The rules of conduct at the celebration are comic. The festive portal jubilee-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary for an encore! Rules of conduct at the festive table

Sights of the world are a huge number of popular and little-known ancient and modern, man-made and natural objects of history, culture, architecture, archeology, scattered in various centers of dead and now existing civilizations on planet Earth.

We have selected the 30 best, which every tourist should definitely see.

Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, has become the only Russian attraction on the Trip Advisor list. Savior on Spilled Blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only with the splendor of its domes and interiors, but also with an unusual history that has given rise to many legends and speculations. Many of them are connected with the fact that the temple was erected on the place where on March 1, 1881, a citizen of the People's Republic I. Grinevitsky mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar-Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

If you look at the Google map, you can understand why the bridge (not gold at all, but red) is called a gate. The main local attraction "lets" the Pacific Ocean into the San Francisco Bay, connecting the city with Marin County. This grandiose structure was built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of its opening, it was the largest suspension bridge in the world.

Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists climb to its foot, from where a dizzying panorama of the city and the bay opens with the picturesque Sugar Loaf Mountain, the famous Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, the huge bowl of the Maracanã stadium.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the New Wonders of the World, is located in the territory of modern Peru, on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2,450 meters above sea level. It is called "the city in the sky" or "the city in the clouds", sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as a sacred mountain refuge by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec around 1440, and functioned until 1532 when the Spanish invaded the territory of the Inca empire. In 1532, all of its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The pyramids at Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but the main thing is that the Pyramid of Cheops, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, has survived to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly rank first in the Top 10 attractions in the world. These pyramids were built as tombs for the ancient Egyptian kings, these royal tombs reflect the strength and wealth of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
More popular than any other landmarks in the world, the Great Pyramids of Giza are located west of the Nile, near the capital of Egypt, Cairo. The Great Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest, it was built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Khufu (Cheops). It has a height of 137 meters, which means the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure on Earth for several millennia, until the towers of the Cologne Cathedral were completed in 1880, and consists of 2,300,000 blocks, some weighing up to 200 tons.
The second pyramid at Giza was built for Khafre, the son of King Khufu. It was erected in 2592 BC, the third pyramid at Giza was built for Menkaur, the son of King Khafre.

Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

In no other section of the Great Wall of China, restoration work has been done so well as in the Mutianyu section. This site, with 22 watchtowers that have retained their original appearance, is a true architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutianyu is translated from Chinese as "a valley where you can admire the views of the fields." Of all the sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is the longest fully restored section open to tourist access.

Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to chronicles, at the beginning of the 13th century, the inhabitants of the city-state of Siena, which was the main competitor and adversary of Florence, "called on their leaders to build a temple more magnificent than that of their neighbors." So between 1215 and 1263 on the site of the old temple, the Duomo of Siena was founded according to the plan of the Gothic master Niccolò Pisano. Today this magnificent temple is the main attraction of Siena.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zayed Mosque is one of the six largest mosques in the world. Named after Sheikh Zayed ibn Sultan al-Nahyan, the founder and first president of the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone is allowed into it, regardless of faith.

Old town Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO inscribed the old city of Dubrovnik on the World Heritage List, including a significant part of the ancient city walls. They surround the city on four sides and contain a venerable collection of historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. Built for defense purposes, these stone walls have protected their citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the 6th century.

Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Thom and was its religious center. The "highlight" of Bayon are the towers with many faces, carved out of stone, silently gazing from a height at the vast territory of Angkor Thom, and during the heyday of the state - and the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized the 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have survived.

Alhambra, Spain

The Alhambra is an ancient palace and fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province of Granada in southern Spain. The castle occupies the top of a rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name Alhambra probably comes from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks that make up the castle walls. However, some historians suggest that the name comes from the "red flame of torches" that illuminated the long-term construction of the castle, which went on around the clock.

Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

The most important place in Milan is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nachente (Duomo), a gem of Italian Gothic, which was built from 1386 until the beginning of the 19th century. The third largest Catholic church on the planet can be safely ranked as one of the wonders of the world. Its 100-meter spiers rise above the center of Milan, and the golden statue of the Madonna on the longest spire (four meters high) is visible from many parts of the city.

Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

The Shwedagon Pagoda is the tallest spiritual structure in Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the Country of Pagodas. The entire complex of the giant pagoda occupies more than five hectares of land, on which, in addition to the main structure, there are many smaller spiers and innumerable sculptural images of mythical and real animals: golden griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. As it is today, Shwedagon Pagoda became in the 15th century, during the reign of Queen Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally given the shape of an inverted begging bowl and sheathed with gold from top to bottom.

Colosseum, Rome

It is the largest amphitheater in the world during the Roman Empire. It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol in Rome. The Colosseum was built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian. It was used for gladiatorial fights and social events. Gladiator fights took place at the Colosseum until AD 435. It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 entrances.

Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington DC

The Lincoln Memorial is a magnificent temple, made in the ancient Greek style and somewhat reminiscent of the Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns of white marble, the number of states that belonged to the United States at the time of President Lincoln's death. In the center of the temple is a statue of the world's most respected American president, seated in a chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg National Military Park is not a park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alleys and flowering flower beds. It is the site of an important battle in the United States Civil War in 1863.

Teotihuacan, San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement Teotiukan is translated from the Aztec language as "the city where people become gods." According to legend, after the Flood, the gods returned to Teotihuacan to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of ​​this ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population was about 200 thousand people. It is one of the oldest and largest cities in the Western Hemisphere, the exact age of which is still unknown.

Mesquita, Cordoba, Spain

Walls decorated with intricate patterns, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - this is how the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba appears today. Many centuries ago there was an ancient Roman temple on this place, then it was replaced by a Visigothic church, and in 785 Mesquita appeared. It became the second most important mosque on the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordoba was even equated with the Hajj to Mecca, obligatory for every Muslim. But then the Catholics changed the Moors, and Mesquita was turned into a Christian temple.

