Alkaline urine reaction. Acid reaction of urine: what is it, the reasons and what to do

Not everyone knows about urine pH values. Meanwhile, this indicator of urine pH helps to determine the amount of hydrogen ions released in the fluid, the output of which falls on the kidneys. The pH of urine helps to determine the physical properties of the secreted fluid, to assess the level of alkali and acid. Urine pH readings play an important role in helping to determine the general condition of the human body and to diagnose the disease, if present.

Determination of pH in urine is an important characteristic, which, together with additional parameters, helps to determine the current state of the patient. If the urinalysis shows that the urine has a shift in pH, then we are talking about the precipitation of salts. So, with indicators in urine below 5.5, the formation of urate stones occurs, since the acidic environment actively dissolves phosphates.

If the pH is increased to the range from 5.5 to 6, then oxalate calculi are formed. A pH increased to 7 corresponds to the formation of phosphate stones. In this case, the alkaline medium dissolves the urates. Such indicators in urine in women and men are very important when therapy is selected for urolithiasis.

The appointment of an OAM is necessary if the doctor suspects:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • preventive examination is carried out;
  • the dynamics of the disease is assessed, the development of complications and the effectiveness of the therapy are monitored.

In order to obtain complete information from the general analysis of urine, it is important to properly prepare for its delivery. The reaction of urine can change if you eat vegetables and fruits the day before, which lead to a change in the color of urine. Stop taking diuretics.

Before collecting the liquid, a hygienic toilet of the external genital organs is performed. In women, there is an additional parameter - urine collection should be performed on days that are free of menstruation. Fluid is collected during the first morning urination.

In order for the urine analysis to react correctly, a small portion of morning urine goes down into the toilet, then about 100-150 ml of urine is sent by continuous urination into a special container for collection, the rest goes down into the toilet.

It is important to choose the right container. It is best to give preference to special test jars, which are sold at the pharmacy. They are sterile, which means that you are provided with a normal base for work. The analysis must be delivered as soon as possible, no later than two hours from the moment of collection. Otherwise, an increase in the number of bacteria will be provoked, which means that this indicator will be increased, which should not normally be the case.

Children's indicators

If we talk about the indicator of urine acidity, the rate in children is different from that of adults. So, a healthy child normally exhibits a pH value of four and a half to eight. Since urine is completely dependent on the physicochemical parameters of the body, the child's diet can affect its performance. If there is mainly animal food in his diet, then the indicator will tend to the acid side.

If parents prefer plant foods and dairy products, then an alkaline reaction will be provided. When this balance changes, it is important to correctly establish the cause. So, the alkaline balance, which is increased against the background of a certain diet, and the balance, which is increased against the background of pathology, are two different things, the last of which needs treatment.

If we talk about babies, then their indicators are also different from adults. Their production of urine begins on the second or third day of life. In this case, the reaction is slightly acidic, that is, a level from 5.4 to 5.9 will be a normal indicator. However, at times, the pH in urine can reach a neutral indicator of seven units.

As with older children, the urine response is determined by the child's nutrition, the amount of fluid consumed and his general health. If the child was born prematurely, then the urinary reaction decreases to the limits from 4.8 to 5.5. Most often, this level is recorded in the first month of life.

Acidic environment

There are a number of factors that can negatively affect urine responses. These are problems with the urinary system, a change in the acid level in the blood, a change in the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, the wrong balance of fluid and food that makes up the human diet.

Problems with kidney tissue cannot be ruled out. This is a violation of the absorption and filtration capacity. The process of receipt, transformation and release of exchange products may be inhibited or absent altogether.

When the analysis speaks of the predominance of an acidic environment in urine and blood, a number of dangers arise. An acidic pH leads to a reduction in the elasticity and mobility of red blood cells, which affects the viscosity of the blood and can lead to the formation of blood clots. An acidic environment is also dangerous for stone formation. Against the background of such a pH, the body's activity in the splitting of salts decreases, which leads to the formation of calculi.

With an acidic pH, metabolism can be disrupted. This is due to the lack of active functionality of enzymes, which affects the decomposition and removal of substances that have been worked out. This becomes the reason for the accumulation of serious indicators of slags. In addition, in an acidic environment, the body is not able to assimilate minerals and vitamins in the required amount.

An acidic urinary environment often leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. To determine them, bakseeding is additionally taken. Normally, a person's urine indicator should be slightly alkaline. However, it is still considered individual, therefore, the physiological characteristics of the patient must be taken into account.

