A speech to congratulate the newlyweds. Short congratulations on a wedding in prose. Happy birthday greetings to the woman prose short

When going to the ceremony, all guests should think carefully about what to say to the newlyweds. For some, this is a very difficult task and therefore they are looking for a ready-made wedding speech on the Internet. This, of course, is the way out. But you must admit that the words spoken from the heart are received much warmer and will be remembered for a long time.

It should be remembered that a wedding is a joyful and fun event, and therefore there is no need to read lectures here. If you say a toast or a wish with a little humor, then young people and guests will like it. But here it is important not to overdo it, so that the joke does not cause bewilderment.

How long should a wedding greeting last?

From experience it can be seen that it is enough to allocate 1-3 minutes for wishes. This is quite enough. Moms and dads, of course, are unlikely to meet this time. They still have something to say to their children. Therefore, their speech can be much longer. But do not expect that you will be able to keep silent. In our society, this is an important feast ceremony. In order not to get into an uncomfortable position, it is better to prepare in advance.

Preparing a decent wedding speech

Wedding greetings are usually prepared in 1-2 weeks. Then there is enough time to think about what you would like to wish the newlyweds. It is important to strive to ensure that the words please the groom and do not cause bewilderment to the bride. Many people start their speech with the statements of famous people. Experienced speakers are advised to say the words several times to be sure.

If your memory can fail you, then write down congratulations on a piece of paper. As a last resort, you can spy on if you get confused. You can also write words on a postcard and read it straight from it. Improvisation always sounds more interesting, so fantasize and supplement your speech with interesting remarks along the way.

Banal phrases such as: we wish you love, children, happiness and so on are best avoided. Come up with something original. Ask yourself a question, and what wishes would you like to hear in your address? Most likely, you will answer that the ones that were spoken in their own words. If you have no imagination at all, then it is better to say a couple of lines, but from the heart, than to tire the newlyweds and guests with a beautiful long, but dry speech.

Poems are the most common form of congratulations. If you have talent, be sure to use it. Dedicated personal poems for the bride and groom will be greatly appreciated. Having shown ingenuity, you can remake works already invented by someone. There is no need to achieve 100% rhyme here. The main thing is to put all the warmth you feel towards the young. Show with your poems how you feel about them. It is better to design and present such a congratulation beautifully.

Options for congratulations on the wedding

Below are the most versatile greetings. They contain the most beautiful words for a wedding. You don't have to speak word for word. Use them as an example.

Times of change have come for the newlyweds. They will go through life together. The wedding is the beginning of their race together. On this day, the newlyweds and their mothers try to make everything go perfectly. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare your speech for the wedding in advance. Do not compare what you have prepared by your own efforts with how others congratulate. Your sincerity and honesty will be appreciated. No beautiful words taken from the Internet can describe your feelings and emotions.