Ancient city of Petra, Petra / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the very heart of Jordan, in the Wadi Musa Valley, deep in the sandy mountains is the most amazing ancient city of Petra. Petra was originally a temporary refuge for the nomadic Nabatean tribes. From several fortified rocky caves, it gradually grew into a large fortified city. You can get to the city in one way - through the narrow Siq gorge, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Petra still belongs to the Bedouins, who warmly welcome guests on their land.

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Basilica is one of the main attractions in Rome. Here you can observe ancient Rome from a bird's eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the top of the dome, defend Mass and even receive the blessing of the pontiff.

Ancient city of Ephesus, Selcuk, Turkey

The largest and best-preserved ancient city on the shores of the Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus is the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name of Androcles, the son of the ruler of Athens, Codrus, who, on the advice of the oracle, arrived in these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name from the Amazon, Ephesia, the beloved of Androcles.

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian War Memorial is the main memorial to the soldiers who died during the First and Second World Wars. Today it is considered one of the most significant monuments of its kind in the world. The memorial is located not far from the Parliament building, from the balcony of which a circular panorama of the monument opens.

Golden Temple - Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir Sahib - one of the most ancient and revered temples in India, is the Mecca of the Sikhs. Its upper tiers are covered with gilding, which is why it is also known as the "Golden Temple". The road to the entrance to the temple goes along a narrow marble bridge over a pond, the water in which is considered curative. Pilgrims believe that it consists of the elixir of immortality and holy water. The road across the bridge symbolizes the path from the sinner to the righteous.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term buildings in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although initially Antonio Gaudi had nothing to do with the construction of this temple, a year after the start of work, he headed this project. Gaudí built the temple for 30 years until he died. The reason for such a long construction is that the Sagrada Familia is being built exclusively on donations from the parishioners.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but around the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and also a symbol of eternal love.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is the most recognizable landmark and symbol of Australia, located on the shores of Sydney Harbor. With over 1,500 performances every year, this theater is considered one of the liveliest art centers in the world. It is estimated that over 7 million people visit this amazing Sydney tourist attraction.

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat is the largest religious building ever created, with a history of almost 9 centuries. Even its name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat literally translates as the City-Temple. It covers an area of ​​200 hectares and is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide. This colossal structure is dedicated to the god Vishnu, who is revered in this area.

Big Ben, England

The vast majority of tourists associate Big Ben with England and is rightfully considered the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that in fact Big Ben is not a separate attraction, but a part of Westminster Palace in London. Big Ben is home to the world's largest chimes and is the third tallest clock tower in the world. It is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 and 1853.

Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable structures in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. It was named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer in charge of design and construction. The tower is over 300 meters high and weighs over 10,000 tons; construction was completed in 1889. for him; s construction. The 324-meter tower weighs 10,100 tons and was opened in 1889. For the next 41 years it remained the tallest building in the world.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The Statue of Liberty is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, it is a symbol of Freedom, then why did millions of migrants from Europe strive to a country of great opportunities. Colossal sculpture located 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York. The statue actually represents the Roman goddess of Liberty and is a gift from the people of France to the United States.
It was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and is a gift from the United States for the world exhibition on October 28, 1876. About 4 million tourists visit the Statue of Liberty every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tips of the torch.

In this regard, naive questions often arise from the category "Which country is better?", "Which has the most attractions." Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. There are not only tourist attractions, but also known only to local residents who are in love with their city and see it from a special angle.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) maintains records of important cultural, historical and natural heritage sites. By compiling a list of World Heritage Sites, UNESCO tries to popularize and guarantee the preservation of natural, cultural or mixed attractions. The highest concentration of attractions due to their proximity in Europe. Most of these interesting places are concentrated in the cradle of Western civilization - c. There are many World Heritage Sites and, which is not strange, over the centuries these two cultures have mixed and influenced each other, and the significance of each of them is undeniable. Not all sights were included in the list, many will still be included, and many will never be included, which is why they will not become less valuable. Italy is immediately followed by, and. So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are a must see for you.

On the other hand, statistics show that it is far from the UN that determines the best of the best. Most of the world's travelers consider the # 1 country to visit France. France is the undisputed leader in world tourism, although trips there, as a rule, do not exceed several days in duration. Either a magnificent historical past with expansion and colonization, or the years of prosperity of monarchs, but something definitely played a decisive role in turning this country into a tourist "mecca".

The next place in attendance after a tiny charm is France, which, due to their multinationality and many states, concentrated a great many natural and man-made masterpieces on a vast territory. Following the United States in this ranking is China, which is understandable. The ancient oriental culture of the most populous country on the planet is famous all over the world.

Although if we continue the chain of the "best" category outside this rating, it is also worth mentioning and, so diverse that even a hundred trips can be missed, tourism in which sometimes borders on madness - either in large cities, or a hermit, amidst wild and stunning nature. You will also find super-satisfying vacation time in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs are like nationwide flash mobs - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel sincerely wishes you success in choosing a country for your vacation. Even with any recommendations, this choice will not be easy. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one ways to satisfy it.

Whatever foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass does not bother me at all ...


The boy asks:
- Dad, what is ethics?
- I'll give you an example. You know that I have a shop for two with Rabinovich. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady enters, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, pulls out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets one hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And this is where the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?


What is etiquette?
- This is when you say: "Thank you, do not," when you want to shout: "Give it here!"


It is better to pretend than to do nothing.


Vasya! Does it bother you that you're left-handed?
- No. Each person has their own shortcomings. For example, what hand do you stir tea with?
- Right.
- You see! And normal people interfere with a spoon!


About the rules of conduct.
If you are sitting at a party at the table, you should not carve words like "SGPTU-30", "DMB-94" or "Tolyan from Alapaevsk" on the tabletop. It is best to cut out the words "Thank you!", "High!", "We're stuck!" The owner will be very pleased.

Before entering, think: are you needed here?


Thank you, aunt, - the little boy thanks the guest.
- Not at all, my dear, - she smiles.
- I think so too, but my mother insists ...


Let me ...


Granny, do you want to sit in my place?
- Thank you, granddaughter, why not sit down!
- Then do not leave: in three stops I will leave.


Recipe "Beef in English": "If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye ..."


Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.


Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!


Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.


