Happy New Year greetings to a large family. Happy New Year greetings to relatives. Happy New Year to matchmakers

What is more important in life than family?

Nothing, because everything in the world is empty.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Family and friends Happy New Year.

Let the frost crackle outside the window again,

I know where it is always warm and cozy.

And I know the answer to my question

And there is no place for this recklessness.

Family is an endless wondrous light,

Family - support, trepidation, hope.

Family is the elixir from all troubles

And faith even where there is no place.

My relatives, loved ones, may the new year

What really steps into its own rights

Only happiness, joy will bring you,

And let kindness never leave.

I wish you health, my dear ones,

On a beautiful New Year's Eve,

May your days be wonderful

Mosaic over the years

I wish you smiles, fun, good luck,

And all sorts of life accomplishments,

Solutions to the toughest challenges

And only wonderful moments.

Let the light not go out, my dear ones,

In your close, charming eyes,

May the New Year that comes now

Carries life on mischievous wings.

May there be happiness, the world is immense,

Let there be joy, as if without boundaries,

And tomorrow may be better than yesterday

The day that will amaze people with a smile.

Let the old pages of long days

You will never be disappointed.

Let you dream of a wondrous fairy tale,

Realizing in life every time.

The tree smells like a winter forest,

It smells like a fairy tale, a round dance.

Today I am you, relatives,

Happy New Year.

Congratulations on your new happiness

With new joy, great

And with a merry, New Year's,

Snowy, joyful winter.

I wish snow slides

To make the skating rink slippery

So that in the arms of mother, tender

I could always drown.

I am to my family today

I want to wish you happiness

And tell them I'm strong

I love them very much.

The herringbone is burning with lights

Duck smells on the table

I am warmly dear to you,

It is joyful with you everywhere.

We see off the old year

With tender sadness in my soul,

He brought so much happiness

Our friendly whole family.

New Year is very close

Hurries to us with a loud ringing,

Reindeer to visit children

Santa Claus is already flying.

Today I wish the Children

to a clever wife, to all relatives,

to all people close

To our friendly whole family:

Always cherish each other,

Help in grief, in trouble,

To be near, and if it is difficult

Call everyone for help.

When your relatives are waiting for you at home,

When the light in the window is on

That is warm and joyful in the heart,

That someone cherishes you.

New Year is just around the corner

Very soon he will knock on our window.

I am family again next to you,

Together we are comfortable and light.

I wish everyone joy today

Human gentle warmth

May all the life that we still have,

Will be woven with smiles and kindness.

Happy New Year greetings to the family in prose text

Beautiful, original, comic Happy New Year greetings to your
family in prose, wishes from mom, from dad, from children, from grandmother, from
parents, from grandchildren text in their own words

Congratulations to the family from mom in prose!

My precious
little men! My golden family! Congratulations! May grandfather in the New Year
frost will give everyone a bag, in which you are expected not only
sweet sweets, and a lot of laughter and joy, endless happiness
and great success, excellent health and eternal unquenchable love,
which will last for a whole year and for a lifetime. And all your sorrows and
let the grandfather carry off sadness to distant distances!
Text to the family from dad!

My family is the only and irreplaceable! Since I am the head
families, someone's daddy, someone's spouse, and for someone's son-in-law!
I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Be
my darlings next year are even happier, more beautiful, more
more successful, even more loved and healthier! Become better every moment! A
your daddy will be there, ready to reward you with advice at any moment
and provide top class first aid as soon as possible!
To parents from children in their own words! Our parents are the most magnificent! We congratulate you! New Year's
you beautiful fairy tales, unexpected glorious miracles, let Santa Claus
in childhood, will see and fulfill all your desires, desires,
dreaming! Never be sad or grow old in soul. The most important thing
love each other and love us even more! Do not quarrel for a century, especially for
trifles. And do not scold us, because you are the coolest, coolest and
advanced parents! Happy New Year!
Prose from Grandmother on NG My dear granddaughters! Here comes the New Year! In a hurry
to congratulate the most beloved on this snow-white and magnificent holiday.
Always strive to go forward in all matters, but bolder, not
be intimidated by life lessons. Enjoy life, be cheerful
catch your luck faster. Don't face grief, negativity. Be
more positive and kind. And most importantly, on New Year's Eve, know when to stop
when drinking alcoholic beverages!

Parents' wishes

Happy New Year kids! Today
you can not even sleep at night, fool around until you drop, and eat how much
any candy. Grow our sweet little pussies big,
smart and healthy. In the New Year, all dreams have
the ability to be realized, ask the most desirable and it will certainly
will come true. This wonderful - wonderful holiday will give you many
the happiest minutes and days. Yes, and don't forget to look under
herringbone needle!
Words of congratulations from grandchildren with NG

Our granny, New Year is a fairy tale only if you are with
us in these moments! After all, remembering stories from childhood, you and
New Year's wonderful moments are inseparable. You were like Santa Claus for
us, who performs mysteries and miracles. Congratulations to you! Let be
every New Year brings you strength, health and youth. After all if
you are with us, we always feel like little kids and wait
beautiful with wonderful.

Happy New Year 2018 in prose

set goals.

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck,
smiles, warmth and light. May it be full of bright colors, pleasant
impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone in the new year to be
healthy, beautiful, loved and successful!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you in the coming year
to be surrounded by extremely positive and friendly people,
experience only pleasant emotions, enjoy every day lived,
to give joy and smiles to others. And may this New Year be
special for you.

Happy New Year! And I want to wish everyone that in
the coming year, the same miracle happened to us, about which we all
so dreaming. Although everyone has their own, but it is necessarily the most
necessary and most important. I wish that we all were safe and sound,
to do what brings us pleasure. I wish to reach
new heights and self-realization. And I also want to wish more
joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and
meetings with devoted friends and beloved household members.

Happy New Year! I wish with all my heart bright moments in life, only
pleasant impressions, great prosperity in the house, harmony in the family,
luck in all matters and, of course, pure and sincere love!

Happy New Year! I wish everyone to be fulfilled this year, even
the smallest, dreams. To make more warmth, more open up
opportunities, incredible prospects appeared, new friends, burned
fire in the hearth, a smile played on the faces of loved ones. Let be
the most cherished will come true!

May the New Year be successful and rich for us.
events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. Wish that we
could share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health,
peace, luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy, happiness
and changes for the better!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish that in
new year, your most cherished and innermost desires come true, so that
you and your loved ones were happy and healthy, so that lady luck does not
bypassed you, and all the cases started ended in triumph!

I wish that the New Year will bring not only happiness, but also confidence
in tomorrow, so that every morning begins with a feeling of joy and
pleasure! I wish every area of ​​life to be a full bowl.
Let the thirst for new achievements, energy and sincere
joy from life, which in itself is an invaluable gift!

Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, kindness, peace, warmth,
health, patience, care, ease, celebration, love, faith, hopes,
desires, dreams, events, success, mood, loved ones nearby, miracles,
blessings, prosperity, stability, adventure, beauty, strength,
wisdom. May every year, not just the current one, be the most
perfect, better than the previous one, uncompromisingly excellent in all
relationships that create a flawless life!

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Do not take offense at anything,
Life is easy and without worries
The whole coming new year.
Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth
Always be positive
So that you are always lucky in everything!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all the bad weather go around
Life will give you full gift!

I wish you peace and good
Love, warmth!
May this New Year be for you
Will bring success and joy!
May the New Year open the doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
Good luck may smile at you!

Happy New Year! May the new year bring only good ones
events, bright moments in life, happiness, fulfillment of all hopes and
set goals.

All the best to you, the very best,
Good luck in everything and happy luck.
May your worries be pleasant,
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring grief,
And just have a great mood!

May the New Year bring joy
Warmth of hearts, love of relatives.
May every day be your sweetness.
Less cold, evil days.
I wish you happiness a full heap,
Let life play with colors.
Fun, joy, enthusiasm!
Let everyday life become fairy tales.
Let the luck not recede
Let kindness surround
May the New Year not offend you
And he will always be generous to you.

May all bad things be erased in the New Year
How an eraser erases a stroke we don't need!
May the best smile at you
And let every moment be bright in the year!
Health, success and a lot of luck,
Wealth and blessings in the coming year!
Great ideas and always inspiration!
Only good things to your destiny!

Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness in life,
Many good wishes
Fulfillment of all dreams!
The brightest impressions
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
Much joyful trouble!

May the New Year shower you
Money and wealth.
I wish all dreams come true
Desires - to be fulfilled.
Good health, love
And happy events.
I wish you happiness, novelty
And fabulous discoveries.
May there be a holiday every day
Friends, relatives are nearby.
And all good things will come
With a magical snowfall.

May the New Year bring you
Health and good luck
Let it be resolved easily
All the hard tasks!
May there be joy in your soul
And in my heart - inspiration.
More faith and love -
And doubts will go away!
To want to dance
To love and to be loved,
Blessed to be in everything
And kept by the Lord!

Let your wishes come true!
Bad things will be forgotten!
Love will come with hope
With unrestrained passion!
May happiness be eternal
Health - endless
All dreams are real
Ideas are only brilliant
The charge is only long, vigorous!
Is always! And happy New Year!

The time has come when everyone can
New plans to dream
Contemplate something carefully
Yes, everything under the tree to think.
I am glad to wish you a Happy New Year!
And late this evening
Santa Claus let you in passing
Will give you happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers of kindness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in you.