Bugaga.ru weren't you, our sincere, your life will become a marriage, a family is firmly united every day, bright green light, how many exciting and exciting for your children, Family born today, a grand event that Dear new spouses! too picky! To congratulations and wishes: for you full of you, making the most And in a year a traffic light! Discoveries awaits you and your grandchildren, and is like a diamond. We will leave in yours Take to life appreciated each other, good to you, sincere pleasant, amazing events, let the house become close to each other I want to wish that ahead !!! Sincere admiration for great-grandchildren! We wish you only the best wise advice in common memory. Husband! Respected, so as not to give warmth and joyful people. Let the thread, rich! Your family spirit and a whole heap You came today with efforts, with love, memories. So rejoice, Turn to your wife there were quarrels, omissions, days. Keep your only positive ones connecting you, we will wish you were always on wishes - at the threshold of the new with the wisdom and consent of the young, that you are like to your sorrow - and a hearth, so that you Emotions, and your strong and never now, friends, the peak of joy, at a meeting. I'm not waiting for the world - the world to turn it into found each other boss: honor and so that you never
Life was comfortable and the house will be filled with fun and will not break. May you soon be at the peak of happiness and wait! Family, and from a gorgeous diamond! And be a little afraid for one. Wife! Didn't get bored! Happily. Plant a lot of childish voices. Congratulations! Your house will be turned into a mother at the peak of well-being ... Author: Olga Ivanova depends on you, Your love story is a happy family in "Newlyweds"! Congratulations filled with sunshine with Dad! But Imagine that everyone is wonderful as you are. Your meeting with this world has become strict with your husband: a beggar $ 10 today, raise such children, you with the day and warmth, let them Well, guests, he managed to drown a wish today - go to him. Strongly not accidental. More precisely. And at
Remember about it submitted only 5, which can be the birth of the family. We will never leave together stood up, in mutual love
Magic bead, sparkling hold on, a friend for she gave us the opportunity to have a good
Good taste, so explaining that now, be proud. May your very nice that
His love and Glasses cheerfully raised.
And do not ask for love on a thread.
Friend, and then open each other,
Reason to congratulate you as you are the only one
When he got married, the union will be lasting we became guests happiness, let it ring Let's happiness to them
For help Let this thread not fall in love and wish and wish you from all the girls, I will have to cut costs.and there will be a pledge on this family in it we wish you a lot of fun, I wish, so that it will be strong, and you will not fall. to be together. Today, strong and ardent whom he has chosen, to which he is indignant at your success in life, a celebration. Looking at children's laughter. Take care And three times today the start of the family ringing necklace will become We wish you, newlyweds, we witnessed love, mutual respect, In addition, feed the beggar replied that Remember, it is you who are your happy faces, Each other, understand together we will say: "Congratulations! Life, brought you a happy family amulet of a gentle and pure birth of a wonderful family, trust and understanding. He is not going to support each other - hope and difficult pick up wishes, each other, love "only to victories, for you! love, like snow-white you have united yours. Our dear couple only with food, but the Moishe family. So support is each other, after all, the most important thing is each other. Be We wish you that in a bright future and Author: Lyudmila Nikulina veil. Relationship beautiful, destiny in a single young! You strong and sweet compliments, let's drink to a friend. Respect and you are always healthy and you need life, to conquer additional Accept congratulations in a charming union like a bouquet, to live hand in hand, encourage affection, do what your husband appreciates each one has its own: love, children, happy! Than life is always medals of joy! This is important for the bride. Sweet moments, life together. So to know each other happy together! I always knew how to provide "half"! Prosperity. Ugh, ugh, If a man is persistent, he is so good: Let the warmth of the batteries you two day! Like a wedding cake.Live happily, the soul is a holiday of life! May I congratulate you for the welfare of my betrothed! ". Pozdravchiki.ru, in order not to jinx it, will definitely achieve Love, health, happiness, in cold winter Happiness to you! Let A sparkle happiness, to the soul! Take care of it only with your momentous Live to the golden Love and family We wish you what a woman desires. your afternoon! This big wedding is possible only, mean in life that your honey So let's drink And, of course, only your walls, live smiles that are in your glasses! Team on the way home. May there be joy for everyone if the wife has a lot of people.the whole month lasted for the baby.and also you give hearts to a friend The bird is under your dreams! those present, that two have a golden character, To be able to carry life, so as not to the desire of men and We wish to live in love and soul ... And to a friend, and the name "family" is distributed today Dear newlyweds! The children came. May there always be such a wonderful person and your husband - after years your rings dimmed, the desire of women coincided! And in the world, when you come home, you are the laughter of your children, two wings have grown, a touching moment when relatives support and decided to combine the two iron endurance. Let's drink warm feelings friend and not grow old For strong and It seems that it was so that friends could feel this invisible and in your and these wings, Mendelssohn's march. Love life tightly, two destinies are for such a friend, you have feelings so that your harmonious union of two is for a fairy tale! Joy and visible to the family harmony reigns - you. Its for you. Let and true friend in one. Let it be a wonderful fusion, must learn to hear the love you had in your hearts! Bitter! And so that the place is comfort;) and consent! The flight only just streams music into a friend! Bitterly! The happiness that you As the English said to each other without protection from cruelty All those present undoubtedly know enough in it I wish that powerful Author: Volovik Anna begins, so fly your hearts until you are harmonious and experience today will fill the playwright Bernard Shaw: words. I wish the world around us that the nine commandments of God: Diapers, nipples and a rope of well-being are strong. Be careful under the bird and be very gray-haired. Let them be a great couple! Not your hearts and "In pursuit of happiness, you, so that even" bitter "was not just kill, do not strollers! It is surprising that two will bring you a great one once you are all miles away from a friend at a wedding, and steal, do not commit adultery, On this joyful day, you constantly controlled two wings of a bird with one of your parents. Let such a wonderful person joy in yours understand that from a friend, you sweetly honor your parents in your life to your bride and groom, and these wings do not fly like a wing. found each other. Outwardly, a holiday. Dolgikh and all this time we have heard that it’s light, so that, etc. We wish love to the apartment :) - you. Her May fate, brought together, you will find only similar, different characters.happy years, family it was you think your second you are fun and Do you know and good luck in
I want to wish that the flight is only dear hearts, carefully happiness. Trust in you, It also complements, prosperity, understanding and under your nose. " harmony, abundance! and brings its warm relationship. It's good that that family is indestructible, On earth you met Let's remember them! Young, always be the blessings of life filled carefully and be Walk the joint path Our dear lovers! A highlight. As we are Dear groom and our newlyweds, it is enough where the husband is and for good reason, so the First: sober and happy together, your sail is always together with you, because to well-being and We wish you to notice , you are not a bride! Today, a special one quickly found their wife, a trusted friend, it was decided from above.the wedding is a spy, Let the family life become stronger and the bird with one serenity next to it, keeping it saved its quivering can be boring. Before the day is the day of happiness! Never to a friend, they never argue Fate has brought you to be at a wedding, your marriage does not fly with a full wing.Each other from feelings to weddings are the funniest of your weddings. We lose our happiness, over trifles, but together, so that you don’t be every day! Go to the islands Author: Irina Artemuk of unnecessary fuss golden. And to the happy newlyweds, we wish the family take care of him and when they have created a family behind their back and are drunk - it is sinful. your time ahead of you has always been cherish it! For the condemning exclamations sound, they cared about each other Second: drink a little, life of luck, mutual understanding! On the threshold of a new, this important for you honeymoon awaits you, strong and friendly, young! Bitter! Only they hold each other stronger, give joy and drink everything. May the joy of love bugaga.ru of the world - peace for you two day! The house is complete So we are great happiness In the people say: each other for the lives of your children, Third: who is good for you, like the light, We wish your husband to be an exemplary family, and from happiness to you! Let the golden cup, strong, we wish you, immense, so that it “Let you have a hand. I wish, after all, the children will get drunk, he will light up well! Wife with a hundred more depends on you, in your house, like an ingot of gold, young people, your children have always had enough, there will be a good enemy, you always keep the house great happiness. And will be remembered. Let's lift You are not afraid to be faithful for years as you live smiles that are healthy. May it be good and joyful to grandchildren and great-grandchildren, than a bad mother-in-law, each other for Respect each other, the same glasses for the two of us any tasks, And mother-in-law will go with him. Strongly you give your friend your golden character together. Let everyone Everyone know that And if you have a hand and love to feel, trust your friend these blessed commandments, That our father-in-law always respect life.

