Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Uniform and insignia of the Russian armed forces Military uniform of the Russian armed forces

In 2015, the Russian army changed completely. All servicemen without exception have a new military uniform today. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted in the complete re-equipment of the army for more than a year, was fully implemented. This has been repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to change the ranks of the army of our country has existed for a long time. Together with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing it have been introduced.

In 2014 alone, a new uniform was issued to half a million servicemen. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of servicemen began precisely with those who served in the Far North.

The general dressing up began in 2013, in 2014 it actively continued, but the bulk of the Russian servicemen issued a military uniform of an updated sample in 2015. Now the next turn is to review the naval and ceremonial military uniforms. Servants, men and women, will be completely disguised. Partly in the 2015 sample of the uniform of the Russian armed forces, the clothing trend of the US military can be traced.

Reforms in the field of uniforms of servicemen under Serdyukov

The Russian army has required modern military uniforms for a long time, and the current attempt to completely change the clothes of servicemen is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of the military of our country. From time to time, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge amounts, and the dress uniform is even more unjustified costs.

For example, under the disgraced minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated to dress the Russian army. The price for the development and implementation of a new form in 2014-2015 so far it is kept secret, but given the scale of this process, it is safe to say that the amounts there are cosmic.

The military uniform has been taken for revision by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the ceremonial one. The main initiative came from the then Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov. On a competitive basis, out of the sketches provided by the selected developers, the option that was proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took as long as 2 years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniform. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniform of the US armed forces. But the developers in every possible way disowned such a comparison.

The Russian uniform for the winter season caused a lot of unflattering responses from both specialists and the servicemen themselves, who had to test new uniforms on themselves. Complaints were received by the Ministry of Defense on an almost daily basis. Due to the low operational characteristics of the new form, the number of colds in the army increased sharply in just one winter period. In addition, the external signs of the new form also caused discontent. After all, now the shoulder straps were not located in the usual place, on the shoulders, but following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the mold was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly deteriorates and breaks, and the threads are frayed and also become unusable.

Among the other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing set of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of separate components with Velcro, a narrowed model of overcoats, and the cancellation of footcloths and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only on documents, tk. in fact, it was far from immediately possible to come to this in the entire Russian army.

Due to numerous complaints and discontent on the part of the military, the military department began to think about the advisability of developing a new form.

Now we realized that model based on the uniform of the US military does not fit according to the conditions of our country. From now on, the military uniform used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the kit has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The ceremonial military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because there is no urgent need for this. It was the field uniform that was much more important, and not the ceremonial one.

Complete set of modern uniforms for military personnel

The modern kit is a multi-layered suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, the military have the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on, the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the military from the rank and file. The dress uniform will continue to vary. The norms of exploitation of military clothing of an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the officer's dress uniform).

The set of the modern field kit for the soldier and the officer includes the following items:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, different seasons;


Guidelines for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in the departmental regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The employees wear the military uniform of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; on holidays of the military unit; in cases of presentation of state awards and orders; in cases of presenting a military unit with the Battle Banner; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval banner is raised on the ship; when enrolled in the honor guard; while serving as sentries for the protection of the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is allowed to wear a similar form of clothing on non-working days and off-duty;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; at educational events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of underwear for military personnel

The uniform assumes 2 separate sets for use in conditions of air temperature from -40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. Underwear in one set is a short-sleeved T-shirt and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both from the technical point of view and in appearance. For a soldier, it has all the mandatory qualities, namely:

dries quite quickly after it has absorbed moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions, there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done under lower temperature conditions. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set in a more elongated sleeve and full-leg underpants. The fleece set from the inside has a fleecy surface, plus, there is also an insulating layer.

Sets for different weather conditions

The summer field kit consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture of such clothes, the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to processing with a special water-repellent compound. Reinforcing components are applied in the most stressed parts. This makes the suit resistant to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Military clothing regulations allow a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides to be used in cool weather conditions. There is a strong layer of thermal insulation here. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be rolled up to a minimum. A windbreaker jacket is used to protect against winds. It is worn with 5 layer trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent wind protection. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. Such a suit is worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, the military can use a windproof suit. In case of heavy showers, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

In severe frosts a more insulated suit and a warmed vest are used. These elements are practical and lightweight. They are made of wind and moisture resistant materials. Plus, in freezing weather, you can use a balaclava, which can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very cold weather. For the manufacture of uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used, which includes cotton and synthetic elements with a ratio of 65/35.

