Statuses love like. Statuses about love: the most romantic and passionate confessions

  • I don't need anything, no flowers, no gifts, no passionate phrases ... I just want to hold your hand and feel your gentle breath on my cheek.
  • Love cannot stand those who defiantly turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves the decisive and courageous, who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.
  • Love is not the sum of cheap promises and nonsense is when feelings in your heart are at least to the grave.
  • You love, but I will not ... you write, but I will forget, I loved ... you broke down, and now you give up fucking! ...
  • Love is cooler than a plastic surgeon - rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart

  • Love is a game. Whoever said “I love” was the first to lose ...
  • He who is always faithful knows only the frivolous sides of love; only those who cheat will know her tragedies.
  • The main thing in family life is patience ... Love cannot last long.
  • When we dream of an ideal partner, we involuntarily describe ourselves - without flaws and weaknesses, choosing the right gender. Martin Page
  • Love is foolishness done together. Napoleon

  • Call me whatever you want, just be sure to add "mine" at the end.
  • If my boyfriend leaves for another, I do not regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give old toys to those who are less fortunate!
  • We love, but we pretend that we do not care. We are indifferent, but we pretend that we love.
  • I love Just watching you laugh .. I love to call you my sun .. I love just to look into your eyes .. and only you can tell I love you!
  • I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE! But love came and said simply: "I can't read ..."

  • You need to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...
  • Quitting love is just like quitting smoking. Everything seems to be under control until you get drunk.
  • A soulless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and head held high. This is how I became ...
  • Bitter tears quietly fell into the pillow ... I am not your love, but just a TOY.
  • In my entire life, I have not allowed anyone to inflict as much pain on me ... as I allowed you, in such a short time ...

  • All you have to do is carry me in your arms. I'll climb on your neck myself.
  • - Will you marry me? - And can you do something else for you?
  • Heart: I still love him. Memory: I still remember him. Brain: I still think about him, so I'll take it now and call! Pride: And in the face ??
  • Good girls believe in pure love, bad girls believe in frequent love, smart girls believe in quality ...
  • The most pi * date answer to the phrase "I love you" is "Got it"

  • It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and even more difficult - indifference.
  • And it doesn’t matter anything ... I don’t care now ... In this life I have lost everything ... And my love with a broken heart disappeared ..
  • If you have a choice between two people, then choose the second. Because if you really loved the first, then the second would not have appeared!
  • I know what love is .. but because of this love, I lost all understanding of life
  • If 10 people love you, then I am among them, if 5 people love you, then I am among them, if 1 person loves you, then this is me, if no one loves you, then I am dead.

  • You need to love one person in such a way that you pass hundreds of others and never look back.
  • If you want to catch a person, you have to put your heart on the "hook".
  • You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, quit your job, and love is inevitable.
  • Love is like a butterfly: if you squeeze too hard, you crush it, let it go, and it will fly away.
  • Love the one you can kneel before, not the one that kneels before you ...

  • - The sun .. - Not the sun! - Zay .. - Especially not zay! - Darling. - Where did you see the sweetheart? - Darling ... - Well, that would be right away
  • And for some reason my mother is always against my boyfriend ... nothing .. you tell him that he has a villa in the Maldives, she will love him.
  • I'm tired of being strong, I'm tired of smiling when I want to scream with heartache, I'm tired of pretending that I don't love anyone and don't suffer, I just want to cuddle up to my beloved guy and cry quietly ...
  • I know that you are not exactly who I need, but I don't care, because I love you
  • I remember the day I got sick with you. And I haven't found a cure for this yet ...

It is a real joy if it lives in the soul. Therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity, and beautiful lovely women should share this happiness with everyone around. Let everyone around you know how crazy you are at the moment, and how dizzy your head is from love.

Why do we need statuses about love?

Status is not voluminous, but incredibly succinct statements. Those that relate to love always reflect the state of mind of the lover, his feelings, some kind of special opinion. With the help of such expressions, you can show your individuality. If you update your love status, it immediately becomes clear:

  • What you live and breathe.
  • What exactly is happening in your life at the moment.
  • What is important to you today.

A love status will help show a person as he is on any social network. These juicy aphorisms so accurately show the essence of the feelings and thoughts of the one who puts them on his VKontakte page, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or other social networks.

Such a different love

Love statuses can be very different:

  • Cool and unusual expressions.
  • Aphorisms of famous personalities of the past and present.
  • Humorous phrases that at the same time tell us about the truth of life.
  • Serious expressions.

