SMS congratulations on Easter, bright Sunday of Christ. Resurrection of Christ. How to say Happy Easter

Easter greetings send to mobile

I want to live with faith in my heart,
All putting aside fears.
Congratulations to you today
I am with Christ's Resurrection.

Hurry to the temple early in the morning,
Consecrate food for breakfast.
Gather loved ones together
To drink and eat.

I wish you to break your fast
I'm definitely smart.
Drink a delicious cake
Only church wine for you. ©

positive emotions
Today I wish you.
Happy Resurrection Day
My congratulations.

Faith will be let through life
Your guiding star.
With her always go boldly
For a cherished dream.

Happiness to you, mutual love,
Hello to all relatives.
Meekness, humility in the heart,
All earthly blessings to you. ©

Post is over, hooray!
It's time to celebrate Easter!
Easter cake and eggs on the table
Let's chat together.

There is no limit to jubilation
Let's say "Christ is risen!"
We wish you all good health,
God's grace from heaven. ©

Congratulations to my husband

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
Congratulations, husband, you.
Correct and noble
Let there be a path in life.

Believe in a dream, ask God
Strength, gentleness, love.
And then of course you can
To reach a significant goal.

Hugging you tight.
Honey, I love you.
About your well being
I pray to God every day. ©


Congratulations on Easter day
Daddy's favorite.
By the powers of heaven
Be always kept.

May Christ's Resurrection
Bring health.
I want to live happily
And do not know slander.

Peace, happiness, understanding,
Joy, patience,
light, spring
Only moods. ©

Let your cake be sweet
Lush and beautiful.
And the owner in a good house -
With money, happy.

Let them be in assortment
Salo and sausage.
Let your life be
Kind, like a fairy tale.

I wish you warmth
Peace and luck.
Congratulations on a big day
Christ's Resurrection! ©


I bring cake today
Mommy beloved
On the day he is endowed
Magic and power.

Easter will bring
Light and renewal.
I kiss three times
This Sunday.

Do not be sick, my bright angel,
Always be beautiful.
consecrated egg
Eat and be happy. ©

Bright Feast of the Resurrection
May it bring you happiness.
Light bright, blessed
The sun will illuminate you.

I wish you harmony
Understanding, kindness
Compassion and faith
Joy, warmth in the soul.

I kiss you three times
As a token of my great love.
I'll ask the sky today:
"God bless everyone." ©

Happy Easter Heartfelt Voice Cards

Today we celebrate
We are the Resurrection of Christ.
I wish on Easter day
You agree and good.

May your faith be strong
It will help to overcome the path.
I wish only with optimism
You look into the beautiful distance.

Well-being in the family to you,
Success in righteous work.
Always let there be strength in the body,
An angel will help you in trouble. ©

On a beautiful new dish -
Krashenki and Easter cakes.
In the temple we will pray
Light a candle fire.

Let's consecrate the Easter cake, eggs,
For the Lord to keep us.
We want you to smile
Every moment to be kind.

Happy Easter. native people,
There is a miracle! Christ is risen!
May the good continue to be with you,
Peace and happiness to heaven! ©

Bell ringing in the morning
Notifies everyone -
Happy Easter today
The world is coming.

kiss you today
And I will say "Christ is Risen".
Let joy and jubilation
You will be lifted to heaven.

I want to open my soul to you
For goodness, great love.
May patience and happiness
Your days are passing by. ©

Today is an Orthodox holiday.
The day is not easy, but the most important.
No need to quarrel, swear.
There is a good reason to smile.
Let all adversity pass you by
May the days and years give happiness.
And if you are still sad,
Release your bitterness.
Christ is risen! This is joy!
And sadness is no more! ©

Easter is the main event of the year for all Christians. In 2013, it falls on May 5th.
Do not forget that the traditional Easter greeting (greeting) “Christ is Risen”, in response to it, you should say “Truly Risen” and kiss three times. These words were spoken by an angel to the women who came to the tomb of the Lord, and the kiss symbolizes the peace and universal love that Christ bequeathed to the apostles.
Of course, all the congratulations on this page are sustained in the same spirit - peace, love, kindness, which is what I wish you.

