Sizes at 18 weeks gestation. External integuments of the baby. Belly size and weight gain

Fruit weight217 grams

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the development of the brain continues: the number of nerve cells increases, the grooves and convolutions deepen. Myelin (a special sheath) begins to form around the nerves. It protects the nerves from damage and speeds up the transmission of impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the organs and tissues of the fetus.

The thymus (thymus gland) appears at the base of the baby's neck. It produces lymphocytes - cells of the immune system that will protect the fetus from "aggressors".

Photos at the 18th week of pregnancy

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Medical examination of the pregnant woman


  • The obstetrician-gynecologist's consultation is the fourth visit to the doctor. The next appointment with the gynecologist should take place at 22 weeks.


  • General urinalysis - helps to identify kidney and bladder diseases.
  • Clinical blood test - it is needed to identify various diseases that can complicate the normal course of pregnancy.
  • The "triple test", if not done at 16 or 17 weeks, must be taken now.


  • Weight Measurement - Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to complications.
  • Measurement of blood pressure - high blood pressure indicates the development of arterial hypertension and other complications of pregnancy.
  • Measurement of the standing height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference - the lag of their size from the average values ​​at this time indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy and requires additional examination.

Possible deviations from the norm

17-18 weeks of pregnancy

At 17-18 weeks of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother is already rounded, perhaps at this time she will be able to feel the baby's movements for the first time. If your blood pressure "jumps", as well as increased discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina, do not worry ahead of time: this is a completely natural process.

17-18 weeks of pregnancy: What's in the tummy?

At 17 weeks, the baby's weight is about 140 grams. Through its thin skin, blood vessels shine through, and the whole body is covered with fluff (lanugo). The child has formed joints of the limbs, the bones begin to slowly harden. And the most interesting thing is that you can already take fingerprints from your baby, because a skin pattern has appeared on them!

In addition, the child already has a hint of a neck, and his chest prepares for spontaneous breathing, making the appropriate movements. The kid learned to swallow and suck his thumb. Deep in the gums, the rudiments of the teeth are laid.

By the 18th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 22 cm, and the weight increases to 200 grams. The baby has an active heart, blood pressure becomes slightly higher, and blood flows through the body at an accelerated rate. This increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen in the blood and in the placenta. The constant movement of the baby develops his brain and muscles.

Well-being of the expectant mother

At the beginning of pregnancy, blood pressure drops. If you have increased it, it can be from a nervous breakdown, anxiety, fast walking, a sharp increase in weight, the appearance of protein in the urine, or from swelling of the extremities. Either way, you need to be as calm as possible.

Also, pregnant women often have anemia, which can cause premature birth. To avoid such a pregnancy outcome, reconsider your diet by increasing the amount of iron consumed in it to 30 mg.

If you are thin or have already given birth, at 17-18 weeks of pregnancy, you will finally feel how your baby is moving. A plump woman will feel more intense thrusts from a baby a little later: at the 22nd week. In general, he begins to move already in the second month of being in the stomach, but imperceptibly for the mother herself. Go for an ultrasound scan - there you will make sure that the baby is developing normally.

Pregnancy is characterized by white vaginal discharge. Follow basic hygiene to avoid catching an infection. If your discharge is yellow, gray, or greenish in color and has an unpleasant odor, see your doctor. The infection will not harm your child, but you should get treatment for your own health.

17-18 weeks is the period when the fetus begins to change rapidly, bones, skeleton, phalanges of the fingers are formed from cartilage tissue, the eyes open and the baby makes its first movements. Mom can feel them, this is a light and gentle excitement inside. From the beginning of the 5th month, it is recommended to reduce strength and frequent bending activities, such as hand washing over the bathtub or washing floors by hand.

If the baby's movements are active and frequent, this is a sign that he is missing something, as a rule, these are signs of hypoxia or anemia. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen, so walks in the fresh air should be regular and, if possible, long, and being indoors, you need to constantly ventilate it. Anemia is a lack of iron and is quite common during pregnancy. You need to include in the diet more foods that contain a large amount of iron, these are apples, buckwheat, parsley, tomatoes, nuts and beef liver. A blood test can determine anemia.

Starting at 17 weeks pregnant, it is best to eliminate foods such as citrus fruits, chocolate, and coffee. Eating these foods during pregnancy can cause your baby to grow up to be allergic.

Also, from this moment, the mother's appetite increases, but you should not start eating for two. It is better to eat a little, but often.

Dizziness is common in the 5th month. This is due to the fact that the fetus is growing, and the heart of the expectant mother works harder.

In addition, the pressure of the uterus increases on the blood vessels. Therefore, when experiencing dizziness or darkening of consciousness, it is worth taking more rest. Low blood sugar also leads to dizziness, so it is worth increasing the amount of fruit in your diet.

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18 weeks pregnant

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, outwardly, the baby is already almost like an adult, only a disproportionately large head gives it out. But the ratio of the length of the limbs will remain the same for life. A woman at this time may begin to be bothered by annoying colleagues who are drawn to touch her tummy. This belief causes negative emotions in many pregnant women. Remember, you shouldn't be nervous. Therefore, if this annoys you, do not hesitate and tell others about it.

Baby's condition

The child has already grown significantly, the size of the fetus is as follows: its weight reaches 200 g, and its height is about 25 cm. In just two weeks, the formation of all organs will be completed, and in the future they will only grow. Despite this, if the baby is born now, the chances of survival are zero. Therefore, take care of the baby, he still has a long way to go, which he must go with his mother.

In connection with active movements, almost all women have already felt the first tremors. But do not be alarmed if this is not the case. There is nothing wrong with that yet. And so that you are not tormented by doubts, visit the gynecologist once again, he will listen to the heart with a special stethoscope and report that everything is in order. The worries of the mother can negatively affect the blood supply to the uterus and baby.

In connection with the further development of the brain, the child has developed its own biorhythm, but, as a rule, it differs from the mother's. The intervals of sleep and wakefulness are replaced with a frequency of about 4-5 hours. In addition, the baby likes to doze during the day much more, when he is numbed by the uniform movements that occur while walking.

Photo of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy

Mom's well-being

Additional lobules continue to form in the mammary gland, which will be needed after the baby is born. Discharge from the nipple can increase in volume, in this case, special pads for the bra will help. You can already start preparing your breasts for future feeding. To do this, you need to pour cold water on it every day and perform a special massage. This will allow avoiding a large number of problems in the future. But be careful, incorrect actions can lead to an increase in the production of oxytocin and, as a result, hypertonicity of the uterus. Therefore, you must first consult with your doctor.

At the eighteenth week, a significantly enlarged belly can already cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes it is difficult for a woman to find a sleeping position. After all, now it is recommended to sleep only on its side, since it is in this position that the blood flow of neither mother nor baby is disturbed. Some people advise placing a pillow under one leg to reduce discomfort. To facilitate falling asleep, it is advisable to ventilate the room well before this.

