Pink tourmaline stone properties and values. Who is tourmaline stone suitable for - properties. Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Tourmaline is a stone that has been known since ancient times and has found its application in many areas of human life. What is tourmaline? This is the name of the minerals belonging to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. Its name is of Senegalese roots, and translated into Russian this word means "multi-colored magic stone." According to another version, the translation sounds like "attracting ash." This name explains the physical properties.

Tourmaline and its properties have been known for a long time. There are many legends about the history of the discovery. One of them says that the gods of Egypt, flying from the center of the Earth to the Sun, flying through the rainbow, collected all its shades. These shades have absorbed the stones. The island of Sri Lanka is considered the homeland of this stone; later it began to be mined in Brazil, some African countries, Burma, Thailand, the USA and Canada. Russia also has deposits in the Urals and Transbaikalia.

Physicochemistry of stone

The chemical composition is very complex and contains many substances: aluminum, boron and silicon are the main elements. As a supplement, such components as sodium, lithium, iron, magnesium, calcium, chromium, manganese, vanadium are involved. The changeable composition of the gem largely determines the properties and, of course, the color. In nature, there is an incredible amount of color shades and their combinations in these unique minerals.

The crystalline substance in the composition of the mineral is a convex trihedral prism. Tourmaline crystals can have several colored zones; these are polychrome minerals, which are among the most valuable. In nature, a tourmaline crystal is a long prism with longitudinal lines on its surface.

Another interesting characteristic of the stone is the manifestation of piezoelectricity. That is, the tourmaline crystal is electrified upon physical impact. One end of the crystal is positively charged, the other, respectively, negative. Due to this property, tourmaline is often used in medicine. It is used in various medical devices. In terms of physical properties, it is similar to quartz. The hardness of tourmaline as a mineral is comparable to that of quartz and reaches 7.5 points on the Mohs scale. Therefore, the stone is quite easy to cut.

However, its density is much higher than that of quartz.

Gem varieties

Depending on the transparency and color, the stones are semi-precious and semi-precious. Tourmaline is a stone, the properties and values ​​of which differ depending on the chemical composition. In total, there are more than 500 species in the world.

  1. Black tourmaline with a predominance of iron in the composition is called sherl.
  2. Green tourmaline - verdelite. The high content of chromium and iron helps to color these stones green.
  3. Dravit is a gem with magnesium content. It can be represented by several colors. Yellow tourmaline is known as Dravit. In addition to it, there are many more shades of Dravite. It may be brown in color. In addition, there is a beautiful and warm shade of Dravite in nature - brown tourmaline.
  4. Indigolites are stones of incredible blue shades. They are quite rare in nature and are highly prized. Blue tourmaline owes its incredible hue to the presence of iron compounds in its composition.
  5. Achroite is a very valuable mineral. The crystals of this tourmaline are colorless.
  6. Watermelon tourmaline is a unique type of gem. It is one of the varieties of a very valuable type of stone such as polychrome tourmaline. It got its name for its external resemblance to a slice of watermelon. The background is white with bright red and green bunches. Thanks to this color, watermelon tourmaline looks very expressive in jewelry.
  7. Paraiba tourmaline is deservedly considered the cleanest and most beautiful view. It has a unique neon glow in blue tones. This variety is mined in Brazil. Today, such a mineral is considered one of the most beautiful precious stones. Blue tourmaline, noble and crystal clear with its radiance, can often be confused with sapphire.
  8. Quite widespread and in demand in the manufacture of jewelry are stones of red-pink shades, they are called tourmalines-rubellites. There are many shades of this type of gem. Raspberry, red, purple and delicate pink tourmaline is found in nature.

These are just the main varieties of the mineral. There are many subspecies. For example, Siberite is a cherry red tourmaline, so named because it is mined in Siberia. However, this is another kind of rubellite, that is, pink tourmaline. Burmese tourmaline is multifaceted with reflections of garnet and dark red hues. Such a gem is brought from Burma, where it is mined.

The use of the stone in medicine

The healing properties of tourmaline have long been used in various fields of medicine. The main property used is the ability to ionize air. It was found that tourmaline stone exhibits healing properties depending on its color. Green tourmaline is designed to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body as a whole. Pink tourmaline improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of a person who possesses this gem. And watermelon tourmaline combines the qualities of green and pink stones.

Indigolites improve vision, relieve headaches and stress. Paraiba tourmaline is aimed at improving the emotional state, brings harmony and inner peace to its wearer. It is generally accepted that black tourmaline is a remedy for the prevention of colds. In addition, Sherl attracts positive energy.

