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Lip piercing. Lower, upper. Consequences. Lip piercing at home at home.

How is lip piercing done? How to pierce your lip correctly? How do I care for my piercing? How long does it take for the lip to heal? Care.

Lip piercing(bottom and top) - was popular in ancient times. Then lip piercing was one of the components of some rituals.

Now piercing is an attribute of fashion and a way of self-expression.

How is lip piercing done? Let's talk about how the piercing goes and what it actually happens. There are horizontal and vertical piercings.

A horizontal lip piercing involves a very deep piercing parallel to the lip. Puncture healing time: from two to four weeks (it depends on the individual, personal characteristics of the organism). Jewelry for this type of piercing should be chosen only from hypoallergenic material (for example, titanium).

In the case of a vertical puncture, the lip is pierced exactly in the center, starting from the lower border to the upper center point. Of jewelry, with vertical piercing, labrettes (rod thickness 1, 6 millimeters) are excellent. Labret is a special jewelry for piercing, consisting of a ball and a barbell (not a twist-off cap). And the size of the jewelry is selected according to the thickness of the lips of the person who wants to get the piercing.

Decoration - a ring is the pinnacle of attractiveness and sexuality. In order to avoid dental problems when installing this jewelry, it must be carried out so that the upper part of the jewelry is between the teeth. Otherwise, the tooth enamel will collapse, since the ring will constantly touch the lip.

Piercing is done in just one minute. Does it hurt? The fact is that all people are different. They all have completely different pain sensitivity thresholds. Someone may feel almost nothing, but someone, alas, will be hurt or unpleasant. Don't worry: the piercer always has anesthetics on hand (most often ultracaine or lidocaine are used). These solutions, by the way, can cause allergies. Therefore - make, for a start, a test injection.

How to take care of your piercing at home? Care.

After the piercing procedure is completed, you need to make some temporary adjustments in your life so that the lip healing process goes without irreparable consequences:

  1. After the piercing, for the first four hours, do not smoke, eat or drink alcohol.
  2. When four hours have passed, you can eat flour, dairy products, cereals and other fruits, but with the exception of citrus fruits.
  3. Forget, for a while, about oral sex and kissing, as this can all cause infection or injury to the pierced lip.
  4. There will be noticeable changes in your diction (first three to four days).
  5. Fistula may appear (in rare cases).
  6. You will have to give up cold, spicy, hot, salty and sweet.

There is a very non-standard type of piercing - piercing by Monroe (Madonna, Crawford). It is done above the upper lip, outside the center, in order to resemble a mole. In most cases, the decoration of such a piercing is a gem or a metal ball (located on the outside of the earring). The positive side of these piercings is that the lip area heals much faster than other types of piercings. The lip, after this type of piercing, heals (completely) after twelve weeks. For many, after six weeks. Monroe is an almost painless piercing. But there is a risk of a puncture in the labial artery (it is located just above the upper lip). Those with thick lips will experience more discomfort. The procedure will be more painful for men, as their skin becomes rougher due to shaving.

Lip piercing at home at home. How to pierce your lip correctly?

If you want to get pierced without leaving your home, then this is possible. Who will get you pierced is up to you, of course. You can, in principle, call the master at home. You can ask your girlfriend for this service. And if you want - do the piercing yourself. The choice is yours.

so, where to start? Buy a catheter needle (available from a pharmacy). A catheter is a tube-like instrument. Choose a piercing (it is better - the labbert is longer, not a ring, since the ring will take a very long time to take root). Treat the piercing with rubbing alcohol. The needle does not need to be processed: it is sterile. From the front, pierce the lip with a catheter needle and insert the piercing into it. Make sure that your hands do not shake during the procedure, as the hand may slip. It is even better if there is someone else next to you, so to speak, for insurance and confidence.

How do I care for my piercing? How long does it take for the lip to heal? - Care.

Remember that there are rules that should not be broken, by all means:

  1. For the first seven days, do not steam the piercing site.
  2. For the first two days, keep water out of the piercing.
  3. Wipe puncture sites (both exits) with special products, twice a day. At the same time, you do not need to take off the earring. Don't forget to turn it over by the way to lubricate and clean the ear. It is better to wipe with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine, since they are excellent antiseptics. Alternatively, you can use antibiotic ointments or calendula tincture. Alternatively, try salicylic or boric alcohol.
  4. Alcohol, before piercing, does not need to be consumed, since it will be much harder to stop the blood.
  5. Do not buy or purchase low quality, cheap jewelry.
  6. Do not change the earring or barbell until the puncture site has healed.
  7. Do not peel off, with your fingernails, the crust of blood left on the jewelry. A tampon dipped in chlorhexidine will help more here.

Lip piercing. Lower and upper. - Consequences.

Before you go for a piercing procedure, think very carefully: do you really need it? We, in turn, consider it our duty to remind you that after piercing you can expect very unpleasant (sometimes very unpleasant) consequences. Such, for example, as:

  1. Increased complications of dental diseases.
  2. Enamel cracks.
  3. Inflammation of the gums.
  4. Dental tissue disorders.
  5. Periodontitis.
  6. Fractures of the teeth (anterior).

