Combination skin care. Lotion made from watermelon and peach juice. Spring and autumn care

According to statistics, combination skin is the most common, it is possessed by about 55% of the total population of the globe.

Not many people know how to take care of the combination type of facial skin and make many mistakes that the skin does not forgive. This suggests that facial care should be taken seriously: do it correctly and constantly.


In order to take care of the skin according to the rules, you need. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash yourself with soap, and after three to four hours, apply a dry paper napkin in turn, to each individual area. The napkin can be replaced with a mirror or a small, safe glass. On the area with a normal skin type, there will be no traces left, the greasy trace will be on the napkin that was applied to the greasy area. In the combined version, the nose, chin and forehead will be oily.


Combination skin of the face, has a healthy, pleasant appearance, only the area of ​​the T-shaped zone, slightly spoils the whole picture. Large pores and periodic inflammations and rashes are observed in the forehead, chin and nose. This is due to the increased active work of the sebaceous glands in these particular areas of the face.


Care for the combined type should be delicate and thorough, because different areas, at certain times of the year, require different care.

It is necessary to take care, using the recommendations that are intended for oily skin types, use all lotions, tonics with an appointment for this category. Pay attention to products that have anti-inflammatory components.
- very important, gentle cleansing with milk, rare use of a scrub (no more than twice in 10 days) and the obligatory use of fatty, protective creams (which include vegetable oils, wax and animal fats). The cream is best applied to the face about half an hour or forty minutes before the planned exit to the street, you should not use it immediately before going out. At night, if you feel dryness and unpleasant tightening, you need to use a moisturizer. Incorrect actions when caring for a combined type of face can lead to overdrying of the cheek area and even more contamination of the t-shaped zone.


should be very gentle and careful, at the same time you need to remove excess fat in problem areas and try not to overdry normal or dry ones. For cleansing, it is best to use products that are specifically designed for combination skin. It can be foams, gels or cosmetic milk. For cleansing, the product should be applied to the face not in a thick layer and massaging, along the massage lines, with movements, rinse with cold water. It is undesirable to use soap and hot water for washing, this can activate a large production of the sebaceous glands.

Deep cleansing

Deep cleansing of the skin is recommended to be carried out at least once or twice every ten days, for this it is recommended to use scrubs or, which have polished, fruit seeds or polymers in their composition, the consistency should be creamy, not dry on the face. Means with the presence of fruit acids or film masks should be used only on the t-shaped area, touching the cheeks.

Use of tonic

After cleansing, the face should be wiped with a lotion or tonic that does not contain alcohol. It normalizes the acidity of the skin and the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, actively contributes to the narrowing of pores and prevents inflammation. The right way, when choosing a remedy, is to choose those options that contain moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components, these are extracts of various herbs, salicylic acid, bisabolol.

Nutrition and hydration

In order to improve the appearance of combination skin, oily creams should not be used. As part of the cream chosen or prepared at home, using folk recipes, there must be anti-inflammatory components that will prevent the occurrence of inflammation and rashes. Purchased creams should contain natural oils, they can be added to home remedies during the cooking process. It is necessary to avoid products that contain non-mineral oils, which can lead to bad clogging of the skin and unpleasant clogging of pores.
The surest way, during the day, is to use a cream that has a moisturizing and mattifying effect at the same time. Night, in composition, should be a little fatter in order to nourish and restore the skin during sleep.

Moreover, they should also be applied in separate places on the nose, forehead and one, which has an antibacterial and drying effect, and on the cheeks - another, moisturizing or nourishing. Only in this way can an effective result be achieved.
For permanent care of the combination type of facial skin, if desired, you can use preparations purchased in cosmetics stores, or you can try and make the best products yourself. To do this, on our website, there are a lot of recipes and recommendations.

Combination skin seems like a mystery to most women. Some kind of universal injustice lies in the fact that someone has to doubly carefully, and even take care of their skin in different ways. But what to do, owners of mixed skin type just need to understand the intricacies of caring for it.

So let's start with definitions.

A combination skin type is called when some parts of your face are dry (most often the cheeks, maybe the chin), while the central part of the face (nose, its wings, areas near it on both sides, chin and forehead - the so-called T-zone ) oily, very often with large enlarged pores. Dry skin "gives" you greasy shine and acne, dry skin - irritation and wrinkles.

Why is this happening?

Sometimes it's just genetics, sometimes owners of normal skin can "earn" a combination skin type for themselves, using aggressive and inappropriate products. Hormonal changes also, last but not least, change the nature of the work of the sebaceous glands, making the skin in the T-zone is more oily.

This skin type is most common in teenagers and young women. And after 30 it transforms into a normal type.

Whatever the reason, you will have to take care of such skin in a special way.

How to choose care products?

It is important to use products to cleanse and moisturize the skin that do not worsen the situation. So, for example, you should not hope that cheap mass-market cosmetics “for combination skin” will bring you any benefit.

