Means for removing white stains from suede shoes. Suede shoes: how to restore and what products can be used at home

"And they are still fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture and everyday life!" - Anton Semenovich Shpak said to the wanted dog in the immortal comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession."

You will not find information on what to do if your suede jacket is stolen in this article. But you can find out! Let's figure it out!

Suede is called soft velvet leather made by fat-tanning (to give the material elasticity and strength) from the skins of small animals.

Suede is a very thin and delicate velvety leather that absolutely does not tolerate walking in mud, dust or in a rainy season. At the same time, the dazzling summer sun will not be to her taste either! How to take care of such a capricious material?

5 steps of suede care.

  1. After each walk, suede shoes should be cleaned with a special suede brush.
  2. The dirt that the brush has not dealt with will allow you to remove a special eraser for suede. It will also give the material a velvety, crumpled-up feel.
  3. Serious stains can be removed with suede foam cleaner.
  4. Moisture-repellent sprays and gels help prevent unnecessary contamination.
  5. The suede paint can restore the color of the shoes.

How to update suede at home?

If the suede did not receive proper care during the wear process, and you do not want to spend money on its restoration in dry cleaning, then you can use the methods of updating the suede at home.

What do you need? The following means:

  • laundry soap (or baby);
  • sodium bicarbonate (baking soda);
  • high fat milk;
  • semolina;
  • ethyl alcohol (or kerosene);
  • ammonia;
  • wire brush;
  • suede care products (paint, brush and moisture-repellent impregnation);
  • soft dry cloth;
  • talcum powder (or baby powder);
  • sponge;
  • magnesium sulfate (magnesia);
  • turpentine.

Step 1. Return the cleanliness of the shoes

Dust and surface dirt should be removed from the suede with a dry sponge or a special suede brush (you can also use a branded suede eraser or a simple school eraser).

If the shoes are in poor condition, then you need to clean them with soapy water. To do this, rub the sponge with laundry soap, slightly wet it and lather thoroughly. In this case, it is the foam that is the cleaning agent. Apply it to the suede and scrub with a brush. Avoid excessive wetting of the material!

Another way: instead of soap, you can use washing powder or any other detergent.

Important! Movement when processing suede should be in different directions. This will raise the nap and make it easier to clean your shoes.

Step 2. Removing stains

Semolina will help remove stubborn dirt. To do this, you need to cover the stain with semolina, and then gently rub it with a wire brush.

If the contamination cannot be wiped off, then hold the spot area first over the steam, and then repeat the procedure again.

Tip: The easiest way to set up a “steam bath” for suede is over a boiling kettle (at its spout). Avoid using a saucepan as the total surface of the water emitting steam is too large. You could get burned!

Step 3. Greasy stains

To remove greasy stains, apply talcum powder to the stain area and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Shake off any remaining talcum powder. Dampen a dry cloth with alcohol or kerosene, and then wipe the contaminated area (over the applied talcum powder). Finish the procedure with a standard suede brush.

Tip: greasy stains can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent. Apply it on the stain, let it sit for a quarter of an hour and wash off with a damp cloth.

Step 4. Bald patches

Method 1. You can get rid of bald spots on suede! To do this, you need to mix soda and milk (1 teaspoon and 3 tablespoons, respectively). With a soft dry cloth, you must absorb the resulting product and treat the areas of bald spots. After 5 minutes, it is worth repeating the procedure, after which the shoes must be left for 30 minutes.

Important! Do not wet the suede too much, it, like any leather, is afraid of excessive moisture.

Over time, the shoes must be brushed with a rubber brush.

Method 2. To restore the structure of suede at home will help ammonia and warm water. The ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4, after which the surface of the shoe must be treated. This method works well for.

Step 5. Drying

After the performed procedures, it is required to thoroughly dry the shoes. To do this, fill it with unnecessary paper and let it dry naturally.

Avoid drying in direct sunlight and near heating appliances!

Tip: Do not use newsprint as padding material, as ink can leave marks.

Step 6. Restore the color

The ideal way to restore the color of the suede is to use a special paint. If this is not available on the farm, then you can apply:

  • coffee grounds (will help bring back the color of dark shoes);
  • a mixture of fat milk, magnesia, turpentine and talc in equal amounts.

These funds must be applied to the entire surface of the shoe and left for a while. In the case of coffee grounds, it is 12 hours or a day. The milk mixture should be kept for no more than an hour. Then you need to comb the suede with a brush and dry thoroughly.

Step 7. Post-processing

Dried shoes must be brushed again and treated with a moisture-repellent impregnation.

Store suede products in their original packaging. It is highly discouraged to put suede shoes in a plastic bag, as this can lead to unpleasant odors and mold.