Let me ...
- Let me not let you!
- Won't let me not let !!!


If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?


From the rules of good form.

It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers ... Especially if you are a woman, and the trousers are men ...


Etiquette - it was invented by people who did not know hunger.


Cat etiquette:

If you feel nauseous, quickly climb into a chair. If you do not make it in time - then go to the Persian carpet. Bury it well then!

Find out quickly which guest hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He will not dare to drive you away and will even call you "cute pussy". If you can make you smell like cat food, so much the better.

Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit back and stare at the guest.

If one of the owners is busy and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

If the hostess knits, gently curl up in a ball in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend your paw and hit the knitting needles sharply. This is what she calls a "lowered loop." She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

If the host is busy with homework, sit down on his paper. After you are removed from them for the second time, wipe off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

Get a good night's sleep during the day to keep you in shape for your late night games between 2 am and 4 am.


About the rules of conduct.
Phrases like: "And now I'll show you our family album!" or "Look how our son studies!" - significantly save food and drink.


When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he should bend over to her hand. Modern "gentlemen" pull the lady's hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.


Etiquette - this is when you think: "Let you die!", And say: "Hello."


If you think you've reached the pinnacle of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.


Yes. Thanks you too. Thank you, and the same to you. Thank you, and you too.


What prevents you from being yourself?
- Rules of etiquette and the criminal code ...


When you leave, act as if you are a cultured person.



- "List of virtues of George W. Bush."
- "Osama bin Laden's phone book".
- "Mike Tyson's Rules of Etiquette".
- "French hospitality".
- "Etiquette of the British leaving guests."
- "Jokes about blondes, told by them."
- "Everything that women know about men."
- "Everything Men Know About Women."
- "How to spell the name Bob".
- "Words that have not yet been called Bill Gates."
- "Honest Lawyers".
- "Prosecutors who have never been to the bathhouse."
- "What would I not say for the sake of money" Sergei Dorenko.
- "Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov".
- "Human Rights in China".
- "Places where terrorists should be killed" by V. V. Putin.
- "Arab flying schools".
- "Things that a Russian could not call one of the three main
swear words ".


Morality without conscience is just etiquette.


From etiquette - only a label!
There was no etiquette and no ...
A pill was not invented for rudeness,
Only one remedy is to turn off the Internet


Before you point your finger at the faults of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.


Strictly observing the rules of etiquette at a party, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.


In which hand, according to etiquette, do you need to hold a knife to force the waiter to bring the order faster?



Friends! Everyone should observe culture!
Throwing cigarette butts into the window is not allowed, sir!
Suddenly you will fall into kind, nice citizens,
What are they peeing under your windows ?!


There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.


After all, people are paradoxical beings. If you shout loudly "A-ah-ah!" in the library, people will only look in bewilderment. And if you do the same on the plane, then they will join.


- Who is a gentleman?
- This is the one who, in a dark room, stepping on a cat, will call it a cat.

Rules of conduct in minibuses

Rule one

Do you know how he offends grandmothers when they give way? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit down by the window, close your eyes, it's harder to make way, support the elderly!

Second rule

You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the spicy lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

Third rule

If they call you, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor hears you badly behind the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about there, but they are ashamed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
ADDITION: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, expand the horizons of others.

Rule four

If at the other end of the minibus you see a friend, rather pay attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid a person thinks that you are cultureless or treat him badly! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he did not call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor hears you, and you will not let the rest get bored, they will listen to an interesting story)

The fifth rule

Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has money for a player! Move the headphones away from your ears so that others can enjoy your amazing musical taste

Rule six

Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't take the cleaning lady out of her job!

Seventh rule

Are you an athlete? Do not change after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you are doing sports! And yes, do not use deodorant, it leaves stains on clothes. (If you are overweight, all the more show that you are still struggling with it)

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant companions!


Yes ... In my time, girls knew how to blush, - says the father of his daughter.
- I can imagine what you told them ...


Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is ... silent.


One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. King George V of England once slammed his fist on the dining table in anger, after which he broke out in violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which the forks should lie on the table with the prongs down.


Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to an etiquette course.
- Ah * it is great!


Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…



A man sitting in a tram in the presence of women becomes empty space in their eyes.


That's all you have, like a parade. A napkin over there, a tie over here. Yes "sorry", yes "please, merci." And so that for real - it is not. You torture yourself, as under the tsarist regime.
Polingraf Poligrafych Sharikov


Should a gentleman:

to say good night to a lady if the lady doesn't want to?

to ask a lady for a hand if his legs do not hold him?

when leaving the restaurant, wear gloves if he goes out on all fours?

kissing a lady's hands if there was no napkin at the table?

raise a glass to the lady if the lady can no longer raise the glass herself?

take off the lady's coat if he likes the coat?

help a lady get off the bus if a lady wants to get in?

Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

Should a gentleman make a date with a lady under the clock if the clock is hanging over his sofa?

In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if a gentleman is holding a cutlet in his right hand?

Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for it in a restaurant?

Should a gentleman if he should?

Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she finds them in his pocket?

Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”If he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

A real gentleman will always let a lady go ahead to see how she looks from behind.


Girls, help! The director of our base invited to the corporate party. Who can tell you whether it is etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?


Don't pick your nose: there will be no children!
- Yes, I'm shallow ...


One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If the person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, how lucky, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."


Let's go with you, we will go to you.
And then hit me in the face with YOU -
Contradicts etiquette.


According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.


For a long time in my childhood I was taught to eat with the right cutlery ... Only for some reason they did not warn me that it was possible
there will be nothing ...

Comic rules of conduct at the table for guests

When we come to visit, we often see cleanliness and order. And we see how the hosts of the holiday are constantly correcting something after the guests have touched it. In such conditions, it is difficult to have fun, because you constantly "catch" the sidelong glances of the owners. But if you almost don't care about your home, and you are ready to sacrifice cleanliness for a few hours of joy and a great holiday, then read the comic rules of behavior at the table for guests. Guests will like such comic rules, and they will definitely know that everything, or almost everything, will be forgiven them!