Alkaline indicators

If the pH is constantly shifting towards the alkaline side, then the reason for this may be an abrupt change in diet. Alkaline values ​​can be a sign of malfunctioning of the renal mechanism, which is responsible for the regulation of the acid-base state. To confirm this fact, you will need to regularly donate urine for at least three days.

If the shift in pH towards the alkaline side is of a constant basis, it is important to rule out the probable causes of this state of affairs. We are talking about a dairy-vegetable diet or the introduction of alkaline solutions. If this is not the case in the patient's life, a urinary tract infection is likely present. To prevent incorrect data, it is important to deliver the test sample to the laboratory within two hours, because with prolonged standing, urine begins to shift towards the alkaline side in terms of pH.

Alkalization can be caused by distal renal tubular auidosis, in which persistent metabolic acidosis occurs, low levels of bicarbonates, and increased serum chlorine levels. An increase in the amount of potassium in the blood also leads to an alkalization of the medium.

Such an analysis may indicate problems with the adrenal glands, in particular, the hypofunction of their cortex, which leads to organ failure. The thyroid gland in this state of affairs, on the contrary, is characterized by hyperfunction.

An alkaline environment is often demonstrated in urinary tract infections. It is important to exclude cases when the process was triggered by mycobacterium tuberculosis or an intestinal-type bacillus. The alkaline indicator will also be demonstrated by patients who have had prolonged vomiting the day before, which has led to water and chlorine loss. This level can also be affected by the use of excessive amounts of mineral water, which is distinguished by high alkaline indicators. This may also indicate chronic renal failure.

Women's norms

Often, pH measurement is carried out in women during pregnancy. If we talk about the indicators of women in general, they do not differ from those of men. For a healthy adult woman, the indicator ranges from 5.3 to 6.5.

The indicator depends mainly on the diet. With a large amount of food of animal origin, urine becomes acidic, if a woman adheres to a diet, the main one of which is vegetable products and milk, then the reaction shifts to the alkaline side.

However, all this does not correspond to the state of affairs during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the pH, like many others, changes. It is about lowering the pH level. This decrease is especially pronounced in women during pregnancy who suffer from toxicosis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of acid-base balance.

Usually, during pregnancy, there are no problems with this, since doctors prescribe constant preventive tests for expectant mothers. This allows you to control the health of not only the expectant mother herself, but also the child at all stages of development, and therefore, prevent the development of any pathologies or select a treatment for them at the first stages, when the treatment is most effective.

The acidity of urine is an indicator that determines the amount and activity of hydrogen ions that appear during metabolic processes. This parameter is an integral part of the general analysis of urine (OAM) and helps to determine abnormalities in the urinary system.

The acidity of urine depends on the metabolic rate, nutrition and the presence of diseases. Therefore, if abnormalities are detected, it is necessary to retake urine for analysis, since changes can be caused by taking medications or nutritional errors.

What does the acidity of urine say?

A shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic side indicates a lack of potassium in the body. Deviation of indicators from the norm leads to crystallization of salts, formation. With an increase in acid appear, with a decrease -.

The immune system malfunctions, antibiotics do not work at full strength. There is also an excretory pathway due to their infection. With an increase in acidity, E. coli is activated.

Normal indicators of urine acidity

There are no gender differences in adult urine pH, except for pregnant women. The lower the pH, the higher the acidity.

The indicator is considered normal if the pH of the urine is equal to a value between 5 and 7.

A slightly acidic environment is considered normal. The pH varies depending on the time of day. At night, it drops to 4.9. It rises after any meal, it becomes highest in the evening after dinner. The lowest pH is 6 in the morning before breakfast. This time is recommended for taking the analysis.

In children

Babies born prematurely have urine acidity in the 4.8–5.4 pH range. A healthy full-term baby has a less acidic indicator in the norm - 5.5-6 pH.

After a few days, the newborn indicator shifts to the alkaline side, averaging 7.4 pH under the condition of breastfeeding. On artificial feeding, the indicator is lower - 5.5–7.0 pH.

In pregnant women

Acidity is considered normal if its value is in the range - 4.5–8 pH.

The body of a pregnant woman changes not only physiologically, but also at the hormonal level. Increased acidity causes toxicosis. As a result, the water balance is disturbed, the kidneys and urinary tract malfunction.

Causes of acidity in adults and children

The acidic environment of urine negatively affects the human body. The blood becomes prone to the formation of blood clots, the activity of salt metabolism decreases. Neutralization becomes difficult, the removal of toxins and toxins through the excretory pathways, the body becomes slagged.