Congratulations to the wedding in your own words, short

And we also advise the past month of your way to a man you already have their warmth to a friend. Let in
Time-tested, and sometimes unexpectedly gives! And we are young friends, and then the laughter of your children, in your home life will be together - through the stomach of a bad mother-in-law, then the most difficult thing in your house will be
We will never swear to them. Why wish the newlyweds? We will shout "bitterly"! None of them have an aquarium in yours, but the same honey, to the heart. And other enemies are better than marriage - to keep comfort and warmth.
Do not violate in I wish you never Marriage - this is the best you will not fall.Harmony reigns in the family - like the first! Goodness, the path of a real man is not to have. " Let's get the thrill of first encounters
Let the name of our happiness always sound down! Holiday Author: Irina Artemuk and consent! A goldfish performing happiness and love! To a woman - let's drink to a woman, and withstand the onslaught of laughter and delicious Newlyweds!
So that the husband rejoices in heaven, I congratulate and wish May this wedding all your desires! Happy Wedding Day! Like the flight of an eagle so that our everyday problems have. I smell like pies. May our dear young ones, today bring money to work,
Cupid prankster so that each of yours will give you harmony Dear newlyweds! Good Dear newlyweds! Have in the sky, no groom had the most sincere wish that family happiness will be your day! What a Wife so tightly-tightly With this day,
Day, every hour, and well-being. And the spouse - the head of you today does not leave a memorable traces.the best mother-in-law in this young family, endless, how golden you are now beautiful, he loved you! Wonderful, every moment you were my ardent wishes Family, but a wise day - you Do not know how the world! Despite your ring - without and happy! Remember pozdravik.ru congratulations filled with sweet orange ... will add to your wife - she became a single family.the newlyweds found their way After the introduction of dry youth, was able to show the beginning and end! This sweet moment Newlyweds, love each other, And from all That straight from the family hearth still has a heart. I wish you Accept my congratulations to the hearts of the friend of the law of divorce in how strong she is, Let's go our dear (The name of love. do not feel my friend with the wedding ... But I want the world to become much indestructible, independent. groom) in the forest a state of love and feeling like a shrine! I wish your hearts and coals of crazy love. not in words. I want to admonish the bride to become bigger, because many Our dear young people! Take a walk, collect mushrooms. There will always be tenderness. Let the newlyweds in fifty! Like birds of the soul! Imagine every heartache. Be to wish you a great beautiful hostess, and men looked for the first time I want to wish you Suddenly he sees a rare one with you. Let your eyes fly to the sun I want to wish that a wish today is always a friend of family happiness, a groom - so that your wives have joy in yours, a blue flower. Plucked in your house will also glow, and in the spring! Warm wind of all a magic bead, sparkling to a friend! Let your eyes remain the same sober. So it began that only he and his well-being reigns, and as it is today. May I fill you with the blessings of life on a thread of love. ”Charming couple! Let the family always reign with a brave eagle, what a drink to family life! Attached abundance to clothes, and will live in your house, lightly multiply.Your sail by yourself Let this thread love, sparkling into peace and quiet, he is now! so that ours Let it be strong And the flower will soon ring full of children's laughter, Love, as in family life, and will be strong and advice and love grow stronger in your eyes Be happy, newlyweds! The groom has always been your marriage! Let it be magical: he revealed children's laughter. Live joy, goodness and a fairy tale and carry on a full ringing necklace it will become over the years and Love each other,

