Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the good woman. Congratulation "Italian guest". Scene "Visit of Little Red Riding Hood"

Happy 70th birthday!
But these are just numbers and words!
On your anniversary, I sincerely wish
So that youth live in your soul!
Let your heart not be disturbed by boredom
Let eternal happiness live in your eyes!
Let beauty be your friend forever
He will not leave you, he will not leave silently!

What can a woman want? Heat, of course
Huge generosity of beautiful fate,
Be a little, like in youth, careless,
And great feelings - with renewed vigor.

There is a long way behind you -
70-year road!

The table is crowded today
From children, girlfriends, grandchildren
After all, they all have known for a long time -
You are 70 today!

And we wish everything with love
Always be wise, always cheerful
Optimism and health
You for many years!

The table is crowded today
From children, girlfriends, grandchildren
After all, they all have known for a long time
You are seventy today!
And we wish everything with love
Always be wise, always cheerful
Optimism and health
You for many years!

Grandma's age - days lived -
We have divided 70 years in half.
But if the fish jumps off the hook,
And I myself could not accomplish a miracle,

I will ask you, dear,:
Take care of yourself and do not be sad!
Sunny days and less hassle
So that your garden always blooms

Happiness, health, cloudless days
I wish my grandma!

70 candles are burning on the cake!
Happy birthday to you, I am from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations! Happiness and health!
Live without troubles, your soul bloom!
Let joy bring you every day!
So that there are no minutes for sadness!
And I really want to meet you
The day when 100 candles are lit on the cake!

Anniversary date - seventy years,

You will always give to those in need.

And express my respect to you,

Thank you for your kindness and patience.

Even though 70 years is no longer a little,
But you don't seem to be tired at all
It used to be like a squirrel all day
You've been around the house since the morning.

Where does it come from?
Such a burst of energy and strength.
And even such a venerable age
I didn’t defeat you at all.

So I wish you health
A beautiful soul does not grow old.
I sincerely wish you happiness
And not to be seriously ill for a whole century.

It's too early to look back
The road is still far away
And youth, as if from a fog
Sometimes it will shine from afar!

What to wish for at 70? Of course, happiness
Beautiful, only memorable moments.
Simple human part,
Just wonderful mood.

Your anniversary is not yet years
And 70 is not yet a century.
There were hardships in life,
There was youth and dawn.

How lucky you are!
You clearly proved to people:
Seven is quite a lucky number!
Well, we won't count zero at all,
For meaning is absent in zero;
But why so many words?
Better to wish you an anniversary
Peace, happiness and a little bit of health!

Lovely woman on a lovely anniversary
There is so much I want to say today.
There is a long way behind you -
Seventy Years Road!
She was not easy, but happy.
You have achieved everything you dreamed of.
I wish you to be healthy and loved
So that loved ones pampered with attention.

Your anniversary, you're 70, I don't know
Why have the years gone by like this?
I wish you good health,
Good luck and love in fact,
Let there be no worries in your life,
And grow knocking at your door,
You are becoming more beautiful every year!
I wish you many loyal friends!

The venerable woman celebrates her 70th birthday today.
We collect for the birthday table
Only the closest ones and friends.
We wish you more warm words of love
So that health is strong in Siberian way,
Happy birthday sincerely congratulations
We wish to live up to 100 years without troubles.

We congratulate you on this happy date,
Even if your life was not quite simple,
But you remained, as before, young, beautiful
And youth, what is there to hide, is not gone at all.

So stay so beautiful forever
May God keep good health,
Your smile remains sweet as before,
Love and friendship attracts your heart like a magnet.

Not 18 anymore, unfortunately
But all the same, you are beautiful in everything!
And I congratulate you on your birthday,
May the house be full of happiness forever
I wish you health, let it be soon
Hopes and dreams come true
Let the whole family warm up with their warmth!
Let everyone give you flowers at 70!

Anniversary date - seventy years,
You have comprehended the wisdom of life in your lifetime,
And wise, judicious advice
You will always give to those in need.
Let me congratulate you on this day,
And express my respect to you,
From sadness, so that only a shadow remains
Thank you for your kindness and patience.

70 you already!
Or maybe, all the same, - more:
After all, nightingales sing in the shower
And the heart loves warmly!

Let the head be a little whiter
Dance hip hop and listen to jazz
Yes for a centenary
Don't forget to call us all!

Today is your birthday
And how many years does not matter.
So stay kind always.
And let the heart never grow old.

“There is no more dear in the world,
There is no more beautiful in the world! " -
To you, I - to your grandmother - alone
I compose these words.

