Description and properties of snow obsidian. Obsidian care. Use to normalize the work of the physical body

Obsidian is a mysterious stone with unusual properties that helps a person protect himself from negative thoughts and intentions, improve health, and get rid of aggression.

The origin of the mineral

Obsidian is a mineral, amorphous silicon oxide, formed when lava is rapidly cooled. In fact, this is frozen glass. The magical properties of the stone are associated with volcanic origin. Obsidian is a mysterious stone.

Its deposits are found in the locations of active or extinct volcanoes. A significant part of obsidian reserves are located in Mexico, Ethiopia, Iceland, and the Canary Islands. There are deposits of stone in Siberia, the Caucasus, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands.

Most often, there are translucent stones with iridescence and luster of gray, black, reddish-brown or brown and stripes caused by the directions of the lava flow. One piece of mineral can contain the entire range of shades. Transparent specimens are very rare.

Obsidian species

The stone in nature is famous for its diverse shades and varieties.

There are a number of varieties of this material:

  • snow - a black stone with white-gray stellate inclusions;
  • rainbow - material with tints of reddish, blue and greenish shades;
  • golden, with inclusions in the form of gas bubbles, giving the effect of a gold plating;
  • obsidian onyx - obsidian with transverse stripes;
  • obsidian "cat's eye" - a stone with a longitudinal light stripe, reminiscent of a cat's pupil.

Snow obsidian is a stone, the magical properties of which help to find purity, to achieve balance of body, mind and spirit. Its action is softer than that of dark-colored stones, but it is the snowy variety of obsidian that helps to cope with bad habits and cure herpes, and also relieves muscle spasms.

Rainbow helps to soften the feelings of betrayal or unhappy love.

Golden, onyx and obsidian cat's-eye are rare and highly prized.

The emergence of the name of the stone

The volcanic origin explains the unique properties of obsidian. Its healing power has been known since antiquity.

Often the name of the stone was associated with mysticism among different nationalities. In Central Asia, the crystal was called "fragments of a satanic claw" (since the stones with longitudinal stripes resembled the claws of a monster), in Latin America - "Apache tears". The latter name is associated with the legend of the frozen tears of Indian women who mourned the lost tribe.

In Greece, the stone was called "spectacle", as polished mirrors were often made from obsidian.

The Russian-language name for the stone also comes from "obsis" - a sight, a mirror. However, according to another version, it came from the name of the Roman legionary Obsis (Obsius), who brought this mineral to Rome from Ethiopia.

The trade name for obsidian is wasser chrysolite. Shiny stones are called bottle glass, dark-colored ones are called resin stones.

Legends and myths about the stone

Obsidian has been known since the Paleolithic era, when knives, spears and axes were made from it.

The magical properties of obsidian stone determined its purpose: the black color and the ability to serve as a sharp blade made it possible to use knives and mirrors made of stone in ritual sacrifices. In ancient Egypt, craftsmen carved vessels from it for storing incense. It was believed that obsidian will fully retain the healing and magical properties of the oils. In India, they believed in the cleansing power of the stone and in the fact that it conducts the energy of the Earth into a person, relieves of bad intentions. In Transcaucasia, amulets for children were made from obsidian.

The Maya, who did not know iron, used tools made of this mineral up to Cortez (beginning of the 16th century). Where metal products were in use, ritual figurines of animals and people were carved from obsidian.

In the Middle Ages, rosaries, beads, pendants were made from this stone. It was believed that his energy allows him to concentrate and refrain from negativity, and wearing jewelry improves health, heals the kidneys and normalizes blood pressure. Obsidian was widely used for magic balls and mirrors.

Stone was also popular in the 18th-19th centuries, and is used as an ornamental material in our days.

Obsidian stone: properties and meaning

To this day, it is believed that the stone is able to cleanse a person from the inside, to nourish him with energy. Both in ancient times and now the magical properties of obsidian stone are associated with its volcanic, "fiery" origin, which makes the stone close to the Universe and the energy of space. However, thanks to this, obsidian amulets should be treated with caution.