In this case, it is already better to use cosmetics for different skin types on different areas, no matter how uncomfortable it is. In the lines of professional cosmetics, the chance to find a quality product for combination skin is much higher.

How to take care of your combination skin

  1. Use a mild foaming cleanser to cleanse. Avoid soap and funds based on it.
  2. tone up using a special lotion or tonic for combination skin with normal PH, while dry areas need to be treated once, and oily areas twice.
  3. Don't forget about dry skin! Often, owners of mixed skin types begin to take care of it as if it were oily - after all, the T-shaped zone with its oily sheen and acne is much more noticeable. Do not forget to apply nourishing creams around the eyes, cheeks, cheekbones and neck to protect the skin from premature aging.
  4. If the differences between the skin areas are insignificant - you can safely buy products for combination skin, if the skin differs greatly - you need to have 2 care kits(for dry and oily skin).
  5. Few times a week cleanse your skin from keratinized particles with a scrub. Only on dry areas, gently wipe once, and on oily areas, you can massage with a scrub for several minutes.

Combination skin wash

It is recommended to wash only with warm water, not cold and not hot. If possible, water should be softened or useful ingredients such as oatmeal or Ayurvedic ubtan powder should be used for washing.

Wash with oatmeal

Oat flour- just a storehouse of trace elements, it helps to normalize the balance of the skin, cleanse and tone it. To improve the look of combination skin, use an oatmeal wash in the morning and evening (or at least in the evening).

To do this, dilute a few tablespoons of oatmeal in water (or herbal infusion - without alcohol, just herbs brewed with water). Apply to the face and gently work the skin, then rinse.

EFFECT: You will see the result immediately - the pores are cleansed and closed, the skin becomes velvety and whitened.

Washing with UBTA

Ubtan is a special Ayurvedic mixture that is widely used in cosmetology. It is based on chickpea powder, spices and herbs. There are a lot of recipes for ubtans, ready-made mixtures can be bought in special stores that sell Indian cosmetics.

But you can prepare the powder yourself, picking up all the necessary ingredients. If you find chickpea flour and the main ingredients - turmeric, sandalwood, nutmeg, then you do not have to look for Indian herbs, since it is rather problematic to get them from us. You can also add our herbs to the mixture - such as parsley, St. John's wort, licorice root, calendula, flax seed, thyme, plantain, nettle, sage, oregano, lemon balm, mint.

The more herbs in your ubtan, the better. All herbs need to be ground into a fine powder, mixed with flour and seasonings (by the way, you can add the aforementioned oatmeal).

The mixture should be homogeneous, like flour. It is diluted with water or milk and used for washing. You can also add less water and apply in a thicker slurry as a mask.

EFFECT: Such a powerful cocktail of medicinal herbs and spices normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements, disinfects, soothes and moisturizes the skin. Ubtan is traditionally used in India before celebrations (such as weddings) to quickly tidy up the skin and make it radiantly healthy.

In order for the skin to receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, cosmetologists recommend taking care of it with natural vegetable oils. For combination skin the most almond oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil are suitable. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to ordinary vegetable (olive) oil.

For combination skin - use essential oils mint, rosemary, geranium in order to tone the skin; and oils ylang-ylang, rose, bergamot, tea tree- to soothe the skin.

The best masks for combination skin



  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 drops of vitamin E in oil
  • 1 crumb of black bread
  • half glass of milk


Warm up the milk and pour over the bread. Knead and add the rest of the ingredients, the resulting mass should be evenly applied to the skin of the face and left for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be done 1-2 times a week.



  • 1 st. l honey
  • 1 st. water
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice flour
  • 1 st. teaspoon dried sage leaves

Combination (also called “mixed”) skin type is actually one of the most common: it occurs in adolescents (in 80% of them), in young people under the age of 25 (in 40%), in young people 25-35 years (15%). The reason in most cases is the excessive production of the hormone testosterone by the body, which with age. Therefore, closer to adulthood (by the age of 35), combination skin most often becomes a normal type.

Caring for mixed skin requires more effort than other skin types. Therefore, in order for the skin of the face to look healthy and well-groomed, for each type that is part of the mixed skin, you need to use separate cosmetics and care methods.

Combination skin is characterized by an even color, a relatively healthy appearance, and large pores in oily areas.

Since with combination skin the cheeks, the skin around the eyes, neck and temples are either normal, and the skin on the nose, forehead and chin (in the so-called T-zone) is oily, cosmetic defects occur with improper care: in the T-zone unpleasant black dots may appear, and the skin of the cheeks may begin to peel off. For the treatment of acne on oily areas of mixed skin, you can use salicylic acid antiseptics.

Combination skin care

When caring for mixed skin, a differentiated approach is needed, since washing is useful for oily skin, and this procedure dries even more dry skin.

