Features of the development of children after surgical delivery by caesarean section. Consequences of a caesarean section

A priori, it is believed that interference in the natural process of childbirth leaves a negative imprint not only on the condition of the mother, but also on the newborn. Is this true or speculation - let's try to figure it out in this article.

A caesarean section is an abdominal operation in which the doctor takes the baby into the light through an incision in the abdomen and uterus.

Planned caesarean section without medical indications is gaining more and more popularity, because it avoids the pain of natural labor pains and preserves the shape of the mother's genitals.

The first images of the caesarean section

However, according to neonatologists and psychiatrists, cesarean delivery has a significant impact on the body of the newborn, both physiologically and psychologically.

  1. The process of natural childbirth is accompanied by a gradual change in pressure: the fetus ceases to feel the surrounding amniotic fluid and slowly moves along the genital tract, allowing the body to get used to atmospheric pressure. The child, removed by the doctor from the uterine cavity in a matter of seconds, is deprived of this precious time to adapt to new conditions. That is why some cesareans develop barotrauma - damage to the vessels of the brain due to a sharp drop in pressure. It is more common in children with a small body weight.
  2. Moving along the birth canal, the baby receives from the mother the necessary bacteria that populate his intestines and help in further digestion. On the contrary, the caesarean digestive tract remains sterile after birth, and its microflora under the influence of an aggressive environment and microorganisms can be formed incorrectly. In the future, such a newborn expects increased colic, constipation, food allergies are more common.
  3. During natural childbirth, the fetal respiratory system is triggered. When moving through the birth canal, amniotic fluid is pushed out of the lungs of the child. A baby born by caesarean section does not receive such a natural massage and hormonal preparation for opening the lungs. There are frequent cases of incomplete disclosure of lung tissues and the ingress of amniotic fluid into them, which provokes a predisposition to asthma, frequent respiratory diseases.
  4. The psychological side of the process of childbearing also suffers. Women in labor often note that due to the absence of labor pains, there is a feeling of incompleteness of the process. In most cases, the baby is not applied to the breast immediately after birth, but is introduced to the mother only on the second day of life, after she leaves the intensive care unit. In addition, with this method of childbirth, the woman's body does not receive the release of the hormone oxytocin, which means that the appearance of maternal feelings and lactation in most cases is delayed. Postpartum depression is more severe and longer. Severe pain in the area of ​​the seam does not allow the mother to take the baby in her arms often and for a long time, which affects the psychological connection between them and the calmness of the newborn.

Newborn cesarean in box

How are cesareans physically different from normal newborn babies?

A caesarean section can be performed both electively and urgently, for the following reasons:

  • problems on the part of the mother (myopia, narrow pelvis, severe or moderate preeclampsia, placental abruption, weak labor, infections, etc.)
  • fetal problems (improper presentation, severe or moderate asphyxia, cord entanglement, large baby weight, multiple pregnancy, etc.).

Often there is no obvious connection between the method of delivery and the health of the child. After all, if the pregnancy was accompanied by severe infections or chronic placental insufficiency, then the born cesarean will be distinguished by poor health and low weight, but for other reasons.

Many physical differences between cesareans and normal babies are smoothed out 1-3 months after birth.

The direct relationship between cesarean and the physical characteristics of the newborn is manifested in:

  1. Poor weight gain. Deprived of the lion's dose of the hormone oxytocin involved in the establishment of lactation, the mother's body delays the production of breast milk or does not produce it at all. Thus, a child deprived of a balanced diet ideally suited to him, gains weight worse than his peers.
  2. Reduced immunity. Not having received from the mother the necessary portion of bacteria that populate the intestines, it is more difficult for the baby to cope with infections from the outside. In case of incomplete opening of the lungs, diseases of the respiratory system often occur. In cesareans, a decrease in the lifespan of leukocytes is noted - cells responsible for wound healing, the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  3. Typical birth trauma. They are much less common during caesarean section, but not completely excluded. The doctor is forced to pull the fetus out of the uterine cavity by the shoulders, so there are compression changes in the cervical spine, dislocations and even fractures of the humerus.

