Sequence of Olympic rings. Why are Olympic rings different colors? An excursion into the history of symbolism. The beginning of the modern Olympic movement

The birthplace of the Olympic Games is the sanctuary of the ancient Greeks - Olympia. It is located in the west of the Peloponnese peninsula. This place on the banks of the Alpheus River, right at the foot of the sacred Mount Kronos, is still a place where the eternal flame burns, from which from time to time the flame of the Olympic Games is lit and the torch relay is started. The tradition of holding such sports competitions was revived at the end of the nineteenth century by the French Baron de Coubertin. He was a well-known public figure of that era. And since then, the Olympic Games have been held every 4 years. And since 1924, they began to organize winter competitions.

Olympic symbols

What do the Olympic rings mean? The meaning of each color of the five. What do the rings on the Olympiad emblem symbolize?

The idea of ​​using five rings as a symbol of the Olympic Games appeared over 100 years ago. Back in 1913, the French baron Pierre de Coubertin, who resumed sports competitions, invented a banner consisting of multi-colored rings placed on a white canvas. Not many of us know what the Olympic rings mean. After reading the article below, you can not only fill in this gap, but also learn many interesting facts related to the history of these competitions.

What the Olympic rings mean and their color

Of all the existing versions, the most correct is the one that says about the connection of each Olympic ring with a certain continent:

  • Blue. This color is associated with Europe: peace, harmony, constancy and wisdom. To be fair, it should be noted that from all shades of blue (from blue to sapphire), the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin himself was crazy.
  • Black. The baron marked Africa with a black ring. Obviously, this choice was associated with the skin color of people living on this continent.
  • Red. The French aristocrat associated the red color with North America - endless pomegranate canyons, and South America - the hot temper of the Latin peoples.
  • Yellow. This color is characterized with Asia: openness and moderate state of mind. These are the characteristics that oriental religious teachings are famous for.
  • Green. Despite the fact that Pierre de Coubertin has never been to Australia, this mysterious continent was associated with green in him.

What color are the Olympic rings

In the mid-60s of the last century, the anti-apartheid movement was actively developing. The Olympic leaders urgently needed to do something with the black (Africa) ring.

There are new versions explaining the shades of the rings:

  • Feng Shui and Esotericism. Each ring is associated with the elements of the Earth:
    1. Blue is water.
    2. Black metal.
    3. Red is fire.
    4. Yellow is earth.
    5. Green is a tree.
  • Pentathlon. The version that the Olympic Games can be characterized by five areas in sports:
    1. Blue: Team water polo, diving, swimming (breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, etc.) and synchronized swimming.
    2. Black: shot and discus throw, sport shooting, weightlifting.
    3. Red: fencing, wrestling, boxing.
    4. Yellow: athletics and, above all, running at various distances.
    5. Green: Pole vaults, long and high.
  • Flag colors. The last theory is that at least one color, placed on the Olympic banner, is necessarily present in the flag palette of any state.

Olympic Games Attributes

Any movement on a massive scale has an ideology. The Olympic Games, which have well-known attributes, were no exception:

  • Flag. Five intertwined rings of different colors on a white banner. White color - characterizes the world, rings - the connection of athletes from different continents.
  • Motto. From Latin, the Olympic motto is translated as: "Faster, Higher, Braver". The last word, for some reason, cut the ears of Baron Coubertin, and he changed it to "Stronger".
  • The principle of competition. The founder of the games believed that the main thing was not the athlete's triumph in sports competitions, but participation.
  • Oath. Athletes solemnly vow to adhere to the sporting principles of competition, to defeat their rivals only in a fair fight.
  • Fire. The Olympic flame symbolizes peace on earth and friendship between all peoples of the planet.

Olympic mascots

The Olympics cannot be imagined without a talisman. For the first time this attribute appeared at sports games in Mexico in 1968. Let's list the most popular characters:

  • Summer games. Oddly enough, dogs and beasts of prey were the most symbols of all. Other characters: bear, beaver, eaglet and many fictional characters.
  • Winter Games. What animal is winter associated with? That's right, with a bear. Bears are the champions in the nomination for the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games. We also note a leopard, raccoon, wolf cub and even fabulous gnomes.

Why are talismans at the Olympic Games? First of all, this attribute allows you to create a festive atmosphere.

Among the many options, we highlight two main ones:

  1. The spirit of the Olympic city. An animal or an invented creature is chosen as a talisman, with which, in one way or another, the city in which sports games are held is associated.
  2. Finance. The sale of souvenirs, toys and similar things with the emblem of the character brings the organizers a lot of money.