Happy New Year 2017

New Year - January 1

Poems about the new year
New Year's poems for children
Cool congratulations
Friends, the new 2017 is coming - the Red Fire Rooster!
For most people, celebrating the New Year is their favorite holiday.
New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique,
bewitching. People expect another miracle, a bright fairy tale, a new
happiness ... Someone makes a wish, and believes that it will certainly
will come true in the coming year! We are waiting for the chimes to strike, we raise our glasses with
sparkling champagne and takes your breath away - here it is, here it is
the long-awaited holiday, New Year, a few more seconds and HE will enter
the threshold of each house, as a full-fledged owner, king and sovereign.
It will enter, and will certainly bring with it warmth and harmony with
every family, health - as the greatest jewel given to us
from above, good luck - so that there is enough for the whole year, love - so that the heart
overflowed and passion reigned over the mind, gifts of the coveted bag and
New Year's greetings to boot!
This holiday is unchanging
accompanied by joyful chores and worries, New Year
preparations, recipes and table decorations. Every mistress strives
surprise your loved ones and relatives with some special amazing and
delicious dish, strives to set the table so that the aroma of fragrant
salads and pies filled the house so that there was a New Year's
mood, candlesticks, napkins with snowflakes, and cookies in the form
Christmas trees. And tangerines with sweets, and champagne! And the house? The house is already
for several days, a forest beauty adorns, dressed in royal outfits,
iridescent lights, shining stars. She is decorated
extraordinary balls and cones, has long been waiting for the holiday! Soon soon
children and adults will join hands and dance in a cheerful
New Year's round dance around our elegant guest. “I was born in the forest
Christmas tree ... "- here it is a holiday, New Year, here it is our happiness!
this time we all try to work part-time as wizards,
magicians, good fairies ... Santa Claus and Snow Maiden receive children's
letters and prepare gifts. This means that the New Year is mandatory.
will come - and will be no less cheerful and happy than all the previous ones.

And in the morning ... in the morning we all, like children, will sneak a glance under
Christmas tree, is there a treasured bag with gifts? Who knows, suddenly
Santa Claus really is 🙂
And while there are still those cherished
five minutes, stock up on New Year's greetings and wishes for
loved and dear to you people, for those with whom you are going to meet
the coming year, and who is far from you. Stock up on good verses, and
do not regret the words addressed to your friends. And most importantly, believe - all your
wishes will certainly come true!
More about New Year
Contests, New Year sms, New Year's drinking songs, anecdotes and much, much more about celebrating the New Year!
Boil champagne in a glass
Bubbles will fly around.
The old year hastens to say goodbye to us!
A new one enters like a new friend!
May he be full of inspiration
Joy, love and beauty!
Let him give the best moments
And make all your cherished dreams come true!
Open your door with hope
Looking forward to happy changes!
And he will step out of the snow blizzard
Under the native vaults of your walls!

Happy New Year 2017
Happy New Year, my dear ones!
Let the champagne spray sparkle!
With wishes of happiness, love,
Laugh more tonight
Do not be afraid to dream about something,
And desires, when it strikes twelve,
Be sure to have time to think -
May they all come true!

Happy New Year in verses
Under the quiet, slow snow
Stepping soft steps
Stepped over the threshold
The past year, having said goodbye to us.
Let him go, it should be
Don't regret anything!
A new one is already knocking on the door,
So open it to him quickly!
Believe that this year is coming
Will fulfill everything that the heart expects!
He will certainly be the best
Successful and happy year!

New Year is Coming!
Snowy, frosty, spruce!
Joyful, friendly, happy -
Sixteenth, tireless!
After all, people are waiting for him,
Always dreaming of a miracle!
In him, happiness is already starting!
May it be bright for everyone!

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year 2017!
Let's smile at all our adversity
There is only success and luck ahead,
After all, it cannot be otherwise in life!
New Year will bring us victories
All troubles are bypassed by the side
May love, fun and light
Everything in this world will overflow!

Happy New Year, with new snow!
May dreams come true
So that the barriers - without a run -
Awesome height!
There is no more wonderful holiday!
How much joy is in your soul!
New thoughts in a new song
New meetings and in general! ..
May the past not return
A new day will come again
Only the old remains
Our friendship and love!

This is how the light is arranged on white,
Starting from the beginning of the universe:
The new year is many years
Goodbye to the outgoing person!
May expectations warm us all!
May our success not be torn to pieces!
May we become kinder and wiser!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

So that the New Year is a sweet fairy tale
But he kept firmly in good shape
He has problems with the brain at the same time
Not very heavy load.
So that the prince arrived on horseback
Has not lost my heat and ardor
To continue to love, cherish
And to wash the floors more often.
And he helped to do the housework
Forgetting your masculine selfishness
And even showed in the kitchen
Its culinary heroism.
So that the kids' backgnaws
You didn't count on New Years
And to relax it turned out
From piled up adversity.
So that the New Year brings under the tree
Patience for the whole family
Believe me, they are madly in love
Your tender smile.

Happy New Year in verses
Santa Claus in a sleigh rushes to you,
He is lucky for you.
A miracle will happen on New Years
And good luck will come to you!
With a childlike faith in your happiness,
Live this year.
Understanding and participation
Let it live in your heart!

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year!" -
Everyone exclaims around.
Under the high firmament
The album opens.
Binding window shadows
The whole is embroidered with patterns.
On the outskirts of the villages
The mysterious forest stands.
Santa Claus dear long
I got stuck in the snowdrifts,
But a Christmas tree
Festively decorated the hall,
And scattered the mischievous
Sequins of rhinestones on trees.
Adults will have a weekend
And the holidays are for the boys.
In the morning a wonderful minute
Without throwing and worries
Will be the reason for something
Calendar New Year:
Someone will buy a trinket
And put it to the crystal.
Someone affectionately in your ear
Say: "I love you."
Someone will call friends.
Who, sitting by the couch,
Will have a photo album
Rearrange the sheets.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Let us rise, life thanks
With the first sun rising
Early January morning!
Semyon Khmelevskoy

SuperTosty.ru has arrived on horseback

What do not regret! There will be no less - the most beloved

May you all be lucky!

Even the smallest, New Year's wonderful moments

Happier, more beautiful, With gentle sadness on

What is in life I have not lost my

Already knocking on the cheerful and happy

Holiday. New Year brings the year

Happy New Year! Dreams. To become

Inseparable. You were even more successful, more

Soul, more important than family?

The heat and ardor of the door is new,

Than all the previous ones are called magic, mysterious,

A lot of joyful troubles! With new happiness!

More warmth, opened like Santa Claus

More loved and He brought so much

Nothing, because in

To continue to love

So open for him And in the morning ... in the morning

Amazing, unique, charming.

May the New Year shower

Laughter, peace and

More opportunities have appeared

For us who

Are healthy! Become better than happiness

The world is all to cherish

Hurry up! We are all like

People are waiting for the next you

Good! Incredible prospects, new

Performs the sacraments and every moment! A

Our friendly whole family is empty.

And so that the floors Believe that this

Children will stealthily throw a miracle, a bright fairy tale,

Money and wealth.

Let all friends go around, the fire burned

Miracles. Congratulations! Your daddy will

New year really

I want you from the bottom of my heart

Washed more often.

Year to come

Look under the herringbone,

New happiness ... Someone

I wish everyone to come true

Bad weather,

In the hearth,

May every new

Close, ready to reward close

Congratulate me

And he helped to

Will fulfill everything that

Is he making a wish, and


Life will bestow on you

Played a smile on

The year brings you advice at any

Ringing loud to us

Relatives and loved ones

The heart is waiting for the housework!

There the coveted bag believes that it is

Desires - to be fulfilled.

In full! Faces of loved ones. Let

Strength, health and instant and provide

In a hurry, Happy New Year.

Forgetting your masculine

He will certainly be

With gifts? Who

Will certainly come true in

Good health, love

I wish you peace and good

The most cherished will come true! Youth. After all if

Prompt first aid Reindeer to children

Let selfishness outside the window again

The best, he knows, suddenly grandfather

Coming year! We And happy events.

Love, warmth! May the New Year be

You are with us

Top class! Visit

Bursting frost, And showed on

Successful and happy Frost and truth

Waiting for the chimes, I wish you happiness, novelty

Let this

Successful for us

We always feel our parents from their children

Santa Claus is already flying. I know where it is always

Happy New Year greetings to the family in prose text

Year! There is :) raise glasses with And fabulous discoveries. New Year and words rich with good yourself little kids! Today I wish Children,

Warm, cozy, its culinary heroism.

The New Year is coming! And still sparkling champagne and Let the holiday be Success and joy with events and acquaintances, and we are waiting for the beautiful Our parents are the cleverest wife, All relatives, And I know the answer So that the kids will be chewing back Snowy, frosty, spruce! There are those very breathtaking ones - every day, will bring! Desires and opportunities. With wonderful. Magnificent! We congratulate all people close to your question,
You didn't count Joyful, friendly, happy cherished five minutes, here it is, here Friends, relatives - May the New Year I wish you nicelady.ru! New Year's to you Our friendly whole family: And there is no place in the New Year - stock up on New Year's greetings, he is a long-awaited holiday, next door will open the doors to share the joyful Happy New Year! Year of a beautiful, unexpected fairy tale Always cherish each other, this recklessness. And to relax
Sixteenth, tireless! And wishes for New Year, more And all the good In the world of magic, let the moments with loved ones bring glorious miracles, Grandfather In grief to help, in the Family - it turned out endless After all, there are several beloved and dear ones waiting for him seconds and cares, faith, people will come. I wish you health, only good events, Let the frost be like trouble, wonderful light, From the piled up adversity.very people, you people, for HE will enter on
With a magical snowfall and everything is good Peace, good luck and bright moments in childhood it will be dreamed of Be near, and if the Family is a support, trepidation, So that the New Year Always dreaming of those with whom the threshold of each house is, May the New Year to you will begin! well-being. May the New life, happiness, fulfillment and fulfill all the hard hope.bring a miracle under the tree! You are going to meet as a full-fledged owner,

Will bring

Good luck may the year bring you joy, all hopes and your desires, desires, Call everyone for help The family is the elixir of Patience for all. good luck, smile! happiness and change of goals. dreams! Never to myself. From any troubles the family already starts! Who will come from you, and certainly
Let it be solved easily Happy New Year! Year of For the better! Happy New Year! Let it be sad and not When houses are waiting for you And faith even there, Believe me, they are madly Let them be bright for far away. Stock up on the good ones that will bring with you All the difficult tasks! Let the new one bring you Accept my sincere congratulations this year will bring you an old soul. The most dear ones, where there is no place.Love everyone he will be! Poetry, and not warmth and May there be joy only good events,

Happy New Year 2018 in prose

We have a lot of happiness, the main thing is to love your friend When the light is in the window My dear ones, loved ones, may your tender smile.