Dear guests! I greet you!
Thank you for visiting us for an hour!
We will have fun and we will rest
But there are rules that you all need to know!
First, don't litter. We don't have a broom.
And if you get dirty, pick it up at the same hour.
Do not forget to also wipe your feet,
And put on replaceable shoes on your feet!
Don't shout out loud. Speak calmly.
Our neighbors are evil, you really understand us!
In general, please behave culturally,
And we ask you not to be rude to each other.
But if you don't give a damn about everything, and you want to go for a walk.
Want to sing, scream and roar,
Then no one will stop you,
And our neighbor will not forget this day!

And check out a funny horoscope by zodiac signs for your birthday. Read it to the guests and they will get a lot of positive emotions!

Comic rules of conduct for the anniversary. Rules for guests

Have you often come across the fact that guests, having come to you for a holiday, behave timidly at first, but then begin to "unwind"? this usually happens after a few glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up the guests and "charge" them with a holiday. And comic rules of conduct for guests on your anniversary will help you with this. We have come up with comic rules in verse that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them to your guests, and let them know - you don't mind if they play a little naughty.

Dear guests!
You came to visit me!
But do not be afraid of me,
Everything is simple for me, as always.
You just follow the rules
And do not receive comments.
Where are the rules? Here they are,
And you, rather, write them down!
First, I have delicious food,
Therefore, you must eat everything to the end!
Secondly, the drinks are not bad either,
So drink them my dears!
Well, the third rule, the main thing,
To make everyone feel good at the holiday,
You don't have to sit and be bored
You have to sing, dance and play!
You are more active,
And have a great time!

I want to tell you my friends
That you did not come to me in vain!
I have great drinks and delicious food
So help yourself, my friends!
In the meantime, I'll tell you the rules,
And maybe I will surprise someone with this.
And the rules are simple, remember them,
That was not after any offense.
If you took a sandwich in your hands,
Then we immediately carry it into our mouth!
If you put salad on your plate,
You don't need to say that it was postponed for later!
A glass has been poured - so drink it to the bottom!
Even if it's a glass of wine!
In general, you probably understood
That my rules are quite simple!
You just have to drink, eat and have fun
And enjoy the holiday to the fullest!

I am the mistress of the house, you are my guests.
Thank you very much for coming to me!
But so that we are not bored,
This is what I will say to all of you.
Do not sit at the table for a long time,
We ate a little on the dance floor - dance!
Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
And you will receive gifts for winning the game.
In general, do you understand me?
So that our friends are not bored,
Let's have fun together
And as young people say - "let's hang out"!

xn —— 7kccduufesz6cwj.xn - p1ai

(Not) comic rules of conduct at a corporate party

In anticipation of a corporate evening, employees rub their hands: finally, you can relax at work! It is not known for certain how many people later went in search of a new job. But in companies, stories about corporate events live for a long time. If you are paid little and your boss is an idiot, then break the rules of conduct at a corporate party and in the near future you will be able to leave this worthless job.

Comic rules of conduct at a corporate party

So, you don't need to think about what to wear at a corporate party, remember: what rules of conduct at a corporate party need to be violated in order to speed up the dismissal process.

Place at the table

HR managers find that one of the most common mistakes employees make is when it comes to seat selection. It so happens that someone is late at work and is late for the beginning of a corporate evening. I looked around the room: all the seats next to colleagues in the department or in the smoking room were occupied, and suddenly: oh, a miracle! there are free seats at the VIP table. And if someone from the leaders smiled amiably, then you can without a shadow of a doubt accept this as an invitation to the table.

It's okay that then the whole evening you will sit as "not at ease", but you can be sure: the leader will remember you well.

Table behavior

The most common mistake, according to the same nerdy hr-managers, is the desire to relax, which is accompanied by alcohol abuse. Mascara under the eyes, smeared lipstick, dancing barefoot (the first stage of undressing), unbridled fun, casual sex, tears, scandals, fights ... One could continue the list of "miracles" and give real examples, but this article is not for fans of juicy details. It is for those who are looking for a reason to quit with a scandal and not regret what happened at a corporate evening. Therefore, feel free to break the rules of conduct at a corporate event and let you not be painfully ashamed:

Agree that it is not so difficult to break the rules of conduct at a corporate party and do it for your pleasure ?!

Well, if you still want to work in your company, do not relax ahead of time and understand that a corporate party is a continuation of work only in an informal setting. A corporate evening is aimed at establishing friendly constructive relationships between colleagues by creating favorable conditions: food, drinks, entertainment.

At first, it may seem that all participants in a corporate party are, as it were, equal to each other. Bosses and subordinates, young professionals and mentors. But this is only an appearance. Do not be deceived if leaders in your organization demonstrate democratic attitude towards subordinates. It is democratic as long as the subordinate observes the rules of conduct at the corporate party and keeps at the required distance, that is, observes the chain of command. In addition, know that there will always be "well-wishers" who will gladly notice your mistake.

Follow the golden rule in everything: Better not "before" than "over"!

Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

Whatever foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass does not bother me at all ...

The boy asks:
- Dad, what is ethics?
- I'll give you an example. You know that I have a shop for two with Rabinovich. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady enters, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, pulls out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets one hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And this is where the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?

What is etiquette?
- This is when you say: "Thank you, do not," when you want to shout: "Give it here!"

It is better to pretend than to do nothing.

- Vasya! Does it bother you that you're left-handed?
- No. Each person has their own shortcomings. For example, what hand do you stir tea with?
- Right.
- You see! And normal people interfere with a spoon!

About the rules of conduct.
If you are sitting at a party at the table, you should not carve words like "SGPTU-30", "DMB-94" or "Tolyan from Alapaevsk" on the tabletop. It is best to cut out the words "Thank you!", "High!", "We're stuck!" The owner will be very pleased.

Before entering, think: are you needed here?

Thank you, aunt, - the little boy thanks the guest.
- Not at all, my dear, - she smiles.
- I think so too, but my mother insists.

Allow me.

Granny, do you want to sit in my place?
- Thank you, granddaughter, why not sit down!
- Then do not leave: in three stops I will leave.

Recipe "Beef in English": "If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye ..."

Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!

Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.