Several sources report that black tourmaline has cancer-fighting properties.

In general, no matter what variety the crystal belongs to, due to its piezoelectric properties, it emits infrared rays that dilate the blood vessels. Thanks to this phenomenon in the human body, the metabolism is accelerated, the work of cells and the cleansing process is activated. It should not be forgotten that there are contraindications for tourmaline in medicine too. Indeed, in the unique properties of the stone lies not only benefit, but also harm. It is not recommended to use tourmaline if the properties of the stone are aimed at ionizing oxygen, as well as for people with bleeding, thyroid diseases, using pacemakers, and for pregnant and lactating women.

It is important to understand that stones can only contribute to one degree or another to cure a disease or improve well-being, but one should not completely rely on the properties of these minerals. The main treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified medical specialist.

Magic stone

The magic of the gem is a familiar and well-known aspect of its history. Tourmaline also reveals its magical properties depending on the color of the stone. The most powerful magical attribute was considered to be black tourmaline in gold decoration. It was believed that just such an amulet was worn by witches and sorcerers. Since ancient times, the magical properties of black tourmaline have been used to open the gift of clairvoyance and the way to the secrets of the other world. In addition, black tourmaline repels negative energy from its owner, protects against the evil eye and curses, and attracts and absorbs positive energy.

The magical properties of blue tourmaline are aimed at finding calmness and balance, helping to find harmony with the outside world. Brown tourmaline gives the owner confidence, helps to find harmony in the family. Suitable for creative people. Rubellites are a symbol of love and family happiness. Paraiba tourmaline affects its wearer on a spiritual level, restores mental balance, helps to gain faith in one's own strengths, relieve stress. Watermelon tourmaline is a powerful charm in love.

By activating the heart chakra, it awakens feelings of love and friendship in its owners, teaches patience and understanding.

Whatever shade the selected gem is, its action will be aimed at getting rid of fears, gaining self-confidence, harmony with the outside world. Of those who are most suitable for this stone according to the horoscope, we can single out:

  • Capricorn;
  • Leo;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius.

If the owner of the gem has the zodiac sign of Scorpio and Aquarius, then, most likely, such a talisman will not be useful. He will only increase the instability of character inherent in these signs. The mineral is more suitable for people with a strong character, firmly on their feet, confident in themselves. It helps not only to develop all these qualities in a person, but also to smooth out negative character traits, such as selfishness, cruelty, irascibility, and also helps to clarify consciousness and find the right solution.

The value of the stone

Tourmaline prices can vary widely. The stone can be ornamental, semi-precious or precious. It depends on the degree of transparency, purity of the stone and its shade. In jewelry, transparent stones of green, red, blue shades are highly valued. Polychrome gems are usually made in the form of cabochons. Jewelry with these gems is very popular.

The beauty of the stone, its quality, high hardness, and affordable price play an important role here.

The most expensive and popular is the Paraiba tourmaline, which is mined in the state of Paraiba in Brazil. The deposits of such a stone are almost depleted, which determines the high demand for it. In second place in demand among jewelers is green chrome tourmaline and rubellite. Sherl, or black tourmaline, is especially popular for men's jewelry. The price for this species is not too high.

In addition to being used in the jewelry industry, gems are prized for many of their unique physical and chemical properties. It is the only mineral with its own electric field. The phenomenon of polarization of light was first discovered on it. And due to the ability to emit negative ions, stones are widely used in medicine and radio engineering. They are used to create various devices aimed at improving the musculoskeletal function of a person, such as belts, knee pads. Negative ions are directed towards maintaining a favorable environment. To do this, create a variety of devices that ionize the air: lamps, mattresses, etc.

To date, a technology has been developed for the production of artificial gems. But this development is not used in full due to inexpediency. As it turned out, it is cheaper to mine stones than to reproduce them synthetically. Synthetic stone is expensive at cost, and it is difficult to distinguish it from natural without the participation of specialists. Rough counterfeits are more common - these are glass, cut and painted in the desired color, or plastic products. It is much easier to distinguish them from natural stone. In addition, the ability of the stone to become electrified is very different from other jewelry, and this can almost always help in detecting a counterfeit.