The stone is used in magic to work with all the elements, obsidian balls are needed to capture the forces of the astral plane, to subjugate it to oneself. This mineral makes it possible to comprehend the secrets of the universe and nature, relieves aggression.

Snow obsidian, a stone whose magical properties (photo below) are especially strong, establishes protection from the evil eye and damage to its owner.

The stone can:

  • concentrate energy;
  • reflect bad thoughts and intentions;
  • remove negative energy;
  • make important decisions.

Who is suitable for the power of the stone

Despite the considerable magical power of the stone, it should be used carefully. The energy of obsidian is so strong that, if worn constantly, it can begin to overwhelm its owner, making him too careful.

However, there are people who are shown to use the stone as an amulet or decoration. They are indecisive and emotional natures, hard to bear any troubles and shocks, taking everything to heart.

It is for them, as well as for those who for a long time cannot dare to make an important decision that radically changes their lives (place of residence, new job, etc.), wearing an amulet will allow for a short period of time to come to the right conclusions and give strength for the necessary actions ... Obsidian will not only reveal the essence of the problem, but also show how to change the situation, push for growth and provide support.

For highly sensitive natures, the stone will become a protective amulet that eliminates attacks of negative energy, will help get rid of psychological trauma of the past, which have a negative impact on a person's life in the present.

Obsidian is also useful for nourishing the body with energy, cleansing from negativity. Here, too, one should not overdo it and wear a stone only from time to time.

Obsidian and the signs of the zodiac

Obsidian suits all zodiac signs. It is especially recommended for Capricorns. The mineral will give the able-bodied, solid representatives of this sign the opportunity not to be afraid of changes, to easily perceive new views of the world, eliminating the natural slowness and the desire to calculate future steps for a long time. For Capricorn women, stones of dark colors are more suitable.

The mineral will save Fiery Leo and Sagittarius from rash acts and narcissism.

Air Gemini and Aquarius will help to find composure, self-discipline, concentration.

Perhaps only Cancer and Virgo should be careful with talismans from it. He can give them excessive indecision and suspiciousness.

As an astrological amulet, it most strongly manifests, set in silver, obsidian (stone) magical properties. In this case, the sign of the zodiac does not matter. You can also purchase a pyramid that will store energy for its owner.

Obsidian: the value of the stone in medicine

Since ancient times, this stone has been used to protect against diseases: it was believed that it is able to regulate blood pressure, kidney function, and intestines. And at present, the main reason for the use of obsidian in lithotherapy (stone treatment) is its cleansing effect, the ability to remove toxins, acting at the cellular level.

The stone also helps in the treatment of a disease such as gout, removing excess salts from the joints, as well as for colds. It increases the protective energy of the body, gives physical strength.

The magical properties of obsidian stone, when used for medicinal purposes, are associated with its energy of the Earth, which is why it helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.

Obsidian in Jewelry

Obsidian has been used in jewelry for a long time. He gained particular popularity after Faberge began to make his masterpieces from this mineral.

Currently, the stone is used as an ornamental and jewelry stone. This material is inexpensive (except for golden), and it is not counterfeited. Both practical business-class writing instruments and magic balls for astrologers are carved from the mineral.

Stones for jewelry are set in gold, platinum, for astrological amulets, obsidian (stone) is inserted into silver. Properties (photo is presented below) he transfers his magical properties to products, and those, in turn, transfer them to their owners.

It is important to remember that, used as amulets and amulets, obsidian jewelry is quite fragile, and they must be regularly washed with running cold water to neutralize negative energy.

Obsidian, due to its natural properties, can be successfully used both as a talisman against negative influences, and as an astrological symbol, and as an exquisite decoration.

Obsidian is an unusual stone with interesting and beautiful designs. It acquired its name from the name of the famous Obsidium. It was thanks to this warrior that the mineral appeared in Ancient Rome. At that time, the existence of this stone was already known.