The above consequences are typical for adolescents.

Unfortunately(maybe fortunately), there are those who have piercings - Forbidden.

These include:

  1. Those with poor blood clotting.
  2. Those who suffer from an exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  3. Those who are not yet eighteen.
  4. Those with a fever.

Features of Monroe's piercing, contraindications to it, the nuances of choosing an earring for a piercing. Step-by-step instructions for its implementation and recommendations for caring for it. Tips on how to remove jewelry.

Description of Monroe piercing

This type of piercing is named after the famous American actress, singer and model Marilyn Monroe. It involves a piercing above the upper lip on the left or right side, into which an earring is inserted in the form of a small ball. This piece is reminiscent of the popular birthmark of a Hollywood film star. Outwardly, the earring looks like a small dot, so you can safely walk with it even to business meetings.

This type of piercing became popular in the crazy 90s thanks to the hard rock musicians. It is more common among women, but sometimes also occurs in men.

The puncture is made about 1 cm above the upper lip - this distance depends on the individual characteristics of the face. All manipulations require no more than 10-20 minutes. You need to start preparing for them at least 2 days in advance.

Monroe piercings require an oblong barbell labret and a sterile catheter needle. Gypsy, due to its great thickness, is not at all suitable here, as it can injure the gums.

The jewelry consists of a ball (outer part) and a bar, which is wound under the skin. The rod is approximately 10mm long and 1.8mm thick. The thicker the skin on the face, the larger these dimensions should be.

During such manipulations, a person practically does not feel painful sensations due to the absence of a large number of nerve endings in this area. Women tolerate this cosmetic procedure a little easier than men, since their skin is thinner and pierced much faster and easier.

Discomfort and pain most often occur in singers who have a well-developed orbicular muscle of the mouth. In this case, you cannot do without local anesthesia, which lasts for about 4 hours. It is also required for sensitive, too tender dermis.

Contraindications to piercing Monroe

Monroe piercings are done only to adults, while gender plays absolutely no role.

It is worth postponing the puncture if you have health problems of the following nature:

  • Blood clotting disorder... In this case, the risk of bleeding opening increases.
  • Skin problems... These include psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, dermatitis, eczema, etc. If present, the earring can exacerbate inflammation.
  • Predisposition to the appearance of keloid scars... In such a situation, the wound will take longer to heal than usual, and after that, scars are more likely to remain.
  • Hepatitis B and C, especially in acute form... Yellowing of the whites of the eyes and high bilirubin may indicate this.
  • Elevated blood sugar... The ban is justified by the fact that in diabetes, wounds heal much more difficult than in a healthy person.
  • ARVI... Do not pierce with a severe runny nose, cough and high fever (from 37.5 ° C).
  • Allergy... We are talking about the reaction of the skin to metal products and drugs used during the procedure. It can be caused by lidocaine, barbiturates, sulfa drugs. It manifests itself as redness and itching on the skin. There is practically no allergy to niobium, bioplastic and pure titanium.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease... These include otitis media, sinusitis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. An increase in body temperature, a runny nose, and abdominal pain can talk about this.

Important! Before visiting the salon, in the evening, have a snack of fruits, vegetables or dairy products and go to bed early.

Preparation for a puncture of the skin of the face

In advance (about a week), you need to contact the master to assess the condition of the skin at the puncture site. If it is inflamed and irritated, soothing ointments "Triderm", "Advant", "Elidel" may be needed. They are applied to the face, evenly spread over the surface and rubbed with fingers in a circular motion. You do not need to wash off anything, the product is left until completely absorbed.

Here's what you need to do 2-3 days before visiting a beautician:

  1. Refrain from drinking alcohol... It includes even the weakest drinks - cider, shake, brandy cola, etc.
  2. Do not take naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, or vitamin E... It is also better to exclude taking antibiotics, it is possible only in the most extreme cases in agreement with the doctor.
  3. Do not drink coffee and drinks based on it (various energy drinks, cola)... They can be replaced with weak green tea, compote, juice.
  4. Eliminate certain food additives from the diet... They should not contain ginseng, garlic and other active ingredients.
  5. Consume vitamin K... You can get it from Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, bananas, olive oil. For gastritis, it is recommended to take special supplements containing this vitamin.
  6. Consult a dentist and carry out professional teeth cleaning... It will take 1-2 hours to remove tartar. This can be done either manually or using the Air Flow system. Also, the doctor should check the condition of the gums and, if necessary, recommend medications to eliminate bleeding.
  7. Choose a quality earring... Read below how to do this.

How to choose a Monroe piercing earring

It is best if Monroe's piercing earring is provided by the salon where you plan to do it. If you decide to choose it yourself, you should not immediately buy the precious metal. In the first months, there is a high risk of oxidation, as a result of which the work will have to be redone after 1-3 months.

If, nevertheless, stop on gold, then the fineness should be at least 585. You can immediately buy a niobium earring, which is usually used 1-2 weeks after the piercing.