It happens more often that one gem cannot be distinguished from another without the help of an expert opinion. Rubellites are often confused with rubies and amethysts, while sapphires are incredibly similar to paraiba. One of the most famous fake rubies is kept in the Diamond Fund of Russia under the name "Caesar's Ruby". It was presented to Empress Catherine II by the Swedish king in 1777. Another famous stone is kept in New York at the American Museum of Natural History and is called the "Jolly Green Giant". The crown of the dynasty of kings of the Czech Republic for many centuries flaunted an incredibly large red ruby. Many years later, after an examination, it turned out that this is not a ruby ​​at all, but a beautiful rubellite.

Ancestors have long drew attention to the inextricable connection between celestial bodies and precious stones. Crystals are not only amazing natural gifts, but also substances endowed with magical and healing qualities and capable of protecting a person, relieving ailments. One of these minerals is tourmaline. The properties and significance of tourmaline stone have been studied for a long time. Due to its unusual features, it is ideal for amulets and talismans.

Stone history

Tourmaline of any color has a strong soothing effect. This gem maintains balance and harmony in the life of the wearer. The energy of the stone is able to restore strength, strengthen the will, and protect against destructive energy.

Healing qualities

The crystal can be worn not only in the form of jewelry. Once ground into powder, it is added to pillows and other bedding. The heat emanating from it helps with osteochondrosis, prostatitis, accelerates the metabolic processes in the body.

The best properties of tourmaline appear when heated, when it begins to give off heat to a person. The Japanese call it "the ray of life". By emitting infrared rays, it affects the vital organs.

Tourmaline helps in the following cases:

Natural radiation of tourmaline has a positive effect on humans. The constant wearing of an amulet or jewelry made of this natural gem, of course, will not completely change a person, but it will provide some help.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Many astrologers believe that people with a strong character should own this stone. According to ancient legends, the crystal received spiritual development. He helps creative people to improve their talent, to achieve inspiration. The magical properties of tourmaline stone are suitable for the signs of the zodiac:

  • Libra.
  • Pisces.
  • Cancers.
  • Virgo.
  • Capricorns.
  • Aries.

The most beneficial crystal is for Libra.... He helps them to become more down-to-earth, to look at the world through the eyes of a realist. Gives a feeling of cheerfulness, is conducive to achieving success. The scales are more suitable for green tourmaline, which brings thoughts in order, reveals internal reserves.

For earthly signs, Virgo and Capricorn, it is advisable to purchase a black amulet. It will help get rid of unnecessary pragmatism, add ease in communicating with others. For earth signs, crystals of other colors will not bring good luck.

For Aries, stones of pink color, as well as yellow shades, are suitable. These colors are able to moderate the active and violent disposition of Aries and develop in them a sense of decency, purposefulness, willpower.

Tourmaline stone is undesirable for Scorpio to wear, because this sign has stronger qualities that are incompatible with the magical properties of a crystal.

It is believed that the stone must correspond not only to the signs of the zodiac, but also to the character of a person. In this sense, it is important what color the mineral is acquired:

  • Red is suitable for men and women who are trying to find lost inspiration, new ideas.
  • Green will bring calmness to rebellious natures, will give harmony with the world around.
  • Black will help to cope with negative moods in life.
  • The watermelon color is recommended for both men and women who are disappointed in love.

Difference from fake

When buying products, you should pay attention to the play of colors. A natural stone has an uneven transition from one color to another, while an artificial stone always has a clear transition line. Tourmaline is often called “a rainbow frozen in stone”.

Like any natural stone, it has its own physical qualities:

If you rub a stone with your finger, and then attach a sheet of paper to it, the mineral will attract it. A genuine gem is easily susceptible to mechanical damage, such as scratching.

When buying, you should pay attention to the price of the product. Natural stone cannot be cheap.

Tourmaline is a capricious stone that requires gentle care. From time to time it should be wiped with a damp soft cloth (not a brush) dipped in a solution of soap powder. It does not tolerate ultrasonic and steam cleaning. When doing household chores, it is better to take off jewelry with it.

Tourmaline, although mysterious and a mineral, does not have negative qualities. Already for this it is worth to love. You can choose a stone of any color and always wear it with pleasure.

Tourmaline stone has received recognition from jewelers and collectors. But minerals of the highest quality can be found very rarely, and most of all they are valued for their unusual colors, which are not found on any other stone.

And what is the color scheme of tourmaline! There are red, blue, bright green, and yellow colors, as well as their many shades. Polychrome tourmaline is a mineral that harmoniously combines several tones at once. It looks just amazing!

Tourmaline is one of the aluminosilicates containing bromine. Due to its variable composition, the mineral can have a wide variety of colors. The degree of its transparency also varies.