Moreover, all these statuses about love can have a different mood. After all, like many other feelings, love has different sides:

  • It is also the joy of wonderful moments.
  • And the topic of jealousy is often touched upon in statuses.
  • Treason cannot be avoided.
  • Perhaps someone suffers from loneliness, and his heart and soul require love.
  • Flirting is another fun and intriguing topic for love statuses.
  • Parting with loved ones inflicts untold trauma, which can only reflect philosophically on this topic and not lose hope for the future.
  • Finally, I always want to share with everyone my incredible happiness that your significant other is there and there is an opportunity to touch her!

How are statuses about love created and where to get?

All these statuses about love can be invented on your own. However, why “reinvent the wheel” if it has already been done for you? Here you will find a gorgeous collection of the best love statuses for social networks. It is incredibly interesting and reckless to "rummage" in other people's thoughts, humor and philosophical thinking. Here you can find a lot of short, but so bright and accurately reflecting the state and mood of a person in love with life, his soul mate, parents, children or animals.

Thanks to our collection of love statuses, you can change them at least every day or even several times a day. They can be used not only by gentle girls, but also by strong guys. We are just ready to provide you with a whole fireworks display of various love statuses, which are constantly being added!

Nowadays, every second person screams about love louder than anyone else to be heard. Already on the second date, adolescents confess their love to each other, and the situation reaches the point that the word “love” is devalued and equated to the standard element of goodbye “bye. I love. kiss ”, losing its value and sacred, deep meaning. Only a few, unfortunately, treat this high feeling with due respect and attitude and prefer to keep their feelings in their hearts or on their page on the social network. People whose pages are filled with wise reflections and thoughts inspire respect and trust. And people, on the page of which wise statuses about love are reflected, all the more dispose others to their person. Reveal the whole true essence of this deep and important feeling, love, by posting wise statuses on your page.

Love, it’s like a snowflake, it can fall on your hand and quickly melt, it can slip past your fingers ... or it can fall on a glove without feeling the warmth of your hands!

Take care of each other, love! Understand, goodbye always ... And always cherish each other, Life cannot be returned back, never ... I Love! - do not hesitate, say, Will light up ... dear eyes, Hurry to your loved ones from everywhere, Be happy together, always!

And I remember ... even when we just met, we said goodbye ... I walked home and thought: If only not to fall in love, my heart was already beating treacherously fast.

When choosing between two people, it is always worth giving preference to the second, because if the first were truly dear to the heart, the second would not appear!

Seconds without a loved one are hours, hours with a loved one are seconds ...

To say "I love you" will take a few seconds, to show how - all my life.

- I will love the one who will give me the most beautiful stone. - No, everything will be different. First you will love him, and then he will put an ordinary cobblestone in your hand, and you will call him the most beautiful stone (Wise love statuses for social networks)

Loving people will stay together, not because they forgot their mistakes, but because they were able to forgive them ...

Loving is like standing on fresh cement. The longer you stand, the more difficult it is to break away ... and you can never leave without leaving a trace.

There, behind, there are many hands and eyes, but only your face is the most precious. In this life we ​​love only once, and after that we are looking for people like him.

You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it at once, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is a drug that is not prohibited, but it is still very difficult to get your dose ...

Take the sand in your hands. Hold it in the palm of your hand - and the sand stays in it, but if you squeeze your hand tightly into a fist, the sand will begin to spill out through your fingers and part of it wakes up. It's the same in relationships. Treat a person in the same way, do not infringe on his freedom, and he himself will stay with you!

You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, quit your job, and love is inevitable. (Wise love statuses for social media)

They say that it hurts to look at the sun, but it is even more painful to look at the lips that you love, but cannot kiss ...

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But it is even more painful, holding her hand, to let go ...

Love cannot be bought by order ... You cannot choose the taste and color ... It comes to some at once ... To others - after dozens of years ... One burns ... The other smolders ... Yes, let's face it, not taya: "Love has no standards!" ... Everyone has their own ...

The more we chase after love, the more it runs away from us. And as soon as you suddenly start to run away from love, she is suddenly ready to throw herself on your neck.

Love asked friendship: "Why do you need when I am?" .. To which friendship replied: "To leave smiles where you leave tears .."

Love doesn't literally cost money - love requires action. And already actions cost money.

True love is not the story of Romeo and Juliet who died together, but the story of Grandma and Grandpa who lived their entire lives and grew old together!

They don't plan friendship, they don't shout about love, they don't prove the truth.