In addition, the absorption of minerals and vitamins is hampered.

Reasons for a low pH include the following conditions:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract (, cystitis, renal failure).
  2. Increased acidity of the stomach and, as a result, the presence of gastritis, ulcers.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Insufficient fluid intake.
  5. Uncontrolled intake of drugs with high acidity.
  6. Decreased immunity.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  8. Stress, fever.
  9. The predominance of protein foods in the diet.
  10. Alcohol abuse.
  11. Injuries, burns, leading to dehydration.

If ketones are present in the urine along with a low pH, then we can say that the reason for this is carbohydrate starvation.

Toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, in pregnant women leads to a water imbalance in the body, in which the pH of urine decreases.

Also, as the fetus develops, the internal organs and, first of all, the bladder are compressed, which leads to its infection, dysfunction. The load on the kidneys increases, leading to difficulty in filtering.

In children, increased acidity of urine can occur due to a lack of minerals that neutralize acids. This function is performed by potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium.

With a deficiency of minerals, the body begins to take them from the bones and other organs. Because of this, children have problems with the formation of tooth enamel, the musculoskeletal system.

A shift in the acid-base balance towards the acidic side affects the rate of metabolic processes, pathology of the urinary system. In children, hyperacidity is often expressed in the form of allergies, frequent colds.

Determination of urine pH at home

To find out the pH of urine, you need to conduct laboratory tests. But you can check the indicators at home. This is especially true for people with diabetes and. There are several ways to determine pH.

Magarshak's method

A special staining solution is added to the collected urine.

If the urine turns green, then the reaction is alkaline, the pH is 7.8.

Coloring in the range from bright purple to gray, indicates pH values ​​from 6.2 to 7.2. When urine is combined with an alcohol solution, a 2: 1 ratio is followed.

Litmus paper

The method consists in determining the urine environment using strips of paper soaked in natural dyes. It shows acidic or alkaline urine, but does not quantify. Strips of red and blue colors are dipped into the collected liquid. When the blue indicator turns red, an acidic reaction is determined, and when the red paper turns blue, an alkaline one. If both strips remain the same color, the urine has a neutral reaction.

Strip test

This method is used both at home and in medical institutions.

You can buy it at the pharmacy. The availability of test strips allows for rapid analysis on a daily basis, if necessary. The most accurate method for determining the pH of urine.

They are dipped in freshly collected urine for 5 seconds, the excess is shaken off. After 2 seconds, the color of the indicator is checked against the color scale located on the case with test strips.

These methods of analysis help to identify diseases of the urinary system at an early stage and regularly check the acid-base balance in the presence of certain chronic diseases and weight loss.

Preparing for the delivery of urine for an acidic environment

The most objective indicators are obtained by examining morning urine.

Before collecting it, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures for the genitals. It is better to donate urine for analysis in those purchased at the pharmacy, no later than 2 hours after collection. If the shelf life is longer, alkalization or acidification may occur.

Urine must be delivered to the laboratory at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C. At lower temperatures, sediment forms, which complicates the study.

  1. At least 8 hours before the study, taking medications, food.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Eating fried, smoked, pickled food.
  4. Drinking alcohol, coffee, products containing pigments that affect the color of urine.

On a note! At elevated body temperature, urine will have an acidic environment.

Increased acidity, values ​​of which are below 5 pH, leads to acidosis. Excess acid affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. Unbalanced nutrition, malfunctioning of the endocrine system can lead to obesity. Acids are retained in fat cells and poorly excreted by the body.

With acidosis, there is a high probability of heart disease, the formation of vasospasm, a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood, it becomes viscous. The number and activity of free radicals increases, which leads to oncological neoplasms.

There is a risk of fractures, the formation of heel spurs, the work of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted. Muscle soreness may occur due to the accumulation of lactic acid.

The production of insulin is impaired, the general metabolism of the body is hampered.

In order for the pH to be normal, you need to limit the intake of protein foods, there are more foods that shift the balance to the alkaline side.

Foods that can lower pH include:

  • meat;
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • refined products (sugar, flour);
  • coffee Tea;
  • dairy products.

It is advisable to refuse heating food with a microwave oven.

It's important to know! It is necessary to include in the diet fresh food without heat treatment. Drink more clean water. Exclude active physical activity.

  • fruits, juices;
  • vegetables;
  • lettuce, spinach, celery;
  • mineral alkaline water.

