Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowflake out of paper. Snowflakes from wooden corks. Elegant snowflake made of paper modules

DIY snowflakes are the most affordable and simple New Year decor for your home, school or workplace. You can make them from the most ordinary paper by cutting out according to ready-made templates and diagrams, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet. You can also make a beautiful large and voluminous snowflake or using the quilling technique, origami. Moreover, in addition to white paper, newspaper sheets, pages of an old book or an unnecessary music book are also suitable as source material. Such non-standard material, especially if artificially aged with coffee, will give the finished craft a special charm. As for the manufacturing technique, most of the New Year's snowflake master classes are quite simple and can be played even by children, for example, as part of a labor lesson at school. In our today's article, we have collected for you a whole selection of original templates and patterns for cutting beautiful paper snowflakes for adults and children. In addition, here you will find interesting step-by-step master classes with photos of snowflakes, as well as videos with lessons on how to make them yourself.

Simple New Year's snowflake 2017 made of paper with your own hands for children, master class

First, we suggest that you master a very simple do-it-yourself New Year paper snowflake master class for children. It is so affordable that it is even suitable for a kindergarten. To make this simple New Year's paper snowflake with your own hands for children, you can use both plain white paper and colored sheets. Thin corrugated paper is also perfect.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY paper snowflake for children

  • A4 sheet
  • scissors
  • markers
  • Scotch
  • stapler
  • decor (sequins, rhinestones, buttons)

Instructions for a master class of New Year's snowflakes for children with their own hands

  1. We cut the sheet into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 15-20 cm long. The number of strips will determine how voluminous the craft will be in the end.
  2. We wind each strip on a felt-tip pen or marker, securing the edges with paper tape.
  3. We leave the blanks for at least an hour so that they take a wave-like shape.
  4. We remove the paper strips from the felt-tip pens and connect with each other using an asterisk-shaped stapler.
  5. We decorate the ugly joint with bright sequins, beads or rhinestones. Also, if you wish, you can add pieces of New Year's rain or glue confetti. Ready!

Volumetric snowflake 2017 do it yourself from paper, a master class with a photo

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes are considered one of the most difficult in technique. However, if you have at your fingertips detailed instructions with step-by-step photos, as in our next master class, then you should not be afraid of difficulties. We assure you that after the first self-made voluminous snowflake made of paper with your own hands, the rest of the copies will "go like clockwork." See for yourself by following the instructions below.

Do-it-yourself materials for a volumetric paper snowflake

  • A4 sheet
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

DIY instructions for a master class of volumetric paper snowflakes

  1. For the next craft, you will need a rectangular sheet with the following parameters: length - 25 centimeters, width - 18 centimeters.
  2. We bend the lower left corner of the sheet inward, as in the photo below.
  3. Cut off the extra edge to make an isosceles triangle.
  4. Fold the triangle in half.

  5. With scissors on the tight side of the fold, we make two shallow cuts, as in the next photo.
  6. We unfold the workpiece so that we get a rhombus with notches. We connect the inner corners of the central incision with each other using tape or glue.

    On a note! If you use glue, be sure to additionally fix the workpiece, for example, with a clothespin, until it dries completely.

  7. We repeat the procedure with the next cut edges, fixing them in the opposite direction with the first workpiece.
  8. The edges of the last cut will also be fastened together, but in the opposite direction.
  9. The result should be the following construction.
  10. For one voluminous snowflake, you will need from 6 to 8 such blanks. They can be made in different colors to add color to the craft.
  11. Using tape or glue, we fix all the blanks according to the template below.

Beautiful large snowflakes 2017 with your own hands from paper - in stages with a photo

You can make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands for decor and quite large sizes. Such decor will certainly attract everyone's attention and will become an interesting interior solution on the eve of the New Year. Learn how to make a beautiful large snowflake with your own hands out of paper in stages from our next master class.

Necessary materials for a large do-it-yourself paper snowflake

  • A4 sheet
  • Ruler and pencil
  • clothespins
  • christmas garland, glitters

Instructions for a step-by-step master class of a large beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. First you need to cut 20 thin paper strips, 10 strips on each side. The longer they are, the larger the finished craft will be. Then we lay out five strips in a row with small intervals, and on top we lay out five others according to the braiding principle.
  2. We turn the resulting workpiece so that it lies in front of us in the form of the letter "X". Now we connect the adjacent strips first, and then the extreme strips and glue them. Fasten the top with clothespins until completely dry.
  3. We repeat with each side. As a result, one strip should remain on each side, forming a thin cross.
  4. Leave the workpiece to dry completely for about half an hour. Then we remove the clothespins and move on to the second identical part of the craft.
  5. Connect both pieces together by rotating the bottom of the snowflake 45 degrees. Now the loose strips can be fastened with the ready-made beams.
  6. We glue them with glue and fix them with clothespins, leave them to dry completely.
  7. It remains to decorate the finished snowflake. This can be done with pieces of Christmas garland and sparkles.

