there are really a lot of them! Here's what they say.

Alexander, 27 years old:
I don’t understand people who don’t like donuts. And do not say that they are loose. Do you like Monica Bellucci? And she is by no means skinny. Have you seen her photo shoots? Where is the looseness? I am for feminine forms without friability and cellulite. There are such fat women, which is just a feast for the eyes. But everything should be in moderation.

Evgeniy, 18 years old:
And where did the opinion come from that if a woman is shaped, then she must be with cellulite and very oily. For some reason, we have such an opinion, but I see young ladies around me every day in the body, who are never loose - and at the same time with muscles, with smooth skin, it looks very cute, in my opinion. The issue of looseness is a matter of nutrition (ratio of products), cellulite also occurs in thin women. And a woman simply must have big breasts and a butt. And I also noticed that overweight ladies always look younger with a face, and they have fewer wrinkles on their faces. So if a woman is not ashamed of her weight, then I think that as a life companion she is very suitable.

Kirill, 34 years old:
In my opinion, there are different types of fullness, and I treat curvy women differently. There are full-curvy ones - it is very beautiful and sexy, and there are square-aunt-no-curves. They have everything big and square. Everyone has different tastes.

I like curvy women more than skinny women. But the main thing is that a plump and curvy woman does not become square.

Victor, 43 years old:
I think that a woman of size 50 - many consider this size to be already fat - very much even nothing. Better than size 40. I never fell for thin ones, they seem to me like teenagers, and their figures, as a rule, are teenage ones with undeveloped and very small breasts. Let it be better than size 50 than sleeping with a teenager.

Anatoly, 30 years old:
And it seems to me that everything depends on charm, on femininity. I have a friend, Rubens would be happy - always well-groomed, always with manicure-pedicure-epilation-fashionable haircut, dresses beautifully. And there are just a lot of men who admire her. She radiates sexuality, she is confident in herself ... And there are thin people who have longing, anger, dissatisfaction in their eyes ...

In general, it seems to me fat women more cheerful and bright, there is something exciting about them.

Artem, 40 years old:
Yes, we really do! Moreover, such "serious" donuts, not just one name. Well, there is 110 kg with a height of 155 cm - like my size. Well, I like it! I cannot explain this in any way, just as you cannot explain why it is customary to consider thin women to be the standard of beauty, and stigmatize fat women.

Andrey, 29 years old:
It's hard to say why you don't like thin ones. Well, they don't. There is no attraction, some kind of spark. But the "donut" (not any, of course, but the one that you liked) is ready to "tear to pieces". In a good way, of course, to tear to pieces.

Alexander, 35 years old:
I don’t remember who wrote: “Men pretend to like thin women, dry wines, and a life of adventure. In fact, they love overweight women, sweet wines and a quiet life. "

I think many men like buns, remember our story: village women were always in the body, ruddy and healthy, or rather hefty.

Maxim, 37 years old:
For some reason, they do not marry on models. For me personally, ideas about female beauty have been formed for a long time. Everything goes according to Freud, from youth. I really liked Fedoseyeva Shukshina ("Bench Stoves", "Red Kalina"). Here, after all, a lot depends not only on centimeters or kilograms - grace, gait. It happens that a villager walks - as if a swan is swimming. And you look at the "model" with a can of beer - hunting to puke.

Andrey, 28 years old:
Needless to say, it's sad that most men often forget that donuts are sometimes able to wipe the nose of even the most ponteous fashion model. Well, yes, a beautiful stylish figure, but what is in the soul, in the character?

Donuts are distinguished by the fact that they, unlike slender ones, know how to love truly, they are softer, kind, natural. Personally, I am drawn to fat women and plump women, but I just don't recognize all this thinness.

Alexander, 22 years old:
It seems to me that everyone has a different way, someone likes larger forms, someone is pleased, as they say, to “feel” a woman. It's just that when you hug a plump girl, she is so soft, pleasant. I want to eat it. Although my psychologist friend said that everything is simpler, it's just that overweight women have more pronounced sexual characteristics, and we, males, are attracted by this on a subconscious level.
I don’t know if this is so or not, but all the same I want to find a chubby girlfriend for myself, although they don’t choose love, they find love.

Alexey, 31 years old:
I like everything about overweight women! Well, just fat women are beautiful in themselves! Everything is beautiful with them: their breasts, tummy, and ass, and plump legs in stockings - wah! Sexy and exciting.

Stanislav, 20 years old:
Plus your love for crumpets. Let me add: the moral oppression of fatties makes you more adaptable. This means that they have not only a softer body, but also a character, it is easier to communicate with them and live with them.

Andrey, 42 years old:
BBWs are appetizing, sexy, cute, there is no better sex than them. As we say, a woman without a belly is like a house without a wardrobe.

Dmitry, 29 years old:
My ex-wife was 46 kg, and I always liked girls with a body, but he was young, stupid, shy. "What will friends say?" I myself am thin and not very tall. But what could be better than a soft warm little body? In winter it will warm, and in summer it will hide in the shade. Okay, this is a joke.

I really like tall, fat women with hips, tummy and divine breasts. Maybe someday I will find my happiness!