Tangle Teezer is the best hairbrush of our time. The Tangle Teezer comb is a fashionable helper for hair care! Popular hair comb

I want to tell you about the trendy Tangle Teezer comb.
There are few reviews on this comb, so I think mine will not be superfluous.

Tangle Teezer is a notion of a Briton named ShaunP, he is a specialist in the development of hair coloring products, and now also an inventor
Tangle Teezer has won the love of many famous people (including Elle Macpherson, Kate Middleton)
The manufacturer promises that this is a comb:
- does not damage the hair structure when combing
- does not electrolyze, does not rip, does not pull hair
- untangles tangles
-Tangle Teezer can brush even wet hair
- you can comb your hair from the very roots (and not from the ends, as is usually done)
-Ideal for curly, long hair, hair extensions, wigs, and even copes with African curls.
- she can also apply a mask and hair balms

-Tangle Teezer has a children's version of the comb
Tangle Teezer is produced in 4 types: Salon Elite, Original, Compact styler, Magic flowerpot (for children). The choice of colors and colors is very wide.

I have been the proud owner of Tangle Teezer for about 2 months now.
I bought two at once: the original one - for home, and a compact version with a protective cover - to carry in a bag. I will say right away that I like the compact version a little less, the original Tangle Teezer feels more comfortable in my hand, because due to its size it is ideal lies in the hand, and the compact one is not so comfortable to hold in the hand, in my opinion.

The body of the Tangle Teezer comb is made of plastic, and the teeth themselves are made of rubber or very soft plastic (I won't say for sure), but they are soft and flexible (but despite the flexibility, the teeth keep their shape, they do not break), they are arranged in alternating rows: a row of long teeth , a row of short ones, this is done so that the cloves pass part of the hair through themselves, and that part of the hair that is not combed during the first movement is combed with the next row of cloves. Thus, the teeth do not pull the hair into knots.

My hair is curly, thin, fluffy (if I don't straighten my hair, then natural - my hairstyle is called "explosion at a pasta factory") hair of medium length, medium density, at the ends constantly tangle in small knots.

With Tangle Teezer, my hair is:
-look more well-groomed
-this comb really pulls out at times less hair
-I am combing her wet hair, although I know that it is not recommended to do this.
But after combing wet hair, of course, hair remains on the Tangle Teezer, but quite a bit (up to 10), on a regular comb there is much, much more, I would not even undertake to count them.
-hair has become more shiny, smoother, because Tangle Teezer kind of polishes them.
-hair stopped electrolyzing
- I have stopped forming nodules on the ends of my hair, before it was my problem. I didn’t even unravel them before, but simply cut them off. it was simply impossible to unravel them.
- I really like to apply this hair mask with this comb, it allows you to evenly distribute the product through the hair, in addition, the mask is consumed much more economically.
-Since my hair is curly, I usually always pull it out and straighten it, but sometimes, especially on weekends, I am too lazy to style and then I just wash my hair and dry it naturally. After the hair dries, I usually put a little wax or gel on top so that they do not stick out in different directions, but with Tangle Teezer I don't do this now, I just, after the hair dries, I comb it for a few minutes and it smoothes themselves (do not cuddle!) and even straighten a little.

Well, and of course, a few words about the design, it is unusual and attracts attention, thus, Tangle Teezer is not only a good comb, but also a fashionable accessory.
Suitable for men as well. available in black.
Care: wash with liquid soap under running water.

P.S. For the sake of experiment, I tried to comb the Tangle Teezer cat, by the way it is very convenient. The cat liked it, she immediately purred (this is an indicator, because usually my cat, when I try to comb it, only bites) and the coat shone instantly. Therefore, whoever does not mind spending 500-600 rubles on an animal is a very good option, especially for long-haired and mats-prone animals.

Grade: 5+
Testing period: 2 months
-Original Tangerine Scream Tangle Teezer $ 14 (excluding shipping)
-Tangle Teezer Compact Styler 16 $ (excluding shipping)

Thank you for attention!

A new-fashioned beauty gadget - the Tangle Teezer comb almost instantly won the recognition of women and became an indispensable accessory in their cosmetic bag. If you don't know what it is and why this brush is so popular, then this review is especially for you!

Tangle Teezer is a practical comb-brush without the usual handle for many. It is ideal for thick, thin, damaged, long hair, excellent in the care of very curly and extended hair. The comb is convenient for baby hair care.