In addition, night cramps of the lower leg muscles, characteristic of this period, can lead to insomnia. This may be due to a lack of calcium, which is actively spent on building the child's bone tissue, or impaired blood supply resulting from compression of the arteries in the pelvic region. To eliminate the first reason, it is necessary to include more cottage cheese and other dairy products in the diet. To eliminate the second reason, it is advisable to perform special exercises on a daily basis, which will reduce the pressure exerted by the enlarged uterus on the surrounding organs.

At this time, there is a danger of hormonal disorders in a woman. Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is associated with the production of hormones that block the action of insulin. It can be suspected if there is persistent dry mouth. And to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test for fasting glucose levels.

  • The baby has formed all the senses, and he actively learns the world.
  • Almost all women already feel the movements, which are more often noticeable at night.
  • There is a danger of endocrine disorders, for example, pregnancy diabetes mellitus.
  • Don't be nervous and try to get more positive emotions.

Photo of belly at 18 weeks of gestation

Click to enlarge the photo of the tummies. If you want to see your photo here, write to [email protected]

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Feelings in the mother at 17 weeks

Almost half of the waiting period for the baby has passed, the expectant mother completely got used to the new role and realized her position, she constantly listens to herself and thinks about her baby with trepidation.

For many, week 17 is a favorable period when a woman feels good, full of strength and energy. Some have already felt the joy of the first movements of the baby.

It is worth noting that for most women, week 17 is accompanied by the following signs:

  • Late toxicosis. It is by week 17 that he can demonstrate his first symptoms. Its manifestations are not nausea and vomiting, but edema. At first they are hidden, but you may notice that some shoes are already uncomfortable for you, narrow shoes cannot be put on at all, the fingers become less mobile, and the rings are tight. And at the same time, you will begin to gain weight much faster than normal;
  • Good appetite and the risk of gaining excess weight... Overeating can have serious consequences. Frequent meals in small portions will help you to cope with the feeling of hunger;
  • Growing tummy. Many sensations at week 17 are associated with it. For some, the tummy became noticeable one or several weeks earlier, for some it was only now. In any case, now you are no doubt choosing special clothes for pregnant women, because in everyday clothes you are likely to be cramped and uncomfortable;
  • Changes in well-being... Now you may be amazed at the changes in your own perception of the world. Your body is now fully attuned to pregnancy, you feel calm and happy. Absent-mindedness, poor concentration are quite normal, you are absorbed in thoughts about the child and your feelings;
  • The chest is no longer so sensitive. Small, light colored bumps may appear in the nipple area. This phenomenon is called "Montgomery tubercles" and is the norm. An enhanced venous pattern may appear, do not worry, after the end of pregnancy and breastfeeding, this will go away by itself. Also, the nipples may darken, and a brown strip from the navel to the pubis may appear on the tummy. These are also quite natural changes associated with the expectation of a baby;
  • The heart works one and a half times more actively. This is to make it easier for the placenta to nourish the growing fetus. Also, be prepared for minor bleeding from the gums and nose. This may be due to the fact that your increased blood circulation increases the load on small blood vessels, including the capillaries in the sinuses and gums;
  • Sweating and vaginal secretions. At week 17, you may notice that sweat from the genital tract has increased. These are just hygienic problems, they are related to hormonal levels, and do not need any treatment. The only thing is, if this worries you very much, then you can subject these phenomena to hygienic correction;
  • Crazy, vivid dreams. Many expectant mothers have a variety of picturesque dreams. As a rule, they are associated with the upcoming birth or child. Such dreams sometimes seem so real that they occupy the thoughts of a woman in reality. According to experts, this may be due to the overstrain that your brain is experiencing at this stage. In addition, you get up more often at night, which is why you can remember more dreams than usual.

Studies show that babies can also experience rapid eye movement(in adults, a similar phenomenon indicates dreams).

Some scientists argue that babies can also dream related to their daily activities. Maybe the child is dreaming about how he hears your voice, stretches his legs or plays.

Fetal development at 17 weeks

Fetal weight becomes more than the weight of the placenta and is approximately 115-160 grams. Growth already reaches 18-20 cm.

The placenta by week 17 is already fully formed, consists of tissues and a network of blood vessels. Through the placenta, the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for development, and processed products are also excreted.

At 17 weeks, the following changes will occur with the fetus:

  • Fat will appear. This is a special, brown fat, which is a source of energy. It is deposited, as a rule, in the area between the shoulder blades and will burn out in the first days after childbirth. Otherwise, the baby's skin is still very thin, almost transparent, a little wrinkled. This can make the child seem very thin. But it is at 17 weeks that the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn.
  • The body of the fetus is covered with lanugo... This is vellus hair. As a rule, by the time of birth, lanugo completely disappears, although there are cases when a baby is born with a little fluff. It will disappear in the first days after childbirth;
  • Baby's heartbeat can be heard... With the help of an obstetric stethoscope, you can already hear how your baby's heart beats. The heartbeat reaches about 160 beats per minute, now the doctor will listen to your stomach at each visit;
  • The baby starts to hear... The seventeenth week is the period when the baby begins to discover the world of sounds. Noises surround him 24 hours a day, because the uterus is a rather loud place: the mother's heartbeat, the sounds of the intestines, the noise of her breathing, the hum of blood flow in the vessels. In addition, he can now hear various sounds from the outside. You can start communicating with your baby, because if you talk to him, he will remember your voice and will react to it immediately after giving birth;
  • Hand and head movements are coordinated, the child touches his face, sucks his fingers for hours, tries to listen to sounds from the outside. His eyes are not yet open, but undoubtedly his world has become much richer.

Photo and ultrasound of the fetus at the 17th week, a photo of the abdomen and a video about the development of the baby

Video: What happens in the seventeenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 17th week of pregnancy

On the seventeenth week, it is imperative:

  • Monitor your weight... Appetite at this time can play out in earnest, so it is important sometimes to limit yourself. Be sure to weigh yourself. This should be done at least once a week, in the morning on an empty stomach and preferably in the same clothes. Write down changes in weight in a special notebook, so it will be easier for you not to miss a sharp jump in weight and monitor your changes;
  • Continue to monitor nutrition... Remember that overeating can have serious consequences. As mentioned above, hunger can be dealt with by eating frequent small meals. Avoid starchy foods and sweets in large quantities, fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Eliminate the use of coffee, strong tea, carbonated water, non-alcoholic beer. From time to time, of course, you can pamper yourself, but healthy eating should now be your obligatory habit;
  • Sex requires choosing a comfortable position.... At the moment, there are technical restrictions. Be extremely careful and careful;
  • Take care of comfortable shoes, it is better to exclude heels altogether, also try to choose shoes without laces, soon you probably will not be able to tie them yourself at all;
  • Do not take a hot bath, you do not need to take a steam bath either... Your heart is working much more actively now than it used to be, and it will not need any additional workload. It is unlikely that you will feel good. So give preference to a warm shower;
  • Monitor the condition of the urinary system... The kidneys of a pregnant woman literally work for wear and tear, since they now have to filter out from the blood not only the products of her vital activity, but also the baby's waste, which is excreted into the mother's blood through the placenta. Sometimes, pregnant women may experience stagnant urine, and this in turn can lead to a number of inflammatory diseases such as cystitis, bacteriuria, pyelonephritis, etc. To prevent the occurrence of any of these diseases, it is necessary to empty the bladder more often, not to drink very strong lingonberry broth and exclude salty and spicy foods from the diet.