The ideal solution is to use titanium labrets for the first time. Their length, in order for the wound to heal faster, should be at least 5 mm and no more than 10 mm. The maximum permissible width is 1.8 mm. A ring made of the same material with a small ball is ideal. Next, be sure to make sure that there is no sample in the place where the earring will come into contact with the face. It irritates the skin and slows down the wound healing process.

Pay attention to the type of puncture: for transverse and longitudinal microbananas are relevant, and vertical requires circulars and segment rings.

Before purchasing a piece of jewelry, attach it to the place where it will be attached. Monroe's piercing earring should not rub against the skin, otherwise there is a high risk of overgrowing with surrounding tissues, and then the help of a surgeon will be needed.

Important! To avoid poisoning, surgical steel, which contains a lot of nickel, should be discarded. This substance can easily enter the lymph and blood, leading to intoxication.

Step-by-step instructions for performing Monroe piercings

Before you sit down in a chair to the master, make sure of his experience. To do this, look at the photos of his work, read the reviews about him, ask your questions. It is very important not to worry, which only contributes to the intensification of painful sensations. Take a sedative if needed.

This is what the puncture procedure looks like:

  • Training... Before getting a Monroe piercing, the client is asked to sit comfortably on the couch. In this case, the head should be approximately at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor.
  • Disinfection... At this stage, the master treats the puncture site and surrounding tissues with an antiseptic. For this, formic alcohol is usually used.
  • Anesthesia... Anesthesia is done only at your request and is needed only with increased skin sensitivity. To do this, the client is injected subcutaneously with lidocaine or any other anesthetic drug. It takes effect in 5-10 minutes.
  • Determination of the puncture site... The beautician marks the boundaries of the puncture and coordinates them with the client. The zone moves up, down or to the side if necessary.
  • Puncture... If the needle method was chosen, then the catheter needle is disinfected and lubricated with petroleum jelly. Then it is gently pressed into the skin pushed to the side or forward. This is necessary so as not to injure the gums. The needle is directed upward or to the side (depending on which puncture is chosen, vertical or horizontal).
  • Setting the earring... The cap is removed from the end of the needle and the earring itself is threaded along the same path. At the end, the needle is carefully removed from the puncture made, and the earring is already fixed in it with tweezers. In total, this procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Features of Monroe piercing care

In the first 5-7 days, the wound may bleed. After about 3 days, redness and swelling appear in the puncture area. There is nothing wrong with that, it calmly goes away after a week. If this does not happen, you should immediately contact your specialist.

To recover faster, you need to stop eating solid foods. Everything that requires active movement of the jaws is excluded. This will prevent the earrings from opening and falling out.

After a puncture, it is important to treat this place 3 to 5 times a day with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. To do this, a sterile cotton swab is moistened in a solution and the problem area is lubricated with it. At the same time, the labret should be gently pushed aside. Your task is to remove from the wound all traces of blood and lymph, if any.

Here's how to care for your Monroe piercing:

  1. For 2 weeks, it is important to give up too hot and cold dishes.
  2. You can not use carbonated and alcoholic drinks for 3 days.
  3. For the first week, use chlorhexidine as a mouthwash after meals.
  4. It is important to brush your teeth gently, without sudden movements.
  5. You must quit smoking for at least a week.
  6. It is not worth visiting the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, beach and bathhouse for 10 days.
If the wound around the earring does not heal for a long time (more than a week), lubricate it with Levomekol ointment or its analogues. During this time, the decoration must not be changed. This is done only after the first earring has taken root.

On average, it takes about 15 days to recover from a Monroe piercing. At this time, slight painful sensations may occur. To eliminate them, it is enough to drink Ketanov or other analgesics.

Do not touch the puncture with dirty fingers. If the jewelry is lost, it must be replaced with a new one after 3-7 days, so that the deepening does not tighten. To avoid spontaneous opening of the earrings, you should sleep on the side opposite to the puncture. It is not recommended to rest your face on the bed, as the bed linen will chafe your already sensitive skin.

How to remove an earring without any problems

You need to do this only when you are sure that you are no longer going to put the jewelry back on, or you decide to immediately change it to a more expensive one. If you leave the puncture without it, the hole will quickly overgrow, and then you will need to contact a specialist again. In the first week, it is best to remove the earring in the salon, as the wound has not yet fully healed and may begin to bleed.

Detailed instructions on how to cope with everything yourself:

  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap to remove all dirt and avoid infection.
  • Put on sterile disposable gloves.
  • Lubricate the puncture site and the area around it with alcohol.
  • Using your index finger and thumb, gently scroll the lambrette in a circle, first to the left and then to the right.
  • Pull the earring towards you slowly. It should come out freely. If this does not happen, repeat the movements from point 4.
  • Treat the desired area with Miramistin, moisten a cotton pad in it and pass it over the skin. At the same time, you cannot press on the problem area. During this time, you may experience slight discomfort and pain.
The removed earring, if you plan to use it in the future, should be stored in a small bag, away from the sun and moisture.

How to make a piercing over Monroe's lip - watch the video:

Having made Monroe's piercing over the lip, do not rush to sum up the results in the first month. The adornment must first take root, only after complete restoration of the skin will it look natural and beautiful, just like a mole on the screen diva Marilyn Monroe. With her, you will certainly ensure yourself a flirtatious look and intriguing looks of the opposite sex!

