Sports complexes for the house for children. Making a children's sports ladder with your own hands: step-by-step installation instructions Children's sports ladders on the wall

  • High strength and reliability of structures.
  • Occupational safety - rubberized parts, the optimal step of the stairs.
  • Multifunctionality - a wide range of equipment from a horizontal bar and bars to a rope and bungee.
  • Versatility of use - all family members, not only children, but adults and the elderly can practice at the sports complex.

Children's sports complexes are designed for installation indoors. Attention! Do not leave children at the sports complex without adult supervision.

Mounting Features

Installing a home sports complex for children does not require special knowledge and tools. A drill for fastening to a wall, a stepladder, a wrench and a hex wrench is quite enough. However, manufacturers recommend that installation be carried out by a team of two or more people. If you do not have enough experience and time, you, as a resident of Moscow and St. Petersburg, can order the installation of the complex to our specialists. Buyers from the regions can count on detailed installation instructions by calling our company toll-free.

With the advent of the baby, parents often abandon the hectic life in high-rise buildings and move to permanent residence outside the city. Fresh air, sun, the sound of trees outside the window and birdsong in the morning. The cottage with its own garden is a true paradise for children.

There is enough space in the garden to run and play, you can ride a bike or swing, plant a "children's" garden or build a whole city out of sand. And in the spacious nursery there is enough space for all the toys. True, the child's room is often located on the second or third floor. Therefore, the most important thing to take care of in the first place is a safe staircase in the house.

New staircase

If you are just designing a staircase or decide to replace the old one with a new one, it is better to choose closedmarching structure. It is exceptionally stable and reliable. In addition, it has not only a horizontal plane (tread), but also a vertical one (riser), which prevents the foot from moving further into the gap. Straight ladders are more reliable than rotary ones, so they are preferable if you do not need to save space. Steps on mid-flight stairs can be attached on bowstrings and stringers.

Bolts stairs and cantilever stairs - as if floating in the air. But they are dangerous for small children, as they are distinguished by minimal fencing with large gaps (or no railing at all), as well as the absence of a riser. It is quite difficult to protect such a structure with children's gates.

Spiral stairs also not differ in convenience and safety. Their complex designs, with a large angle of inclination and a minimum width of steps in the center, are one of the most inconvenient and traumatic, even for adults. From the steps of the spiral staircase it is easy to roll down.

First steps

A very small child who has just got on his feet is the easiest way to keep out of trouble. Access to dangerous steps is blocked by children's gates or gates, which are securely fixed to the wall and balusters.

Gates are installed at the bottom of the stairs and at the top: a double barrier is the safest solution. Children's gates can be made of metal or wood. Both options are reliable. But the tree is more pleasant to the touch and more "warm". Many manufacturers emphasize non-toxic protective coating: nothing will happen if the baby tries the gate "on the tooth".

However, the gate option is suitable for children up to about 3 years old. The older the child, the easier it is for him to cope with constipation at the gate. Even if they are very reliable, they can be opened. As soon as the child has enough strength, he uses the opportunity to "see the world."

Active preschooler

A child of middle and older preschool age wants to know everything and be in time for everything. Which means he can't stand slowness. A reliable ladder must have a number of features.

The slope of the stairs should not cause difficulties for the younger generation when climbing or descending. The optimal angle of elevation is no more than 35º.

To make it convenient for the child to descend, a special children's handrail is mounted. It is better to mount it on the wall, and not on the railing. Then the child will not be tempted to climb on it and bend over the adult railing. When there is no longer a need for a child rail, they are easy to dismantle. Pay attention to the handicap and the size of the children's handrail. It is better if it is round or oval and necessarily small in size so that the baby is comfortable to hold on to. Metal handrails have a cold and slippery surface. Therefore, wooden railings are more reliable. The recommended installation height is 0.6 m.

The stairs should not be too wide. The optimal width is 0.8 m. This distance is just enough for the child to hold on to the railing with both hands.

The height of the enclosing structures must be at least 1 m. The width of 0.8 m and the height of the fence of 1 m will complement each other, allowing the child to move safely.