Eighteenth week is approximately the fourth month of pregnancy. The baby in the tummy of the expectant mother is actively growing, his nervous system is maturing, motor skills are improving. The uterus is enlarged, in connection with this, the woman has some symptoms, but overall she feels good.

Signs and symptoms of 18 weeks pregnant

Most expectant mothers feel good at 18 weeks of gestation. But things are moving towards the third trimester, and some symptoms begin to arise that can be troubling:

What happens to the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation?

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the fetal body length is about 13 cm, weight - 170 grams. Its body size can be compared to the size of a bell pepper or a large enough onion.

At a gestation period of 18 weeks, the development of the nervous system occurs at an especially active pace. The nerves of the unborn child gradually "dress" in myelin... It is a special sheath that works like insulating electrical wires and ensures the normal speed of nerve impulses. New connections are formed between nerve cells. Smell, touch, taste, vision are improved. Hearing becomes sharper: the baby hears better the sounds that arise in the body of the expectant mother (work of the heart, intestines, hiccups, speech, singing) and are heard from the outside.

Due to the myelination of nerve fibers, the motor skills of the fetus are improved. He uses the uterus as a gym: makes all kinds of movements, bends and unbends his arms and legs, beats his legs more and more often - and this becomes more and more palpable for the expectant mother. The kid has at his disposal a real toy of natural origin - umbilical cord... He periodically tugs, squeezes her. For a small fetus, there is still quite room in the uterus, so it can twist and turn over. The fetus can hiccup, yawn.

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, your unborn baby looks like a fully formed newborn, only in miniature. The differences are only in some nuances. The ears are still slightly displaced downward, but in general they have practically taken their final position. Due to the fact that the skin of the fetus is thin, and there is no subcutaneous fat layer, blood vessels are visible through the skin. The lack of fatty tissue makes the baby outwardly "thin", but he has already slowly begun to turn into a plump baby - this process will be completed only by the end of pregnancy.

It would be strange if at the 18th week of pregnancy you started to think about your future grandchildren. However, your baby's reproductive organs are already pretty well developed. If it's a girl, she has uterus and fallopian tubes, ovaries have eggs. The boy has well-defined external genitals. If he does not "hide" them, then you can see them during the ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks of gestation

The eighteenth week is the time when many expectant mothers are prescribed a second scheduled ultrasound scan. On the screen of the device, you can see the future baby, examine his individual parts of the body, genitals (if he does not cover them with legs) and determine the gender. If you're lucky, you can watch how the fetus moves its legs, arms, plays. Don't forget to ask your doctor to take souvenir pictures for you!

The picture with an ultrasound examination at the eighteenth week of pregnancy looks like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 18 weeks of gestation?

The uterus is so large that it rises above the pubic bones and extends upward beyond the pelvic cavity. By the end of the second trimester, it should have grown to about the size of a papaya. From 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, during routine appointments, the obstetrician-gynecologist measures the height of the uterine fundus in a woman - from the upper edge of the pubic bones to the very upper part ( bottom) uterus. This is done using a flexible measuring tape. The height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds approximately to the gestational age in weeks. So, at the 18th week of pregnancy, this figure is normally about 18 cm.

If in the first trimester of pregnancy hormones were the main cause of many symptoms and poor health, then by the end of the second and in the third trimester, the growing uterus comes to the fore. She gradually shifts the internal organs, puts pressure on them. This results in symptoms, many of which are described earlier in this article.

Due to the enlarging uterus, the navel begins to protrude more and more. After giving birth, his appearance will return to normal.

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, many women (but not all) begin to feel how the baby is beating with its legs inside the abdomen. Usually, the first sensations resemble some kind of strong unusual rumbling in the stomach. Gradually, the "kicks" and "jolts" of the fetus become more and more clearly distinguishable.

How actively should the unborn child "beat" at the 18th week of pregnancy?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, different kids can be active to varying degrees. Even the range of timing at which women begin to feel the first fetal tremors is quite large: 14-26 weeks. So, perhaps you began to feel the baby's jolts for a long time, or maybe you will begin to feel them only after a few weeks. If at 18 weeks the fetus is "silent" - this is normal, do not panic.

The place of attachment of the placenta is also of some importance. If it is attached to the front wall of the uterus, it can "drown" the baby's blows, and you will feel them at a later date.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

In the second trimester, expectant mothers are actively gaining weight. Normally, the weekly increase should be 450-900 grams, if the woman had an average body weight before pregnancy. You don't need to expect to get better evenly, gram for gram, every week. The most important thing is to make sure that there are no sudden jumps in weight, they may indicate that excess fluid accumulates in your body, and the risk of some complications is increased.
Calculate mom's weight gain during pregnancy by week

How to eat right?

At 18 weeks of gestation, you need to eat well, but do not go to extremes. Your food should be as healthy and varied as possible. In the second trimester, the expectant mother must constantly gain weight. But excessive weight gain is also bad, it creates the risk of some problems:

Overeating increases the problems with the digestive system, which already occur in many expectant mothers. Concerned about heartburn, bloating, heaviness in the stomach, constipation. There are medications that are safe to use during pregnancy to help manage these symptoms. But it is better to do without medication by normalizing the diet.

· Overeating during pregnancy can affect the development of the unborn child, he may have problems with weight after birth.

In order to cope with the feeling of hunger that constantly plagues many women in the second trimester of pregnancy, you need to eat in small portions, but often. Try to avoid too fatty, high-calorie foods, food that contains the so-called empty calories and does not provide you and your child with valuable substances.

It is important that your body receives certain minerals and vitamins during pregnancy:

· Iron: found in liver, fish, meat, poultry, buckwheat, oatmeal, egg yolk, bread.

· Folic acid found in cabbage, lettuce, parsley, cucumbers, beets, peas, lentils, soybeans, beans.

· Calcium rich in cottage cheese, dairy products, cereals, bread, sea fish.

· Magnesium found in seafood, legumes, cereals, fruits.

You and your unborn child will be provided with energy: dried apricots and other dried fruits, yoghurt with fresh fruits, whole grain cracker, fruit cocktails, oatmeal cookies. You should choose local fruits and vegetables. They need to be washed thoroughly: intestinal infections during pregnancy are especially dangerous. Do not get carried away with exotic and brightly colored fruits. Milk and dairy products should be present in your diet at all times.

Valuable sources of protein and some other substances are meat, poultry, fish. They should be fresh, thoroughly cooked, but not fried. Meat and fish should be stewed or grilled. It is better to use unrefined olive or sunflower oil.

Mucous soups, mashed vegetables and fruits, jelly help to improve digestion and reduce unpleasant symptoms from the stomach.

You may need to take an extra multivitamin supplement. Check with your doctor.

What foods are contraindicated in the 18th week of pregnancy?

Your main enemies during pregnancy are added sugars and fats... They load the body with "empty" calories, put additional stress on the pancreas, cardiovascular system, and contribute to gaining excess weight. Try to exclude or at least limit as much as possible red and processed meats, sausages, convenience foods, sweet cakes, and sweets. If you really want to, you can do it once. But such food should by no means form the basis of your diet.