Allow me.
- Let me not let you!
“I won’t let me not.

If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?

From the rules of good form.

It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers ... Especially if you are a woman, and the trousers are men ...

Etiquette - it was invented by people who did not know hunger.

Cat etiquette:

- If you feel sick, quickly climb into the chair. If you do not make it in time - then go to the Persian carpet. Bury it well then!

- Quickly determine which guest hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He will not dare to chase you away and will even call you "cute pussy". If you can make you smell like cat food, so much the better.

- Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit back and stare at the guest.

- If one of the owners is busy and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

- If the hostess knits, quietly curl up in a ball in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend your paw and hit the knitting needles sharply. This is what she calls a "lowered loop." She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

- If the owner is busy with homework, sit down on his paper. After you are removed from them for the second time, wipe off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

Get a good night's sleep so you are in shape for your late night games between 2 and 4 am.

About the rules of conduct.
Phrases like: "And now I'll show you our family album!" or "Look how our son studies!" - significantly save food and drink.

When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he should bend over to her hand. Modern "gentlemen" pull the lady's hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.

Etiquette - this is when you think: "Let you die!", And say: "Hello."

If you think you've reached the pinnacle of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.

Yes. Thanks you too. Thank you, and the same to you. Thank you, and you too.

- What prevents you from being yourself?
- Rules of etiquette and the criminal code.

When you leave, act as if you are a cultured person.


- "List of virtues of George W. Bush."
- "Osama bin Laden's phone book."
- "Mike Tyson's Rules of Etiquette."
- "French hospitality".
- "Etiquette of the departure of the British from guests."
- "Jokes about blondes, told by them."
- "Everything that women know about men."
- "Everything that men know about women."
- "How to spell the name Bob".
- "Words that have not yet been called Bill Gates."
- "Honest Lawyers".
- "Prosecutors who have never been to the bathhouse."
- "What would I not say for the sake of money" Sergei Dorenko.
- "Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov".
- "Human Rights in China".
- “Places where terrorists should be killed” by V. V. Putin.
- "Arab flying schools".
- “Things that a Russian could not call one of the three main
obscene words ".

Morality without conscience is just etiquette.

From etiquette - only a label!
There was no etiquette and no ...
A pill was not invented for rudeness,
Only one remedy is to turn off the Internet

Before you point your finger at the faults of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.

Strictly observing the rules of etiquette at a party, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.

In which hand, according to etiquette, do you need to hold a knife to force the waiter to bring the order faster?

Friends! Everyone should observe culture!
Throwing cigarette butts into the window is not allowed, sir!
Suddenly you will fall into kind, nice citizens,
What are they peeing under your windows ?!

There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.

After all, people are paradoxical beings. If you shout loudly "A-ah-ah!" in the library, people will just look in bewilderment. And if you do the same on the plane, then they will join.

Who is a gentleman?
- This is the one who, in a dark room, stepping on a cat, will call it a cat.

Rules of conduct in minibuses

Do you know how he offends grandmothers when they give way? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit down by the window, close your eyes, it's harder to make way, support the elderly!

You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the spicy lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

If they call you, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor hears you badly behind the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about there, but they are ashamed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
ADDITION: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, expand the horizons of others.

If at the other end of the minibus you see a friend, rather pay attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid a person thinks that you are cultureless or treat him badly! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he did not call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor hears you, and you will not let the rest get bored, they will listen to an interesting story)

Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has money for a player! Move the headphones away from your ears so that others can enjoy your amazing musical taste

Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't take the cleaning lady out of her job!

Are you an athlete? Do not change after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you are doing sports! And yes, do not use deodorant, it leaves stains on clothes. (If you are overweight, all the more show that you are still struggling with it)

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant companions!

Yes ... In my time, girls knew how to blush, - says the father of his daughter.
- I can imagine what you told them ...

Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is ... silent.

One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. King George V of England once slammed his fist on the dining table in anger, after which he broke out in violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which the forks should lie on the table with the prongs down.

- Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to an etiquette course.
- Ah * it is great!

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…

A man sitting in a tram in the presence of women becomes empty space in their eyes.

That's all you have, like a parade. A napkin over there, a tie over here. Yes "sorry", yes "please, merci." And so that for real - it is not. You torture yourself, as under the tsarist regime.
Polingraf Poligrafych Sharikov

Should a gentleman:

to say good night to a lady if the lady doesn't want to?

to ask a lady for a hand if his legs do not hold him?

when leaving the restaurant, wear gloves if he goes out on all fours?

kissing a lady's hands if there was no napkin at the table?

raise a glass to the lady if the lady can no longer raise the glass herself?

take off the lady's coat if he likes the coat?

help a lady get off the bus if a lady wants to get in?

Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

Should a gentleman make a date with a lady under the clock if the clock is hanging over his sofa?

In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if a gentleman is holding a cutlet in his right hand?

Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for it in a restaurant?

Should a gentleman if he should?

Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she finds them in his pocket?

Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”If he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

A real gentleman will always let a lady go ahead to see how she looks from behind.

- Girls, help! The director of our base invited to the corporate party. Who can tell you whether it is etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?

Don't pick your nose: there will be no children!
- Yes, I'm shallow.

One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If the person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, how lucky, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."

Let's go with you, we will go to you.
And then hit me in the face with YOU -
Contradicts etiquette.

According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.

For a long time in my childhood I was taught to eat with the right cutlery ... Only for some reason they did not warn me that it was possible
there will be nothing ...

Rules of conduct for guests at a wedding

Before you go to a wedding to your friends or relatives, carefully read the rules of conduct. All wedding guests must adhere to the following.

When you come to the wedding, do not forget to congratulate the newlyweds and give them original gifts.

Until the bottom you can drink only the first 10-15 glasses, the next - with the permission of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

When you have a snack and eat all the caviar, do not require additives.

Do not twist the tablecloth on which you spilled alcohol, especially in your glass.

Remember that a sober drunk does not understand. To protect yourself from misunderstanding and not be beaten for this, be with everyone in the same condition. This is our custom.

When eating chicken or duck, do not put the brushes on the plate. Better to put a snack on it, and your hands in your neighbor's pocket.

