You are dear to me in your words to the guy. How beautiful it is to confess your love to a guy. Tender words of declaration of love

It's so good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my most important person. You are very reliable, empathetic and calm. I am always looking forward to our meeting. It’s so good when you’re around. All my life I want to walk with you along the same road of love. My feelings for you grow stronger and stronger. I so want to snuggle up to you, and feel protected from all the sorrows and hardships. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you will I be truly happy.

As the saying goes, all ages are submissive to love. So I fell in love with you when the powder is already silvery on the temples. All my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love, I want to give you, my only man. You so unexpectedly appeared in my life, and immediately gave my heart with love. I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. I love you and do not hesitate to confess my feelings, I love you and will always be by your side. May our love be beautiful and great.

What a wonderful feeling love, it inspires us and, like birds, lifts us high in the skies. When you are in love, all problems seem so small and, of course, solvable. I am proud of you, dear, and dearly love you. Let my love drink quench your thirst in the heat and warm you in the cold. May our happiness be serene and long. Only you alone I need, my only, kind and most important man on earth. Everything that is called happiness in life, all this is connected with you, my dear and just mine.

You are always attentive, kind and caring. The Lord has awarded you with such beauty that there is no one in the world more beautiful than you. If I were a poet, I would sing of your noble image. For a long time the agile Cupid has been flitting between us, throwing arrows of love into our hearts with you. You and I are two halves of one whole happiness. My gentle, beloved, I confess my love to you, and I want our relationship to be mutual. I will give you all my tenderness, affection and love. I will make you the happiest person in the world.

I am grateful to fate for helping me to meet you, my one and only man. One can only dream of such a thing, I am very lucky in life. You are my hope and support, I am behind you, like behind a stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will confess my feelings first, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love flares up every day more and more.

I fell in love with you at first sight. I like everything about you: a pleasant smile, a gentle voice, and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I have dreamed of such a man all my life. You are my ideal, my dream. You are the prince I have dreamed of all my life. Only with you will I be happy, only with you will I feel like a real woman. I love you, my dear, and I want our feelings to flare up from a small spark into a big flame of love.

The world is beautiful when you are next to me, my beloved, my dear and most gentle man. Our love will overcome all adversity, because love is the most powerful feeling. And it’s so good that this feeling came to you and me, my only one. Today I want to be the first to confess my love to you. After all, you still do not dare, you are all ashamed. And in vain. I see how tenderly you look at me, how your voice trembles with excitement when we are alone. I will ease your suffering and say three main words, painfully familiar to the whole world: I love you.

Love is the strongest feeling. She works wonders with us. It makes the evil good, and the poor rich. Those who are in love or are loved are the happiest people on earth. I also consider myself happy, because I love you, my only and best man on the whole planet. I want to be with you always by your side, I want to give you my love, and in return receive yours. You are destined for me. You alone live in my heart, only you I call desirable and loved. Everything that is connected with happiness in life, everything is connected with you.

It is unlikely that there is such a force in the world that could stop love. Our land rests not on whales, but on love. All ages are submissive to love, and no matter how old you are, if you are in love, then you are the happiest person in the world. I am so lucky in my life that you are near, my beloved. For such a gift, I will be grateful to fate all my life. You are a kind, attentive and gentlest man. I just love you and I'm proud of you. You are always the most beautiful for me. I love your hot kisses and tender hands so much, from the touch of which, I just melt.

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You are just a real man with whom I am so lucky in life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, it is clear that you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I do not regret it in the least. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the dearest person to me, and I will be very glad if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison.

You made me the happiest woman in the world. Only with you next to me it is good, only with you next to me, I sing with happiness. You are my hope, my only man. I so want to snuggle on your shoulder and forget about everything in the world. You are so empathetic, attentive and caring. I love being held captive by your love so much, and I want to stay there for life. I love you very much, and I will make you the happiest man in the world. Life next to you is already my favorite, desired and unique holiday.

Each of us is looking for his soul mate in the world, and experiences great happiness if he finds one. I also pulled out the luckiest winning ticket from fate, I met you, my only man. The most tender and warm words I give you, my dear. You are my happiness, my destiny. Only when you are near, the world becomes bright and beautiful. My soul and heart belongs to you alone. I love you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love, and I want everyone in the world to know about it.