In various media there were reports of a new uniform, which will begin to provide the personnel of the Russian army. Criticism of the clothing that the military is now equipped with has proven effective. And it does not matter at all who developed the old models, it is important that in the uniforms they found the reasons why the soldiers and officers were freezing and sick, soldiers in the first place.

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu approved new samples, pointing out a number of improvements. Now the field uniform is undergoing final tests in the army. The terms and control standards for the purchase of new sets of uniforms have been determined (in 2013 - about 70 thousand sets).

In the new form, they again return to the old arrangement of shoulder straps - on the shoulders, although this is not the most important thing, but nevertheless, when one of them is on the stomach (for delicacy it was written - on the chest), it is not very clear and aesthetically pleasing. The set of field uniforms will include three pairs of shoes, among which there will even be winter boots with high ankle boots, designed for temperatures up to 40 degrees below zero.

It is claimed, and I really want to believe that the finalization of the form was carried out thoughtfully and carefully. Depending on the activity of the soldier, it will change. For field studies in training centers and at training grounds - one set, for classroom studies - another. Separate sets are provided taking into account weather conditions and type of activity (specialty): the functionality of various elements of uniforms is also different.

As an example, it is cited that a set of uniforms for special forces, worth 160 - 190 thousand rubles, consists of 68 items. For soldiers and officers of motorized rifle units, the equipment is less and its cost is planned to be about 45 thousand rubles. Some items of uniform have seven layers. Fabrics used for sewing field uniforms should prevent the effect of temperature extremes on a soldier and play a protective role.

Today we will talk about new collar tabs for military personnel from among the officers.

As reported by a number of publications, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has already developed and plans to introduce in the near future new lapel badges that resemble the insignia of the Russian guard of the 19th century. This buttonhole from the officers received an unspoken name - "coil"

This was officially announced on December 22, 2017 during the final expanded board meeting of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, which took place on the territory of the IA Strategic Missile Forces.

New buttonholes will be located on the corners of the collars of jackets of everyday suits (office uniforms) and everyday shirts, and these insignia will be introduced exclusively for officers of the RF Armed Forces.

How to place buttonholes on an office uniform for officers

Buttonholes for officers - a sign of belonging to the officer corps

For officers (except for senior officers and officers of the Navy) in the form of a historical gold-colored buttonhole on a protective cloth - for officers of the Ground Forces, and for officers of the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Forces - blue.

Placing, wearing buttonholes on an office uniform

Buttonholes are placed on the "office" in pairs on the lower part and along the edge of the office uniform collar. Parallel to the line of departure and cut of the collar. You also need to remember that the color of the threads must match the color of the buttonhole felt.

This is how the new buttonholes for office uniforms for officers look like.

The overall size of the buttonhole is 22 by 32 mm. Along the entire perimeter of the buttonhole, at a distance of 2 mm from the edge, the edges of the protective color (for the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Forces in blue) are laid.

Edge width - 1mm. The height of the historical buttonhole is 24 mm.

The width of the historical buttonhole is 16 mm at its widest point and 8.5 mm at its narrowest point.

New buttonholes on the collar of the office uniform of officers of the Navy

For officers of the Navy (except for senior officers of the Navy) - in the form of golden anchors.

The total size is 31 by 37 mm. Black edging is laid along the perimeter of the buttonhole at a distance of 2 mm from the edge.

Edge width - 1mm. Anchor height - 34 mm. Width - 22 mm.

How and where exactly these reel buttonholes will be worn on the uniform will be announced later.

Since at the moment work has been organized to amend the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 No. 300 "On the approval of the rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Mixing Procedure items of existing and new military uniforms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "

And we must assume that soon all the officers of the Russian Army will wear on their office buttonhole new sample.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2017 No. 89 “On Amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 300 of June 22, 2015“ On Approval of the Rules for Wearing Military Uniforms, Insignia, Departmental Insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of existing and new military uniforms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "

To amend Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 No. 300 "On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic insignia in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for mixing items of the existing and new military uniform in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ”(registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2016, registration No. 41814) according to the List (to this order).