Alcohol at 18 weeks, as well as throughout pregnancy, is strictly contraindicated. Tea and coffee should also be excluded from drinks. You can drink water, natural juices, compotes, jelly.

It is worth giving up fried, smoked, spicy foods.

Physical activity

In connection with a noticeable increase in the tummy, at the 18th week of pregnancy, many women have a question: is it worth somehow changing the set of physical exercises, the exercise regimen? If you don't have any complications, you don't need to change anything. You can continue to exercise as you did in the first trimester. You just need to avoid jumping, lying on your stomach, abrupt changes in body position.

If you previously led a sedentary lifestyle and did not play sports, and now decide to start exercising, first of all you need to consult a doctor. Ask your doctor what exercises are recommended for you based on your health condition. Do not try to "go all out" right away and break all Olympic records. You need to start with light loads. At first, it is quite enough to practice for 15 minutes several times a week. Over time, the intensity of the exercise should be increased, the duration can be gradually increased to 30 minutes daily.

The simplest, most affordable and enjoyable type of physical activity for the expectant mother is walking in the fresh air. You can start with them. Such "physical education" does not require the purchase of a subscription to a gym or swimming pool, it does not require special equipment. All you need to buy is comfortable shoes.

Many women are very fond of swimming during pregnancy. In water, body weight is reduced, which helps relieve muscle tension and relieve some of the symptoms. Yoga is useful: it helps to improve stretching, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain.

Exercises for the most important muscles in the body of the expectant mother

No, we are not talking about the muscles of the abdominals, buttocks or thighs. The most important muscles that work during childbirth are generally invisible from the outside, do not try to see them while standing in front of a mirror. They are located in the pelvic floor area and make up the so-called diaphragm of the pelvis, support the urethra, bladder, uterus, vagina, rectum. For intimate muscles, there is a special set of exercises - they are called Kegel exercises by the name of the gynecologist who invented them. Exercising the pelvic floor muscles helps prevent some problems during pregnancy (hemorrhoids, ischemic-cervical insufficiency), facilitate the course of childbirth, and accelerate recovery after them.

Kegel exercises are easy enough, you just need to practice a little:

· Tighten the vaginal muscles as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine. Relax your abdominal and leg muscles, try to work only with your pelvic diaphragm. You cannot hold your breath at this time.

· Try to keep your pelvic floor muscles tense for 8-10 seconds. In one approach, you need to do ten such ten-second squeezes, in a day - three to four approaches.

Is it okay to have sex?

The assertion that it is forbidden to have sex during pregnancy, that this can allegedly harm the unborn child, is nothing more than a common myth. Intimacy for the expectant mother is not only not harmful, but also useful. It should be limited only in accordance with the doctor's recommendation if certain pathologies that are contraindications are found during pregnancy.

Sex life during pregnancy contributes to the fact that a woman experiences positive emotions - this has a good effect both on her own condition and on the condition of the baby. In the second trimester, many women have increased libido, increased blood flow to the genitals, and due to this they become more sensitive.

Other beneficial effects of sex during pregnancy:

· This is a great way to prepare for childbirth. After sexual intercourse, the uterus strains, the woman feels it, and often feels fear: what if it provokes a miscarriage or premature birth? Such experiences are groundless. On the contrary, contraction of the muscles of the uterus after intimacy is a kind of exercise.

· Sexual life during pregnancy helps to reduce stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis, improve the blood supply to muscles and internal organs.

· During sex, the body expends a lot of energy. Thus, having sex can be seen as part of daily physical activity that can help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, it is not possible to have sex in all positions. For example, the classic missionary position will not work. When a woman lies on her back, the uterus compresses the vessels, it is fraught with pain, weakness, dizziness, nausea. In addition, a man who is on top may inadvertently press hard on his stomach. Nevertheless, the choice of poses is still quite large: "riding position" (when the man lies on his back, the woman sits on top), knee-elbow position (when the woman is on all fours), "spoon pose" (the woman lies on her side, the man located at the back).

The main contraindications for intimacy during pregnancy:

· After 28 weeks if the woman is pregnant with twins. Multiple pregnancies are generally at increased risk.

· With bleeding from the vagina, profuse unusual discharge.

· With an increased risk of placental abruption (fraught with severe bleeding).

· At isthmic-cervical insufficiency- a condition in which the uterus cannot cope with its function of holding the fetus, its cervix becomes weakened, expands.

· With an increased risk of miscarriage (and also if a previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage).

· If you experience swelling in your legs, try not to stand for a long time. More often lie with your legs raised: you can put them on a pillow or lean against a wall. Special gymnastics will help to cope with swelling in the arms.

· If you have varicose veins on your legs, try to change your position in bed more often, do physical exercises, do not wear tight tight clothes and shoes, and lie more often with raised legs.

· Does your nose bleed? Sit down and pinch your nose for 5-10 minutes. You can attach an ice pack. If the blood does not stop, you need to seek medical attention.

· From the 18th week of pregnancy, you need to sleep only on your side. When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus compresses the veins, which reduces the return of blood to the heart. If you're used to sleeping on your back, it's time to change your posture. Try to find a comfortable position in bed, put a pillow under your lower back and legs.

· If the future dad smokes, he must give up the bad habit, since secondhand smoke causes significant harm to the health of the expectant mother and the fetus. In general, you need to talk about this even before pregnancy. Thorough ventilation and smoking in another room does not provide safety.

What kind of research do you need to go through?

At the 18th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers are prescribed a second prenatal ultrasound and biochemical screening - the determination of the level of marker substances in the blood, which may indicate an increased risk of certain genetic pathologies, such as Down syndrome.

What is cordocentesis?

Cordocentesis is a procedure during which blood is drawn from the umbilical cord for analysis. Also, this method is used in order to introduce some drugs into the fetus. Cordocentesis can be performed after 18 weeks of gestation. Currently, this procedure is used less and less, since it is more dangerous in terms of complications compared to amniocentesis. Cordocentesis is indicated when amniocentesis does not provide an accurate diagnosis.

How is cordocentesis performed?

In order to prevent infectious complications, antibiotics are injected into the woman's body 30-60 minutes before the cordocentesis, usually intravenously.

The procedure is carried out in the same way as amniocentesis. The woman lies on her back. The doctor treats the skin of the abdomen with an antiseptic solution and, under the control of ultrasound, inserts a needle, which should enter the vessels of the umbilical cord. When the goal is achieved, a little blood is drawn through the needle into the syringe for analysis. Anesthesia is usually not required.

After cordocentesis, the woman is shown rest for the rest of the day. The next day, you can return to your usual activities.

What complications can occur after cordocentesis?

The most common complication of cordocentesis is bleeding from the umbilical cord where the needle was inserted. Sometimes it is so strong that the unborn child needs a transfusion of blood components: it is also passed through the umbilical cord. It is because of this complication that amniocentesis is preferred and cordocentesis is seen as a last resort.

Hemorrhage may occur in the umbilical cord ( hematoma). It is often safe, but sometimes it builds up, leading to a slowdown in the child's heart rate. In 40% of cases, fetal blood enters the maternal bloodstream.