One of the most painful is piercing of the lower lip. For many young people, this way of expressing oneself is very important. But before making a piercing under the lower lip, it is important to know what kind of jewelry there are for such a procedure, how the puncture itself is carried out, and the features of wound care. There are also situations in which piercings on the upper lip or lower lip are not allowed.

What is manipulation

Lip piercing is a modification of the body in order to beautify it. Currently, piercing involves not only the puncture procedure itself, but also the wearing of jewelry in the created hole. Many people choose this way of expressing themselves in society, especially for members of certain subcultures - punks, goths, emo and others. In addition to self-expression, the procedure for piercing under the lip or above the lip was done for other reasons: religious, aesthetic, practical and physiological purposes.

The most accurate decoration is considered to be worn into a puncture on the bridle, in the lip groove. The procedure is done using a special needle in a specially equipped salon. It is better not to experiment with performing such manipulations on your own, to abandon the home procedure in favor of professionals.

Types of procedure

There is a certain classification of the procedure:

  1. Monroe piercing is an imitation of the world famous mole or fly, which was on the face of Marilyn Monroe. The location of the decoration is on the lip (top) on the left. There is a small ball at the end of the decoration.
  2. Madonna. It is almost analogous to the previous variety, but located on the right, this is also an imitation of a sexual fly.
  3. Medusa - piercing over the upper lip, implies wearing a ball ornaments in the center of the groove.
  4. Vertical labret - from the lower lip border to the upper vertical point.
  5. Horizontal labret piercing - placed from left to right at the bottom, can be placed almost on the chin.
  6. Dahlia are small balls on the horizontal centerline, almost at the very corners.
  7. Angel bite is an imitation of moles on top of the mouth, close to the corners, with mandatory vertical symmetry.
  8. Cyber ​​bite - in the lip groove and above the dimple above the chin.
  9. Dog bite - symmetrical rings on the sides of the lower lip and balls above the upper. The downside is severe soreness.
  10. Spider bite - 2 rings next to each other in the lower fleshy part, often on the left.
  11. Shark bite - suggests 4 decorations in the form of rings, located in pairs and symmetrically below on the fleshy part: 2 on the left and 2 on the right.
  12. A snake bite is a symmetrical arrangement of round ornaments at the bottom close to the corners.
  13. Labret - any piercing under the lower lip, it can even be almost on the chin.
  14. Estrum - horizontal labret piercing on the middle lower lip.
  15. Smile - piercing of the upper lip frenum (under the upper lip,) can be visually noticed only with a wide smile.
  16. Antismile - a puncture at the bottom in the bridle.

What do you need to know about the piercing procedure? It is important to know not only about the types of the procedure, but also about how it will be necessary to care for the wound, what are the contraindications for such manipulations.

Decorations and materials for them

If there are multiple punctures on the face, most often the jewelry is chosen the same for all areas. After the punctures are made, a barbell is always placed so that the wound is fully healed, so that injury or displacement of the decoration does not occur. When the wound heals, more interesting jewelry can be worn. The most popular types of jewelry are called:

  • labret - titanium bar, balls are present at both ends;
  • barbell;
  • ring-rod;
  • horseshoe;
  • twist;
  • tunnel.

After the procedure, the master usually puts the barbell, it will remain in the mouth until the wound is completely healed. The material for it is called bioplast, it is safe, hypoallergenic. Other materials for making jewelry are: lip piercing made of gold, silver, hypoallergenic plastic, niobium, surgical titanium, zircon, Teflon.

How to choose the right salon and master

The choice of a salon and a master is no less important than the selection of jewelry. Any invasive procedures involve a certain risk, so it is very important to take a responsible attitude to the choice of a master and a salon. Key points for making the right choice:

  • a good master must have all licenses and documents confirming training, a certificate that is approved by the Professional Piercing Association;
  • the master must have a medical book;
  • the salon must also be licensed to carry out such procedures.

Stages of the operation

In the absence of contraindications, you can choose a decoration, decide on the puncture site. The client performs the rinsing procedure using an antiseptic solution, most often chlorhexidine or miramistin. If a puncture is performed at home using a needle, it is imperative that the instrument be disinfected first. In the salon, the craftsmen use special disposable needles. The puncture algorithm is approximately the following:

  • the master marks the place of future intervention;
  • the surface of the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, most often chlorhexidine is used for these purposes;
  • tool and piercing is processed;
  • the puncture is carried out using a needle and a catheter;
  • an earring is inserted into the resulting puncture.

You can do this procedure yourself at home. But at the same time, it is important to comply with all conditions of sterility and disinfection. It is also necessary to choose the right piercing jewelry that will not injure tissues and skin.

How much pain would it be for girls or guys to perform this manipulation? The severity of painful sensations will directly depend on the specific puncture site, on the number of nerve endings in this area. Typically, the number of nerve endings below or above in the mouth area is much lower than on other parts of the body. Therefore, the majority of people who decide to get themselves pierced do not experience any pronounced discomfort. The individual sensitivity threshold is also important. In all situations, before intervening, the master uses local anesthesia, so the severity of painful sensations is minimized.