The ideology of the Olympic Games

The founder of the new wave of the Olympic Movement, he promoted two main principles of holding international competitions:

  • Physical health. As a teenager, Coubertin attended educational institutions in the UK. In them, he drew attention to - all classes take place with a bias towards the study of Christian values ​​and the development of physical fitness. Subsequently, he tried to introduce these disciplines in French schools. The physical health of mankind, and that means the absence of disease, is an axiom forever associated with the Olympic Games.
  • Peace. Friendship between peoples is the second postulate of the Olympics. The IOC, during the games, recommends the opposing sides to cease hostilities. It is understood that during the pause, the leaders of the countries will be able to find a peaceful solution to existing problems.

Funny moments

The most incredible events that took place during the Olympic Games:

  • At the games in Sapporo, Japan, the order of the rings was mixed up on the Olympic flag.
  • In 1980, representatives of many foreign countries were absent from the Summer Olympics. The Soviet Union did not hesitate to respond: there was not a single representative from the powers of the socialist camp for the next Olympic Games in the United States.
  • The longest games took place in Paris (1900) and lasted almost 6 months.
  • Beginning with the competitions held in the Finnish capital in 1952, an unspoken sports competition between the USSR and the USA began.
  • The world saw the Olympic flag for the first time in 1920. The delay of seven years, because the banner was invented in 1913, is explained by the outbreak of the First World War in Europe.

Now you know what the Olympic rings mean - it is nothing more than a conditional connection of the five continents of the Earth into one whole. From now on, every athlete from anywhere in the world, regardless of his social status, race and political views, can participate in the most prestigious competitions of our time. The holiday, which takes place every four years, not only promotes a healthy lifestyle and the desire to instill a love for sports, but also encourages humanity to live in peace and harmony.

Video about the organization of the Olympics in Sochi

Below is a video in which MGSU students formed 5 Olympic rings right next to the building of their institute:

It's a shame, of course, that no one represents Antarctica, so there would be 6 rings on the Olympic flag and one of them would be white. And so there are only 5 rings - blue, yellow, black, green and red. The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the yellow ring - Asia, the black ring - Africa, and the red ring - North and South America.

America is red

yellow - Asia,

Clearly like this

Blue is Europe.

Yellow expresses Asia.

Black expresses Africa.

Such a symbol was invented by Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. There is no reliable information about what meaning he put into these colors, but it is generally accepted that the national colors of all countries are reflected in this symbol of the Olympic Games. The flag of any country has at least one of the five ring colors. Five continents - five colors - five rings. Blue - Europe, black - Africa, yellow - Asia, green - Australia, red - America. This symbol indicates that sportsmen from countries around the world can take part in the games. The Olympic Games were aimed at maintaining the principles of equality, strengthening peace and improving relationships, and these principles were laid down in ancient Greece.

  • blue - Europe;
  • black - Africa;
  • red - America;
  • yellow - Asia;
  • green - Australia.
  • America - red;

    Europe - blue;

    Asia - yellow;

    Australia - green;

    Africa is black.

    So, I wonder if the Martians will take part in the Olympics, what color will the ring be added? Mars, after all, is also called Red planet, and red is busy.

    The red Olympic ring symbolizes the continent of America, its indigenous people are red Indians. Black symbolizes Africa with its blacks. Yellow indicates the continent of Asia. Green refers to Australia, Green continent. But why is Europe given blue?

    According to one version, psychologist Carl Jung, who is also considered its creator in some circles, is associated with the appearance of Olympic symbols. Jung was well versed in Chinese philosophy, he knew that the ring in ancient cultures is a symbol of greatness and vitality. Therefore, he introduced the idea of ​​five intertwined rings reflecting the five energies that are mentioned in Chinese philosophy: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

    Together with the symbols in 1912, the scientist introduced his own image of the Olympic competitions of modern pentathlon. Any Olympian had to own each of its five types.

    The first discipline is swimming - in the form of a blue ring, it also depicts the element of water and indicates the rhythm that holds the breath, allows you to move forward on the surface of the water, to leadership.

    The green jumping ring is an image of a tree and a symbol of the rider's energy. He must have the ability to control not only his own energy, but also the energy of the horse.

    The next discipline is fencing, and it is depicted by the fire element in the form of a red ring. This discipline symbolizes flair. The swordsman's success depends on the ability to feel the enemy and guess his movements.

    The colors of the Olympic rings the meaning of each ring

    Blue, black, red, yellow, green - the colors of the Olympic rings

    The birthplace of the Olympic Games is the sanctuary of the ancient Greeks - Olympia. It is located in the west of the Peloponnese peninsula. This place on the banks of the Alpheus River, right at the foot of the sacred Mount Kronos, is still a place where the eternal flame burns, from which from time to time the flame of the Olympic Games is lit and the torch relay is started.