Benefits of the Tangle Teezer comb

The Tangle Teaser Comb is an ergonomically comfortable brush that handles tangled hair with ease, gently straightening it. At the same time, the hair does not frizz after combing. This is very true with any type of hair, and especially with baby hair.

The comb does not electrify the hair, unlike simple brushes.

Hairdressers advise against combing wet hair, as you risk damaging it. Tangle Teezer solves this problem, and such a ban can be safely removed. With this, you don't even have to hold back your hair.

Hair extensions and wigs require special care and the use of a special comb. The Tangle Teezer comb does a great job with this procedure.

The creator of the comb, Sean P., has worked in fashion salons for about 30 years, and says the following about his invention:

  • The special material of which the comb is made does not electrify the hair,
  • The teeth throughout the brush have different lengths and are arranged in a special order, making the hair easy to detangle,
  • Thanks to its special shape, it fits very comfortably in the palm of your hand,
  • It is compact and has an attractive, striking design,
  • She prevents the ends of the hair from being cut
  • Hair after using it is smooth and silky.

There are several series of combs, each of them has its own characteristics.

Tangle Teezer: types of combs

The original

The same comb that went on sale first. It has special bumps for the fingers and an offset center.

First of all, the comb provides easy combing of dry and damp hair, curly, straight and even damaged hair. The inventor himself recommends this particular comb, this is his favorite model.

The comb is produced in five colors: Bubble pink, Jeans blue, Disco blue, Cosmic black, Scream orange.

You can buy the original Tangle Teaser comb at IM for £ 10.60.

Tangle Teezer Salon Elite

This is an updated version of the comb and is primarily intended for salon use. It has a slightly updated shape with a slight concavity in the center.

The comb performs all the same functions, but has one difference: one of its sides is glossy, and the other is matte.

It comes in five vibrant colors: Mango Orange, Crush Purple, Fizz Pink, Blue Blue, and Panther Black.

Tangle Teezer Compact Styler

The comb differs from the two above: it is quite small, it is very convenient to carry it with you. Its dimensions are 8.5 × 6.5. In addition, it has a special protective cover that protects the teeth from damage.

At the moment, the model is available in eight colors: Sizzle raspberry black, Penelope pink, Feline in leopard colors, Cool - the British flag, two black and gold Rush and Goddess, Rock black and glossy, and the most popular is Ovine with the image of Sean the lamb.

Tangle Teezer Aqua Splash

A novelty from the manufacturer, made in an unusual shape - in the form of a tube with an empty space inside. The handle is ergonomic, does not slip during use.

The comb is designed specifically for wet hair, and is also convenient for applying a mask to the hair.

It is released in four colors: green, pink, blue and black.

You can buy the comb for £ 13.00 from the online store.

Magic flowerpot

The comb has standard features, the only difference from the others is the child's design. The main goal is that the child should not experience discomfort while combing.

You can learn more about combs and order any in the official online store.

To keep your hair well-groomed and healthy, you need to take care of more than just choosing a shampoo or gel. The choice of a comb is of great importance. An incorrectly selected accessory will make your curls brittle and dull, because we use it every day. Today you can find dozens of combs on sale, both expensive and cheap. But alas, not all of them are of high quality. In order not to waste your money, check out our rating before buying an accessory.

The choice depends on your hair type and your needs. Someone wants to find a comb that will smooth the curls and make them obedient. Someone wants an accessory to make them more lush and voluminous. That is why one and the same model cannot be recommended to all girls and women, since a universal comb simply does not exist.

Which comb is the best for combing your hair? The choice depends on the type of hair and its structure, and on what you want to get in the end. And of course, do not forget about the financial issue, because you will have to pay a lot for a good comb.

The round brush is ideal for styling and adding volume to hair. If you often use a hairdryer, we recommend choosing a model with a ceramic coating. For smooth and shiny curls, buy a soft bristled brush. For curly hair or wet brushing, choose a wide-set, thick-toothed comb.

Those who often do styling should take a closer look at the models of curling combs, they replace the round brush and hairdryer, which is very convenient.

Best hair comb: rating

If you want to buy a high quality and durable hair brush, you have to spend money. Alas, cheap options most often only harm the curls - they pull out the hair, break it. A good hairbrush will last for several years. We advise you to purchase 2-3 different models for different occasions.

What is the best comb for hair? Below you will find a rating of the best quality brushes compiled by experts in the industry. Choose the one that suits you in terms of functionality and price.