In verse

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
It pours into glasses of Cahors.
Drink a little - a deal.
colorful eggs,
And bright smiles.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!

You are beautiful on Easter day
I congratulate. And in the spring
Let the sun shine gently,
And may success be with you.
Let Easter please immensely
Good luck awaits you in business
You be the very first in life
And may you be lucky in everything!

People celebrate Easter
Not wine or champagne
And spiritual words,
Eggs and cookies!
The holiday is knocking on your door
Have time to enjoy them!
Congratulations on Easter!
I wish you much joy!

Easter bells
And the smell of cake
Gives us a symbol of faith again
lit candle,
May your life be full
spiritual beauty,
And decorates the world always
flowers of kindness

What is Easter? It's a miracle.
The miracle of the resurrection of Christ!
Let's celebrate today,
There is Easter cake and beat eggs in the morning.
We heartily congratulate you!
And a big hello from everyone!
So that health is - we wish
And live happily for many years!

In prose

Easter is a holiday for all Orthodox Christians. And on this great day, I want to wish you health, kindness, peace, prosperity. May your home be filled with warmth and happiness throughout the year. Give each other love, attention and care. Happy Easter!

With joy and with all my heart I congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter of the Lord! I want to wish you peace, kindness, love and the fulfillment of all your good undertakings and hopes.

I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Resurrection, on Easter! May the joy that the entire Orthodox world experiences today remain with you for the whole year and support you in difficult times! Christ is risen!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter! May this bright day be the beginning of a new, joyful and happy life for you and your loved ones! May goodness, peace and love enter your home along with the holiday! Christ is risen


Let Easter transform you
Good luck, happiness will reward,
So that you smile on this day
To indulge in fun!

I congratulate you on Easter
Beautiful spring reigns
Flowers are fragrant all around
And she gives us happiness!

Believe in a miracle, be yourself
Live with an open mind!
Do good, do not avenge evil!
Remember Easter, honor!

Here comes Easter!
May it give you strength
And reward with health
Give happiness in life!

I'll tell you "Christ is Risen"
How very good news
And let it be all year long
Help you in everything always!

I wish you all the best,
Many wonderful feelings
Peace, joy, kindness
On the bright holiday of Easter!


For the glory of life gave the Creator
Holy grace happen,
To descend from heaven into every house
Salvation world! Christ is risen!

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ!
We wish you peace, great joy!
Let love warm you in life with warmth,
And the Easter ringing sanctifies with goodness and happiness!

The whole family of Easter Bunnies
Sending you Happy Easter!
Wishing you happiness, peace,
And, of course, fun!

Happy Easter, I congratulate you
I wish you happiness, joy!
To make it more fun
Eat eggs, who is faster!

Great Lent has passed
And with him - sadness and sadness and passion:
For the return of life - a toast!
May we be healthy and happy!

To the clouds and to the skies
SMS is flying today
Christ came down from the cross, and behold,
Rejoicing, celebrating the people!

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

People gather at a wide table,

On the table - Easter cakes, Easter, krashenki.

I know that they love me here and they are waiting for me to visit here.

Everything is native here - rivers and arable land.

We will celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

We will kiss our cheeks three times.

Let harmony live in souls, beauty.

Let the days be good, pleasant!

The house smells of Easter cakes,

Church bells ring.

Our Christ is risen, he is with us!

Happiness gives and love!

I wish you luck!

May the Easter spring

And health and patience

You will be completely pampered.

The icon has a candle burning,

Reverence spreads in the soul,

The temple shines in the sun

People celebrate Christ's Sunday.

I sincerely wish you warmth,

Long years, happy, clear and successful.

