Why is bloating in 8 months of pregnancy. Why does the stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy? Dangerous symptoms that require immediate hospitalization

Could bloating be a sign of pregnancy? Maybe, but not always. There are 4 most common causes of a symptom:

Read in this article

Why is the belly swelling?

Bloating as a sign of pregnancy can occur due to changes in the body:

  1. The hormone, which is popularly called the "pregnancy hormone". The body begins to prepare for a new "inhabitant", freeing up a place for him. How? The active work of the muscles of the digestive system can contribute to miscarriage, therefore the first task of progesterone is to reduce this activity. And the relaxed organs are not able to process the usual volume of food in the same synchronized and harmonious manner.
  2. Enzymatic deficiency. The pancreas ceases to cope with its function - the production of enzymes for the digestion of food.
  3. The pressure is growing. The reproductive system, along with all others, is aimed at preserving and bearing the fetus. Therefore, the uterus can enlarge, even though the child is still a pea.
  4. Other reasons: poorly chewed food, wearing tight, tight clothes, unhealthy food, gastrointestinal diseases, and, of course, the faithful companion of a modern woman is stress.

First, eliminate the causes listed above. If this does not help, then you should consult a doctor to establish what causes the abnormalities in the digestive tract.

Pregnancy confirmed, what to do with the belly?

Bloating, a sign of early pregnancy, may appear several hours after conception and will not go away until action is taken. If you have previously been prescribed any medications for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, do not take them, since in your position they can have a completely undesirable effect. Or at least specify from the instructions whether the use of this drug is prohibited for pregnant women.

How to eat to avoid bloating

Try to fix it according to the following rules:

  • Eat not 2-4 times, but 5-6 and little by little. Eat by the hour, even if you do not feel hungry, because now you are feeding not only yourself. Lack of appetite should not be the reason for voluntary hunger strike. Boost your body with the smells of baked goods, herbs, fruits, walks, fermented milk products (not milk, as it increases the formation of gas).
  • Eliminate chewing gum. They allow a large volume of air to penetrate inside, as a result of which there will be not only gas formation, but also belching.
  • Stick to a diet, guided by general recommendations:
Exclude Limit Include in the diet
Alcohol Milk, long shelf life kefir, kvass, yoghurts with additives Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, homemade yoghurts, fat-free natural sour cream
Carbonated drinks Tea, Herbal decoctions, dried fruit compotes, pure water
Chips, mushroom dishes, smoked sausage, fatty cheese Pickled, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut Fresh vegetable salads, dill (even dried), fennel. Dill water.
Condiments: balsamic vinegar, hot pepper Vegetable and butter, margarine Olive oil
Legumes, all kinds of cabbage, plums, Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons Dried fruits, apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelons, melons, pumpkin, beets, carrots
All types of fried meat and fried foods, lard Pork, chicken Beef, veal, turkey, offal: liver, kidneys, heart

Sports activities will come to the rescue

Walk an hour a day. Walk slowly, on a flat road, in the fresh air. If it takes a long time to get to the fresh air, together with a doctor you will choose a suitable one: yoga, gymnastics or dancing for pregnant women, a swimming pool. Sports will keep the relaxed intestines toned.

Seeing a doctor is the right decision

If this unpleasant sign of pregnancy - bloating - does not go away after the measures taken, it's time to consult a gastroenterologist. Do not be lazy to be examined, tell the doctor in detail about what is happening. Don't wait for complications!

As adsorbing drugs, you will be prescribed Smecta, activated carbon, white coal. To remove gases - carminative agents: Simethicone, Herbion (stomach drops), Espumisan. Carminative fees can be prepared at home on your own: brew and insist for several hours 2 tablespoons of dill, cumin or fennel, chamomile.

If during pregnancy the belly continues to swell, then therapy may be required to treat the pancreas or stomach. Inform about pregnancy - you will be prescribed medications without contraindications.

The early signs of pregnancy, including bloating, shouldn't scare you. Your own body, common sense and medicine stand guard over your health.

It should be noted that the cause of gas in the abdominal cavity is not always poisoning or the use of low-quality products. During pregnancy, unexpected reactions of the body to any food that were previously absorbed perfectly are possible.

Causes of bloating in early pregnancy

During the first trimester, the fetus develops vital organs and the spine. At this time, taking even the safest drugs can be harmful. In addition, the consumption of unhealthy foods can adversely affect the health of the baby.