Don't put anything you can eat on your neighbors' plate.

Do not gather more than three under the table.

Do not forget from hour to hour to remember what you have gathered at the wedding and to shout “Bitter! ".

Do not put in your pocket a piece of cake that you like very much, but you do not have the strength to eat it.

When the music starts playing, immediately start dancing, not sparing your feet and your neighbor. He who cannot dance dances while sitting.

After the holiday is over, do not wear someone else's coat, even if it is prettier than yours.

Do not promise the hosts of the holiday that tomorrow you and your parents and friends will come to finish the wedding dishes so that the newlyweds are not afraid.

Have fun, dance, walk, drink and eat slowly.

In addition to the rules, there are also some prohibitions, which you should also familiarize yourself with.

Hide in the corner.

Sleep at or under a table, especially with snoring.

Wipe your hands with your neighbor's dress, even when she no longer remembers anything.

Gossip about mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

Beat the dishes on the neighbor's head.

Declare love more than three times to members of the opposite sex.

Sing songs with the speech of our smaller brothers.

The rules are not new to you. They have been familiar to everyone for a long time. Therefore, do not forget about them and rest 100%! Good evening to you.

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In modern society, it is very important to know the rules of behavior at the table, because many business issues are resolved here, or sometimes you just want to make a feast for the whole world by inviting relatives and friends. Therefore, it is simply impossible to ignore table etiquette today.

By the way, the very word etiquette originated several centuries ago in France. Then, in the presence of one of the kings, his nobles and guests were handed out so-called labels, where there was a set of rules of conduct at the table.

Of course, different countries have their own nuances, but, in general, there are general rules of behavior at the table, which every cultured person should know.

General rules of conduct at the table

The first thing to know is where to sit. If this is a family celebration, everyone has their permanent place here. If this is a business banquet, you need to remember that places to the right and left of the hostess and the owner of the house, which, by the way, should sit opposite each other, are considered honorable. When everyone knows their place, everyone stands and waits until the hostess sits down.

If you eat in a cafe, restaurant, other public place, then the best places for men are obliged to yield to women. All dishes must naturally be clean. You need to take plates, dishes, all utensils from below, while supporting the edge with your thumb. In no case should you touch food with your fingers!

How to serve food?

Any dish must be brought close to the plate so that nothing drips onto the tablecloth.

Soup is poured at a separate serving table, and exclusively into deep bowls.

Serve fish, roasts, vegetables, snacks, and sweet biscuits and sweets on the left.

As for coffee and tea, these drinks should be poured on the right. The guest has the opportunity to put himself the required amount of sugar and cream, according to his taste.

After the guests have eaten, according to etiquette, the dishes that have already been used are removed to the right of the person sitting with their right hand.

Table etiquette

The rules of conduct at the table apply not only to the hostess and the host who organize the event, but also to the guests.

Only after the dishes have already begun to be served, the guest can remove the napkin from the plate and put it on his lap without tucking it into the collar.

You need to sit at the table on the entire seat, leaning slightly forward.

When talking with a neighbor, you don't need to turn your whole body, just turn your head.

Do not stretch your legs under the table. The elbows are also not kept on the table, they are pressed to the body.

If during a meal, you come across a bone, a pebble, cartilage - lower them on a spoon, fork with your lips, and then - put them on the edge of the plate.

After you eat, wipe your mouth with a tissue and, if necessary, your hands. After that, you need to put it to the left of your plate.

After the end of the meal, place the knife and fork with the bulge down, parallel to each other on a plate. In this case, their handles should "look" to the right.

Rules of conduct at the festive table

The rules of conduct at the festive table are no different from the general rules, except that here the hostess can show her imagination - to decorate the table in an original way. Put a snow-white or any other interesting tablecloth, decorate the table with figures from napkins, somehow decorate the house itself in a non-trivial way.

There are some codes of conduct at the table that have arisen in previous centuries, reading which now - it is impossible to refrain from laughing. Comic rules of behavior at the table, in fact, have a background - hygiene, expediency and much more. It's just that today we are so used to modern etiquette that past attempts to fix it all in the laws seem to us funny.

Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

Whatever foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass does not bother me at all ...

The boy asks:
- Dad, what is ethics?
- I'll give you an example. You know that I have a shop for two with Rabinovich. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady enters, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, pulls out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets one hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And this is where the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?

What is etiquette?
- This is when you say: "Thank you, do not," when you want to shout: "Give it here!"

It is better to pretend than to do nothing.

- Vasya! Does it bother you that you're left-handed?
- No. Each person has their own shortcomings. For example, what hand do you stir tea with?
- Right.
- You see! And normal people interfere with a spoon!

About the rules of conduct.
If you are sitting at a party at the table, you should not carve words like "SGPTU-30", "DMB-94" or "Tolyan from Alapaevsk" on the tabletop. It is best to cut out the words "Thank you!", "High!", "We're stuck!" The owner will be very pleased.

Before entering, think: are you needed here?

Thank you, aunt, - the little boy thanks the guest.
- Not at all, my dear, - she smiles.
- I think so too, but my mother insists.

Allow me.
- Let me not let you!
“I won’t let me not.

Granny, do you want to sit in my place?
- Thank you, granddaughter, why not sit down!
- Then do not leave: in three stops I will leave.

Recipe "Beef in English": "If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye ..."

Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!

Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.

If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?

From the rules of good form.

It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers ... Especially if you are a woman, and the trousers are men ...

Etiquette - it was invented by people who did not know hunger.

Cat etiquette:

- If you feel sick, quickly climb into the chair. If you do not make it in time - then go to the Persian carpet. Bury it well then!

- Quickly determine which guest hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He will not dare to chase you away and will even call you "cute pussy". If you can make you smell like cat food, so much the better.

- Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit back and stare at the guest.

- If one of the owners is busy and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

- If the hostess knits, quietly curl up in a ball in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend your paw and hit the knitting needles sharply. This is what she calls a "lowered loop." She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

- If the owner is busy with homework, sit down on his paper. After you are removed from them for the second time, wipe off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

Get a good night's sleep so you are in shape for your late night games between 2 and 4 am.