On a note

  • Each step of cleaning must be accompanied by a complete drying of the shoe.
  • Suede is afraid of moisture, and it takes an average of 20 hours to dry completely, so it is not advisable to wear suede shoes every day.
  • You can polish your suede with a lint-free dry cloth.
  • In order to restore badly worn suede, it is necessary to use dry cleaning services.

All you need for a graceful and comfortable life is a pair of suede shoes ... Three pairs.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

It is quite possible to restore suede shoes after intense wear with your own hands at home. Special care products and simple recipes from vinegar, ammonia, coffee grounds will help to remove greasy spots, scuffs, strong dirt and renew the color. Moreover, home remedies sometimes work even more efficiently than expensive chemicals from a specialized store for the care of suede shoes.

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    Fading color

    As a rule, people begin to think about how to return the previous type of shoes when the color of the suede has faded. You should not carry the pair to the workshop, where they can repaint it. You can also restore a suede shoe that has lost its color at home. Old suede can be returned to its color with the help of special products or using folk methods.

    Use of special tools

    Before you start repainting natural leather with special paints, you should clean your shoes from dirt and dry them well. Most often, aerosols are used to paint such material:

    1. 1. Shake the can several times.
    2. 2. The agent is sprayed onto the surface of the shoe from a distance of 25 cm.
    3. 3. After applying the paint, the steam should dry well.

    When spraying, paint may spill onto walls and floors. Therefore, it is better to dye your shoes on the street or cover everything around with film or newspapers.

    The easiest way to update with spray paint is blue and black suede.

    Folk remedies

    Light-colored suede shoes can be refreshed with talcum powder. If the boots or shoes are brown, then coffee grounds will help to refresh the paint:

    1. 1. The product is rubbed into the surface of the skin.
    2. 2. The pair is cleaned with a special suede brush.
    3. 3. Remains of the product are removed with a dry cloth or a clothes brush.

    Suede scuffs

    Suede is a very capricious material on which scuffs quickly appear when worn. Old, worn shoes can be brought back to life if the suede pile is properly restored:

    • A school eraser will help to remove scuffs, with which they simply rub over the greasy places. The eraser will not harm your skin, but it should be absolutely clean.
    • Slippery shoes can be reanimated by holding them over steam. The steam will lift the suede fibers, and all that remains is to clean the skin with a special brush to smooth out the pile.
    • Table vinegar will help to save very shabby suede. Vinegar is dissolved in water at the rate of 1: 4, and then rubbed with a cloth soaked in the solution to wipe scuffs and greasy places.

    After restoring the pile, the suede should be treated with special water-repellent agents. The shoes should dry well at room temperature.

    Removing stains

    Salt stains often appear on suede winter shoes. It happens that fat gets on the suede. Greasy stains can be removed with refined gasoline as follows:

    1. 1. The skin should be cleaned and dried.
    2. 2. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and wipe the stain with it.
    3. 3. The treated area should be brushed with a suede brush.

    Special products for suede and nubuck will help to cope with salt stains. The product is gently applied with a cotton pad to the stain, and then the cleaned area is brushed with a suede shoe brush.

Each of us faced the question of how to clean suede from an oily stain. And there is a simple explanation for this. During a lavish feast or at public city festivities, there are often cases when a drop of fat gets on suede shoes or the outer surface of outerwear.

Due to the fact that suede is a very delicate and extremely soft material, the stain is immediately absorbed and becomes glossy, standing out against the fleecy suede fabric.

How to clean a suede bag and shoes from a greasy stain

How to remove vegetable oil stains from suede

How to remove a greasy stain from a suede surface

Suede Shoes Care | how to remove a greasy stain from suede shoes

Due to contact with fat, natural skin may shrink or begin to shine, which will ruin the appearance of a jacket, handbag or shoes. Therefore, the best choice to eliminate greasy and shiny spots on suede will be folk remedies that will help not only return the material to its original appearance, but also protect it from fading.

How to remove a greasy stain from suede: improvised means

In order to remove a greasy stain from delicate suede, you will need to stock up on the necessary tools, as well as study the technology for removing fresh and stubborn dirt. The most popular substances that allow you to localize and get rid of fresh or stubborn dirt without leaving streaks are:

  • School chalk (always white);
  • Shoe brush (an old toothbrush will do)
  • Ammonia;
  • Boiled water (temperatures 60-90 degrees);
  • Petrol;
  • Potato / corn starch;
  • Blotting paper, toilet paper, or absorbent tissue
  • Vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment.

If you stock up on this arsenal of auxiliary ingredients, then it will not be difficult for you to clean the greasy stain.