Schematic representation of caesarean section and fetal retrieval by an obstetrician

Caesarean children: developmental features, distinctive features

Psychologists say that a child who has experienced all the difficulties of natural childbirth subconsciously learns to overcome obstacles, acquires determination and perseverance of character. At the same time, Caesareans who have not passed this stage are more vulnerable psychologically. Often they are touchy, tearful, sleep restlessly at night, hyperactive.

At a more conscious age, Caesarean children are afraid to make difficult decisions. They are afraid of a change in the familiar environment, for example, a new playground or a change in the route of a walk. Difficulties with adaptation in the team are also noted.

Such babies are more in need of maternal care. It is very important to establish a warm close bond between the mother and the caesarean. To do this, it is recommended to take the newborn in your arms as often as possible, stroke and say words of love. Long-term breastfeeding will help the baby not only strengthen the immune system and gain weight, but also get the best medicine - invaluable maternal care.

To help your child cope with acquired psychological difficulties, you can do the following:

  • teach change from an early age. Introduce new people more often, rearrange the furniture in the nursery, regularly introduce variety into the usual diet.
  • swaddle and give preference to games with wrapping in a diaper. Thus, the passage through the birth canal missed by the baby is imitated, and the newborn learns to cope with difficulties.
  • Don't be afraid to sleep together. This reduces the risk of Attention Deficit Disorder, which is prone to caesarean children.
  • praise and encourage independence.

Cloth pouch is a convenient alternative to swaddling

Children after caesarean section: pros and cons

Listing the dangers that a baby born by caesarean may be exposed to, do not forget about the following points.

  1. This abdominal operation is performed using anesthesia, general or epidural. With any method, part of the anesthetic substances enters the body of the newborn through the umbilical cord, weakening the health of the baby. However, at present, natural childbirth is rarely done without anesthesia.
  2. Often there is a lack of lactation in the mother. This is due to the fact that the child is applied to the breast at best on the second day of life, after the mother is transferred from intensive care to the postpartum ward. Breast milk itself in the first stages is “rich” in antibiotics taken by women in labor after surgery. Slows down the process of lactation and low levels of oxytocin in the blood. Lost time and insufficient hormonal levels lead to the fact that the child does not receive the most valuable (in terms of nutrients and trace elements) nutrition, which can ultimately affect his development and growth.
  3. Weakened immunity, a tendency to allergies, psychological characteristics, which were mentioned earlier.
  4. It is also likely that there is a relationship between caesarean section and the child's stuttering in the future.

Epidural anesthesia

At the same time, babies born into the world by caesarean section have undoubted advantages over "natural scientists".

  • Birth injuries with such delivery are practically excluded.
  • There are no specific bone changes that appear when passing through the birth canal - an ovoid shape of the head, joint dysplasia, etc.
  • The baby is not subjected to the stress experienced by a newborn during natural childbirth.
  • Caesarean with multiple pregnancies, with serious illnesses of the mother - this is sometimes the only way to keep the baby healthy.
  • The whole operation takes place within 25-45 minutes, in contrast to many hours of childbirth, which often end in injury to the child and asphyxia of varying severity.

How are your cesareans different from all children, do your cesareans offend on the street, often get sick in kindergarten, are they smarter or lag behind in development, tend to be overweight?

Despite the statements of pediatricians and psychologists, most parents do not notice any relationship between the way a baby is born and its physical or mental development.

In collectives and kindergarten, caesarites behave differently, in accordance with their natural type of temperament and upbringing. Among them there are clear and leaders, and bullies, and touchy kids who do not know how to fight back.

Parents also do not note the relationship between the way the child was born and his tendency to be overweight. The leading factors in weight gain are still a balanced diet, improper eating habits and heredity.

Adult people of cesareans: what are they, what are the features when they become parents themselves?

As adult cesareans themselves tell about themselves, they do not note any features associated with operative birth, in the vast majority. Moreover, caesarean section has allowed many to save their health and their mothers, as well as to avoid birth injuries that would have been inevitable in the case of natural childbirth.

Adult caesareans themselves become happy parents without any problems, and they have no fear of caesarean section.