Registration number 45908

changes made to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 300 dated June 22, 2015

In the Rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 1 to the order):

1) in the text and annex to the Rules, the abbreviation "VVS" shall be replaced by the abbreviation "VVS VKS";

2) in the text, the words "Aerospace Defense Forces" shall be replaced by the words "Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces";

3) in the footnote "*" to paragraph 1, the words "Air Force - Air Force" shall be replaced by the words "Aerospace Forces - Aerospace Forces; the Air Force of the Aerospace Forces - the Air Force of the Aerospace Forces; space troops of the Aerospace Forces - KB VKS ";

4) point 9

5) in clause 10:

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

6) the twenty-third paragraph of clause 12 shall be declared invalidated;

7) clause 13 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

8) in clause 14:

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

9) clause 15 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

10) paragraphs twenty-four of clauses 16 and 17 shall be declared invalidated;

11) in clause 18:

in subparagraphs 1 and 2 the words “summer woolen jacket in white” shall be replaced by the words “summer jacket in white”;

in subparagraph 1, the words "black socks" shall be replaced by the words "white socks";

add the following paragraph:

12) in clause 19:

paragraph sixty-seventh shall be declared invalidated;

add the following paragraph:

“Demi-season black raincoat, only for officers in uniform No. 4.”;

13) clause 20 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

14) in clause 21:

paragraph forty-five shall be declared invalidated;

add the following paragraph:

"Demi-season black raincoat, only for officers in winter and summer uniforms.";

15) in subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 22 and subparagraph 2 of paragraph 23, after the words "demi-season black jacket", add the words coastal troops of the Navy), as well as for cadets of naval educational organizations - a winter everyday jacket in black) ";

16) the twenty-third paragraph of clause 25 shall be declared invalidated;

17) clause 26 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"Demi-season black raincoat, only for officers in winter and summer uniforms.";

18) in clause 27:

in subparagraph 1, the word "cap" shall be replaced by the word "hat";

add the following paragraph:

"A demi-season everyday raincoat of a protective (blue) color, only for officers with winter and summer uniforms.";

19) in clause 28:

in subparagraph 1, the word "cap" shall be replaced by the word "hat";

in subparagraph 2, after the words “demi-season black casual jacket”, add the words “(for foremen and sailors of the Navy doing military service under a contract, except for military personnel serving in the coastal troops and combat troops of the coastal troops of the Navy, - a black everyday winter jacket ) ";

20) in clause 29:

paragraph twenty-four shall be declared invalidated;

add the following paragraph:

"A black cotton cap (only for cadets of naval educational organizations) with a naval suit with a uniform collar and boots for sailors.";

21) the twenty-fourth paragraph of clause 30 shall be declared invalidated;

22) paragraph four of clause 33 shall be amended as follows:

"A metal insignia of aviation personnel of golden color is placed in the Air Force of the Aerospace Forces.";

23) the third paragraph of clause 34 shall be stated as follows:

"The VKS Air Force has a metallic (for senior officers - embroidered) insignia of aviation personnel in golden color.";

24) after clause 36, add clause 36.1 as follows:

"36.1. Protective hats (in the Air Force VKS and Airborne Forces - blue, the Navy - black) are worn with a golden cockade. ";

25) in paragraph 40, after the word "cap" in the corresponding numbers and cases, add the words ", cap, hat" in the corresponding numbers and cases;

26) in paragraph 41, after the words "demi-season jackets," add the words "demi-season raincoats,";

27) in clause 43 the words “(except for summer woolen jackets)” shall be replaced by the words “(except for summer jackets)”;

28) in clause 46 the words "summer woolen jacket" shall be deleted;

29) in paragraph 50, after the words "demi-season everyday jackets," add the words "demi-season everyday coat,";

30) in paragraph 52:

in paragraphs two and three, the words “summer woolen jackets” in the corresponding case shall be replaced by the words “summer jackets” in the corresponding case;

in the eighth paragraph after the words "black" add the words "and summer tunics";