In different parts of the world, it has received original names, for example, in the Transcaucasus it is called "a fragment of the bones of Satan", as residents believe that it is a devil's stone.

In the US, the phrase "Apache tears" is used to define it. In the reference literature, it is called mountain mahogany, volcanic glass, resin stone, etc.

Historical background, origin and description

More than ten centuries ago, various tools were made from it. This gem gained its popularity after several millennia. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome especially appreciated this stone: they made jewelry, statues, decor items, sculptures and much more from it, what is currently the cultural heritage of the world.

The fashion for obsidian spread with lightning speed, for example, in Ancient Egypt it was used in the creation of special bowls for aromatic rituals. The Aztecs were famous for their skillfully made daggers for rituals. The inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia used it to create mirrors. In the years 500-1500, Christians made rosary from this mineral.

Gradually, the stone spread to Europe. In the 18th century, almost all noble and wealthy women had their own collection of obsidian products.

The fashion for this stone resumed in the 19th century, then the well-known jeweler Carl Faberge began producing jewelry with it. All the ladies who followed the trends at the time were eager to purchase at least one piece with inserts of this amorphous silicon oxide.

As you know, the modern name of the stone comes from the Roman warrior, but at different times in different territories different definitions were applied to it: royal agate, mountain mahogany, persian, etc. For example, in Hungary it is called “Tokay luxury sapphire”.

Obsidian, unlike other minerals, does not have a crystal lattice, due to the fact that it is formed as a result of the solidification of lava. It takes very little time for the lava to freeze. According to its external characteristics, snow obsidian, like other types of this stone, is extremely similar to glass, which is why it is often called volcanic glass. According to fixed data by experts, obsidian already has a history of 9 thousand years. Its deposits are located where frequent volcanic eruptions occur: in Ecuador, Japan and Ethiopia, the USA, Turkey.

Obsidian is an effusive rock. There are two types of it: transparent and opaque. The hardness of this stone is low, ranging from 5 to 5.5, which explains its fragility.

Snow obsidian is one of the most unusual types of stone. Its appearance is a black mineral with white blotches, the shape of which is so close to snowflakes. The structure of the stone itself is dense. It has low wear resistance, which leads to its rapid abrasion. The ancestors of modern Hindus believed that this type of stone provides contact between the earth and the human body. It was believed that its action is able to rid a person of "energy blocks".

Previously, people believed that the stone saves its owner from the influence of negative situations, makes him more careful, neat and prudent, contributes to the accumulation of concentration of a person's vital energy, prevents it from wasting in vain. He was credited with the properties of a kind of amulet, it was believed that it protects from dubious actions and "sick" love, makes a person more decisive and courageous.

Magical properties

The properties of snow obsidian are not only practical, but also magical. With the help of it, goals are achieved, the explanation of which from a theoretical point of view is impossible.

The constant wearing of jewelry from this gem with periodic breaks will help clear concentration, relieve tension. It helps to focus on important issues and distract from external factors. Thanks to him, the sharpness of thinking increases, creativity appears and new creative opportunities open up.

This stone has a powerful energy, it is recognized by the people of many countries as one of the strongest and most influential. It finds its application as a talisman that protects from damage and curses, negative emotions.

The fact that this stone is related to magic was known several centuries ago. But it is necessary to use it for these purposes with extreme caution, since the solar power, the energies of Uranus and Saturn are concentrated in it. Many have heard, perhaps even seen them, about the existence of special balls that predict the future, it is from snow obsidian that they are made.

The mineral is rightfully considered the talismans of magicians and esotericists. It promotes the development of abilities of a magical nature and helps to open a supernatural gift.

Since in some tribes of the world the ritual of sacrifice has been preserved, it is often made from snow obsidian with a knife. Therefore, no one has to doubt the presence of supernatural abilities of this stone.