    On a note! Broken Christmas tree decorations can be used instead of store sequins. To do this, carefully crush a glass toy wrapped in a thick cloth with a rolling pin. The resulting crumb must be mixed with transparent glue and then used to decorate crafts.

    Snowflake 2017 from a book for the New Year with your own hands, a step-by-step master class

    In the next step-by-step master class, we will make snowflakes for the New Year with our own hands from an old book. This is a great way to breathe new life into its yellowed pages. Calling a snowflake from a book for the New Year with your own hands (step-by-step master class below) is not a simple children's craft. Small children will definitely not cope with it. It is rather a master class for creative adults who do not perceive the making of New Year's decorations solely as child's play. On the contrary, they are happy to create beautiful and exclusive decor elements.

    Necessary materials for a snowflake from a book for the New Year

    • book sheets
    • sequins
    • ruler and pencil
    • scissors
    • fishing line or thick thread

    Instructions for a step-by-step master class snowflakes from a book for the New Year

    1. First you need to line the book sheets into strips of 2 centimeters wide.
    2. For one side, you will need 7 such strips: 1 in the full length of the page, two are 2 centimeters shorter, two more are 2 cm shorter than the previous ones, and two stripes are 6 centimeters shorter than the first.
    3. Fold the longest strip in half in a loop, gluing the bottom edges together. On the sides, you need to fold the strips shorter, also gluing their lower parts, as in the photo below.
    4. Repeat similar manipulations with the remaining strips and fix them under heavy pressure, for example, a table lamp.
    5. When the workpiece dries up, you should additionally fix its edges with a thin fishing line. In general, you will need 6-8 such blanks for one snowflake.
    6. Cut the book sheet again into strips of equal length. Cut and roll into a tight ring, tie with fishing line. The ring can also be additionally coated with transparent glue.
    7. After complete drying, you should proceed to the connection of the craft. To do this, tightly coat the end of the workpiece with glue and connect it to the ring.

    8. We repeat with each piece.
    9. To better fasten the snowflake, we glue the extreme loops of the adjacent rays of the snowflake with glue.
    10. Small sparkles are suitable as a decor, which should be applied to the side edges of the snowflake. You can also use pieces of garland, sequins, small beads.
    11. Then you need to make a loop of fishing line so that you can attach the snowflake, for example, to a Christmas tree. Ready!

    DIY origami paper snowflake for children, master class

    The art of origami is multifaceted and difficult, but with the correct instructions in this technique, you can do it yourself and a fairly simple craft, for example, a children's snowflake. True, to be frank to the end, the next master class with a photo, made exclusively in the origami technique, cannot be called. In it, for a children's paper snowflake with their own hands, in addition to the origami technique, threads with scissors will also be used.

    Necessary materials for origami children's snowflakes for the New Year

    • thick colored sheet
    • pencil and ruler
    • needle and thread
    • scissors

    Instructions for a master class for children's snowflakes using origami technique

    1. To begin with, we cut out a strip 5-7 cm wide and about 20 cm long. Using a pencil and a ruler, we make notes on each centimeter along the length. Cut out an imitation of a "fence" from above, as shown in the photo. Draw small rhombuses in the middle of the resulting columns. Then we mark the middle of each centimeter with dots and pierce them with a thin needle.
    2. Now we take a ruler and place it on top of the first line dividing our “fence” section in half. Gently bend the workpiece inward, and then remove the ruler and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same with each section. As a result, you should get an accordion, as in the photo below.
    3. We hold the accordion tightly with the fingers of one hand and with scissors cut out the previously marked rhombuses in the middle of each section.
    4. We take a needle and thread and carefully thread it through the small holes that we have already pierced with the needle two steps back.

      On a note! The thread must be taken tight so that it holds the finished structure tightly!

    5. When the thread has already passed through all the points, we re-enter it into the first hole to close the structure.
    6. We remove the needle and begin to gradually pull the thread until a tight ring is formed. We tie the thread to a knot, and put a coil on top of the snowflake to straighten it.
    7. From the remaining thread we form a loop and our children's snowflake is ready! And for those who want to master the pure origami technique for creating snowflakes, we have selected a video tutorial with a step-by-step diagram below.

    DIY openwork snowflake using DIY quilling technique, master class with photo

    Quilling is the real art of weaving amazingly beautiful handicrafts and cards from simple strips of paper. With the help of the quilling technique, you can create really unique openwork snowflakes with your own hands, a direct confirmation of which is our next master class with step-by-step photos. But the most surprising thing is that by swapping individual details and adding new elements, you can create several different openwork snowflakes with your own hands using the quilling technique according to one general scheme.