Famous and famous people of Caesarea - who are they: photo

The cesarean section operation has been known since the times of Ancient Rome and was used mainly to extract a child from the womb of a deceased mother. Occasionally, it was performed on live women in labor, but cesarean delivery almost always led to the death of the woman in labor. There is a version that Julius Caesar was born thanks to a cesarean section (this is mentioned in his writings by Pliny the Elder), while his mother died only at a respectable age. The personality of Caesar cannot be called indecisive and lack of initiative, contrary to the opinion formed by modern psychologists about Caesars.

Gaius Julius Caesar

Famous film actor, director and producer Jackie Chan also appeared due to surgical intervention. The newly-made parents at that time did not have enough money even to pay for the work of an obstetrician, but the purposeful and hardworking Jackie provided them with a comfortable old age.

The famous cesarean Jackie Chan

"Steel Stella", the famous and talented fashion designer Stella McCartney is another cesarean that has become famous all over the world. This is a successful strong-willed woman and mother of four children who has made her name in the fashion world a real brand.

Stella McCartney

Kesaryata - children are really special. Both respected doctors and eminent psychologists speak about this. Babies born by caesarean section need a little more parental care and attention to their health. But at the same time, we should not forget that each child has his own potential for development and growth. And attention, timely actions and the boundless love of mom and dad help him master this resource.

Video: doctor's advice on the prevention of probable diseases in children born by caesarean section

There are two opposing opinions about caesarean section. Some people argue that it is certainly harmful and poses a danger to the baby and mother. Others say it is harmless and even safer than natural childbearing.

It is necessary to figure out how the newborn feels after a caesarean section, how the mother's body responds to the operation. You also need to find out if there are ways to reduce the risk of negative consequences after a caesarean section.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

When is a caesarean section necessary?

There are two options for indications - for a planned caesarean section and for an emergency. The two types of surgery differ in the consequences for the fetus and mother, which will be discussed later.

Planned cesarean

A planned caesarean section is shown:

  • the likelihood of uterine rupture during natural childbearing;
  • when it blocks the movement of the child through the birth canal;
  • mechanical obstacles, similar to the previous paragraph, only now the neoplasm (uterine fibroids) prevents movement;
  • other diseases that increase the risk of natural childbearing (defects of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and others);
  • herpes - a disease in which a child at birth should avoid contact with the mother's genital tract;
  • multiple pregnancy.

emergency caesarean section

Indications for surgery during childbirth are somewhat different:

  • the threat of uterine rupture;
  • sluggish childbirth or stopping labor activity;
  • premature detachment of the placenta.

How is a caesarean section performed?

Modern technologies make it possible to perform a caesarean section under local anesthesia, in which the sensitivity of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity or the entire lower half of the body is blocked. The woman is conscious and can observe the progress of the operation, and then take the child in her arms. In 5% of cases, general anesthesia is used, as a rule, the method is used for emergency caesarean section.

During the operation, the abdominal wall and uterus are excised, the fetus and placenta are removed, and the umbilical cord is cut off. The whole operation takes 20-40 minutes, after a week the stitches or staples are removed from the abdomen.

The main danger for the child is that the mother is given painkillers and antibiotics after the operation.

Pros and cons: head shape and other features

Some mothers are so confident that a caesarean section is safe that they want to have it, no matter how difficult the birth is expected to be. However, the disadvantages of caesarean section, though few, outweigh the pros.

  • decent resolution of difficult situations (with a narrow pelvis, a large number of children, etc.);
  • with expected difficult childbirth, the harm of the operation is significantly lower than from natural childbirth;
  • after caesarean section, hemorrhoids do not occur;
  • the vagina is not stretched, there is no risk of its ruptures;
  • there is no prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • the shape of the head in newborns after cesarean is not deformed.

Please note that most of the benefits of a caesarean section are only relevant for difficult births.

  • there is a possibility of infection in the mother's body, followed by sepsis and a serious illness;
  • in the first week it is difficult, noticeably lower than with natural childbearing;
  • a scar is created on the uterus, due to which the time of the next possible pregnancy will be postponed indefinitely (depending on the operation, doctor, tissue regeneration);
  • possible mental abnormalities in the mother due to the lack of "completeness" of a natural pregnancy (occurs during emergency operations);
  • the risk of skin diseases in a child increases, since the natural microflora of the vagina was not “transplanted” during childbirth;
  • for the same reason, newborn girls are more likely;
  • it also increases the likelihood of diabetes, dysbacteriosis, asthma, and other diseases.