“C) on woolen jackets - at the level of the second row of buttons (the second button); under woolen jackets and summer tunics, the ceremonial belt is located on the belt of woolen trousers; ";

31) in paragraph 58:

in the paragraphs of the second subparagraphs 1 and 5, after the words "demi-season jackets, everyday" add the words ", demi-season raincoats, everyday";

in subparagraph 5:

in the fourth paragraph, the words ", summer woolen jackets" shall be deleted;

"On summer tunics - removable, with trapezoidal upper edges, with a button in the upper part, with a field of galloon of a special weave of golden color, with gaps and edging in black;";

in subparagraph 6:

"On ceremonial woolen jackets and ceremonial woolen jackets - sewn-on, with beveled upper edges, with a field of galloon of a special weave in black, ship crew - with longitudinal piping in white (the rest of the servicemen are red, in naval aviation - blue);";

the third paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

“On summer tunics - removable, with trapezoidal upper edges, with a button in the upper part, with a field of galloon of a special weave of golden color;”;

32) in paragraph 59:

in the paragraphs of the second subparagraphs 1 and 5, after the words "demi-season jackets, everyday," add the words "demi-season raincoats, everyday,";

in the second paragraph of sub-clause 7, after the word "on", add the words "winter everyday jackets,";

33) in paragraph 66:

in the first paragraph after the word "metal" add the words "or of the established sample";

the fifth paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

"On shoulder straps for winter casual jackets, demi-season jackets, demi-season raincoats, casual summer suit jackets, shirts, blouses, everyday shirts (except for senior officers and naval servicemen who do not have military ranks of justice and medical service);";

34) in paragraph 67:

the fifth paragraph shall be declared invalidated;

in the seventh paragraph the words “(except for summer woolen jackets)” shall be deleted;

in the eighth paragraph after the words "demi-season casual jackets," add the words "demi-season casual raincoats,";

35) in clause 69:

in the first paragraph, the words "(except for the State Flag of the Russian Federation)" shall be deleted;

the second paragraph shall be declared invalidated;

36) in the first paragraph of clause 70, after the word “sleeves”, add the words “winter everyday jackets,”;

37) paragraphs 71-73 shall be stated as follows:

"71. The sleeve insignia according to the years of service of servicemen undergoing military service under contract in the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen, in the form of golden-colored squares, are worn on the lower part of the outer sides of the sleeves of everyday winter jackets, demi-season jackets, jackets with long sleeves of everyday suits , jackets of naval suits. On the jacket of a summer camouflage suit, sleeve insignia according to the years of service are of a khaki color.

The sleeve insignia according to the years of service of servicemen undergoing military service under contract in the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen are placed at a distance of 100 mm from the bottom of the sleeves.

72. Badges of distinction by belonging to specific military formations are worn on the left side:

a woolen tunic, a woolen jacket, a summer tunic, a woolen jacket - 10 mm below the ribbons of state awards and other insignia;

shirts, blouses, casual shirts - on the button of the chest pocket flap.

73. The official badges of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and his deputies, other leading officials of the Armed Forces are placed on the right side of the chest instead of the badge of class qualifications. ";

38) in the fourth paragraph of clause 74 after the word "(blouses)" add the words ", casual shirts";

39) in clause 78, after paragraph eighteen, add the following paragraph:

"Medal" To the participant of the military operation in Syria; ";

40) in paragraph 80:

“On a white summer tunic in the center of the left front so that the lower part of the badge is 90 mm lower than the beginning of the collar stitching seam;”;

in the fourth paragraph, the words “summer woolen jacket” shall be deleted;

41) in paragraph 81:

in the second paragraph after the words "on a woolen tunic" add the words "(except for a summer tunic)";

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“On a white summer tunic, the upper edge of the first row of the last row is located below the beginning of the collar stitching seam by 100 mm. Each subsequent row is placed strictly under the previous one; ";

42) in paragraph 82:

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“On a white summer tunic, the upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located below the beginning of the collar stitching seam by 100 mm;”;