Harmony with everyone in my soul, bright moments in I wish you good luck, smiles, warmth to my friend, and still lit, new year Congratulations on the New Year 2017! Address of friends. And family, health -

And in the heart of life, happiness, the fulfillment of the new year and light. Let more of us! Age That is warm and joyful What is it in our verses Let's smile at all our main things, believe - as the greatest - inspiration.All hopes and you have come true the most

He will be full, do not quarrel, especially in the heart, Santa Claus completely steps in adversity, all your wishes are a jewel given to us More faith and goals set. Cherished and secret bright colors, pleasant Over trifles. And that someone treasures you. You only have happiness, joy in a sleigh to you. Ahead only success will certainly come true! From above, good luck - love - All the best to you, the very desire to have impressions and joyful Do not scold us, the New Year will not bring,

Rushes, and good luck, More about the New so that there is enough for And the best will go away, happy and healthy events. I wish you all, because you are just around the corner, and let kindness not

He is gifts to you After all, the year cannot all year, love of doubt!

Contests, New Year sms, - so that the heart wants to dance, and a happy occasion, loved ones, so that the lady be healthy, beautiful, cool and advanced to our window. New differently! New Year's drinking songs, the passion to Love and be was overflowing

Let the luck be pleasant not bypassed loved ones and successful! Parents! Happy New Year, my relatives are close again On the beautiful New Year's Eve, the year will happen, New Year will bring anecdotes and much, much reigned over the mind, loved one, your worries, you side, and I sincerely congratulate you on

Year! With you, May yours be wonderful And good luck to us victories another about meeting gifts cherished bag Blessed to be in good feelings brings all the business started Happy New Year! I wish Prose from Grandmother to Together we are comfortable and the days will come to you! By the side everyone bypasses the New Year!

And New Year's greetings to all the work. Ended triumphantly! It's light for you in the coming NG. Coming together in a mosaic in years, With childish faith in trouble, Boil champagne into the bargain! And by the Lord! bears I wish the New Year to be in My dear granddaughters!

Happy New Year 2018

I wish you smiles, fun, good luck,
In your happiness, May love, fun
This holiday invariably May wishes come true!
New year of chagrin, brought not only
Surrounded by extremely positive So it comes
Human gentle warmth
And all sorts of life accomplishments, Live this year.
And light Bubbles will fly around.
Accompanied by joyful chores Bad things will be forgotten!
And only great happiness, but also
And friendly people, New Year! In a hurry
Let the whole life that Solutions to the most difficult problems
Understanding and participation

The old year is in a hurry
And worries, New Year
Love will come with your mood!
Confidence in tomorrow to experience only pleasant
We still have to congratulate on this,
And only wonderful moments in your heart
This world! Say goodbye to us!
Preparations, recipes and hope,

Let the New Year give to the day, so that every emotion, enjoy every snow-white and magnificent Will be woven with smiles Let the light not go out, let it live!

Happy New Year, with New it enters, as if
Table decorations. Each With unrestrained passion!
Joy, the morning began with
To the day lived, to give a holiday to the most beloved.
And good. My family,
“Happy New Year, with new snow!

New friend! The hostess strives to surprise
May happiness be Warmth of hearts, love
Feelings of joy and joy and smiles Strive always in
Nicelady.ru In your loved ones, charming
Happy New Year! " - May dreams come true
Let him be his loved ones and
Family. Pleasure! I wish that
Others. And let all things go
Beautiful, original, comic Congratulations
Eyes, Exclaim all around.
So that the barriers are full of inspiration,

Relatives in some special way Health - endless,
Let there be every every area of ​​life
This New Year ahead, but bolder,
Happy New Year May the New Year be under the high firmament
Without a run - Joy, love and
Awesome and delicious Dreams are all -
Day to you was a full cup.
Will become for you do not be afraid of vital

His family in
Is coming now, The album is opening.
Awesome height!
Dish, aspires so
Sweetness. Let you overwhelm

Lessons. Enjoy life, prose, wishes from
Brings life to the mischievous
Binding of window shadows There is no more wonderful holiday!
Let him give the best
Set the table to
Ideas are only
Less cold days
Thirst for new achievements,
Happy New Year! Be cheerful, catch
Mom, from dad, wings.
The whole is embroidered with patterns.

Aroma of scented salads brilliant,
Energy and sincere
And everyone wants
Good luck faster. Not from children, from
May there be happiness, peace Along the outskirts of the villages
Soul! And will fulfill everything
And filled the pies The charge - only
I wish you complete happiness
Joy of life, wish that in
Meet grief, grandmothers, from parents,

The mysterious forest stands.
New thoughts in
Cherished dreams! A house to
Long, vigorous!
Heap, which itself is
Coming year from
Negative. Be more positive from grandchildren text
May there be joy, as if Santa Claus is dear
To a new song, Throw open your door
The table was New Year's Always! And with

Let life play itself is priceless
Us something happened and kinder. And
In your own words
Without borders, long
New meetings and with hope,
Mood, candlesticks, napkins Happy New Year!
Paints for free!
The most miracle, oh the most important thing in
Congratulations to the family from mom And tomorrow is better,
I got stuck in snowdrifts, in general! ..
Waiting for the happy ones with snowflakes, and
The time has come when everyone has fun, joy, enthusiasm!

Happy New Year 2017

New Year - January 1

Which we all know new year's eve
In prose! Than yesterday
But a Christmas tree
Let the past not change! Cookies in the form
Can Let everyday life become I wish you happiness, good, so we dream. At least a measure of use My precious little men! That day that will strike Festively decorated the hall, will return, And he will step the Christmas trees. And tangerines About new plans with fairy tales, peace, warmth, health, everyone has drinks containing alcohol! My golden family! Smile of faces. And scattered mischievous New day will come from a snowstorm with sweets , and dream, Let luck not patience, care, lightness, its own, but it Wishes from parents Congratulations! Let in Let the long days outlived Sequins of rhinestones on again, Under the native arches of champagne! And the house? Contemplate something cautiously recede, holiday, love, faith, the most necessary things are obligatory Happy New Year New Year grandfather page trees.
Only your walls remain old! The house is already several Yes, everything is underneath Let kindness, hopes, desires, dreams, and most importantly, children surround! Today frost will give you everyone. You will never be disappointed. Adults will have a weekend, Our friendship and Happy New Year are decorated with a forest tree. Let the New Year be events, success, mood, I wish everyone You may not even have a bag, in Let you have a wonderful fairy tale And holidays - love! 2017 beautiful woman dressed in Glad I congratulate you will not offend loved ones nearby, miracles, we were alive to sleep at night, fooling around which you are expected to dream about, boys. This is how it is arranged on white Happy New Year, royal outfits, shimmering Happy New Year! And there will be generous blessings, prosperity, stability, and healthy so
Until you drop, and not only sweet Realizing in life everyone In the morning, a wonderful light, my dear ones! With lights shining with stars. that to eat as much candy as you like, and again.
Minute Beginning from the beginning Let the champagne spray She, decorated with an extraordinary evening Let in the New Year of Wisdom. May everyone bring us pleasure. Sweets. Grow our many laughs and
The tree smells like a winter forest, Without throwing and the universe: sparkle! With balls and cones, Santa Claus will erase everything bad, a year, and not I wish to reach new sweet little paws big, joy, endless happiness Smells like a fairy tale, a round dance.Cares New Year - With wishes of happiness, has long been waiting for a holiday! Let it in passing As an eraser erases
Only current, will tops and self-actualize.
Smart and healthy. And a tremendous success, today I will you, family, Will be the reason for many years,
Love, soon, soon children
Will give you happiness and
An unnecessary touch for us! The most ideal, the best
And also wish New Year
Excellent health and Happy New Year.
Something Departing -
This evening, adults will take
Warmth. Let the best
Previous, uncompromisingly excellent, I want more joyful
All dreams have eternal unquenchable love,
Congratulations on your new happiness, Calendar New Year:
Goodbye! Laugh more,

By the hands and will come running to you
Will smile at you, in all respects,
Moments that will pass the ability to be realized, ask
Which will be enough for New joy big
Someone will buy a trinket Let us all
Do not be afraid to stand up to dance in
Deer herd And let bright
Creating a flawless life! Into pleasant memories,
The most desirable and the whole year and

And with a merry, New Year's, And put to
Expectations will warm you! To dream of something,
Merry new year round dance
... they are gifts
Will be in the year PozdravOK.ru
And meetings with it will certainly come true.
For life, in a snowy, joyful winter.
Crystal. May our success
And desires, when around our smart
Will bring. Every moment!
Happy New Year, I wish you faithful friends and
This is wonderful - And all of your
I wish the slides of snow, Someone affectionately on

Does not rush to
Strikes twelve,
Guests. "In the forest, the River is good to you
Health, success and
And from all your beloved household members.
A wonderful holiday will give sorrow and sadness
To make the skating rink slippery, the eyelet
Parts! Be sure to have time to think

A Christmas tree was born ... "- and delights,
A lot of luck, I wish you a soul
Happy New Year! I wish you many happiest
Let the grandfather take away So that in the arms of my mother, Say: “I
Let us become -
Here it is a holiday, you reign
Wealth and blessings Have fun and laugh,
From the bottom of my heart for minutes and days.

Far away! Tender
I love. "
Kinder and wiser, let everyone
New Year, here
Let the comfort.
In the coming year!
Highlights in Yes and not
A text to my family from dad! I could always drown.
Someone will call friends. Happy New Year,
They will come true! It is our happiness!
Great ideas and not be offended,

Life, just pleasant, forget to look under
My only family I am my family today
Who, sitting down with friends! With a new
Happy New Year greetings At this time
Poems about new always inspiration!
It is easy to live and impressions, a lot of prosperity is a Christmas tree needle!
And irreplaceable! Since I want to wish you happiness
Ottomans, happiness! In verse

We all try for a year
Just good things without worries
In the house, harmony Words of congratulations from grandchildren
I'm the head of the family, and tell them that
Will have a photo album So that the New Year is
Quiet, slow part-time work
New Year's poems for your destiny!
All coming new in the family, luck
With NG to someone daddy, to someone
I am strong, Shift the sheets.
Sweet fairy tale snowball
Wizards, sorcerers, kind
Happy New Year, year.
In all matters our Granny, New
Spouse, but for
I love them very much. Happy New Year!
But firmly in Stepping soft steps,
Fairies ... Santa Claus Funny congratulations
Happiness in life

Enjoy every moment and, of course,
The year remains a fairy tale, someone's son-in-law! The Christmas tree is burning with lights,
Happy New Year! I kept tonus
Stepped over the threshold and the Snow Maiden get
Friends, a new one is coming, we wish you
And give your pure and sincere
Only if you
I want to congratulate everyone
It smells like a duck on the table, let's get up, life is thanks,

Problems he is a brain The past year, having said goodbye
Children's letters and
2017 year -
Many good wishes
With us in
With the coming New
My family is warm to me with the first sun
At the same time
With us.
Preparing gifts. A
Red Fire Rooster!
Fulfillment of all dreams! To be always on
Happy New Year! I wish
These moments! After all, an excellent Year! Be
By you, sunrise
Not very much Let him go
This means that for most people
The brightest impressions
So that in this remembering plots from
My beloved in It is joyful with you everywhere.
In the early morning of January! Loaded.
So it should be
New Year is sure to meet the New Year
The most fabulous moments.
So that always in
Year turned out everything, childhood, you and
Next year still
We see off the old year Semyon Khmelevskoy
So that the prince
You are not

It's great when male or female friendship grows into family friendship. What could be more fun than noisy public holidays and trips, picnics and going to the cinema? New Year's holidays are a great occasion to thank your family of friends by sending them a Happy New Year.