An interesting effect is given by tourmalines, the color of which changes: here it is practically absent - the stone is colorless, and after a while a pink tint appears. Or greening is observed before blue tourmaline, which is also very beautiful.

The hardness is quite high: from 7.0 to 7.5 according to Mohs. Mineral glass luster. Tourmaline is used not only for making jewelry, but also in electronics.

Historical reference

The history of the described mineral is not as old as that of many of its other brothers. 1703 was marked by the discovery of the first deposits. In the 18th century, the stone came to Europe, where it was brought from the island of Ceylon.

But in Russia, tourmaline was used even earlier - from the 16th century. Then they decorated icons, dishes used in churches, outfits of priests and members of the royal family. They also adorned finished products made of other minerals: for example, the crown of Anna Ioannovna was emphasized with a bright red tourmaline. The stone weighed at least one hundred grams and held a diamond cross on it.

Czech kings had the famous crown passed down from generation to generation. So, it contained tourmaline, which was initially mistaken for a ruby.

The whole world is famous for its extraordinary beauty of a bunch of grapes, which was presented as a gift to Catherine the Second King of Sweden. The bunch is made of crimson tourmaline and looks so real that you want to eat it.

And the best is recognized as a huge piece of emerald-colored tourmaline, which was named the "Funny Green Giant" and is still kept in the New York Museum of Natural History.

Now tourmalines are obtained artificially, but this is an expensive process, and such minerals are not in great demand.

Medicinal properties

Science knows the electromagnetic properties of tourmaline. They allowed the stone to be recognized as healing, and this has been proven by scientists. A whole piece, divided into several small pieces, retains its healing power.

The mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body:

  • starts biochemical processes;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves cell metabolism;
  • makes the immune system stronger;
  • normalizes the metabolic process;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • restores the damaged nervous system.

In addition, tourmaline is known to improve appetite. But it should be remembered that not everyone can use it. After receiving an injury to which soft tissues have undergone, the mineral cannot be used during the first day.

It is categorically impossible to wear a stone and be treated with it for bleeding, strokes, and also if there is a high body temperature. Wearers of pacemakers should also avoid using tourmaline. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland, pregnancy and lactation are obvious contraindications for using the stone.

Magical properties

According to legend, tourmaline protects from demons, evil otherworldly forces. He also acts as a defender against the negative influence of others. Ill-wishers and intruders themselves retreat from the person who wears the tourmaline.

The Hindus called the mineral a male stone, as they were sure that it enhances the character traits inherent in men: determination, purposefulness, self-confidence. Tourmaline was credited with the power to bring liars to clean water, drive away envious people, and protect them from the evil eye.

Polychrome stones lead to harmony in a person's life, contribute to receiving joy from every day lived, and attract good luck. Artists, poets and musicians may consider tourmaline to be their amulet because it provides inspiration. The mineral helps all other people to determine the desired profession and make excellent plans for the future.

Signs of the zodiac

  • Fiery Leo and Aries as well as air Libra it is best to choose green and pink tourmalines. This will soothe the quick-tempered nature of the zodiac signs, reduce the degree of their stubbornness, and bring harmony to life.
  • Aquarius and Sagittarius the most suitable stone is blue, which gives conscientiousness and reduces the emotionality of these signs.
  • And here Scorpions it is recommended to wear black tourmaline - to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve irritability and combat severe psychological shocks.

Tourmaline varieties

Tourmalines are divided into several types. The classification depends on what color the stone is painted and what is its chemical composition:

  1. Rubellite (apyrite)... Possesses red and its shades, pink, crimson.
  2. Cat's eye... When the mineral is turned over, the light strip shifts - by analogy with the pupil of a cat.
  3. Achroite... Colorless tourmaline. Very rare.
  4. Daurite... The name comes from the name of the Siberian river Dauria. The stone has a red color and is mined in Siberia.
  5. Verdelite... Most common. Its color is green, emerald.
  6. Mangantur... Contains manganese, which gives it bluish and black hues.
  7. Head of the moor... The main color is light and ends in black.
  8. Chameleonite... Like a chameleon, it can change colors: it can be green, red. The color depends on the light falling on the stone.
  9. Turk head... Light with a red ending.
  10. Schorl... It has a black color.
  11. Watermelon... Inside - red, and around - green.
  12. Dravit... Its shades are brownish.
  13. Chrome tourmaline... A beautiful mineral of emerald green color.
  14. Liddicoatitis... Usually brown, but polychrome ones are also found.
  15. Aquamarine... Light blue. May be green.
  16. Indigolite (paraiba)... It was discovered in Brazil, in the state of Paraiba, hence its name. The composition contains copper, the color is correspondingly saturated green, sometimes with an admixture of blue.