Cordocentesis leads to miscarriages in 1.4-9.9% of cases.

When do you need to see a doctor?

Any unusual, severely expressed symptoms that persist for a long time should be the reason for going to the doctor (with a strong deterioration of the condition - to call an ambulance):

You should not engage in self-diagnostics and self-medication, wait for the symptoms to "pass by themselves", because by doing so you endanger not only your health, but also the health of your unborn child. In any incomprehensible situations, it is better to play it safe once again and consult a doctor.

SARS during pregnancy

Changes in the immune system during pregnancy make the expectant mother more susceptible to "colds" viruses, ARVI symptoms may persist longer than usual. But there is good news: colds and flu are not very dangerous for an unborn child. Of course, this does not mean that they are not dangerous at all. It is better not to get sick at all with acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy, and if infection does occur, treatment should be started as early as possible.

There are no supernatural ways to prevent colds. The main measure is a healthy lifestyle, which helps to maintain immunity in good condition. Your diet should be complete and varied, you need to sleep well and rest, avoid stress and overload, and maintain physical activity. Your doctor may recommend that you take prenatal vitamins or prebiotics.

It is important to exclude contact with infected people. Try not to visit crowded places in the midst of epidemics. Wash your hands often with soap and water. At the very least, this should be done whenever you return home from the street, from public places. If you were holding onto the handrail on the bus or touching other objects that a sick person could touch, in no case rub your eyes or nose with your hands - this can bring the virus onto the mucous membrane.

If you do get sick, follow some recommendations:

Get more rest.

· Drink plenty of fluids: water, juices, broths.

Eat well: your body needs resources to fight the virus.

Gargling with a salt solution, drinking warm tea or milk will help reduce discomfort in the throat.

· Install a humidifier in the apartment.

· Ventilate rooms more often.

· Although there are medications that are safe during pregnancy (paracetamol, codeine, dextromethorphan), it is best not to take medication without consulting your doctor.

You should immediately seek medical help if the symptoms of ARVI do not decrease within two days, if the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, if a large amount of colorless mucus is released during coughing, it is accompanied by pain in the chest, wheezing.

Should you get the flu shot during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women are vaccinated against the influenza virus, and all doctors and experts strongly recommend this vaccine every year. But many expectant mothers are worried: isn't it dangerous? Are vaccines causing complications?

It has been proven that getting the flu shot during pregnancy is not only not dangerous, but also provides tremendous benefits. It helps protect your baby's health. With the flu, complications such as pneumonia(pneumonia). It is dangerous for the fetus and can lead to premature birth.

There is evidence that the vaccine given during pregnancy continues to protect the baby for several months after birth. The baby receives antibodies from the mother. If a woman has developed resistance to the virus, then the newborn has a lower risk of infection. This is especially important, since a small child who has contracted the flu can get serious complications, but he cannot be vaccinated before 6 months. Therefore, not only the mother should be vaccinated, but all family members who live with the baby.

How often do you need to get vaccinated?

The flu virus is constantly changing. A new strain appears every year. Therefore, you need to be vaccinated annually. Each time, new vaccines are used, created taking into account the most likely strains of the pathogen this year.

You can get vaccinated in any trimester of pregnancy. Currently, only vaccines containing inactivated (killed) virus are used. Most likely, the doctor in the antenatal clinic will tell you about the vaccination and refer you to it.

It is best to get vaccinated in the fall, then you will be protected until the "flu" season begins. It takes about two weeks for the body to develop antibodies against the virus. Is it worth getting vaccinated if winter has already come? Yes, it's worth it, as the "flu season" can last until May - your body will receive protection for the remaining time.

Precautionary measures:

· The flu shot should not be given when you have ARVI. Wait until the symptoms subside.

· If you have had an allergic reaction to the influenza vaccine before, you will not be vaccinated.

· If you have a severe allergic reaction to eggs, you can get the vaccine, but your doctor will monitor your condition more closely.

· If you have ever been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, you need to tell your doctor. Sometimes, in rare cases, the vaccine can provoke this condition. But for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the flu itself, according to statistics, provokes it much more often.

Week 18 - Video guide

what happens: the baby is active, carefully examines the space. High mobility is beneficial for the development of bones and muscles. The hearing aid is improved, the eyes are closed, but the fetus can react to light. The growth rate is slowing down a bit. The baby is over 14 cm long and weighs almost 200 g.

If the mother is plump, she may feel the first movements at the 18th week of pregnancy. If the child starts pushing, it's time to pay attention to the frequency of his activity. The rate is 4-8 times per hour. More often - a lack of oxygen is possible.

The expectant mother can no longer hide her belly. It is rounded and you can use a special bandage that supports the abdomen and relieves the load from the back. There may be a feeling of pressure on the navel from the inside. The uterus is now about this level. Lower back pain appears, it is difficult to find a sleeping position for yourself.

We monitor the sensations in the abdomen and discharge. No one canceled the danger of developing an infection or spontaneous abortion.

Now, if during an ultrasound scan, the baby turns the right side, the parents, even from the photo, will be able to determine the gender of the child themselves, and not just take the doctor's word for it. In addition, the specialist will be able to assess the size of the fetus and exclude the development of certain chromosomal abnormalities.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, nothing fundamentally new happens - the improvement of already formed organs and systems continues. It can even be said that development slows down somewhat during this period.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then by the 18th week the baby's arms and legs have already fully formed, they have phalanges on the fingers, and unique patterns have already formed on the fingertips. The kid actively moves his arms and legs, thereby strengthening his muscular apparatus and bone!

The development of the brain continues: the grooves and convolutions deepen. The formation of nerve cells continues, with every minute there are more and more of them. A special myelin sheath is formed around the nerves, which, firstly, protects the nerve, and secondly, accelerates the transmission of impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the baby's organs.

The development of the most important organ of the immune system, the thymus, continues! At 18 weeks, he produces lymphocytes - cells that will protect the baby from invading aggressors!

The eyes also undergo changes. The retina becomes more sensitive, so the baby, even with closed eyes, can react to bright light.

The hearing organ is also improving, the baby hears better every day and already reacts to sounds, so the expectant mother should avoid places with loud music - she scares the baby.
The baby's face already almost matches the face of the newborn. He already actively expresses his emotions with the help of facial muscles - he frowns and smiles. He can also yawn, hiccup, suck and swallow.

The kidneys and bladder are working intensively, and the bladder empties every 45 minutes.

The fruit and the size of the abdomen.

The baby is already quite large, its length from the tailbone to the crown is 14 cm, and its weight is almost 200 grams! It is now quite spacious for the baby in the uterus, so it actively moves and tilts. On ultrasound, all the baby's organs are well visualized, and you can already find out who to expect - a girl or a boy!