You are always so kind to me
To all matters - participation,
Still young, slim, vigorous
It's happiness for you to be a granddaughter!

And on this 70th anniversary
Take two more words:
Dear! Better not to be in pain
And always be healthy!

We want you health, happiness,
Joy, smiles and warmth!
So that, not knowing grief and bad weather,
Your life flowed like a trickle;

So that its waters do not get muddied,
So that the grievances disappear forever,
To pass you adversity
Our dearest man!

And, celebrating your anniversary,
We can't stop our admiration:
You are not seventy, dear,
And thirty-five plus thirty-five!

Live, smile at adversity-years,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about diseases, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy holiday.
You are good today
In a place of honor!

Happiness, good health
We want to wish you
And at a festive feast
Celebrate your centenary!

The years flew by in a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not all sung yet,
Not all of the water has flowed away.

Your anniversary, festive and bright,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, apple trees in white,
Joy and happiness and kindness.

It's not for nothing that the years are called wealth -
Wisdom and spiritual light are priceless,
That even at seventy you can live brightly.
They are more expensive than gold coins.

Congratulating you on this anniversary,
Let's face it: You are a woman star!
You are not kinder, prettier, more fun,
You will keep it forever.

We wish you good health, most importantly,
Let the energy always be in full swing.
The one who is young in soul, we know for sure
Warmed in life by a sunbeam.

The years-birds fly away
Not to be young again
But believe me it's not too late
Live, laugh and love!

Remember 70 is just a number.
Cheerfulness is the secret.
Happy birsday, my dear!
Make us happy for another 100 years!

At 70 years old, a wonderful woman would like to wish warmth, heartfelt peace, love and care of relatives, prosperous and happy days. May every day be pleasant and special in its own way. Good health and good spirits!

70 will never give you
35 soul, the rest is experience.
Don't look at your passport
And don't count the years
Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
Meet on the anniversary.
The whole family is big
Gathered at the table
Let love be
Your house is full.
We wish you healthy
You were happy
There is youth in your heart
To always live.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Let the years fly like birds.
Let the gray silver shine
But your soul is young.

7 dozen fate counted,
Weaving the lace of your life
By the years-steps of the chagall
You are hoping, believing, loving.

I wish the thread does not end
Your lacemaker has destiny
So that the soul remains young
And you were happy.

There was both happiness and sorrow,
But there was also a sea of ​​love.
Passions raged with might and main
They were not allowed to sleep at night.

Well, now everything is calm.
You walk as before, you are slim,
Wisdom in the eyes and anxiety
Are there many roads left?

May you be loved, cherished
And they will not dare to offend.
Live long and happily
Be cheerful and beautiful!

Today is your wonderful holiday
Not a birthday - Anniversary!
And every year you are more beautiful
And every year you are wiser.

70 years old - what years?
Only the third youth in the soul.
I wish you sunny weather
At this turn of life.

May your years be only joy
Warmth, care from relatives.
I wish to preserve that holiness
What is inherent in you since the days of the past!

Flowers, smiles and admiration
We will fill you with sleep on your anniversary,
So that there is no shadow of doubt
That this is one of the most beautiful days.

Precious casket with happiness, health
Let fate bestow you from above.
Be at seventy years old you have been warmed by love
All those to whom I gave my heart.

What do you dream about, may it come true soon
Let your favorite work carry joy
And let in the vastness of the sea of ​​life
Your guardian angel protects you.

70 years is a beautiful date.
You have a wealth of experience behind you.

On your birthday, we would like to wish:
Health so that it always serves faithfully,
There never was a problem
More joyful, sunny days for you!
And to celebrate more than one anniversary!

On the day of the anniversary, joyful and clear
I wish you inspiration and happiness.
Health and calm quiet days,
And there are always loving people nearby.

Let the date of the holiday not scare you a bit
May the anniversary give all the best -
Great success, good luck, longevity,
Welcome, comfort, warmth and mood.

How beautiful is your age!
You won't give you that much.
Well, perhaps thirty-five,
I can't give any more!
May life continue to love you
And spoils good luck
Children, grandchildren do not get sick,
Do not dare to upset you.
And I also wish you
Happiness without end and edge!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to a woman

Today is your anniversary, beautiful and wonderful,
And there will be no more sad and rainy days.
You deserve it, so it will be fair
And your life will be successful and beautiful.

May God give you a lot of strength, energy, health.
May your life be saturated with love
And may happiness fill your every dawn
Live enjoying another half a hundred years.

On this good, wonderful evening,
In the circle of relatives and friends
We are ready to meet brightly
Your beautiful anniversary

And to the festive sounds
Not aging waltz
Children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren
You will be admired.