Who is this mineral suitable for? Of course, for soft and indecisive people, he will help them become more decisive and liberated. Its action is aimed at increasing creative energy, the appearance of inspiration. Ambitious people will definitely not like it, because the action of obsidian snow is aimed at creating illusions that help people become more decisive, push them to rash and improvised actions.

Obsidian has a property that contributes to faster and easier decision-making in life. Due to all this, situations on the path of a person will be experienced easier, clarification of circumstances will occur faster. Feelings of fear and anxiety will disappear altogether. Therefore, for those people who are afraid to radically change something in their lives, are guarding the move, it is recommended to wear this gem.

Healing properties

Various medical procedures are performed with this mineral. Traditional methods of getting rid of many diseases include the use of snow obsidian.

He copes with the following diseases:

Lithotherapists have no doubts about the effectiveness of obsidian. It is believed to be extremely useful in preventive measures: to wear jewelry made of it.

A long period of wearing can also provoke the appearance of negative consequences in the form of impaired renal function. Therefore, you need to be careful when using it for medicinal purposes.

It is necessary to observe the periods of "treatment sessions". Obsidian affects the functioning of the nervous system: it helps to get rid of nervous disorders. This glass of volcanic origin treats gout, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, regulates the work of the digestive system. According to the carriers of obsidian, its properties have a positive effect on the healing periods of skin injuries, the consequences of burns, it enhances regeneration.

Snow obsidian in astrology

Astrologers have concluded that obsidian snow is under the auspices of Pluto. The beneficial properties of obsidian snow extend to representatives of all signs of the zodiac horoscope. Capricorn, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have a more pleasant astrological predisposition to it.

Various jewelry, amulets and talismans from this mineral have their effect on those who were born under the sign of Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius. For scorpions, this gem is a real talisman. But experts in the astrological field do not advise Virgo and Cancer to wear and use obsidian.

If you choose a setting for this stone, then it will be more correct to lean towards the decision in favor of silver.

In Transcaucasia, this stone has been given to children since ancient times, since they believe that it is especially useful for them, because according to myths and legends, it prevents the appearance of negative actions, sinful actions, protects the owner from evil eyes and damage.

According to American legend, once upon a time colonists attacked the Apache camp. The inhabitants of this area did not want to become obedient to them, and ended their lives by throwing themselves into the lava of the volcano. The widows cried for several nights, and on the third day their tears suddenly turned into amazing black minerals. Therefore, a large number of Americans call obsidian - "Tears of the Apaches".

Archaeologists are conducting research, their results are the discovery of obsidians in the European part of the continent and in the Caucasus, which confirms the fact that these stones were used by people in ancient times. According to legends, the inhabitants of these countries used obsidian to protect them from earthquakes and fires. The sailors used pendants as a talisman in their work.

Thus, snowy obsidian is the best of all gem types. On its black surface, there are a large number of wonderful white "snowflakes" that are randomly located. Its properties are amazing, which makes hundreds of thousands of people around the world buy jewelry with its inserts.

Obsidian was born in the very heart of our planet - it is magma glass, a mineral of volcanic origin, which has a very deep, pronounced and rich palette. What is hidden in the frozen lava that escaped from the bowels of the Earth? How does it affect our body, psychological and physiological state?

According to an ancient legend, obsidian was brought to Western Europe by the Roman legionary Obsidius, who miraculously survived a terrible battle. Since then, the stone has gained fame as a saving amulet and is widespread. The famous seer Vanga said that obsidians are the wings of an angel scorched to black, saving people from the fire of the underground Hell. For many centuries, it has been officially allowed to depict the faces of saints and apply prayers from this volcanic rock, which is a great rarity.

Thin plates-pendants with the prayer "Guardian Angel" have become widespread in the world - they are powerful defenders against any negative impact. Numerous legends tell of miraculous obsidian amulets that protect a person from sins and bad deeds. The stone repels bad people from its owner and gets rid of negative thoughts.