Flat brush with ionization effect Remington Silk B96PEU

The model is suitable for those with straight hair. She straightens curls well, gives them shine and smoothness. Thanks to ionization, you will forget about what electrification is in the cold season. In addition, the brush is equipped with soft teeth and ensures safety when brushing even fine hair. The model has a rubber grip and ceramic elements that distribute heat evenly during drying.

The cost is 900-1000 rubles.

Braun satin hair brush

Another brush with ionization, equipped with soft bristles, which smoothes hair and provides gentle care. It has a small size, so the accessory can be taken with you in your purse. Equipped with a battery, so you don't have to worry about accessing electricity.

The price of such a comb is high - from 1400 to 2000 rubles.


If you prefer natural materials and natural care, choose a comb from this company. All models are made of wood, they are durable and reliable. On sale you will find combs with natural or wooden bristles. The assortment includes both the simplest combs and brushes.

The cost depends on the model - 500-1500 rubles.

The wet brush

Handles even the most tangled hair, as it is made of material that prevents pulling. Suitable for any type of hair, besides, you can use it to comb both wet and dry curls. Provides a pleasant head massage, has an original modern design.

Price - 800-1000 rubles.

Olivia Garden Supreme Combo

A reliable comb, whose quality has been appreciated by women all over the world. Ideal for unruly and coarse hair. Equipped with boar bristles, soft cushion and ceramic cover.

The cost is within 1000 rubles.

Olivia Garden Brush Finger

If massage is also important for you in combing, buy this accessory. The comb does a good job of untangling, it is suitable for owners of both thin and thick curls. Pleasantly massages the scalp, increases volume.
Price - 700 rubles

Tangle Teezer Blow-Styling Haibrush

Takes one of the leading places, easily combing through even the most tangled curls. Can be used on both dry and damp hair. Massages the scalp and stimulates the follicles to promote hair growth. Gives volume and helps to create a beautiful hairstyle.

The cost is from 2500 to 3000 rubles.

Tangle teezer

The leader of sales all over the world, and for good reason - it has a very convenient design and beautiful design. Soft yet bouncy spikes help tackle even the most matted hair. Can be used on all hair types. Thanks to its small size, the comb can be taken with you wherever you go.

Price - from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Now you know which combs are the leaders on the market and what is the advantage of each model. Which model will you choose?

To keep your hair beautiful, shiny and healthy, it is important to choose not only quality care products, but also a good comb. We offer you five chic options that are worthy of your attention.

Salon Elite by Tangle Teezer

The famous Tangle Teezer hairbrush will appeal to even the most fastidious beauties. She perfectly detangles even the most curly hair, does not break it, does not pull it out, but works gently and carefully. The silicone teeth of different lengths and the comfortable shape make this comb the object of desire for girls all over the world!

Ceramic Round Brush 55 mm by Moroccan Oil

Ceramic Round Brush 55 mm by Moroccan Oil among the best hairbrushes of 2018. This Israeli brand knows a lot about quality and effective hair products, and the comb is no exception. With the help of such a tool, styling can be done much faster, and the curls after using it look elastic and airy.

Bamboo by Clarette

The comb consists of massage teeth and boar bristles, so with its help you can easily comb your hair, remove static electricity and take care of the health of your strands. After all, it is natural bristles that polish the hair and distribute the sebum of the scalp over the surface of the curls, making them smooth and shiny.

Boar Bristle Detangling Hairbrush by Christophe Robin

Christophe Robin is a French colorist whose name is known all over the world. His hairbrush is crafted from natural wood and boar bristles to improve circulation to the scalp and detangle hair. The comb is perfect for girls with thin, porous and even curly hair. According to the master, it is best to start the brushing process from the tips, gradually rising to the roots.

The selection of various accessories for hair care has ceased to be a serious task. If you pay attention to combs, most girls and women choose the simplest products that seem attractive in their appearance. However, the ingenuity of people does not stand still, and now even the simplest comb can turn into an amazing beauty tool.

New items in the beauty industry

The image of a modern person is formed not without the participation of various gadgets, including when it comes to personal care. Today, even a simple hair brush can be functional, stylish, ergonomic, that is, like the Tangle Teezer comb. Every woman deserves to get acquainted with this beauty tool. This is the only way to be sure of all the advantages that a seemingly simple product gives.