How does the method of birth affect a newborn baby?

A child with natural childbearing is gradually preparing for the transition to a new world. With a caesarean section, the transition, although painless, is too abrupt and unexpected, which is why the kids are scared. Also, the fact that some children cannot feel it does not add confidence, since the mother is under general anesthesia, or doctors forbid her.

The result of a "wrong" birth is:

  • low body temperature (by about 0.5 o C);
  • low blood pressure;
  • respiratory instability;
  • the level of glucose decreases;
  • the level of many hormones that regulate the activity of the body is usually reduced;
  • Because of all these changes, immunity drops.

All due to the fact that during natural childbirth a hormone is created, which is a “button” for activating many processes in the body of the mother and child. Because of this hormone, the mammary glands are not stimulated in the mother, which is why at first very little milk is released from the breast. In addition, the level of endorphins in milk decreases, which should cause pleasure in the child when sucking the breast. Better in this situation.

The first time after a cesarean, very little milk is released from the breast.

Myths about cesareans

Despite all the difficulties, you should not be afraid of a caesarean section. Most of all twins and triplets are born through surgery. The development of cesareans is no different from ordinary children, and all changes in feeding and care concern only the first weeks of life.

Feeding and caring for a caesarean

Feeding a newborn after a caesarean section is not much different from feeding other babies. Even in the case of general anesthesia, a half-asleep baby has a good sucking reflex. Due to the low level of the hormone, the mother’s milk flow may not be good, but over time, the breast “developed” and everything returns to normal.

Special care for the child is not required, but it is desirable that the mother presses the baby skin to skin. This will help restore thermoregulation, give confidence to the little one and strengthen his immunity. In the hospital, caesareans are under special care of doctors, and they constantly check the health of the baby, if necessary, provide medical assistance.

Additional information about the features of caring for cesareans in this video:

It is desirable that the mother presses the baby skin to skin.

Let's draw a conclusion

A caesarean section can conditionally be considered a safe procedure for mother and child, with the obligatory condition that the mother will follow the instructions of the doctors and carefully take care of the little one. There are no special conditions for the care or feeding of children born by caesarean section, but they must be treated carefully. A caesarean section is not worth resorting to once again, but it is the best choice when a difficult birth is expected.

In this article:

Expecting a baby is perhaps the most exciting time in a woman's life. So many worries and plans for the future. But the main subject of the expectant mother's worries is the upcoming birth. It’s great if the girl is in good health and no pathologies are observed.

But what if the doctors recommend a caesarean section for pregnancy? The question, of course, is complex, because surgical intervention can hardly be called a natural process. Despite the fact that there are many disputes about this difficult operation, it has recently gained considerable popularity. No pain during childbirth, painful contractions and long hours of waiting - these are the reasons women are guided by, agreeing to surgery.

But it is worth understanding that such an operation has its consequences for both the baby and the mother. In addition, despite the professionalism of doctors, various complications can occur both during cesarean and in the postoperative period: bleeding, infection, poor healing of the suture, trauma to the connective tissues, and many others.

Anesthesia - danger exists

If you decide to have a caesarean section, it is worth noting that the first danger may lie in wait for you during the procedure. The fact is that modern medicine offers two types of anesthesia:

  • General anesthesia.
  • and spinal anesthesia.

However, each of these types of anesthesia can lead to unpleasant consequences of a caesarean section. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering what type of procedure to choose, because it affects not only the woman in labor, but also the baby. When leaving general anesthesia, a woman may experience: a sharp headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle pain, confusion. During epidural anesthesia, serious damage to the spinal cord and nerve endings can occur, in addition, there is a sharp pain in the back, trembling in the limbs.

Possible risks

Remember, each operation carries a certain risk for a person. The most common consequence of a caesarean section for the mother is an infection that can penetrate with the intervention of doctors. Bleeding and blood clots are also dangerous. In rare cases, due to the lack of professionalism of doctors, injury occurs to neighboring organs and tissues. Many note that after the operation, there may be problems with intestinal patency, and as a result, the woman in labor will suffer from constipation and experience pain. There are cases when surgeons seriously damaged the patient's bladder.