Magic balls are made from obsidian, which are simply mystically beautiful - the surface of the mineral shimmers and bewitches, especially when the stone is turned in different directions. Mysterious images reflected on the glassy surface of the ball seem to float away as they rotate. And they are being replaced by more and more faces and figures, as if unpredictable turns of human destiny. Experienced magicians use obsidian balls when performing magic rituals and fortune-telling: in the twilight of burning candles, they rotate them clockwise, carefully observing the emerging images, guessing their meanings.

Colors and varieties

This beautiful volcanic stone is of interest to jewelers and gem lovers all over the world. Most often, obsidians are black. But there are magnificent varieties of red, brown, gray and other colors. The structure of the stone is very picturesque and unique. Obsidian is born literally in fire, freezing in a matter of minutes, without having time to acquire a crystalline state. The result is a picturesque and uneven color, very similar to marble. Jewelry made from this mineral looks solid and respectable.

Snow obsidian is one of the most beautiful types of stone. The noble black background is decorated with many white "snowflakes", which are evenly scattered over the entire surface area. The pattern of iridescent obsidian with multi-colored streaks is very similar to a droplet of oil.

Obsidian amulets and charms have been made on our planet for about 9000 years. Archaeological excavations confirm numerous facts of the use of obsidian amulets in Europe, as well as in the countries of the Caucasus. Arising from magma, obsidian saved from earthquakes and fires, warned of floods and storms, protected from any natural elements. Obsidian pendants and amulets were taken by sailors and pioneers on their voyages. Today, the stone is worn by flight attendants, pilots, and not only in the form of talismans and jewelry, but also in the form of lighters, cigarette cases and other small accessories that you can always carry with you.

Obsidian is most suitable for Capricorns, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

The stone is especially favored by Capricorns, which are slow in nature. Obsidian gives them decisiveness and helps them quickly resolve critical issues. The mineral helps Leo and Sagittarius get rid of narcissism and rash actions. Gemini and Aquarius will gain sufficient discipline and composure. But for those born under the sign of Virgo and Cancer, obsidian jewelry can add excessive suspicion and excessive discretion, so it is not recommended to wear it very often.

Obsidian beads and necklaces are very popular, they are characterized by a stunningly deep shade and a spectacular look. Intense dark color, noble shine, splendor of shapes and textures - such jewelry is pleasant not only to contemplate, but also to hold in your hands, to feel their density, ideal surface smoothness and strong energy.

special offers for you

Obsidians are cut into cabochons and beads of various sizes and shapes. Pendants and rosary made of black obsidian look very solid. Jewelry with a stone requires careful care. Stones must not be dropped or subjected to mechanical stress, and must not be overheated. It is recommended to periodically clean the obsidian in a cold soapy solution.

From the history of obsidian

The great master Faberge used obsidians to create his jewelry masterpieces along with precious stones. The brightest mineral of noble shades was used in the decoration of expensive watches, writing sets, all kinds of decorative sculptures and figurines.

Obsidian began to be processed back in the Paleolithic era. Perhaps it was from this stone that the tips for hunting mammoths were made. Later, amulets and various decorations were made from obsidian. The ancient Aztecs used the stone for rituals and ceremonies, including for sacrifices. In ancient Egypt, all kinds of incense were stored in obsidian jugs - the composition of the stone helped to keep them fresh for a long time. Thousand-year-old obsidian sculptures and jewelry are presented today in many historical museums around the world.

origin of name
The majestic and very sonorous name of the stone comes from the name of the ancient Roman warrior - Obsidian. It was Obsidian (Obsidius) who brought this mineral to Rome and contributed to its popularity among the ancient Roman nobility, and then throughout Europe. Obsidian sounds menacing, because the stone contains the great power of our planet.