A bit of history

A Briton named Shaun Pulfrey came up with the idea to create a completely new combs. This famous hairdresser was able to create products that are unique in their characteristics and appearance. However, no one initially believed in his success. To develop the business, the stylist needed serious investments, but he was refused everywhere. Sean persevered and distributed his combs to 600 shoe stores himself, and then continued to sell online.

He embodied all experience in his invention, and this became the basis for success. Thirty years of professional experience helped Sean create a comb that can easily cope with curls of any complexity. The brush can restore naughty curls to proper condition, gently comb fluffy baby hair, thin or extended strands, wigs. This was immediately appreciated by hundreds of women around the world, and now the stylist's annual income exceeds one and a half million.

The secret of the comb

The creation of an English specialist is thought out to the smallest detail. If you look at the product, you can see that the teeth have different lengths and are placed so that possible knots on the hair do not pull together, but, on the contrary, unravel. The brush helps to comb even heavily tousled strands, without pulling out the roots and without damaging the hair structure upon exposure. This is also due to the stiffness and elasticity of the material used to make the product. The Tangle Teezer comb is soft, flexible, it bends easily, but retains its shape. As a result, resting on a tangled element, for example, a knot, the teeth bend, but with the next movement they unravel it.

The material from which the product is made does not cause formation. Plastic is hygienic, lightweight, comfortable, which becomes an additional advantage of use.

According to the manufacturer's assurances, the lack of a handle becomes another secret to preserving hair. The design of the wonderful Tangle Teezer hairbrush eliminates overhead swings. The hand moves smoothly in the direction of hair growth.

As a result, every woman can get a unique beauty gadget that eliminates cross-sections, tangles, damage, and the formation of static electricity on her hair. Instead, the curls acquire shine and silkiness.

Design variety

Manufacturers have taken care of the variety of choice of combs. The design of the products meets all possible preferences. You can choose a model in laconic black or a bright comb that emphasizes individuality. The product line includes children's copies, which depict cartoon characters.

In addition to the classic format, you can purchase an option that is ideal for a woman's handbag, due to its compact size. These products are equipped with a special lid to ensure high hygiene. The line includes brushes specially designed for professional use.

It was noted that the products from Tangle Teezer are used by the Duchess of Cambridge - Kate Middleton. In addition, many Hollywood stars have switched to this beauty gadget. Rihanna and Kate Moss were spotted with such combs.

Tangle Teezer brushes are used for combing hair by fashionable celebrity stylists, for example, Rea Ann Silva always takes it with him when she goes to tidy up the head of another celebrity.

Product line

  1. Series "Original". The products are designed for home use. They quickly, gently, painlessly comb wet and dry strands.
  2. Salon Elite series. Models of this group allow organizing professional long hair care.
  3. Comb Tangle Teezer Compact. Limited edition with stylish and original design.
  4. Compact Styler series. Ideal for women's handbags that can provide gentle care outside the home.
  5. Aqua Splash series. A hairbrush specially designed for spa treatments. It helps to evenly distribute treatment products, masks, conditioners, etc. to the hair.
  6. Series "Magic". Comb for children with an original floral design. Hair detangles easily and without damage.

Classic models

The Tangle Teezer Original consists of a plastic base, which is presented in a fancy shape. It has teeth of various lengths fixed on it. The design is a bit like a massager. The brush fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and allows you to manipulate hair of any length. The teeth are sharp, thin and flexible.

  • The brush should become the main tool for combing thin, dry and brittle curls. The beauty gadget helps to untangle the numerous small knots and knots that are constantly formed with this type of hair. With this product, which is truly unique, you can straighten strands. The manufacturer claims that the hairbrush helps to get a good looking one as well. The teeth work in such a way that they smooth the hair cuticle, due to which the desired effect is formed. The massage effect remains especially useful for the growth of curls.
  • As women say, the product is very soft, it does not charge the hair with static electricity. In addition, an additional massage effect becomes a pleasant surprise. In the compact version, a special lid turned out to be very convenient, keeping the teeth intact. The quality of the product itself is at the highest level. It is pleasant to hold in the hand, and the design makes for a pleasant visual experience. Bright colors always add a little positive mood. The Aqua Brush is ideal for showering, during which you can distribute masks and balms through your hair.