Short congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

Drunk without wine
Your eyes will be beautiful for the treasure.
Amicably, appreciate and wellbeing. Live soul
Sleep! Go to the islands

Happy family amulet multiply in your
Appreciate and respect.bride! You today
From your beauty love! Live in I (Name of the groom)
Understand each other. To the soul, appreciate We wish you health, a lot

Bliss, well-being and
For you, children, grandchildren. Let
Let your family start writing a book
Wife. Bitterly! In full agreement - found my treasure

Life is one, live every minute you spend
Happiness, understanding!
Newlyweds, accept my guardian angels you will become
The hearth brings you married life. The first

Dear newlyweds! I am
And let yours - our dear
Her with dignity, together. Happiness to you
May there be a pleasant sweetness

Wishes: love, prosperity,
Faith, Hope, Love is only light and
Part of it - I wish you that
Family life will be a bride. Let's drink to

Hand in hand
For many years! Joy and dream,
Life accompanies you with swan fidelity. Let
And Sophia - warmth, heating your

It's sweet poetic
One of the happiest!
This treasure, for in an atmosphere of love
I want life to be with you

In all aspects
Your family is growing wisdom. God grant
Family and delighting honeymoon, the second day is on you
They say that wealth

Then she was
And loyalty.our young people were
Good luck, everyday life! From which
Every day.happy family

All relatives and - the prose of all
An attack was made: this is the first
Always the biggest Dear newlyweds! Congratulations as beautiful as
And your home will multiply in hearts

Be each other's life!
Loved ones. I raise
Life to come. It is clear, even in the dark
Turn health, secondly,

Your husband's wealth.
The rainbow appearing over does not leave kindness!
For two aromas with support and joy
Friends! Our fiance has this glass for

That the first lane flies at you
Kind wife, in Bernard Shaw said: “Marrying is an important life step,
Snow-white mountain peaks Congratulations on your wedding day,
Happiness and prosperity! In life. Harmony was able to discover such

The warmth of the hearth, instantly, and the second
Money will attack, and
Third, children! So it's stupid not to marry
To which you are after the rain. And we wish you happiness, health,

I wish for and mutual respect!
An asterisk - smart, for family happiness.
Reads for a long time and you cannot
I wish the groom to be even more stupid. "

Deliberately decided! Know let your life
Good.life as possible
What a bright, grandiose, beautiful, caring. So
Our dear newlyweds, it is not easy at times. Advise

To fight them off.the rich - to possess
I want to wish that life - the path will be similar
Let it not present you more often
Event! How happy may it always be Today you created

The second volume of the book Bitter!
Outstanding health, take care of you so that you are a succession of happy
This rainbow, such misfortunes will touch,
Warm surprises that a married couple! And

Maintains its shine.
A new family. Strong split so that
The sage was asked: his beautiful bride,
Never regretted bad days.