It has its own names in various countries. Obsidian is called royal agate, resin stone, rock agate, etc. Hungarians call obsidian "luxury sapphire", North American Indians - "Apache tears". As the legend tells, the colonists treacherously attacked the peaceful sleeping Apache village. Once surrounded, the brave Indians did not want to die from the bullets of the pale-faced and threw themselves off the cliff. The wives and children of the deceased mourned their relatives for a long time - their tears flowed like a river from the cliff and turned into beautiful black and red obsidians.

Place of Birth
The main production is carried out in the United States, the Aeolian Islands of Italy, Ethiopia, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia, Iceland, Ecuador, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Germany (Saxony). In Russia, obsidians are mined in Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Siberia.

Healing properties
In ancient times, there was a belief that an obsidian amulet is able to protect its owner from any disease. The mineral was especially effective in helping those suffering from gout. Healing obsidian infusion was being prepared, from which compresses and baths were made for sore legs. In fact, obsidian is a powerful purifier of the body at the cellular level, contributing to the removal of toxins, strengthening the skeletal system. Excess salts are removed from the joints, the mineral protects the body from hypothermia.

The volcanic stone obsidian is widely used in folk medicine to treat colds. For prevention, stones are worn both as pendants and as jewelry. Obsidian beads help normalize blood pressure, improve the well-being of weather-dependent people during magnetic storms.

Obsidian helps to open and normalize the work of the Sacral Sex Chakra - this is the sacral center responsible for sexual energy. Therefore, this mineral is often used during meditation. Obsidian "cleans" well all low vibrations, frees the energy flows of the lower chakras. This allows you to enhance your own attractiveness in the opposite sex, cure frigidity and impotence, and improve reproductive function. Practitioners of yoga meditate by applying obsidian to the groin and navel area, thus purifying and energizing the sex chakra. Also, with the help of this mineral, the energy of the meridians is leveled - during classes, you need to place pieces of stone along the entire central line of the body. The strength of the effect is increased if you combine obsidian with rock crystal.

Energetically, the mineral is associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands, therefore it has a positive effect primarily on these organs. It is also recommended to wear jewelry with obsidian to improve digestion and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Magical properties
As you know, obsidian is volcanic glass, so magic glass balls are made from it. Obsidian balls and mirrors have been used for divination and fortune-telling for thousands of years. Most practicing magicians have this magically beautiful attribute that predicts the future. Talismans and obsidian amulets develop the abilities of clairvoyants and protect magicians from energy attacks.

Obsidian is the most important stone for magicians. It has been used in magic rituals since ancient times. The mineral is extremely strong - it is protected by the Sun, Saturn and Uranus, so it must be used with great care. The main planet of obsidian is Pluto. The stone is suitable for almost all signs of the zodiac, but to a greater extent - for Scorpios, for whom obsidian is the zodiac talisman.

Obsidian helps its owner to quickly focus, concentrate on a specific task, sharpen thoughts, clarify consciousness. No wonder, since ancient times, writing instruments and all kinds of accessories have been made from this volcanic mineral. As a talisman, ideal for students and academics.

The energy of obsidian is visible to the naked eye - an extremely strong mineral that carries the power of a volcano. A person who has an obsidian talisman has an additional source of energy that must still be able to activate.

One of the main magical properties of obsidian is the protection of its owner from the negativity that is present in it. The volcanic power of the stone does not allow aggressiveness and negative emotions to escape. This is a savior stone that protects from committing sin.

The magical properties of obsidian depend on its color. Black stones are suitable for working on yourself, with your thoughts - the stone reveals hidden negativity, suppressed aggression and helps channel energy into a peaceful channel. Charms made of black obsidian will help unbalanced people take control of the volcano of their emotions and learn discipline. Rainbow obsidians eliminate difficult experiences associated with unrequited love or betrayal. Minerals of reddish brown color help to relieve psychological constriction, are suitable for regular meditation. Snowy obsidian calms, helps to collect thoughts.

Owners of obsidian should be careful when using the stone - it can overwhelm with its strong energy, so it is not recommended to wear such jewelry all the time.