A loved one must be loved, just loved. And if you want to educate someone - buy a dog.

When you fall in love, it feels like you are flying higher and higher, to the clouds. And then enlightenment comes, and you realize that you are in the clouds, and you have forgotten the parachute on the ground.

Be only with the one, at the very thought of which there is a happy shine in the eyes and warmth in the soul. The rest is a waste of time.

And he is in it - with his head, as in a whirlpool. Kissed all her cracks on her heart. He will never give to anyone else, his infinitely beloved woman ...

A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become the last love of a man.

He and I will never be together .. I will never touch him, I can never hug and whisper: "I love you .." I will just love him with all my heart and wait for some miracle ...

Know that the blue sky never ends, as love never ends, and dreams, of course, come true if you really want to.

If someone falls in love with you, you feel lonely ... more and more trying to find someone you can love.

A native person is able to feel the mood with which you knock on the keys of your keyboard, even if there is not a single emoticon in the text :)

And nothing that you and I are different! The main thing is that we are warm to be with each other, and so that we know that we can always count on each other.

I want to destroy all distances .. hold your hand, no punctuation marks. I want to hug you and feel your breath .. (Wise love statuses for social networks)

You will meet me there ... where I do not know ... near the lake of our dreams. Where I tenderly embrace you, where your eyes are eternally clear.

Distance cannot destroy love, if there is one. It is not necessary to see a person every day in order to continue to love him.

We are driven by impulses and motives. And not crazy and insane actions are driven by one motive called "love."

Here you look into my eyes and we are very close, but we are separated by three unspeakable words - "I love you."

A real man who loves a woman will do everything for her happiness ... even if she is not happy with him ...

Love is like a game .. Who was the first to say: "I love you" - he lost .. this time I am the losers.

Remember how a man treats other women. Sooner or later he will do this to you ...

If a man and a woman are separated by twenty steps, then you need to walk only ten and wait for your half, if you are not met, don’t give one more step, because you can go to meet your whole life alone. Each of the two must take their own steps.

In your relationship with your significant other, don't try to achieve perfection. Just be sincere and honest at all times.

It doesn't matter what you look like, because there is still a person who considers you the most beautiful creature on earth.

True love never ends. Maybe over time it changes its strength and shade, but does not disappear without a trace.

Time does not stand still, someday you will understand how you need her .. but next to her there will be someone who understood this before.

We think to love is simple. But few people understand that this is the strength of the heart, the greatness of the soul and wisdom that comes only over the years.

The feelings of a man are always reflected in a woman. The more he loves, the brighter it lights up, making an impression on him.

In order for a girl to fall in love, a man must give her wings .. and in order for a girl to fall in love, do not interfere with a wide sweep.

A real man can be called not the one who became the conqueror of hundreds of women's hearts, but the one who makes his only beloved happy every day!

If a man is stupid, he is trying to re-educate a woman, a smart one will teach her, and only one who has wisdom will love her for who she is.

Loves not the one who cannot live without a person, loves the one who knows how to let go and live not next to a loved one ...

The proverb “from love to hate is one step” is not entirely accurate. No ... One step from charm to disappointment ... But between love and hate, hundreds of attempts to change everything, a sea of ​​words and tears ...

If I said I love, then I answer. If I love, then I will not betray. If I said I give, heart, without sorrow. Just hold it and don't break it in half.

Embarking on the path of love, tread with firm steps. Flood everything along the way with a sparkle of your eyes! And having reached the high goal, take a breath to shake the world!

You don't need an expensive car and a lot of money to love, just enough to have a heart that can feel ...

The character of a woman, as a reflection of the love of a man. The more his love, the more tenderness she has. And the one who treats women differently may not be surprised that he comes across evil women.

To make your lips beautiful - say kind words. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate kindness. The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, her figure or her hair. The beauty of a woman is in her eyes, because it is the road to her heart - the place where love lives.

Love your halves as they are. If something goes wrong, correct mistakes, and do not make a scandal out of the blue

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need love.

Do not give people hope for reciprocity if there are no feelings at all ... You are wasting their lives waiting for your answer ..

Quarreled .. She set the status: "Out on a date." he wrote: "I drink beer with friends" .. then they met together at the grocery ..

Selected statuses about love with meaning and all the palette of feelings associated with it on the site! Love makes us look for beauty in everything, especially in words. Here, statuses about love will help in the best possible way. If feelings overwhelm you, and you cannot find the words to say about them to your boyfriend, visit our website and you will find statuses about love for a boyfriend, thanks to which it will become easier to confess your feelings. It is often difficult for lovers to express how they are feeling. They are embarrassed to talk about their experiences, cannot do it beautifully and, of course, are often afraid to be ridiculed. Our statuses in contact about love will help to express all the shades of our feelings caused by one of the most wonderful human states - love!