    Required materials for an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique

    • pencil and ruler
    • scissors
    • glue and brush

    Instructions for a master class of openwork snowflakes in the quilling technique

    1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, you need to outline the sheet. To do this, along the width of the sheet, we make marks of 0.5 cm and draw lines along the entire length. Then we cut out the strips with scissors.
    2. To form rolls you need an awl. We wind the strip on it quite tightly, and then let the roll unfold a little and glue the edge to its base.
    3. At the base of the snowflake there will be one round element and six drop-shaped rolls. To get an element in the form of a drop, you need to lightly squeeze one edge of the round roll with your fingers. We connect the structure with glue.
    4. Now add six eye rolls to the base. We will also make them from round rolls, but by flattening both edges with our fingers. We glue the "eyes" between the drops according to the pattern below.
    5. Now we need small rolls, so we fold the standard strip in half and cut it into two parts. Twist a small round roll from each small strip. To get started, you need six of these elements.
    6. Glue small rolls along the edges of the elements in the form of a cat's eye.
    7. We roll six standard large rolls.
    8. We glue them to the drop-shaped elements, as shown in the diagram below.
    9. Now we need six square rolls. We will form them from standard round ones, slightly flattening the sides into a square shape.
    10. Glue the squares to large round elements, having previously turned them into the shape of rhombuses.
    11. It remains to twist a large round roll according to the standard scheme and glue it to the top of our craft. Let the snowflake dry completely and thread it through a large roll. Ready!

    How to cut a New Year's snowflake 2017 from paper with your own hands, diagrams and templates

    The easiest way to make a New Year's snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper using a ready-made template or pattern. Such simple, but at the same time very beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes are available primarily for children's creativity. However, there are quite complex schemes with which you can make even large and voluminous decorative snowflakes, which, in their originality, will not be inferior to crafts using the origami or quilling technique. Do you want to know how to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Then a selection of photo templates and schemes for adults and children, as well as video tutorials, you will find below.

The most popular and magical holiday - the New Year - awaits us soon. This is a great time to be creative. Of course, you can buy jewelry and toys in the store, but it's better to make them yourself.

Windows are already being decorated in apartments and public institutions,. Another common way to decorate is snowflakes - this is the most popular New Year's attribute.

In the previous article, I already talked about. And today we will consider a few step-by-step instructions for making volumetric snowflakes.

It may seem that this is a complicated process, but even children can make such decor. So get your family together in your free time and get creative.

To begin with, consider one of the simplest ways to make a New Year's accessory. Colored paper can be used as material. If you have a white leaf, then, if you wish, paint the finished snowflake.

The result will be like this:

Fold a sheet of paper in A4 format in half lengthwise. Smooth the bend by hand.

Now, on either side, bend the sheet by 1.5-2 cm. Do not forget to iron the folds. After that, we turn the workpiece over and also bend a couple of centimeters. That is, we make a kind of accordion.

We cut the resulting workpiece lengthwise. As a result, we have two harmonicas at the output.

On each craft, we draw a pattern, which is shown in the photo below. Then we cut out the paper along the marked lines.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then the unfolded blanks should look like this:

Grease the ends of the paper with a pencil and glue. Then we glue both parts of the future snowflake to form a kind of ring.

Now we carefully turn the ring inside out and our craft is ready. When you acquire the skills, then you will need a couple of minutes, no more.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple volumetric snowflake

You can make a paper Christmas decoration in another simple way. We'll need regular sheets and glue, as well as a little patience. Involve your children in the creative process.

Now we will learn how to make such a snowflake:

We make a perfect square from a regular sheet of paper. To do this, fold it diagonally, connecting two opposite sides to make a triangle. We cut off the lower part with scissors and put it aside, it will still be useful to us.

We bend the second sheet in half, and cut it into two equal parts.

We make squares from the two halves by analogy with the first sheet. That is, we bend them diagonally and cut off the lower part.

From the strip that we have left from the first sheet, we use the same principle to make two more small squares. As a result, we should have five blanks.

We fold the largest triangle twice, then bend it diagonally to the opposite side. Turn over and obliquely cut off part of the workpiece along the line to the opposite corner.

Now we make longitudinal lines with scissors, without cutting the workpiece to the end by 1 cm.

We do the same with the rest of the shapes. Then we unfold our snowflakes. Apply glue to the center of the largest craft and attach the middle craft, and then the smallest one. We turn over and on the other side we also glue two blanks.

New Year's decor element is ready to decorate the room

How to make beautiful paper snowflakes with your own hands

Anyone can make an original craft for the winter holiday. This is a fun activity, so you won't even notice how the time flies by and you will have several accessories to decorate your room.