Removing a stain from suede at home

Answering the question of how to remove a greasy stain from suede at home, it should be noted that there are more than 10 effective methods that can be combined and combined if necessary. The most popular way to remove stubborn grease from suede is:

  1. Potato starch. It is recommended to mix with gasoline, then let it brew for about an hour. The resulting mixture must be applied to the stain, trying to capture its borders. Leave for half an hour, then intensively rub the starch gruel with a rag.
    Using a napkin, remove the mixture from the paper, if necessary clean with a dry sponge. After that, it is recommended to turn on the vacuum cleaner, put on a small brush attachment and comb the suede fibers.
  2. Absorbent powder (starch, tooth powder, crushed chalk). It should be mixed with ammonia and mixed thoroughly. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream. After preparing it, you should thoroughly smear the stain and leave it until the mixture is completely dry. When the absorbent mixture is completely dry and looks like a white crust, it is scrubbed with a simple soft bristle brush.

The simplest method to answer the question of how to remove a greasy stain from suede shoes is to use chalk powder.

To do this, you will need to rub the stain with ammonia, and then gently sprinkle with chalk chips. Then thoroughly blot it all with an absorbent napkin and repeat the manipulation. When the chalk has absorbed all the grease, you need to remove the remnants from the shoes and treat the outer surface with a sponge to clean the suede. The pollution will disappear.

Suede is a soft material that is finely crafted leather with a velvet-like surface. The capriciousness of the material especially appears when dirt, water and sunlight hit the product.

Suede care products

The sequence of measures for the care of suede shoes includes several stages:

  1. Dry cleaning the product with a dry cloth or soft brush.
  2. Removing emerging stains.
  3. Treatment of scuffs.
  4. Impregnation with protective sprays. The water repellent spray is especially important.
  5. Spray painting of suede surfaces.
  6. Final brushing.

The main condition for keeping shoes presentable is keeping them in a box or paper. Do not store suede in a plastic bag.

How to restore suede shoes at home When restoring the appearance of suede, you can do without chemicals. To do this, you can apply one of the right ways to solve the problem at home:

  • you can hold your boots or shoes over boiling water. After such treatment, you need to carefully comb the surface with a special brush. It is desirable that it be made of natural fibers or with rubberized hairs;
  • the use of a stationery eraser is also common. It helps to improve the look of the suede. It will not change the color and structure of the surface, but it effectively removes small dirt;
  • If the surface has lost its attractive appearance after long-term storage, the following steps can be taken:
  1. Rinse shoes in a solution of washing powder or laundry soap. The main thing to know is that you cannot rub it. It is enough to wash the surface with gentle movements.
  2. Wipe clean with a damp flannel cloth.
  3. Then blot with a dry cloth.
  4. The product must be filled with paper (preferably newspaper).
  5. Then put to dry at room temperature (away from artificial heat sources).

Be sure to use suede spray

After processing the surface of the product, it must be sprayed with paint and carefully combed out with a brush.

  • another method involves the use of warm soapy water and ammonia. This solution can be used to clean the product, polish it with a soft cloth, steam it and dry it without using a battery or heater;
  • light-colored suede shoes can be treated with a mixture of unboiled milk, magnesia, talc and turpentine. The surface is treated with it and left to dry. When the shoes are dry, the mixture should be brushed off.

With prolonged use, abrasions appear on the surface. You can eliminate them in various ways:

  • steam treatment over boiling water;
  • coating with a solution of ammonia;
  • exposure to a heated iron. If scuffs have formed on the tops of the boots, you can iron them from the wrong side through a gauze iron.


But if the color has changed in scuffs, you need to take care of its restoration.

It is important to know how to bring back the color of your suede shoes. There are several ways to restore the lost color of suede:

  1. You can resort to ready-made paints for suede boots or boots. It is enough to treat it with a spray from a spray. Spray paints effectively restore color and have protective properties. Spray should be done at an angle. Since small splashes can stain nearby objects, it is better to cover the floor with polyethylene or carry out the treatment outdoors.
  2. A mixture of milk and soda ash is also effective.
  3. For white shoes, treat with white talcum powder. It not only removes impurities, but also helps to remove greasy impurities without much difficulty.
  4. Brown hues will be restored if you make strong coffee and clean your shoes with a thick drink. at home using coffee grounds? You need to apply it in a small layer and rub in lightly. When it is completely dry, shake it off with a cotton pad or a piece of dry cloth.
  5. You can restore the brightness of black suede using shoe polish or a black marker. This is especially important in places where scuffs appear.
  6. To restore the whiteness of shoes, you can use an aqueous solution of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide.