Stitches after surgery

Unfortunately, no operation is possible without stitches and scars. But the problem lies deeper: the aesthetic defect fades into the background. Indeed, in our time it is easy to get rid of such “marks” by grinding and special treatment. However, a woman in labor may experience diastasis, in which the edges of the seam diverge and heal poorly. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But the seam on the uterus requires much more attention - after all, the success of the next pregnancies will depend on its condition. One of the most unpleasant consequences after a caesarean section can probably be called a ban on conception for the next 2-3 years. This also applies to the abortion procedure - it is not advisable to carry it out. Doctors say that during this period, damage or injury to the walls of the uterus should not be allowed, in order to avoid divergence of the seam. If these recommendations are not followed, the risk of miscarriage and the development of a number of diseases increases.

physical recovery

Despite the fact that childbirth during surgery is painless, the mother will face the main problems in the postoperative period. The fact is that a woman needs almost 1.5-2 months to fully recover from the operation. And such restrictions bring serious inconvenience:

  • In the early days, it is very difficult to take care of the baby.
  • Do not take baths (prefer showers).
  • Do not overexert yourself physically - training, lifting weights, running are prohibited.
  • Intimate life requires restrictions - sex is possible only 5-6 weeks after birth. Be sure to consult with your doctor if your body is ready for sexual activity after surgery. In addition, it is worth resorting to reliable contraception. It is necessary to exclude the onset of pregnancy for the next couple of years.

Menstrual cycle

If the caesarean section was successful, mommy should not worry - menstruation will come at about the same time as during natural childbirth. But the absence of this "event" may indicate the onset of complications. In such a situation, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Note that sometimes the recovery of the cycle can be from 3 to 6 months, depending on the complications that have arisen after a cesarean section.


Many mothers do not want to have surgery, fearing that they will lose the opportunity to breastfeed their child. There is a rational "grain" in this - immediately after surgery, the baby is not applied to the breast, for fear of getting drugs into milk. They can cause serious harm to a child. But the problem is that they begin to feed the baby with a bottle, after which he is in no hurry to take his mother's breast. You should not overstrain and make efforts to “extract” milk when the baby refuses natural feeding. If mommy is patient and persistent, practicing several times a day in natural feeding, the baby will soon take the breast.

Consequences for the baby

Unfortunately, the operation does not pass without a trace, not only for the mother, but also for the baby. When the time comes to be born, the so-called period of hypernation begins - the state of the fetus, in which it “falls asleep”, adapting to the upcoming passage through the birth canals. All physiological processes slow down, becoming more "economical" for the body. Such a mechanism is a natural process that was invented by nature in order to protect the child from severe stress during a sharp pressure drop during birth.

With a caesarean section, the consequences are completely different: the baby does not undergo training, but is immediately subjected to incredible pressure. This process can lead to the formation of microbleeds in the brain. There are also cases of reduced brain activity in "caesarites". American scientists say that if an adult had to experience pressure during a cesarean section, he would simply die from pain shock. Another problem for such children may be the entry into the bloodstream of drugs that are used to relieve the mother. They can negatively affect the nervous activity of the baby, cause problems with the heart and intestinal tract.

First breath

Based on many studies, doctors made an important conclusion: a caesarean section is fraught with consequences for the child. Before the moment of birth, the amount of hormones - catecholamines - sharply increases in children. It is these substances that trigger the breathing process and “drain” the lungs from fluid. During surgery, such a process simply does not occur and the risk of suffocation increases, the child's lungs open with difficulty.

The heart of a small person starts to work very quickly, trying to provide the lungs with blood, and there is fluid present. Because of this process, the baby may develop dystrophic atrophy in the heart, like in the elderly. The respiratory rate of "caesareans" is almost 2 times less than that of naturally born.

Another theory says that the baby does not pass through the birth canal, and as a result, there is no compression of the chest. It is this pressure that helps to get rid of the amniotic fluid in the lungs.

Psychological component

There is a theory that has not found its practical confirmation: babies born during surgery are much more difficult to adapt to the world around them. It is believed that the so-called stress hormone was not produced and the baby simply does not know how to adapt to new conditions. But scientists say that psychological health depends more on upbringing than on the way you were born. Often such children suffer from excitability and hypertonicity.