We need five sheets of paper, scissors and a glue stick. The craft will consist of 5 parts, so we will consider how to make one of them, and the rest in a similar way.

On the short side, fold the sheet. You don't need to smooth out the bend, just put a mark, pinching the paper with your fingers, from above and below.

We bend one side of the sheet to the mark with an overlap of 1 cm. We also bend the other side with an overlap.

On one side, apply a strip of glue with a pencil, and glue the other side of the sheet to it.

We measure 2 cm from each, and use a ruler to make folds.

Now the formed folds need to be bent inward to look like in the photo below.

At the next stage, fold the workpiece in half.

We put a point in the center of the strip, then mark 9.5 cm on the right side, and 5.5 cm on the left. After that we draw lines along the marks.

We got a double bag so that the workpiece does not fall apart, we glue it.

After that, we make cuts along the marked lines. We cut off the excess parts of the workpiece.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then you should get such a voluminous blank of the future snowflake.

We do the same four more parts. The first one can be used as a template to cut corners.

Now we need to glue all the pieces together. To do this, apply horizontal and vertical stripes with glue. Make sure that all corners match.

Let's wait a bit until the glue adheres well. And then it remains to unfold the snowflake and glue it.

For decoration, you can use sequins, colored markers, beads. In general, turn on your imagination to create a beautiful craft.

Templates and schemes of volumetric snowflakes for cutting on windows

To design window openings, you can use not simple stencils, but volumetric attributes. Making them is not as difficult as it might seem.

To make the snowflakes look voluminous, you need to choose a stencil, download several copies and fix them in the middle with thread or glue.

And here are the options for the templates that you can download or print by clicking on the icon at the end of the subtitle.

Click on the PDF file below and a new window will open where you can click on the download button or on the printer icon to print the images.

If you can paint, try creating a beautiful stencil yourself. And if you want to decorate the windows with the symbol of the next year, then use it.

Step-by-step production of volumetric paper snowflakes

Let's look at another interesting option for making a New Year's decoration. Like previous technologies, this method is quite simple, so even children can cope with the task.

In almost all cases, we need an equilateral square to make a snowflake. Therefore, we fold a sheet of paper in A4 format diagonally and cut off the extra strip.

Fold the resulting triangle in half twice. As a result, we have such a blank.

Now we cut out the workpiece in a circle, starting from the corner on the opening side, and ending with the closed side, not reaching 2-3 cm to the opposite corner.

In the same way, we make two more cuts. We make another one of the same blank.

We carefully unfold the craft. Glue the ends of the middle strips to the center of the template.

On the reverse side, we glue the second part of the snowflake so that its rays are between the edges of the first part, as shown in the photo, and we also glue the middle strip of the lower part to the center of the snowflake.

The volumetric craft is ready. It can be used as a stand-alone decoration, to create garlands or to be glued to windows.

How easy it is to make a 3D snowflake with your own hands

Beautiful decor can be done in just a couple of minutes. Several such voluminous decorations will help to decorate the interior for the winter holidays. We need 2 A4 sheets, glue, scissors and a regular rubber band.

On the two long sides of the paper we make marks of 2.6 cm.Then we fold the sheet with an accordion, and cut off the excess part.

We do the same with the second sheet. After that, mark the middle of the workpiece and draw a template.

Now we cut along the marked lines. Bend the accordion in the middle and use the first half as a template for drawing lines and cut out. We make the second part of the snowflake in the same way.

We fasten both blanks with an elastic band and glue them.

Now we unfold the snowflake and glue it around the edges to fix it in this state.

If you wish, you can stick glitter or beads on the craft.

Video with a master class on creating volumetric snowflakes from paper

To understand how to make a more complex accessory for the New Year, watch the video with step-by-step instructions. The whole process will take you no more than a quarter of an hour.

I tried to find the simplest ways to create New Year's snowflakes. And remember, "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." One has only to start the creative process, and you yourself will not notice how you will have several voluminous crafts ready that will help create a festive atmosphere.

To make a beautiful snowflake out of paper, you should stock up on ready-made templates in advance to create a pattern. Of course, you can cut paper without using special schemes, but this method is only suitable for those who already have a certain experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple; for this, a sheet of paper must be folded in half so that a triangle is formed. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a prepared template. This one can be used to create traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper twice in half with a triangle, and then one more time obliquely. Octagonal snowflakes look more elegant, but they are harder to cut due to the more layers of paper.