Balusters should be vertical so that the child cannot climb and fall over the railing. Balusters should be located close to each other so that the baby cannot crawl between them or stick his head through. The safest distance is up to 12 cm. Even better is the absence of a gap. The excess distance between the balusters is corrected by weaving linoleum or other durable and plastic material. You can also use a strong fishing net with small cells so that the child cannot stick his hand out.

If your stairs do not have a riser and the distance between the steps is more than 18 cm, a child's small foot may slip into the gap between the planes of the steps. You can install a riser (made of wood or other material) or a half riser, which will cover the gap not entirely, but half.

Steps should not be slippery. Incorrectly selected material can become a source of injury not only for children, but also for adults. It is possible to strengthen the carpet on the steps. If this option is not desired. A good choice would be linoleum: it is easy to clean and can be made in any color solution. There are also special anti slip tapes and two-component paints , in which a special crumb is added. After drying, the paint forms a rough surface. If you are going to tile the stairs, you can use anti-slip rubber profile for stairs SureStep. True, it is impossible to install a profile on steps already tiled.

If you have a cantilever staircase, you can mount a carpet on the steps. It will prevent slipping and act as a riser, preventing the child's foot from slipping into the opening.

For the normal development of the child's body, physical activity is an important point. The Swedish wall for children in an apartment or house makes it possible to perform the daily necessary set of exercises at home. This contributes to the development of strength, endurance and dexterity of the child. How to choose the right home sports simulator is described in detail in this article.

The Swedish wall for children, the photos clearly confirm this, is a functional simulator, consisting of a ladder from floor to ceiling, which ends with a horizontal bar and is installed near the wall, and additional sports equipment in the form of a rope, a rope ladder, rings, bars, etc.

This is an ideal solution for the full physical development of a child of any age. The sports complex allows you to strengthen muscles, form the correct posture, develop the dexterity and endurance of the child. Regular classes contribute to training and strengthening the cardiovascular system, improve coordination of movements, strengthen immunity. Performing exercises on the stairs is a good prevention of flat feet.

The sports Swedish wall installed in the apartment is an indispensable simulator in the winter, when children spend little time outside. The complex has a compact design that does not take up much space. However, due to the fact that additional sports equipment can be attached to it, various physical exercises can be performed, which confirms the versatility of a home simulator.

Despite all the positive aspects of the Swedish wall, do not forget about the shortcomings of the simulator. The sports complex is a high ladder, which can become the object of various injuries for the child if it is carelessly used and installed incorrectly. During the training of the child on the simulator, the presence of an adult is mandatory.

Today, manufacturers produce various variations of Swedish walls, where some models have rather large dimensions, which is not suitable for small apartments. When buying a Swedish wall made of wood, it should be borne in mind that this material has low strength, reacts negatively to mechanical stress, high temperature and water.

Another important drawback is the static design of most models, which cannot be moved from one place to another. Installation of the complex requires compliance with certain rules, one of which is the specific location of the simulator for its safe operation, which does not always harmoniously fit into the interior design of the room.

Varieties of Swedish walls for the home

Wall bars can be indoor or outdoor. The first type includes more compact, small-sized simulators made of wood or metal, but the functionality of the design is no lower than that of street models. Outdoor complexes are often made of metal, which is resistant to moisture, sunlight and temperature extremes. These are large-sized models with impressive dimensions and the presence of a variety of equipment (long arms, rings, swings, crossbars).

According to the shape of the structure, the following Swedish walls are distinguished:

  • I - figurative models;
  • T - shaped simulators;
  • G - shaped walls;
  • P - shaped Swedish walls;
  • corners.

I - shaped design of the Swedish wall is the simplest option. It is represented by two racks and crossbars. Attach to the wall or by surprise. It does not provide for the addition of additional mounted shells.

The most popular option is the L - shaped wall, which consists of a high ladder, ending at the top with a horizontal bar for pulling up or a one-sided handrail. Models can be produced with various types of fastening.

The most practical option is the T - shaped design, which is fixed against the floor and ceiling. The Swedish wall, the photos clearly show this, is represented by a staircase, from which two hand-rails depart in both directions. Various attachments can be attached to them.

The most massive is considered to be a U - shaped Swedish wall, which should be installed in a large, spacious room. It consists of two ladders interconnected by rungs or handrails. Stable, massive construction is able to withstand a large number of additional sports accessories.