1.Happy New Year to family of friends

Congratulations on the best
An ancient merry holiday
The most gentle and melodious,
Snow-white New Year.

Let them come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May he be the best
Most joyful for everyone!

May they be good people for you,
Not afraid of worries
It will not be just new,
Happy New Year!

2.Happy New Year to family of friends

Happy New Year! May good luck
This year will give you
Will solve complex problems
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries,
And at midnight to the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You are drunk for us,
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other!

3.Happy New Year to family of friends

Time goes by quickly
Right, right on New Years.
On the right course, in full swing, -
So what then? Happy New Year!
It is impossible not to wish that:
Be happy friends!

4.Happy New Year to family of friends

On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish you happiness.
Live fun and cute
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, dear ones,
And everything will be okay!

5.Happy New Year to family of friends

I wish you a New Year
Fun voiced as ice
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health as frost in January.

May this year be a happy star
Will enter your family comfort,
With the old year in haste
Let adversity all go away!

6.Happy New Year to family of friends

Hours are running, days are passing -
This is the law of nature
And we want to congratulate you
Happy New Year!

To the sounds of festive glasses
Within home or not
May the New Year give you all
Health, happiness, long years.

7.Happy New Year to family of friends

May the New Year enter your home
With hope, joy, love.
And as a gift he will bring with him
Great happiness and health.

» Happy new year greetings to the family

Happy New Year 2017

I wish Santa Claus
The bag brought you joy,
Another bag - with laughter,
And let the third - with success!
Your sadness, your longing
You will bag him.
Let him collect it all
And it will take you away to the forest!
May you have a good New Year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
If there were failures, it was difficult sometimes -
In the new, everything will be different, it always happens!
Happiness, vigor, success, away from illness and misfortune!
Fulfillment of all desires in the coming year!

May on this wonderful holiday
May on this magical night
To the sound of crystal wine glasses
All adversity will go away.
You will laugh loudly
You will joke a lot
And wonder yourself
And make close friends laugh.
As merry as this evening
May there be a coming year
Everything that you once wanted
May this year bring you.
May good luck accompany you
And health will be strong,
Any problem will be solved
And it will be easy for you in life.

Mysterious congratulations from Santa Claus
Looking into the eyes at night,
I wish you a good fairy tale!
Where life is as pure as the pre-dawn sky!
And it is worth to be patient a little, I will look at you, through the window!
I will see candles and flicker there ...
I will notice both the cards and the fortune-telling!
The movement of faces in a mirror image ...
And it is worth to endure a little, steps quietly
squeak along the track ...
December in the night And secretly whispers to January:
"Snow, cold, stars, I give away a month!"
The clock will stop, it will sigh
and they will beat TWELVE times!
And give us a holiday!
And it's worth to endure
a little, a basket will appear under the Christmas tree! ...

New Year greetings to son
Happy New Year, our little son!
Happy New Year, our little bear!
May clear dreams come to you
My beloved, my dear child.
May your young years
Illuminates a bright smile
Afflictions will go away forever
And they will melt like a snowflake.
Santa Claus waves his hand to you
And a fairy tale flies over the Christmas tree,
Happy New Year, our dear son,
Mom and Dad congratulate you!

Happy new year greetings to family and relatives
New Year! New Year!
Outside the window - New Year!
With Christmas tree and gifts
New Year is coming.
Fluffy Christmas tree in our yard,
Snowflakes are silvery
They fall in circles.
Santa Claus is cheerful
I came with gifts
Snow Maiden - a beauty
He brought with a subwoofer.
We all joined hands
We got up in a round dance
With songs and dances
Let's meet the New Year.

Wonderful sincere congratulations to relatives
A welcome time on the eve of the New Year.
We all wish something, hope, wait ...
Let the weather carry away the bad in blizzards!
Let the warmth warm your home!
I wish that Living sprouts in my soul ...
Beautiful flowers listened to Heaven!
Let all those who are close to you become your family!
Having united hearts, the Father shows Goodness to us!

Cool congratulations to relatives
Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish
So that on your tree,
Instead of festive animals
Flaunted with half a dozen
Half liter bubbles.
To Santa Claus from happiness,
Screwing up a drunken eye
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!

Happy New Year to dear and beloved!
I wish you on New Year's Eve
Have a nice holiday hassle,
So that everyone sat at champagne,
To dance, sing songs.
So that this New Year's feast
Brought health, happiness, peace!

Happy new year poems for little sister
Like our Christmas tree
Spiky needles.
Well, completely prickly,
I was generally worn out:
I hung up the lanterns
Tinsel and balls.
Cotton wool and toys
Confetti, crackers.
I got worn out, got worn out,
In the silver rain
But now the trees are more beautiful,
We will definitely not find it in the world.

New Year, arrows converged
Ringing is like bells
Time after the shootout
Summarize the battles.
Life is not the enemy, but there are losses
Every day is a fight too,
Old year, closing the doors
He took some of his friends with him.
But we are alive and we are breathing
And we need each other
Wisdom is with us, God hears us,
And dreams of color.
I drink for us, for our old age,
I ask everyone to pour wine,
How long would we have left to live,
We will be together, we will live!

Happy new year greetings to the family in verse

What is more important in life than family?

Nothing, because everything in the world is empty.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Family and friends Happy New Year.

Let the frost crackle outside the window again,

I know where it is always warm and cozy.

And I know the answer to my question

And there is no place for this recklessness.

Family is an endless wondrous light,

Family - support, trepidation, hope.

Family is the elixir from all troubles

And faith even where there is no place.

My relatives, loved ones, may the new year

What really steps into its own rights

Only happiness, joy will bring you,

And let kindness never leave.

I wish you health, my dear ones,

On a beautiful New Year's Eve,

May your days be wonderful

Mosaic over the years

I wish you smiles, fun, good luck,

And all sorts of life accomplishments,

Solutions to the toughest challenges

And only wonderful moments.

Let the light not go out, my dear ones,

In your close, charming eyes,

May the New Year that comes now

Carries life on mischievous wings.

May there be happiness, the world is immense,

Let there be joy, as if without boundaries,

And tomorrow may be better than yesterday

The day that will amaze people with a smile.

Let the old pages of long days

You will never be disappointed.

Let you dream of a wondrous fairy tale,

Realizing in life every time.

The tree smells like a winter forest,

It smells like a fairy tale, a round dance.

Today I am you, relatives,

Happy New Year.

Congratulations on your new happiness

With new joy, great

And with a merry, New Year's,

Snowy, joyful winter.

I wish snow slides

To make the skating rink slippery

So that in the arms of mother, tender

I could always drown.

I am to my family today

I want to wish you happiness

And tell them I'm strong

I love them very much.

The herringbone is burning with lights

Duck smells on the table

I am warmly dear to you,

It is joyful with you everywhere.

We see off the old year

With tender sadness in my soul,

He brought so much happiness

Our friendly whole family.

New Year is very close

Hurries to us with a loud ringing,

Reindeer to visit children

Santa Claus is already flying.

Today I wish the Children

to a clever wife, to all relatives,

to all people close

To our friendly whole family:

Always cherish each other,

Help in grief, in trouble,

To be near, and if it is difficult

Call everyone for help.

When your relatives are waiting for you at home,

When the light in the window is on

That is warm and joyful in the heart,

That someone cherishes you.

New Year is just around the corner

Very soon he will knock on our window.

I am family again next to you,

Together we are comfortable and light.

I wish everyone joy today

Human gentle warmth

May all the life that we still have,

Will be woven with smiles and kindness.

Poems Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year.
May it bring joy.
May everyone be happy
There will be this new year.
Whoever is waiting for love - let him wait.
The one who is small - let him grow up.
Every day let the sun rise
And let him go in a circle.
The year will be rich, generous
For good luck and good.
I wish happiness
In the New Year, it came to everyone.

Happy New Year,
Let him present you
Just what you want
Well, let him take the trash.
All hopes and dreams
Should come true,
On New Year's Eve already at dawn,
Your dreams will come true!

Rather open the doors
And let your New Year into your house.
Let him bring you in a bag
Happy weekdays round dance.
Let him put it tenderly in your hands
Love without painful separation
Good health will give
It will save you from troubles.
He will wave his magic staff
And it will increase your income.
Pours silver and gold
So that you can live richly for a whole year.
Quickly pour the glasses
And have fun with him!

Happy New Year!
And I wish that in it
You were not tormented by anxiety
And sorrow day after day!
I wish you a lot of happiness
And, of course, love
To grief and bad weather
Everyone is left behind!

May the New Year bring you good luck.
And there will be overwhelming happiness too.
Let health firmly stick to you,
Well, let there be eternal May in my soul.
I also wish you all prosperity
And a sweet life so that they can say:
"Life is good." Or maybe even modestly
Caviar on butter to write it.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happy days.
Happy warm evenings
Merry, bright holidays.
May this new year to you
Will bring a bag of luck.
And all the holidays
Celebrate with your family.

Happy minutes and great victories,
Good luck in your work and money days.
Let Santa Claus freeze sadness-melancholy,
Let the holiday settle in your heart soon!
In the coming year, let adversity disappear.
Endless miracles, success, all the best!
The family has only sunny, clear weather,
Raging passion in matters of the heart.