    The tradition of holding such sports competitions was revived at the end of the nineteenth century by the French Baron de Coubertin. He was a well-known public figure of that era. And since then, the Olympic Games have been held every 4 years. And since 1924, they began to organize winter competitions.

    Olympic symbols

    Along with the revival of the Olympic tradition, a corresponding symbolism appeared: a flag, slogan, anthem, medals, talismans, emblem, etc. All of them were created with the aim of promoting this sports idea throughout the world. By the way, the official emblem of the Olympic Games is five colored rings intertwined in such a way that two rows are formed from them. The upper one consists of three rings, and the lower one, of course, of two.

    At the mention of the Olympics, everyone first of all remembers the emblem - woven rings of blue, black, scarlet, yellow and green, depicted on a white background. However, not everyone knows the exact meaning of the colors of the Olympic rings. There are several versions. Each of them is not devoid of logic and can pretend to be considered correct. Below we present to your attention some of them.

    1. According to this version, the colors of the Olympic rings symbolize the continents. That is, this suggests that peoples from all over the world, or rather from all parts of the world, except Antarctica, can become participants in these games. Let's imagine which shades correspond to each of the continents? It turns out? Now let's check if you were able to orient yourself correctly. So what color are the Olympic rings? Europe is blue, America is red, Africa is black, Australia is green, and Asia is yellow.
    2. Another version is associated with the name of the famous psychologist K. Jung. He is credited not only with the idea explaining the choice of a particular color, but also the creation of the symbolism itself. According to this version, Jung, being an expert in Chinese philosophy, proposed rings as an emblem - symbols of greatness and energy. The choice of the number of rings was associated with the five different energies (wood, water, metal, fire and earth) spoken of in Chinese philosophy. In addition, Jung in 1912 proposed the idea of ​​pentathlon, that is, it was believed that each of the participants in the competition should master the following sports: swimming, jumping, fencing, running and shooting. The colors of the Olympic rings, according to this theory, correspond to each of these sports, as well as one of the above five energies. As a result, the following chains were obtained: swimming-water-blue, jumping-tree-green, running-ground-yellow, fencing-fire-red, shooting-metal-black.
    3. The third version is, as it were, an addition to the first. It is believed that the colors of the Olympic rings are all the shades that the flags of all countries in the world contain. Again, this means that the participants can be athletes from all countries of the world without exception.
    Agree that all versions are interesting, but it doesn't matter which one is correct. The main thing is that these games should unite all the peoples of the world. And let their representatives fight only at sports stadiums, but there will always be peace on our planet.

    Why are Olympic rings different colors? An excursion into the history of symbolism

    When Pierre de Coubertin began to revive the Olympic movement, he understood the importance of symbolism in promoting an idea to the world. The word Olympus itself has a deep and multifaceted meaning. This is beauty, and strength, and universality, and the divinity of an occupation that develops both the human body and its spirit. He braided five multi-colored rings and unrolled them, thus symbolizing all 5 inhabited continents, which is why the Olympic rings are of different colors.

    The riddle of Pierre de Coubertin

    The symbolism of the multi-colored rings seems to be easy to read. Blue ring - Europe, yellow - Asia, black - Africa, green - Australia, red - America. So it was written in the charter of the Olympic Movement until 1951. But the founder of the Olympic Movement himself did not say a word about what the colors of the Olympic rings mean. Although it looks strange, it cannot be accidental. This means that these colors have an even deeper meaning than what lies on the surface. Therefore, they removed the entry on the colors of the rings in the charter, leaving everything else unchanged.

    Five multicolored rings are the most famous symbol of the Olympic Games. It is constantly before the eyes of billions of people. And to give it an unambiguous interpretation means to belittle it, turning it into a motto. And, probably, Pierre de Coubertin understood this. Symbols are not readable and not explained. They have a multifaceted meaning, which each person absorbs in addition to consciousness, and interprets it in the way he can.

    The ring itself is a capacious symbol - infinity, closed on itself. This means that each continent is closed on itself, but in some common cause of gossip with other continents. And the Olympic Games are also a symbol, a symbol of some future common cause of all mankind. This is why the Olympic rings are of different colors and woven together.

    Another symbol of the Olympic Games

    The torch, which is lit by the rays of the sun, and then carried by the relay race to the venue of the games, is also a multifaceted symbol. He is carried, and he establishes peace on the planet, reminding people of different races about some, not yet discernible, future task of all mankind. After this fire of peace flared up in modern history, two world wars and many civil wars have burned out to our time. He did not establish peace. But this idea lives on. It remains to clarify the task that the Olympic torch tells people about, and peace will be established on the planet, because wars between races and within races will instantly lose their meaning. After all, the task is for all mankind, it must be solved, and not destroyed each other. We are woven together by a common home - the planet Earth. And it is already becoming so small, because humanity grows out of it ... Different colors of the rings of the Olympic flag and the torch call us to something unprecedentedly beautiful, for which it is worth living and being human.