The exercise machine in the form of a corner differs in ergonomics. It occupies a minimum of space, but at the same time its functionality is not reduced. Today you can buy a ready-made corner model or combine from two suitable options.

Material for the manufacture of Swedish walls in an apartment

All Swedish wall models are made of wood, metal or combinations of these materials. Each material has its positives and negatives.

Metal structures are made of a profile pipe with a thickness of at least 2 mm. The diameter of the crossbars is much smaller than that of wooden counterparts. This makes it possible to comfortably operate the simulator even for the smallest children. These are very strong, reliable, durable sports equipment that can be supplemented with serious power sports equipment such as hanging bars, barbell supports, barbell benches and abs. However, they are more traumatic due to slippery crossbars. In addition, they are cold to the touch, which can create discomfort for the child.

Important! The metal Swedish wall is calculated on loading to 200 kg.

Wooden Swedish walls for children are made of beech, maple or pine. To exclude the appearance of splinters, all parts of the product are carefully adjusted and polished beforehand, often varnished on top. Wooden structures are pleasant to the touch and have a natural anti-slip effect. They are less traumatic than metal counterparts.

However, wood is a short-lived material that can crack, break, dry out over time. Children's wooden Swedish walls wear out faster. In addition, the wooden structure is designed for a much lower weight than metal complexes.

Ways of fastening children's Swedish walls for the house

Depending on the type of fastening, the following options for Swedish walls are distinguished:

  • wall construction;
  • spacer wall;
  • Swedish wall of mixed type.

Wall versions of the Swedish walls involve fastening the structure to the wall in four or six places using U-shaped brackets. The lower paws of the racks rest against the floor. Such a simulator takes up a minimum of free space. Installation of a children's Swedish wall with fastening in the wall is quite laborious, requiring drilling holes in the wall of the premises. The structure should be installed near a wooden, concrete or brick wall. If the wall is sheathed with drywall, you should choose another installation location, or purchase a model with a spacer mounting method.

Models with a spacer mounting option are installed between the ceiling and the floor by surprise. This installation method is the easiest and does not require drilling holes in the floor or ceiling. However, it should be remembered that the expandable Swedish wall is unsuitable for rooms with false or stretch ceilings.

Mixed type involves the use of two mounting options at the same time. Based on the attached drawing, the Swedish wall is first screwed to the wall, and then bursts between the ceiling and the floor. This type of installation is considered the most reliable. However, this mounting option is not valid for all models.

Useful advice! When choosing a method of fastening a Swedish wall, one should take into account the peculiarities of the interior of the room - the material of the walls, the height of the ceiling and other factors that may interfere with the reliable installation of the structure, which will subsequently affect the safe operation of the simulator.

Complete set of Swedish walls for children and adults

Wall bars of any type, except for the I-shaped design, can be supplemented with various hinged sports equipment, changing its functionality depending on the age and needs of the athlete. To begin with, it is enough to buy a Swedish wall for the house with a minimum composition of components, and gradually acquire the rest of the equipment as needed.

All sports equipment for wall bars is conditionally divided into two types: for children and for adults. Very often, people immediately purchase a Swedish wall for adults and additionally complete it with a set of necessary sports equipment for children, which includes a rope, rings, a basketball hoop, a rope ladder, a slide and others.

The set of the “adult” simulator includes a Swedish wall with a horizontal bar and bars for the home, equipped with a bench for working out the abdominal muscles. As the child grows older, more and more often they can engage with an adult.

However, if adult family members do not go in for sports, or prefer to visit the gym, then it is better to buy a Swedish wall for children in an apartment, which will be a full-fledged sports and gaming complex.

Related article:

Equipment requirements and selection criteria. Arrangement of space with your own hands. Original solutions for placement in the room.

Complete set of the exercise machine for small children

The most popular sports equipment for young preschool children are:

  • a rope in the form of a thick rope, made of durable natural or synthetic material, which is knotted at the bottom;
  • a pair of gymnastic rings on a rope suspension;

  • rope ladder with wooden rungs, which are mounted on a suspension;
  • gladiatorial net made of durable material, designed for climbing;
  • wooden swings are an indispensable simulator for leg muscles and the vestibular apparatus;
  • a basketball backboard with rings is designed to develop accuracy;
  • a slide or a gymnastic bench is used to develop balance and train the muscles of the feet and spine;
  • a trapezoid is a crossbar on two ropes, which is suspended at the required height;
  • the handle starts from the top of the wall and is parallel to the floor;
  • the ladder allows the child to climb from one projectile to another and opens up new training options.