Let everything be like in a fairy tale
The Christmas tree is burning brightly
I wish you happiness in the New Year
And health is like granite.
New quivering achievements,
Bright miracles of life,
To jump with laughter
And they flew up to the skies.
And good luck daily
Light everyday worries
So that in the company of a sincere
Spent this whole year!

New Year is skipping
Sprinkles snow on the yard
And girls and boys
Congratulations on the celebration,
May everything be alright with you,
Life is sweet like marmalade
And everything is chocolate in business,
Wallets are cracking at the seams
And also good luck
Like a whirlwind, rushes into the house
To be more successful and richer
Become every day!

May the New Year be happier
Than the previous one, twice
And we won't get tired of talking
Kind words to each other!
May hopes come true
Hearts still believe in miracles
Gifts will bring, as before
We have Santa Claus from nowhere!

New Year's greetings to daughter 2018

A short

My dear daughter, my wonderful son-in-law,
Happy New Year, my dear children,
May everything be excellent with you
I wish you a lot of happiness, love!

My dear children, dear ones,
Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
I wish you happy days
I wish happiness to your hearth.
Daughter, daughter, daughter,
Be patient, take care of your husband,
You have it very wonderful,
I wish you love!
Well, and you are my beloved son-in-law,
Give joy to your daughter,
Happy New Year to you dear ones,
May your dreams come true!

For my daughter and son-in-law, my congratulations,
May the year bring them good luck and happiness,
The family will be friendly, the family will be strong,
Their house will be bypassed by the side of bad weather,
Let the New Year give them gifts
They will find everything they wanted under the tree
Scandals and quarrels will remain in the past
And everything will be as they dreamed!

Son-in-law, daughter, congratulations,
I will tell you with a fairy tale, with magic,
I wish you prosperity,
And so that everything is good!
So that you understand each other,
So that you take care of peace,
Happy New Year dear
May your dreams come true!

We want to congratulate you and your husband's daughter,
Let the New Year be bright
Leave all quarrels last year,
Give each other gifts
We also wish, of course, you
Prosperity, patience, luck,
We hope that you are next year
Will give the family replenishment!

My daughter and beloved son-in-law,
Happy New Year, dear you,
May everything be fine with you
Every hour will be happy!
Let life be like a fairy tale
May magic and miracles rule
May your desires come true
You live in harmony always!

Happy New Year to you kids,
Be too happy.
Happiness is never too much
Let it not melt in your hands.
You hug each other,
And promise to love.
I hug you tight
And also - I bless!

Dear children, I wish you in the New Year of unearthly love so that the stars come together so that your love becomes brighter and stronger, so that family relationships are harmonious, filled with new wonderful moments, so that the desires that you make to the chimes coincide and be embodied in life.

Me and mother-in-law, me and mother,
Both the sorceress and the fairy
On the holiday, the most long-awaited
I will not regret kind words.
I wish you guys
Be a support for each other.
Be together, be close
Meet the new year together!
And you, son-in-law, I wish
Love my daughter, cherish.
Listen to mother-in-law without sighing,
And give flowers to both!

Our dear children,
On this glorious New Year,
We wish him happiness
And he will bring the kids.
So that all your desires
Realized in reality.
To live in great love and happiness,
Believe in a bright destiny.

In prose

Happy New Years in prose

Congratulations on your coming! I want to wish you to throw away all the old and unnecessary before the New Year! This is the practice in many countries. Let us and we throw out grievances and grievances, lies and hatred, envy and greed, everything that is so ashamed of ... But all the best that can be remembered and imagined, let us give a friend with smiles not only on New Year's Eve, but all year round! Let this become our good tradition! Happy New Year!

Friends! Happy New Year!
We all know for sure that this is the brightest, most wonderful, mysterious, undoubtedly beloved, warm holiday! Everyone from the New Year expects, hopes and believes in something of their own. Therefore, I wish you the fulfillment of your desires in the coming year! May all that innermost come true that each of us considers a blue dream!

Friends, here comes the New 2017!
And our hearts are filled with a magical expectation of miracles! Everyone, of course everyone, regardless of age, profession, gender - everyone believes in a miracle! He hopes that the New Year will be even better, even warmer, even happier! It should be so. In these last New Year's minutes, I wish you healthy optimism and faith in the best! Let us believe in goodness in any life situations and hope for tomorrow! Under the chimes, make a wish and let it come true. May our children be healthy, may the work be interesting and well-paid, may happiness settle in our homes! Happy New Year of the Rooster!

Colleagues! I want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you the implementation of your plans, new interesting projects, cheerful corporate events, condescending loyal bosses! May only pleasant surprises, great news, good luck and success await in the New Year! Let colleagues, friends, loved ones and loved ones delight you with their understanding and support, a reliable shoulder, and a faithful hand. I wish you, your family, relatives and our entire team a festive mood, laughter, joy, no grief and anxiety! Let things go uphill and good luck with us!

New Year, friends, decisively enters the niches of the house! He walks with bold steps, so noisy, cheerful, smart, sonorous, with childish laughter, with songs about the Christmas tree, with the kind Santa Claus! So may this coming year bring us only good news, may only bright events take place in it, may it be full of health, love and happiness! All the best to you, and to us, and to our families! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
I have only one wish for you! But first, remember that usually everyone wishes for each other? Of course, happiness, good luck, light and joy, smiles and good mood, certainly more money, to visit the Caribbean islands, maybe even fly into space ... All this is fine, but I wish you one thing - health! This is the greatest value - not an empty phrase! May it be strong and never fail! Then, I am sure, the mood will be wonderful, and happiness will be complete, and all the peaks will be attainable! Be healthy in the new year!

Happy New Year!
May he bring all of us joy and fun, smiles and good mood, make us beautiful and happy, kind and strong! Let everyone experience the New Year's Miracle! May the wishes made on New Year's Eve come true! And your families live in prosperity and prosperity!

Now, under the chimes, the whole country will make solemn speeches, toasts, congratulations, poetry and prose! And I want, together with everyone, to wish us all new good health, new happiness, new snow and new big salaries! But let friends remain old, loyal, kind and dearly loved! Let our feelings for each other, though old, but as strong as before! Let the conceived come true, even the most incredible and seemingly unrealizable. After all, this is a night of miracles! May the New Year be better than the previous one!

I am writing you an SMS and I hope that it will be able to reach, break through the congested mobile networks! I wish you good luck, health, happiness, new victories on the working front in the New Year! May joy and good mood accompany you all year long! Take only the good with you in 2017, leave the bad behind. Believe in the best and let your dreams come true!

Girlfriend! Happy New Year to you! I wish you new adventures in the New Year ... no, not for one place! I wish you new meetings, new promising acquaintances, new victories, impressions, achievements! Ah, I almost forgot, new large stores with even larger sales! And so that your head does not hurt how to buy everything you want, and how and on what to transport it all!

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Original greetings for the new year of the rooster

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New Year is truly the happiest and most anticipated holiday of the year. Millions of people send congratulations to each other and get happiness from this. If you also want to please your family, then on our website you will find a lot of various congratulations. This article contains congratulations: for women, men, friends, colleagues, friends and relatives. In general, if you are interested in congratulations on the New Year 2018 in verse, then you are in the right place. We hope that here you will find the best congratulations that will bring happiness to everyone.

Wonderful New Year and Merry Christmas greetings. The best

So, with everything, the best winter holidays will soon come - New Year and Christmas. People prepare for these dates in advance. And this primarily concerns congratulations and gifts. On such days, as a rule, you want to give warm words to all colleagues, relatives and close people. Indeed, warm words must be said to everyone. In general, if you are looking for a Happy New Year in verse, then here you will find the most beautiful ones.

If you have come to our site, then do not worry that you will have to look for pleasant congratulations for a long time. Here you can find only the best. The coming year 2018 is the year of the Dog. This year promises us only pleasant events and interesting emotions. We, in turn, are ready to present you with a huge collection of congratulations in poetry and prose.

Beautiful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings

What do you mean - beautiful congratulations? So, the words that you say from the bottom of your heart will in any case be liked by the addressee and will find positive responses. But it will be even better if the wishes voiced by you in the text of congratulations coincide with those wishes that the person himself dreams of.

It is important to note that Happy New Year greetings of the Dog in verses can be liked if you choose them correctly. In general, you should pay attention to our selection. Know that here you can find what you like.

Happy New Years in prose.

I wish you a Happy New Year 2018. This holiday is always associated with the pine scent of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of firecrackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with your new plans, creative ideas and bold undertakings. I wish that all your ideas would be embodied in reality in the new year. Happy holiday to you!

To the crystal clinking of glasses and bright play of garlands, sincere laughter of children and adults, I congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, unearthly love and prosperity to your family and friends. Let the New Year be better than the previous one, and let the old one be remembered only as one passed stage in life. The stage that taught us not to make more mistakes and strive for new beginnings!

I wish you with all my heart a tangerine mood! And also fragrant spruce emotions! And more effervescent and sparkling laughter! And health, and a frosty snow-white smile in the New 2018! Happy Holidays!

Congratulations! May the coming year of the Dog rightfully correspond to the mood of this amazing animal, constantly leading an active lifestyle and not sitting still. I wish that well-being does not leave you for a minute.

New Year's greetings in verse.

Happy New Year! Number eighteen

So it glows in silver.

There is nothing you need to be afraid of -

With the Dog there will be doubly happiness!

We all meet the new year together,

And dishes with Olivier are already on the tables.

From the bottom of our hearts, we will read to all guests

We are our congratulations in verse.

We wish you all mutual understanding,

Full of love, warmth!

May the New Year make all wishes come true

And the most cherished dreams!

Dear Colleagues!

In a constant race

From advance payment to salary

Don't waste your hope!

Do not lose your fervor

Let everything be a lot.

Congratulations today

Happy New Year!

May on the eve of the New Year

The days shine with bright joy.

And in the eyes, as if at the time of sunrise,

The glowing lights are shining.

So that you never feel sad in vain

And he was mentally friendly with people,

To make him happy and clear

Step into it with kindness!

New Year's greetings. Original

All sorts of funny poems, New Year greetings are always used at friendly parties and corporate events. The main purpose of such congratulations is to cheer up loved ones. In general, you can have fun with them and have a good rest of your soul.