Medical treatment consists in the administration of intravenous solutions with potassium bicarbonate or taking medications containing it.

In addition to proper nutrition, when cleaning an apartment, it is advisable to use natural cleaning agents (soda, lemon, vinegar). Choose cosmetics, hair care products, hygiene products, avoiding the presence of harmful toxic additives.

In order for the acidity of urine to be normal, you need to eat a balanced diet, not overwork, and consume enough water. People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, are advised to regularly perform express analysis using test strips. For all the rest, it is enough to undergo medical examinations with a mandatory laboratory urine test.

The main purpose of the kidneys is maintaining the pH level in organism. Any components that enter it have acidic or alkaline properties.

By their reaction, one can judge in what condition a person is, whether everything is in order with his health. The acid-base index is a very important criterion.

Acidity levels in the range of 5 to 7 are considered normal, but sometimes a range of 4.5 to 8 is allowed.

When components with pronounced acidic properties are present in excess in urine, it becomes acidic - with a level.

Provided that urine contains in most of the substances with alkaline properties, the reaction will be alkaline - with a pH level above 7. When the acid-base balance is normal, the acidity level is neutral - pH is 7. Calculation of the pH level is possible after passing a clinical analysis of urine.

Acid-base balance in children

A healthy child is characterized by a pH value 4.5 to 8.

Since urine is a physicochemical parameter for determining the health of a baby, it depends on the foodstuffs prevailing in the children's menu.

With an abundance of animal protein, the reaction changes to the acid side.

If the diet includes plant foods and dairy products, the balance shifts towards alkaline. When the acid-base balance changes, it is important to understand the reason in order to exclude the possibility of pathology in children.

Normal pH in a newborn

Urine in infants is produced only on the second or third day. Its reaction is weakly acidic, the level of acid-base balance is determined as 5.4-5.9. Sometimes it can be neutral - with a pH of about 7.

On the balance of alkali and acid influences nutrition, the amount of fluid consumed, the health status of the baby. If the baby is born prematurely, the urine reaction will fluctuate between 4.8-5.5. Usually, this level lasts for a month - the entire period of the newborn.

Urine reaction in pathology

The urine response refers to the chemical criteria for health status. It can be used to judge how stable the ability of the excretory organs to flush out toxins from the body along with metabolic products. With pathological changes, the level of acid-base balance shifts.

Increased acidity typical for diabetes mellitus, kidney stones, renal tuberculosis. An alkaline urine reaction appears along the way with vomiting, a chronic stage of genitourinary infections.

Acid reaction of urine

The pH level becomes acidic when it is below 7. This happens under the influence of several factors:

  • an abundance of proteins and acids in the diet;
  • inflammation against the background of cystitis, kidney tuberculosis, pyelonephritis;
  • malicious addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with sepsis.

Affect the body and external factors- increased physical activity, a state of shock.

Alkaline urine reaction

Alkalization occurs when the acid-base balance exceeds the mark 7. This is facilitated by concomitant reasons:

  • the presence in the diet of protein only of plant origin, dairy products in large quantities;
  • chronic stage of renal failure;
  • penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the urinary tract;
  • lack of fluid and chlorine in the body after an attack of vomiting;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

In some cases, the balance shifts towards alkali after drinking mineral water with alkaline elements.

Mixed meal response

The level of acid-base balance fluctuates depending on the nature of the food consumed. With the abundant presence of meat products in the daily menu, the urine reaction becomes acidic. If there is more plant-based protein, the pH will shift towards alkali. When food is of a mixed nature, the formation of metabolic products occurs in an acidic environment.

In a healthy person with a mixed diet urine will be acidic... It is better to determine its reaction immediately after collecting a sample for analysis, otherwise the alkalization process will begin.

What affects urine pH in adults?

The normal pH depends on many factors. First of all, the metabolism and the rate of chemical reactions in the body are of importance. In second place is the diet. The predominance of meat products promotes acidification, and vegetable products - alkalization. The level of acidity of the stomach, the condition of the renal tubules affects the acid-base balance.

Acid-base balance in men

A healthy male has a normal pH level of 5.3-6.5. In this case, the reaction of urine will be acidic or slightly acidic. A shift towards even greater acidification occurs when taking medications (drugs based on calcium, vitamin C, aspirin), with loss of fluid with sweat or with upset stomach, vomiting, intoxication heavy metal salts.

Alkalization is possible after drinking plenty of water with alkaline microelements, in case of problems with the thyroid gland.