By 18 weeks, a woman is on average gaining about 4.5-6 kilograms compared to her pre-pregnancy weight. Mom's tummy has grown up a lot. The uterus is actively growing, by 18 weeks it reaches the size of a coconut, its edge can already be felt just below the navel. The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus - the length from the bosom to the level of the location of the fundus of the uterus - is 16-19 cm. This indicator is important to assess the compliance of the growth of the fetus with the gestational age. If you multiply this indicator by the circumference of the abdomen, then you can calculate the estimated weight of the baby plus / minus 200 grams. At this stage, the baby's weight is still too small to be calculated using this formula. Of course, the abdominal circumference is a rather indirect indicator and depends on the woman's constitution, so the result will be approximate.

Sensations - changes in the body

The woman feels great! Indeed, during this period, some mothers can feel the first shocks of their baby! As a rule, at this time, multiparous women feel the movements of the fetus, and primiparous women will be able to feel this only at 20 weeks.

In addition to good news, as always, there are bad news. In women, the back often begins to hurt, because the center of gravity is already shifting due to the growing tummy, in order to maintain balance, you have to arch your back. To relieve her condition, a woman can start wearing a bandage.

At 18 weeks, dizziness may appear, especially when suddenly getting out of bed, turning the head, which are often associated with a decrease in blood pressure. Sometimes a woman cannot fall asleep for a long time because she cannot find a comfortable sleeping position.

As always, constipation and heartburn are unpleasant companions of pregnancy, the uterus grows more and more and more and more presses on the intestines and stomach. Therefore, a woman needs to be very careful about her diet and physical activity.

The kidneys at this time work for two, so urination has become more frequent. Try to empty your bladder as it fills and do not tolerate, this will prevent the development of an infectious process.

Fluid retention occurs in the body, so edema may appear, which may not be visually noticeable, but the feeling that the ring on the finger is starting to tighten makes it clear that the fingers are swelling. To avoid swelling, try to limit your salt intake.

Stomach ache

Pain on the sides of the abdomen, radiating to the groin area, is usually irregular, associated with getting up from a chair or bed, quickly passing, and rather causing discomfort, do not conceal danger and require rest and rest. They are connected by the tension of the ligaments that hold the uterus, because the uterus is getting heavier every day.

If you are suffering from constipation, then most likely you have already encountered abdominal pain, accompanied by rumbling, bloating, associated with impaired intestinal motility, because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on it. It is recommended to eat more fiber-rich plant foods and fermented milk products. Pain or burning in the upper abdomen is most often associated with a malfunction of the stomach, especially accompanied by heartburn or belching. It is recommended to exclude foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract - fried and spicy. However, if the pain is severe, brings severe discomfort, it will never be superfluous to consult a specialist.

But aching pains in the lower abdomen, intense, at times cramping, can occur due to an increase in the tone of the uterus - this is an alarming sign, you need to consult a specialist. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, it is unacceptable to hesitate to see a doctor - there is a risk of termination of pregnancy. Modern medicine is at a high level, therefore, with timely treatment, the baby can be saved.

Threats and Potential Dangers

Starting at 18 weeks, the most dangerous period in the second trimester begins -18-22 weeks. Its danger lies in the fact that during this period the uterus is actively growing and there is a high risk of developing an infectious process, improper location of the placenta and weakening of the position of the uterus. All these pathologies can lead to the development of miscarriage. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition and, in case of any ailment, seek help from a doctor.

Burning and pain in the genital area, accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal discharge - they become greenish, yellowish, an unpleasant odor appears, the consistency is heterogeneous, flaky - indicate the presence of an infectious process and require contacting a specialist in order to avoid infection of the fetus.

Mother's nutrition

The woman's appetite for this period is excellent, but this does not mean that you need to eat without restriction, as much as you like. Although the advice of grandmothers sounds exactly like this - you have to eat for two, however, this is wrong. You need to eat in moderation and not everything - you will have to give up many of the joys of life. You must always keep in mind the idea that your condition is almost directly dependent on your nutrition. Judge for yourself, by balancing your diet, you can avoid constipation, heartburn, edema, hypovitaminosis. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the development of your diet with full responsibility.
So what do you need to say "yes" to! Of course, boiled lean meat will enter this category, beef is perfect. The next dish is steamed or boiled lean fish. We also give green light to light soups, fermented milk products, fruits and berries. Be sure to include in the diet both fresh vegetables and as a side dish - boiled or steamed! The menu also cannot do without cereals, dried fruits and nuts.

What are we saying "no" to! No mayonnaise, ketchup, carbonated sweet drinks, all kinds of chips and crackers, flour, smoked, spicy, pickled and sweet.

Another point to pay attention to is to carefully monitor the readiness of the dish, meat and fish must be boiled. Vegetables, fruits and herbs should be thoroughly washed, boiled water should be drunk. All this will help prevent the development of food infections and helminthiases in a woman.

What to do

If you have not done a second biochemical screening, which will allow you to assess the risk of developing birth defects and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, then now is the time to do it. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein and the level of hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and estriol is determined.

At the appointment with a gynecologist, you should already be weighed so that the doctor can assess your weight gain. Measure the height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen. The lag of these parameters from the norms for a given period may indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy and requires a deeper examination. Usually, when visiting an antenatal clinic, a woman takes a general blood and urine test to assess the work of the woman's internal organs.

A woman should monitor her health and nutrition, in case of any ailments, consult a doctor. Walk more, breathe fresh air. When lower back pain occurs, it is useful to wear a bandage, it will take some of the load off the spine.

Spend more time with your family, watch your favorite movies, listen to beautiful music and most importantly - communicate with your baby, because he already hears everything!

Belly photo

Not every woman can feel the stirring of a baby at 18 weeks. This is not to say that there is cause for concern. Doctors say that during the normal course of pregnancy, the baby's movements are first felt by the mother in the interval from 16 to 22 weeks. Therefore, if there are no sensations by 18 weeks, it may be worth waiting a little longer.

Possible problems

Discharge at the 18th obstetric week

Vaginal discharge is an important indicator of the health of women and babies during pregnancy. In order to react in time and not miss a dangerous moment that may arise in a certain period, you need to know what is the norm and what is the pathology.

If you notice that the discharge on the underwear does not differ in any color and does not smell, then everything is in order.

But any changes in shade and the occurrence of an unpleasant odor may indicate some internal problems. For example, it can be a vaginal infection that can have a direct impact on the life of the fetus. Blood from the vagina at 18 weeks cannot be caused by menstruation, which means running to the doctor so that the pregnancy does not end in failure.


The 18th week of pregnancy can bring unpleasant surprises in the form of painful sensations of varying degrees of intensity. Most often, a woman is worried about stretching that occurs due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus. An enlarged abdomen with its pressure causes discomfort and pain that radiates to nearby organs.

  • Back pain.
    If acute pain occurs, an urgent need to go to the doctor's office. There is a risk of worsening kidney disease.
  • Stomach pain.
    An enlarged uterus and an altered metabolism affect the digestion of food. To avoid pain and heartburn, you need to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.
  • Pain in the feet and calves.
    Most often, they arise due to a change in the center of gravity and an increased load on the lower limbs. Also, discomfort may appear due to edema.

Pregnancy with twins

If, during an ultrasound examination, the doctor has established a multiple pregnancy, the expectant mother should be doubly careful at 18 weeks. Both fetuses are actively growing, stretching the uterus and causing painful sensations. Both babies need the nutrients they get from their mother.