We have selected the best of the many creative greetings. Check them out below.

New Year's greetings in prose are original.

Let New Year's Eve close the door to past hardships and open them wide to three cherished friends: faith, love and hope. Let each of them fill the house with happiness and prosperity. Let there be no hardships in the coming year!

In the New Year of the Dog, I want to wish you good health, success and love! Let a series of hardships of monetary precipitation, a storm of positive emotions and winds of expected changes fall on you! And let Lady Luck forever become your beloved friend!

And again the New Year comes. I want to congratulate you, my dear friend! Since the ruler of the coming year will be the Dog, I wish your life to be just as successful. Let everything you have conceived come true, and the bad will pass by! Happy New Year!

I wish you get wet in the dollar rain next year. Let the leaf fall of good luck fall into your hands for the whole next year. And in any season of the year, as if New Year's snowfall, happiness will fall on your house. I wish you real pleasure from every minute of the new 2018.

Congratulations on the New Year in original verses.

I congratulate you on New Year's Eve,

I wish you good luck to dive headlong.

Let the scent of tangerines and pine needles

Will make you believe that happiness is with you.

On New Year's Day, I wish:

Friendship is like super glue

Strength and happiness right up to the brim,

Who needs - those children.

Who does not - protect yourself.

Do not hesitate at Frost

Ask for a car

Or from the arctic fox cloak.

If the miracle doesn't happen,

Let the sponsor hurry up.

The main thing to wish for

This holiday is a little bit crazy

Do not lose your mind from the feast,

Otherwise the morning will be interesting ...

Losses and bruises await us

And headache without delay.

Eat denser better than you

And accept congratulations from your heart!

Touching New Year and Christmas greetings

Typically, Christmas and New Years are considered a family holiday. And this is all because it is with these dates that emotional gatherings with relatives and friends are associated. On such days, you can and even need to pronounce those words that cannot be said in everyday fuss.

New Year's sincere greetings are presented below. Choose and please everyone.

Touching New Year's greetings in prose.

On such holidays, fabulous changes are always expected from life. I want all the pre-New Year's aspirations not just to come true, but reality to surpass even the most fantastic expectations. May life give you wonderful travels, new achievements. And let success become a companion of all undertakings!

New Year is a holiday of the wizard Santa Claus! He fulfilled our desires in childhood because we believed in him. Let's always believe in a fairy tale, and then a fairy tale will come into our lives! I wish that all your cherished dreams come true in the coming year!

Let the New Year's days pass as bright and fun as New Year's! Troubles melt by themselves, like snow on the palms! May everything conceived under the solemn chime of the chimes come true, and Santa Claus, even wintering at the North Pole, makes wishes come true all 365 days a year! Happy New 2018 Year!

Touching New Year's greetings in verse.

May all good come true

What the stars prophesy:

Dreams will all come true

And it will be the way you want!

Let the Christmas trees smell resinous

Will wake up about the happiness of dreams.

And the holiday is a pure snowflake

In the palm of your hand it will come down from a height!

I wish you always be cheerful

Cherish and love me to death.

And the happiest to be only with me

So that I could not even think about another.

I wish you, darling, all the best for you:

Health, smiles and fire in the heart.

You don't know jealousy, fear and pain,

Depression, meanness, alcohol bondage.

So that there is not a bad day in life.

Kiss. I love. Happy New year to you!

Is it possible to write a New Year's greeting yourself

Quite often, situations occur when there is an acute need to wish a loved one a Happy New Year. And if a suitable congratulation is not found. Then one thought comes to mind - to write a congratulation on your own. Of course, this can be done. And you don't need to believe that it is difficult. Our guidelines for writing verses below should help you in this lesson.

So, the text of congratulations on the winter holidays should have 4 components. This is a beautiful appeal to a person, an expanded compliment, a wish to the addressee and a personal signature. Below we will try to tell you how to write a great congratulation, which will have warm words in order to please the addressee.

You can't start writing a greeting without a blank sheet of paper and a pen. You can also create a verse on your computer using a text editor. Concentrate. Think about how you will name the addressee. Already the initial lines of congratulations will say that the message is addressed specifically to him.

Dear Svetik!

After that, words-associations are written, which should arise immediately after you think about this person. We skip words that have a negative color. We leave only positive expressions in the verse. Remember, you are creating a holiday greeting, not a characterization per person.

Example: Bear, rock, smile, gym.

Further, epithets and comparisons are invented for words that best fit these words. What is your addressee? Stunning, cool, or maybe enchanting or brutal? Unleash your imagination and be generous with praise.

Example: An enchanting smile, as reliable as a rock or as fast as the wind.

Now we are thinking about what feature or "highlight" is the most important for the addressee. Found one? Then, in your congratulations, focus on it. Take something from the recipient's hobbies. As a result, congratulations will be warmer and, of course, more accurate.

At the next stage, we move on to a detailed compliment. Here are the words that we remembered plus the epithets that you picked up for them. We usually start with the main word. What attracts you the most about this person? What needs to be emphasized? For what to praise a person?

Example: You are as reliable as a rock. Your words do not disagree with your deeds. You look like a kind bear - just as soft and charming.

Your wishes in congratulations should coincide with those wishes that the recipient of wishes wants to hear for their loved ones.

Example: I wish you to always be in great physical shape and love your record.

Traditional wishes of love, happiness and excellent health are also appropriate.

The signature is the name or name and patronymic that the addressee usually calls you.

Example: Your little sister Christina.

An illustrative example.

Dear Lenchik! You look like a kind bear cub - just as soft and charming. But your charming smile will not deceive me. I know there is a strong character behind her. You are fast as the wind and reliable as a rock. Your words do not disagree with your deeds.

I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you to be always in great physical shape and break your record.

Your little sister Christina.

When composing a congratulation, remember that the best congratulation is the congratulation that was written from the heart and from the heart. You can also write congratulations in verses yourself. But this is much more difficult. But if you follow our advice, it will be a little easier to compose a prosaic text. You should definitely try this activity in order for you to succeed.

Congratulations to loved ones for 2018

Every day brings us closer to the New Year. Very soon, letters of joyful wishes for relatives and friends will be scattered all over the world. Quite often, many people lack a hold or a push. And it is worth putting your soul into congratulations so that the person understands that you love him. It doesn't matter what the congratulation will be in verse or in prose. Words, of course, are forgotten over time. However, pleasant emotions always remain.

In our publication there are those Happy New Year 2018 greetings that will complement the gift for your beloved lady or beloved man. With our poems you can: make happy, give hope or for the hundredth time confess your love to your loved one.

New Year's greetings in prose.

Congratulations in prose will allow you to express yourself and, moreover, very beautifully, even for a person who does not have the skills in composing poetry. I want to read such congratulations many times, and then quote individual phrases in private.

A few simple words that are spoken from the bottom of your heart in your New Year greetings for your beloved man will inspire him to feats and pleasant deeds.

Happy New Year to my hero! May the next 365 steps of life take you to the heights. Let everything argue in the hands, but in thoughts, as in life, everything is going to work out. I wish that the meetings were pleasant, business - successful, and happiness - endless, like my love.

Speak only the truth. The truthful words spoken in congratulations to the guy will be able to lead him to thoughts, and not whether he should spend his life with such a lovely young lady.

On New Year's Eve, the ladies' ears are set to receive: compliments, admiration and pleasant exclamations in their direction. Given this position, congratulations for girls should sparkle like diamonds or New Year's snow outside the window.

Expensive! Let the New Year become for you a fairy tale, in which all the most cherished dreams come true! After all, you are beautiful, stately, intelligent and kind-hearted, like the real Vasilisa the Beautiful. And I will be your loving Ivanushka the Fool, ready for you to go through fire and water, slay the three-headed serpent and get any treasures. Happy New Year, darling!

New Year's greetings for loved ones in verse.

There is no doubt that every real man will be happy to receive a New Year's greetings. Of course, his loved ones should congratulate him. As a result, he will enter the New Year 2018 with his head held high. He will feel your support and recognition. Cheerful people, as a rule, do not stop at the New Year's greetings in prose. For their beloved man, they compose beautiful poems. In our article you will find Happy New Year 2018 greetings to your beloved. They are very touching and interesting.

My ugly man

Almost a holiday has come!

I want Happy New Year

You were gentle and healthy

And I would love so much

So that you barely have enough strength!

On New Year's Eve, when fireworks flashes

They cannot overshadow the sparkle of their beloved eyes,

I want to say one more time how expensive

Everything, everything, everything that so connected us.

I will enter the New Year with you, beloved!

I wish you were happy and healthy!

May there be a unique year for us,

Health will be, joy and love!

An indisputable fact is that women should definitely be pampered. And in order to compose a verse for your beloved for the New Year, you will have to be smart to surprise your beloved. However, women appreciate solid gifts, but it is worth pampering them in the congratulations that accompany these gifts.

Who, if not you, my dear

I can wish for New Year's love.

You seem to inspire a muse

I never thought to experience this.

I wish you victories and success,

Everywhere and the way you want.

So that nothing is a hindrance

To achieve a dream.

The beloved who is always there deserves the best. For her, it is worth preparing the most gentle and warm congratulations. Remember that gratitude in poetic form can overshadow absolutely any gift.

You will only go to bed this morning,

Well, maybe not at all.

"Happy New Year" - tell me in a whisper,

"Happy New Year" - I will say in response.

You will wish me happiness quietly

I will do the same.

Let it be with you so much

How much I did not want for myself.

So that joy is not known with misfortune,

What would your life be all for you

Was clear, transparent water

And so that I was next to you.

New Year's greetings for friends

Of course, in our article one cannot forget about New Year's greetings for friends. It is customary to send such poems to your friends. Such a message should be filled with warm wishes, which must certainly come true.

Prose greetings for friends.

It is worth noting that New Year's greetings to a friend can be sent via SMS. The most beautiful congratulations are poems. But not everyone has a talent for writing them. The prosaic style of congratulations wins because it is filled with sincerity and love. We will give you a rough outline, and you yourself will add the words that best suit your case.

I congratulate my dear and a little crazy friends on the Year of the Rooster! May he and Santa Claus bring you health, happiness, prosperity, success. Let enthusiasm, curiosity, love for sports and for each other not go away from our lives. May our families always be friends, and our friendship will never end. I wish you travel, new knowledge, acquaintances. Let life be in full swing. Happy new year friends!