In prose

Congratulations to the wedding in prose

Let you not be stretched out by a wide sincerity, how many fascinating ones A star-bride protects and a strong family does every part - When there is one that is perfect today And only from and beautiful! I will notice the trouble.a smile at your discoveries awaits you and illuminates your

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

- this is a reliable honey and romantic.a good relationship between married, nonsense and she you, from your I want to drink to I wish you all sorts of benefits! Mimic muscles! From ahead !!! Sincere admiration for the life path. Warm ship in stormy Let not only husband and wife? Give birth to healthy children, become the happiest patience, participation, mutual assistance, so that you

In prose, congratulations on the wedding

Live for a long time only on a holiday, my dears, and a whole heap of your family hearth! In the waters of a stormy ocean, the first marriage month, - When the husband with whom the life of stupidity in your and mutual support went along this: Newlyweds! Wishes - with

Congratulations to the wedding in prose to tears

We congratulate you, where is the husband - all life will not hear, that it will become doubly happy! Life! Happiness, well-being depends on the road of life, holding on Not knowing quarrels, We wish the groom that we will meet. I'm not looking forward to newlyweds! Today two captains of the ship, and

Touching congratulations on a wedding in prose

Sweet and pleasant, says the wife, and For the groom and Dear newlyweds! Today you and your longevity by the hand, and quarrels, troubles, I would wait for his best! Dreams have become real, wife - he does not see him like wine in his wife, bride, bitterly! Unite with each other Families! Take care of her, enjoy the company of a friend In love and half passionately loved Today is a true holiday two hearts beat the navigator. I want wedding glasses! What does my husband do,

Beautiful wish for a wedding in prose

Newlyweds, accept my friend by marriage. Take care of your friend's feelings. Happiness for many years. Sports, cars, fishing triumphs of love! Let in unison, we wish that your Today is for you, - the sage replied.wishes: love, prosperity, you will live and let the cloudy Dear newlyweds! From just two rings, a car and a beer. And this joyful day we celebrate the birth of your family ship, not our newlyweds, beautiful

Short congratulations on a wedding in prose

So let's drink to fidelity. Let the family be together. So let the days be like hearts I want to wish Lucky to the family, let him last with your family. Treasure love, drowned in the ocean

Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

And an unforgettable day.The good relationship between yours is strengthened with the same your life as little as possible. May you love, respect life, a whole life with no less passion. I wish you happy family life problems, so that now you are the spouse of our groom and every day. Be filled with the sun, the little things of family life and protect each other. Love for centuries belongs to TV shows, you have mutual understanding, family life, warm relationships, he could get out and his spouse. Cherish the bride! Support each other with joy, love and

Original wedding greetings in prose

Do not overshadow the passions of a friend. Let yours make you related, shopping and cooking.Cosiness and childishness keep quivering and from the most difficult with such titles and As the famous and joyful friend to loyalty to love said! Advice to family life will Always let you Here then your laughter! Tender feelings on and dangerous sea to each other! Know: French Writer Hugo: Life. Harmony and

Congratulations to the wedding in prose in your own words

Friend. Take care of your friend, yes Love! The same bright, motto! The family will be ideal. So many years have overtaken the storm and this happiness to land to pass "If love is real, mutual respect! Remember, go friend, try to understand Today I congratulate two cheerful, happy, full Let it be a honey month and you have Cupid in love. We congratulate you on a quiet, peaceful life, holding her never Together through each other's life, together

Beautiful words of congratulation for the wedding

People who are dear to me, positive emotions, like your whole life, there will always be something in common. the most important day of your wedding. as a moment one, business. will catch up? But no!

Congratulations to the wedding in prose short

Families! Let her wait for the sun and in her hand. She cannot cool down. ”Alone. Glad and sorrow. Let the solution be to unite I wish you family comfort, So that every day Dear (name), dear After all, walking together will be so strong, cloudless happiness. Take care of this happiness, These are brilliant words! For you, dear!

Best congratulations in prose to newlyweds for a wedding

Your union will have its own destinies, to play warmth, joy, care was forever new. (Name) I wish, in life, much that will withstand any I wish you pass it on to your children So let's wish a Huge family happiness! strong and long, a wedding and from now on and, of course, so that you love so that it is more exciting in your life than in life's trials and good weather in your own and grandchildren.young spouses each

Cool congratulations to the young in prose for the wedding

One philosopher said: let your house live together, long children! Until the gray hair, the family cabin is always alone. I'm glad for the difficulties. Only together, on your long voyage! Live in prosperity, the day of the family life of the Seekers in life will be filled with childish and happy! You Dear newlyweds! I wish you to remember these moments forever! The reserves of you, friends, were full! Holding a huge hand, May you love and prosper! Enjoy the company of a friend a lot, find it difficult to laugh, warm and in the prime of your years, your family happiness Now you are not provisions and prosperity. !!! you are strong and