A woman needs to responsibly monitor her condition and regularly visit a gynecologist. A healthy diet menu should be drawn up to meet the needs of twins, and resources should be replenished with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. In addition, it will not be superfluous to do light fitness to unload the back, which is experiencing double loads.

Necessary analyzes and research

In the period from 18 to 20 weeks, doctors send pregnant women for a triple test - a study that includes three procedures:

  • analysis for protein alpha-fetoprotein;
  • analysis for the level of the hormone hCG;
  • free estriol test.

When prescribing these studies, doctors try to find out if the child has any genetic abnormalities. According to the level of the content of these hormones and protein, experts determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding successfully and whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

Of course, in addition to the triple test, the pregnant woman must undergo a standard set of procedures provided for a period of 18 weeks. These include examination on a gynecological chair, passing a general analysis of urine and blood, measuring pressure, determining body weight, as well as the height of the fundus of the uterus. In addition, the gynecologist must listen to the baby's heart beating.

With the help of urine and blood tests, doctors find out if there are diseases of the urinary or circulatory systems. While carrying a child, women often experience anemia, pyelonephritis and other diseases. We add that regular appointments with a doctor are a guarantee that exacerbations of chronic diseases caused by pregnancy will be detected in a timely manner, which means that recovery will come quickly and painlessly.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation

Around the same period, the pregnant woman goes for an ultrasound examination. This method, using a modern apparatus, allows you to take a photo of the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy and determine whether the parameters of the child's development are normal. Ultrasound helps to identify many pathologies. For example, Down syndrome, heart defects, oligohydramnios, or abnormal placenta previa. In addition, the doctor will see if the intrauterine development corresponds to the gestational age: he takes measurements of body parts, clarifies whether the internal organs are formed.

The second trimester has been going on for almost two months, during which time the child has grown significantly and your tummy stands out more and more clearly. Now is the quietest time when you need to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body, walk a lot, rest and actively communicate with the baby. During this period, many women can already feel the movements of the fetus, which fills the mother with trepidation and excitement. It is worth revising your diet by removing highly allergenic foods from it, since the embryo's immune system is already working and can react to them.

What happens to the body at 18 weeks

The 18th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month, its second week, according to the calendar it is four and a half months. The second trimester of pregnancy is in full swing - the quietest time when health and general condition are usually the best. The woman's body has already acquired roundness, and grandiose events are taking place inside the body. In order not to gain extra pounds and not suffer from puffiness, you should be careful about your diet and drink, avoid highly salty and spicy foods, excess confectionery and flour products. The tummy this week is already clearly visible - it has grown significantly, has risen up and is clearly visible to everyone around. Due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts forward, which leads to a change in the curvature of the spine, its deflection in the lumbar region and deviation of the mother's shoulders. This gives pregnant women a special gait. In this period, it is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as the right underwear - a bra with wide straps and no seams to support the chest and comfortable panties that do not squeeze the body. Also, many women will benefit from wearing a special support bandage that relieves pain in the back and legs.

Due to the large uterus on the back, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep, which requires new positions for rest and sleep, you can use special pillows for the lower back and legs.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

Now the baby is actively growing and improving, this is already a fully formed little man, which has grown from the coccyx to the crown of the head by 14 cm (and completely reaches 20 cm), and gained almost 200 g of weight. While the growth of the uterus allows the baby to feel relatively free in the abdomen, he actively moves in the amniotic fluid - makes turns, somersaults, moves his legs and arms, nods his head, touches the umbilical cord, pushes against the walls of the uterus. Doctors believe that such active movements are very useful for the baby, due to them the area of ​​the motor cortex of the brain is actively developing and the musculoskeletal system of the fetus is being improved.

The kid is actively improving - his arms and legs are fully formed, and the legs are longer than the arms, the fingers and toes are actively divided into phalanges. The finger pads have acquired a unique fingerprint pattern. Children of both sexes have fully formed genitals - both external and internal. The child actively stores adipose tissue, brown fat is especially actively stored in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the whole body, the formation of the brain is actively taking place. The development of the immune system of the fetus is actively developing, now the immune organs can actively produce immunoglobulins and interferons, which protect the fetus from viral and microbial infections. The rudiments of both milk and permanent teeth have already fully formed, and the permanent teeth are located above the milk ones and will appear in due time. The eyes, although they are formed, but still closed, can actively react to light. In addition, the baby's hearing is actively developed, he can perfectly distinguish the sounds of both the mother's body and the sounds coming from outside. Therefore, now it is useful to talk a lot with the baby, read fairy tales to him, put on classical music and avoid harsh frightening sounds. From such sounds, the child can freeze, worry.

Now you can accurately determine the sex of the baby using an ultrasound study, and prepare for the birth directly of either a girl or a boy. Also, during this period, many wives can already feel the first movements and movements of their baby. The child's bones actively store calcium, and if the mother lacks it, calcium will be extracted from the woman's teeth and bones, which will lead to dental problems and the need to visit the dentist.

The baby may develop a certain sleep and wakefulness regime, which often does not coincide with the mother's; often in the future, the mother will feel the fetal movement during the minutes of her rest. The baby can now sleep up to four hours in a row.

Feelings of a future mother

The main sensation in this stage of pregnancy can be the first movements, which bring untold joy to the mother - they can be very light and unclear, like pouring water or barely perceptible jolts. Gradually, the movements will become more confident and strong. Usually, movements are felt in the period from 17 to 22 weeks, much depends on the complexion of the woman and the size of the crumbs, the amount of fatty tissue on the abdomen. If you have not yet felt the movements, you do not need to worry, soon you will feel them. Previously, the movements are felt by thin women and re-pregnant women. Usually, four to eight movements per hour can be recorded. If the movements are felt strongly and clearly, too often, this may be a sign of a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Then the child begins to move more actively in order to activate blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen. It is important for the mother to take care of the baby by taking frequent walks and breathing deeply and calmly. You can also do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women, they will also help in the prevention of hypoxia.

The period of 18 weeks is quite calm in terms of sensations, with a normally proceeding pregnancy, the mother does not feel any discomfort, there may only be some inconveniences from the actively enlarging abdomen. You are not yet accustomed to the fact that it is, it is difficult for you to find a position for rest and sleep, since it is no longer possible to lie on your stomach, and your head may spin on your back. Sometimes mothers can touch the surrounding objects with their growing tummy, not yet accustomed to the new "dimensions" of their body.

Get used to resting more often on your left side, in this position, blood circulation is most active, the easiest way for the fetus and uterus to take is the correct position for childbirth. Learn to get out of bed through the side, you can't jump out of bed suddenly, it may darken in your eyes and dizzy. The woman's breasts in this period are not so sensitive, but the juices have increased and darkened, colostrum discharge from the yellowish nipples may occur. There is no need to worry, the breast is preparing to feed the baby in the future, and even if there is no colostrum until the very birth, this is also quite normal. Any manipulation of juices can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, so nothing needs to be done with the breast.