Schemes for cutting paper snowflakes

Instead of plain white paper, you can use tissue paper, tissue paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement the festive decor. From light paper snowflakes, you can make a great garland or stretch with threads hanging down. You can also decorate a New Year's card or gift wrap with a homemade snowflake. Snowflakes made of a denser material will be the perfect decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful pasta snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sequins, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake using quilling technique

Quilling(paper rolling) - is the name of the direction in art associated with the manufacture of flat or volumetric figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique, you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • brush;

  • glue;

  • awl.

Snowflakes are considered one of the most beloved New Year's decorations. It is very easy to make them yourself from a regular sheet of paper. They will not only decorate the apartment on the New Year's holiday or take their place on the New Year's tree. Making New Year's snowflakes is also very interesting for both children and adults. And the festive mood that they will create cannot be compared with anything.

There are many ways to create these amazing paper decorations. Snowflakes are ordinary flat openwork, as well as voluminous. Some craftsmen create them using origami technology. And their patterns are so diverse that it is difficult to make two identical snowflakes out of paper. It only takes a little imagination to create your own unique masterpiece.

This method is known to many since school, when before New Year's matinees, children in the classroom were told how to cut a snowflake out of paper. To do this, you need to take an ordinary white sheet, fold it several times, and then apply a pattern on it and cut it out with scissors.

To make the snowflake beautiful, it is better to take a square sheet of paper and then fold it to make a triangle. Then the outer edge of the workpiece must be cut to shape the future snowflake. There are a lot of options here. You can cut the edge of the workpiece in a semicircle, in a straight line, in a zigzag, in a wavy line. It all depends on what form the master chose for the future craft.

After shaping, you can start creating the pattern. First, it is better to apply the pattern to the paper with a simple pencil. Do not put too much pressure on the pencil, let the drawing be barely noticeable. Then, if necessary, before cutting out the snowflakes, you can correct it, erase it with an eraser. The pattern can then be carefully cut with scissors. It should be noted that a pencil will only be needed for the first two or three crafts. Then you can create a variety of patterns without drawing them, but immediately cutting them out of paper.

After the pattern is cut out, you need to unfold the paper. This should be done carefully so as not to break the openwork craft. Usually, after this, the product needs to be smoothed. To do this, you can use a warm iron. This is the easiest way to make a snowflake out of paper. Usually, window panes are pasted over with such openwork flat snowflakes. They can be easily glued to glass with soap or paste. A room with windows designed in this way becomes mysterious and festive.

How to make a snowflake more original and beautiful? There are many tricks you can use to give your paper snowflake a more decorative look. You can use a decorative hole punch to get neat, uniform holes. These holes can be positioned along the edges, which will give the snowflake a beautiful airy and complete look. And there are also special decorator scissors, with the help of which the edges of the craft are given an elegant wavy shape.

How to cut paper snowflakes

Most often, plain white paper is taken for snowflakes. And it is ideal if, after production, the products will be painted. You can also choose colored paper. Snowflakes of different colors will look very original.

Before making paper snowflakes, it is better to choose the necessary material. Any not very thick colored paper will do. You can also use velvet or satin paper. Snowflakes cut from the pages of old magazines also look interesting. But you need to choose bright colored pages.

The material for these crafts should hold its shape well. For this reason, you should not choose corrugated paper or napkins. They sag and tear easily. But it is worth trying to cut a snowflake from foil, because the finished shiny craft will look amazingly beautiful. But the foil breaks very easily. How to make foil snowflakes? There is an easy way. Place a sheet of foil between the sheets of newspaper and then cut out the pattern. Then you need to carefully unfold the craft, and the newspaper can be thrown away.

For round snowflakes, you can look for ready-made round blanks. Coffee filters are perfect. To make a round craft, the filter is folded several times, and then a beautiful pattern is cut out of it with sharp scissors.

How to make paper snowflakes and decorate

To make a paper snowflake a great decoration, it is not enough just to cut it out of paper. There is still work to be done here. Making snowflakes with your own hands from white paper is only half the battle. Then the craft is painted in bright colors. Felt-tip pens or watercolors are perfect for this. Multi-colored snowflakes look much more attractive than white ones, even if they are very beautifully carved. You can also stock up on paints in special cans, and some experts use multi-colored nail polishes to paint snowflakes. So you can even make a pearl snowflake, which will look very impressive.

There are many other ways to decorate these paper crafts. For example, applying glue to the surface of the product, you can then sprinkle sparkles on the snowflake. And you can attach colorful beads or small beads to their surface. These will be crafts that can be used to decorate even a New Year's gift.

How to make paper snowflakes

Flat openwork snowflakes from a sheet of paper are not the only way to make these decorations. You can make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands, which are much more beautiful and spectacular than usual. It's easy to create them. This requires 6 sheets of paper, sharp scissors, glue and a stapler. Their manufacturing technology is simple. Each ray of the snowflake is made separately, and then they are connected with a stapler. To make a really beautiful and festive volumetric snowflake, you need to study the instructions well and practice a little. Any paper is suitable for it: colored, velvet or plain white.