Wound care

How long does the mouth heal after the procedure? You should take care of your mouth piercing for two weeks. If the care is correct, the wound will heal quickly, you can remove the earring and put on the jewelry you like. Healing takes place at least two weeks. During this period, the edges of the wound are usually tightened, the secretion of the ichor stops, the edema subsides, the inflammation disappears. The duration of complete healing directly depends on the rate of tissue regeneration, on the correct care. A puncture can heal up to two months.

Regardless of the area, the lip always swells after piercing, a pierced lip can heal for a long time, create many problems if it is not properly looked after. It is important to rinse not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Mouthwash is carried out using various antiseptic, regenerating agents. It is imperative to wipe the lip from the inside with a clean cotton pad dipped in miramistin or chlorhexidine. To speed up healing, it is also recommended to rinse with medical antiseptic agents - stomatofit, stomatidin, as well as with decoctions based on medicinal plants.

Debris will accumulate under the earring; it will need to be regularly removed with a cotton swab dipped in chlorhexidine. The lip may be swollen for the first few days. If it is swollen from below or from above, compresses using miramistin can be applied. On the first day after the puncture, the wound cannot be wetted. If this cannot be avoided, apply a thick layer of oily ointment to the earring. You can not paint your lips, it is not recommended to smoke and drink alcohol for a month.

Contraindications for the procedure

Any interference with the integrity of the skin carries a certain danger. Therefore, before deciding on a piercing, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for piercing:

  • colds, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • gestation period;
  • pathological processes in the hematopoietic system;
  • weakened immune system.

Possible complications

If a piercing is made incorrectly or if it is not properly cleaned, lip piercing scars may remain. There may also be other possible complications, including:

  • the development of a possible allergic reaction to the medicines used by the master;
  • wound infection, if there is no proper disinfection of instruments or the skin itself, the result will be suppuration;
  • damage to tooth enamel during careless movements of the master or when trying to remove the earring;
  • the development of the inflammatory process in the puncture site;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of scars and scars that do not go away even after the earring is removed.

Usually, with proper care and in the absence of contraindications, complications are rare. After a guy pierced or a girl pierced her lip, healing occurs quickly, without significant consequences.

A modern person has freedom of expression, so he can change his appearance as he pleases, and one of these ways to express himself is to puncture different parts of the body. Even toddlers cannot surprise anyone with jewelry in their ears, and lip piercing is not yet so widespread, although it is the most popular type of punctures on the face. Is it safe, how to choose a master and how long will the damaged area heal?

What is piercing

The name of this procedure comes from the English "piercing", which translates as "puncture", but it is a modification of the body in order to decorate it. The very concept of "piercing" in the modern world can mean not only a procedure, but also products that are worn in the created hole. For most people today, this is a simple way of expressing oneself, especially if we take into account subcultures whose members wear a large amount of metal on themselves (rockers, punks, etc.), but there are several goals in carrying out this invasive procedure:

  • Religious - mainly refers to the eastern peoples, in whom piercing of the lips, ears and other areas of the face was performed for spiritual reasons.
  • Aesthetic - is more characteristic of young people who follow the example of Western stars, who set the fashion for changes in appearance.
  • Practical - concerned the ancient peoples: as some Romans cling to the rings threaded into the skin, the edges of their cloaks.
  • Physiological - concerns jewelry on the genitals: a puncture of the nipples or genitals increases the sensitivity of these areas, which helps to diversify the sexual life, to brighten the sensations during intercourse.

Where to pierce the lip

Due to the structure of the tissues in this area, there are no strict medical recommendations for a puncture of the mouth area: the degree of pain is determined individually, and the regenerative capacity of the skin is also determined. The choice of the zone depends solely on a person's willingness to endure discomfort (if you pierce the lip itself, you will have to change habits) and aesthetic wishes. The most accurate decorations are considered to be in the bridle - lower and upper, or in the lip groove.

On the upper lip

This variety did not receive much popularity, however, from the point of view of the degree of discomfort during healing, it is not the most difficult - the wound heals quickly, it almost does not interfere with the use of food or speech. However, the earring can actively contact the teeth, which will damage them, and the number of puncture methods for this area is small. Labrettes, rings, twists are used as decoration.

Lower lip piercing

The most inconvenient option for diction is that it will be broken within a few weeks. The main decoration for this area is the labret, but a ring or twist can be used. The healing process is long, takes 3-4 months, accompanied by swelling. It is important to place the earring between the teeth so as not to damage the enamel. If you decide to remove the jewelry, the scar will not be as noticeable here as if you pierced the lip below or above the upper one.

Over the lips

The duration of wound healing is about 4 weeks (it is possible to extend the period up to 12 weeks), since saliva here minimally affects the tissues, therefore it does not provoke unnecessary irritation. When washing, talking or eating food, the skin also hardly suffers. The tissues in this area are thin, so the soreness during the procedure is minimal. Often a barbell or "banana" is placed above the lip. The advantage of this type of puncture is the minimal discomfort from wearing the earring, the relative safety and accuracy of the jewelry.