43) in clause 85:

in the second paragraph, the words “summer woolen jacket” shall be deleted;

after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“On a white summer tunic - so that the top edge of the first row of planks is 100 mm below the beginning of the collar stitching seam. Each subsequent row is placed strictly under the previous one; ";

44) in paragraph 86:

"86. Insignia and distinctions of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are placed in accordance with the provisions on them: ";

in paragraphs two and four, the words “summer woolen jacket” shall be deleted;

after the fourth paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“On a white summer tunic in the center of the right front so that the lower part of the badge is 90 mm lower than the beginning of the collar stitching seam;”;

the seventh paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

"3) Insignia and distinctions of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are located on the right side of the chest in the following priority order:";

after the seventh paragraph, add the following paragraph:

"Badge to the honorary title of the Armed Forces;";

the ninth paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

"Sign of graduation from a general educational organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense;";

in paragraph sixteen the words "and other military heraldic" shall be replaced by the words ", as well as other military heraldic (heraldic)";

paragraph seventeen shall be stated in the following edition:

"When servicemen wear the insignia and distinction of the Armed Forces (except for medals of the Ministry of Defense), as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs less than the maximum number, they are located symmetrically relative to the vertical line conventionally drawn in the center of the visible part of the chest.";

45) in clause 87:

the first paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

"87. Insignia and distinctions of the Armed Forces, as well as other military heraldic (heraldic) signs are located: ";

in the second paragraph, the words “summer woolen jacket” shall be deleted; after the second paragraph, add the following paragraph: "on a white summer tunic - so that the upper edge of the largest sign is located below the beginning of the collar stitching seam by 100 mm;";

46) in clause 89:

in the third paragraph, the words “summer woolen jacket” shall be deleted;

after the third paragraph, add the following paragraph:

“On a white summer tunic in the center of the right shelf so that the lower part of the badge is located 90 mm below the beginning of the collar stitching seam, and in the presence of orders and a badge of class qualifications - 10 mm higher than them;”;

47) in the appendix to the Rules:

a) to replace the abbreviation "VKO" with the abbreviation "KB BKC";

b) the drawings "Windbreaker jacket, demi-season suit trousers" (for field uniforms and for field uniforms used as daily uniforms) shall be excluded;

c) drawings:

military uniforms of cadets of military educational organizations, foremen, sergeants and soldiers (except for the Navy and female military personnel): "Summer dress uniform (in a casual cap)", "Summer dress uniform (Air Force) (in a casual cap)", " Summer dress uniform (Airborne Forces) (in an everyday cap) "," Summer dress uniform ";

military uniforms of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel): "" (a ceremonial belt over a summer jacket), "Uniform No. 2 - a summer dress uniform for the formation" (a dress belt under a summer jacket), "" (a ceremonial belt over a summer jacket) summer), "Form No. 1 - a summer dress uniform for the formation" (dress belt under a summer jacket);

military uniforms of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel): "Uniform No. 2 - a summer dress uniform for the formation" (a dress belt over a summer jacket), "Form No. 2 — a summer dress uniform for a formation" (a dress belt under a summer jacket), "Uniform No. 1 - a summer dress uniform for the formation" (a dress belt over a summer jacket), "Uniform No. 1 - a summer dress uniform for a formation" (a dress belt under a summer jacket);

military uniforms of cadets of military educational organizations, foremen, sergeants and sailors of the Navy (except for female military personnel): "Summer dress uniform" (in a T-shirt), "Summer dress uniform (in a casual cap, a daily suit with short sleeves)" ( in a vest), "Summer dress uniform (in a casual cap, an everyday shirt with short sleeves)";

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel): "(in a casual cap, a casual suit with short sleeves)", "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, a casual shirt with short sleeves)" ;

military uniform of officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel): "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, casual suit with short sleeves)", "Summer casual uniform of the Air Force and Airborne Forces (option No. 2) (in an everyday cap, a casual suit with short sleeves) "," Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, an everyday shirt with short sleeves) ";

military uniforms of female military personnel (except for the Navy): "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a casual suit)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a casual shirt) "," Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) ";

military uniforms of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel): "(in a casual cap)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a casual cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)";

