Beware of sunstroke! "Sunstroke" Mikhalkov: Careful, not on Bunin ...

It doesn't matter where the heat caught you - on the seashore, in the country house or in the office. In any case, if you don't follow certain rules, you risk taking sunstroke.

The question "how to grow up?" - 5 answers
Sunstroke is caused by direct sunlight on an unprotected head. His companions: stuffiness, calm weather, drinking alcohol in the heat.

Along with this, intracranial pressure increases, blood vessels increase and there is strong blood flow in the head. Symptoms of sunstroke depend on the form of action. With a mild degree, nausea, headache, increased heart rate, and dilated pupils are observed.

In a more serious condition, vomiting, uncertainty of movement, fainting appears. If you suspect sunstroke, bring an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, move into the shade or ventilate the room perfectly.

Drink more, preferably cool mineral water with added salt and sugar. Wet your face with water, apply a cold compress to your head. Wrap a wet sheet over your body if you are at home. Onions will help if your body overheats.

Rub it on your palms and feet. Drink 2-3 cups of non-fat cream. In order to protect yourself from overheating, follow the safety precautions. Nurture your skin to the sun's rays slowly, at first you are under the sun for about 30 minutes, after that no more than 2 hours.

Then take a cool shower or do a wet wrap. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach and immediately after eating. Sunbathe an hour and a half after breakfast or lunch.

Sunbathe under the awning. In extreme heat, wear cotton clothing.

With caution! Fearfully! Sunstroke!

Heat and sunstroke: signs, first aid for heat and sunstroke, prevention

Heatstroke is a severe disruption of the body's vital functions associated with overheating.

Causes of heat and sunstroke

High ambient temperatures, including excessively stuffy weather and warm clothing;

Intense exhausting physical activity on the body;

The use of muscle relaxants (anesthetic drugs), which can cause hyperthermia.

Sunstroke provokes a prolonged and intense direct effect of solar radiation on the body.

Sunstroke is caused by the extremely direct action of the sun's rays on the head.

Sunstroke is a problem that we can only face during the summer period, while heatstroke can also occur indoors, where the humidity is low and the air temperature is high.

Signs of heat and sunstroke:





Cold sweat;

Redness of the skin of the face;


In critical cases, a person under the influence of strong heat or the sun can lose consciousness, and the body temperature can rise to 41 ° C.

Not all people are equally at risk of heat or sunstroke. There are predisposing factors that contribute to this.

Factors contributing to heat and sunstroke

Too much body weight;

The state of increased psycho-emotional stress;

Obstacles to heat dissipation - too tight clothing, poorly ventilated rooms;

Cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;

Neurological problems;

Taking some medicines;

State of alcoholic intoxication;


Heatstroke flow

Usually heatstroke begins suddenly, but sometimes before it begins, some unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of pulling muscle pains, a pronounced sensation of thirst, etc. Then a person's pulse quickens, often becomes arrhythmic, the skin becomes unnaturally dry and hot, blood pressure decreases, dyspnea. In severe cases, the body temperature rises above 40 ° C and there are clear signs that the nervous system is being affected, namely: the pupils dilate, muscle tone is disturbed, convulsions appear, and involuntary urination or defecation may even occur. Quite often, heatstroke occurs against the background of nosebleeds, vomiting, diarrhea, anuria (delayed urine flow).

Ambulance for heat or sunstroke

The most important thing is to place the patient in a colder place as soon as possible in order to cool the body faster. An ideal option is a bath with a water temperature of 18-20 ° C, but it can also be the usual wetting of the affected person's skin with water (also at room temperature), and gentle fanning (the air must be warm). If possible, put ice on your head, and wipe your armpits and groin area with alcohol. It is important to know that at the moment of cooling, a person may show signs of a sharp mental motor excitement.

If heat or sunstroke happened not outdoors, then the person must be immediately placed in the shade, freed from clothing as much as possible so that the skin is cooled, and laid so that the legs are higher than the head. If a person is conscious, then it is useful to drink water in small sips, the water should be at room temperature.