It is very easy to create a voluminous snowflake in another way. You can make several of the same openwork flat snowflakes, and then glue their edges. Elements of such a craft can be cut out of multi-colored sheets of paper. This snowflake can even be used as a Christmas tree decoration.

Origami snowflakes

Making origami decoration is the hardest part. Many people unfamiliar with the origami technique may feel that they cannot do this. Indeed, making such a snowflake can take a lot of time, but if you figure out how to make paper snowflakes using the origami technique, the result will be a wonderful volumetric paper decoration.

This is where training is needed. Therefore, it is best to use regular printer paper first. When mastery appears, you can make a snowflake from a thin translucent material. Such decoration will look much more beautiful and graceful.

Snowflakes for the New Year can be made with your own hands, it is easy and quick to do from paper. To do this, you can use various step-by-step diagrams, cutouts and stencils. You can come up with your own unique patterns. Various New Year's crafts, tinsel, glowing garlands add festivity, bring a touch of magic and fabulousness. For the New Year, it is advisable to make many different snowflakes and decorate the whole house with them.

What kind of a snowy beauty will turn out depends only on the flight of your imagination. It can be small or large, delicate carved or made of cardboard. You can also design patterns yourself and create like Santa Claus, because he always has all the snowflakes different :)) By the way, the most beautiful are those created by nature and you can get these ideas from her. What admiration we have for the frozen windows, painted by Santa Claus himself! After all, it exists! In our childhood memories, fairy tales! And this fairy tale must be brought to life! What a New Year holiday if there is no magic in it, and there is no miracle!

To create a festive atmosphere, using a large number of snowflakes, you can make a garland, decorate the tree and walls. The sizes can be very different. If we are decorating a Christmas tree, then the size of the snow beauties should increase from top to bottom. Small and medium - we decorate windows, walls, Christmas tree, ceiling. And next to large, voluminous ones, you can even take pictures and post a report on social networks :))

New Year is a family holiday, perhaps one of the most beloved and we all look forward to it, decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house. And we will definitely participate with the whole family, we do not let anyone shirk! :)) Perfectly decorate the house with your own hands, with your own crafts - snowflakes are great for this.

In previous articles, we considered. In this article, we will look at how to give a beautiful and festive look to our home, office, room using snowflakes. Also, various stencils of fairy-tale characters, beautiful houses, templates in the form of a pig or our beloved Piggy are perfect.

A round dance of snow beauties can decorate anything: garlands, candles, tablecloths and gift wrapping, mirrors and plates. To create a light and delicate atmosphere, they can be hung from the ceiling, it is advisable to hang them at different levels on thin threads, so that each of them "floats" in the air. The main thing is to show imagination.

Snowflakes for the New 2019 with their own hands from paper (stencils)

Snowflakes for the New Year can be easily and beautifully made out of paper. To do this, you need to download stencils-pictures directly from the article and print, or you can simply copy from the monitor screen. :)) Fold the paper according to the drawn lines, cut out the patterns and that's it - you're done! So let's get started. We choose the stencils that we liked. :)) With the help of simple patterns, geometric shapes, we will create beautiful holiday crafts.

Children can also take part in carving out snow beauties, they will be happy to help you. To make it easier to navigate how to cut them out, let's watch a very short video:

Stencil number 1

This snowy beauty is reminiscent of the patterns created by nature on the window. Cut out according to the scheme.

Stencil number 2

Cut out rhombuses, triangles, as in the photo.

Stencil number 3

Such a snowflake resembles frost.

Stencil number 4

Cut out the squares.

Stencil number 5

We make a snowflake from rhombuses.

Stencil number 6

We create our masterpiece in the form of an openwork Christmas tree.

Stencil number 7

In this blank we have butterflies fluttering.

Stencil number 8

Cut out the triangles.

Stencil number 9

It turns out a star.

Stencil number 10

Making a snowflake - hearts.

Stencil number 11

We cut out the Christmas trees.

Stencils can be printed, or patterns can be drawn directly from the monitor. Or come up with your own masterpieces. :))

Volumetric snowflakes (3D) for the New Year with their own hands from paper - in stages

How to make voluminous paper snowflakes for the New Year? With diagrams, stencils, templates, detailed descriptions - it's very easy and fast. There are a lot of options, just a huge variety. Let's consider some of them - step by step, using diagrams, photos, videos, because it would seem that this simple process may seem difficult for someone, especially for children.

The voluminous snow beauties look very impressive and perfectly convey the fabulous winter atmosphere.