With respect and love
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Longevity and health
We wish you, beauty.

Let it shine in your eyes
Joyful and warm light
And the Lord protects
Another seven decades.

Seventy years is a great date
You are very rich in life experience
And the wisdom of a woman cannot be taken away from you.
And we can only wish you
So that your health is always strong,
And loved ones surrounded you with love
More happy and joyful days
And celebrate more than one anniversary!

Grandmother, great-grandmother, mother and wife -
How many hypostases do you have a friend.
You have lived with dignity for seven decades
And with my family, I think I'm happy

Don't hide your smile, put your doubts aside
Today you celebrate, you are not just a birthday,
Today is your beautiful and solid anniversary,
For the past years, you are not at all ashamed.

We love you very much, appreciate, respect
And congratulations with sincere delight from the heart.
May many happy days await you ahead
And there are many desirable and beautiful anniversaries.

All these years you walked straight
In harmony with people and conscience.
You are our grandmother and mother,
Our model of spirituality.

And warming with kindness,
Sharing warmth and wisdom
You helped us, dear
Many, many times in life.

We value your rich for experience.

Seventy years are already behind
But a clear mind and a lust for life
It gives you strength to go forward
And teach us how to do business.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You are a recognized authority
We wish you health, happiness
And live for at least a hundred years.

Our years are called wealth -
In them wisdom, experience and souls flourish,
What we are 70 actively allow
To live and give kind light to all close people.

And congratulating on your anniversary,
I want to note that you are like that star,
Which is brighter and warmer than everyone
May God let you shine for many years!

Good health, I wish you energy,
Attention of loved ones, peace and prosperity.
May success accompany you everywhere,
Walk bright, sing loud, sleep sweet!

After all, there are still so many bright days ahead
Enjoyable impressions and discoveries,
And the kaleidoscope of passions will whirl
In a cycle of joyful events.

Congratulations to the woman on her 70th birthday from colleagues

On the anniversary, respectable and respectable
We wish you health, no pain!
Live beautifully, brightly, with inspiration
For myself, for grandchildren and children.
Praise and respect from us,
Thank you from a big family
And on your seventieth birthday
You accept our congratulations!

Seventy happy years!
Life is golden autumn.
But not yet finish, NO!
There is a flock ahead of the event.
Luck and love await
And the soul is only getting younger.
The forces will arrive again and again
With every new anniversary!

Years of life are racing by
In a series of interesting events,
But in your soul you are always eighteen
You are ready for new discoveries.
We wish you warmth, positive,
Believe in the best and not give up
To live beautifully and not in a hurry
And always wake up with a smile!

Seven dozen, well!
Darling you are now
All the smarter and younger, + 1 1

If your relative turns 70, this should be noted. Most of all, elderly people need the love and attention of their loved ones. Therefore, any family gatherings, at which several generations gather, are already a huge holiday for any grandmother. In order for the event to please a company of different ages and not turn into a banal feast, it is important to think over the scenario of the anniversary for a 70-year-old woman in advance.

Celebration organization

Usually the 70th anniversary is celebrated in a close circle of loved ones. The hero of the occasion is pleased to see her beloved relatives and faithful friends at the table, with whom she has experienced many happy and sad moments.

Most often, the scenario of the jubilee without the toastmaster is taken as a basis. For a woman of 70, sincerity and sincerity are extremely important. The professional presenter has vast experience in holding such events, but he does not know the birthday girl as well as her relatives do.

It is better to take on the role of toastmaster to one of the relatives. So it will be easier to collect information about the childhood and adolescence of the birthday girl, touching moments of her life, tastes and hobbies. You should not thoroughly follow the developed scenarios of the anniversary for a woman of 70 years. New or old, they do not take into account the personality of your mom, grandmother, girlfriend. This is the case when a personal approach is required.


Creativity is encouraged on any occasion. The jubilee will be pleased if the children and grandchildren decorate the room with homemade posters, balloons, flowers. A place of honor should be given to photographs. Elderly people cherish them as a reminder of the past. Decorate your photo exhibition beautifully. Perhaps some of the pictures will have to be restored.

The next task is to choose an interesting scenario of an anniversary for a 70-year-old woman and adjust it based on your situation. Each person has a unique life path behind them. It's nice to remember him. Touching surprises will be appropriate. For example, a presentation of photographs from different years accompanied by excerpts from songs, or a video in which relatives, friends, colleagues of the birthday girl share their memories. Perhaps it will be a romantic love story between grandparents.