The best statuses about love are here!

Here you will find the most beautiful statuses about love that will suit any situation, be it a fleeting hobby, falling in love or the deepest feelings. You can choose and put any status corresponding to your inner state. Of course, the moods of lovers are very changeable, but you always have the opportunity to replace one status about love with another (maybe even the opposite in meaning), in which our site will undoubtedly help you. If your feelings remain unrequited, or your significant other is far away, then our sad statuses about love will help you convey everything that has accumulated in your heart even after hundreds of kilometers.

The best statuses about love!

The great feeling of love makes selected statuses to be born on this magnificent topic. Many words have been said about love, and it hardly makes sense to once again try to describe what you can, perhaps, only feel. But cool statuses about love will always allow you to express in one or two phrases what is happening in your soul and share these bright feelings with those around you. And if your significant other looks at your page on a social network and sees there a touching status about love, then it will immediately become clear to whom these words are addressed. And, believe me, at this moment there is hardly a happier person on the planet. And if you are in a playful mood and want to laugh with your beloved, then our cool statuses about love will help you with this.

Statuses about love here!

It would seem that such a small thing is to pick up a beautiful saying about love and set it as a status for yourself. Our statuses for classmates about love will not leave indifferent any of your friends and relatives, let the whole world know about your feelings. And how many pleasant feelings this simple step can bring to your beloved or beloved! Indeed, sometimes it is difficult for a young man in modern society to take a step towards his love, beautiful statuses about love for a girl will allow even the most shy young man to open his heart. At least a person will be in a good mood. After all, understanding that someone loves you is very expensive. And if this feeling is mutual, then it's just amazing! Distance today is not a hindrance to the greatest love and wherever your beloved (or beloved) lives, our statuses about love at a distance will help you to be closer to each other. Our site will help you find the coolest and most unforgettable love status. Let's find the status together!

The boy gave the girl 101 roses (100 real and 1 artificial) and said "I will love you until the last one withers!" 251

Saying "I love" can be difficult. Saying sorry is even harder. Saying goodbye is always possible. Saying "go away" - at least every day. Not everyone can say "come back". To say "I will die" - but only to say. To say "I love" - ​​of course you can. But it's very difficult to prove ... 299 (4)

How scary it becomes to live when a person appears whom you are afraid of losing ... 479 (1)

I love it when you say to little children: show how you love me, and they hug you with all their strength and sincerity ... 234 - Statuses about love

I will give loyalty to my husband, intelligence to my son, beauty to my daughter, love to my family. 178

Now, when I met him, I understood why it didn’t work with others. 177

When a loved one calls, I want to kiss the phone ... 198

Happiness is not in those with whom you want to sleep ... but in those with whom you want to wake up! 116

If you love, then with all your heart ... If you dissolve, then without a trace ... If it's morning, then in tender embraces ... If you cry, then with happiness ... 161

I will take a ball of golden threads and weave love for you, weave happiness for you, weave joy and affection. And where do I get these threads, I will never tell you! I weave your life by dissolving my ... 130

Women are like cats ... Who caresses them, so they purr. 106 (1)

Friendship is love minus sex and plus logic.
Love is friendship plus sex and minus logic. 68

Love was sought and adored, love was lost and not taken care of. "Love does not exist!" - people said ... And they themselves were dying of love ... 84

And your eyes are similar. -How? After all, I have brown, and he has green ... -They are equally in love 135

Life is too short to be wasted in short relationships. 136

You have him in your friends, but you do not write to him, do not draw on the wall. You just look at his photo and think: how much I love you. 156

Love is when the whole world is not able to replace a loved one, but he replaces the whole world.

In general, it doesn't matter who you spend time with, kissing, laughing ... It is important who you think about, closing your eyes ... 125

I may not be the one you dreamed of ... but I will be the one you will not forget. 143

Everything annoys me! - What exactly? - He! - Why do you say "everything"? - Because he is everything to me! 82

Beloved, you are the most dear person in my life and only with you next to me I am truly happy. 105

People who see each other in a dream should wake up next to them. 111

Love is ... When you change the world around yourself for his sake! When you want to belong in body and soul to only one person! This is when you say to your head - goodbye and start living with your heart! 95 (1)