The condition of the uterus at 18 weeks of gestation

Due to the growth of the uterus, there may be some discomfort from the pressure of the fundus of the uterus on the navel from the inside. This is because by this time the fundus of the uterus has almost reached the level of the navel, it can be 2-3 cm below it. if you put your hand on your belly, you can feel the bottom of the uterus just below the navel, about two of your fingers. The queen has reached the size of a medium melon and continues to grow actively upward and outward. From the level of the pubis, the uterus has risen by about 18 cm, and protrudes forward, giving a distinct growth of the abdomen in a circle. With a weak abdominal wall and thinness, the occurrence of back pain, a prenatal bandage can be very useful from this time on, supporting the uterus in the correct position and relieving excessive pressure on the back and lower abdomen. Gymnastics exercises for pregnant women and comfortable clothes with shoes also help to cope with the discomfort. From this time on, it is recommended to periodically take the knee-elbow position to relieve the back and internal organs, especially for the kidneys, since the outflow of urine improves. And do not worry about the size of the abdomen - it depends on the strength of the abdominal muscles and the capacity of the pelvis, gradually the abdomen will grow more and more.


In terms of 18 to 22 weeks, pregnant women are assigned a second scheduled ultrasound examination to determine the sex of the child, as well as studies of the main indicators reflecting the growth and development of the baby. This study aims to identify defects in the development of the fetus and gross malformations of internal organs. the doctor carefully examines the heart and kidneys of the fetus for their abnormalities, can determine the presumptive signs of Down syndrome or gross brain defects.

In addition, with ultrasound of the fetus, a detailed scan of the placenta takes place, its structure and umbilical cord with vessels are assessed, and the main indicators are assessed:

  • the circumference of the abdomen and the head of the fetus,
  • occipital-frontal size,
  • the size of the tubular bones of the thigh, lower leg, shoulder and forearm.

It is also possible to carry out a 3D ultrasound scan with photographs or recording the baby on a flash card.

Discharge from the genital tract

At this time, the discharge from the genital tract should be quite insignificant and uniform, light or milky in color, without impurities and unpleasant odor. They should not bring any discomfort to the expectant mother. In comparison with the previous weeks, their number may become slightly higher due to the action of hormones.

It is worth worrying if the amount of discharge becomes abundant, their color changes to yellow, gray, greenish or foamy, crumbly, itching and burning are formed, sexually transmitted diseases or thrush, bacterial vaginosis can be suspected. They are dangerous for pregnant women, so they need to be treated immediately. Brown discharge should become especially dangerous during pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of erosion or other pathologies of the cervix, or spotting, which may be a sign of placental abruption or abortion.

What tests to take

In the period of 18 weeks, a mandatory urine test is performed to exclude kidney pathologies, and if anemia is suspected, a general blood test is performed. In this period, if this has not been done earlier, a triple test can be performed to identify possible anomalies in the development of the fetus, chromosomal pathology and congenital malformations of the nervous system. For this purpose, a study in blood plasma is carried out:

  • hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level,
  • unconjugated estriol level,
  • the level of alpha-fetoprotein.

Pronounced deviations of these results from the norms in combination with ultrasound data make it possible to suspect the presence of hydrocephalus or malformations of the brain, Down syndrome and some other pathologies in the baby. But these data are not conclusive, and to confirm them, a geneticist's consultation and special invasive studies are needed. With the threat of gestosis or pregnancy complications, doctor visits will become more frequent, as will tests. The doctor will monitor the woman's weight, the increase in abdominal circumference, the height of the bottom of the uterus and pressure, general well-being.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

In this period, there should be no special painful manifestations. Although there may be some discomfort in the form of stretching in the back and lower back, in the area of ​​the pelvic bones. This is due to an increase in the size of the uterus and tension of the ligaments, a change in the center of gravity. The load on the spine increases, and the body is forced to assume new static postures. Because of this, the muscles and ligaments can experience discomfort. To prevent these pains, you need to rest more often, monitor your posture, and wear comfortable shoes. Exercises to relieve the back and lower back, and wearing a bandage can be helpful.

Back and lower abdominal pain can be signs of a urinary tract or kidney infection, fever and pain when urinating. It is necessary to strictly control the process of urine separation. If the right side hurts, and the pain increases, this may be a sign of appendicitis, which is also possible in pregnant women. You need to immediately call an ambulance and conduct an examination. If the lower abdomen pulls, there are regular prolonged abdominal pain with contractions and tension of the uterus, with the appearance of brown spotting discharge, you need to immediately call an ambulance, this may be a sign of termination of pregnancy.

Colds and runny nose

Although the child's immune system is already working and can actively resist the effects of viruses and microbes, a pregnant woman still should not get sick, including colds. The presence of ARVI with high fever and poor general condition, runny nose and cough is especially dangerous. A severe cough can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and uterine tone, a runny nose can interfere with normal breathing and cause hypoxia. High fever can pose a threat to pregnancy, causing placental abruption or miscarriages. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, bed rest and treatment are needed, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Mom's diet and weight

At 18 weeks, the mother's appetite is quite good and there is an active weight gain, as the child grows and the woman's body is restructured to suit his needs. In this period, you can add from 4 to 6 kg, although if the woman is slim, the increase may be more, and with a tendency to be overweight, less. From this time on, it is necessary to control the weight gain in order not to add too much - it will be difficult during childbirth. If the weight is much higher than the established norms, it is worth discussing with the doctor the use of a special diet or fasting days. It is forbidden to go on a diet or unload on your own, this can harm your health and the child, since only a doctor will develop a diet taking into account the intake of all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the fetus.

Nutrition during this period should be complete and varied, correct and healthy. It is worth excluding sweets and sugar, excess flour and confectionery from the diet, and limiting fatty and carbohydrate foods. Shown will be calcium-containing foods - dairy, nuts, as well as meat and fish, vegetables and fruits. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, take additional vitamins if the food is not rich in them. It is worth limiting the consumption of salt and spices, they retain water and can provoke swelling.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

Although this rarely happens at this time, sometimes there is such a pathology as the fading of pregnancy. In this case, the development of the fetus stops, and he dies in the womb. The fetus in this condition is not rejected by the woman's body, and the mother may be unaware of what has happened for a long time. This usually happens in the first trimester, and in the second critical periods 16-18 weeks of pregnancy will be considered. The main reasons for this are considered the presence of bad habits, infections, genetic pathology and the impact of external harmful factors.

It is not easy to identify such pathologies on your own - usually the first suspicions are the lack of abdominal growth and fetal movements, the appearance of aching abdominal pains and smearing discharge. The exact diagnosis is established according to ultrasound data, and requires further curettage of the uterus as soon as possible. In the future, long-term treatment and rehabilitation is required.


18 weeks of pregnancy is the heyday of a woman's sensuality, although sex may no longer be so diverse in terms of positions and intensity, but it will be filled with tenderness and new sensations. now the threats of termination of pregnancy have passed, the calm time has come and it is quite possible to make love as much as you want. The only thing is to avoid excessive depth of penetration and hard contacts, poses, with pressure on the abdomen. Otherwise, pleasant sensations and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the emotional tone of the woman and the baby. A ban on intimacy will be imposed when there is a threat of placental abruption, leakage of water or multiple pregnancies, cervical insufficiency.