In the scenario of the anniversary for a woman of 70 years old, you can safely include song greetings performed by the family choir. Memorize beautiful poems with children. The grandmother will be moved to tears when she heard the performance of the younger grandchildren. Long-term friends will be an excellent gift. Some of them find it difficult to get to the neighboring area, so the help of the younger generation is needed.

The beginning of the holiday

It is important from the first minutes to set the right tone for the whole event. Familiarity with ready-made scenarios for anniversaries will help you with this. Scenarios for a 70-year-old woman most often begin with beautiful poems. Select the lines that most closely match the character of the birthday girl. You can please her with fresh flowers presented to loud applause from the audience.

The script for a fun anniversary for a 70-year-old woman can begin with a solemn oath. Its text is read by the presenter, and the audience confirms the timely "I swear". Ask the guests to stand up and put their hand on their heart as a sign of sincerity.

Read the following lines: "On this we solemnly vow:

  • have fun and joke;
  • do not be sad for a minute;
  • eat and drink with appetite;
  • to love the birthday girl;
  • carry it on your hands;
  • congratulations to speak;
  • kissing and hugging;
  • to fulfill all desires;
  • sing and dance loudly;
  • and never get tired. "

The jubilee is introduced to her jubilee duties. As a hospitable hostess at the holiday, she promises:

  • do not forget loved ones;
  • invite them to visit;
  • accept gifts from them;
  • set a rich table;
  • smile cheerfully;
  • always remain beautiful;
  • live up to 100 years old;
  • say no to diseases!

Official part

An anniversary is unthinkable without compliments, congratulations and wishes. The presenter gives the floor to the guests who delight the birthday girl with sincere words, sincere verses, songs, ditties. It is appropriate to present diplomas for high achievements in the field of gardening, cooking, raising grandchildren, instructing children on the right path.

Guests share their memories of the hero of the occasion, accompanying them with a photo show. It is best to choose an anniversary scenario with contests. Woman 70 years old? So what! Even at such a venerable age, people do not refuse to have fun. Both the hero of the occasion and those present will surely enjoy the "Laudatory Auction" competition. The presenter invites those present to name as many positive qualities of the birthday girl as possible. At the same time, the words should not be unfounded. It is necessary to recall the case when the hero of the day clearly demonstrated the named quality. Each praise is followed by a countdown to three. If during this time no one remembered the new quality, a winner is appointed. He is given the right to say a toast.

Young guests full of enthusiasm can prepare costume greetings. The latter will successfully fit into the scenario of the anniversary. For a 70-year-old woman with humor, this will be an excellent gift.

Scene "Visit of Little Red Riding Hood"

Young people love for a woman 70 years old may well become so if children and grandchildren show imagination.

The scene below involves two: a young girl playing the role of Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf. The latter needs a mask. To a song from the movie of the same name, Little Red Riding Hood runs into the room, waving a basket.

She says that she has come. Then the guest asks a series of questions, to which she herself answers. "Grandma, why do you have such big eyes? Is it because you were delighted with me? Why are you so many years old? Probably so that no one would guess that you are young at heart. Otherwise they will force you to go to work! so many guests? To give a lot of gifts, right? "

Then Little Red Riding Hood invites grandmother to pull out any pie from the basket. If he is with cabbage, the hero of the day will receive an increase in his pension. If with potatoes - garden work. Jam symbolizes the increased attention of men, rice - a trip to China, meat - life in abundance.

Suddenly a wolf runs in and demands to show him his grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood tries to block her, offers the predator pies from a basket, sausage from the table. The wolf stands his ground and in the end finds the hero of the day by smell. He says that he was not going to eat her, but wanted to congratulate her. Shakes hands, wishes health and the absence of wolves on the roads of fate. The scene can end with a dance or a song by the characters.

Congratulation "Italian guest"

A home anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman may include visits from foreign guests. The scene described below involves an Italian and his translator, who came to congratulate the dear birthday girl.

Italian (I): Chao cocoa, golden jubilee!

Translator (P): Hello, dear hero of the day!

I: Chao cocoa, domoedo drunk!

P: Hello dear guests!

Q: Particularly hard-working is not getting a damn thing.

P: My respect for the working people.

Q: And the seniors are lazy.

P: And also for children, students and retirees.

Q: Italian senor, the sun is shining.

P: I came to you from sunny Italy.

I: Crawling sabotage document lost.

P: Arrived on a special flight.

Q: Organizmo umotato suitcase confiscated.

P: I am full of energy and brought a whole suitcase of gifts for the hero of the day!

I: Congratulations brilliantto handsomely lyubovanto admired (name of the hero of the day).

P: Congratulations on the anniversary (name of the birthday girl).

And: In love with the feet served.

P: I express my respect.