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers of the Navy and female military personnel): "Uniform No. 3 - summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual cap)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a cap casual, casual shirt with short sleeves) ";

military uniforms of female military personnel of the Navy: "Summer casual uniform (option No. 2) (in a casual suit)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a jacket of a casual suit with short sleeves, a skirt)", "Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a casual shirt) "," Summer casual clothing (option No. 2) (in a casual shirt with short sleeves, a skirt) ";

"Pursuit to everyday outfits (EXCEPT Navy)", "Pursuit (epaulettes) to the front of uniforms of the Navy," "SEWING clothing Marshal of the Russian Federation", "SEWING clothing GENERALS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION", "SEWING ORNAMENTS clothing MILITARY Navy", " SEWING ON THE JOINTING OF A SPECIAL CEREMONIAL PARADE FORM OF CLOTHING FOR MILITARY SERVICES OF THE HONORARY CARRAUL OF THE ARMED FORCES "shall be stated as follows:

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap everyday)

(in a cap everyday)

Summer dress uniform (Airborne Forces) (in an everyday cap)

Summer dress uniform
(in a casual cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 1 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 1 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 2 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 1 - summer dress uniform for the building

Form number 1 - summer dress uniform for the building

Summer dress uniform
(in an everyday cap, a casual suit with short sleeves)

Summer dress uniform
(in an everyday cap, a casual suit with short sleeves)

Summer dress uniform
(in a casual cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in an everyday cap, a daily suit with short sleeves)

Summer casual uniform (VVS) VKS (option number 2)
(in an everyday cap, a daily suit with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual suit)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a jacket of a casual suit with short sleeves, a skirt)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual shirt)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual shirt with short sleeves, a skirt)

Form number 3 - summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual summer cap)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)

Form number 3 - summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a cap everyday)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual summer cap, casual shirt with short sleeves)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual suit)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a jacket of a casual suit with short sleeves, a skirt)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual shirt)

Summer casual clothing (option number 2)
(in a casual shirt with short sleeves, a skirt)







d) add the following figures:

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel) - "Summer dress uniform";

military uniform of officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel) - "Summer dress uniform (VVS Air Force) (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of female military personnel (except for the Navy) - "Summer dress uniform (VKS Air Force)";

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel) - "Summer dress uniform (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel) - "Summer dress uniform (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of female servicemen of the Navy - "Summer dress uniform (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of senior officers (except for the Navy and female military personnel) - “(in a cap, demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of officers (except for the Navy, senior officers and female military personnel) - "Summer casual uniform (VVS Air Force) (option No. 1) (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of female military personnel (except for the Navy) - "Summer casual uniform (VKS Air Force) (option No. 1) (in a cap, demi-season casual raincoat)";

military uniform of senior officers of the Navy (except for female military personnel) - “(in a cap, demi-season raincoat)”;

military uniform of officers of the Navy (except for senior officers and female military personnel) - "Form No. 4 - summer casual uniform (option No. 1) (in a cap, demi-season raincoat)";

military uniform of female servicemen of the Navy - "Summer casual uniform (option No. 1) (in a cap, a demi-season raincoat)";


"On a summer tunic with a full dress uniform" (the order of placement of insignia and distinction):

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer dress uniform (Air Force VKS)
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer dress uniform (Air Force VKS)
(in a garrison cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer dress uniform
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer dress uniform
(in a garrison cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer casual uniform (Air Force VKS) (option number 1)
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer casual uniform (Air Force VKS) (option number 1)
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer casual uniform (Air Force VKS) (option number 1)
(garrison cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Form number 4 - summer casual clothing (option number 1)
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Form number 4 - summer casual clothing (option number 1)
(in a cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)

Summer casual clothing (option number 1)
(in a garrison cap, demi-season raincoat everyday)


On a summer tunic with a full dress uniform. "

Document overview

The rules for wearing military uniforms, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been adjusted.

Thus, the features of wearing in the Aerospace Forces, the Air Force of the Aerospace Forces, in the space forces of the Aerospace Forces have been determined.

The names and contents of clothing items have been clarified.