The norm of pH in women

The normal indicator of acid-base balance is the same as in men - from 5.3 to 6.5. It all depends on what food prevails in the diet. The abundance of animal protein leads to an acidic urine reaction. When eating dairy or vegetable products, the reaction will shift towards alkali. The pH level goes down during pregnancy, especially if toxicosis is worried.

Keep an eye on your acid-base balance and your health will always be in order. If you suspect a pathology, consult a doctor.

The reaction (pH) of urine is an indicator of the balance of alkalis and acids. Normal urine reaction is usually slightly acidic or neutral (pH in the range of 5.0-7.0). The change in the reaction of urine largely depends on nutrition, the amount of fluid you drink and on the state of the body. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment. An alkaline medium has a high pH level.

Urine pH rate

In a healthy newborn, the pH ranges from 5.5 to 6.0. The pH of urine in premature babies ranges from 4.8 to 5.5. After the neonatal period (older than one month) in breastfed babies, urine pH is neutral or alkaline - 7.0-7.8. After the termination of breastfeeding (weaning) - the reaction is the same as in adults - 6.0-7.0. The reaction of urine in children who are bottle-fed ranges from 5.5 to 7.0.

The normal urine reaction of a healthy adult and an older child is in the range from 5.5 to 7.0 (most often 6.0 -6.5), and in pathology - about or less than 5.0 and from 7.0 to 9 , 0. Storing urine at room temperature causes urine to alkalize (increase in pH).

The main reasons leading to a change in urine pH

Increase in pH (pH> 7.0)
Alkaline environment
Decrease in pH (pH less than 5.0)
Acidic environment
When consuming mainly plant and dairy foodsExcessive consumption of meat foods
Drinking alkaline mineral watersDiabetes
With high acidity of the stomachStarvation
Prolonged vomiting (loss of chlorine and water)Dehydration (other than vomiting): decreased fluid intake, prolonged diarrhea
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: pyelonephritis, cystitisKidney disease: kidney failure, urolithiasis
Increased blood potassium levelsViolation of the electrolyte balance of the blood: a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia), a decrease in the level of chlorine in the blood (hypochloremia).

Why determine the pH of urine

Self-determination of urine pH is not very important, but in combination with symptoms and other laboratory parameters, it provides important information about the disease or the therapy used.

Determining the reaction of urine is important in urolithiasis. A shift in urine pH to one side or the other contributes to the precipitation of various salts:

  • at pH below 5.5 ( acidic environment) more often urate stones are formed... If the medium is acidic, then this promotes the dissolution of phosphates;
  • at pH from 5.5 to 6.0 - oxalate stones;
  • at pH above 7.0 ( alkaline environment) - phosphate stones are formed... The alkaline environment promotes the dissolution of urates.

The reaction of the urine affects the growth and activity of bacteria, as well as the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment. Choosing the appropriate diet and medications can change the urine response. However, you need to know that the alkaline environment creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Often in the results of laboratory tests of urine, an acid reaction is detected. This deviation is due to the fact that the metabolic process is disturbed in the body.

In medicine, acidity is indicated by pH, this indicator is always present in the internal system of a person. However, its overestimated level indicates that structural changes are taking place and indicates the development of certain pathologies.

Urine pH is the ratio of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions in it. During life, various substances enter the urinary fluid, their production is capable of making changes. They are of two types - acidic and alkaline.

Important! In addition, such a result negatively affects the crystallization of mineral salts, since under the influence of a low pH level this process is actively intensified, which leads to an imbalance. It can also cause the development of salt diathesis.

When a high rate is found in a patient, the doctor prescribes an additional examination in order to understand the reasons that influenced the increased acidity. Only after the clinical picture is fully visible, the doctor will be able to prescribe competent treatment.

In the case when the patient has a reduced acidity index, this indicates problems in the functioning of the renal system.


The acidity level in the body may have slight deviations, but this is not a pathological process. This may be due to adherence to a certain diet or physical activity, it also affects the pH value of medication.

The norm will be a jump in the mark from 4.5 to 8. For example, at night a person may have a change to 5.2, and in the morning he does not rise above 6.4, and in the evening 7 units. Nome is different for all people, age and gender play an important role.

For example:

  • babies have an indicator of 7.0-7.8, which is a slightly alkaline reaction. If the baby is not full-term, then the acid level is 4.8-5.5 units. With artificial feeding in babies, the indicator is 6.0-7.0;
  • in a pregnant woman, changes in urine from 5.3 to 6.5 can be observed. This is due to hormonal changes;
  • all patients who do not suffer from various diseases have indicators in the range of 5.5-7.0.