If the victim has lost consciousness, then he must be taken to a hospital for further examination and treatment.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke

If you or your loved ones have a reduced resistance to heat, then it is imperative to acclimatize to high temperatures: to correctly build a daily routine and drinking regimen. Preventive measures that help prevent overheating and, as a consequence of dehydration, are: a shady shelter from direct sunlight on the body, installation of air conditioning systems in rooms, desktop, floor, wall fans, the ability to use a shower unit to cool the body, etc.

One of the most important points in the prevention of heatstroke is to prevent dehydration of the body, which means that in the heat it is advisable to avoid increased physical activity, as well as increased sports activities and drink as much liquid as possible. However, these should not be alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee. You should not only drink water, but also wipe your skin with wet napkins (towel). Going out on a hot day, give preference to clothes made of light, preferably natural, light-colored materials, and also remember about a headdress.

Elderly people and children during increased solar activity (12-15 hours) should completely refrain from walking in the fresh air; it is generally not recommended to be on the beach at this time. Before getting into the car, which was parked in the open on a sunny day, you must first open all the doors for through ventilation. In addition to drinking plenty of fluids on hot days, eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Heatstroke in a child: how to protect a baby from overheating.

Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that has been caused by overheating of the body. If on time

do not provide assistance to a child or an adult, it may even be fatal. Unlike sunny

shock, which occurs when a child is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, heat

shock can occur in the following cases:

  • the child uses little fluid;
  • walks bareheaded;
  • strong overheating of the baby.

To avoid sunstroke, it is enough to wear a cap or panama hat, but to prevent heatstroke in a child

much more difficult, even with all the precautions taken. Of course, we must try to avoid overheating.

baby, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. For example, if you drive a car without air conditioning in the heat, even

open windows may not always reduce the temperature inside the vehicle. To protect your baby from overheating,

wipe it off with a damp towel and drink plenty of fluids. But even these measures do not always help, therefore,

you need to know how to properly provide first aid to a child with heatstroke.

Heatstroke symptoms.

It is often difficult for parents to assess how overheated their baby is. If the child is sweating, flushed and breathing heavily, but

at the same time, he is cheerful and full of strength - it means that there are no reasons for alarm yet. The first signs of heatstroke are

lethargy and poor health of the baby. Heatstroke in a child often occurs when the body is dehydrated. So

symptoms include excessive thirst in children, lack of perspiration, sticky saliva and dry mouth, and

slight urination. Overheating in a child can cause nausea and vomiting, weak pulse, seizures, and loss

consciousness. The child's skin will be very reddened, and when touched, it will be hot, the body temperature may rise

up to 40 degrees, and hands and feet can be cold.

First aid.

What to do with heatstroke in children?

First you need to determine if your child has signs of shock. When a child is in shock, the skin

becomes pale, cold to the touch and moist, semi-fainting is characteristic, as well as frequent weak

pulse and shallow breathing. In this case, the child must be immediately taken to a cool place to provide the first

help. If heatstroke occurs outside, the child should be put in the shade and unbuttoned. Legs need

raise a little. Give plenty of drink, and make cool lotions at the places of passage of large vessels. Everything

first aid procedures for heatstroke should be reduced to one thing - to lower body temperature

child. And, of course, you need to call an ambulance. If a child has heatstroke at home, then you need to immediately

call an ambulance and provide first aid for heatstroke:

  • sit the child in a bath with cool water and rub with a sponge;
  • you can put the child under a cool shower, and if the child has received heatstroke outside, you can pour water over him directly from the hose;
  • when the child's temperature drops to 39 degrees, it must be wiped off, then laid and covered with a sheet;
  • put a cold napkin on the forehead and give the child a large amount of salted water to drink.

In case of heatstroke, it is strictly forbidden to give the child tea and, especially, medications. It's just

complicate the condition of the child.

It must be remembered that heatstroke, like many diseases, can be mild, moderate and severe. The faster

the help for heatstroke is provided, the easier it will be for your child. In severe heatstroke,

the child may begin hallucinations, a sharp increase in body temperature up to 42 degrees and may occur

coma or sudden death.

In the hot season, you need to adhere to the following rules in order to somehow avoid heatstroke in a child:

You need to walk with your child in the park or in the shade of trees until 11 o'clock in the afternoon, preferring calm rather than mobile

games. It is imperative that the child is in a headdress and clothing made of lightweight fabric. On hot days, the child should be given in

twice as much liquid as he usually drinks.