    Symbols do not die

    Pierre de Coubertin took the idea of ​​the Olympic Games from the depths of the so-called pagan culture and revived it. And it has so organically intertwined into our life that this, too, cannot be an accident. This means that the time has come for this idea.

    It is interesting that Coubertin himself called himself an ancient Frank who fell in love with the beautiful paganism of ancient culture. He said that he ceased to be a barbarian when he received his sight on the Olympus of the gods, because inexpressible beauty pierced all his senses. The mind has remained the same, but the essence of the soul has changed.

    The Russian artist and esoteric Nicholas Roerich advised Coubertin to take a ring for his idea. It is a fact. Maybe he helped pick the colors? After all, the meaning of the Olympic rings by color has a very specific meaning. The blue ring is a divine thought; black - corporeality; red - passion; yellow - sensuality; green - patient poise. The interlacing of these rings symbolizes a certain ideal human personality. True, in esotericism there are two more colored rings, that is, an ideal person should have seven qualities. But the esoteric roots of Olympic symbolism are visible.

    White flag background

    But why are the Olympic rings of different colors on a white panel? White is a symbol of everything that exists and purity. And any color on white is dominant, therefore in symbolism and in heraldry there is a silver-gray color instead of white. It is very risky to use a white background in symbolism and heraldry, because it kind of recedes and protrudes the symbol placed on it.

    Thus, diversity is lost, and the symbol turns into a primitive motto. This did not happen with the flag of the Olympic movement, which is more evidence that an artist who has a subtle sense and understanding of colors took part in its creation.


    The question of why the Olympic rings are of different colors will never be resolved. That's what the symbol is, so as not to have an unambiguous answer. And each interpreter will be right in his own way, and wrong in another way. The symbol is perceived by the soul, but not understood by the mind.

    What do the colors of the Olympic rings mean?

    There are several versions explaining the meaning of the colors of the Olympic rings.

    The first version is the most common. She says that the creator of the Olympic rings Pierre de Coubertin, using multi-colored rings, characterized each of the five parts of the color.

    The blue ring stands for Europe, the black ring for Africa, the red ring for America, the yellow ring for Asia, and the green ring for Australia.

    That is, the symbol in the form of five intertwined rings denotes the union / union of five world continents.

    According to the second version, the creator of the main Olympic symbol is the famous Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. He decided to express the idea of ​​Chinese mythology about the five elements of nature (water, earth, fire, wood and metal) in the form of rings, a symbol of power and greatness. And in 1912, Jung proposed the idea of ​​pentathlon, the essence of which is that an Olympic athlete must master five sports - show jumping, fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Thus, the black ring symbolizes metal and shooting, the red ring - fencing and fire, yellow - earth and running, green - tree and jumping.

    According to the third version, which complements the first, the colors of the rings are all shades that contain the state flags of all countries of the world. Those. a participant in the Olympic Games can be an athlete from any country in the world.

    Such a symbol was invented by Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. There is no reliable information about what meaning he put into these colors, but it is generally accepted that the national colors of all countries are reflected in this symbol of the Olympic Games. The flag of any country has at least one of the five ring colors. Five continents - five colors - five rings. Blue - Europe, black - Africa, yellow - Asia, green - Australia, red - America. This symbol indicates that sportsmen from countries around the world can take part in the games. The Olympic Games were aimed at maintaining the principles of equality, strengthening peace and improving relationships, and these principles were laid down in ancient Greece.

    The symbol of any Olympic Games is a sign - five intertwined colored rings.

    This symbol was chosen for a reason, it carries the meaning and purpose of any Olympics - the establishment of friendly relations between peoples, countries and continents around the globe.

    Each ring has its own meaning and represents a specific continent (continent).

    The yellow ring is a symbol of Asia.

    The green ring is the symbol of Australia.

    The red ring is the symbol of America.

    The blue ring is a symbol of Europe.

    The black ring is a symbol of Africa.

    The Olympic rings as a symbol of the five continents (invented by Pierre de Coubertin) of the world have their own colors, which symbolize, according to the same definition of Pierre de Coubertin, the continents and their colors.

    Blue is Europe.

    Yellow expresses Asia.

    Black expresses Africa.

    Green represents Australia.

    Red color South and North America.

    So the world associates the colors of the continents and, accordingly, the colors of the Olympic rings.

    Right here

    I can't even remember where I learned it and when, but the Olympic rings, and as we know and see, there are 5 of them, mean five separate continents of the planet Earth.

    Each ring is a different color and is a symbol of one of the five continents where people live and populated countries are located, and all together means universal unity and peace. There are such different colors as:

    yellow, blue, black, green, red;

    and they match in the same order:

    Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, America.