Useful advice! For any Swedish wall, you should additionally purchase mats. For L- and I-shaped structures, one element is sufficient, and for T- and U-shaped structures, at least two products will be needed.

Popular outfits for teens and adults

Swedish walls for adults are completed with shells designed for muscle training. These include:

  • the bars are crossbars that are attached perpendicular to the wall and parallel to each other. In some models, they can be folded;
  • the emphasis for the press is represented by a back with soft upholstery and armrests that are hung on the wall;
  • a hinged horizontal bar for the Swedish wall in the form of a pull-up bar can move to any height, which is important for training children;
  • the bench for the press is a board upholstered with soft material, which at one end clings to the crossbar, and the other rests on the floor;
  • a punching bag complete with gloves is a necessary device for training the muscles of the back and arms, practicing punches;
  • bench for bench press in the form of a folding board, equipped with holders for the barbell, used for strength exercises;
  • pylon - a metal pipe that is installed between the floor and the ceiling by surprise, is used to perform gymnastic studies, where coordination of movements develops, the muscles of the legs and arms are trained.

What is important to know before buying a Swedish wall for a child?

A home sports complex in the form of a Swedish wall is selected taking into account the place of its installation, the age of the child, the manufacturer and the configuration. Stopping your choice on a particular model, you should make sure the quality of the products. To do this, the seller is obliged to provide a certificate for the simulator, which indicates a positive sanitary and epidemiological assessment for the material of manufacture, and confirms the strength, reliability and safety of the design by the manufacturer.

One of the main factors is the safety of the simulator. When choosing a complex for kids, it is better to give preference to models made of natural wood. The surface of the structure in this case is non-slip, which reduces the likelihood of slipping off the steps, which can lead to injury.

Next, you should consider how much weight the wall is designed for. If a sports simulator is purchased taking into account the growing up of the child, the design must withstand not only the weight of the athlete, but also additional sports equipment that can be purchased taking into account the age of the child.

The choice of fastening depends on the design features of the room and the installation location of the Swedish wall. Wall models should only be attached to a load-bearing wall. Only in this case will the safe operation of the complex be ensured. This type of fastening should also be preferred if there is a false or stretch ceiling in the room.

Important! On the wall mounts, as well as on the simulator itself, there should be no protruding parts, edges and sharp corners.

When choosing a sports simulator, you should take into account the dimensions of the Swedish wall, the drawings clearly display them. For it, the correct installation site must be chosen so that all the functionality of the design is ensured, namely, the convenient and safe operation of all attachments. There should be enough space around the complex for unimpeded swinging on a swing and comfortable exercise. For a small room, you can purchase a compact model with a Swedish wall size of up to 1 m in height and a width of 60 cm.

When choosing a Swedish wall for a small child, the quality of the crossbars should be taken into account. In wooden structures, they must be carefully processed, polished and varnished. Metal elements are more traumatic, so they must have rubberized nozzles.

Useful advice! When choosing a metal Swedish wall, it is better to give preference to designs with an anti-slip coating in the form of special nozzles.

When choosing a Swedish wall in an apartment where the average ceiling height is 2.5-2.6 m, you should focus on the maximum height of a sports simulator of 2.2-2.3 m, which leaves the opportunity for pulling up on the horizontal bar under the ceiling. The number of crossbars must be at least 10 pcs.

Rules for the safe operation of the Swedish wall

Compliance with simple rules for the safe operation of the Swedish wall will minimize injuries and damage to the simulator.

In no case should a small child be left unattended while he is at the sports complex. Many exercises should be performed with the safety net and support of an adult. To avoid bruises when falling from the simulator, a mattress, soft rug or a special mat should be placed under it, which can be included in the Swedish wall kit or sold separately.

During the operation of the sports complex, it is necessary to monitor compliance with the weight regime. If the wall is designed for a load of up to 80 kg, a person with a large weight cannot work on it and make it heavier with additional equipment.