Sunstroke in children

Sunstroke - damage to the central nervous system resulting from severe overheating of the head

direct sunlight, but in some cases heatstroke is also possible when the child is in the shade. V

as a result, significant changes occur in the metabolism, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues, from

which primarily affects the central nervous system, cerebral edema may develop, and the functions of vital

organs and systems.

What predisposes to sunstroke?

Prone to sunstroke in children, along with elevated ambient temperatures and direct

exposure to sunlight, high humidity; calm weather; child's clothing not appropriate for the weather;

violation of the mechanisms of thermoregulation, especially in young children; insufficient or improper drinking

mode in hot conditions; various diseases of the central nervous system.

Sunstroke in children, symptoms

Sunstroke in children usually appears 6-8 hours after exposure to the sun, but may occur earlier.

There is lethargy, malaise, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, headache, heart palpitations, shortness of breath,

darkening in the eyes, increased body temperature. Further hallucinations, delusions, rhythm disturbances can join

heart (fast or slow heart rate). If the causes of overheating are not eliminated,

loss of consciousness, accompanied by pallor and cyanosis of the skin. The skin becomes cold to the touch

covered with sticky sweat. There is a threat to the child's life.

In infants, compared to older children, less exposure to the sun may cause

sunstroke. In this case, progressive drowsiness or lethargy suddenly appear, the child is capricious,

cries, refuses to eat, body temperature rises to 39 ° C or 40 ° C, nausea, vomiting join,

sometimes diarrhea. After a few hours, convulsions may begin, loss of consciousness occurs, up to a coma.

A child with signs of sunstroke should immediately call an ambulance!

Sunstroke in a child, first aid.

  • Move the child to the shade or to a cool place, lay on one side, and turn his head to one side to prevent swallowing vomit when vomiting occurs.
  • Unbutton your clothes or undress your child.
  • If the baby is awake, let him drink chilled boiled water or tea from a bottle, spoon or cup in small sips.
  • At high body temperature, wrap the baby's head with a wet towel, diaper, blow or fan him, wipe the body with a soft sponge moistened with cool water, especially where the vessels are closest to the skin (neck, armpits, elbow folds, groin areas, popliteal fossa) or wrap with a damp sheet. The temperature of the rubdown water should be slightly above room temperature, but by no means cold. Cold water can cause reflex vasospasm, which will further aggravate the child's condition. The abrupt transition from hot sun to cold water creates a stressful situation for the body. Antipyretics are not effective in this situation, since the mechanism of temperature rise with general overheating differs from that in infectious diseases. These (paracetamol, ibuprofen, but not acetylsalicylic acid) can be used as pain relievers. If the doctor decides to leave the child to be treated at home, then the baby is prescribed an abundant drink: water, tea, compote, fruit drink, jelly, for dinner - something from fermented milk products, for example, kefir. The next day, you can feed the child with dairy-plant food. 2-3 days after recovery, the child can again be allowed to walk.

How to avoid sunburn and sunstroke?

  • When going outside on a hot summer day, be sure to wear a light panama hat and light clothes made from natural fabrics on your baby.
  • Avoid walking in direct sunlight with children under one year old during the hot season.
  • Remember that children with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn on their skin and eyes than dark-skinned children.
  • Avoid sun exposure during the hot season between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Even on cloudy days, the sun's ultraviolet rays reach bare skin and can damage it.
  • 20-30 minutes before walking, apply sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 25-30 units to the exposed skin of the child. Do not forget to reapply the cream - every 2 hours outside and, additionally, after bathing.
  • Teach your child to use sunscreen: hats, sunglasses, tank tops (especially at the beach). Children need to wear not toys, but normal glasses with trivex or polycarbonate filters that completely block the sun's ultraviolet rays of the A and B ranges.
  • Do not forget that your child's first sunbathing should not exceed 5-6 minutes, and after sunburn - 8-10 minutes. Take sun baths (sunbathe) with your child no more than 2-3 times a day, with breaks, during which the child should be in the shade. If possible, take an umbrella to the beach with you.
  • To prevent overheating, offer your baby a drink more often, wipe his face and exposed parts of the body with a damp cloth and towel.