    Everything is simple here - for each inhabited continent (now there are five of them), taking part in the Olympics, its own color is assigned:

    America - red;

    Europe - blue;

    Asia - yellow;

    Australia - green;

    Africa is black.

    When they populate Antarctica, there will probably be a sixth ring of white.

    So, I wonder if the Martians will take part in the Olympics, what color will the ring be added? Mars, after all, is also called the "Red Planet", and red is busy.


    Five colored rings are familiar to us from the Olympics. The color of each ring was chosen for a reason, the colors represent a specific continent. And all the rings connected to each other are union, peace.

    the blue ring is Europe,

    Africa is represented by a black ring

    America is red

    yellow - Asia,

    and the green ring represents Australia.

    Clearly like this

    It's a shame, of course, that no one represents Antarctica, so there would be 6 rings on the Olympic flag and one of them would be white. And so there are only 5 rings - blue, yellow, black, green and red. The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the yellow ring - Asia, the black ring - Africa, and the red ring - North and South America.

    Rainbow spring

    The part of the world called Europa is blue, some say it is blue.

    Part of the world Asia, as you know, Asians have yellow skin color, they got the yellow color of the ring on the flag.

    The continent of Australia is green.

    America - she was assigned the red ring.

    Africa, where the skin color of the population is dark, is black.

    The red Olympic ring symbolizes the continent of America, its indigenous people are red Indians. Black symbolizes Africa with its blacks. Yellow indicates the continent of Asia. Green refers to Australia, the "Green Continent". But why is Europe given blue?

    In my opinion, everyone should know this, because the symbol of the five Olympic rings carries a deep meaning - equality of opportunities for everyone, for all races and continents, therefore all five continents of the Earth are represented on it. And each has its own color, as written above.


    The five Olympic rings symbolize the five continents that host the Olympic Games. And according to the colors, such a correspondence is accepted -

    • blue - Europe;
    • black - Africa;
    • red - America;
    • yellow - Asia;
    • green - Australia.

    Olympic rings come in five colors: blue, yellow, black, green, and red.

    They represent the five parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America.

    These parts of the world are interconnected in rings.

    According to one version, psychologist Carl Jung, who is also considered its creator in some circles, is associated with the appearance of Olympic symbols. Jung was well versed in Chinese philosophy, he knew that the ring in ancient cultures is a symbol of greatness and vitality. Therefore, he introduced the idea of ​​five intertwined rings - a reflection of the five energies that are mentioned in Chinese philosophy: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

    Together with the symbols in 1912, the scientist introduced his own image of the Olympic competition - modern pentathlon. Any Olympian had to own each of its five types.

    The first discipline - swimming - in the form of a blue ring also depicts the element of water and indicates the rhythm that holds the breath, allows you to move forward on the surface of the water, to leadership.

    The green ring - jumping - is an image of a tree and a symbol of the rider's energy. He must have the ability to control not only his own energy, but also the energy of the horse.

    The next discipline is fencing, and it is depicted by the fiery element in the form of a red ring. This discipline symbolizes flair. The swordsman's success depends on the ability to feel the enemy and guess his movements.

    The yellow ring represents the element of the earth and represents the discipline of cross country running. She indicates resilience and perseverance. The cross-country runner jumps over the elements, knowing when to slow down and when to speed up.

    The shooting discipline and the unique properties of the metal are represented by a black ring. Accuracy and clarity are needed here. The success of a shot depends not only on physical exertion, but also on the ability of cold thinking, with the help of which the shooter concentrates on the target and strikes the target.>

    The meaning of the colors of the Olympic rings

    Serega kuptsevich

    The meaning of the Olympic rings

    The five intertwined rings depicted on the Olympic flag are known as the Olympic rings. These rings are colored blue, yellow, black, green and red and intertwined with each other, in principle, they are the symbol of the Olympic Games. The Olympic rings were designed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1912. The five rings represent the five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. The Americas are treated as a single continent, while Antarctica and the Arctic were not considered. Despite the lack of a specific color to a specific continent or region, various theories about the meaning of the color of the Olympic rings tend to associate them with different quotes. For example, at least one of the five colors among the Olympic rings appears on the flag of each of the participating countries. Five Olympic rings were adopted in 1914 and made their debut at the Belgian Olympics in 1920.

    When this emblem was introduced in August 1912, de Coubertin stated the following in the Revue Olympic: The emblem is chosen to illustrate and represent the World Congress of 1914 ...: five rings of different colors intertwined - blue, yellow, black, green, red and placed on a white box of a sheet of paper. These five rings represent the five parts of the world that are now resurrecting the spirit of Olympism and ready to embrace healthy competition.