Puncture of the labial frenum

If the dress code of an educational institution or office requires you to hide any informal body modifications, a frenum piercing can help out a lot - the jewelry will only be visible when the mouth is open. Healing is long, it will not be possible to eat spicy and salty food for almost 2 months, you will need to rinse your mouth with antiseptics every day. The likelihood of suppuration or swelling is higher than if you decided to get a piercing in or near your lip. A horseshoe or a ring is predominantly placed in the bridle. With very dense tissues, the procedure can be painful.

Piercing types

The ability to understand all types of lip piercings is necessary not only for choosing a puncture zone from an aesthetic point of view. Each of the options has its drawbacks - the jewelry comes into contact with the enamel of the teeth and damages it, the earring clings to the tongue or interferes with the usual gestures. If this is not taken into account, you can get severe consequences from the piercing. Main varieties:

  1. Monroe - an imitation of the famous fly (birthmark) of Marilyn Monroe, piercing above the upper lip on the left side, at the end of the jewelry is a ball.
  2. Madonna is almost a complete analogy to the previous version, but on the right side: it also imitates a sexual fly.
  3. Medusa is a ball decoration in the center of the groove above the upper lip.
  4. Vertical labret - from the lower lip border to the upper vertical point.
  5. Horizontal labret - placed from left to right below, can be placed almost on the chin.
  6. Dahlia are small balls on the horizontal centerline, almost at the very corners.
  7. Angel bite is an imitation of moles on top of the mouth, close to the corners, with mandatory vertical symmetry.
  8. Cyber ​​bite - in the lip groove and above the dimple above the chin.
  9. Dog bite - symmetrical rings on the sides of the lower lip and balls above the upper. The downside is severe soreness.
  10. Spider bite - 2 rings next to each other in the lower fleshy part, often on the left.
  11. Shark bite - suggests 4 decorations in the form of rings, located in pairs and symmetrically below on the fleshy part: 2 on the left and 2 on the right.
  12. A snake bite is a symmetrical arrangement of round ornaments at the bottom close to the corners.
  13. Labret - any piercing under the lower lip, it can even be almost on the chin.
  14. Estrum is a horizontal labret piercing in the lower lip.
  15. Smile is a piercing of the upper lip frenum, which can only be seen during an open smile.
  16. Antismile - puncture of the lower frenum.

Piercing Jewelry

For punctures of the face, the same products are predominantly used in all areas: the master almost always begins with a barbell to allow the wound to heal calmly and not injure it by accidental displacement of the piercing. Then you can choose a more interesting shape or diameter. The most commonly used earrings are:

  • Labreta is a simple barbell (often made of titanium) with balls at the ends. There are several varieties of this lip piercing jewelry, which are distinguished by the diameter of the bar (0.6-2 cm).
  • Bar - half labret: short tube-axis with a single ball. It can be absolutely straight, it can have a bend - then it will be called "banana" (such decorations are used for eyebrows).
  • Lip piercing is a ring - a rod, the ends of which are connected and closed on a ball.
  • Horseshoe - a semicircle with arrows at the ends.
  • Twist - looks like a hybrid of half a ring and a spiral, on the ends of which small balls are wound.
  • The tunnel is a wide ring that widens the puncture site and leaves it straight through.

Manufacturing materials

It is recommended to use bioplast products as the first jewelry that will stand after the procedure until the wound is completely healed: this is the most non-allergenic material related to silicone. The shape is a tube with a ball at the end; the length of the bar should be slightly larger than the thickness of the puncture zone, as this place will swell. The only drawback of bioplastic is the high price, but the reliability of the material pays for it. After that, you can use almost any jewelry, except for those that are made of medical steel (contain nickel). Desirable:

  • Gold - fineness 585 and above, if there is no allergy.
  • Silver.
  • Hypoallergenic plastic (in case of reaction to any precious metals).
  • Niobium.
  • Surgical titanium.
  • Zircon.
  • Teflon.

How lip piercing is done

If you are sure that there are no contraindications to piercing and have chosen a qualified master, the procedure will begin with a discussion of the area of ​​the future puncture and rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic - often a Chlorhexidine solution. After that, the master puts on disposable gloves, if necessary, makes the client local anesthesia, and the following actions look like this:

  1. The technician marks the puncture point.
  2. Treats the surface of the skin, the instrument and the piercing itself with an antiseptic.
  3. The needle passes through the catheter, making a puncture.
  4. An earring is placed in the puncture zone in place of the removed needle.

How long does a pierced lip heal?

The minimum period of wound care is 2 weeks: during this time, the edges will tighten a little, the ichor will cease to stand out, the swelling will subside, and the inflammatory process will stop. However, almost no one experiences complete healing in such a short period: depending on the rate of regeneration in your body, and whether the puncture site has been properly cared for, the wound can heal for 1.5-2 months. If you do not pull on the piercing and provide peace to the disturbed area, after a specified period of time you can change the jewelry and return to the usual rhythm of life.