Love for all ages. Everyone on earth has that one half somewhere, for which we live, breathe, love. And everyone has their own time to meet. For some, this occurs at an earlier age, and for others already in adulthood. But love is always the most tender, the most sincere, the most mysterious feeling. I didn't even notice how quickly I fell in love with you, my only man. And today I confess that I love you more than life. You are my best, most reliable and most desirable man.

The world is full of joy and wonders when you, my most important and beloved person in the world, are in it. Literally everything that happens in my life is connected with you. You are always there, always help in difficult times. Thank you, my dear, that I have you. I am so grateful to fate for such a gift. I love you, and I will always be next to you, my only one. My love will be a talisman for you. I want to see you always happy and I will do everything for this, because my love is so strong that all obstacles are beyond her.

I am the happiest woman in the world, because I have you - my most beloved and only person. Only with you I feel calm, only your love warms me. I am so lucky in life and for everything I thank that lucky chance when we met you. My dear, thank you for your tenderness, for your affection, for your kind heart, for the fact that next to you I feel like a real woman. I love you and will love you all my life. They say that love works wonders and makes people happy, and it gave us a whole world of happiness.

Everything that I have in life and that gives me the joy of every day is all you, my beloved. You're the best in the world. So gentle, kind and affectionate. With you it is so easy and simple for me, with you I fly from happiness like a bird. You are near, and everything in the world is beautiful - both rain and wind. You are there and all the problems seem so petty. Thank you, my beloved, that you are always by my side. I love you sincerely and tenderly, be with me all my life, my joy. My love will always keep you and cherish.

My beloved and only man on the whole planet. Let me confess my love to you today. My senses can no longer be silent. You are the dream of my life, you are just my ideal. I want to be with you always, so as not to part, even for a moment. Next to you, my wings seem to grow behind my back, there is no limit to my happiness. You are attentive, caring and kind, I am proud of you, my dear and I want our happiness to be endless. You are my guardian angel, and under your wing, I feel calm.

Love is the most powerful feeling in the world. Love can perform extraordinary miracles. Love makes us kinder, and our feelings are purer. My love for you, beloved, made me the happiest in the world. I just fly with happiness. You are the sweetest, most beautiful, and kindest man in the world. I love you, breathe you, and idolize you, my only one. You are my soul mate, without which I simply cannot live. I love to look into sweet eyes, I love to listen to your ringing laughter, I love your gentle embrace. I just love you, my dear.

I am so lucky in my life with you. You are so gentle and kind that sometimes I even envy myself. I just can't imagine another man in your place. You are the most important person in my destiny. I always listen to your advice, I always trust you with the most intimate. I'm millet confident in you. You are the other half of my heart. Only with you I feel comfortable, only with you I feel the happiest, only with your heart my heart beats in unison. Thank you, my dear, for being in the world.

Many girls are embarrassed to say compliments and pleasant words to their man. They feel uncomfortable or just don't know what to say or how. But this is extremely important, both during the period of formation and at all stages of the development of relations.

How to tell your beloved man about love in your own words? Why is this so important, what other ways can you use to verbally express your feelings? And also several inspiring examples that you can take as a basis and use as a model both in everyday communication with your man, and on special, solemn occasions.

Do you know what secret words help to fall in love with a man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

Do I need to tell a man about love?

It is widely believed that women love it with their ears. And men are mostly visual. However, believe me, not a single man has remained indifferent to the declaration of love. No matter how stern and restrained he is

If you are naturally shy and cannot utter compliments and love confessions out loud, use the possibilities of SMS messages and widespread social networks today. And verbally say the simplest things - how much you love and are proud of your man, how grateful you are to him, you feel very happy next to him.

Here are some examples of inspiring messages that you can use as an example or source of inspiration for your own messages. Don't worry if it doesn't work right away, or if you don't immediately start getting a response from your partner.

Exercise, write and speak words of love to your loved one every day. Gradually, you will overcome shyness (if it is it that stops you) and learn to understand which words your partner reacts to the most, what is more pleasant for him to hear from you. And you can focus on this.

How can you tell a man about your love?

My first thoughts this morning were about you. I thought how great it is that you and I met. Never before have I felt so happy as next to you. Thinking about you fills me with joy. Have a nice day, my love!

If I suddenly feel melancholy and sad, I know that it is enough for me to see you for just a couple of minutes, to be near, to hold your hand, and the sadness will let go, and my soul will become light. I am very lucky that you found me among thousands of other people, I really value your attitude towards me.

When you are not around for a long time, I lose interest in the events taking place around. The world becomes empty and somehow flat, one-dimensional. Thank you for showing me how strong love can be, my most important person in the world!

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say to a man in order to charm him - click on the button just below and watch the video to the end.

Not every woman manages to meet the man of her dreams. But I was lucky. Because I met you once. You know, I still sometimes cannot believe that it is true, that we were found in this huge world, and that now we are together. I love you madly, my dear, and I really want it to be like this always. \

I dreamed of meeting you during the long days and nights that I spent alone, waiting to meet you. And now you are finally by my side. A man to whom I am pleased to obey, whom I want to follow. I trust you like no one else in the world, more than myself. And you taught me that too. I cannot convey to you in words how much I love you. I'm going to show you this with my every action, my whole life. Thank you crown, my beloved, for our meeting and for our life together.

I received your SMS and I can't stop smiling. I can imagine how you, not yet fully awake, are typing these such important words for me, and I feel like the happiest person in the world. Confessions of love are always difficult for you, and I thank you for this little morning feat for my sake.

Before, I was terribly embarrassed to confess my love to you. Talk about her, clothe the invisible in words. It seemed to me terribly stupid, sentimental, even a little tasteless. But now you appeared in my life. A truly beloved man. And confessing love became simple and natural. Probably because I am finally sure that you are the one I have always been looking for. Love you.

When you are near, when my day begins with your sleepy smile and gentle morning grumbling, and ends with your kiss, I really want you to feel at this moment the same warmth in your chest that I feel. I want to take care of you and be for you the set that you have become for me, my most important person, my beloved man.

You have confessed your love to me many times, in the most unexpected moments, taking me by surprise, making my heart beat faster. Today it is my turn, I will try to express in words what is happening in my soul. When you are next to me, I often have the feeling that we have known each other for many, many years. You understand me like no one else, and I want you to know that you make me very happy, fill my life with a special meaning. It's so good that you and I met.

I want to see you as soon as possible. I missed you madly. I never thought that I would miss someone so much. I want to hug you and say your name. And nothing more. Although ... ... it turned out that I absolutely cannot live without you, that I seemed to be lifeless, as if all the air and all my strength had been pumped out of me. I try to inhale, but nothing works. Come back to me soon, dear, I love you very much.

I caught myself thinking that I hadn’t told you for a long time how much I love you. I love. You. Highly.

You are not only a beloved man for me, you are also my closest, my most devoted friend. You are always there when I need it, and you do so much for me. I really appreciate it, I hope I mean as much to you. Or someday I will.

Thanks to meeting with you, I learned what it generally means - a beloved and loving man next to me. I am so horrified when I think that we might never meet. I do not know how to talk about love at all, so I will simply say - thank you so much that I have you and that you make me so happy every day.

When I read your SMS, I want to hear your voice. When I talk on the phone with you on the phone, I dream of talking to you, looking into your eyes. When I look at our joint photographs, I want to meet as soon as possible so that I can touch you. I am completely insatiable in everything that concerns you.

I would never have thought that you and I would love each other. From the very first meeting you touched me literally in everything, I was annoyed and disturbed by your presence. And now I have been waiting for an SMS from you all day. I'm worried before the meeting. I'm nervous, I want to like it. And you are so calm and confident. A real man. Beloved man. My favorite man. How I like to say it out loud. You made a complete fool out of me after all! Yours. Favorite fool.


I would like to note once again that the answer to the question “How to say that I love my beloved man in my own words” is very simple and consists in one word - practice. Be as sincere as possible, do not try to speak beautifully, try to speak in such a way that your words resonate in the heart of your beloved man.

How will you know if you are doing the right thing? Feedback. A man will find a way to show what he likes more. Add photos to your verbal messages. If you decide to confess to a decent meeting, back it up with a hug or a kiss.

Don't overdo it, but don't back down either. With the current volume of information exchange, it is difficult to overdo it in the art of verbal support. Look for or create reasons for your own gratitude, admiration, declaration of love. And even the most one will appreciate it and will be grateful in return.

There are only a few secret words, having heard which a man will begin to fall in love.

Discover the secret that only a few women know. Click on the button and watch the video to the end.

Topic: To tell your beloved in your own words how I love him. Honey, you are the best gift in life that you can get.

I miss your kisses, caresses after sunset ... I miss you ... Miss you, darling!

I love you very much! I will wait for you, forever is not a period.

I am carried away by you alone, I am only in love with you, I don’t want to do anything, without you I just miss and sad!

My love, my soul, I feel so bad without you ... I want you to be with me, only then I will be glad!

Let's go to WE ...

We will meet the first snow together ... I know.

Thank you fate for you! Thank you for being with me. Thank you. I love you like no other girl has ever loved.

I do not hide my feelings, and I am not silent about my love for you! You are the best I know! I want to see you soon!

It's just that we are cool with each other ...

You and I breathe the same air - my love!

And I don't need much for happiness, only you are near

My love for you is limitless. May luck always smile at you, I so want you to be happy!

I feel so good with you, you know, I adore you and always miss you!

Why is time dragging on so long? See you for the longest days in my life! I want to see you, hug and kiss you as soon as possible! I miss…

I miss, my thoughts seem to hide under water, the ocean that divides us. And when, through the endless nights, melancholy covers my head, at the sunrise of the scorching sun I see a meeting with you.

Before you start a relationship with someone - establish a relationship with yourself.

My heart yearned for you, beloved! I look forward to our meeting!

And only the bridal bouquet that I caught at the wedding makes me hope ...

I am writing to you - Hello, and I am putting an end to it, and I don’t know what else to write, I want to say so much, but the main thing is that I miss you a lot!

A person should be with whom his thoughts live with.

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy. I will wait for you, I will burn bridges, you only manage to understand that there is only you in my heart!

Take care of the relationship - otherwise you will have to take care of the memories.

It is vital for me to hear from you, the three most important words that you need me!

If a flower bloomed every time I think of you, the world would be a huge garden!

You are just cute, you are dear, you are loved, dear! I really miss, come for me! My love for you is limitless.

I don't know why at all, I love you so madly! You are my best, beloved, attractive, dear!

Love is when you read his Vkontakte messages out of turn!

I want quite a bit just you by my side. Near both body and soul, because I will be happy only with you.

A magical land called you ...

You have become for me like a cube of milk chocolate. So delicious and you are never enough I love you very much!

This world is dark for me without you. I need only you

I want to hug you strongly and kiss you gently and tenderly! How hard it is when you are not around, how I miss your warmth and affection!

You are the angel who gives me hope, you are my dream, my ideal. I love you, my unique, desired, only you give me moments of pleasure and happiness!

It's so easy for me with you! I feel so good with you! I am always positive with you, I want to be with you again and again!

I do not have a soul in you, and I miss you madly!

I know for sure that everything will always be super-good when you are by my side!

My love, you are my life. I need only you

Do not forget that there is a girl who misses you very much and is waiting at any time of the day or night! Kisses*

Dear girls, if you only knew how much we forgive you just for being beautiful.

In a cozy room under the covers, you sleep so beautifully and tenderly. And I just mentally kiss you and so I want to see you, baby!

My sweetheart, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection. I love you!

The most difficult exercise in my life, which is called Not to be bored without you, I still can't manage ...

Honey, I've already started talking with a chair and having breakfast with a kettle. I miss you. I love you!

For me, life is you, you are my joy and all dreams! You are always on my mind, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you!

Every time I hear a call, I hope that it is from you ...

I just want you to hold my hand on your knee with warm hands ...

Shut my mouth with a kiss or ... I'll scream how I love you.

I miss you. I miss, I miss and wait! I think about you every minute, I always miss you!

If a kiss were a drop of rain, I would send you a shower!

You cannot contradict lovers and madmen.

Listen, have you seen my heart here ... which keeps running after you?

When you are far away, I love you even more. I think about you all the time and miss you very much!

You stole my dream ... You are the sweetest thief!

I adore you! I love you more than life, you are my happiness!

Only your eyes bring me to my senses! I need only you

The sun is shining brightly, but in my soul there is longing, because near, dear, you are not there, that's all ...

Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings, strength and helps them fly towards their dreams.

I decided to appoint you as the guardian of my heart!

Can you imagine what a terrible world I live in while you are not around? I miss you, darling ...

When you really love, you don't get bored.

I'm sad for you ... I want to hear the sound of your steps. This is the sweetest music for me. I want to see you, touch your lips, I miss you so much ...

The day can begin and end without a call and SMS from me ... But it will never begin and end without thinking about you!

I cannot live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I am just a man in this world, and with you I am in seventh heaven!

I hope I'll be your good morning ...

And you are far away as before, but I will wait for you

Whatever happens around, I always love you! My love for you is limitless.

I can't wait to see you again. To be alone, to feel your love!

Well, a person cannot give up love against his will!

I love you like an angel of God, I love you like the light of dawn, I will always love you, only you love me!

I love you madly, I miss you, you have no idea how! I'm just going crazy!

I miss you so much! I want to snuggle up to you, hug, kiss, look into your eyes and tell you in your ear that I love you very much!

You have to fall in love so much ... To even oversalt the tea!

I adore you! I miss, I hug, I look forward to meeting.

The warmth of your embrace still warms my soul. No matter how far you are, I can feel you here, next to me! I missed you to the point of insanity.

My favorite melody: a call from your number.

If they asked me what happiness is, I would silently put my head on your shoulder and close my eyes.

Rain in my soul, I'm all sad, because I want to see you for too long!

Heart, be quiet! Do not give out ...

I love you boy, I love your eyes, I love your name and you yourself!

For some people, their first love is not their first!

I guess I never matured. I still believe in miracles, love and good people

With what poison did you drink me, what kind of fire did you set me on fire?

I miss ... Not flowers, gifts ... Not calls and messages ... but your lively smile, your habits, you, my most beloved.

I suddenly understood perfectly that I could not live without you.

It's dark for me without you in this world. I only need you - To tell your beloved in your own words how I love him.

It is well known that a woman loves with her ears - each of us madly loves to hear warm, gentle, affectionate words addressed to her. But for some reason, not all women realize that men, in turn, love such words no less and really need such speeches. How to express pleasant words to your beloved man, we will tell you in this article.

It is clear that every woman needs a man, but only very often they forget to talk and remind their loved ones about it. Maybe this is due to the fact that a stereotype persists in the minds of the fair sex that men do not need this, because they are not romantics, and generally do not like all these cute words.

In fact, men can show their indifference to such words, but in their hearts it is very pleasant and flattering to hear positive reviews, gentle words addressed to them and praise.

Not all women are eloquent, this is not a vice, but you need to know those standard words and expressions that will once again emphasize that you need this man and that you really need him. We will help to formulate those thoughts that are hidden in the soul and clothe them in the form of pleasant words.

Affectionate words to your beloved man

How many affectionate words can you remember? Probably a lot, remembering how you love to be addressed and to be called. You see, there is nothing difficult in remembering those very affectionate words and applying them to your man.

Every woman knows her soul mate very well, and perfectly understands which genre of pleasant words will suit a particular man. Someone likes to be called a hare, and someone to say - "oh, my tiger."

  • All men need to find an individual approach, just like us women. Therefore, before you call your loved one an affectionate word, make sure that it matches his style and lifestyle, and does not offend him, does not undermine his authority.
  • Favorite words to your beloved man can be very different: beloved, dear, baby, sun, kitten - the main thing is that the man likes it, and does not cut his ears.
  • Tender words to your beloved man can be in the form of a softened name, for example - Denisochka, Temochka, Igorusha, Tolyasik, etc.

  • Try to be diverse - the Russian language is rich in word forms and you shouldn't get hung up on any one petting address. Add a variety of words to your vocabulary, and your betrothed will help you find them. Just pay attention to his habits, physical features, hobbies and even favorite foods.
  • Do not be afraid of any intimate "nicknames" that will be used face to face within your bedroom. At the same time, it is important to consider whether the specificity of your relationship implies such appeals, because if your man is the last snob who communicates with you on "you" and adheres to platonic relationships, then it is better to bypass intimate nicknames.

You shouldn't be afraid to experiment with tender words. If your spouse doesn't like any of them, he will let you know about it, directly or indirectly.

Words to a beloved man in prose

You don't need to be a poet to speak beautifully about your feelings to your loved one. Words just have to be from the heart. The person to whom you will speak them must trust you and understand that this is sincere, and not a prepared staged speech. Words of love to a beloved man in prose can also sound beautiful, it will all depend only on you, on what exactly and how you speak.

It will not be superfluous to tell a loved one:

  • "You are so courageous and strong - I can't imagine what I would do without you."
  • "How great it is to feel weak and tender next to such a courageous man like you!"
  • “Life becomes brighter and more interesting when I understand that you are next to me - a courageous, smart, cheerful and so dear person for me!”.
  • “You and I are like two halves of one whole. You harmoniously complement me and you know about all my desires and dreams. When my hand is in your hand, I understand that like this, hand in hand, we can walk all our lives and never regret our choice. "
  • “I just go crazy with your light unshaven and tousled hair, serious look when you are busy with work and perky sparkles in your eyes when you are planning some prank. You just occupy all my thoughts and do not let me focus on anything else. "

It is unlikely that a man will appreciate the phrase: "I am drowning in the depths of your eyes, your lips are like a peach on a sunny day, you just want to eat, etc." But, for example, these words: “You are really important to me or - I cannot imagine myself without you; you are my support and my strength; only with you I feel safe, etc. " will be appreciated and will make you believe in your sincere emotions.

SMS to your beloved man in your own words

Words about love to a beloved man you can not only speak, but also write them. It is very pleasant to hear tender words of love, and it is even more pleasant to read them. Today everyone has a mobile phone, and the "send SMS" function is attached to any model, so you can send pleasant words to your loved one at any time.

No need to look for special rhymes, just write what you are feeling at the moment. Any guy will be pleased, being at work or on a business trip, to receive an SMS with the text "I missed you very much, I want to see you, hug and kiss you tightly."

Your recognition to your beloved man in your own words will make him reassure himself that you need him and love him. When words come from a pure heart, they always bring positive emotions and awaken tender feelings within.

Any relationship needs development, and even if you have been together for a very long time, words for a beloved man should sound constantly. You can create correspondence in the form of a game and intrigue. For example: “I miss you. Come quickly, a surprise awaits you. " All day a person will think about these pleasant words, and intrigue in SMS will make passion flare up with renewed vigor.

In addition, you can write to your beloved:

  • “You are far away and the sun does not shine for me, the birds don’t sing and even bright flowers fade and do not delight me with their beauty. Come back soon! "
  • “I have long wanted to tell you that you are dear to me. This is just in case you have lost faith in my feelings. "
  • “Today my heart leaps out of my chest with the desire to see you. If you feel the same, then hurry up to me - let's calm your heartbeat with a strong and long kiss. "
  • “It's so nice to know that even though you are far away, you think about me and look forward to meeting you - it just gives you goosebumps!”
  • “My beloved, dear little man, never doubt my love for you. Even though we parted for a very short time and soon you will return home, remember that my love is able to warm you even at a distance. "

Kind words to your beloved man should be recited every day, not just on holidays, to make the relationship stronger and the bond between you stronger. Surprise your soul mate, say nice words, and then your relationship will always bring only joy and positiveness.

SMS to beloved man maybe just a couple of words: “I love you,” “I missed you,” “I want you,” “Rodnulya, I'm waiting for you at home,” etc. If your husband or loved one is far from you, then sms good night to your beloved man in your own words will delight him and once again remind him that somewhere far away the beloved and most caring man in the world is waiting for him.

A wish for the night could be like this:

  • “Let the light of my love warm you there far away, and the cold nights will become warm thanks to the fact that I am waiting for you and endlessly thinking about you.”
  • “Sweet dreams, my kitten! Fall asleep and imagine that next to you I, gently hug and kiss, guard your sleep. "
  • “Let this night be the last night in your life when I’m not around. Sweet dreams."

Words to a beloved man in verse

Do not think that men do not perceive well the poems that their beloved women devote to them. Yes, they really do not like to learn poetry, but hearing pleasant words in poetic form is to their liking, you can be sure of this.

You can write a verse yourself, describe in it a loved one and the qualities for which you love and appreciate him. If there is no poetic talent, then you can learn a ready-made verse written by someone else.

Believe me gentle pleasant words to your beloved man, will always touch him for a living. He may not start jumping with joy and delight, because this behavior is for the most part inherent in women, but his sincere smile and affection manifested on his face will make it clear that he is very pleased to hear such words.

Choose the most best words to your beloved man, and then he will always know what you need and that you value him. It is very important that a loved one really feels like your soul mate, therefore, in addition to some actions, you should constantly remind him of this with words.

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in your own words

Wishing good morning is a great tradition that should not be broken, even if your significant other is somewhere far away. Speak every morning beloved man about love in a sms message, just by phone, wishing him good morning.

Believe me, his morning, even if it started far from good, will become this if you wish him from the bottom of your heart.

  • “Good morning, my sun! You are always reluctant to wake up, but when a delicious breakfast and your beloved woman are waiting for you in the kitchen, the morning becomes really good. "
  • "Open your eyes and quickly run to me, I already miss you madly and can't stand a minute without my dear man."
  • “Wake up, my dear, a new day of our love has begun. Let's fill it with kisses, romantic emotions and fun. "

Any request, SMS and prose to beloved man must come from a pure heart. Only say what you feel. It is these words that are appreciated, correctly perceived and remembered for a long time.

Recognition to your beloved man in your own words should not sound pretentious or somehow arrogant, everything should be simple, understandable and pleasant. Do not stop surprising your loved ones with warm, gentle, affectionate and kind words, and then you will see and feel reciprocity.

Video: Beautiful words to your beloved man

And, rest assured, if the relationship between you is strong, then your declaration of love to a guy in your own words will be a real pleasant surprise for him, to which he simply cannot help but reciprocate. Give him not only recognition, but also your warmth, your care and your love in their pure form.

Let him know how dear you are to him. With a beautiful recognition, you can not only show him this, but also significantly strengthen the relationship between you. After such a revelation, relations will reach a fundamentally different level. You will no longer be afraid to confess to each other. Now you will become truly close people, ready to go for any deeds for each other. Even if you confess to him first, there is nothing to worry about. After all, we are no longer living in the 19th century, and today women have equal rights and equal status with men.

Vlio will help you find a good recognition. Here you will find a ton of beautiful options, each of which can claim perfect recognition. Inspect the works and make your choice. Love you and endless happiness with your boyfriend.

Every woman sooner or later meets the same man. The one for whom she is ready to go even to the ends of the world. Someone who will make her the happiest on earth. Meeting him is the most exciting and long-awaited event in life. And in my life this event has already happened - I met you!

Congratulations on your mobile

My best man in the world on earth. I am grateful to fate for introducing us to you. You are my dream, you are my ideal. Every minute spent with you seems to be the most pleasant moment. I so want to do something good for you, so I want to please you. I am the first to confess my love to you, and I am not at all ashamed of it. I love you, my one, desired and unique. God grant that we are with you the happiest couple. May our love inspire both of us.

Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words "wings have grown", because if your loved one is with you, you seem to start flying. I was lucky to experience this wonderful feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart, and I do not want to look at others. In my dreams, only you, and I want you to know how much I love you!

When they love, they remember the day of the first meeting as the best of the days. When they love, they worry together with their beloved as much as he does, and even stronger. When they love, they do not ask for anything for themselves, but they sincerely pray to heaven for a loved one. As I - because I love you with all my heart, my dear!

How glad I have you, my long-awaited prince. I thank fate every day for such a royal gift. After all, you are the dream of every girl, and therefore I am the happiest in the world. After all, next to me is such a courteous, such attentive, such kind and the most beautiful guy in the world. I love you madly, and I hope for reciprocity. May our love bloom more and more every day, may our feelings be beautiful and pure. Let the constellation of love always shine over our heads.

How good it is when you have a loved one! All life takes on a completely different meaning, everything around appears in a different light, worries become pleasant and bring joy. It's good that I have you - strong, courageous, kind, understanding and loving. I am ready to give you my whole life, I love you!

I am the happiest girl in the world because I have you, my beloved. My feelings for you are sincere and bright, and I really hope for reciprocity. I so want to snuggle on your shoulder and forget about everything in the world. With you it's easy and simple for me. With your attention, affection, tenderness, you simply captivate me. Let the fire of our love flare up more and more brighter, let everything that was conceived come true. I will thank fate all my life for giving me you, my only and most desirable.

It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for this happiness is the most beautiful, the most intelligent and talented man, with whom I am just madly in love. Since we accidentally bumped into you on the street, my life has literally turned upside down. Now I constantly think about you, miss you and plan our next date. The time spent with you is always short for me, because no matter how much we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you very much for the fact that even in the midst of gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold, you give me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring, which will literally be in my soul. Only your arms can embrace so tenderly and tightly at the same time, only in your arms I want to be around the clock, thank you for that, darling.