    The rationale behind the Olympic rings, according to the International Olympic Committee, is to reinforce the idea that the Olympic Movement is an international campaign and all countries in the world are invited to join it. Even the Olympic Charter recognizes the importance of the Olympic rings, stating that they represent the union of the five continents, as well as the gathering of athletes from all over the world for the Olympic Games. There is a strict code regarding the use of this symbol, which must be followed under all circumstances. For example, even if the Olympic rings are depicted against a black background, the black ring should not be replaced with a ring of a different color.

    What is the arrangement of the Olympic rings by color?

    Ludmila 1986

    These are the colors of the Olympic emblem and they are arranged like this - blue (cyan), black, red (first row) and yellow and green (second row).

    The colors of the rings represent continents, each continent has a different color.

    This symbolism was invented in 1913 by the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. Now they try not to decipher the colors, since they denote the color of the race of the aboriginal continents (except Australia).

    I offer just below a photo of the Olympic rings for clarity;

    The colors of the rings have their own sequential arrangement, designation and mean continents.

    1. Blue means Europe.
    2. Yellow means Asia.
    3. Black means Africa.
    4. Green means Australia
    5. Red means America.

    The Olympic Games are the greatest sporting events in the entire world. The won award gives the right to be called the best athlete of the whole planet. This international sports competition has its own attributes: rings, fire, anthem.

    The Olympic Games are watched by millions of people around the world. However, few people know what the symbols of the competition mean.

    In 1912, the "father" of new games, Pierre de Coubertin, Olympic rings were invented. However, the symbol was introduced only in 1920 in Belgium. According to the plan, they were going to demonstrate the new flag in 1916, but the First World War prevented the international competition.

    Everyone unanimously accepted the five rings as the new Olympic symbol... In subsequent years, they began to be used in the process of creating emblems associated with international competitions.

    Each of the five rings symbolized everything continents planets. For this, the following colors were chosen:

    • Red means two American continents. Thus, the North is characterized by the crimson slopes of the canyons, and the South is characterized by hot-tempered Latinos;
    • Black symbolizes Africa. It can be assumed that this is due to the skin color of the people living in this territory;
    • Blue is Europe. The author of the rings associated this color with calmness, wisdom, harmony. It is worth noting that he loved this color and all its shades;
    • Yellow symbolizes Asia. Since for oriental people this color is associated with strength, wealth and power;
    • Green - Australia. The "father", the founder of games, only associated the mainland with such a color, even though he had never been there.

    Five rings became a symbol uniting the whole world for the sake of international competition, equality of every continent, sporting spirit and fair competition.

    Other theories explaining the color scheme of the rings

    After the policy of apartheid began to collapse, the International Olympic Committee decided to urgently change the meaning of the black color that colors one of the five rings. Therefore, we remembered second version color scheme invented by psychologist Carl Jung.

    So, there is evidence that he possessed knowledge of Chinese philosophy, in which the ring symbolizes closed energy, vitality. Where each of the five rings means one of the elements of the planet:

    • red - fiery power;
    • black metal;
    • blue - the power of water;
    • yellow - the power of the earth;
    • green is the power of the forest.

    Jung did not stop there and tied all rings with five main types sports that every athlete must master. He associated each sport with this color:

    • swimming and diving means blue;
    • weightlifting and shot throwing - black;
    • fencing and boxing - red;
    • athletics (running at any distance) - yellow;
    • high jump and long jump - green.

    This meaning of the colors of the Olympic rings gives an idea of ​​a real Olympian, for whom nothing is impossible. In this interpretation, special attention was paid not to the international competition, but every athlete regardless of nationality.

    According to the latest theory, there is at least one Olympic color in the range of national flags.

    The International Olympic Committee monitors the use of symbols. You cannot move or change the colors of the Olympic rings.

    The main symbols of the Olympic Games

    It should be noted that in addition to the flag and rings, the Olympiad is famous for other attributes:

    Now it's safe to say that the Olympic Games unite all people. And every worthy athlete, regardless of nationality, age, skin color, can participate and win in a competition of this magnitude.

    The Olympic Games are among the most anticipated and rated sporting events in the world. Their main attribute is easily recognizable - five multi-colored rings. How did it come about? What do the Olympic rings mean?

    We can investigate this issue in the following main aspects:

    The history of the appearance of the Olympic rings

    The considered symbol of the Games first became known to the general sports community in 1920. Since then, he has invariably accompanied every Winter or Summer Olympics. Officially, the rings are used as an element of the flag, based on a white cloth, which has long been associated with the denial of war and peace. As you know, in Ancient Greece, during the Olympic Games, which became the direct prototype of modern ones, all hostilities between the warring policies (whose representatives then conducted peace negotiations in Olympia) ceased.