Does it hurt to pierce your lip

The number of nerve endings and large vessels in the mouth area is much lower than in other parts of the body (it can only be compared with the earlobe), therefore, for most people who decide to make a puncture here, the degree of discomfort is minimal. However, this will depend on the individual pain threshold and the specific zone in which the jewelry will be located. In all cases, a professional technician will use local anesthesia, so the severity of pain is minimized.

How to care for a wound

The purchase of an antiseptic (mainly Chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide) is the first step, which it is advisable to perform even before signing up for a lip piercing. No matter how well the master does his job, for about a month after the procedure, you will have to treat the puncture site with an antiseptic every day to prevent infection. Additionally, it is important to follow a few more rules:

  • Do not remove the earring, even for processing.
  • Eat food mainly in liquid form, exclude hot, pickled, spicy foods.
  • Do not wet the jewelry 3-4 days after the procedure (excluding antiseptic treatment).
  • Rinse the mouth after each meal with saline or Chlorhexidine (mix with water).
  • Women shouldn't wear lipstick.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke for four weeks.

Criteria for choosing a salon and a master

Doctors remind of the high level of risk in any invasive procedures, therefore, the choice of the person who will perform the puncture and the place where everything will take place must be approached responsibly. Firstly, consider only beauty or tattoo parlors - only here you have a chance to get all the conditions and a qualified specialist. Basic points:

  • A good master is a person who has a training certificate and is certified by the Professional Piercing Association. It is also important to have a medical book, and ideally the master should have a medical education.
  • The salon where the piercer works must be licensed to carry out cosmetic services and medical certificates.

How much does lip piercing cost?

The price for this service is determined by the level of the salon and the craftsman; additionally, it is required to take into account the cost of the jewelry: some specialists offer to take the earring from them (for which you will have to pay separately). In Moscow, for such a service, they can request from 300 to 1000 rubles. Salons located inside the Ring may have a higher price tag. An approximate picture of prices is shown in the table:

How to pierce your lip at home

The number of piercing artists (not the ears, but the rest of the body) was not so great 10 years ago, so most people who wanted to stand out tried to make a piercing on their own. However, a home procedure without professional supervision is painful and not safe. They do it with special tools like this:

  1. Disinfect the instrument, jewelry, and puncture area with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Remove excess moisture from the puncture area with clean gauze.
  3. Puncture the muscle tissue from the inside.
  4. Push the instrument further with renewed vigor so that the tip comes out.
  5. Place the jewelry along the trail of the tool in the resulting hole.

A lip piercing at home is easy, but keep in mind that you can get to the wrong point, which will cause too long healing, scarring, inflammation. Additionally, you should remember about the sterility of the instruments and their correct choice: no sewing needles - only a special medical catheter. Movements should be smooth, ideally, the procedure should be carried out by an outsider - mom, girlfriend.

Possible complications and consequences

All types of piercing are invasive procedures, therefore, not only the presence of painful sensations during and during wound healing is not excluded. Firstly, doctors mention allergic reactions, which cannot be insured against - the body may not like any medicines that the master works with, and even the metal from which the jewelry is made. There are certain risks to consider before getting a lip piercing:

  • Infection - if the instruments were not sterile, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the wound, which will provoke suppuration (the simplest option) or, much worse, blood poisoning. Depending on the qualifications and degree of compliance by the master with sanitary standards, the client can get both a mild infection and HIV.
  • Damage to the teeth - this is influenced not only by the actions of the master during the procedure, but also by the quality of the jewelry, their size (it can touch the enamel), interactions with them, and incorrect attempts to remove.
  • The appearance of an inflammatory process in the puncture zone, edema is a frequent consequence (the probability of occurrence is about 30%), not the worst, since it passes after the use of local medicines.
  • Scarring of tissues (especially if you make a ring in the lip in the middle), which is not eliminated even after removing the jewelry.

Piercing contraindications

Studies carried out already in the 21st century showed that 30% of people who did piercings, especially on the face, experienced complications, some of which (about 1% of all cases) required hospitalization. For this reason, doctors advise you to carefully consider medical contraindications so that the craving for beauty does not become fatal. It is undesirable to resort to this procedure:

  1. During the activation of herpes.
  2. Diabetics.
  3. In the presence of skin diseases.
  4. Persons with poor blood clotting.
  5. When the body fights off colds and any viral / bacterial infection.
  6. Pregnant women (relative contraindication, should be discussed with a doctor).
  7. With congenital blood diseases.

Photo of lip piercing


Of all areas of the face, punctures in the upper and lower frenulum are considered the most painful. Lip piercings add elegance and seduction to your look, but they can also pose health risks.

Lip piercings

The art of body holes came to European countries back in the Middle Ages. For the first time, researchers have encountered such an unusual approach to decorating themselves while exploring African countries.