Friends, remember our courtyard, which has made us akin to forever? !! (Here options are possible - school, institute, section, army, and so on). It's good that our connection is not interrupted. On this New Year, I, as before, wish it to be eternal. To each of you - health to you and your loved ones, happiness, good luck, always a good mood. And if suddenly it deteriorates - a successful fight against it. The recipe is to remember us. Thank you fate that we met. Happy New Year, my dears! With new happiness.

You can congratulate older people on the New Year as follows:

The main thing is health. The rest will follow. I also wish the children to be happy. Wait for the grandchildren. And do not forget about your own life, what it is. We are still young, let's enjoy every day and appreciate every moment. I wish you a lot of joy and pleasant surprises. Decent earnings. In general, we live and rejoice.

Happy New Year to your best friend is considered a special conversation. Indeed, the lady is not easy to please. The wishes should be targeted and have those wishes that are so necessary. For the young they wish: happiness, health and love. Elderly people: health and joy from children.

Congratulations for a girlfriend or boyfriend in verse.

If you have a desire, then the New Year's greetings for 2018 can be written in verse. Try to compose interesting rhymes yourself, based on some examples.

Let the obsessive crowd

Money follows you

Silushki, like an elephant,

And all the best to you in full.

May you always be lucky

The appearance will be cool.

Let fortune find it in a moment.

Happy New Year, my friend!

It is clear to whom these wishes are intended. Or:

It's time for fairy tales

On the threshold of the New Year!

Let him dispel anxiety

Will increase your income.

May all wishes come true

Let him bestow love.

Both success and health

It will attract you like a magnet.

And who will refuse to fulfill such wishes:

May the New Year be on the doorstep

Will enter your home like a good friend!

Let them forget the road to you

Sadness, adversity and illness!

Let them come in the coming year

Both good luck and success!

May he be the best

Most joyful for everyone!

Happy New Year, dear friends and strangers. May there be peace on earth, love and understanding between nations. Happiness, good luck and prosperity to you in the year of the Rooster.

A fabulous holiday is coming

Spun a round dance from the lights,

Santa Claus is a red-nosed prankster

He gives congratulations to everyone.

May bad weather remain in the past

Failures, mistakes and sadness.

We wish you great happiness!

Let love light up your path!

How to wish a teacher or educator a Happy New Year

It's time to talk about what Happy New Year greetings to address to the teacher? Teachers at school or kindergarten teachers = these are the people to whom every person should be grateful. In general, these people should definitely be congratulated on the New Year holidays. Congratulations for a teacher or for an educator from a student should be sincere.

For educators and teachers, there are also kind lines in our article that will move them to tears and cause them a pleasant impression.

Prose greetings for teachers.

I sincerely congratulate you, my beloved teacher, Happy New Year! You are a very important and irreplaceable person in the development of a teenager, I really appreciate your patience, diligence and fairness! You taught me a lot, not only in the subject, but also helped me to look at life correctly, and this is almost more important. I wish you talented and dedicated students who will not forget you!

Dear teacher, I wish you a Happy New Year! May he bring you the respect of colleagues, love of students, awareness of his own importance and need. May there be more mentors like you in the world!

Please accept my most sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year 2017! On this, the most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. After all, what other holiday do we sincerely believe in miracles and magic? May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood. Let the news be good, the acquaintances pleasant, the business successful, and the troubles small. Let all your plans come true, health will not let you down, and loved ones will always be there! Happy New Year!

Poetic congratulations for teachers.

The best holiday is New Year,

Say what you like.

Only happiness will bring

To you, dear teacher.

In life, may you always

There will be only happiness

Only the sun, never

There should be no misfortune.

First teacher

You met us at the door

When we were just going to school.

Many days have passed since then,

We have grown up imperceptibly.

And so, - already adults today, -

Eleventh friendly class,

But, our (name and patronymic of the teacher),

We remember, dear, you.

And so now we are in a hurry

Kind words, light round dance

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Happy New Year!

New Year is already on the doorstep

He enters every house like a friend

May they forget the road to you forever

Bad luck, sadness and sickness.

A lot of congratulations to the lovely teacher,

Let the mood be great

May the New Year give you good luck,

Well-being, prosperity and health in addition.

New Year's greetings for children from Santa Claus

New Year for children is considered an unusual holiday that gives a fairy tale. All children, without exception, believe in the legend about the existence of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Therefore, if you decide to wish your child a Happy New Year, the best solution would be a letter of congratulations from Santa Claus and Snegurochka. The kid will be happy to receive such a present and will sincerely believe that it came directly from Santa Claus. So what should be the Happy New Year greetings from Santa Claus? Let's take a look at this.

In congratulations, you should wish your child, first of all, obedience. And if he behaves for about a whole year, then in a year he will again receive a similar congratulation and a gift from Santa Claus. In composing the letter, use the congratulations in the prose.

Prose congratulations.

Congratulating children on the New Year in prose is the best option for people who are not on friendly terms with rhyme. Prose will emphasize the fabulousness of the letter, because many fairy tales are written in this very form. In a congratulation, you can easily change the data indicated in the example to individual ones: enter the baby's name, describe some event associated with him.

Happy New Year! May this new year erase all the griefs of the past, but increase the accumulated prosperity and success. Let every minute of the new year bring something new and exciting into your life. May this year be the year of grandiose meetings and fantastic undertakings, the year of the birth of a dream that will certainly come true!

New Year is the time to make wishes, this is the time of miracles. May all your dreams and all the most cherished desires come true this year. New Year is the time to start life from scratch. Leave all the bad things in the past, and take only wonderful memories and achievements with you. Happy New Year!

Poetic congratulations.

I am a real Santa Claus

I brought you news,

That the New Year is already on the road

And soon it will be on the doorstep!

Are you waiting for a miracle? A miracle will be!

After all, Santa Claus will not forget:

A gift for everyone

Carefully packed in a bag,

Tied up, packed brightly

After all, everyone is waiting for a gift now,

Miracles and fairy tales by January.

And I give all this to you!

Children, children, stand in a circle,

Accept congratulations!

Fun, laughter, joy,

So that there are enough sweets

Full house of toys

Books, rattles,

Eat porridge

And listen to mom.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

I brought you presents.

I brought you a sea of ​​laughter

A sea of ​​happiness and success!

Happy New Year,

And I wish you all

Long, long in happiness to live,

Do not grieve in vain,

Much health, happiness,

And live without bad weather!

How to wish your relatives and parents a Happy New Year

New Year comes in the midst of winter. At this time, even adults who turn into children for a while await gifts and miracles. At this time, caring children give a Happy New Year to the parent. Warm words are heard in every home.

Congratulate those who are dear to you with the most sincere and warm words. Use congratulations in verse or prose.

New Year's prosaic congratulations.

For Mom: I hasten to wish a Happy New Year to the dearest man on the planet, my beloved mother. May the outgoing year take with it all your worries and bad weather. And in the New Year, let everything be in a new way - start living for your own pleasure, appreciate and love yourself. All the best to you, Mom.

For Dad: In the New Year, for many years in a row, such a dear Grandfather Frost comes to us! Happy holiday to you, dad! Know, without you, I cannot imagine not only this holiday, but every day! I don't care that childhood is behind me, I still love you incredibly hard! And on the eve of the most magical holiday, I wish you all the best!

For grandparents: Dear grandmother and grandfather, thank you for your kindness, for your affection, for your efforts and for your care, which you rewarded me every day, no matter what! Today has come the most beautiful of the holidays - New Year! I wish you the strongest health, incredible longevity and a carefree life! May wisdom always live with you, giving you new youth and joy! Happy holiday, my dear and beloved!

For the godmother: The wishes of the godmother fell like a snowflake on the palm of her hand on New Year's Eve. Love, goodness to you and happiness. May the Lord keep from the evil eye. I wish the hearth to be filled with cheerful laughter and joy.

For the niece: My dear niece. I want to wish you that in the New Year, your every day will be filled with happiness, that good luck will accompany you everywhere, and optimism will become your faithful companion! I wish that everything that you are silent about will come true. Happy New Year to you, with new upcoming victories and miracles!

For aunt: Dear auntie! In the New Year, I wish you a sea of ​​fun, joy, happy days, wonderful moments, a cascade of smiles, new interesting meetings, so that there is always a reliable male shoulder nearby, on which you can rely, so that you are always blooming and healthy!

Poetic congratulations.

Close people are congratulated with poems. Here's what a poem a daughter can get.

Let Fortune smile

On this festive night

Happy New Year, dear dad,

Daughter congratulates you

You are cheerful and reliable

You are the company of the soul

Appreciate your life, daddy,

Enjoy slowly!

And this poem is already for my sister.

When we were kids, we fought sometimes

Couldn't share toys

And now, sister, years later,

You and I cannot be spilled with water!

Happy New Year, my dear!

The closest, kind person!

May the Lord reward you,

And there will be no sorrows forever.

And here is how you can congratulate your brother.

Life is a mirage, hopes, passions

Waiting for a dream

Only if only all the misfortunes

Bypass the side.

Happy New Year, with faith in happiness

Congratulations, brother!

Come for a treat -

There will be cake, wine, salad!

In general, the table is ready for a long time,

We are waiting for you only one!

In general, you can wish all the best to all relatives. Such a wish can be given by a nephew for his aunt.

Comic congratulations on the Year of the Dog

New Year's Eve is coming very soon. And this means that right now it is worth thinking about original congratulations. Imagine how fun it is to receive comic New Year's greetings in verse. The mood will surely be excellent. And the humorous atmosphere itself will set the right mood for 2018 and make it more interesting.

Congratulations to the New Year in prose.

The prose is official. Therefore, she is suitable for congratulating the boss. You don't need to be afraid of joking phrases. "Serious" people also don't mind relaxing a little. But congratulating them is funny, formal and beautiful.

In general, the following examples will come in handy.

Unlimited fun and no hangover! Only good memories and the most daring undertakings! Believe in Santa Claus, and you will be happy!

Hello! This is Santa Claus worried. I brought you presents, but I stopped in five more places in front of you, treated you everywhere, it was somehow inconvenient to refuse ... In general, I can no longer go further. The Snow Maiden is also in the woods. So sorry, Happy New Year!