Volumetric snowflake-star

We will make the snowflake according to the scheme. We fold the piece of paper diagonally, make three slots on the side of the fold. We connect the two shortest ends. We unfold the blank with the wrong side. We glue the ends of the two middle stripes. We unfold the workpiece again and continue until all the ends are glued together. You get 6 blanks.

We glue all the blanks with the base to each other.

If you found it difficult to make this snowflake, you can watch the video and everything will become clear:

Carved volumetric snowflake

Such a snowflake turns out to be soft and fluffy, and children really like it.

For manufacturing, we use a sheet of double-sided colored paper, cut it off to make a square, fold it diagonally. Then we fold it three more times to make triangles.

You should have three sides and a common side of the fold.

We wrap the long end inward, cut off the resulting triangle.

We make even long cuts.

We carefully unfold the workpiece so that the fringe does not break.

To make the snowflakes voluminous, we make several of the same blanks (two or three) of a smaller size, we connect them in the center. Our voluminous beauty is ready!

If manufacturing seemed difficult to you, we can review the whole process step by step with the help of a video:

Snowflake in quilling technique

The volumetric snowflakes that we make using the quilling technique (the art of paper rolling) turn out to be very beautiful and festive. They can be made from newspapers, or from plain paper.

We prepare paper strips:

  • 8 pieces measuring 25 * 2 cm,
  • 16 pcs size 21 * 2cm
  • 16 pieces measuring 19 * 2 cm

But you can take other sizes, then the snowflake will turn out to be larger or smaller.

We glue the ends of each strip.

We form blanks.

Cut out a strip of paper 2 cm wide, wind it, for example, on nail polish :)) glue the ends and create the center of the snowflake.

Newspaper is thinner than paper, so you need to strip it in several layers to add thickness.

We combine everything into one product.

The creation of a volumetric snowflake can be viewed in stages using this video:

Multi-colored volumetric snowflake

We cut strips of two colors - 5 long, 10 medium, 10 short, as in the photo.

We connect: we glue the ends of a long strip, then on the sides we glue the middle strips to its ends.

Then comes the turn of short stripes. It turns out such a blank.

With a stapler or glue, we connect the blanks in the middle. In the center we glue a circle of paper, decorate with any pattern.

It turns out a voluminous snowy beauty!

Volumetric snowflake - ray

We need: 2 sheets (square) of paper of any color, for example - blue, glue, pencil, decoration - rhinestones can be used.

1. Cut the paper to make a square. Fold it diagonally.

2. Fold up two more times.

3. Draw three lines along which the cuts will pass, but not completely at the fold, since this will be the center of the snowflake.

4. Cut along the lines. At the bottom we will make triangular slots.

5. Expand the workpiece.

6. Bend and glue the middle stripes of each ray in the center.

7. We make the second snowflake in the same way.

8. We glue the blanks so that the rays are staggered. Glue the center well and decorate with rhinestones.

Volumetric accordion snowflake

1. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half.

3. Let's designate the center.

4. Draw three or four triangles on each side, round the edges and cut them out.

5. Repeat the same with one more sheet.

6. We connect two accordions together.

7. Straighten the snowflake, forming a circle.

8. Glue four parts together.

Prefabricated volumetric snowflake

You can use ready-made templates. We take several stencils, stitch, glue or fasten with a stapler.

The snowflake is ready!

Volumetric snowflake hedgehog

Such a snowflake is easy and simple to make, following the scheme in stages.

Volumetric curly snowflake - easy, simple and beautiful

On the vastness of our Internet, you can find many great ideas. I also really liked this snowflake.

We have considered the most popular and simple options for volumetric snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes - step by step diagrams (you can print or sketch)

Paper snowflakes according to ready-made schemes (stencils, templates) can be made very easily: you can print, or you can copy directly from the monitor screen, increasing or decreasing the scale of the blank to the desired size. And the photos will tell us how they will turn out, depending on one or another contour for cutting.

We fold the sheet of paper, cut it, as shown in the diagram. It turns out a folded triangle - this is a blank for a snowflake.

Consider ready-made templates, stencils and schemes of wonderful New Year's crafts, which you can easily save and print. We choose the options we like, print, cut and apply patterns on our blanks. With the help of such paper snowflakes, you can decorate windows, and make your whole house elegant and festive - after all, the New Year is ahead!

Templates (schemes) of snowflakes for printing:

Such templates can be printed, attached to the blanks, outlined with a simple pencil the patterns of the future snow beauty and cut out. These patterns can be used to make snowflakes on A4 sheets.

Template 1

Template 2

Template 3

Template 4

Template 5

We've covered many patterns and patterns for creating beautiful, graceful snowflakes!

Choosing, Cutting!