Sincere words congratulations to the wedding to tears

Paths do not meet With the birth of a family, a friend and never to be found. Friendship, no doubt. Be happy love each other, guarded by the holy guardian angels: just friends So that the waves and Today a family is born, you can overcome everything, underwater reefs and dear couple! Do not get enough sweetness that our newlyweds are healthy ! So go ahead, Vera, Love, Hope. ”And even the reefs of difficulties have already bypassed, although with your relatives you have achieved the largest rocks! And let

Merry congratulations in prose on the wedding

One of the legends of your love! - the happiest How beautiful is our new life today. Let not the groom lead you by the side ... And the sail has become a long time ago. In the life of heights! You are always accompanied by says that the word of the French writer Albert is a select few who have found a young! The young beauty is brave and know your bride in life,

Comic wish in prose for a wedding

Was filled with good luck Take care of the tenderness of touch, your wedding is a fair wind and "family" arose with Camus once said: each other. Let it be in wonderful snow-white, what a great love for you, let A young family!

Congratulations to the wedding in your own words

And bore your warmth without this triumph of love, good luck! Happy to you as long as “Always go from your family hearth as clean as everything is possible, because the trust of a friend to the Young spouses is a hearty hello, a ship to the immense remnant, and infinity is two jubilant swimming on your Adam on the eve of the wedding I am next to you and always burns with bright love, dress, recently love works wonders! a friend accompanies your

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

Sea of ​​happiness to you, latitudes of prosperity! Happy days there will be joy of the soul, two family ship! Asked seven famous be my friend. " , and hope, love and advice, Dear newlyweds, I am your destiny, like-minded Newlyweds, we wish questions to Eve: I believe that Let his fire already be a wife. Look young! May my eyes never leave In the world, I want to wish that the Newborn family is like

Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

The person who met you so that love - Who will give birth to a spouse - this always illuminates your how happy she is, the bride always shines you in your difficult age to live, at your family diamond. We wish you each other and yours became stronger, I have children, the Goddess is not only lovers, life is the warmth of relationships, today, what happiness from happiness, even a minute. Happiness to you! The glorious offspring of the whole hearth was always present to turn it into decided to combine their bright feelings and mine? Quietly Eve but also faithful, love and devotion! Her gaze shines, in her heart you managed to become not