And: Be energetic and colorful!

P: I wish you to remain as energetic and beautiful!

And: The back is not painful, the mouth is not cough, the eyes are looked, the legs of the begento.

P: Be healthy!

And: Tascanto bags, grandchildren brought up, copanto garden, tidied up in the room.

P: Young optimism, longevity!

And: Dragged from Italiano all unnecessary junk!

A: I brought you very necessary things from Italy!

The Italian presents the hero of the day with gifts that can also be played in an interesting way, kisses her hand and raises a toast to her.

Scene "Inspector"

The arrival of the inspector will easily fit into any cool anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman. A new interpretation of the famous work of Gogol will amuse the assembled guests. The main characters are the auditor and 2-3 assistants who come to the holiday with a check.

Strict Commission:

  • Measures the height of the table and determines that it meets the standards: three people easily fit under it.
  • The building angle checks the evenness of the floor. The results are announced: it is possible to dance, it is not recommended to fall, it is forbidden to fly on SanPin.
  • Measures room temperature and states that it is very hot in the room.
  • He puts the thermometer in a glass of alcohol. Its strength is increased.
  • Examines guests using various medical instruments. The verdict is passed: the degree of happiness, joy and fun is significantly overestimated.

As a result, an order is issued:

  • keep on having fun;
  • to destroy strong drinks first;
  • do not gather under the table;
  • to eat and praise salads, sleeping in them is strictly prohibited;
  • congratulate the hero of the day every 5 minutes;
  • to pronounce solemn speeches loudly, clearly, with expression;
  • go home on both legs, in unforeseen cases it is allowed to turn on the autopilot;
  • cherish the memory of the anniversary until the next holiday.

Table entertainment

A cheerful company will surely like the scenario of the anniversary for a 70-year-old woman with contests. They are held in between congratulations.

Here are some games that will bring people of all ages together:

  • "Sweet word". Papers with the letters of the Russian alphabet are folded into a bag. The guests take them out and say affectionate words to the birthday girl, starting with a pulled out letter.
  • "The Blind Artist". Players paint a portrait of the hero of the day with their eyes closed.
  • "Most knowledgeable". Guests are asked various questions about the biography and hobbies of the birthday girl. A candy is awarded for each correct answer. The guest who has accumulated more sweets by the end of the game is presented with the "Most Informed" medal, as well as a pass to the hero of the day at any time of the day or night with her signature.
  • "Guess the Prize". Small items are put into the bag. There are as many of them as there are letters in the name of the hero of the day. Each gift begins with one of the letters of the name. For example, Marina is the hero of the occasion. The bag contains a fridge magnet, an orange, a pen, a toy, scissors and ascorbic acid. Whoever guessed the next gift takes it.
  • "Feel." The participants in the game are blindfolded. With the help of two forks, you need to determine what lies in front of you. Use familiar objects: fruit from the table, candy, pencil, comb, toothbrush. If the guest is confused, let him ask questions that can be answered "yes" or "no".

Music and song entertainment

Not all elderly people are ready to dance until you drop. Nevertheless, an anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman is unthinkable without musical accompaniment. The selection of compositions should be approached with special responsibility. The older generation sometimes does not understand contemporary music. Let melodies from the past sound on the anniversary, as well as favorite performers of the birthday girl. Perhaps she will want to dance with her husband again to the song that tied them half a century ago.

The traditions of table gatherings with choral singing are still alive in the circle of the older generation. Karaoke can be arranged. Or fun games that challenge guests to be smart. For example, "Musical forfeits". You will need the Chocolate Egg Cases that contain the quests. They are lowered into a bag and passed from guest to guest to the accompaniment of music. The one on whom the song falls silent, pulls out the task at random and performs it. It is permissible to ask for friendly help.

Tasks can be very diverse. Let the guests guess the melodies, remember the songs about the birthday or New Year's holidays. Invite them to sing one verse from any children's, military, folk, Komsomol song. You can give a more difficult task - to guess the name of the song by reading its third line. A lot of emotions are caused by showing the song with the help of gestures.

