Why can't a girl cum? What to do if a girl does not want you Psychological setting: do not get hung up on the problem

Almost every guy after a long relationship asked the question: “My beloved no longer wants me, what should I do? In this article, we will try to understand this and answer the question in detail.

Find out if the girl really doesn't want you or if she has someone on the side. In the second case, do not waste time and find yourself another. If it's about sex drive, the guy needs to change his behavior. Please note that this is not about the size of the penis, do not even try to enlarge it. This will not change the girl's attitude towards sex, and you will have a lot of problems.

Common mistakes guys make

Prove to her that you are a man. Pay less attention to the girl, don't try to please, try to be less intrusive, but don't overdo it. Make it clear to your beloved that you are independent and you do not need anyone. Do you want to become confident and strong? Take a look and you will see how to achieve this. If you are guilty of something, pretend that nothing happened, in no case do not apologize. The fact is that when a guy constantly pleases a young lady, then she considers him not a man, but a son, who will not live a day without a mother. And the girl doesn't want to be like that. Never compare her to her mom, the female sex hates that.

Think maybe you are the problem. Are you suffering from premature ejaculation? There are many ways to solve this problem. This was written about in the article.

Naturally, the material issue plays an important role. If a poor guy wants a relationship with a sexy girl who needs expensive gifts and dinners in restaurants, one day she will find a more successful man. Choose a partner of the appropriate status in society, because if a girl realizes that she is on a level higher than her boyfriend, she will start looking for a more suitable candidate, and she will reject you. First it will affect the sexual plan, then communication.

Don't overwhelm your girl with compliments. Naturally, you cannot do without them, but in limited quantities. Always speak to the point.

Let's look at an example. Favorite cut her hair or bought a new evening dress. If a girl is not thin, you shouldn't tell her that she is very slim in this outfit. The girl knows that it is not so. She will think that you just lay in front of her, really wanted to please and lie. She will begin to twirl you, and the slave man is unlikely to want at least one young lady.

Don't overdo it with criticism. The girl has already grown up and she herself knows what is good and what is bad. You shouldn't constantly remind her about it. Females don't like repetitions. Did you say something once? Don't repeat yourself. The girl remembers everything, she just doesn't want to do it.

If she says she's in love with another guy, don't hold her back. If she comes back, then the old relationship will never be. She will see all your flaws, talk about it, and your minuses will turn into complexes. Pretend not to be offended.

If your beloved feels a masculine core in you, she will not only want you all the time, but also offer intimacy herself. You're a man. She needs to feel it.

When a guy starts dating a girl, he often rushes her. This is the wrong move, especially if she is a virgin (read more about virginity in). Even if she agrees to an intimate relationship, in the future there may be a problem with the fact that she does not want you. Also, the girl may have had a not very pleasant experience of past sexual relations. Prove that you are not the same ex, but a much better guy.

If it’s not a psychological issue, schedule her to see a sex therapist. Perhaps sex causes discomfort, pain. It is likely that she has serious health problems, but she is embarrassed to tell you about it. Often, girls are afraid of such conversations during the flower-bouquet period. They believe that they will alienate the guy with their problems.

Before sex, there should be foreplay. Many girls will not even think about sex without it. , kiss her neck, lips, chest. Do everything affectionately and gently, that she was aroused and showed with her body that she is ready for it.

Not all women can enjoy all the pleasures of sex life. There are various sexual problems, which mainly answer the question - why a girl cannot cum.

Let us turn to science to explain the phenomenon when a woman does not experience an orgasm, in a popular way - a woman cannot cum during sex.


Frigidity is called sexual coldness, in which a woman is indifferent or disgusted with sex. Women enter into intimate relationships, but only in order to live as a family, to give birth to a child.

They care less about why a woman can't cum than how to pretend she has an orgasm during sex. Usually, such women do not have an idea of ​​their illness, since they do not know with what to compare the sensations during intercourse.


A distinctive feature of anorgasmia is that women are able to experience pleasant sensations during intercourse, but the girl does not cum. What to do in this case, the woman does not understand and makes attempts or to make changes in sexual relations, or changes her partner. The problem is not being solved, but new ones appear.

Statistics: according to studies, 45% of women suffer from anorgasmia to one degree or another. 25% of women have never had an orgasm. It is difficult to obtain exact figures, since not all women agree to participate in such a delicate study. And men are all looking for an answer why the girl does not finish for a long time and who is to blame.

Of course, an inept partner could also be the cause. After all, every woman enjoys various caresses, someone needs to be properly warmed up, someone loves quick and sparkling sex - everything is individual.

Causes of sexual coldness in women

The reasons for frigidity and anorgasmia can be the following phenomena:

  1. Disorders of orgasm and sexual sensitivity are endocrine and gynecological diseases. It may be the result of intoxication of the body, as well as damage to the brain or spinal cord, depression, fatigue and overwork, medication.
  2. Retardation anorgasmia and frigidity are the result of a delay in psychosexual development as a result of isolation from peers of the opposite sex, excessive absorption in studies, and communication problems.