Care and storage

Keep tourmaline separate as it is very hard and can scratch softer stones. You need to clean the mineral with a soft cloth. It is moistened in soapy water and the stone is wiped off.

Tourmaline is afraid of ultrasound and steam. But it is advisable to expose him to the sun from time to time: in this way he will be saturated with useful energy.

An incredibly beautiful natural crystal that has a constant electric field and emits microcurrents and infrared rays. It is a valuable source for the restoration of human health and is endowed with magical properties. What is this? It is a magical tourmaline gem, an energetic nugget charged with the energy of the sun. You will learn about the magical and medicinal properties of the stone, which sign of the zodiac it suits, from this material.

The magical properties of the stone

The magical properties of tourmaline have been known for a long time. They are mentioned in the annals of the Egyptians and Greeks, and the Indians and shamans of America with the help of this mineral talked to spirits and gods... During the Middle Ages in European countries, the gem was used as a protective amulet against curses and conspiracies. In the modern world, it is used in astrology, magic and fortune telling.

The stone has mystical properties and powerful energy flows, and thanks to various color shades it is used in esotericism. And the multicolor of the mineral is really amazing, because of this it is confused with other gems. There are minerals similar to, there are similar to emerald or ruby. There are tourmalines similar to - chrysolites - and chrysoberyls, there are similar to zircons and - citrines -. This mineral is a great helper when working with chakras. So, minerals of green and pink shades stimulate the heart chakra.

Wearing these gems regularly will help get rid of fears and worries, and in return find the joy of life and harmony. Gems of blue and blue colors activate the throat and brow chakras. This helps to more accurately express your thoughts and feelings, increases concentration and develops intuition, and most importantly - inspires and opens up inner freedom.

Paraiba tourmaline stone: its properties and meaning

Paraiba tourmaline is the most attractive mineral in nature, with a characteristic deep neon glow. Its colors range from light blue through bluish black to turquoise, greenish and emerald green. It helps to establish contact with yourself and allows you to access your subconscious. The mineral protects its owner from negative energy and envy of ill-wishers. He makes men courageous and decisive.

Gems black color(sherl) ground the energy and activate the root chakra. This increases the physical strength of the body, relieves tension and stress, relieves of unbridled anger and resentment.

In magic, amulets and jewelry made of sherl tourmaline stone are very widely used due to its properties and value:

  • create a "ring of protection" around the guarded person through which negative energy and demonic forces cannot penetrate;
  • sherl, like - shungite -, protects against radiation and radiation from mobile phones;
  • like - agate -, neutralizes spoilage, curses, conspiracies, the evil eye and all the surrounding negativity;
  • clears thoughts of bad ones and black, removes sadness, anxiety and longing;
  • attracts success and helps to discover new talents and skills.

Pink tourmaline stone: its properties and meaning

The magic of a pink gem is that it attracts love, and this can be not only the love of others, but love for oneself, in order to live harmoniously with oneself, before counting on the favorable attitude of other people. He teaches tact and flexibility, the correct perception of love, balancing the excess of aggressiveness and passion.

Mineral gives peace of mind, removes unpleasant emotions, eliminates emotional pain and experienced destructive feelings from the heart chakra, purifies and synthesizes love and spirituality. Brings joy and peace during periods of growth and change, teaches you to trust the power of love.

The mineral symbolizes dedication and the ability to move towards your goal. It is recommended for people who cannot find themselves in life for a long time and do not know how to best reveal their creative abilities. The gem will contribute to the discovery and active development of talents, and the owner will finally find the right solution to the problem.

The peculiarity of the mineral is that it equally affects both the body and the mind. To its owner, he will add confidence in your abilities, will relieve you of unreasonable fears, give a feeling of peace and security from negative events.

Tourmaline stone properties and importance in medicine

Gem Crystals charged with the energy of the sun and are able to have a strong healing effect. This mineral is used both in classical medicine and in non-traditional medicine, due to its electromagnetic properties:

Tourmaline improves the state of the nervous system, helps to cope with endocrinological diseases and is a doctor in oncology... The color of the stone plays an important role and affects different parts of the body and human organs in different ways.