Useful advice! To limit the height of the child's rise along the Swedish wall, you can install a special limiter or remove the upper crossbars.

Before installing sports equipment, children should be instructed about the safe operation of the complex. It must be recalled that in order to avoid injury, several people should not be on the stairs at the same time. Pampering during the performance of classes is unacceptable. Also, you should not perform sports exercises during an exacerbation of diseases, which can lead to a deterioration in health with additional loads.

Useful advice! Do not use sports equipment for other purposes. This may render it unusable.

To ensure the durability and safe operation of the sports complex, it must be kept clean.

A possible set of exercises on the Swedish wall

All exercises on the Swedish wall for children should be performed taking into account the age, health status and physical fitness of the child.

You can start practicing on the Swedish wall from the age of 6 months, when the baby masters the skills of crawling and sitting. A swing, a ladder and a slide are suitable here, where the baby can improve his skills.

More active activities on the Swedish wall begin when the child can walk independently. At the age of 1-1.5 years, the child will actively learn to climb the stairs up and down the stairs. Of great interest at this age are gymnastic rings, for which you can cling and hang, swing and raise your legs. Here the baby improves and improves his motor skills. From the age of one and a half, kids really like to climb the rope ladder.

A child of preschool and primary school age can perform the following simple tasks for adults:

  • hang on the horizontal bar for as long as possible, training the muscles of the back and arms;
  • on weight, raise straight legs or bent at the knees, where the abdominal muscles are trained;
  • perform pull-ups;
  • holding on to the crossbar, do squats;
  • holding the crossbar with your hands, alternately raise your legs;
  • hang and swing on the crossbar, like a pendulum;
  • climb and ride a rope;
  • perform stretching of the legs, alternately lifting them to the crossbar and leaning forward at the same time;
  • hang on the rings, bending the legs at the knees, or bending them at a right angle and hang as long as possible.

When choosing a sports complex for children over 10 years old, you should buy a Swedish wall with horizontal bars and bars, where you can fully engage in physical activity at home.

For older children, men and women, wall bars should be supplemented with a more serious load to train most groups of the whole body:

  • download a press on a special board;
  • perform pull-ups with different grips, training the muscles of the back, biceps;
  • perform squats on one leg, placing the other on the lower bar;
  • push up on the uneven bars;
  • hang on the crossbar and spread your legs in different directions, cross them;
  • take the legs back one by one in a position facing the wall;
  • perform a “spring” hanging on the upper crossbar with your back to the wall, while the heels reach for the floor, the toes of the legs are pulled up, the chin is pressed to the chest.

Popular models of wall bars from the manufacturer

Among the portable mobile options for sports complexes, a metal Swedish wall for the smallest ones should be singled out. “Vertical. Cheerful kid." The design can withstand loads up to 50 kg. The simulator kit includes a mat, a bungee, a swing, gymnastic rings, a slide, a rope ladder and a net. The cost of the complex is 12 thousand rubles.

Another popular mobile model is the Kampfer-Kitty wooden Swedish wall. The set includes a slide and a swing. The maximum load is 30 kg. The cost of the simulator is 11 thousand rubles.

The simplest wooden Swedish wall, which you can buy for only 4 thousand rubles, is the I-shaped model EffectSport DSB. The height of the structure is 2.6 m, the width is 0.8 m. The simulator is attached to the wall and can withstand loads up to 120 kg.

The L-shaped design of the metal simulator The teenager is attached to the wall. The set includes a pull-up bar. The height of the structure is 2.27 m. The sports equipment can withstand a load of up to 100 kg. You can buy a Swedish wall for a house with a horizontal bar for 6 thousand rubles.

The metal children's sports complex Vertical is installed by surprise. The kit includes a trapezoid, rope, horizontal bar, rings. Withstands loads up to 90 kg. The cost of the complex is about 6 thousand rubles.

Metal Swedish wall "Carousel 1" includes a ladder, a horizontal bar, a trapezoid, a rope and rings. The height of the structure is 2.18 m. It is attached to the wall and is able to withstand a load of up to 100 kg. The cost of the wall is 6 thousand rubles.