Mini version

The Tangle Teezer Compact Styler can be used when traveling, for handbags, lockers at work or at the fitness club. This is a miniature version of the classic hairbrush, equipped with a special cap. The principle of operation is similar to the others, but the product is very convenient for transportation. It is about half the size of the standard version and takes up minimal space. The cover protects the teeth from damage and dirt.

Aqua Splash Series

The Tangle Teezer Aqua Splash is the latest innovation from the manufacturer. The product is designed in such a way that it is installed in an upright non-slip position. It is not susceptible to the negative effects of moisture. The hollow design is designed to be easy and simple to clean. The rounded edges are especially comfortable to use.

Salon Elite series

With the Tangle Teezer Salon Elite, you can achieve professional results with a single movement of your hand. The product is presented in an innovative centralized curved shape, which eliminates pulling and damage to the hair, but allows you to comb the entire web, from roots to ends. Combs are available in five color options.

We present you with a professional opinion. So, Tangle Teezer combs, reviews of stylists and hairdressers:

  • With regard to professional use, a very important factor in favor of the brush remains its hygiene. The product is easy to clean after any manipulation. Even after applying thick balms and masks, it is enough to rinse it with water. After washing, the comb dries quickly, which is very important when there is a large flow of clients.
  • All visitors to beauty salons always pay attention to this new product. The first positive impression comes from the striking and attractive design. Then it only gets stronger. When women begin to feel the massage effect and do not feel the slightest discomfort from combing, there is no limit to their delight.

Series "Magic Flowers"

An attractive brush for children will relieve tears, tantrums that could previously occur due to combing tangled hair. The product is specially designed for babies and attracts them with its magical design.

Children's combs Tangle Teezer, reviews of experienced mothers

  • The main advantages of the entire product line include the fact that a special product has been developed for children. Kids do not really like combing, but with such a funny brush they are ready to experience this procedure with a smile on their face. She not only does not pull out delicate hairs, but also promotes their rapid growth, since the massage effect enhances blood flow to the head.
  • Children themselves are drawn to such a comb. She seems to them to be a funny toy, so babies are always happy to comb their hair, especially after a bath, when the hairs can be very tangled.


Velvet bags for your favorite combs are considered the most chic accessory. The product features an ultra-modern design, such a mini-bag allows you to keep the brush clean and intact.

Signature bags are designed to surprise. Their white and pink color will appeal to any woman. In the purse, the manufacturer always puts special instructions for using the combs.

Where can I buy

If tangled and unruly hair has become a common occurrence, when split ends appear again and again, you should purchase such a brush. She will help to achieve beauty, shine and smoothness of hair, she conquered millions of girls around the world with her convenience.

Many are interested in where to buy the Tangle Teezer comb. You can order the product from the UK or Domestic online store. UK sellers sell the brushes with free worldwide shipping and are attentive to every order. A purchase made on foreign resources may turn out to be more economical than in Russia.

  • Salon Elite series - $ 18.
  • Series "Original" - $ 19.
  • Series "Compact" - $ 19.
  • Aqua Splash Series - $ 20.
  • Children's series - $ 18.

Summing up some results about the benefits and quality of products created by an English stylist, all its advantages and disadvantages should be identified. The information below explains the properties of the brushes. This is not an advertisement for a manufacturer, but practical observations of women around the world who had a chance to use a wonderful comb.

Advantages of a beauty gadget

  1. The hair structure is not damaged during brushing.
  2. The product does not rip, tear, does not electrify curls.
  3. The brush helps to unravel any tangles.
  4. It is ideal for long, thick, fine, hair extensions, African braids and curls.
  5. The brushing process can be started from the roots, and not from the tips, as is customary.
  6. It is permissible to manipulate even wet hair.
  7. The comb helps in applying balms and masks.
  8. There are models created especially for children.
  9. The Tangle Teezer hairbrush has a massage effect and is gentle on the scalp. Massage increases blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth.


  1. The product cannot be used for hot styling.
  2. The comb is not very convenient to collect the tail.

The feasibility of purchasing a comb is revealed when a girl suffers from a problem of constantly matted hair, especially after taking a shower. The product allows you to save the density of curls thanks to its gentle effect.


The popular Tangle Teezer hairbrushes, reviews of which are heard more and more often, have become known not only in Europe and the USA, but also in our country. Many girls, purchasing such products, abandon standard brushes forever. One has only to try - and all the qualities of such a novelty will be fully revealed. The cost of the comb may seem prohibitive, but this is fully justified by the benefits that can be obtained with regular use.