Sunstroke in a child: what not to do

  • Do not lubricate the affected skin with alcohol-based products, as these additionally damage the skin and complicate healing.
  • Do not treat burned parts of the body with fat-based substances (petroleum jelly or other thick ointments, as well as various oils: sea buckthorn, sunflower, etc.), since they impede the separation of heat and sweat and, accordingly, complicate the healing of the burn.
  • Do not use sprays or ointments containing benzocaine (anesthesin) to treat sunburn in children, which can cause irritation and an allergic reaction to the baby's skin.
  • Do not put ice or ice water.
  • Do not open bubbles at burn sites. On self-opened blisters, you can apply an antibiotic ointment (erythromycin, tetracycline, etc.) and put a sterile gauze napkin on top. If you don't have a napkin, you can use a clean ironed handkerchief.

Forecasters promise us a continuation of the summer heat. For some, this is good news, while others cannot stand the heat. But both the former and the latter are at risk of heat or sunstroke during the hot season.

Both conditions occur when a person is in the heat for a long time (heatstroke) or in direct sunlight (sunstroke), which leads to a malfunction of the body's thermoregulation system when a person's body temperature rises significantly. It should be noted that the elderly, children, as well as those suffering from diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and alcoholism are more susceptible to sunstroke.

Heat or sunstroke has similar symptoms, only with sunstroke the effects are much worse.

What are the symptoms of sunstroke or heatstroke?
· Weakness
Strong feeling of thirst
· Headache
Pain in the region of the heart
Heatstroke pressure may increase or decrease
Sudden dizziness
Accelerated pulse, rhythm disturbances
Rapid breathing
High body temperature up to 40 degrees or more
The skin becomes hotter and drier
Often nosebleeds
· Vomit
There is a malfunction of the locomotor system, clouding of consciousness, difficulty speaking and thinking
Severe heatstroke may cause fainting and seizures

What causes sunstroke or heatstroke?
Work in high temperature and heat conditions
Heavy physical training or exercise
Excessive alcohol consumption

If you feel the symptoms associated with overheating of the body, you urgently need to hide from the sun in a cool and shaded place and start drinking a lot of cold water, which is necessary to combat dehydration. If you are wearing tight, tight-fitting clothes, take them off, the same applies to all kinds of accessories. Wipe the entire body with a napkin (sponge) dipped in cold water. Avoid alcohol, smoking and exercise until you feel better.

If you see that someone has passed out as a result of sunstroke or heatstroke:
Move the victim to a cool, shady place. If you are indoors, open the windows to provide fresh air, direct the fan towards the victim
To facilitate breathing and speedy cooling of the body, unbutton or take off tight clothing
The victim should be in a horizontal position, and the legs are slightly raised. In case of vomiting, the victim's head should be turned to one side.
The victim must take validol (Corvalol) under the tongue. You can use mints or drops. This helps to improve the general condition of the victim and makes breathing easier.
The victim must drink at least one liter of water. Make sure the water is cold and slightly salty
To cool the body, it is necessary to wrap the head or the whole body of the victim with a wet towel or sheet. You can apply ice to the victim's head
If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to inhale ammonia
Be sure to call medical workers (ambulance team), because heatstroke can develop serious consequences that an inexperienced person may not notice.

Preventive measures must be taken in advance:
▪ In hot sunny weather, wear light, light clothing and hats made from easily ventilated natural fabrics (linen, cotton are ideal) that do not prevent perspiration from evaporating. Protect your eyes with dark glasses
▪ Avoid staying in open areas with direct sunlight. The most active and dangerous sun is from 12.00 to 16.00. Cover yourself with an umbrella, do not fall asleep in the sun, do not take long excursions in the heat, drink more water
▪ Avoid being on the beach for a long time in the sun, even if you are under an umbrella. The duration of sunbathing at first should not be longer than 15-20 minutes, then you can gradually increase the time to two hours with obligatory breaks for being in the shade and coolness. It is better to sunbathe in the morning and evening hours. It is better to sunbathe not lying down, but in motion. You can go out into the sun only an hour after eating.
▪ Do not eat too densely in hot weather. Give preference to vegetables and fermented milk products. Maintain water balance in the body, you need at least 3 liters of water per day
▪ Wipe your face from time to time with a wet, cool handkerchief, wash your face more often and take a cool shower