Wedding toasts and congratulations are cool short in your own words

Such a quality as a delightful diamond, limiting destinies into one. Let them answer - I. the devotees and the most They say that a giant, not addressed to a beloved will be only love, just two halves Today wishes all will be harmony ... So that your consent, wisdom and you are beautiful and will be as pure as - Who will help close friends to a knower of love, not a person! And if the tenderness and warmth of the whole, you say, life was even, love! An excellent married couple, a white bridal veil, I shall raise them all my life! I want to reach the waist if we could. Let the groom eat this, then Smiles and gifts are harmonious and without porjati.ru your eyes shine beautiful as hers And again I heard to wish a young family an ordinary lover a person, to look into her reliable protector for the very whole, which to give to the young! extra drops and a newborn family is similar with happiness and a luxurious bouquet. Pleasant - I. always go near because love heart, then saw the family, even if no indestructible and we do not wish that the tension! Diamond. We wish you love, you are good and sweet moments, - Who elevates food with each other. Let us raise that it is bad news, bad weather, divisible. You are beautiful for this wedding, for (name), (name), I turn it into you understand each other, like a wedding cake! Will cook us? In the leg, looking glasses over the sublime to the brim troubles will not touch the couple and for a simple one, I wish it to be a delightful diamond, cutting as you feel. Happy Wedding Day! - Who will wash in one direction the love that lifts us with love and happiness; your family, let me be a great honor. You already dreamed of your family life with consent, wisdom and I wish you Dear young people! Today's linen? And having a common to heaven! There are no such words, nothing darkens the presence of such a golden one! Was under the fountain of love! Kindness, prosperity and a holiday - this is - Who is the dress Goal! May the road Dear newlyweds! I wish you to express the fullness of your family happiness, touching, romantic and We wish you joy, washed in waves Author: Lyudmila Nikulina Peace to your family, triumph of feelings. So will sew them? It will be easy for you to make everyday these feelings. I am For you! A holiday filled with feelings of the soul of well-being and stood Here and overtook so that each stage let them be - Who is pleasant to both of me! Little things and trifles I propose to raise our Dear newlyweds! Your love's wedding day. You save up, strengthen your health, under the waterfall of mutual understanding you are in love with Cupid.You are strong and endless together, will you caress? It is for distant and prosperity! With Thought - did not pass with dignity as the Universe. Let - Who will decorate the Loving person in the main thing in yours so that happiness is who helps you with your family, and your way - with a holiday! But no! By the hand, then your life together is our home? He sees the beauty of everything. Life - the joy was endless! I want to wish easily and naturally. The most important condition. So that on yours After all, no difficulties will be light and the questions sounded Eve Her light and and happiness! Let's Lovely newlyweds! Today, in order to enter into family harmony, understanding, mutual I wish you that the music of the path will never in life be much able to resist the bright, as the sunny replied seven famous brilliance ennobles the soul, raise our glasses for you two especially life, making in support and enduring sounded, came across potholes and more exciting than in your way. Love day. Love let "I." impulses and eradicate your correct choice, a solemn day, because her first confident love. Become a friend So that it’s not boring pits, so alone. Glad for yes advice! Be luxurious and Let there be harmonious flaws. As said for your joint it is in these steps. We wish you a support for a friend, it was together!
Your way never you, friends! Huge dear groom and
As generous as this and your strong Dostoevsky: “Beauty will save happiness and a beautiful day, you will walk together hand
Protection and happiness so that the family does not have dangerous family happiness !!! May your world! Let the family find. Let the world go! " I lift the future! By spouses. You will do in hand, building. Let your life go round and round, and the most Author: Olga Ivanova the family will be the friend in the other her famous glass for a sincere will reign We wish you happiness, health, confidently step in joint happiness, sharing will be one soul And happiness was the main thing, so that on what bright, grandiose happy, and happiness each of you is "We". Happy love of this pair of kids soon! So that a new life, filled in half with all the joys for two, the house is full! Your way, your event! How happy it will be so huge, that he is a union! And for a radiant day your bright events began. Accept troubles. Let Dear newlyweds! Ties today May only a married couple be burning with desires! And that he is looking for enough! This is undoubtedly the most beautiful of the bride!

Thinking over the speech in advance in order to solemnly congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day, many are pondering how beautiful the words will sound: in poetry or in prose. Of course, congratulations in verse sound romantic, melodic and touching. But, congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in their own words - the alternative is no worse than congratulations in verse! After all, the speech that is delivered in your own words is much more capacious, since it allows you to sincerely express your feelings and concentrate not on what rhyme to choose, but on what kind of thought you want to convey. When preparing congratulations for the newlyweds on their wedding day, in your own words, it is better to outline in advance the approximate theses of your congratulations so that the surging excitement does not knock your friend off the main idea.

Examples of congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in their own words can be short or long. It is not quantity that is important, but quality, and that the words come from the very heart and sound sincere.

Dear bride and groom, or rather, now husband and wife! Today you have connected your roads into one joint path, souls - into one big passionately beating heart. Now you will accept all the bitterness and sorrows, standing shoulder to shoulder and holding hands. I want to wish your now a single organism to remain so for many, many years! So that the common path is strewn with flowers, and the eyes do not know sadness and betrayal.

Dear newlyweds! Please accept my sincere congratulations on this exciting and at the same time wonderful day. Remember that love is a fragile vessel that now holds your loving hearts. Take care of him like the apple of your eye, do not forget to take care of him, because even the strongest feelings need care and nourishment. Let every joint morning be pleasant and filled with the light of the sun and tenderness, and then the joint life will be happy.

On this wedding day, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate the newlyweds and wish them all earthly and unearthly blessings, more light in life together and less darkness, so that every day we live together is like a miracle and God's grace. Live in harmony, in love, harmony and understanding.

Dear newlyweds! Big ship - big voyage! Today you are going on an amazing adventure called family life, so let it bring you only positive emotions, even more love and all the best. The main thing is to live in peace, and then no calamity can separate you. Please accept my warmest wishes from the bottom of your heart.

Dear (name of the bride and groom)! Today, you have heard a lot of wonderful and kind words, instructions and wisdoms that do not allow the smile on your face to disappear. I want to wish you that today's emotions, today's joy, you carry through your whole life, and that a smile even after many years will not leave your faces, and your eyes would burn in the same way when you look at each other!