Causes of bloating in early pregnancy:

  • Change in hormonal levels... It is worth noting that a huge amount of progesterone is released into the blood until the second trimester. This hormone relaxes the muscles, which prevents the ovum from separating from the walls of the uterus. But at the same time, the intestines also relax. Feces stagnate in it, which leads to bloating.
  • Improper nutrition... It is worth limiting the consumption of foods that can provoke increased gas production. These include legumes, baked goods, and potatoes. It is undesirable to drink whole cow's milk. All these products, when broken down and fermented in the stomach, contribute to the formation of a large amount of gas.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments... Many diseases begin to bother a pregnant woman for the first time. The fact is that in an interesting situation, many ailments are exacerbated, which the woman did not even know about. You may have stomach ulcers or gastritis, which can lead to bloating.
  • Stress... An interesting position is often associated with nervous strain. This is quite normal, but negatively affects the condition of the woman. Stress leads to bloating and pain.

Why do pregnant women have bloating in the late stages

A lot of gas is not the only cause of bloating in late pregnancy. The most interesting thing is that the feeling of fullness and fullness of the intestines may not have anything to do with the work of the digestive system.

Causes of bloating in late pregnancy:

  1. Active growth of the uterus... With an increase in the uterus and the fetus inside it, some parts of the intestine can be squeezed. Accordingly, "traffic jams" appear on the path of movement of feces. Constipation increases, leading to bloating.
  2. Decreased motor activity... In the third trimester, many women find it difficult to move around. Therefore, pregnant women limit physical activity. This is what leads to gassing and bloating.
  3. Consuming junk food... Lack of fiber in the body is a common cause of constipation and bloating. Waste leaves the organs very slowly, provoking fermentation processes. Consuming a lot of baked goods increases gas formation.
  4. Violation of microflora... In late pregnancy, you should be careful with the intake of whole milk and fermented milk products. The number of enzymes that are able to break down lactose decreases, and fermentation processes are enhanced.

Symptoms of bloating during pregnancy

In fact, bloating during pregnancy is not always associated with flatulence and gas. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to the state of the body and respond to any changes in its work.

A list of symptoms of bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Stool disorders... Both constipation and diarrhea can occur. Although most often due to muscle relaxation, the excretion of feces worsens.
  2. Bad breath... This indicates putrefactive or fermentation processes in the intestines.
  3. Nausea... If you feel sick in the early stages of pregnancy, then most likely it is toxicosis. Particular attention should be paid to nausea in the third trimester. It can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  4. Constant gassing... In this case, the pregnant woman often escapes gases. This symptom allows you to quickly diagnose bloating and relieve the patient's condition.
  5. Cramping pain... When probing the uterus, no tension is felt. Accordingly, bloating is to blame for the contractions.

What to do with bloating in pregnant women

There are many ways to treat bloating, but because of pregnancy, most drugs are contraindicated. In an interesting position, medications are prescribed that have a minimum list of contraindications.

What can pregnant women with bloating from medications

In most cases, with increased gas production, silicone-based drugs are prescribed. They change the number of gas bubbles, thereby facilitating their destruction. The gas molecules that are released as a result of the destruction of the bubbles are excreted by the intestinal walls.

List of medicines for treating bloating in pregnant women:

  • Espumisan... This is a drug based on simethicone, a complex silicone compound. It is worth noting that the drug does not enter into any chemical reactions, its action is associated with the physical properties of the simethicone molecule, which reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles. The drug can be administered in the form of capsules or syrup. It has practically no side effects, since it is excreted from the body in an unchanged state.
  • Iberogast... A very effective herbal preparation. There are no chemical components in its composition, so the medicine can be considered safe. It is worth noting that some of its components can cause the tone of the uterus. Accordingly, the drug is not prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage. The drug is produced in the form of drops, which have a relatively pleasant taste. It is used to treat gastritis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Methiospasm... This is a combined preparation based on simethicone and alverin citrate. Usually, the medicine is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as simethicone molecules do not enter into chemical reactions with the body's amino acids.
  • Sub Simplex... The medicine is made on the basis of simethicone. It is not absorbed into the intestinal walls. The drug destroys gas bubbles by reducing their surface tension. Accordingly, the distention and pain due to gas disappears.
  • Ecoflor... This is a combined preparation based on bifido and lactobacilli. In addition, the composition of the drug contains enterosbent, which absorbs the decay products formed during the process of decay or fermentation. Helps restore normal intestinal microflora. Made in such a way that probiotics are not destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach and are characterized by maximum efficiency.
  • Trilact... It is a liquid extract of lactic acid bacteria that can reduce the production of gas bubbles. This is due to the normalization of the microflora in the intestine. The drug is safe, as it is similar to the natural microflora in the intestine. Used to treat dysbiosis.
  • Linex... This drug is also a mixture of lactobacilli. These substances normalize the state of microflora in the intestine and help to reduce gas formation. Over time, bloating disappears precisely due to a decrease in the number of gas bubbles that form as a result of decay or fermentation processes.