  • Mineral blue supports the immune system and has a positive effect on the lymph nodes. Restores and normalizes hormones.
  • Gem of blue color helps to identify the cause of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, vision, brain, immune system and endocrine glands. Helps with bacterial infections and sinusitis.

Tourmaline stone, its properties and meaning according to the signs of the zodiac

Tourmaline is a stone with powerful energy, so only a person with a strong character can possess it. The gem is suitable for such signs of the zodiac: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Libra, Cancer and Pisces. But astrologers recommend using different colors of the stone for different signs of the zodiac. So, for Aries, Leo and Libra, gems of pink and green shades are suitable.

Gems will help the representatives of these signs smooth out their excessive irascibility and stubbornness, will make them calmer and help to find harmony. The mineral will bring the most help and benefits to Libra, along with obsidian - it will be able to balance their capabilities and help to look at the world realistically.

For Sagittarius and Aquarius fit - topaz - and blue tourmaline. The gem will help them develop a love of truth and conscientiousness, help get rid of oppressive emotions and lead to calmness.

Tourmaline amulets protect from negative influences, give self-confidence and give a feeling of peace of mind and comfort. They contribute to self-development and creative potential. Since ancient times, artists have used a red "electric" stone, because it is able to awaken the creative forces of the owner and energize.

Representatives of creative professions: writers, artists, poets and musicians also consider this mineral to be the best talisman. But the black tourmaline stone, the photo of which is presented below, has always had magical properties, belonged to magicians and witches and was used in witchcraft and black magic. Now he can often be seen on magicians and psychics.

Tourmaline will help you better understand yourself and others, relieve fears and give confidence. It will draw inspiration and unleash your potential, bring prosperity and transform your negative thoughts into positive ones. This stone is a symbol of love, hope, victory and strength, because only people with a strong attitude and strong character can wear it.


The most remarkable property of the mineral is its polychromy, that is, multicolor. Until recently, it was in little demand.

Tourmaline stone was brought to Europe by Dutch sailors from about. Ceylon. The most remarkable property of the mineral is its polychromy, that is, multicolor. Until recently, it was in little demand. Almost no one knew about him.

But over the past decade, tourmaline has begun to skyrocket in popularity. Today it is highly regarded as a gemstone. The name comes from the word "turmali", which translated from Sinhalese means "attracting ashes (ash)". The reason for this name was the property of the stone to become electrified when heated.

Tourmaline synonyms: sherl, raspberry sherl, achroite, verdelite, dravite, sibirite, paraboit, indigolite, rubellite - all this is a tourmaline stone.

Tourmaline gemstone deposit

It is believed that the origin of the gem is volcanic. Crystals are most often found in areas with high air temperatures.

Tourmaline Specifications

Chemical composition: (Na, Li, Ca) (Fe 2 +, Mg, Mn, Al) 3 x Al 6 (OH, F) 4 3
Systema: trigonal.
Mixing: potassium, zinc, chromium, cesium, vanadium, rubidium, beryllium, titanium.
Daylight color: red, pink, orange-brown, blue, green, red-violet, black, colorless, polychrome.
Color under artificial light: The chameleonite variety has an olive green color under natural light, and brown-red under artificial light.
Shine: glass.
Hardness index: 7,5.
Feature color: white.
Transparency level: transparent, opaque.
Density indicator: 3,2.
Refraction value: 1,616-1,652.
Cleavage: absent.
Kink: uneven, conchoidal.

The gem is found in pegmatites (Dravite, Sherl, Elbaite), in granites (Sherl), in metamorphic rocks, in Greisens and Skarns. Excellent specimens are found in Russia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar. And in the USA and Canada, gemstones are mined. The colored varieties found in Brazil have the trade names "Brazilian emerald", "Brazilian sapphire", "Brazilian ruby". Brazil accounts for 80% of the world's mineral production.

More recently, in Nuristan (Afghanistan), wonderful samples of pink and light green tones have been mined.

Occasionally on the market you can find varieties of the mineral from Madagascar and Mozambique. Recently, gems from a new mine in Zambia have attracted the attention of gem lovers. From Tanzania and Zimbabwe, they bring small, but excellent quality emerald green crystals.

What color is the tourmaline?

The color of the mined mineral depends on the chemical composition. Considering the color and transparency, tourmalines are divided into gemstones and ornamental. Raspberry and pink tourmaline is often found in nature, yellow and blue crystals are less common. Transparent varieties of gem of blue, green, red-crimson color, as well as beautiful polychrome - green-red crystals are rated more highly. In polychrome samples, several colors can be present at the same time.