Reasons for deviations

There are many factors that influence the change in urinary response. Some people use dietary supplements to improve their health, and these medicines contain elements that contribute to oxidation.

Also, the reason for the change in pH is medicines that contain sodium chloride, ammonium, calcium, ascorbic acid.

The urine indicator varies depending on the following factors:

  • depressive state;
  • increased physical activity;
  • consuming large amounts of baked goods;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • tobacco smoking.


When the urine index has a pH of 4.6 to 5.0, then this reaction is called acidic or aciduria.

Factors of this condition may be as follows:

  • kidney problems, infection;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • failure in the kidneys in a neglected form;
  • taking medicines;
  • alcoholism or the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages;
  • diabetes mellitus, when the stage of development of the disease is decompensatory;
  • gout;
  • peculiarities of human nutrition.


If the pH value in the urinary fluid exceeds 7.0, then this means that an alkaline reaction is taking place.

This condition is called alkaluria and is caused by:

  • adrenal or thyroid disease;
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • disorder of the digestive tract;
  • vomiting reaction;
  • strong signs of inflammation;
  • the diet contains meals that are high in protein.


When any diagnosis is made, a general blood test is prescribed; without it, the clinical picture is incomplete. In addition, after treatment of an infectious disease, the doctor must prescribe OAM. For example, when stones are formed in the kidneys, the analysis is simply necessary, since it immediately becomes clear that there is a hidden pathology. In a laboratory study, a liquid and its sediment are studied.

Before passing the analysis, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. Since improper behavior can provoke a distortion of the clinical picture. A few days before visiting the laboratory, refuse to take medications. When a woman's menstrual cycle begins, structural changes occur in the blood and urine, and this entails inaccurate data.

Important! During the period of the menstrual cycle, you cannot take tests, it is best to wait until the end and then visit the laboratory.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet fruits and vegetables that have a bright color, since they have increased acidity. For three days, it is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, smoking and not to consume infusions and teas that are of plant origin. Before the procedure, be sure to take a shower, and the analysis takes place only in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Indicator strips

It is possible to carry out an express test at home; for this, indicator strips are used. This method does not require serious costs and certain medical knowledge. It is quite simple to use them, therefore, some medical institutions use them for express analysis.

The strips can only show the presence of a pH in the range of 5.0 to 9.0 units. However, they cannot show accurate results, for this reason, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study if suspected.

How to normalize?

When the urine test shows a deviation from the norm, then you need to seek medical help. The doctor who treats the patient first of all conducts a conversation, during which he tries to establish what reasons influenced such results.


Only after a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor can draw up a competent treatment. At first, therapy is aimed at combating the pathology that caused the development of the disorder.

As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed to lower the acidity level:

  1. Allopurinol.
  2. Azathioprine.
  3. Estrogen.

In extreme cases, special nutritional supplements may be prescribed to the patient. It is necessary to take medications strictly according to the instructions. In each case, everything is individual, for this reason, it is required to coordinate the intake of pills with the attending physician.


Regardless of the diagnosis, with an increased or decreased acidity level, dietary nutrition must be observed.

  1. It is imperative to exclude delicacies and dairy products from the diet, as they contribute to the oxidative process in the body, which means they affect the test results.
  2. It is also not recommended to eat fruits, mainly citrus fruits and plums.
  3. In addition, under a strict ban, the use of seafood is crayfish, shrimp, and fatty fish.
  4. To normalize the alkaline balance, it is required not to consume chocolate, various confectionery sweets and bakery products.
  5. The level of acidity is strongly influenced by carbonated and mineral water, as they disrupt the function of the digestive tract.
  6. The list of prohibitions includes kvass, beer, energy drinks, as they irritate the mucous membrane.

Throughout the treatment, you need to eat properly and in moderation. Portions should not be large, as in this case the digestive tract will not cope with its functions. But the consumption of water must be increased several times, for one day you need to drink about 3 liters.


You cannot self-medicate, since first of all it is required to establish the true reason for which the indicator changed. As soon as the pathology is cured, then the pH level will return to normal.

  1. Quite often, the problem occurs in people who are overweight. Therefore, in order to rectify the situation, it is required to normalize weight, for this reason, it is imperative to follow a dietary diet.
  2. To know about your state of health, you need to undergo a medical examination every six months.
  3. It is necessary to eat properly, do not consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages and quit smoking.