What can pregnant women drink from bloating from folk remedies

In most cases, traditional medicine recipes are safe enough. They help to improve the evacuation of gases. But it's worth noting that some herbs can cause premature birth. Therefore, before using any folk remedy, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Traditional medicine recipes for bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Dill... Dill water is often prescribed to reduce bloating and reduce gas. The product can be purchased at the pharmacy. This is very convenient as the fennel seeds are already crushed and packed in filter bags. But if desired, dill water can be prepared from unmilled seeds. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the product with 500 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 20 minutes. After that, filter the tincture and take 150-170 ml before each meal.
  2. Parsley root... Clean the spine and wash it under running water. Chop in a meat grinder or chop with a knife. Place the shavings in a bowl and pour in 250 ml of cold water. It is best to use purified. After the root has stood for 20 minutes, put the mixture on low heat and heat. You do not need to boil the product. Strain the liquid and take a sip every 60 minutes. This agent actively reduces gas formation.
  3. Dandelion root... Dandelion roots contain a lot of bitterness, which improves liver function and helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Grind the dandelion root with a grater. You can grind the raw materials in a blender. Pour in 240 ml of cold water. Leave for a day and then strain. Take 40-50 ml every two hours. This remedy stimulates the work of the stomach and internal organs.
  4. Collection of herbs... To prepare the broth, mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint and one spoonful of fennel and valerian. Stir the ingredients and pour 230 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of raw materials. Simmer the herbs for 2-3 minutes over low heat and cool. Strain the composition and take 120 ml in the morning and at bedtime. Valerian soothes and fennel reduces flatulence.
  5. Ginger... This root has recently been actively used in the preparation of drinks and baked goods. But it can also help improve digestion. This is due to the plant's antibacterial properties. Is it necessary to dissolve after eating? a teaspoon of dry ginger. You can add fresh root shavings to your tea.
  6. Potato... Potato juice has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. It is necessary to peel the root vegetables and rinse in cold water. Finely chop the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Take 120 ml of potato juice in the morning and before bed. It is advisable to do this before meals. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  7. Caraway... You need to pour a handful of cumin seeds in 550 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Leave to infuse for 2 hours and strain. Take 70 ml every 60 minutes. The product reduces gas formation and has antibacterial properties.
  8. Mint... Pour a handful of dry herbs into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Wrap the container with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Take instead of regular tea. You can add lemon and sugar to enhance the taste.
  9. Bran... Oat bran is excellent at removing feces from the intestines. With regular emptying, the risk of bloating is reduced. You should take 2 tablespoons a day of chopped oat bran. They can be poured with yogurt or kefir.
  10. chamomile... It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with boiling water and let stand for 3 hours. After that, the broth is filtered. It is enough to take 50 ml before each meal. This will reduce bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines.
How to treat bloating - watch the video:

Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to worry about changes in her body. And although they are not yet visible externally, but the sensations of a pregnant woman are often not pleasant. Bloating, toxicosis, heartburn and fatigue: all these are the first signs of a pregnancy in the very early stages. In this publication, we will dwell in more detail on the first sign - bloating in the first trimester. About the rest of the symptoms.

Why does bloating occur in pregnant women?

In 99% of cases, there are several causes of bloating in early pregnancy and they affect the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) of a woman at the same time.

It is worth knowing that gas and a feeling of bloating are a normal process for a healthy person, so medications are used very rarely in this case.

The main causes of flatulence while waiting for a baby

  • Enzymatic pancreatic insufficiency. In this case, a woman feels bloating, heartburn, discomfort in the abdomen, belching and diarrhea often occur. This enzyme deficiency is primary (if a woman does not control her diet and often overeats, or she has pancreatitis) and secondary (begins in those expectant mothers who have a lack of bile salts - liver cirrhosis, cholestasis). The development of enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas is facilitated by intestinal dysbiosis, heart failure, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and pregnancy. Read about the treatment at the end of the publication.
  • An increase in the level of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) in a woman's blood. This hormone helps to reduce the muscle tone of all internal organs. This leads to congestion in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result - flatulence, constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

Treatment and prevention

You can get rid of bloating in the first months of waiting for your baby. To do this, you must follow some rules of proper nutrition: eat in small portions 4-6 times a day, avoiding foods that can cause flatulence. What kind of products they are, look at the infogram.