So that life is free,

Blessed, respectable, sinless

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

The sun is shining, the bells are ringing,

The frosts are over, the earth is shrouded in warmth,

And the grace of the Lord on this day has come down to us from heaven,

Around, everywhere you can hear - Christ is Risen! Resurrected!

Today, on this holy day, I wish you

Good health, love, warmth,

Good luck in your endeavors, luck,

May all dreams come true on Christ's Sunday.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Good news has descended from heaven!

Let's celebrate in the days of spring

We are the holiday of the resurrection!

A candle on a white tablecloth

And in the house - the smell of Easter cake.

So God bless you

Health and patience!

Holiness is meek on the faces,

Piety in the hearts.

Bogomoltsev strings

Pray for miracles.

Today we will praise God

From earth to heaven.

Distributed around the area

Loud voice: "Christ is risen!"

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

Easter cakes to fill up,

It's time for us to break the fast.

If the Vespers suddenly seemed not enough,

Go to church in the morning.

Start your meal with an egg, of course.

Equally for all of him, dividing.

So that mercy from above lasts forever,

Don't forget to kiss me.

Indeed, today is a great day.

And I hasten to congratulate you on him.

And wish that despondency glare

They did not appear, or they left like smoke.

Harmony, I wish you all the best,

Taste Easter cakes on Easter day.

I heartily congratulate you on Easter,

I want to be happy every day.

Ringing is heard everywhere

He calls to prayer

He told everyone around

That on this day Christ is Risen!

Easter Sunday

Day of joy, happiness, fun,

Universal love, respect,

Prosperity and peace.

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

Holy Christ's Resurrection

All human sins are forgiven.

Rejoice and rejoice, Christ is with us,

He brought peace to us with his resurrection.

On a bright holiday, Great

Enlightenment, miracles,

So that by grace from above

The new world has risen!

Happy Easter,

Happy wonderful holiday.

Love and peace

Happy Sunday.

May it protect you all year

From all life's troubles.

On the Great Day, I hasten to congratulate

In their prayers to glorify Christ.

Easter Day is a great day!

Let there be no shadow of sadness.

"Christ is Risen", the world is beautiful,

And every glance is so clear.

I heartily congratulate you

And I want to live in harmony.

well-being, health,

Live in the world even with.

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

Holy Easter, great holiday!

Joyful day of kindness and miracles.

On the domes - golden glare,

Children's bursting laughter to heaven.

I wish you happiness, health and harmony,

Fruitful years, success in fate,

May Easter bring joy

May life give you good luck.

"Christ is Risen"!!!

Happy holiday!

Happy day

And Happy Resurrection.

Rejoice and rejoice

Love to you and peace.

"Christ is Risen"

The rebirth of the world.

The people froze in anticipation of a miracle,

After Passion Week, Easter comes.

By the decoration of houses and by the faces of people

You can see how bright this day is.

Fulfillment of desires, peace, love,

So that all failures can be discarded.

For a whole year I wish to succeed sincerely,

So that life on earth would be reborn forever.

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing along!
The world of his wonders is filled
And glory unspeakable!
Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise man!
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
It pours into glasses of Cahors.
Drink not much - an agreement.
colorful eggs,
And bright smiles.
happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

Orthodox world today
A wonderful holiday celebrates
And in every house - a noble feast!
I am you Happy Easter!

Christ is risen! Today you
Feel yourself renewed
Let dreams come true
On a great day unsurpassed!

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
It pours into glasses of Cahors.
Drink not much - an agreement.
colorful eggs,
And bright smiles.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

Let the insults be forgotten
Happy easter we sincerely wish
May the Lord save you from troubles
And reward good deeds!

The eggs are decorated in the oven ,
The smell overwhelms us, there is nowhere to go.
Friends, acquaintances come with words
"Christ is risen!" "Indeed!" Are you with us?
We send you congratulations,
We always wish to be healthy.
May the mood be with you
We wish you more joyluck .