On August 1, 2015, a new branch of the armed forces was created, which received the name, for this the air force and the military space defense troops were combined. As well as in other types of troops, a new pattern of clothing for military personnel was adopted. Military personnel of the Aerospace Forces can be distinguished from representatives of other troops by the characteristic blue color of their uniforms.

Modern uniform for space forces

The uniform of servicemen of the Aerospace Forces, as well as of other types of troops, includes three main types.

  1. Front. It is intended for participation in military events such as parades, presentation of the banner, receiving military awards and other significant events.
  2. Field. It is used to carry out service, participate in hostilities and provide assistance to the population during emergencies. It is the main one for the military.
  3. Office. Used at a time other than the first two. This form is issued at the recruiting office. The servicemen are kept in it until they arrive at the military unit.

Each type of uniform has two sets designed for different seasons, winter and summer. Let's take a closer look at what is included in each kit of the form.

Summer option

The parade version of the uniform of the Russian Aerospace Forces servicemen, for cadets and rank-and-file personnel, of the summer model is a suit. It can be blue or khaki. Under a tunic, a private is supposed to wear a shirt of the same color, complemented by a tie with a golden setting. For officers, it is expected to wear a tunic and trousers of the same colors in combination with a white shirt and black tie. The cap of a VKS serviceman should be matched to the color of the suit. The set should include a gold belt.

The field version of the uniform for privates and cadets of the VKS, abbreviated VKPO, is no different from the version of the uniform for the ground forces. The kit should include the following items of clothing:

  • underwear with short sleeves;
  • tunic with trousers;
  • summer ankle boots;
  • cap;
  • summer T-shirt in nude color.

For the Air Force servicemen who served in Syria, a special set of uniforms was developed, designed for an especially hot climate. The Air Force uniform includes a jacket, trousers, a T-shirt and light-colored hats.

The office uniform for servicemen of the Russian Aerospace Forces differs in color from the uniforms of other types of troops. For military space forces, it is blue. Otherwise, in style and details, it is similar to the uniforms of other troops. Patches and shoulder straps are issued in accordance with the type of troops of the serviceman and the ranks he has.

Winter kit

Office winter uniform for military personnel of the Aerospace Forces, supplemented with insulated ankle boots and a pea jacket of the same color as the main suit, blue or protective. The winter set includes a muffler and a hat.

The field version of clothing for military personnel of all branches of the military is identical. The VKPO winter set includes a warm sweater, winter ankle boots, warm socks, warm thermal underwear, balaclava and a hat. The set is also supplied with a warm jacket and a vest.

The uniform for VKS officers includes trousers and a tunic. This is usually a blue or khaki kit. In the form of outerwear, the officer is supposed to wear a coat. It can be either gray or blue, complemented by a warm comforter. He is supposed to wear a gray hat with earflaps.

For senior officers, an astrakhan fur hat and a collar made of the same fur are provided. The parade uniform of the VKS can be complemented by a white muffler with white gloves. Also included in the form is a golden belt.

Dembel Form

The tradition of leaving for demobilization in a special form dates back to the times of the Soviet Union. This form was prepared in advance, six months in advance. It can now be ordered from certain websites on the Internet. The uniform is decorated with all sorts of additions, such as aiguillettes, insignia, rivets. There is also a demobilization version of the VKS form, it has its own characteristics. Any demobilization can be of two types, strict and exclusive. The difference between them is in the degree of finishing with different accessories.

Dembel form of videoconferencing may include the following details:

  • a field-uniform tunic with shoulder straps made of blue velvet and collar lining;
  • blue chevrons, indicating membership in the videoconferencing;
  • blue beret;
  • insignia characteristic of this branch of the army;
  • aiguillette;
  • VKS vest.

You can make such a shape yourself, but for this you have to find tools and blue velvet, which can be bought at the military trade. Chevrons are purchased in the same place, but the most important condition is to wear a demobilization uniform, they put it on on the last day before demobilization and go home in it. It should be perfectly fitted and fit flawlessly. It is important that it is preserved until the very departure from the unit.

It is especially difficult to ensure the preservation of the form if it is very different from the statutory version. Therefore, it is better to place an order before sending it home. In any case, a soldier who has served the due date has something to be proud of and he can boldly dress so as to appear in front of his relatives.