Comic lottery

Elderly people get tired quickly, and this must be taken into account when drafting an anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman. A cool scenario may involve the presentation of final gifts to guests. It is convenient to arrange this part in the form of a comic lottery. Those who have gathered take turns drawing numbers and receive a prize. Gifts are accompanied by verse comments:

  • Life is sometimes full of miracles. Get a Mercedes. (Toy car).
  • Memory won't let you down as long as you have a notebook with you.
  • Here is a lot of luck! Get your egg! (Kinder Surprise).
  • There is no more necessary prize. Keep the trash bag.
  • Go through life laughing! Let the candle light the way!
  • To run a hundred meters, eat a delicious carrot.
  • You are great today! Your gift is a lollipop.
  • Do not be sad by chance, you better drink this tea.
  • In order not to age at all, get a wonderful cream. (Hand cream).
  • Go through life more fun! Something doesn't stick - that's the glue!
  • Fate has generously rewarded you! Keep imported soap!
  • To instruct the squiggles, get these pens. (A set of colored pens).
  • Optimism will charge a magnet for the refrigerator. (Magnet with a life-affirming inscription).
  • Forget strict diets! Life will become as sweet as candy! (Bag with sweets).
  • It's not a pity for you! I tear off a washcloth from my heart!
  • What a joy, what a prize! Get your service! (A set of disposable tableware).
  • Anyone can use toilet paper, however.
  • To while away the evening, you need to click the seeds.

An anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman should be well thought out. Elderly people are sometimes naughty, but they all need care and attention. Show your imagination, try to create a cozy atmosphere for the holiday. If this is done from a pure heart, the woman dear to you will feel needed and loved. For her, this feeling is much more important than a mountain of expensive gifts.

Today is a holiday in a beautiful woman,
Not much at all - she is seventy years old.
She is a messenger of love and kindness,
And we wish her in response:

Strong health, great happiness,
Love from loved ones and children.
So that bad weather bypasses the house
And there were many happy guests.

We want to wish you
Do not surrender for years.
Look after health
Well, it's better not to get sick!

Rest more, walk
And visit girlfriends.
And remind the family -
You are seventy already!

Happy anniversary
We came to congratulate you.
And we want to say rather
Your wishes.

Long years, prosperity,
Grandchildren so they can raise
So that all the clouds are dispelled
And they could swim to success.

Seventy years is just a little.
May your dreams come true.
Well, we ask God
To keep you from trouble.

And delight and admiration,
This holiday is causing
Seventieth birthday,
The whole family notes.

Stay wise, strong
Brave and beautiful
Be cheerful and happy
A lovely, sweet woman.

Dedicate all this time to yourself,
And do whatever you want
Health, most importantly, dear, take care,
And live up to at least 100 years.

Happy 70th anniversary!
Peace to you and good long years.
Let life and cares and cherishes you,
And any day only brings light.

Let your relatives take care of you,
Let kindness surround you.
And may happiness always be with you
And walks alongside through the years.

Madame, mother, sister and granny -
Here's how richly you can be called.
With a hot and sincere kiss
We hasten to congratulate and wish you health.

No, no, take away the sadness rather.
On your seventieth anniversary,
You are like dear bitterness wine -
The older it is, the more delicious it is.

It smells of goodies, roses, secrets.
And in the eyes of a hundred thousand bright lights.
Years swirled with flock birds -
Seven dozen! Oh, what an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Be smart:
Do not be depressed and never hurt.
From the rays of love you will always screw up your eyes
And always smile with happiness.

Look at what wonderful grandchildren
And your caring children
Interesting years await you with them!
Long, long, dear, live!

Happy 70th birthday! This is an anniversary!
I can’t believe it at all, to be honest.
Years fly by, of course, but don't you dare be sad,
Leave more room for joy in your heart.

Be healthy, please and don't worry in vain,
After all, there is absolutely no reason for sorrow.
Your friends and family are always with you,
Let love and happiness not leave you.

70 years have not been lived in vain:
Rich experience and great family.
On such an anniversary, I would like to wish you:
Health, happiness, goodness to make money.

May children and grandchildren bring joy
May life pass without parting
May the sun shine on you every day
And there are still many decades ahead.

It's time for the anniversary
Although you are not twenty years old
You are doing well every year
Your secret is in a huge heart.

And we will live at seventy years
We will also go to the dances
Well, in the meantime, we'll all sit at the table
We will pour wine into glasses.

Thank you so much
That you are a good person
So always be so happy
And you live a whole century!

Always be healthy with us
We wish you many, many happiness
Let in your seventy years
Forget you anxiety light

So that you always live well.
So that only fate surprises
So that children delight the century,
And next to you was your man.

You know the recognition, respect,
Carrying incomes of achievement,
So that life is comfortable
And you are healthy forever. ©

You are seventy years old, dear,
Our woman is dear!
You were able to achieve a lot
So that you are healthy.

Children so that they always appreciate
They came to visit more often,
Light, joy, luck,
On a jubilee birthday.

You are an example for all of us,
You know how to be happy
Despite your age,
You are good to be yourself. ©

We wish you seventy years old,
Live so that without grief and without troubles,
So that you never lose heart
Always so that children adore.