Features of caring for babies "cesareans"

  • With such children, it is recommended to start walking outside later. They need to be swaddled for a longer time than normal babies. Hypothermia or, conversely, elevated temperatures should not be allowed.
  • Due to the fact that children can suffer from hyperactivity, they sleep worse at night, often cry and get scared for no reason.
  • It is recommended that in the first month of life the child sleep with his mother, so he quickly adapts to the world around him.
  • "Caesarites" gain weight very slowly, so it is necessary to breastfeed as long as possible.
  • To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to perform daily gymnastics, gradually increasing physical activity. Water procedures must be present: swimming, and later hardening of the child.

Whether or not to do the operation is decided not only by the expectant mother on her own, but also by the doctor. But do not think that a caesarean section is an easy procedure that cannot harm you and your baby. However, if there are serious risks to the life of the mother or baby, it will be better and safer to perform such an operation.

Useful video about caesarean section

Dear Evgeny Olegovich, I kindly ask you to express your opinion (based on many years of experience working with children) on the topic "Caesarean section and its impact on the health and development of the child." I would like to hear exactly your opinion, because. You have a very reasonable, logical and balanced approach to everything, without going to extremes.

I will explain why this question is so important to me, although this will require a detailed explanation of my personal situation. Besides, it seems to me that my situation can be quite typical and your opinion will help someone else who, like me, is now at a crossroads. I had my first child at 32. The pregnancy was perfect, even the doctors praised me, the "old primiparous", all the time and said that you can at least write reference books on my pregnancy - what should develop and at what time, and the forecasts for childbirth were the most optimistic.

In addition, of course, as an elderly mother, I was going to approach everything from the point of view of "not stupidly, but as it should", I went to courses, read websites on pregnancy, childbirth, etc. And, I confess, the idea that everything should be natural was driven into my impressionable head very deeply (childbirth, feeding, care - well, in general, in the style of the site "mother.ru"). And at the same time, I somehow came across an article where, from the point of view of a pediatrician (moreover, the whole article was interspersed with phrases like "It is well known that" and "it is absolutely proven that"), the position was stated how cesarean harms children, how badly it affects on their health, development, relationships with their mother. Moreover, after the article, there was a discussion where the mothers "caesar" said that their children are absolutely normal, and not some flawed dead people with poor health. But their opponents, supporters of natural childbirth, answered in the spirit that, they say, tell, tell, it's just that you, the poor, have a desire to justify yourself and an inferiority complex, but in fact you perfectly understand that everything is wrong with you, because the birth was not “natural”, but medical, there was no spiritual contact with the child, and it was not immediately put to the breast, and, in general, it has been proven that all this will backfire on you.

It is clear that after this I was ironically sure that I, so healthy, would give birth only myself and under no circumstances would I go to a caesarean. I was observed by very good doctors (in general, I’ll say right away that all the doctors I got were very good and, in my opinion, highly professional - from the district clinic to the “paid”, but more on that later), whom I trusted, but suddenly, closer to 40 weeks, I was told that I needed to go to the hospital in advance, because. "It's time to give birth, and the birth canal is absolutely not ready." That is, more specifically, the cervix did not look at all for its term, and other anatomy (I can’t say more precisely, because I’m not a doctor) did not correspond to the term. It is necessary, they say, to lie down in advance and do some injections.

After reading the articles, I roared: "What, they inject me with some kind of chemistry???? No way!!!" And she fled to another maternity hospital, famous for its "natural" approaches to childbirth. That is, they really didn’t just Caesar there. And when I was admitted to this "correct maternity hospital" by the head of the department, she suddenly also told me about this problem and explained that such a state of the cervix could be associated with the treatment of cervical erosion by the cryo method carried out many years ago. "But how so??" - I was taken aback - "After all, they write everywhere that there are no problems in childbirth from the cryo method." "It still happens," the doctor replied.