The total number of colors and shades found in the mineral reaches 50. Color is distributed over the stone in an amazing way: the intensity of the color can change, depending on the angle of view from which one looks at the stone. There are samples with the effect of "cat's eye" (asterism) and with alexandrite effect, that is, changing color, depending on the lighting.

Depending on the shade, tourmaline takes on a special name. The classic is the green tourmaline stone. There are both transparent and opaque varieties.

Tourmaline stone properties

The gem is a boron-containing aluminosilicate. Tourmaline is a stone, the properties of which can change, and contains 26 trace elements of the periodic table. The variable chemical composition is the main characteristic of the mineral. The external appearance of the crystal is a trihedral elongated prism or several prisms with longitudinal hatching along the main axis. Glassy luster is characteristic.

For the most part, the mineral is homogeneous and the chemical and physical characteristics are the same for the entire mass. Crystals are characterized by strong dichroism.

Some varieties tend to lose their color intensity when heated to 650 ° C. The pink crystals become discolored, and the brown-red ones take on a pink tint. With the presence of manganese, yellow and pink tones increase, however, upon the next annealing, the pink color will disappear altogether, and the yellow color will remain. The contained titanium and iron give rise to browns, blues and greens, and sometimes to a polychrome pink-green color.

Under artificial lighting, the brightness and play of color of the stone deteriorates, therefore it is considered that it is a stone of the day and daylight.

Research by scientists led to the conclusion that tourmaline is the only mineral on Earth with a constant electric field, that is, a crystal is capable of generating thermal energy and negative ions. Stones tend to become electrified even when rubbed against fabric.

Tourmaline varieties

Today, there are many varieties of this mineral. Depending on the chemical composition, crystals are divided into:

Schorl- black tourmaline, iron predominance;

Tsilaisit- the predominance of sodium, potassium and aluminum;

Elbait- the predominance of magnesium;

Dravit- lack of predominance.

The most popular gemstone varieties are:

Indigolite- blue tourmaline. The name comes from the found minerals with a wide variety of blue hues. A rare variety. Indigolite samples can have not only pure blue color, but also greenish-blue, bluish-black. Synonyms: Brazilian or Ceylon sapphire. It is believed that the stone helps to calmly fall asleep. Brings peace, calmness, promotes contemplation and wisdom.

Rubellite- a stone with shades from pink to red. The most prized are ruby ​​red and red tourmaline. This is a popular variety of the mineral, recognized as precious and deservedly flaunting in pendants, pendants, earrings, rings. Rubellite deposits are found in California, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Russia. The largest gems, 130 cm long, were found in Brazil. The cost of such copies has reached several thousand dollars.

Verdelite- the green variety of the gem. The most prized emerald-green stone, green tourmaline of this color is also called "Brazilian emerald". It is one of the most commonly found varieties of the mineral.

Sibirit- deep crimson, lilac-red, red-violet variety of tourmalines. The stone got its name in honor of Siberia - the place of the find. Although for the first time crystals were found in the Urals.

Achroite- a rare colorless or almost colorless stone. White tourmaline is the most precious. However, this variety is devoid of all attractive characteristics and is valued only for its rarity.

Dravit- yellow-brown and brown tourmaline. The name comes from the place of the discovery of Drave (Austria). A rare yellow or gold tourmaline is found in Kenya and is called dravit-uvit.

Chrome tourmaline- emerald green crystal.

Chameleonitis- an amazing variety of mineral with an "alexandrite" effect: olive green in daylight and reddish brown in artificial light.

Watermelon tourmaline- the most amazing polychrome variety, areas of which are painted in green, then in red. Very often, the crystal is a slice of watermelon (for which it got its name): the red core is surrounded by a green border.

Paraiba- a gem with shades from blue to blue-green. This variety represents high quality specimens and is a real treasure today.

Collectors are in demand for such varieties as "Turk's head" and "Moor's head". The crystal of the first type has a light color and a black head, while the second type is characterized by a light color and a black head.

Tourmaline stone application

The piezoelectric properties of the mineral are used for the synthesis of negative ions in modern medical devices for ionizing air. Crystals, especially large ones, are used in radio engineering. The polarization of light was discovered on them.

In jewelry, transparent gemstones of blue, green, red-crimson color, as well as polychrome ones are highly valued. Polychrome varieties, red rubellite, bright green chrome tourmaline and verdelite are of very high value as collection material.