Do not know you resentment, anxiety,
Walk a thousand roads
Let fate protect
And he will always be kind to you.

Only know how to live happily
Don't keep a bad thing in your heart
To multiply successes
And grandchildren so that you are born. ©

Let the head be crowned with gray hair
And your grandchildren have even grown up,
Others may the times come
At heart you are really young.
And seventy is a beautiful anniversary.
And he is wrong who says - this is old age!
You have become a little more solid and wiser
But you still have a lot to do.
Never need to be sad in this life
While you are with close and faithful friends.
Let a lucky star guide you
Be guarded by people and heaven!

They call the years solid wealth,
They are more valuable, perhaps, than gold coins.
And aged people sometimes radiate
A priceless light of kindness.
I want to congratulate you on your anniversary,
You are a woman star on your birthday,
And seventy rays will warm us all
And we will be remembered for many years.
We wish you health, strength, energy,
Let your life be in full swing.
May everything that you dreamed of come true
And everyone will gather at the festive table.

Seven dozen is a long way
If you look back,
You will see the road
On which there were many
Impressions and events
Unexpected discoveries
Pleasant meetings and confessions,
Sometimes frustrating.
There was everything - love and sorrow,
And deprivation, and feast.
Passions raged in life,
Happiness came to visit.
This path was not passed in vain
You have become wiser on the way
And the soul became richer
They love you and that means
You walked the right way.
May Grace from God
You will be a reward from heaven,
Let relatives be near
Many years and many winters
It is heaven that we store!

Today is this birthday,
On a wonderful, glorious anniversary
Please accept our congratulations
From loved ones, from relatives, friends.
Divine number - seven -
Your further path is overshadowed.
Let it be cloudless
And your wisdom is kind, sharp-sighted.
So that your faithful often shines,
Like a light of a living lamp,
Anyone could light a light in my soul
And support in shaky doubts.
Let it be as if in the garden
The grandchildren are blooming
Children are ripening
Let him not recognize trouble here
Nobody ever in the world!

In a good mood
You meet your guests.
I can't believe that 70
You celebrate with us.

We wish you to live happily
Take care of yourself and please
With a smile, in good health
Celebrate a centenary!

How beautiful you are in the light of these lamps,
A restaurant is ordered, the whole family is assembled!
You are happy, life has not been lived in vain!
Have known the taste of happiness, success - the sea!
And let it be retired for a long time, for you,
No time for gossip benches
You have chosen your hobby for a long time
And took place in it, be proud of it!
Today there will be dances and songs for the soul,
Flowers, sea cards and gifts,
We wish you a great anniversary,
You will not be sorry for what you have spent!

Today you have 70,
But the years don't matter.
So stay kind as always.
And let the heart never grow old.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
70 today to you,
And I wish you soon -
Let it be rewarded for deeds
May good luck be near
And success won't let you down
Nearby are sincere people
Together with them, happiness awaits!

I wish my dearest woman,
On this wonderful anniversary, wonderful holiday,
When she turned 70,
To make her life bright and clear!

I wish you never lose heart
After all, life should always be beautiful
And so that you know the true price of it,
You have to be smiling, happy!

Let the moon rise in the sky for you
And he will give you all the beauty
You won't be alone on this day
They will give you gifts and wishes on this day!

Belle, princess, queen,
You are happiness for friends and family,
And at seventy, as at thirty, you are beautiful
And you are able to conquer any
Men all over the world
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,
And we wish you congratulations on this,
So that each person could celebrate so cheerfully.

How lucky you are!
You clearly proved to people:
Seven is quite a lucky number!
Well, we won't count zero at all,
For meaning is absent in zero;
But why so many words?
Better to wish you an anniversary
Peace, happiness and a little bit of health!

Congratulations on your anniversary
With a fiery heart in my chest
We wish you happiness, joy
Without barriers all the way!
The way roses bloom as a gift,
Let the gardens bloom
Let the familiar smiles.
Give the joy of beauty.
Let all the stars light up
Congratulations to you,
Let the luck touch.
On this day
Let everything be for you!

Nice woman,
At seventy years old
Accept as a gift
Delight bouquet!
Light wisdom
Children admire
By right luck
The networks are full

Rainbow days
And pleasant moments.
Let it go around
A series of disappointments!

After all, they are coming
Calm days
And will shine
Health lights!

70 candles are burning on the cake!
Happy birthday to you, I am from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations! Happiness and health!
Live without troubles, your soul bloom!
Let joy bring you every day!
So that there are no minutes for sadness!
And I really want to meet you
The day when 100 candles are lit on the cake!