About the rules of conduct.
Phrases like: "And now I'll show you our family album!" or "Look how our son studies!" - significantly save food and drink.

When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he should bend over to her hand. Modern "gentlemen" pull the lady's hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.

Etiquette - this is when you think: "Let you die!", And say: "Hello."

If you think you've reached the pinnacle of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.

Yes. Thanks you too. Thank you, and the same to you. Thank you, and you too.

- What prevents you from being yourself?
- Rules of etiquette and the criminal code.

When you leave, act as if you are a cultured person.


- "List of virtues of George W. Bush."
- "Osama bin Laden's phone book."
- "Mike Tyson's Rules of Etiquette."
- "French hospitality".
- "Etiquette of the departure of the British from guests."
- "Jokes about blondes, told by them."
- "Everything that women know about men."
- "Everything that men know about women."
- "How to spell the name Bob".
- "Words that have not yet been called Bill Gates."
- "Honest Lawyers".
- "Prosecutors who have never been to the bathhouse."
- "What would I not say for the sake of money" Sergei Dorenko.
- "Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov".
- "Human Rights in China".
- “Places where terrorists should be killed” by V. V. Putin.
- "Arab flying schools".
- “Things that a Russian could not call one of the three main
obscene words ".

Morality without conscience is just etiquette.

From etiquette - only a label!
There was no etiquette and no ...
A pill was not invented for rudeness,
Only one remedy is to turn off the Internet

Before you point your finger at the faults of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.

Strictly observing the rules of etiquette at a party, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.

In which hand, according to etiquette, do you need to hold a knife to force the waiter to bring the order faster?

Friends! Everyone should observe culture!
Throwing cigarette butts into the window is not allowed, sir!
Suddenly you will fall into kind, nice citizens,
What are they peeing under your windows ?!

There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.

After all, people are paradoxical beings. If you shout loudly "A-ah-ah!" in the library, people will just look in bewilderment. And if you do the same on the plane, then they will join.

Who is a gentleman?
- This is the one who, in a dark room, stepping on a cat, will call it a cat.

Rules of conduct in minibuses

Do you know how he offends grandmothers when they give way? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit down by the window, close your eyes, it's harder to make way, support the elderly!

You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the spicy lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

If they call you, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor hears you badly behind the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about there, but they are ashamed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
ADDITION: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, expand the horizons of others.

If at the other end of the minibus you see a friend, rather pay attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid a person thinks that you are cultureless or treat him badly! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he did not call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor hears you, and you will not let the rest get bored, they will listen to an interesting story)

Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has money for a player! Move the headphones away from your ears so that others can enjoy your amazing musical taste

Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't take the cleaning lady out of her job!

Are you an athlete? Do not change after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you are doing sports! And yes, do not use deodorant, it leaves stains on clothes. (If you are overweight, all the more show that you are still struggling with it)

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant companions!

Yes ... In my time, girls knew how to blush, - says the father of his daughter.
- I can imagine what you told them ...

Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is ... silent.

One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. King George V of England once slammed his fist on the dining table in anger, after which he broke out in violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which the forks should lie on the table with the prongs down.

- Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to an etiquette course.
- Ah * it is great!

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…

A man sitting in a tram in the presence of women becomes empty space in their eyes.

That's all you have, like a parade. A napkin over there, a tie over here. Yes "sorry", yes "please, merci." And so that for real - it is not. You torture yourself, as under the tsarist regime.
Polingraf Poligrafych Sharikov

Should a gentleman:

to say good night to a lady if the lady doesn't want to?

to ask a lady for a hand if his legs do not hold him?

when leaving the restaurant, wear gloves if he goes out on all fours?

kissing a lady's hands if there was no napkin at the table?

raise a glass to the lady if the lady can no longer raise the glass herself?

take off the lady's coat if he likes the coat?

help a lady get off the bus if a lady wants to get in?

Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

Should a gentleman make a date with a lady under the clock if the clock is hanging over his sofa?

In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if a gentleman is holding a cutlet in his right hand?

Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for it in a restaurant?

Should a gentleman if he should?

Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she finds them in his pocket?

Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”If he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

A real gentleman will always let a lady go ahead to see how she looks from behind.

- Girls, help! The director of our base invited to the corporate party. Who can tell you whether it is etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?

Don't pick your nose: there will be no children!
- Yes, I'm shallow.

One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If the person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, how lucky, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."

Let's go with you, we will go to you.
And then hit me in the face with YOU -
Contradicts etiquette.

According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.

For a long time in my childhood I was taught to eat with the right cutlery ... Only for some reason they did not warn me that it was possible
there will be nothing ...

Comic rules of conduct for the anniversary. Rules for guests

Have you often come across the fact that guests, having come to you for a holiday, behave timidly at first, but then begin to "unwind"? this usually happens after a few glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up the guests and "charge" them with a holiday. And comic rules of conduct for guests on your anniversary will help you with this. We have come up with comic rules in verse that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them to your guests, and let them know - you don't mind if they play a little naughty.

Dear guests!
You came to visit me!
But do not be afraid of me,
Everything is simple for me, as always.
You just follow the rules
And do not receive comments.
Where are the rules? Here they are,
And you, rather, write them down!
First, I have delicious food,
Therefore, you must eat everything to the end!
Secondly, the drinks are not bad either,
So drink them my dears!
Well, the third rule, the main thing,
To make everyone feel good at the holiday,
You don't have to sit and be bored
You have to sing, dance and play!
You are more active,
And have a great time!

I want to tell you my friends
That you did not come to me in vain!
I have great drinks and delicious food
So help yourself, my friends!
In the meantime, I'll tell you the rules,
And maybe I will surprise someone with this.
And the rules are simple, remember them,
That was not after any offense.
If you took a sandwich in your hands,
Then we immediately carry it into our mouth!
If you put salad on your plate,
You don't need to say that it was postponed for later!
A glass has been poured - so drink it to the bottom!
Even if it's a glass of wine!
In general, you probably understood
That my rules are quite simple!
You just have to drink, eat and have fun
And enjoy the holiday to the fullest!