In general, without going into details, I will say that at the very first round and examination (and it was carried out by the deputy head physician of the maternity hospital), I was told that in my case the best way out was a planned cesarean, especially since it was already 42 weeks. It was a shock for me, just hysterical, because my child will be ..... (see above). , and, probably, under the pressure of us, such smart ones, the doctors simply began to wait. After a couple of days, childbirth began, and I, such a supporter of naturalness, received the full program for my stubbornness: the contractions went on, there was no dilatation, and the doctor had to slowly open the neck with his hand under anesthesia. That is, both epidural anesthesia and oxytocin were used, against which I once was so set. Luckily, no one was listening to me back then. The labor was delayed, and although the baby's heart rate was normal (and at birth he received 8-9 points), some of the waters were greenish.

And after that, listening to the cries of my child at night for almost two years, I kept thinking - and whether these are the consequences of such a desired natural childbirth. In addition, for me, childbirth ended with numerous tears, and a year later - again with erosion at the places of tears. And when now I was again offered to cauterize these erosions, I suddenly thought: we would like a second child - and what, the same corps de ballet is waiting for me and him again ??? Neurologists, for example, assured me that these nocturnal screams and two years without sleep are definitely the consequences of complicated childbirth.

Other thoughts also visit - my baby is growing very smart, inquisitive, he began to speak quite early - would he really have developed worse if I had not been tyrannical, but agreed to a caesarean? Of course, I understand that it would be nice if everything was as nature intended, but what if the circumstances are against it?

That is the essence of my question: You have observed many children, is there really any difference between caesarites and "ordinary" children? Or all these lamentations about the lack of a "spiritual connection", purposefulness, etc. - the product of the next pseudo-scientific fabrications and experiences that someone escaped the fate of "you will give birth in agony" ???

Thank you in advance for your reply, Regards Lika

Hello Lika!

The topic you raised is more in the field of philosophy and psychology than in medicine. My position is this. At the biological, instinctive level, rivalry is inherent in all of us - the desire to be the fastest, strongest in our flock, to get the largest possible amount of food, to master many females and seduce the corresponding number of males. Sports, fashion, the sex industry, business - everything, by and large, is built on this.

A man suffering from impotence hides it from others in every possible way, because, at the subconscious level, this is perceived as a biological, natural failure. A woman who gave birth on her own subconsciously feels her biological superiority over her friend in the pack, who could not do this. The whole trouble is that biologically accomplished women very often unite in flocks and begin to defame those who could not get into these flocks. And this is the specificity of purely human contacts. From the point of view of elementary ethics, if a woman wanted, but could not, then it is not necessary to condemn her, but to reassure, support, determine a certain algorithm of actions - what to do herself and what to do with the child in order to minimize the negative consequences.

I, as a pediatrician, do not see a global, significant difference, both in the level of health and in the level of intelligence, depending on the method of birth. For childbirth is an important, but still an episode, but they are followed by a whole system of care and education, which determines health no less, if not more significantly. Again, a planned caesarean and a cesarean for urgent indications that arose during childbirth are very different things. In the second case, a cesarean is done precisely because the process went wrong, which means that the consequences will be more serious. There are dangers for the child in any case - asphyxia and trauma during childbirth, reactions to anesthesia during surgery. Any childbirth and any caesarean section is a real risk for both the child and the mother. That's the way Nature does it.

Summary: the method of birth is not decisive in the "impact on the health and development of the child." I'm afraid to seem unoriginal, but, once again, I repeat: both health and development are closely related to the common sense of those who surround the child.

All the best. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich

— Komarovsky E. O.

Comments 119

05/06/2011 22:31

June 3, 2011 at 1:18 am
100%, there is no difference between KS or EP, you know, my little one has two birth injuries, a broken collarbone and a cephalohematoma on her head, they pressed me on my stomach, which they don’t do in civilized countries, especially since I had labor activity hoo, it took only 15- For 20 minutes I could have given birth without pressure, so it would be better if they had a cesarean and pulled it out, maybe nothing would have happened. We are already 3 weeks old, everything has already passed, the hematoma was pumped out, the handle-clavicle is normal