Snow obsidian- a stone of purity that helps to achieve balance between body, mind and spirit. Snowy obsidian is able to remove negativity from a person or space. Allows you not to lose vigilance in stressful situations, increases self-esteem and self-confidence. A very powerful stone that is always associated with guardian spirits that watch over us and give protection. Stone of people born under the sign of Capricorn.

Healing properties of snow obsidian

Snow obsidian helps with diseases of veins and bone tissues. It improves blood circulation, relieves muscle pain and spasms. Treats joint pain (arthritis) and atherosclerosis.

Promotes the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, appendicitis, influenza, herpes virus. Stimulates the renewal of cells in the body. It can be used for visual impairment, depression, migraines.

A person using a piece of snow obsidian as a talisman will more easily part with bad habits. Also, obsidian helps to cope with problems associated with digestion and helps reduce food cravings.

The magical properties of snow obsidian

Obsidian embodies the energy of a volcano. It is used by all religions for various religious attributes. This mineral develops intuition, discernment and helps to anticipate future events. Obsidian protects from the "evil eye", witchcraft and curses, protects its owner on long trips, restores peace of mind after unhappy love, protects from infidelity. In everyday life, obsidian protects against any harm, suppressing aggressive energy, relieving stress. Obsidian is the stone of prudence. This is a magic stone. Any magician has obsidian in his arsenal, because it helps to accumulate astral power and protects from evil spirits.

Spiritual Practices

Obsidian helps protect against psychic attacks and clears the surrounding space of negative energy. Obsidian balls are a powerful tool for meditation and access to past lives.

Obsidian revives the soul, removes energy blocks and relieves tension, interacts well with the second chakra.

Myths, legends, history

Obsidian is volcanic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava. Obsidian was very popular at the beginning of human history. It was widely used to make knives, spears, arrowheads, mirrors, and decorative items. In the ancient culture of Mexico, this stone was called Itzli "(Itzli, literally Itzli -" Knife ". God of the stone knife for sacrifices in Aztec mythology. Servant or hypostasis of the god Tezcatlipoca (Tezcatlipoca, translated as" shining mirror ").

Obsidian was widely used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. It was used not only as a tool, but also for decorative purposes.

Other Native American cultures used this stone in rituals to sharpen their inner vision. There is a legend about "Tears of the Apaches" associated with the warriors of the Apache tribe. According to this legend, after the defeat in the war and the death of many brave warriors, Apache women mourned their men. Their tears hardened and turned into this stone.

In antiquity, Pliny wrote that obsidian got its name from a man named Obsidius, who discovered it in Ethiopia.

Additional Information

Snow obsidian is silicon dioxide with a large amount of impurities (SiO2). Found throughout the world in areas of recent volcanic activity. Ages older than several million years are rare, as the vitreous stone rapidly decays or changes as a result of weathering, heat, or other processes.

Obsidian is a stone of extraordinary beauty, with amazing shades and patterns. This stone owes its name to the warrior of Rome Obsidius. According to legend, it was he who brought this stone to Rome, although in other parts of the world it was already quite famous.

For example, in Transcaucasia it was considered devilish, which is why it is sometimes called "the fragments of the bones of Satan", and in America this stone is called "the tears of the Apaches." In the literature, you can find a huge number of names of its varieties: mountain mahogany, volcanic glass, Icelandic agate, muslin and resin stone.

Varieties of stone and its colors

Obsidian is the kind of stone that boasts a huge variety of colors and patterns. In nature, there are several of its varieties:

  • rainbow;
  • peanut;
  • snow.

Scope of application

Healing properties

Despite its unpretentious nature, it is still better not to contact obsidian. Virgo, on the one hand, obsidian helps in love and family happiness, and on the other hand, makes this sign suspicious and extremely uncollected. Therefore, we cannot recommend this mineral unequivocally. But Rakov gives obsidian insight, instead making them extremely cautious and very suspicious, sometimes reaching the point of complete absurdity.

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