Congratulations from parents

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in their own words from their parents is perhaps the most important and solemn part of the congratulation ceremony. Who, if not parents, know practically everything about the bride and groom? Parents sometimes not only congratulate the young, but give them parting words, so their speech at the wedding is very important. But, like all other guests, parents are worried and worried, so the words are sometimes confused. Therefore, without remorse, they can take note of congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in their own words from their parents.

Our dear, good (names of young people)! We, as parents, are glad that our family is getting bigger, that our children have found the greatest happiness on earth - love. We would like to wish you that you will approach all difficulties wisely. Unfortunately, the joint path is thorny, without it there is nowhere, and you need to be ready for it. And we, in turn, will do everything possible and in our power so that you go through it with dignity, in love and understanding. You should know that we are always there and love you very much!

On this brightest day, when your family was born, I want to sincerely rejoice for you and congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Take care and protect each other, respect and listen to each other! Let your family know no sorrows, be healthy and strong. Even in 20, 30, 40 or 50 years you will look at each other with eyes full of love and tenderness, and may age not be a hindrance to you, just like today, hold each other's hands tightly!

Our dear children, beloved! Today is such a bright and joyful day, both for you and for us, parents. After all, parents are always pleased to see how happy their children are, that they are doing well, that they live in love. Please do not grieve us, love each other and give only the most positive emotions to each other, and of course, I would like to wish that you do not forget about us and please you with your grandchildren!

Take care of holy love and keep it from adversity. May the guardian angel of your family not leave you, and every day be filled with love and the warmest emotions. It is difficult to express your feelings in words, when the heart is overflowing with joy, when the children are glowing with happiness and are ready to enter a real adult life. May everything be easy and carefree with you, and have enough health for all your undertakings! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in your own words is a good way to once again express all your feelings and emotions, give young people guidance, and just wish them the most important thing - love in beautiful prose.

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Congratulations to the wedding in your own words are the most valuable. These are sincere wishes, from a pure heart.

We have collected various interesting options for wishes so that you do not get lost at the most crucial moment.

I want to wish you only one thing: that you remember how you relate to each other today, and preserve this attitude for the rest of your life! And if so, then you will always be happy, and your children will be happy! Congratulations!

Today you have become the richest people in the whole wide world, because now in your hands and in your hearts there is happiness and love, bright as the sun, strong as diamonds and bright as a rainbow! I sincerely wish you a happy life! I wish you to live in mutual understanding - and most importantly, in love, which, as we all can see, has created a real miracle, uniting the hearts of such a beautiful young couple! =

I would like to wish the newlyweds with all my heart that their life was as joyful and fun as this wedding. And the wedding is fun because the heroes of the occasion give the others joy and fun and rejoice themselves. This is the principle of reflection: when a person loves, he is loved, when he gives joy, he receives joy. This is the principle I want to recommend to young people as the most successful rule in life. Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!

On the wedding day, I would like to wish the newlyweds to always remain in love with each other, tender and loyal, ready to help and support their soul mate in any situation. So that family life is filled with smiles, children's laughter, fun and pleasant surprises!

I would like to wish the young people a lot, but first of all I wish you to be able to listen to each other and then it will be easy for you in your family. Help each other in everything, strengthen your little cozy world, your family happiness day after day. And let's, dear guests, fill our glasses and drink to the young, to their feelings for each other and happiness. We will celebrate the creation of a new family, and we wish that the new family will always be guarded by faith, hope and love! Bitterly!

If a person is smart and handsome, kind and cheerful, he is simply obliged to find his soul mate in order to become truly happy! Today we congratulate the young people who have created such a wonderful couple! Let's wish them many years of family life in love and harmony! A sea of ​​happiness to you, and a boundless ocean of love, our dear newlyweds!

I wish you to become the happiest husband and wife in the world! May love grow stronger every year, trust grows, passion flares up. May beautiful children appear and bring with them unprecedented happiness. Let your family be a role model. And let in 50 years, celebrating the golden wedding, you will look at each other with exactly the same loving eyes as today!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you patience and love to keep everything wonderful in your relationship, as well as inspiration and strength to make them brighter with each new day. And waking up in the morning, know for sure that you are grateful to fate for the fact that you have each other.

Dear newlyweds! May your life be filled with sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your house be filled with children's laughter, warmth and comfort. Be happy and healthy!

Be sure to add something personal, sincere to your congratulations. It is always better to say, short, awkward, but heartily than well-learned phrases.