Psychogenic anorgasmia, frigidity - arises from mental causes of inhibition of sexual functions. This can provoke fears associated with sex (for example, fear of unwanted pregnancy), very strict upbringing, sexual abuse, negative impressions of the first sexual experience, mismatch of sexual temperaments in a couple, a conflict situation in a couple, a man's ignorance of the individual characteristics of a woman's sexual arousal, disappointment in a partner

Constitutional frigidity is the same as being born without a musical ear. But some believe that sexologists have invented this myth to justify ineffective treatment.

How to treat sexual coldness

It is necessary to treat under the supervision of a sex therapist. Special medications, physiotherapy, psychological counseling and psychotherapy are often advised. If a man does not turn his back on his beloved, but lends a helping hand, the couple has every chance to solve the problem in their favor and plunge together into the genuine world of sexual pleasures.

If you're going out on a date with a girl or have recently started dating someone, take a look at the following list of 15 candidates that will make your life hell. If you see similar inclinations from your girlfriend, talk to her about it. If she doesn't agree to change something, you are setting yourself up for an intolerable relationship, so think twice before it gets too far.

# 1 Stuck

When a girl is too attached to you and loves you deeply, it is obvious that she wants to spend a lot of time with you. But hasn't she crossed the line from “I want to be with you” to “I can’t be without you”?

When she becomes too annoying or wants you to participate in everything she does, she does not notice it, but she already begins to "choke" you. Moreover, it ceases to be an individuality, but simply becomes an extension of you. It starts to annoy you, and she cannot understand why you are trying to distance yourself from her.

# 2 Excessive possessiveness

At first glance, her possessiveness may flatter you, but if she does not let you go somewhere with friends or do something without her, you begin to quietly hate her without realizing it. The owner will always be nervous if you hang out with other girls, even if you are just friends. And before you understand this, you will quarrel every time one of you needs to go to some meeting alone.

# 3 Girl-user

Some see you as just a guy who can open the door to a better world for her. Maybe you have good connections or you are cooler than others. She believes that if she is seen next to you, it will give her popularity.

The relationship can start out great, but after a few dates, you realize that she enjoys spending time in the noisy company of your friends rather than being alone in a romantic setting. And over time, when she has already used you as a stepping stone to high society, she will in every possible way ignore your attempts to regain the old passion.

# 4 The girl unable to apologize

Are you dating a girl who cannot apologize or accept her mistake? She may apologize for something mundane, and not for something important, she would rather play in silence with you than admit her guilt.

Better to avoid this type. At first glance, she may seem funny and cute. In fact, she is very selfish, and would rather break you than accept defeat in front of your eyes. She is confident that she cannot make a mistake, and is too proud to accept her mistake. Taking into account the fact that from time to time in a relationship it is necessary to yield, in such an alliance the guy falls into a trap where only he is inferior, and she constantly flatters her pride.

# 5 Whiner

A girl like that always complains. She never has positive topics of conversation. She complains about her poor job, sad life and constant depression. If your girlfriend doesn't see the bright side of things, maybe she's too negative about life. This negativity will affect you too, you will feel overwhelmed after each meeting with her.

# 6 Uncertain

Girls of this type never know what they want. She can never choose, and if she does make a choice, she is not sure of it.

She flirts with guys all the time, and it's entirely possible that she treats you like a backup boyfriend that she'll come up with if left out of everyone else's attention. The worst part is that she can easily dump you if she finds a better candidate. Meeting such a girl will make you weak and tired, and it can also hit your vanity: no matter how good you are, she will always look for a better option.

# 7 Demanding and dominant

Such a girl constantly demands something from you. She is very bossy and wants everything to be the way she needs it. You may be a good boy who cares for your girlfriend, but that's not enough for her. She loves to be important and in control of your life and everything that happens to you.

# 8 Too stubborn

It's good that everyone has their own opinion, even if your opinions differ, it can sometimes be helpful to prove your point. But a girl like that goes too far. She always has her own opinion, and she will not change it for anything in the world, even if it is wrong. She can change her mind only if she wants to, but she will never believe your arguments or suggestions.

# 9 Spy

She spies on you all the time, or when she has the slightest opportunity to do so. You may not go to the left and always tell the truth, but she always has reason to doubt it. She watches you, climbs on your cell phone, asks your friends questions if you say that you are late because of a meeting with a friend. If the constant interrogation bothers you a little, avoid these girls. This is not normal for a good relationship.

# 10 Cutie without an opinion of her own

She seems wonderful. She does not complain about anything, does not reread. But she's too accommodating no matter what you do. She has no opinion of her own, and no matter how much you ask her, she will never offer anything.