The Swedish wall made of metal "Pioneer" is installed by surprise. It takes up space on the floor measuring 0.9 × 1.5 m. The manufacturer produces various color variations. The standard kit includes a wall, a horizontal bar, a rope ladder, a rope, a trapezoid and rings. The steps are treated with a special non-slip PVC material. Withstands loads up to 100 kg. You can buy a simulator for 7 thousand rubles.

Another popular model that is installed by surprise is the wooden wall bars for children in the Kampfer Compact (ceiling) apartment. The standard kit includes a trapezoid, rings and a swing. The height of the wall is 2.71 m, the width is 0.64 m. It can withstand weight up to 120 kg. The price of the simulator is about 12 thousand rubles.

For older children and adults, you can buy a Swedish wall from the manufacturer Kampfer Little sport Maxi. The wall is installed by surprise and is equipped with a horizontal bar, a rope, a rope ladder, rings. The price of the simulator is 16.5 thousand rubles.

The Swedish wall with a horizontal bar and bars is very popular, which you can buy for 11.5 thousand rubles from the Olimp company. The design is attached to the wall, and is equipped with a bench for the press. It can withstand loads up to 250 kg.

Do-it-yourself Swedish wall manufacturing technology

When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made sports complex, the question arises of how to make a Swedish wall made of wood for the house with your own hands. The wood for the simulator must be dried and aged. If a wall is made for a small child, it is better to give preference to soft woods, such as linden or pine. They are much easier to process than ash, beech or oak.

To make a wooden Swedish wall with your own hands, you need to purchase an edged board 4.5-5 cm thick, 30 cm wide and at least 2.5 m long. Two side racks are made from it using a circulating machine. The surfaces of the elements are polished. In wooden blanks for racks, holes are drilled for the crossbars at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The crossbars can also be cut out of wood or ready-made cuttings from shovels with a thickness of no more than 4 cm can be taken. Next, the final grinding of all elements and their treatment with a paint and varnish composition are performed.

Now, on the basis of the drawing of the Swedish wall made of wood, the entire structure is assembled with their own hands. To do this, you need a set of fasteners. Next, the wall is attached to the wall with dowels.

It is much more difficult to make a metal Swedish wall with your own hands. To do this, you can take old pipes, stripping them of paint and rust, or purchase new products in the store.

Before assembling the structure, it is necessary to compile or download from the Internet a detailed drawing of a Swedish wall made of metal with your own hands, on the basis of which to prepare all the necessary elements of a given size and in the right quantity.

A self-made children's Swedish wall can be equipped with various sports equipment, which can be purchased at sports stores. This option will cost much less than buying a ready-made complex.

Before you buy a home sports complex, you need to familiarize yourself with the various options for wall bars, reviews of which will help you decide on the choice of a particular model. Here you should take into account the quality of the product, the dimensions of the structure, the mounting option and the possibility of additional equipment with sports equipment.

Buy a children's sports complex for home in Moscow at a bargain price. Another bright gift idea for kids and adults. Children's sports complex (abbreviated as DSC) is an interesting and useful gift. Due to the many functions - the complex for the apartment will take the child, help him develop, add space for games. Now it will use the entire height of the apartment! More time for outdoor games less for the computer and phone.

How to choose a DSC for an apartment

Metal or wooden.
Both options are suitable for various exercises and games. Choose the DSC material based on your personal preferences and the design of the room.

By installation type.

DSC for an apartment can be wall-mounted, spacer, or simply installed on a flat surface.

The most common wall. Holes are drilled in the wall, and with the help of dowels, the Swedish ladder is fixed in the right place. The wall must be strong. Suitable concrete, stone, brick. The drywall wall will not withstand the load. In this case, we recommend a different type of installation.
Spacer (in thrust) Placed at a distance between the floor and the ceiling. Holes are not drilled, this option is less laborious and quiet. The main requirement is a solid base of the floor and ceiling.
The third type is for the smallest users. It is mounted on a flat surface, limited in height and weight.
By load.

Despite the name, the children's sports complex can be used by all family members. Permissible load on the main structure starts from 90 kg. This is a line of Swedish walls "Mowgli", "Alpinist", Samson, Leader, Krepysh. For loads over 100 kg. home children's sports complexes of such industries as Cheerful fidget, Pioneer, Gorodok, Kampfer, Karusel are designed.
Sports corners of any manufacturer are already equipped with everything necessary for installation and operation. But there is always additional equipment that will help improve and diversify, make the corner a favorite and interesting place for children's games. You can always see the complete set in the product description or check with the manager of the online store. Select sports equipment in the appropriate section.
Mesh or classic
Interesting models with a climbing net. If there are children under 12 in the family and the area allows you to install it, feel free to take this option. The grid will add new skills, keep the child busy.
Occupied area and height.