    The idea of ​​complementing the white flag associated with the world with multi-colored rings belongs to Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the very man who invented at the end of the 19th century to hold world competitions, the history of which dates back to ancient times. In 1913, the craftsmen of the Bon Marche atelier, located in Paris, made the first example of the Olympic flag. It was presented to the public in 1914 at the Sorbonne during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Olympic movement revived by Pierre de Coubertin.

    The original plan was to use the five-ring flag at the 1916 Games. But by that time, the First World War had broken out, as a result of which it was impossible to hold competitions. However, already at the 1920 Antwerp Olympics, the new symbols were presented as official.

    The interlacing of five multi-colored rings is a concept invented by Pierre de Coubertin, according to some sources, influenced by the attributes of the Union des sociétés françaises de sports athlétiques, USFSA, headed by the famous figure himself. The fact is that the emblem of this institution consisted of two rings (red and blue), which were brought together.

    It can be noted that the USFSA emblem was part of the logo structure of the French International Committee (Le Comité français interfédéral, CFI), which later became the French Football Federation. Below is an example of placing the corresponding element on the clothing of athletes.

    The USFSA symbolism denoted the formation of the Union by two separate associations operating in France - the Union des Sociétés Françaises de Course a Pied and the Comité pour la Propagation des Exercises Physiques). In turn, the blue and red colors in the USFSA attribute were influenced by the corresponding shades present in the national French flag.

    At the same time, there is another version - according to which Pierre de Coubertin created the Olympic symbol in a familiar form, having seen images similar to it on ancient Greek objects.

    The semantic content of the main Olympic attribute

    What is the meaning of the five Olympic rings used as the main attribute of the modern Games?

    Historians associate the fact that there are exactly 5 rings on the Olympic flag with the desire of Pierre de Coubertin to unite the symbols of several nations at once on a common white cloth. So, yellow and blue colors designated Sweden (the same shades are present on the national flag of this Scandinavian country); blue and white - the United States and several European countries, on the official attributes of which, respectively, the indicated colors are; yellow and red - Spain, Brazil, Australia, China and Japan. Remembering what the flags of these countries look like, we will see that they have yellow or red elements - and in the case of Spain, both.

    Subsequently, the symbolism of the Olympics in terms of the shades of the 5 rings received additional interpretations. Let's consider them in more detail.

    The above interpretation of the 5 Olympic rings as reflecting the competitive unity of world nations was considered the main one until 1951 - until the International Olympic Committee decided that the corresponding elements of the flag of the Games should be associated not with countries, but with continents. By the way, back in 1931, Pierre de Coubertin, as evidenced by some sources, expressed the need to interpret the semantic content of 5 rings in this way.

    True, the founder of the modern Olympic movement did not specify which continent each of the rings should correspond to. At least there is no generally accepted public information that would unequivocally reflect the opinion of Pierre de Coubertin on this matter.

    According to the unofficial interpretation of the correspondence of the marked elements of the Olympic flag to the continents, blue stands for Europe, yellow stands for Asia, black stands for Africa, green stands for Australia, red stands for America, North and South at the same time. More widespread, however, is the version according to which the indicated shades of the Olympic rings are present in one way or another on the national flag of any country in the world.

    In general, the color scheme and the mutual arrangement of the rings do not change when the corresponding attribute of the Games is used within the framework of the competition. But sometimes it is possible to adapt them to the thematic concepts used by the organizers of the Olympics. For example, at the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Sochi in 2014, the rings were decorated in the form of identical white snowflakes - one of them, as you know, was not revealed at a crucial moment due to technical reasons. At the same time, there was a plexus between them, and a similar condition for the use of the Olympic symbol in question is considered, as many experts believe, uncontested, mandatory in all cases.

    At the same time, the one-color performance of the Olympic rings is practiced quite often: for example, in the manufacture of souvenirs, the layout of various thematic bulletins and the media. At the same time, the IOC has no public objections to such formats for using the main attribute of the Games. According to sports historians and experts, this may indicate the adherence of this organization to the idea of ​​the unity, equality of world nations, regardless of the likely interpretations of the meaning of flowers in the Olympic rings.

    Olympic Games Symbol

    The Olympic rings have rightfully taken one of the most worthy places among the Olympic symbols. Five multi-colored rings, most often on a white background, intertwine and form a single whole, symbolizing a world-class sporting event. Five rings emblem

    Hides the deepest meaning, which consists in the very concept of sport as such. It contains the idea of ​​universal popularization of the Olympic movement, equality of each participating country, fair treatment of the athlete, healthy competition. For the first time, the symbol of the Olympic rings made its debut at the 1914 Olympic Games, held in Belgium.

    But who was the inventor of this symbol? What does it actually mean? There are two main opinions on this matter.