How to make paper snowflakes for New Year 2019 easily and quickly

Snowflakes for the New Year can be easily and quickly made out of paper. They are six-pointed, eight-pointed, and can also be quadrangular. Consider in stages, using a photo, the entire manufacturing process. Before cutting out the workpiece, you need to fold the sheet of paper correctly.

Six-pointed snowflakes:

Drawing ideas:

Eight-pointed snowflakes:

The thinner the pattern, the more delicate our snowy beauty will look:

It will turn out very nicely if you cut it out of colored paper or napkin:

It is worth noting that by trimming just a little closer or further, you can get a completely different result :))!

Choosing beautiful ones, cutting them out.

Snowflake stencils for cutting (you can print A4)

Consider stencils of beautiful snowflakes that can be quickly, easily and easily printed in A4 format, folded according to the pattern and cut out.

We fold a sheet of paper according to the scheme:

Choosing a stencil for cutting a snowflake:

Stencil 1

Stencil 2

Stencil 3

Stencil 4

Stencil 5

Stencil 6

Stencil 7

Stencil 8

Stencil 9

Stencil 10

Stencil 11

Stencil 12

Stencil 13

Stencil 14

Stencil 15

Thanks to these stencils, we can easily and quickly get snow beauties.

DIY paper snowflakes for the New Year - on the windows

The most common way to decorate windows for the New Year holidays is to stick openwork snowflakes, figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other festive attributes on them. You can use children's coloring pages and cut out the drawings you like from them. Decorations made of paper are attached to the window either with soapy water or with tape. Thanks to the luminous windows, our snow beauties, New Year's drawings look very beautiful from the street, and inside the premises they perfectly decorate our house, create warmth and comfort.

If you are good at drawing, you can place your paintings on the windows. If not, you can use cutting templates:

Templates for windows number 1

Template for windows No. 2

Template for windows no. 3

Window template No. 4

Template for windows No. 5

Template for windows no. 6

Template for windows No. 7

Window template No. 8

Window template No. 9

Template for windows No. 10

Template for windows No. 11

Window template No. 12

Window template No. 13

Window template No. 14

These are such beautiful windows that we can get for the New Year. These ideas can be found on our vast expanses of the Internet.))

This is the kind of magic you can do on windows!

To make your favorite snowflakes, New Year's pictures: copy, transfer to A4 sheet, increase to the desired size and print.

How to make beautiful carved snowflakes (photo)

When creating a warm, light atmosphere at home for the New Year, do not forget about its natural symbols - snowflakes. How to make beautiful and carved patterns on them? We can spy on their beauty in nature on frozen windows and draw on blanks. Or you can use ready-made schemes and templates.

Option 1. You can cut snowflakes by folding a sheet of paper and applying patterns according to patterns, there are a huge variety of them. Here is some of them:

Option 2. You can use stencils and cut out our snow beauty with a sharp mock knife. To do this, we need thick paper or cardboard, you can also use a laminate backing, as in the photo. The finished product can be smeared with glue, any decorations can be applied - sparkles, finely chopped napkins, rhinestones.

Choosing the most beautiful patterns! We create!

Happy holidays!

Paper cutting templates - with pigs

The symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), so it will be great to place the fashionista Pig or the adorable Piggy next to the snowflakes. Let's consider templates for cutting, using them we can easily, simply and quickly cope with this task :))

Template No. 1.

Template No. 2

Template No. 3.

Template No. 4.

Template No. 5

Template No. 6.

Template No. 7

Template No. 8.

Template No. 9.

Template No. 10

If you are good at drawing, you can portray the lovely Pig and the wonderful Piggy with friends. Or you can use coloring pages or stencils from the article.

Choose the template you like, print or copy from the monitor screen.

Do-it-yourself paper snowflakes for the New Year in kindergarten

Snowflakes for the New Year from paper for children can be easily made with your own hands. Such works of art :)) should be bright, cheerful and festive. We definitely paint children's crafts, decorate with everything that our imagination tells us - sparkles, cut rain, flowers, beads. To create them, we involve children so that the process takes place in an unforgettable expectation of a miracle. It also develops motor skills, accuracy. The child can cut paper blanks according to the patterns below, templates.

Snow beauties are magic companions of winter, always different and unique. They are cut out of paper, cardboard. They compose and tell poems about them to Santa Claus.


We make paper circles with drawn faces, for one snowflake - 2 pcs. We also need 3 types of strips of paper of different lengths: long, medium and short. The size of the workpiece itself depends on the length of these strips. The longer we cut the strips, the larger our craft will look.

We glue each strip of paper with the ends, receiving blanks.

We collect these blanks in the rays of snowflakes. Long strip in the middle, medium and small on the sides.

Then we glue it with paper circles, placing the rays between them.

Ready! We've got a fun holiday snowflake!