How beautiful is your age!
You won't give you that much.
Well, perhaps thirty-five,
I can't give any more!
May life continue to love you
And spoils good luck
Children, grandchildren do not get sick,
Do not dare to upset you.
And I also wish you
Happiness without end and edge!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
You are 70 - a venerable age!
Today you are like a queen
And the guests are all delighted with you!

We wish to be cheerful
Healthy, kind, positive,
Always beautiful, patient
Smart, cheerful and athletic!

Strive to live without evil and boredom,
Without melancholy and anxiety,
May grandchildren bring joy
May God protect you from trouble!

Happy birthday to you,
You have lived seven dozen in the world,
You have achieved a lot, no doubt.
You have a great family and grown-up children,

And the grandchildren have grown up and even have great-grandchildren,
You live together, in abundance and with love,
Today is the Anniversary, there is a reason for celebrations,
We wish you happiness, well-being, health,

Calm, good dreams and blue sky,
Great success, vigor and fresh strength,
Sincere smiles and golden sun
And so that the Angel would keep from troubles for many years

Anniversary is a great occasion
Gather all the relatives together.
It should be fun, fervent
Celebrate this holiday.

The years-birds fly away
Not to be young again
But believe me it's not too late
Live, laugh and love!

Remember 70 is just a number.
Cheerfulness is the secret.
Happy birsday, my dear!
Make us happy for another 100 years!

It's not for nothing that the years are called wealth -
Wisdom and spiritual light are priceless,
That even at seventy you can live brightly.
They are more expensive than gold coins.

Congratulating you on this anniversary,
Let's face it: You are a woman star!
You are not kinder, prettier, more fun,
You will keep it forever.

We wish you good health, most importantly,
Let the energy always be in full swing.
The one who is young in soul, we know for sure
Warmed in life by a sunbeam.

Our dear and unique, we sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful beautiful anniversary date, on your seventieth birthday! We wish you good health, excellent health, cheerful mood and vigor for the implementation of all your plans. Let your life have as many interesting events, joyful meetings, love from loved ones, happiness and good luck in your life.

Gorgeous age, 70 years old!
And there is no reason for sadness at all.
From the bottom of my heart congratulations today,
Life is good and there is no doubt about it!

You are a kind grandmother, a wise mother,
Mistress, what else to look for!
We wish you happy and joyful days,
To celebrate not a single anniversary!

How beautiful is your age!
You won't give you that much.
Well, perhaps thirty-five,
I can't give any more!
May life continue to love you
And spoils good luck
Children, grandchildren do not get sick,
Do not dare to upset you.
And I also wish you
Happiness without end and edge!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Let the years fly like birds.
Let the gray silver shine
But your soul is young.

7 dozen fate counted,
Weaving the lace of your life
By the years-steps of the chagall
You are hoping, believing, loving.

I wish the thread does not end
Your lacemaker has destiny
So that the soul remains young
And you were happy.

You always walked straight through life
Keeping the warmth of dear hearts.
You, our grandmother and mother,
An example for us and a sample.

Warming with your smile
Sharing my wisdom
You helped me dear
We have to cope with trouble more than once.

And now my family is friendly today
We are going to congratulate you.
Let everything be as it should be
And long, long - this life.

Health, strength, mood
Let the Lord give you.
On the 70th birthday
The soul rejoices and sings.

Every woman is a mystery.
Some are more difficult, and some are a little easier.
May your life be long and sweet.
Bright, rich, just good.

Seventy is neither more nor less.
A dash in life, a serious result.
How many have seen, how many have learned.
And congratulations on our anniversary.

Let your loved ones surround you with care,
Give love and warm you.
The main job is to be a grandmother!
Let the house be filled with joy.

Mom, wife and dear grandmother.
There are so many titles and many merits.
The best and most expensive.
A faithful, proven friend for years.

We want to congratulate you on your anniversary,
Thank you for the wisdom
From a pure heart, with great love
I wish you health.

May everything that you dreamed of in life come true,
Let the family be the support.
Let them surround you with warmth and care
Relatives, colleagues, friends.

On the day of the anniversary, joyful and clear
I wish you inspiration and happiness.
Health and calm quiet days,
And there are always loving people nearby.

Let the date of the holiday not scare you a bit
May the anniversary give all the best -
Great success, good luck, longevity,
Welcome, comfort, warmth and mood.

70 will never give you
35 soul, the rest is experience.
Don't look at your passport
And don't count the years
Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
Meet on the anniversary.
The whole family is big
Gathered at the table
Let love be
Your house is full.
We wish you healthy
You were happy
There is youth in your heart
To always live.