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

holy night... The temple is flooded with lights.
The prayers of sinners go up to heaven
Like burning incense on an altar...
Nature is full of gentle trembling,
The stars twinkle in the depths of the sky.
Silence reigns over the sinful world...
Christ is risen! Truly risen!
As the grass froze before the storm...
The dense old forest calmed down before the Mystery.
Only the wind whispers gentle words:
« Christ is risen! Truly risen

Easter, Easter, holiday it!
Everywhere signs of joy.
Happiness shines in the eyes.
The sun is shining in the sky.
The song is heard loudly.
The sun's light and the laughter of a child.
And in my heart
Light hymns are ringing.
And from end to end
Happiness we know.
Easter! Easter! Heaven's guest!
Everyone screams: Christ is risen!

Let be good Easter holiday
Brings you love
Let life be like in a fairy tale
Blossom, granny, again!
Let youth be the second
Lucky in life!
Happy Easter!
Let life go easy.

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

On the day of Easter lift your eyes to the cross.
Christ suffered for our transgressions.
He endured terrible torment,
He was crucified and resurrected on the third day.
The darkness has gone and the world has seen the light
And everyone was given freedom.
So love God with all your soul,
And you will prolong your life for many years!

We congratulate you:
« Christ is risen
We wish you well
Big wonders!
So that with God in the heart
Lived brighter
He is with us again
Risen Christ!
We wish you
Love always:
Where love melts -
The soul is empty.

Let be Easter Sunday
It will be colorful, sunny, bright!
Let be will bring renewal to the soul
And make a nice gift!

Happy Easter - Happy Easter

« Happy easter sincerely wish "
Around nature is washed by the sun,
A new spring has arrived!
Let the insults be forgotten
Wonderful light illuminated life!
We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter
Christ is risen - these are the main words!
May the Lord save you from troubles,
And reward good deeds!

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a fairy tale again:
FROM Christ Sunday you,
Happy and wonderful Easter!
Great Lent has passed
And with him - sadness and sadness, and passion ...
For the return of life - a toast!
May we be healthy and happy!
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him forever!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

Today the sun is pouring down
And good and clear day
because our Christ
Bringing truth into this world
And resurrected for joy.
Easter has come -
Joy embraced:
beloved Jesus,
Resurrected, resurrected!
Congratulations on the kindness
With God given Easter -
a wonderful holiday,
Miracle of Miracles!

Christ is risen. This is how Orthodox believers congratulate the arcs of a friend at a meeting or by means of SMS messages. But besides the standard congratulations, I always want to wish something good, good, eternal.

On this bright day, everyone around pronounces only words of congratulations. Any work on this day is a sin. One can only rejoice in congratulating family friends and celebrating Easter. Ask for forgiveness from God and from relatives and friends, but also forgive yourself.

On the tables in almost every house there are beautiful Easter cakes or cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs. Everyone has fun and congratulates their relatives and friends. Our small selection of congratulations will make your congratulations a little more beautiful and not the same as everyone else.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you all the best:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on your lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun, like in a fairy tale,
Sends rays for all people.

There is hope for salvation
Happy Easter Sunday,
So let her shine in the soul
Bless you with love!

Christ is risen! We congratulate you -
After all, the Lord has saved us for eternal life.
We want to rejoice and have fun,
Pray to God for everyone today!

Let the soul rejoice! Christ is risen!
And it couldn't be happier.
Believe: by the power of divine miracles
Everything that gnaws at the heart will be dispelled.

Happy Easter, I congratulate you!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck, wealth and good news.
May all that is desired come quickly.

Christ is risen! I congratulate you!
Let happiness come to the house.
Let warmth, love, care
Easter will bring with it.

I wish you earthly blessings on Easter,
And many good deeds of people,
Warmth, health and patience,
Peace in the soul and mood.

Happy Easter and Sunday,
With joy, warmth of spring,
With grace from heaven.
We rejoice all. Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, congratulations.
May it bring peace to your home.
I wish you happiness and good
Good luck in business awaits you.