Before buying, be sure to measure the place where you plan to place a corner or a Swedish ladder. Don't forget the height.
By manufacturer.
All manufacturers of children's complexes are located in Russia. Warranty obligations are fulfilled qualitatively and on time.
Very interesting Merry Fidget. Large selection of high quality and various models. Possibility to order DSC with rubberized steps or ordinary metal ones.
Roman carousel. Also a wide choice, quality and reliability of the made designs.
Town. One of the first productions on the market. Models are tested on loading more than 100 kg. Not high price and excellent quality.
Pioneer. Production is located in Nizhny Novgorod. There is a choice of color and coating steps. Also high quality and variety of models.
DSC price.
In the Nikita-shop online store, the cheapest sports complex costs 3,000 rubles, and the most expensive is 53,375 rubles. More than 260 models from fifteen manufacturers are represented in this range.

In order for children to have the opportunity to play sports or just warm up at home, parents often think about purchasing a sports ladder. This design will not only become an excellent playground for your child, but will also contribute to improving health and active physical development. There are a wide variety of them on the market. Consider which model is better to choose for an apartment or a private house and how to make an analogue of a purchased staircase with your own hands.

Component structures

If you decide to purchase a ladder for children, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this design and its constituent elements. Standard products are characterized by minimal dimensions and the simplest configuration. Basically, this includes the Swedish wall and the safety mat. If you have the opportunity to equip an entire sports field, pay attention to the additional equipment that can be equipped with the product.

The sports ladder contributes to the active physical development of children

Such a structure may include the following elements:

  • Swedish wall. This is a common ladder for sports and games, consisting of uprights and rounded rungs.
  • Rope-ladder. In order to diversify the use of a children's wall, you can add a section made of a rope and crossbars or a regular rope climbing net.
  • Gymnastic rings. This is a very useful equipment for developing the strength and endurance of the child. In addition, they take up a minimum of space and can be attached to the horizontal part of the sports wall.
  • Mat. Provides not only a soft area for play, but also safety when climbing stairs and other equipment. It is desirable to include it in any design.
  • Swing. This is a favorite part of the wall for many children, especially girls. The swing may have a different design, some models require the presence of parents and their help when using.
  • basketball hoop. The miniature design, which is an analogue of full-fledged equipment, is suitable for playing in the apartment. A full ring is best used for installation outside the house.
  • Punching bag. This projectile will be useful for both boys and girls. With it, you can throw out energy, learn techniques and just indulge.
  • Venues. Some stairs are a multi-level structure, in which small platforms are located between the sections.
  • Slide. In the apartment you can afford to install a small inflatable slide. But if the complex is located in the courtyard of a private house, you can equip it with a wooden or plastic model. Access to it can be carried out by stairs or from an adjacent platform.
  • Horizontal bar. For straightening your posture, developing muscles and stretching the skeleton, this compact projectile is simply indispensable.
  • Rope. Many children love to climb a rope, so you can hang it from a rack or crossbar of a wall bars with a horizontal part.

The sports ladder can include many elements for the physical development of the child

Certain elements are selected for a specific age. For a one-year-old baby, the simplest design is enough, and as your child grows, some components can be added or interchanged.

Available Models

As for the types of structures, several classification criteria can be considered here at once. First of all, consider the possible material of manufacture. For modern children's stairs and sports complexes, the following materials can be used:

  • Tree. It is an environmentally friendly and comfortable material to use. It is pleasant to the touch and has a small weight. At the same time, it is important that the surface of the wood be perfectly processed, that is, there are no chips and burrs, there is an additional coating or polishing.
  • Metal. Such designs are perfect for the street. The metal is very strong, but it can be traumatic. Therefore, it is important to check the absence of burrs and rust, warped paint. An additional polymer coating is welcome to give softness. Please note that in cold weather, using the structure will be uncomfortable and may even be dangerous (slip, sticking).
  • Plastic. Lightweight simple ladders for very young children are made of plastic. For older children, it is better to choose more durable models, and leave plastic for auxiliary components.