03/06/2011 01:18

Girls, well, what are you talking about, what kind of inferiority? They conceived, endured, went through childbirth, it doesn’t matter if it’s EP or KS, it’s still childbirth - yes, you should be proud of yourself that you are mothers, no matter what. Here they are, your treasures, your children - yes, you are just super-moms! Yes, doctors often offer CS because it is easier and more expensive for them (my case), yes, sometimes (extremely rare, in my opinion) expectant mothers agree to CS in order not to suffer themselves and not torment the child - so what? This is their right, their children, their money, their suture on the uterus, and the understanding that abdominal surgery is always a risk. But after all, no one will guarantee that childbirth, no matter how wonderfully they begin, will end just as beautifully. If you need an emergency CS, or a planned one, when there is evidence, then it is stupid to refuse it, and, I would say, it is criminal in relation to your child, first of all. I had EP, after 12 years of treatment for who knows why, four miscarriages and five years without conception at all. But it never occurred to me that there are persons with such small souls that you can’t even see through a magnifying glass, and they consider themselves entitled to condemn either mothers from the CS, then mothers on the IV ... But who the hell are they, these judges?! If God gives me a second, and I can give birth myself - wonderful. I can’t - I’ll go to the COP, and I won’t bathe about it. There will be milk - wonderful, no - I'm not going to starve a child in the name of the great ideals of GV, I give birth not for that ...

Can you imagine a city where half of the women in childbirth give birth to babies by caesarean section? Meanwhile, for example, there are several such cities in Germany. In the USA, every third baby is born in this way, in Denmark - every fifth. Cyprus broke all records - there 52 percent of expectant mothers chose a caesarean section.

Disputes about whether “caesareats” differ from children born naturally have been going on for a long time. But lately they are moving into evidence. The argument “I have twins, and how healthy they are growing up” cannot be considered as such.

Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology of the Northwestern Department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in St. Petersburg, the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology in Moscow - scientists from these and other research institutes in the country have proven that if a mother voluntarily chooses a caesarean section, she increases her baby's chances of acquisition of a number of diseases. For example, the development of obesity, the occurrence of allergies or a predisposition to diabetes.

If you follow the natural path of the birth of a baby, it becomes clear that in nature nothing happens by chance. So, under normal conditions, the fetus slowly leaves the mother's body, the amniotic fluid around it disappears and it gets used to atmospheric pressure. With a caesarean section, the baby can get brain damage due to a sharp pressure drop.

Moving along the birth canal, the baby receives from the mother the necessary bacteria that populate his esophagus, intestines and set up the body for digestion. After a cesarean, the baby's digestive system is sterile, and therefore more constipation and colic fall to its share. He is more likely to suffer from food allergies.

In "caesarites" the predisposition to asthma increases. They are more likely to get SARS. And all because they were deprived of the natural process of birth, in which amniotic fluid is pushed out of the lungs of the child and the respiratory system starts up as nature intended.

Neonatologists know that babies gain weight worse after caesarean. For example, doctor Natalia Lyuskina from St. Petersburg gives specific observations: all newborns lose weight in the first days of life. Those born in the usual way lose from four to ten percent of their weight, which they regain on the 7-10th day. Babies who have had a caesarean section lose 8-10 percent of their weight and regain it four days more.

The same doctor cites data from a scientific study in which the electrical activity of the brain was measured in two groups of newborns using an electroencephalogram (EEG). It can be used to judge how the nervous system of the baby works. In those born naturally, the EEG from the first days of life showed results that correspond to the norm. And for those who were born with the help of a surgeon's scalpel, the state of the brain returned to normal only after 8-9 days of life.

A group of scientists led by Doctor of Psychology, Professor Irina Nikolskaya, examined adolescents born naturally and surgically. Psychologists noted increased anxiety, uncertainty, and an acute experience of any failure among the “operatives”. Among them, hyperactive children are more common, but at the same time, they have an underestimated need for mastering the world, a craving for knowledge. They are less sociable, often try to retire, get tired faster. Often their condition can be expressed by the term emptiness.

But the Association of Sensory Integration Specialists found out how preschool children who underwent caesarean section physically develop. With the help of author's methods, 13 babies were tested. Tests showed that eight children had increased muscle tone in the lower extremities, seven had hollow feet or a predisposition to them, 10 kids had problems with statistical balance, and five had impaired global coordination of movements. In training for speed and strength, 12 subjects lost, and five were "owners" of muscle weakness of the arms.

All the above data does not mean at all that a child born by caesarean section will necessarily be unhealthy. But his predisposition to this is higher than that of a naturally born one. It is worth remembering when a woman herself chooses the way the baby is born.