This does not mean that all these food products should be completely excluded from the diet. Just remember that moderation is your main weapon against bloating.

Exercise also helps to improve digestion. So that you know what kind of load will not be harmful in the early stages, we have prepared a number of exercises specifically for expectant mothers.

Proper nutrition and physical activity in the complex will certainly give an effect in the form of proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improving mood.

IMPORTANT! If you experience swelling abruptly and does not go away for several days, be sure to consult a specialist for advice.

Espumisan or Smecta are also used to treat bloating. If, in addition to flatulence, you are worried about the heaviness in the abdomen, then Pancreatin, Mezim or Festal are taken to improve digestion. Remember that self-medication can be dangerous to your health and the condition of your child, so consult your doctor before using any medication.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unique time in the life of every woman. Carrying a child is hard work, and it is associated not only with anxiety for his health, but also with troubles in the well-being of the expectant mother. In the later stages, this is discomfort from a strongly grown abdomen and heartburn; in the early stages, women are often tormented by toxicosis, drowsiness, and bloating and increased gas production can annoy for all nine months.

Bloating during pregnancy is especially troublesome because it interferes with a normal life. And in an interesting position, a woman is disturbed by any unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of flatulence in pregnant women

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

All of them, in one way or another, are associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. There are the following reasons:

  • Progesterone

In the early stages, the hormone progesterone is produced in large quantities. It is needed in order to prevent the body from rejecting the fetus. It depends on the amount of progesterone whether the woman has a strong uterine tone and whether there is a threat of miscarriage. The more progesterone, the less likely you are to have problems keeping the pregnancy. But there is also the second side of the coin - the hormone relaxes not only the uterus, but also all the smooth muscles. Intestinal peristalsis slows down for a while, gases linger in it, and the pregnant woman suffers from bloating.

  • Enzymatic deficiency

During pregnancy, a double load falls on the pancreas. Its enzymatic deficiency may occur. Her symptoms are as follows: in addition to bloating, a woman is worried about frequent stools, belching, heartburn. Pregnant women should take care of their pancreas and follow a diet. The risk of developing enzymatic insufficiency is especially high in women with disorders of the endocrine system.

  • Fetal growth

Bloating torments pregnant women not only in the early, but also in the later stages. This is due to the rapid increase in fetal weight. The growing uterus displaces all nearby organs, taking up all the space in the abdominal cavity. It also compresses the intestines, which are already relaxed by the effects of progesterone. It is difficult for processed food and gases to move through the squeezed intestines, colic and bloating occur.

  • Non-compliance with the diet

If a pregnant woman consumes a lot of gas-forming products, she will invariably suffer from flatulence. These products traditionally include cabbage, beans and other legumes, rye bread. They will lead to bloating and large amounts of raw vegetables and fruits. Fatty foods will also cause discomfort. Heavy meals will also put a strain on the pancreas, provoking enzyme deficiency. Insufficient fluid intake can also be attributed to negative factors. This is fraught with constipation, which is especially dangerous in the early stages. A pregnant woman should not suffer from thirst, but, of course, the use of carbonated drinks is prohibited.

  • Often, problems with digestion and flatulence in pregnant women are triggered by iron preparations prescribed to raise hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Twisting the stomach can also be on the basis of nerves. During pregnancy, a woman is anxious and suspicious, because she is responsible for the life and health of the baby inside her.

Flatulence during pregnancy: treatment

Despite the fact that bloating in women in a position is a completely natural phenomenon, you can cope with it. There are several ways to fix it:

  • Taking medications

There are various drugs designed to treat colic and bloating, which are called carminative. Most often they are prescribed to infants suffering from infant colic. During pregnancy, the use of such drugs is allowed, but, of course, before using them, you need to read the instructions or consult a doctor. Carminative agents are based on simethicone. It is a harmless substance that is not absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps gases escape more easily and reduces their amount. If bloating is caused by iron supplements, oral (oral) administration may be substituted for injections.

  • Correct diet

Pregnancy is a great reason to start eating right. Replacing fatty and fried for boiled and stewed will benefit not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the whole body.

  • Folk remedies

You can also resort to another remedy traditionally used for bloating in children - dill water. It's easy to do. Dill (fennel) seeds should be boiled and consumed in small amounts throughout the day.

  • Activity

The pregnant woman should move enough. Often, being in a position, a woman does not feel well, but moderate physical activity is something that is worth spending time and effort on. Special exercises in the morning, yoga classes for pregnant women will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Bloating in pregnant women is common, but by identifying the causes of bloating correctly, symptoms can be quickly dealt with.