    According to one version, recognized even by the Olympic Charter, the origin of the symbol of the Olympic rings it is customary to associate with the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. It was on his initiative and development that 5 multi-colored rings were depicted on the Olympic flag. It happened in 1912. Intertwining with each other, they formed two rows. The top row consists of blue, black and red rings, the bottom row of yellow and green. Number five symbolizes five parts of the world, each of which corresponds to a specific color. Blue represents Europe, the black continent is Africa, red is America, yellow is Asia, and Australia is called the green continent. At the same time, the two American continents were considered as one continent, Antarctica and the Arctic were not taken into account. The interweaving of five rings into one whole means the unification of five continents in the name of world-scale competitions, a common sports spirit, equality of countries and readiness for tough but fair competition.

    Second version the appearance of the Olympic rings, is not so well-known, but at the same time it cannot be prematurely withdrawn from the accounts. According to some reports, the psychologist Carl Jung came up with the symbol of the five Olympic rings. He was well versed in the field of Chinese philosophy, in which the sign of the ring signified a certain energy, vitality and greatness. According to the beliefs of the Chinese, our world is governed by the energies of earth, water, fire, wood and metal. Jung personally suggested designating five rings these energies and combine them in the symbol that we know today. In addition, in 1912, the scientist offered his understanding of the Olympic competitions. Now we call them pentathlon. He was convinced that an Olympic athlete had to be versatile and master each of the five main sports - swimming, fencing, jumping, running and shooting. At the same time, swimming corresponded to blue, fencing - red, jumping - green, running - yellow, shooting - black. This interpretation of the emblem focused not on the global scale of sports competitions, but on the abilities and achievements of a particular person worthy of being called an Olympic champion.

    Use of the symbol of the Olympic rings subject to strict regulations. You cannot change colors and displace rings from one row to another. Compliance with the regulations is monitored by the IOC.

    Almost 96 years after their introduction, many of us are still unaware of the meaning of the Olympic rings. To find out what the Olympic rings mean and how they relate to the concept of the Olympic Games, read on ...

    The Olympic Games, popularly known as the Olympics, are a major sporting event in which thousands of athletes from all over the world compete in a variety of sports. There are two variants of this international sporting event - the Olympic Summer and Winter Olympic Games, each of which takes place alternately every two years.

    History of Olympic Games

    The modern Olympic Games that we see today are the invention of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, who was inspired by the ancient Olympic festivals and decided to revive them. Many attempts have been made to revive the game, but only Coubertin's efforts bore fruit in the late 19th century, only thanks to his persistence. After all, the International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894 and the first modern Olympic Games were held two years later, in 1896 in Athens.

    Olympic Games Symbols

    A wide variety of symbols are used to represent games: badges, flags, flames and other symbols that are used by the International Olympic Committee to promote the game throughout the year and especially during games. The motto of the Olympic Games is Citius, Altius, Fortius, which in Latin means: "Faster, higher, stronger." An Olympic emblem is a design created by integrating Olympic rings with one or more distinctive elements. The Olympic torch is received on all continents and escorted to the venue to light the Olympic flame and start the games. The Olympic flag, which was created by Coubertin himself, sports five intertwined rings on a white background.

    What do the Olympic rings mean

    The five intertwined rings that are depicted
    on the flag of the Olympics are known as the Olympic rings. These rings are colored in blue, yellow, black, green and Red color, and intertwined with each other, in principle are the symbol of the Olympic Games. The Olympic rings were designed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1912. The five rings represent the five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. The Americas are treated as a single continent, while Antarctica and the Arctic were not considered. Despite the lack of a specific color to a specific continent or region, various theories about the meaning of the color of the Olympic rings tend to associate them with different quotes. For example, at least one of the five colors among the Olympic rings appears on the flag of each of the participating countries. Five Olympic rings were adopted in 1914 and made their debut at the Belgian Olympics in 1920.

    When this emblem was introduced in August 1912, de Coubertin stated the following in the Revue Olympic: The emblem is chosen to illustrate and represent the World Congress of 1914 ...: five rings of different colors intertwined - blue, yellow, black, green, red and placed on a white box of a sheet of paper. These five rings represent the five parts of the world that are now resurrecting the spirit of Olympism and ready to embrace healthy competition.

    The rationale behind the Olympic rings, according to the International Olympic Committee, is to reinforce the idea that the Olympic Movement is an international campaign and all countries in the world are invited to join it. Even the Olympic Charter recognizes the importance of the Olympic rings, stating that they represent the union of the five continents, as well as the gathering of athletes from all over the world for the Olympic Games. There is a strict code regarding the use of this symbol, which must be followed under all circumstances. For example, even if the Olympic rings are depicted against a black background, the black ring should not be replaced with a ring of a different color.