The bell ringing spreads
Good news to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday,
God's blessing.
Let the house be filled with good
Happiness, joy, warmth.

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Let the heart be warm
Joy, warmth, love.
Let happiness be with you!

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Warmth, kindness and affection.
God's pure grace
Happiness and love radiant!

I congratulate you on Easter,
Let the warm wind blow
Bring good luck to the house
And bless everyone!

Easter brings guests to the house,
Get the cookies quick
Wish your loved ones good luck and happiness.
And let bad weather bypass your house!

Happy Easter, congratulations
Bright days, I wish you love.
Be kindly warmed
In life, you have joy to meet!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you well at home
So that the light does not leave him,
And your path is always illuminated!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday!
Let the soul be warmed.
There was no evil in life,
Love entered the house forever.

Congratulations dear,
We wish you a great holiday,
They brought large paskas,
Bow before the face
We are saints, we ask for happiness,
Let bad weather go away.

That's like Easter eggs
We covered with different paint,
The post is over, let's put on some weight!
Happy holiday! Christ Resurrect!

The New Year has passed and the masks have been removed.
Take out the eggs, paint for Easter.
Grace came from heaven!
And Jesus Christ is risen!

We congratulate you on the Easter holiday.
And we want to live like in a fairy tale.
Let there be a cake with wine on the table.
And only joys come to the house!

Happy Easter, holy congratulations,
I wish you happiness and health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sunshine in your window.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Rushing from earth to heaven.
And on Holy Sunday
Please accept Easter greetings.

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
I send you congratulations on Easter.
I wish you fun
I'll even have a glass.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Flocks of birds in the blue sky
Bells are heard.
I congratulate you on Easter
Spare no kind words.

Congratulations on the spring holiday
Early Easter pleases April.
On a clean day of holy Sunday
I wish you to enter the door of happiness.

To the ringing of bells at Easter
I wish you a break from the Fast:
Easter cake, egg and sausage
On the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

All Christendom with delight
Meets the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
I congratulate you. Protected by God
Let the cherished dream come true.

Sunday the sun shines,
Christians around the world celebrate Easter.
I congratulate you, I send joy from the heart.
Let the sunny door open for you

Joy comes to us with Easter.
Congratulations on the Great Day.
Let everyone have krashenki with sausage
Delicious that day.

On the Great Day of Easter, the feast is bright
Send congratulations to everyone.
"Christ is Risen!", and colorful
Start the holiday with an egg.

All the snow melted on Easter
The sun shines from above.
Happy Great Day everyone,
I wish you all beauty

Under Easter church bells
We say: "Christ is risen!"
Congratulations on a spiritual day
The sun brings you from heaven.

"Christ is risen!". We assure you without a doubt
We lift up to the sky three times a cry.
"Christ is risen!", and this Sunday
Accept congratulations and Easter cake.

Beautiful Easter greetings for mom

My dear, kind mother,
I wish you on Easter
So that you are the most beautiful,
More tenderness, joy, affection,

So that she does not know any troubles or sadness,
To be young and healthy
So that the eyes shine with happiness
Admire that dad you!

The aroma of the cake
Tears from the wax pours a candle
Mom, Happy Easter
I wish you all the best

Happiness, sun, kindness,
Youth, beauty,
Peace, joy, kindness
And spring warmth!

Mommy dear
Happy Easter
I sincerely wish
Let life be a fairy tale

Sunny and bright
So that you do not know troubles
smiled more often
And met spring!

Happy Easter, mommy, you,
I wish you a lot of happiness
To be cheerful and not know evil,
Love, you, health, family warmth!

Spring comes bright
Nature is awakening
I wish you mom
May happiness never end

May joy give you
Easter Annunciation,
Christ is risen, dear,
Truly risen!

Dear, my dear
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you, mommy
From the bottom of my heart, love and affection.

May your life be bright
Comfortable and stress-free
And let spring blossom in my soul,
Good luck, joy on Christ's Sunday!