You might think that she is just modest or too secretive, but in reality it is a time bomb. It seems to you that everything is fine, and she is happy with everything, but perhaps for some reason she just keeps all thoughts to herself. And one day, when she doesn't like something, she just stops talking to you, instead of expressing her thoughts and solving the issue together.

№11 Girl-wrestler

She should be feared in anger. Her face turns crimson, and it looks like she's about to explode. She can even punch you in the face or make a scene because she is too hot-tempered and cannot control herself when she is angry.

If you can handle her tough temper, you have nothing to fear. But if you want to live in peace and not be afraid every time something makes her angry, you better stay away from her.

# 12 Too affordable

A girl like that may be cute, but she's too flirty and friendly for her own benefit. She will be very nice to the guy if he just invites her for a walk. Even though she's dating you, she goes on dates with others. You see her flirting right and left. Even if you tell her directly who she was seen with, she will pretend that she does not understand anything.
Dating a girl like this will make you exhausted and insecure because you can't change her.

# 13 The Tormentor

This girl will resort to emotional blackmail and shenanigans just to get everything she needs. She can be helpful and sweet, even sometimes she won't push her way to please you. But if she needs something, she will stop at nothing. She will manipulate you emotionally. "I do so much for you ...", "After what I did for you, can't you do this little thing for me ..?" Sound familiar?

№14 Favorite of parents

This girl is very close to her parents, either her father or her mother. Whatever you talk about, she cannot make a final decision without consulting her parents.

She discusses everything with them, and after a telephone conversation hangs up and expresses her opinion to you, although, in fact, not her own, but her parents. Perhaps if she still behaves like this, even if she is already old enough, she does not think that you are not able to make an informed decision on your own.

No. 15 Constantly dissatisfied

She constantly compares your life to the life of others, especially if they are doing something interesting. She registers on Facebook, sees pictures of friends, vacationing at resorts, whines how unhappy she is, or how insolvent you are. No matter where you go or what you do, her happiness is always fleeting.

She may feel happy for several hours, but then she will remember others and everything will start all over again. Such a girl is always sure that others are better than hers.

If your current girlfriend has some of the above symptoms, talk to her about it. If that doesn't solve the problem, then it's best to end the relationship before it gets too far.

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There is a type of men that girls do not give. Nobody wants to be with them with "ksa: neither home girls, nor hardened sluts. Even prostitutes bypass such parties. Like, today, there is no mood. What's so special about these guys? Maybe looks? No, there is another sign.

Appearance, just, anyone can be. We fall for strong athletes, and unshaven skinny poets with crazy eyes, and sometimes even graceful hairdressers. We can even fall for a fat man, thinking with a smirk in our head - what, I would jump on it! And even some kind of physical defect can suddenly arouse secret desires, something that is xual, even in male helplessness.

You may say that it is about money, but after going over the memories in your head, you will understand that this is also not so! Surely you have a girlfriend or a neighbor who goes on long dates or carries parcels to a prisoner. Or she picked up a poor, but still fit little man on the street, washed it and put him in her apartment. Are there such? Yes, complete. This means that something else besides money affects. Or rather like this: they give the right men without money. And then there are the wrong ones.

How does a wrong man differ from a normal man, whom we respect with a basic instinct, we want with our lips, hands and inter-legs, from which we bloom with all our souls?

Wrong man WEEKS with "ks. And he is constantly looking for him. And he is looking for a s "cop, not a woman. He doesn’t need women. All of them are the same rubber dolls for him, created to satisfy his needs, but for some reason unwilling to fulfill their purpose. Probably because they are frigid. Or mercantile.

You communicate with such, and right in the depths of his cunning little eyes you see a vile little thought: will he give or not? And what to do to give? What if he deceives? And such pity, mixed with contempt, wakes up to him that he already wants to puke.

It is these who then shake a woman like a pear, trying to knock out sex for a glass of champagne and salad. Work it out! And who will give him, only for working off.

The right man wants YOU. The wrong man wants to fuck.

If the right man wants you badly, then you will feel it, sometimes at a glance. A super-correct man just needs to look. And already in his gaze you feel - he wants YOU, bastard. Right now he wants to. And desire grows into you, is transmitted. And heck, if he's attractive, then of course he is. Come on right here.

The wrong man is a chmoshnik who, by typing, is looking for the one that is. It doesn't matter which one. If only with a guarantee.

While the right man caresses a woman with his lips, inhales the smell of her body, hair, enjoys her curves, and her presence near, the wrong one CALCULATES. His eyes run nervously: WILL OR WILL NOT? And he doesn't care about the woman's reaction.

This is probably the only answer to the question of why women do not want a man. Because he is so stupid and selfish that he is not even able to want a specific woman, and not an abstract erotic trainer. Not to mention going crazy with passion. Who would love this consumerist attitude? For money, maybe, and that's not a fact ...