In the New Year of the Rooster, I wish you: 12 months of good health, 53 weeks of good mood, 365 days of immense happiness, 8,760 hours of infectious laughter, 525,600 minutes of love and 31,536,000 pleasant seconds!

Congratulations to the New Year in verse.

Of course, the best funny congratulation is a congratulation in verse. We recommend that you print the poem on a piece of paper and send a letter with it to your friend. An ordinary letter is not often seen. And if your friend gets one, then he, for sure, will be happy.

Did you know that humorous congratulations will allow you to establish friendly relations with those people with whom you are at enmity. Thanks to this congratulation, your disagreements will remain in the past, and the person will be able to have fun. But when choosing a humorous congratulation, it is important to take into account the fact that not every person is able to understand such things. Some people are not able to appreciate this kind of humor. But in most cases, even the most serious people smile when they receive this kind of congratulations.

When choosing a congratulation, be sure to take into account the character of the person to whom it will be intended. Also evaluate his sense of humor. In general, cheer up others correctly.

Congratulate with a line of verse

I want you with the Year of the Dog

And wish that all year round

You laughed: "Hee-hee, ha-ha!"

So that all troubles are for giblets,

So that all problems are nonsense

To bring good luck to you

Year of the Mischievous Dog!

Let flowers flaunt in vases all year round,

So that the stars are in your hands and that the sky is in diamonds,

Let there be compliments in every phrase

And in the year of the Rooster there are only moments of happiness!

May the Year of the Dog give you

Such that it is straight and ah and wow!

So that all adversity - to smithereens

And fortunately so - at full steam!

Official New Year greetings

Many people are thinking about preparing pleasant greetings for their loved ones as the New Year approaches. In particular, official congratulations await: colleagues, business partners and employees at work. Standard wishes for happiness and love are considered inappropriate. But you don't need to pronounce banal phrases either. Below you can see non-boring greetings that are business-like. They will allow you to surprise everyone with an interesting sound.

Official prosaic congratulations.

New Year and Christmas holidays give faith in prosperity, success and self-realization. I would like to wish my colleagues that the year will be full of happy and joyful events. Let there be a place in your life not only for an exciting and highly paid job, but also for a weekend with the whole family.

New Year's holidays are approaching, which means that it is time for changes, joyful smiles and bright plans for the future. May this year bring you prosperity in business, happiness and care in your family and a good mood. I wish you to believe in yourself and your team, the successful development and prosperity of your organization and unprecedented business achievements!

Dear colleagues, I wish you to take only the best from the outgoing 2017 and fruitfully multiply it in the coming one. And let those minor failures and major troubles that befell you in your work, let them become only a beneficial experience, without which the successful development of any organization is impossible.

Official poetic congratulations.

In the outgoing year, summing up the results,

I would like to wish today

In matters of luck, so that all the time on time

To fulfill all obligations successfully.

And don't let this crisis scare you,

And capital is growing steadily

And the team does not lose enthusiasm,

He who seeks will surely find!

Little is left before the New Year.

Living in anticipation of the holidays

We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,

And just good friends.

May happiness accompany you in the New Year

And your wishes will come true completely.

For business - profit, success and luck.

Health, love and prosperity are in the family.

May every day of the coming year

Brings you great happiness, good luck!

May only joy promise you work,

And at home, comfort meets you!

Happy events and news

And only pleasant news in your life!

How to wish your colleagues a Happy New Year 2018

In our article, you could also find business New Year greetings in verse. Christmas and New Years are full of pleasant surprises and wonders. Before the New Year, people are actively preparing for corporate events. And such parties, as a rule, are not complete without congratulations.

Correct corporate congratulations will allow you to thank the team for the joint work and for their appreciation. In this case, juicy wall newspapers, beautiful postcards and greeting letters are used. However, the format of congratulations is selected depending on the position and personality of the employee.

Happy New Years for colleagues in prose.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! May our dreams come true and all tasks be solved easily. Let our friendly team bypass difficulties, and the career ladder will become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

It is not long before the moment when the Monkey will be replaced by her deputy - the Fire Rooster. That is why I want to congratulate everyone on the New Year 2017 and wish that the symbol of this time would be supportive of each of us. Let him cuckold more luck, financial well-being, kind and loyal people around. Be healthy, let you be deservedly appreciated, and things only go up. Happy New Year!

We are in a hurry to congratulate our beloved boss on the most magical holiday! May luck always accompany you in all plans and projects, help you in mastering new heights. May the coming year bring meetings with reliable, accommodating and supportive business partners.

Lines of congratulations, which were composed in prose, have non-standard turns of speech. They will allow you to highlight the personal qualities of a person and his professionalism. Below are the lines for you, with which you can congratulate absolutely any colleague and give him a pleasant experience.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse.

If you decide to express your thoughts beautifully, then you should use congratulations in verses. This version of congratulations has another plus. They are easy to learn and tell at an event. But it is better to tell them loudly and clearly with pleasant diction.

Look at the congratulations below. They are suitable not only for pronunciation, but also for writing on postcards. In addition, they can be sent electronically.

Our cheerful, friendly team

I wish you a Happy New Year!

Let the positive accompany us

And we are pleased with stable income!

I wish you prosperity, success,

Very good health, prosperity.

A carriage of smiles, joy and laughter.

May everything be always in order with you!

Be surprised! Smile!

And don't hesitate a bit!

You are wonderful, you are wonderful!

Though slightly explosive ...

Even next year

We will work side by side.

In the New Year, I wish you -

Salary increase!

Let the chef appreciate and understand

Let your salary raise

Do not be disturbed by nonsense

Colleagues, Happy Year of the Rooster!

The New Year is playing with snowflakes

Seeking protection and abode for myself.

He will come to visit you very soon,

Our dearest leader!

A whole load of gifts will bring you

And even something that we never dreamed of.

And this will move you to tears,

Taking problems and sorrows with you!

New Year's greetings for clients

Another opportunity to impress your clients and partners is to wish them a Happy New Year. Remember that under any circumstances, your deed will be highly appreciated. Remember that New Year's greetings will strengthen your relationship and make your collaboration more productive.

Prose congratulations for clients and partners Happy New Year.

Festive greetings are, first of all, words. Even the best gift will not look pretty without a cover letter. You can write congratulatory lines yourself, or copy what is available here.

Do not forget to address all lines to the recipient.

“Working with professionals is a valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation allowed us to overcome many difficulties and maintain stability and reliability of relations. The outgoing year will go down in the history of the development of our company as a successful one, which is a great merit of your professional team.
In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and well-being, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!"

“Reliability, stability and prosperity are the keys to the success of our cooperation! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May it be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial victories! And the first lines of all news programs will be occupied not by show business news, but by news of your sensational successes! Happy Holidays! "

Poetic New Year greetings for clients and partners.

Happy New Year our team congratulates

You, time-tested partners.

May perseverance always lead forward

And perseverance and unity - destroy mountains.

May all efforts be fruitful

Clear - the goal, confident - the dream.

Prosperity, stability and reliability

Serve you as faithful three whales.

We wish you a Happy New Year

Faithful and reliable partners.

Let creativity lead to victories

Protects caution.

May the team flourish

Team spirit and spirit of success,

And a new year in your work

Marked will be an important milestone.

Congratulations to the New Year in verse sound very beautiful. But a restrained style is chosen for congratulations. In this case, you cannot find yourself in a ridiculous situation.

Congratulations to all clients

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Let them leave you alone

Last year's worries.

Happiness to you and your families,

New plans and dreams.

We are waiting for a visit, we promise

Justify all expectations.

Let the customers have dear

And on Christmas and New Years

There will be no problems

What often spoil the celebration!

A blizzard will only bring happiness -

Huge, for all years,

And a blizzard of trouble will sweep away -

From home once and for all!

Poetic congratulations can also sound very beautiful.

Short New Year sms greetings

New Year's holidays are transferred to each of us in a fabulous atmosphere. Everyone is waiting for miracles and gifts. A few years ago, the main way to congratulate loved ones was to send a greeting card. But today, new technologies allow the use of mobile phones, with the help of which you can send New Year sms greetings. In general, for you we have selected the best SMS greetings in our collection that you should like.

Short congratulations for SMS in prose.

Happy New Year to you! You are an example for every subordinate, you are a truly wonderful person. I want to wish you patience, high achievements, wisdom, good spirits, strength, satisfaction and stability. May prosperity reign in your family. Happy Holidays!

New Year is a wonderful fabulous holiday, with the smell of spruce, the explosion of firecrackers, and the taste of champagne. And on this fabulous night, I would like to wish that all the wishes made to the chimes will come true. Let the problems and hardships not touch you and your loved ones, and the house will be filled with happiness and cheerful laughter.

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you in the coming year to be surrounded by extremely positive and benevolent people, experience only pleasant emotions, enjoy every day you live, give joy and smiles to those around you. And let this New Year be special for you.

In the New Year, let me wish you further prosperity of our organization, its expansion and global changes for the better, and you personally - a lot of health to reach the planned heights, financial well-being and happiness in your personal life!

Short congratulations for SMS in verse.

Here is the New Year knocking at the door,

And everyone wants to believe in a miracle.

May desires come true

And the year will bring prosperity.

May there be peace and light at home

I wish you health for many years.

Let the days fill with warmth

Let all sorrows become a dream!

Happy New Year!

May happiness come to the house.

You are the hope and support

Well, we won't let you down.

Let the work please

Let the turnovers grow.

And at any time of the year

Lilies bloom in my soul!

Dear leader,

May the new year bring

Anything you want

Will increase your income.

Let everything go uphill

The full bowl will be the house.

Even in the coldest cold

Let it warm with warmth.

And a barrel of caviar for you, and a wheelbarrow of gold,

And Gazprom shares a little bit of a stash.

May the coming year make you happy.

Health, fun, pleasant trouble!

Less deer, more luck

And only simple, good tasks.

May success on the path become inevitable,

And every morning - affectionately - gentle.

Don't get drunk on New Years

And don't lie under the tree!

Don't lie face down in the salad.

Pretend that you are very happy!

Wait for the chimes to strike

Stagger the banner ...

Tire your family:

Many more days off

Catching up in passing!

Well, good luck! Happy New Year!


You could find a lot in this extensive article. We hope that our congratulations will be able to give your loved ones and relatives positive emotions that can remain in your memory for a long time.