Varieties of children's sports ladders depending on the material of manufacture

According to the method of fastening, home stairs can be:

  • wall - fixed along the wall;
  • spacer - attached to the ceiling and floor.

Street models are mainly installed by deepening into the ground with or without a foundation.

In addition, there are such models of ladders:

  • L-shaped;
  • T-shaped;
  • multi-element;
  • combined.

The first two varieties are standard and contain, in addition to the Swedish wall, a minimum of elements. Multi-element missiles consist of a wide variety of projectiles. But the combined stairs can be part of a more complex design and be combined with a bunk bed, a rack, a children's house and other furniture.

Primary requirements

In order to get the most out of a ladder for children, you need to make sure that it meets the basic requirements. These include, first of all, the criteria of safety and environmental friendliness. When buying, you should check the availability of a quality certificate for a particular design. This is especially true for plastic parts. In addition, the threat may lie in the use of toxic paints and polymeric materials. A characteristic unpleasant odor can serve as an alarm signal.

Next, pay attention to the way the parts are connected. The crossbars should not stagger, scroll, etc. The material itself must also be strong enough. The stability of the structure can only be finally verified at the installation site.

Another factor is the distance between the rungs of the stairs. The younger the child, the smaller it should be. The same applies to the height of the location of additional projectiles like swings, rings and bars. In addition, specific weight restrictions are provided for different models. And finally, make sure that both you and your child like the appearance of the structure.

The main requirements for children's stairs are safety and environmental friendliness.

In order to choose a good children's ladder, use the following recommendations.

  • Choose by age group. Basically, sports structures are divided into those that are intended for very young children, that is, children from 1 to 3 years old, for elementary school students and children from 10 to 14 years old. They differ in the parameters of the location of the shells and the general equipment. You can take a complex suitable for adults with additional shells, for example, a bench for the press. It must withstand a load of 100-120 kg.
  • Rubberized crossbars do not slip and prevent injury when hitting them. This is especially true for metal structures. In addition, lay a mat at the bottom.
  • It is more profitable to buy stackable complexes, because if necessary, you can add another projectile without replacing the main structure.
  • The method of attachment should be suitable for your conditions. With uneven surfaces, the difference in distance must be compensated for with special fasteners. The quality and safety of fasteners is what you need to pay the most attention to.
  • The ability to adjust the height of the elements is a huge plus. You can adapt the product to the age and height of your child.
  • Dimensions can also affect your choice, because it is not always possible to place a large complex in an apartment. For the street, the only limit is the available budget.

First of all, you need to choose a children's Swedish wall in accordance with the age of the child.

Installation rules

To install the purchased Swedish wall in the apartment, you will need a puncher, since to guarantee stability it is necessary to fix the racks in the wall or to the ceiling. In order to fit the structure in height, it is advisable to buy products with level-adjustable legs.

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to assemble all the parts together. To install a wall ladder, it is necessary to drill the required number of holes, according to the instructions, at the required level. The racks are provided with holes for installing bolts and nuts. In order for the fasteners not to injure the child, special plugs are used to mask them. Ceiling mounts are installed in the same way. Some elements are hung on corners pre-screwed on top.

Street complexes are installed on a concrete base under the support posts. For each of the supports, a hole is dug about 40 cm deep, a rack is placed there on a crushed stone substrate and poured with concrete. Be sure to make sure that the level was observed for each element: both vertically and horizontally.


If you do not want to spend money on ready-made stairs for your child's sports activities, you can try to make a similar design with your own hands. The simplest Swedish wall can be made of wood.

Scheme for the manufacture of a simple Swedish wall made of wood a) supports c) holes for fastening

First you need to make supports. For them, a beam is taken and cut off at a given height of the future staircase. For the crossbars, it is best to take a processed round bar. To fix them at the same distance, recesses are cut out on the bowstrings, and the edges of the bar are ground down for a lock connection. Then the crossbars are driven into one bowstring and pressed against the second on the other side. For reliability, glue and spacers are used at least above and below so that the bowstrings do not part.

The sports ladder will contribute to the proper physical development of the child. An active lifestyle is the key to good health.