Easter greetings in prose

Easter greetings can be given not only in poetry, but also in prose. In principle, anyone can compose something festive in prose. But if you don’t have time to come up with a beautiful text, and you need to send it very urgently, then try these congratulations.

We congratulate you on a Happy Easter! We wish peace, kindness, love, peace of mind and prosperity! May love always warm your hearth, your loved ones will be there, all your expectations will certainly come true, and your cherished dreams and wishes will come true!

Christ is Risen! So let your heart rejoice on the day of Easter! May the faith, hope and grace given by the Lord on this day become a reliable foundation for a long, happy and joyful life! Good and happiness to you and your loved ones!

On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding. May your soul be cleansed, the house be filled with grace, and your heart with the desire to do good, give yourself to faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let the bright Easter heal the souls with the ringing of bells, and let the eyes shine from the realization of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing, warm, wonderful day - the feast of Holy Easter! May your souls, like today's spring, inhale the warmth of Easter and be reborn clean, warm, joyful! This day grants us renewal and victory over death! So may holy grace and love be with you! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen we say with hope and a smile. We wish that peace, goodness descend from heaven today. Health, joy, peace, peace in the soul, holy inspiration, support from loved ones, help from friends, all worldly goods and a full bowl of table, and faith in the best, love, hope, and good luck, and many bright days. Happy Easter!

On the bright holiday of Sunday
May good reign in the family
There will be joy and fun
Treats on the table.

May the wonderful ringing of the church
Heals from adversity
Let the house be a full bowl
No worries and no hassle.

To make the colors shine
The smell of sweet cookies
Spread around the area
So that the family is kindred!

Bells are ringing everywhere
The ringing is heard straight to heaven.
Everyone says: “A miracle happened!”
It sounds everywhere: "Christ is risen!"

Happy Easter congratulations!
Live in harmony with yourself.
I wish you good and joy
Hope, faith and love!

Congratulations on the Bright Sunday of Christ. Light and goodness, prosperity and prosperity, faith and love to you. Peace and happiness to your home, you, relatives and friends. Christ is Risen!

Good news came from heaven:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Hurrying towards the holiday
The soul rejoices and sings!

I congratulate you on Easter.
Live in joy, friends.
May life be full of miracles.
Indeed, Christ is risen!

Great holiday, a gift from heaven!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Ringing bells everywhere
He spreads the good news.

Let good reign in the world
It lives in the hearts of all.
And on this bright day happy
May all souls be beautiful.

Forgive everyone, bless
Sip Easter Cahors.
Let joy be in your house
And from love the world will become more beautiful.

Christ is truly risen!
On a beautiful, bright holiday of Easter
May the world be full of wonders
Kindness, love, warmth and affection!

All your good wishes
May the Lord embody in reality
And all the sorrows and suffering
Scatter in the wind like dust!

Happy holiday! Christ is risen!
I wish you happiness
Positivity and miracles!
Let bypass all bad weather.

May the Lord keep you
Will give rays of kindness and affection.
There is no lighter and brighter day
What a wonderful Easter!

Christ is risen - they say!
Christ is risen - and everyone is happy
Fill my heart again
Love and hope!

May faith never leave you
All sorrows, like snow, will melt!
There is no gloom!
Resurrection indeed! Hooray!

Lush Easter cakes on the table,
Let joy hurry to your house,
Let grace come
Happiness will enter into life firmly.

So that the cup is full of prosperity,
Your life was without worries.
Angels sing from heaven:
"Christ is truly risen!"

Happy Easter, happiness, light,
clear dawn sun,
Silence in the soul, in the hearts
Peace and love in homes.
We want Christians
New life without deceit
Without disease, evil and troubles,
Having made a covenant with God.
" Happy Easter!" - Heard from Heaven:
God is truly risen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The world is full of joy, miracles.
On the day of this bright grace
I wish you happiness many times.

May God from heaven show you the way,
Everything that matters will come true.
For many years
God's light shines on you.