There are the following types of lip piercings:

  • Monroe- perhaps one of the most beautiful and stylish lip piercing options. It is performed on the right side of the face, like Marilyn's mole. This is a kind of imitation of the birthmark of a diva of the 50s. In more rare versions, it is done on both sides, while complete symmetry is observed;
  • Madonna... This piercing is similar to Monroe, but it is customary to do it from the other side. Some sources also call Crawfford. In theory, it can also be performed on both sides of the mouth, but this is rarely used;
  • Smile, it is also a puncture of the upper bridle. Practically painless procedure when performed. But this is where its advantages end. The main disadvantages of this piercing are inconvenience during operation and mechanical damage to the teeth. Despite this, at home, tissue is most often pierced in this place;
  • When pierced jellyfish the center of the nasolabial cavity is pierced. For the classic style, special earrings with a flat retainer are used. In the early 2000s, vertical and horizontal jellyfish became widespread. In them, the puncture is made in a straight line in the chosen direction and a barbell or banana earring is used as an earring;
  • Lowbrett- piercing under the lip. It happens horizontal and vertical, refers to the flat style. Unlike the usual labrett, the earring is located almost on the chin;
  • Ashley- a beautiful, but very painful and difficult to heal type of body art. It is done exactly in the middle of the lower lip. One of the rare types of piercing that can be performed on both the outside and the inside. Another feature is that after removing the jewelry, ugly large scars remain;
  • Estrum characterized by a horizontal arrangement of the earring. Doing it is not only painful, but also dangerous. With the wrong choice of the puncture depth, the jewelry is rejected by the body, or, on the contrary, heals for too long and is removed on its own;
  • Labrette- a puncture of the lower lip. For the safety of the oral cavity, it is made below the level of the gums, which minimizes damage to the teeth. Bananas are recommended for decoration, although rings, half rings and eyebrow thorns are also suitable.

But the names of female lip piercings do not end there. Body art masters often compose compositions from individual punctures, creating so-called bites. For example, a spider, dog, cyber, snake and shark bite is done. Microbananas, rings and half rings are used as decoration.

One of the most interesting body-artists in the world is the dahlia bite - here the earrings are located at the corners of the mouth. Particular importance is attached to the shape of the bananas. They can be spherical, spike and others.

How to do lip piercings step by step

Lip piercing can be done in two ways - with a gun or with a needle. All masters recommend using a needle. This is due to the fact that when working with a pistol, skin particles fall under the working plates, thereby contributing to blood poisoning during further procedures. Reviews claim that even a professional needle can be replaced by a simple pharmacy catheter. How to work for you - decide for yourself.

How to make an upper lip frenum piercing or an emoticon:

  1. During a puncture of the navel, ear, nose or other parts of the body, these manipulations are not needed. But when piercing this area, the most important thing is to reduce salivation. To do this, before starting the procedure, large glands (they are located under the tongue and near the jaws) must be laid with cotton wool. In dental offices, special tampons are used for this purpose — they can be bought at the pharmacy;
  2. The site of the future puncture should be washed with hydrogen peroxide or "Chlorhexidine". After that, the upper lip is pulled up so that you can get to thin places;
  3. This piercing is very easy to carry out at home due to its painlessness. To pierce a smiley, you need to find a white area on the bridle and point a needle there. If the bridle is large enough, then you can experiment with the height of the earring. With a lower setting, it will be noticeable during a conversation, with a higher setting, it is practically invisible;
  4. After that, the tampons are simply removed from the glands and the mouth is rinsed with Miramistin. There is no blood, so the further use of cotton balls is not advisable.

Video: Lower lip puncture

To pierce any other area of ​​the lip or perioral space, you will need special clips. They are needed not only for fixation, but also so that the beautiful piercing does not slide to the side, breaking the symmetry. You can buy these in any specialized stores.

If doing real lip piercing is scary, then you can temporarily put fake piercing. This is a bogus or fake "puncture". Such artificial decor will adorn the image for a while and will be able to show the hidden "informal" side of the personality without external damage.

Earrings & Piercing Jewelry

Various types of jewelry are used to design lip piercings:

Lip Puncture Care

Depending on the selected puncture site, special care is required. Any piercing can fester if only the outside of the piercing is flushed. Particular attention should be paid to rinsing the mouth with various antiseptic and regenerating solutions.

How is lip piercing processed:


Any body art carries a certain health hazard. There are some contraindications for piercing. First of all, it is herpes and other skin diseases. It is not recommended to pierce the skin during colds.

Other contraindications for piercing:

  • Pregnancy. This is not a categorical requirement, but during lactation and during an "interesting" position, interventions in the body are not recommended;
  • Diseases of the blood. If the piercing needs to heal, the cause lies in the composition of the blood. With a short time for platelet formation or other diseases, it is recommended to remove the jewelry;
  • It cannot be done with any reduced immunity.

The main consequences that the owners of lip piercing face are edema, festering or infection. If the girl's piercing is festering, you need to remove the jewelry, apply an antiseptic compress to the wound and take care of the hole more carefully.

But, sometimes, the inflammation begins not due to improper care, but due to the incorrect material of the piercing jewelry or the weight of the earring. For example, if the labrette is too heavy, it can pull on the skin and interfere with normal healing. In this case, you need to change the decor to gold or silver, but thinner and lighter.

Photo of piercing of the lower and upper lip

To find out how much lip piercing costs, as in the photo, you need to accurately describe to the master what you want and choose a piece of jewelry (ring or microbanana). The average cost of a puncture ranges from $ 10 to $ 50.