I am the mistress of the house, you are my guests.
Thank you very much for coming to me!
But so that we are not bored,
This is what I will say to all of you.
Do not sit at the table for a long time,
We ate a little on the dance floor - dance!
Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
And you will receive gifts for winning the game.
In general, do you understand me?
So that our friends are not bored,
Let's have fun together
And as young people say - "let's hang out"!

xn —— 7kccduufesz6cwj.xn - p1ai

Scene congratulations on the holiday "Guest Code"


When there is no agreement in the comrades,
The company from them will not come out amicable:
They will come and drink indifferently
And they'll gobble up lunch in silence!
In a company like this - no music, no songs,
No one is interesting to each other in her,
Under the wise guests, crystal ringing does not pour.
And this is called a holiday ?!

But we, friends, will never be touched by this! With our quiet, small company We gathered again to rest our souls! The presenter invites the guests to help him announce the "Guest Code" - the rules of conduct for the holiday. Those who wish are selected, the presenter distributes the text of the "Guest Code" to them. Everyone reads one rule, the guests amicably answer in the rhyme "We promise!" or, conversely, "No way!"

The answers do not always rhyme in meaning - the host warns the guests to be attentive and not get caught.

1. We are smart, cheerful,
Tables are breaking in the house!
Let's have a good walk?
Guests: - We promise!

2. We were invited to the holiday,
And we forgot to undress.
Shall we sit at the table in a coat?
Guests: - No way!

3. Our glasses, our dishes,
Like other dishes
Do not forget to fill.
Guests: - We promise!

4. We will interrupt everyone,
Argue, quarrel, shout,
As if we know everything in the world?
Guests: - No way!

5. Let's sing and dance,
Smile, flirt
Amicably slamming a hundred grams!
Guests: - We promise!

6. Knock over the soup on the dress,
Let's lie face down in the salad
And drop the cup of tea.
Guests: - No way!

7. Jokes away, smiles too,
It's not good to have fun here!
Who laughs - kick out?
Guests: - No way!

8. Don't sit gloomily in the corner,
Away from games and noise
And do we light it up?
Guests: - We promise!

9. Let's enjoy gossip
And to find fault with the mistress:
Everything tastes bad, everything is not right.
Guests: - No way!

10. Toastmaster tried for us,
And by the end he got hungry!
Do we treat the toastmaster?
Guests: - We promise!

Leading: Fine! Then the holiday can begin!

Jubilee script

Scenario No. 000140

Oh, you are guests, gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or live at home bad
But the dress is just a miracle.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our Elena is young
And in the circle of your friends
I decided to celebrate the anniversary.
But, dear guests, before starting our celebration,
we will find out why you came here:

Green ball - come to get drunk
Red ball - have fun
Yellow ball - eat something tasty,
Blue ball - there was nowhere else to go.
And yet we came to the celebration - Anniversary
Elena Nikolaevna.
Dear guests, let's welcome our
to the hero of the day so that she feels
the warmth of our hearts.

Dear Elena Nikolaevna
Your anniversary is just a little bit
But the years were not lived in vain.
The road is long passed,
Great deals are done.
May life always be like this.
So that the years go by, and you do not count them,
Never grow old in soul
And they would never sigh bitterly
Anniversaries cannot be avoided.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
You have an anniversary today.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life:
Health, happiness, joy.
And up to a hundred years without old age!
We raise our glasses.
Dear friends, our dear relatives, we certainly know each other, but let's get to know each other better.
What is your name
1.You will play the role of a ringleader at the anniversary - you will be in your mood to turn on all the guests and have fun yourself.
2. You will sit at the table until you run out of vodka.
3. At the anniversary, you are the director - you will be the most important, and the guests must obey you.
4. Your neighbor across the street will confess his love to you all evening.
5. You are playing the role, praises will go out into the street and everyone, say what a beautiful hero of ours is.
6.You will give your last 100 rubles to the guest sitting on the right (left)
7. You are an ambulance, if someone does not feel well, you must provide medical assistance
8.Neighbor will carry you home (left), (right)
9. You will walk home with your feet.
10. You are the one who makes toasts the most.
11.You will stay overnight here.
12. You will sing the most.
13. You will dance the most.
14 candy wrappers, fish and meat bones
15. Do not put on the table, put everything in your neighbor's pocket.

Song Alteration "Cheburashka"
Let our years go by.
We are not afraid of adversity
We keep the tail with a pipe anyway
It's good for all of us together
We love dances and songs
We all like this kind of vacation.
We play the accordion
In plain sight
Celebrating Birthday
Only once a year.

Fuck stones and kidneys.
And sleepless nights
Diathesis, diabetes and gastritis.
Let's not bury ourselves in holes
Let's break all the constipation
We will defeat chondrosis and nephritis

We love to eat deliciously
Listen to jokes
We are ready for the farthest journey.
Don't give a damn about sores
Let's crawl on all fours
If you need to go out somewhere.

Well, in the meantime, you have a snack and a drink,
of course there are some among you,
who adhere to the principle
"Between the first and second gap is not large"
I would like to inform you about the rules of behavior at the table
1 . Everyone has fun today, otherwise we won't let them get drunk.
2. Sliding under the table, politely say goodbye to the guests.
3. Today no one claims such nonsense as:
“I have to go home”, “Don't drink”, “Don't shout”.
4. Don't give a damn under the table, there may be guests there too.
5. Do not try to declare that you cannot be drunk a lot,
The meaning of life of all those present will be reduced to giving you something to drink.
6. When the toast is pronounced, you need to drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of the glass.
7. If you're not relying on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket.
8. Do not gather under the table for more than three, and follow the traffic rules.
9. The first three glasses should be drunk by everyone, the rest will go without a special invitation.
10. You can not dance while standing, dance while sitting.
11. Remember to drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.
12. Everyone can drink, you just need to know when to stop.

And now there is a dance break.

Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came.
As you yourself guess, probably to the address of the hero of the day
Telegrams arrived, and even a parcel post.
He himself refused to go in, because he was afraid that the bike would be stolen, and entrusted me to read out the telegrams:

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