Coffee grounds will help bring back the color of brown suede

Removing suede stains

When solving the problem of how to update suede shoes at home, do not forget about removing stains of varying complexity:

  1. Oily stains on suede can be removed with kerosene. After processing it, sprinkle the contaminated area with talcum powder, and after a few hours, comb it with a coarse wire brush.
  2. If salt stains appear, a vinegar solution will help to deal with them. It is enough to moisten a brush in it and walk on the surface of the shoe with gentle movements.
  3. To remove greasy stains, you can use a swab soaked in gasoline. After such cleaning, the shoes must be thoroughly dried and ventilated so that there is no smell left.
  4. You can also remove serious dirt with semolina. It is used to shake off the contaminated areas and leave to absorb. After that, the surface is brushed.

The best option for removing stains is to use a foam-based stain remover. It penetrates deeply between the villi and removes impurities.

The main condition for keeping the suede in its original form is the timely cleaning of the surface.

Even if one spot is noticed, it must be removed immediately.

They are removed only with the help of proven means, since these materials require delicate handling. It is easy to ruin your boots by choosing a cleaning agent. Do not use aggressive solvents and wet the material too much: as a result of such exposure, glossy areas and abrasions may appear. Then the shoes will be completely damaged.

Before proceeding directly, you need to prepare suede shoes. For this you need:

  1. Wait until the boots are completely dry. No way or nubuck. This will cause the dirt to bite deeper into the material, and the villi will be crushed. The boots should dry naturally. Do not use heaters, batteries or other heat sources.
  2. Clean dry shoes from dust and other contaminants with a rubber suede brush. Instead of a brush, you can take a regular stationery eraser. But it is still recommended to purchase a special brush, as it will be needed in the suede care all the time.
  3. Before using the selected cleaning agent, it is worth checking its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. If the material does not discolor or deform, you can use this stain remover.

In addition, you can pre-soften the contamination by steaming the material. It is convenient to do this with a special steamer or iron with a steam supply function. If there are no such devices, you can hold the dirty area a little over the spout of a boiling kettle. After that, you should again wait until the suede is completely dry.

Cleaning methods

It is not necessary to spend money on ready-made compounds sold in stores, because you can remove contamination from suede shoes at home using simple and improvised means.


A well-known remedy that helps in the fight against oily stains. To eliminate contamination, you will need:

  • pour salt into a frying pan and heat it;
  • wrap hot salt in a piece of cotton cloth;
  • attach the resulting bag to the stain;
  • as it cools, it must be replaced with a new portion.

If it has time to dry, you can slightly wet the bag with water.

You can replace salt with river sand, as it has similar properties.

Starch, talcum powder, tooth powder

If the dirt is fresh, you can try to remove it with absorbent substances. These include: starch, talc, tooth powder. You can also use baby powder.

Mode of application:

  • Heat the selected substance in a frying pan;
  • apply it generously to the stain;
  • put absorbent wipes on top;
  • leave for several hours, changing to clean napkins as they become dirty.

When all the fat has been absorbed, you should clean off the remaining substance with a rubber brush.


Ammonia is capable of making suede shoes. It is worth considering that this is a rather corrosive substance. Therefore, cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area.

Algorithm of actions:

  • add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and liquid soap to 100 ml of warm water;
  • stir the solution and moisten a soft cloth with it;
  • get wet the stain;
  • after a few minutes, slightly moisten the rubber brush with water and wipe the problem area with it, rinsing off the remnants of the composition.

After that, you need to thoroughly dry your boots in a well-ventilated area, without resorting to heating appliances. When the suede is dry, you should comb the pile with a dry rubber brush.


Effective in the fight against greasy marks. Would need:

  • dilute medical alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • moisten a rag or cotton pad with the prepared solution;
  • gently blot the dirt;
  • let the product dissolve the fat for a few minutes;
  • wash off the substance with a damp brush.

It is not necessary to wet the suede or nubuck too much, as these delicate materials do not tolerate excessive moisture.


You can also remove grease stains with vinegar.

Procedure steps:

  • dilute 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. table vinegar;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting solution and blot oil traces several times.

After that, it is necessary to wait for the material to dry and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Refined gasoline

If the greasy stain cannot be removed by other methods, it is worth using solvents.

For dark suede, use refined gasoline. You will need:

  • moisten a cotton pad with refined gasoline;
  • gently wipe off the dirt, being careful not to touch clean areas;
  • add a little dishwashing liquid to warm water;
  • moisten a piece of cloth in the prepared solution and wipe off the gasoline stain.

It is necessary to use a solvent only as a last resort, since as a result of such an effect, the suede can be deformed.

Suede is a very demanding material to care for; it can be difficult to remove greasy stains. The chances of success will be much higher if you start cleaning while the dirt is fresh.