Jewelers consider the mineral to be an excellent working material, as the stone easily tolerates cutting, engraving and carving. It is often cabochonized. In the process of such processing, the polished stone acquires an oval or spherical shape.

Crystal cut, like most gems: top - brilliant, bottom - stepped. Tourmaline gemstone is often used in Orthodox culture. They are decorated with church regalia and church utensils. The mineral often occupied an honorable place in the crowns of monarchs. It is believed that it was rubellite, and not ruby, that was in the crown of the Czech kings, from which those who wore it and did not have legal rights to the throne perished.

In ancient times, red stones were considered the most valuable. In Russia, clothes, icon frames, church regalia and vessels were decorated with stones of all shades of red.

The healing properties of tourmaline

Crystals of the mineral emit infrared rays, which promote the expansion of blood capillaries. Due to them, the metabolic process is accelerated, the work of the body's cells is activated, negative ions are released and the balance of the external environment is restored. The surrounding air, filled with oxygen ions, is cleaned of dust. It is this property of crystals that Professor Chizhevsky used in the famous lamp of the same name, which is successfully used in medicine.

According to folk medicine, the mineral has a positive effect on the endocrine system. Moreover, the healing property of a crystal depends on its color. The green tourmaline stone is used for liver diseases. Blue gems quickly relieve nervous tension, improve sleep, relieve the effects of stress, help get rid of nightmares and insomnia.

The black gem is a good remedy for the prevention of colds. And the properties of sherl allow it to be used in the fight against oncology. Blue crystals help improve vision and relieve headaches. Lithotherapists are sure that the stone helps to increase immunity, give the owner a feeling of peace and joy. In addition, the gem improves memory, energizes plasma and cleanses blood vessels.

Crystals of a red hue, in particular rubellites, improve complexion, blood circulation, have a positive effect on potency and sexual function. And watermelon tourmaline successfully combines the positive properties of pink and green stones.

To remove the excess charge, you need to hold the stone a little under running water, and to charge it, hold it a little in the sun.

Famous tourmaline stones

In 1777, King Gustav VIII of Sweden presented Catherine II with a raspberry-red tourmaline bunch of grapes framed by green enamel leaves as a sign of respect and friendship. The weight of this masterpiece was 255 carats. But Catherine II is not the only Russian empress who possessed this stone. The crown of Anna Ioanovna was also decorated with tourmaline, but weighing 500 carats.

In the Annunciation Cathedral (Moscow Kremlin) there is a golden tabernacle decorated with a unique rubellite, the mass of which is 645 carats!

The discovered conglomeration of numerous rubellite crystals was named "Flower of Brazil". Its size was 43X33 cm with a mass of 27 kg.

A verdelite sample called "Rocket" with dimensions of 106x20 cm was sold for $ 2 million.

Buying precious tourmaline

This mineral is one of the most expensive, although many varieties are not very expensive - only

$ 20-50 per carat. However, the price of a high-quality Paraiba reaches $ 4000-6000 per carat, and the cost of individual copies reaches $ 10,000 per carat. A layman can easily confuse the varieties of the mineral with ruby, amethyst, zircon, chrysolite. In recent years, the cost of the mineral has increased dramatically. If we compare with diamonds, the price of which has doubled over the past 35 years, then this gem - 70 times!

The most expensive specimens are considered to be the most transparent and pure crystals. The lower the transparency of the stone, the cheaper it costs, but the larger the inserts and beads from this gem can be.

It is believed that this is an exclusively natural mineral that has no artificial analogues. But it is not so. Today, a technology for synthesizing a stone has already been developed. But it is expensive, since it is based on the methods of the action of metal ions on silicon blanks at elevated temperatures and pressures. Due to such an expensive method, the production of artificial stones is not economically profitable.

When buying gemstones, it is very important to understand what is being bought. Very often, the terms used to denote a particular color of a stone are misleading. So, “Brazilian emerald” (green tourmaline), “Brazilian sapphire” (mineral of blue shades), “Brazilian peridot” (yellow-green), “Ceylon chrysolite” and “Ceylon peridot” are taken literally by an inexperienced buyer. Sapphire, emerald, peridot are beryl, olivine, corundum and have nothing to do with tourmaline.

Tourmaline care

The treated stone looks very attractive and does not require any special maintenance. It is not cleaned too often. For this, use a warm soapy solution and a soft cloth. Steam and ultrasonic treatments are not permitted. The recommended frequency of "washes" is once every 2-3 months.

Natural green tourmaline on video: