Severe hypoxia in newborns consequences. How to treat a disease. Oxygen cocktail for chronic fatigue

All expectant mothers want to know what hypoxia is in newborns. Unfortunately, pregnancy and childbirth do not always follow a happy scenario: joyfully, easily, without problems. It is not uncommon for a woman carrying a baby to suffer from a difficult pregnancy and give birth very hard, which is why pathologies subsequently develop in both her and the baby. One of the frequently diagnosed pathologies of the prenatal period is fetal hypoxia - a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body.

Congenital hypoxia in a newborn: what it is and causes

Hypoxia in children after birth is, one might say, the most common pathology that a mother is found out about in the maternity ward or before childbirth. Despite the fact that pathology is often diagnosed, the child's hypoxia to this day threatens the development and health of the baby due to the severity of the consequences.

Oxygen starvation can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • Medical indicators;
  • Maternal health conditions;
  • The lifestyle of the expectant mother.

Everyone knows that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This fact is especially relevant in relation to hypoxia, because hypoxic changes can remind of themselves for the rest of their lives. Hypoxia is not a separate disease, it is a consequence of various conditions of a pregnant woman or the course of delivery.

Often, the pathological process develops even during the bearing of the baby.

A pregnant woman, often without even suspecting herself, harms her son or daughter. The same tobacco smoking can provoke systematic oxygen starvation not only in her, but also in the child. And the more a pregnant woman smokes cigarettes, the more severe the fetus is.

Another reason why cerebral hypoxia develops in infants and babies that have not yet been born is the early maturation of the placenta. This is when the baby's place becomes unusable long before delivery. The consumption of medicines, alcohol, as well as gestosis (late toxicosis) and various kinds of infection of the body can lead to this condition.

The placenta is a kind of protection of the child from infections, but she herself “grows old” and becomes unusable from this. For this reason, the blood supply is impaired and there is a lack of oxygen. Various kinds of respiratory diseases of a woman can also cause oxygen deficiency. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis in any form provoke breathing problems, which adversely affects the developing fetus. That is why early diagnosis and monitoring of the condition of the pregnant woman and the child is so necessary, both for correcting the condition during gestation, and for choosing the tactics of behavior during delivery.

So, hypoxia can develop during the period of bearing a child. However, the reasons can develop during the period of the baby's birth. Inappropriate behavior of a woman giving birth or the wrong actions of a midwife can cause labor to be delivered too quickly or too slowly. Improper positioning of the umbilical cord and its wrapping around the child's neck can cause not only oxygen starvation, but also provoke a complete cessation of breathing.

On ultrasound, you can see the location of the umbilical cord and prevent the risk of developing pathology. The tasks of doctors include at the time when the child is born, remove the umbilical cord from the neck, prevent it from strangling the baby during delivery.

Acute hypoxia can develop due to placental abruption. It can be detected by such a sign as severe bleeding. In such a situation, a caesarean section should be performed promptly. If you delay, the mother may die from blood loss, and the child will die from an acute lack of oxygen.

Oxygen starvation in newborns: signs

V. Apgar came up with the idea of ​​detecting signs of acute hypoxia immediately after birth; since then, neonatologists around the world have been evaluating a newborn baby according to special criteria.

Such indicators report hypoxia in children.:

  • The skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is bluish, and the arms and legs are pale;
  • Breathing dull or not;
  • The newborn is not actively moving;
  • The number of heartbeats is less than 100 beats in 60 seconds.

These signs are checked immediately after delivery and at 5 minutes. Signs are measured in points, which are then entered into the map. The norm is 8-10 pts. both times. If 4-7 b. - the pathology is moderate, mild, if 0-3 is already asphyxia and urgent resuscitation is needed. Determining points is important for a child's life.

Symptoms that report that chronic intrauterine hypoxia triggered the development of problems in the child's brain are as follows:

  • Continuous crying for no reason;
  • The child of the first year of life sleeps a lot;
  • Flinching during sleep or after light touch;
  • Chin trembling when the baby cries;
  • Restless sleep;
  • The child quickly freezes when he is changed.

Perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy is usually divided into degrees. The child is drowsy or overexcited, this state goes away after a week. In addition to drowsiness or overexcitement, which can be observed for 5-7 days, the child cries for no reason, does not go into his arms, he may develop a convulsive state, he quickly freezes. The baby is drowsy for a long time, may become comatose, or he becomes overexcited and has seizures that may not go away. In this case, resuscitation is needed.

Perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy is dangerous, it must be diagnosed on time and effective treatment started.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia

Preventive measures for fetal hypoxia are based on early diagnosis and therapeutic measures for gestation and delivery, as well as on the correct choice of the method of childbirth. Treatment of chronic pathology should be comprehensive. In addition to the therapy of the main pathology of the mother, which provoked the development of fetal hypoxia in the womb, treatment is performed aimed at normalizing the placental circulation of blood.

The woman is advised to rest in bed, in which the supply of blood to the uterus returns to normal. Also, a medicine is prescribed that reduces the contractile capabilities of the uterus (no-shpa in tablet form, suppositories with papaverine, etc.). A therapy aimed at reducing the viscosity of the blood is performed - this way the tendency to thrombus formation decreases, the circulation of blood in the smallest vessels is restored. All this contributes to the normal delivery of oxygen and reduces the deficiency of moderate severity.

For these purposes, apply:

  • Reopolyglyukin;
  • Curantil,
  • Aspirin in low dosage.

In the treatment of chronic pathology, Essentiale or Lipostabil must be used, which improve the permeability of cells for oxygen, and drugs that positively affect metabolic processes in cells (vitamin E, ascorbic acid, glutamic acid, glucose solutions). If complex treatment does not work, with severe chronic / acute hypoxia, after the fetus has reached the ability to live, an emergency delivery is performed - usually a cesarean section is performed. It is better to cure the pathology before the child reaches one month of age. If hypoxia is not treated, the consequences can be dire.

Consequences of hypoxia in newborns

As mentioned above, congenital hypoxia in infants can be of varying severity. Almost always, cerebral pathology leaves consequences, but what will be the effect on the health of the child depends on the correctly prescribed and timely therapy, as well as on the body of the baby himself. A mild degree goes away almost immediately and does not pose a threat to the health of the child.

With a moderate degree, suppression of reflexes can be diagnosed, but after therapy, the body works normally.

Oxygen deficiency in infants after childbirth is often quite avoidable. For this, it is necessary to identify the reasons that provoked the pathological condition.

The basis for the birth of a healthy baby is preventive measures and:

  • The correct way of life during the period of bearing a child;
  • Air baths;
  • Taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Meditation.

Before and during gestation, you should stop smoking alcohol. It is necessary to remember that it is tobacco that prevents oxygen from entering the organs and tissues, and ethanol poisons the baby's body in general. To prevent anemia during gestation, as advised by Dr. Komarovsky, you should consume healthy foods enriched with Fe, as well as ascorbic acid (cabbage, peppers, citrus fruits).

Symptoms, consequences and treatment of hypoxia in newborns

Treatment of a baby who has suffered from a syndrome, hypoxia, begins at the hospital. Immediately after delivery, the newborn's breathing is normalized with an oxygen mask if resuscitation is needed.

Then, depending on what negative symptoms have developed, it is prescribed:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Soothing baths.

It is necessary to create for the baby the maximum calm atmosphere and high-quality care, make sure that the newborn receives the required amount of oxygen. A child who has suffered hypoxia should be systematically examined by a neurologist and pediatrician, so that serious complications can be eliminated in a timely manner.

In order for pregnancy and childbirth to pass without complications, it is necessary to register in a antenatal clinic in time and be observed by a good gynecologist-obstetrician.

Symptoms, consequences and treatment of hypoxia in newborns (video)

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neuropathologist, education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

Unfortunately, it is quite common in newborns these days. Parents, having heard a terrible diagnosis, refuse to believe it. How so, because the pregnancy was proceeding normally and, as they say, nothing boded ... Meanwhile, practically no child is immune from this violation.

Medicine attributes hypoxia not to an independent disease, but to a pathology that forms under the influence of certain provoking factors. The condition, which is characterized by an acute, leads to the fact that the brain cannot perform its functions, and the central nervous system and vital organs are seriously affected.

Oxygen plays an essential role for a baby that has not yet been born, providing intensive metabolic processes. The brain and nervous system need it most urgently. In children, oxygen enters the body due to the work of the lungs, in the fetus - through the placenta. The intake provides a natural mechanism with compensatory capabilities:

  • high heart rate;
  • an increased volume of blood entering the vessels from the heart;
  • fetal hemoglobin in the fetus that carries oxygen.

If the mechanism fails, then little oxygen enters the fetal bloodstream, which leads to hypoxia. The brain cells are the first to take the blow: their death is observed.

What are the reasons

There are many factors that provoke oxygen deficiency in a child. Experts divide them into three groups: health problems of the expectant mother, pregnancy pathologies, complications during childbirth.

The first group includes:

  • anemia;
  • age category under 18 and after 35;
  • addictions;
  • chaotic daily routine;
  • poor quality food, unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • cardiac pathology;
  • diseases of the lungs, bronchi.

The second group includes:

  • pathology of the placenta;
  • severe intoxication;
  • excessive or insufficient accumulation of amniotic fluid;
  • various abnormalities in the fetus.

And finally, the third group:

  • artificial delivery operation;
  • early, late childbirth;
  • too large a fetus, its inconsistency with the birth canal;
  • rupture of the uterus;
  • birth trauma;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • forceps delivery;
  • the mother is taking pain medications;
  • obstruction of the organs that ensure the function of the child's external respiration, due to the ingress of amniotic fluid, mucous elements.

In the appearance of hypoxia in the baby, both the mother, who is frivolous about the condition, and the doctors who made mistakes during childbirth can be to blame. Well, and, of course, one cannot discount the coincidence of circumstances due to which the child has cerebral hypoxia.


A baby experiencing oxygen starvation is born very weak, screams strongly or, conversely, cries barely audibly. He may have the following symptoms: pale skin, the nasolabial triangle becomes bluish, heart rhythm is disturbed, breathing is heavy, with wheezing, heart murmurs are heard. Often, there is original feces in the amniotic fluid.

The child's condition is assessed by doctors in the first and fifth minute of his life. The Apgar scale, according to which points are set (from 0 to 2), has the following indicators:

  • breath;
  • skin tone;
  • heartbeat;
  • reflexes;
  • muscle tone.

Then the points are calculated for all indicators: 0-3 points mean a severe degree of hypoxia, 4-5 - an average degree, 6-7 - an easy stage, 8-10 - a norm.

If the baby has a mild degree of oxygen starvation, then nothing threatens his health, since the condition stabilizes after a few minutes without medical help. The average degree makes it possible for the body to recover in a few days with appropriate therapy. With a severe stage, the baby needs resuscitation and treatment.


If a child is diagnosed with a severe or moderate degree of hypoxia, then first he needs to take measures to normalize breathing (cleansing the cavities with a special aspirator). In severe cases, there is a need to supply oxygen with air through a mask or to use a ventilator.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the baby is shown heating with radiant heat on a special changing table or placed in a pressure chamber.

Based on medical indications, the child is injected with drugs aimed at stimulating blood circulation and the work of the respiratory system, increasing blood pressure, as well as anticonvulsants, diuretics. Antibiotics are given to prevent lung infections.

Today medicine has great potential: effective medical techniques and modern equipment. If doctors immediately begin to eliminate the pathology, it is quite possible to improve the condition of the baby and prevent dire consequences.

A baby can be discharged only after the symptoms characteristic of cerebral hypoxia have completely disappeared.

Subsequently, the newborn is under medical supervision. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe a sedative to the child, as well as drugs to stimulate brain and heart activity.

A woman and her child need to eat well, have good rest, and walk. For early rehabilitation, the baby will need a professional massage (therapeutic and prophylactic). But the main thing, of course, is the care of the parents for their baby.

Possible complications

Hypoxia in a newborn, manifested in a mild form, passes on an independent basis and does not give complications. Oxygen starvation of a moderate degree often has consequences in the form of depressed reflexes, which disappear with appropriate treatment after a while. The prognosis for these stages is favorable.

The situation is much worse with the third stage, which is fraught with dangerous violations. The kid may lag behind in mental or physical development, suffer from pain in the head, he may be diagnosed with dropsy of the brain, epilepsy, and so on.

Cerebral hypoxia in newborns in severe stages in the absence of timely treatment has extremely serious consequences: the baby may become disabled or even die. That is why it is so important, if possible, to prevent or eliminate the terrible pathology in time.

Hypoxia or oxygen starvation is a fairly common pathology diagnosed in 10% of newborns. This condition is dangerous and in some cases can provoke perinatal death. Of course, a lack of oxygen does not always provoke death, but hypoxia has an extremely negative effect on the brain and subsequently provokes the appearance of irreversible consequences, provoking the appearance of dangerous neurological diseases. Hypoxia in a child can manifest itself as a result of the development of any dangerous pathologies in the mother's body.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is hypoxia?

Hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the child's body, which can be chronic or acute. Pathology is widespread. Such a violation with various forms of severity is detected in 4-10% of children. It is worth noting the fact that hypoxia is not a disease on its own, but manifests itself only under the influence of unfavorable factors, for example, a severe pregnancy or complicated childbirth.

The state of oxygen starvation is twice as likely to be detected in premature babies. Statistical data indicate the development of distress syndrome in such children, provoked by the immaturity of lung tissue.

The greatest danger is posed by severe forms of oxygen starvation, the outcome of which can be disability or death of a newborn. Doctors report that some measures to reduce the risk of developing oxygen deprivation in a child should be provided by the woman herself.

Causes of hypoxia

Primary hypoxia can develop due to diseases of the mother and fetus:

  • various intrauterine infections;
  • some vices;
  • Rh-conflict between the fetus and the mother;
  • complicated labor;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • and thyrotoxicosis in the mother;
  • acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract;
  • aspiration hypoxia;
  • early placental abruption;
  • prolongation of pregnancy;
  • gestosis;
  • the presence of bad habits of the mother.

Secondary fetal hypoxia can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • non-infectious lung diseases;
  • aspiration of the respiratory tract;
  • cerebral circulation disorders.

Hypoxia in newborns can cause disturbances in hemodynamics, microcirculation and metabolism. This condition is characterized by hypoglycemia, azotemia, and cellular hyperhydration.

Due to hypoxia in newborns, blood thickens, its viscosity increases. The manifested microcirculation disorders cause hemorrhages, ischemia, tissue edema.

The degree of hypoxia in newborns

The child's condition after birth is assessed immediately and after 5 minutes. To ensure the accuracy of the data obtained, the Algar scale is used. This technique involves summing up the amount after comparing individual indicators, namely:

  • assessment of skin color;
  • breathing rate;
  • reflex activity;
  • muscle tone;
  • heart rate.

According to the number of points obtained during testing, the absence or presence of hypoxia is determined and its degree is established:

  • norm - 8-10 points;
  • mild hypoxia - 6-7 points;
  • moderate hypoxia - 4-5 points;
  • severe hypoxia - 0-3 points.

In the first minutes of life, mild hypoxia is detected in all newborns. The child's condition will return to normal in five minutes.

Moderate hypoxia requires certain medical intervention. The child's condition returns to normal in a few days after the sane treatment. In severe hypoxia, resuscitation is indicated.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the condition of children who have undergone hypoxia should be constantly monitored. Parents should remember to undergo regular checkups with a pediatrician. Failure to follow this recommendation can lead to dangerous consequences.

The clinical picture of hypoxia is quite typical. The specialist can make an accurate diagnosis of the baby immediately after birth. The clear signs of such a condition include tachycardia, which is rapidly being replaced by bradycardia.

Typical symptoms:

  • auscultation of heart murmurs;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • blanching of the limbs;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • irregular breathing;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • the presence of meconium in waters;
  • increased blood clotting rates.

If hypoxia is not detected in the first minutes of life, the following symptoms may appear later:

  • drowsiness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • flinching;
  • marbled skin tone;
  • increased susceptibility to cold;
  • trembling of the face while crying.

Hypoxia of the newborn often leads to hypoxic encephalopathy - damage to the structures of the brain, which has degrees of severity:

  • mild - symptoms disappear 5-7 days after onset;
  • moderate - manifests itself more acutely, the child refuses to carry it in his arms, convulsions occur - treatment is required;
  • severe - persistent convulsions are a characteristic symptom.

What does hypoxia look like in newborns with a photo

The clinical picture characteristic of hypoxia is bright, however, only doctors can often identify the violation.

The list of symptoms characteristic of the condition can be presented as follows:

  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • manifestation of noise;
  • tachycardia;
  • bradycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid;
  • decrease in blood volume;
  • blood clots in blood vessels;
  • the born child does not cry.

The diagnosis of neonatal hypoxia is most often made even in the maternity hospital. However, in some cases, symptoms may be detected later. The pediatrician or the mother herself may pay attention to such changes:

  • trembling of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • capriciousness;
  • constant crying;
  • flinching from touching;
  • muscle tone.

The listed symptoms may indicate mild hypoxia - it is not dangerous.

When detecting the first symptoms of hypoxia in a child, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. First of all, it is worth visiting a pediatrician. After the examination, the doctor will be able to confirm or deny the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient needs a consultation with a neuropathologist. This specialist is engaged in the treatment of hypoxia, the child must be registered with him.

With early detection of the disease and carrying out all the necessary therapeutic manipulations by the age of 5, the consequences of the disease will be minimized, and the symptoms of pathology will be completely eliminated.

In general, mild to moderate hypoxia does not pose a danger to the newborn and is treatable. You should not panic; when the first suspicions of the development of an ailment are formed, you should consult a doctor. With severe hypoxia, the prognosis is less favorable, but it can also be cured. In this case, parents should tune in to a long course of exposure.

Treatment of hypoxia in newborns

During contractions, they are diagnosed with an increase in heart rate, in which case doctors often decide on an early delivery. It is possible to carry out a caesarean section or the imposition of obstetric forceps.

After birth, the child is assisted by:

  • cleansing the respiratory tract from foreign substances using an aspirator;
  • in severe hypoxia, the newborn is intubated and placed in an incubator;
  • oxygen is supplied with air through the mask;
  • heating with radiant heat on a changing table or in an incubator;
  • the introduction of funds that provide blood supply;
  • the use of compounds that stimulate the respiratory center;
  • the use of drugs that increase blood pressure;
  • injections nat. solution;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • anticonvulsants.

Timely treatment, carried out by qualified medical personnel, in a hospital setting guarantees a speedy recovery without dangerous complications.


With a lack of oxygen in the child's body, pronounced changes appear, namely:

  • an increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels;
  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • swelling of brain tissue;
  • damage to nerve cells;
  • microhemorrhages;
  • paresis;
  • changes in the structure of brain tissue.

All consequences of untimely detected hypoxia are individual. Physical and mental impairments can appear in a child by the age of 6-8. By this age, the child develops hypertonicity, which often becomes the cause of absent-mindedness and a decrease in concentration.

Parents should remember that hypoxia treatment should be carried out immediately. Over the years, getting rid of the effects of oxygen starvation is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible.


It is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing oxygen starvation in a fetus in the womb. To do this, the mother must reconsider her daily routine - you should try to be outdoors often, regardless of the season. It is important to remember that you should not go for a walk on hot summer days at noon; it is better to postpone a walk in the park area for the evening. Such simple recommendations will help not only reduce the risk of hypoxia, but also help improve the condition of a pregnant woman.

Normal blood circulation in the body will help activate metabolic processes in the placenta and reduce the likelihood of developing hypoxia. This method is used not only for preventive purposes, but can also be used for mild hypoxia. After consulting with a specialist, you can resort to swimming and aqua gymnastics.

Such methods are effective if the risk of hypoxia is not high. In especially dangerous cases, hospitalization and medication are required. In most cases, the following drugs are used:

Medicines are prescribed on an individual basis. Taking any remedy without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

A woman should remember about the need to undergo routine examinations. An experienced gynecologist will be able to identify any deviations in a timely manner and select the optimal treatment regimen. A special fetal test is mandatory, the doctor determines the baby's heartbeat as a reaction to movements. If the heart rate is above 12, there is a risk of hypoxia.

The woman should also carefully monitor the frequency of fetal movements. Lack of movement or active manifestation is cause for concern. A woman's diet must necessarily contain foods that contain iron. Such an element ensures the saturation of organs with oxygen.

With acute hypoxia in the last stages, a cesarean section is performed. Children born with hypoxia require resuscitation. Subsequently, additional care is needed.

The normal course of pregnancy can greatly complicate the diagnosis, which sounds threatening for the expectant mother - “fetal hypoxia”. According to statistics, every third pregnant woman faces such a problem to one degree or another. Why a child begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen and how it is dangerous for his health, we will tell in this article.

What it is?

Fetal hypoxia is a state of oxygen starvation, in which the child suffers quite a lot. Most expectant mothers have chronic hypoxia, in which the lack of oxygen in the baby lasts for a long time. Sometimes the condition is acute, and it is very dangerous for the fetus, as it can lead to the death of the child in utero from asphyxiation.

With an insufficient level of oxygen, which the baby receives for all 9 months through the bloodstream, serious changes occur in his body - the metabolism changes, pathological changes are observed in the nervous system of the crumbs.

If hypoxia is insignificant, the baby is quite capable of coping with this condition with practically no consequences for himself, since the compensatory mechanisms even in an unborn baby are incredibly large. So, the baby “stores” oxygen in advance, since the number of O2 molecules in his blood is much higher than in the blood of an adult, therefore, when starvation begins, he will be able to consume his own reserves for some time. In addition, in the baby, the adrenal glands react promptly to the lack of oxygen in all, which immediately in response produce hormones that allow for a while to increase blood pressure and normalize the heart rate.

Despite all this, these mechanisms, unfortunately, are not able to compensate for prolonged hypoxia or acute fetal hypoxia. When a gynecologist who is observing the expectant mother speaks of the presence of fetal hypoxia, he must specify the degree of the problem in question. Grade 1 is insignificant, the second and third may be the basis for hospitalization of a pregnant woman or premature delivery if the baby's condition is threatening.

Lack of oxygen during pregnancy is usually chronic.

Acute hypoxia most often develops during childbirth and is provoked by improper actions of medical personnel - stimulation of contractions with strong medications, aggressive acceleration of the labor process.

Doctors can predict the possible consequences for the child already in the delivery room, since the state of the baby immediately after birth speaks volumes. Depending on him, he is given the first grades in life - points on the Apgar scale, this assessment system necessarily includes an assessment of the post-hypoxic state. The lower the score, the more serious the problems may be in the future. A child born with acute hypoxia is characterized by low marks in the first 10 minutes after birth, but after an hour the child can safely put 7-8 Apgar points. In this case, the forecasts are positive. If the baby's condition does not improve or begins to deteriorate, the forecasts are not so rosy.


Chronic hypoxia can appear for a number of reasons:

  • diabetes mellitus in the mother;
  • viral infection in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy with twins or triplets;
  • long-term state of threat of termination of pregnancy, threatening miscarriage;
  • partial placental abruption, spotting;
  • post-term pregnancy (more than 40 weeks);
  • anemia of a pregnant woman;
  • violation of uteroplacental blood flow;
  • bad habits - smoking during pregnancy, alcohol, drugs.

Acute hypoxia occurs in cases of complications during childbirth with:

  • entwining the baby with the umbilical cord with the clamping of the umbilical cord ring;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • pregnancy with twins and triplets;
  • premature placental abruption, which is often the case with rapid, rapid labor or labor, which is stimulated by piercing the fetal bladder or medication;
  • primary or secondary weakness of the birth forces.


Diagnosis of fetal hypoxia is not an easy task, because babies behave differently in the womb. One is lazy due to temperament and rarely moves, the other is active, and his frequent movements are often taken by women and doctors as a manifestation of hypoxia. Some symptoms should be alarming:

  • a change in the nature of the fetal motor activity, in which at first the baby moves chaotically and often with strong painful shocks, and then, as oxygen deprivation develops, the movements become more and more rare;
  • the height of the bottom of the uterus is significantly lower than normal;
  • the child develops with a noticeable lag (fetometric indicators are below the lower limit of the norm);
  • the pregnant woman is diagnosed with oligohydramnios.

In late pregnancy, doctors advise to follow the baby's movements especially carefully, the number of movements should be recorded in a diary.

Normally, an awake baby should perform up to 10 movements per hour. It can be overturns, easily perceptible and discernible, and barely noticeable movements. It is recommended to register movements from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy until its end.

If the doctor suspects hypoxia on the basis of the above-described deviations from the norms, he will definitely prescribe a CTG to the pregnant woman. During cardiotocography, sensors attached to the abdomen will record all the baby's movements, changes in his heart rate, and even hiccups will be reflected. Additional research methods include dopplerometry, fetal ECG, and ultrasound (this differs from the standard ultrasound procedure in that the doctor will look not at the parts of the child's body, but at the blood flow rate in the uterine arteries, in the umbilical cord). An extended blood test from the mother's vein, in addition to the listed methods, allows you to establish whether there is enough hemoglobin in the blood and to clarify other biochemical factors.

Acute birth hypoxia does not need extended diagnostics, since a fetal monitor operating in real time immediately registers the pathological state of oxygen deprivation in a child as soon as it occurs.

The most reliable sign is considered bradycardia - a decrease in the heart rate in a baby that has not yet had time to be born. If the normal fetal heart rate is from 120 to 170 beats per minute, then in a baby who suffers oxygen starvation, the heart rate will be at the level of 80-90 beats per minute. Tachycardia also speaks of a lack of oxygen if the child's heart rate is above 180-190 beats per minute.

The amniotic fluid in which a child with chronic hypoxia was located is sometimes dark or dark green in color, with an unpleasant smell of meconium (the original feces of a newborn). After birth, the baby himself will be weaker than other babies, he will have a decreased or increased muscle tone, neurological disorders of varying severity.

Possible consequences

The most formidable, but, alas, quite real consequence of oxygen starvation is cerebral hypoxia. It is the brain that suffers from hypoxia more often and stronger than other organs. Even the most experienced doctor will not undertake to predict what disorders will be caused by the dysfunction of this or that part of the brain in the perinatal period. However, after childbirth, it is quite possible to assess the traumatic impact. And if some disorders, such as problems with speech development, become apparent later, then gross hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system in most cases can be diagnosed even in the maternity hospital, in extreme cases - in the very first months of the baby's life.

The consequences for the nervous system due to the brain cells dying in oxygen deficiency can be different - from moderate hyperactivity of the child in the future to severe lesions, which include cerebral palsy, paresis of various dislocations. With complicated childbirth in a state of acute hypoxia, cerebral hemorrhage, ischemia, and cerebral edema often occur. The lesions that occur with such violations can be total and irreversible.

Both acute and chronic oxygen deficiency can lead to a wide variety of diseases, mainly neurological in nature. So, vision or hearing problems are a fairly common post-hypoxic consequence. If hypoxia has been prolonged, then the child may have underdevelopment or abnormal development of some internal organs, heart defects, kidneys, and so on. Minor neurological disorders in most cases, the child manages to "outgrow" the age of 6-7, naturally, with constant supervision by a neurologist and following all his recommendations.

In general, the prognosis regarding possible consequences directly depends on how early hypoxia was detected, and how quickly the treatment was provided. That is why women are not recommended to miss their next appointment at a consultation, and women with chronic diseases have to visit an obstetrician two to three times more often.

Treatment during pregnancy

The established fact of hypoxia during pregnancy should in no case be ignored; fast and effective therapy is needed to minimize the possible consequences for the baby. Doctors urge expectant mothers, first of all, to calm down, since excessive nervous experiences only aggravate the already rather difficult state of the child.

In the later stages, severe hypoxia may become an indication for urgent delivery by cesarean section. In the earlier stages, when the baby is still very early to be born, doctors will try to do everything possible to make the baby feel better. Treatment can be carried out at home, but provided that the severity of hypoxia does not exceed 1 degree. The rest of the cases are subject to urgent hospitalization and constant monitoring of the pregnant woman and the baby in the hospital.

Doctors prescribe mothers to bed rest, it is with this that the blood supply to the placenta increases and minor hypoxia can be cured in the shortest possible time. The main approach to drug therapy is the use of drugs that improve uteroplacental blood flow, such as "Curantil", "Actovegin". In severe hypoxia, these drugs are administered intravenously by drip. In other situations, it is allowed to take pills. A woman is prescribed vitamins, iron preparations, magnesium. Treatment courses are repeated.

It happens that newly-made mothers hear from doctors that the child has hypoxia.

However, they may not always understand how dangerous such a condition can be, how important it is to follow all the recommendations of specialists, what the consequences may be.

Let's try to understand this issue.

What is hypoxia in newborns

The most common health problem in newborns is hypoxia, that is. It occurs when cells are not getting enough oxygen.
Oxygen is a gas that is designed to support human life processes. Cells need it to convert consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Oxygen is found in everything, including food, through the skin and the respiratory system.

Did you know? Oxygen takes up about 65% of the total weight of a person.

When for a number of reasons the supply of oxygen is limited, the cells cease to perform their functions, die off, or can degenerate into cancerous ones. In this case, the child's brain becomes the most affected organ, that is, the child's mental and physical development is inhibited.

Hypoxia can be:

  1. Chronic, when oxygen is supplied for a long time in a reduced amount.
  2. Acute - a sharp attack of suffocation.

There are such degrees of the disease:

  1. Light - characterized by small deviations from the norm due to a short-term lack of oxygen.
  2. Medium - characterized by a change in skin color, obvious disturbances in movement and breathing.
  3. Severe - the baby cannot breathe and suck on its own.


Usually, signs of hypoxia manifest themselves vividly, so there are no problems with the diagnosis.

Determine the lack of oxygen by the following symptoms:

  • disturbed heartbeat of a child - its increased frequency, slowing down or irregularity;
  • the presence of extraneous sounds that are detected when listening to the heart;
  • water pollution with baby feces (meconium);
  • violation of the rhythm of breathing, its absence;
  • blue skin color or pale skin;
  • the baby often freezes;
  • lethargy, low physical activity;
  • whims, prolonged crying;
  • trembling of the chin, jerking of the body, arms, legs;
  • the crumb shudders when touched;
  • the child often wakes up, sleeps restlessly;
  • his muscles are tense.


All causes leading to a state of hypoxia can be classified into:

  • arising during pregnancy;
  • formed during childbirth;
  • postpartum.


A lack of oxygen in the fetus can occur during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Health problems in a pregnant woman - cardiovascular diseases, pressure disorders, diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems, genital infections, inflammation of the urinary system.
  • Pregnancy too early or too late.
  • Addiction to alcohol, drugs, smoking.
  • Falling maternal hemoglobin levels.
  • Stress.
  • Unhealthy food.
  • Prolonged stay in unventilated rooms, no walks.
  • Inadequate sleep.
  • Disturbances in the development of the placenta - detachment, aging, presentation.
  • Umbilical cord knots.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • or .
  • Violation of the formation of various organs and systems of the fetus, its infection, congenital diseases.
  • Uncontrolled intake of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Tight clothing, shoes, improper posture causing pressure on the blood vessels.
  • Pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels.
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • Inhalation of household chemicals, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, poisonous substances.
  • The duration of pregnancy is more or less than the prescribed period.

Important! Smoking causes a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels in a woman and a child, as a result, the blood cannot fully transport oxygen to the organs of the baby.

Developing in childbirth

Some of the causes of hypoxia can occur during childbirth:

  1. Doctors use forceps to pull the baby out.
  2. The use of painkillers and anesthesia in childbirth.
  3. Injuries sustained at birth.
  4. Long or too fast labor.
  5. Big kid.
  6. A drop in blood pressure in a woman in labor.
  7. Inappropriate oxytocin injections.
  8. Childbirth with help.
  9. Breech presentation of the fetus.


Hypoxia in a child may occur after birth due to the following reasons:

  • Bleeding.
  • Blood transfusion.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or respiratory system in a child.
  • Diseases that cause the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Outpouring of blood from vessels into tissue.
  • Falling hemoglobin levels.
  • An overdose of drugs in a baby.
  • Stay in stuffy rooms, no walks.

Diagnostics of hypoxia

The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  1. Amnioscopy - examination of water.
  2. Cardiotocography, electrocardiography, phonography - study of the fetal heart rate during pregnancy and the baby after birth.
  3. Fixation of the frequency of fetal movement.
  4. Acid-base blood test.
  5. Electroencephalogram, neurosonography - examination of the brain.
  6. External examination of the newborn.

Immediately after birth and after 5 minutes, doctors assess the child's condition according to the Virginia Apgar scale:

  • up to 3 points - severe hypoxia;
  • up to 5 points - medium degree;
  • up to 7 points - easy degree;
  • above is a healthy child.

Complications and consequences of hypoxia in newborns

Hypoxia can cause:

  1. Lagging in physical and mental development.
  2. Inability to concentrate on studies.
  3. Communication problems.
  4. Violation of the elimination of decay products.
  5. Decreased glucose levels, lack of energy.
  6. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues or its deficiency.
  7. The death of brain cells, the formation of a cyst.
  8. Thinning of the walls of blood vessels, possibly hemorrhage.
  9. Weakening of muscle and vascular tone.
  10. Headaches - that is, the baby will be capricious, cry, his neck may be twisted.
  11. Death.


The following methods are used to treat the disease:

  • immediately after birth, cleanse mucus from the baby's mouth and nose;
  • keep the baby warm;
  • put on an oxygen mask for the child or connect him to a breathing apparatus;
  • prescribe medications to increase blood pressure - vitamin B, camphor, saline, dopamine;
  • blood transfusions;
  • ensure the removal of fluid from the brain and the reduction of intracranial pressure with the help of drugs ("Veroshpiron", "Diacarb");
  • strive to improve blood circulation and metabolism ("Vincamine", "Vinpocetin", "Encephabol", "Cerebrolysin", "Piracetam");
  • use sedatives (Lorazepam, Phenazepam);
  • they regularly walk with the baby, carry out massage, do physical therapy, swimming, bathe with the addition of herbs;
  • create a calm atmosphere.

Important! Timely treatment and adherence to all the doctor's recommendations can eliminate the consequences of the disease, as well as stimulate other parts of the brain to perform the functions of the dead.


To avoid problems with the supply of oxygen to the baby's tissues, it is necessary:

  1. , undergo examination and take tests before conception for the timely detection and treatment of diseases in a woman.
  2. During pregnancy, regularly visit a gynecologist, follow his recommendations.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Observe the sleep and nutrition regime.
  5. Do not eat junk food, keep a balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the diet.
  6. Avoid contact with household chemicals and other harmful substances.
  7. Ventilate the room.
  8. Walk away from the road regularly during and after pregnancy.
  9. Change working conditions.
  10. Reduce physical activity, take into account the state of pregnancy.
  11. Rest.
  12. Avoid stress.
  13. Wear loose-fitting clothes, without elastic bands and tight belts, choose comfortable shoes.
  14. Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.
  15. Do not swaddle a tight baby.

Did you know? Our body consumes 1 ton of oxygen per year.

Thus, hypoxia can threaten the life and health of the baby, so take seriously all the examinations prescribed by the doctor during pregnancy, because they will reveal the problem at its initial stage.

It is also necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, walk more. If the problem still overtakes you, pay attention to all signs of deterioration in the health of the newborn and do not self-medicate.