Combination skin care according to the seasons

In summer

in hot summer, care for mixed skin should be carried out as for oily skin: this includes cleansing with gels with anti-inflammatory substances, regular use of masks, cleansing with scrubs.

in winter

in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, mixed-type skin should be treated like dry skin: apply cream on the face 30 minutes before going out into the cold, clean with scrubs no more than once a week.

Spring and autumn care

spring care for combination skin: in spring, special attention should be paid to the T-zone, which will be especially oily after winter: therefore, you will have to blot the skin with special wipes more often than usual and carry out a series of cosmetic procedures in order to make the skin less oily.

Key Features of Combination Skin Care

When caring for mixed skin, hot and cold water should be avoided, since such water increases the work of the sebaceous glands and increases the oiliness of the skin (use room temperature water for washing).

Avoid toilet soap

You should not use toilet soap for washing, it can dry out dry areas of combination skin and cause them to peel.

Use of tonics

To care for combination skin, it is best to use two types of tonic: an oily skin tonic for the T-zone and a dry skin tonic for the cheeks and neck.

When choosing cosmetics, remember that the following substances are comedogenic: lanolin, isostearic and oleic alcohols, peach seed oil. In order not to harm your skin, avoid cosmetics with these substances.

After washing, mixed skin is best blotted with a tissue rather than towel-dried, so as not to stimulate sebum production.

Masks for combination skin should be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, it is recommended to apply a cleansing mask on the T-zone, and moisturizing on the cheeks and cheekbones.

With combination skin, it is not recommended to use powder, as its mixture with sebum clogs pores and provokes their inflammation. It is better to choose a water-based foundation, they are usually labeled "oil-free" or "non-oil".

Combination skin can be cleansed in the morning by washing with a special gel for combination skin.

Since the skin continues to secrete sebum during sleep, it accumulates and forms a film. Therefore, washing in the morning can be done with a special facial brush. The gel applied to the soft bristle of such a brush foams better and penetrates deeper into the pores, removing fat more effectively. Such a daily procedure will help to avoid clogging of pores, the formation of black spots and comedones.

If there is time, then in the morning after washing, you can carry out another cleansing procedure: using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of kefir or serum to the skin of the face, which are thoroughly washed off after a couple of minutes with running water. After such a cleansing procedure, the feeling of oily skin will disappear, it will become smooth and silky.

In the evenings, cosmetic milk can be applied to mixed skin using a cotton ball, gently massage the skin for several minutes with your fingertips, then rinse off the milk with cool running water.

After the skin is dry, you can wipe it with lotion for combination skin. The task of a lotion or tonic is to normalize the acidity of the skin, prevent inflammation and narrow pores in oily areas. For these purposes, lotions with panthenol, bisabolol and herbal extracts are suitable.

Also, for mixed skin will be useful washing with herbal infusion. This procedure is best done in the evening before going to bed. To do this, about 1 hour before washing, you need to pour 2 pinches of lime blossom with one liter of boiling water. An hour later, strain the infusion and wash your face and neck after the main cleansing. To prevent dehydration of the skin in such an infusion for washing, you can add a little aloe juice. The same procedure can be carried out with infusion of chamomile.

After washing, on pre-dried skin, apply, respectively, day or night cream.

Such thorough skin care may seem tedious, but after a couple of days you will get used to doing these procedures, and as a result - after a week of regular care - you will get healthy, fresh and less oily skin.

Scrubs for mixed skin types

Apply scrubs for this type of skin no more than 3 times a week. A scrub for a combination skin type should not contain coarse abrasives, alkalis or alcohol, which stimulate the production of sebum and dry out the skin.

It is best to make a scrub yourself:

Pour the crumb of black bread with kefir, add 2 tsp. soda and mix. Then apply on the face and gently massage for a few minutes and then rinse off. This scrub will moisturize dry areas and cleanse oily ones.

Grind dry orange peels into flour. For 1 st. l. the resulting flour to take 1 tbsp. l. homemade unsweetened yogurt. Apply the resulting mass on the face and rub into the skin for 2-3 minutes in a circular motion, then rinse with water (warm).

Masks for combination (mixed) skin

Skin masks are cleansing, regenerating and nourishing.

Purifying masks

Grind in a coffee grinder into flour 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add a little milk and mix well, then apply to the skin and wash off after a quarter of an hour. Milk can be replaced with chamomile tea.

3 tsp mix white clay with lemon juice and apply the resulting slurry only to the T-zone area. Wash off such a mask after complete drying with warm water.

Revitalizing masks

Peel and grate 1 cucumber, add the raw protein of 1 egg and a little olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton pad on cleansed skin, rinse after 20 minutes. Cucumber mask will remove puffiness under the eyes and swelling on the face, refresh the skin.

Peel and boil 50 g of pumpkin, then grate it, add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch and a little olive oil, mix in a blender. Pumpkin mask has regenerating properties, moisturizes the skin. It should be applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes, then gently rinse.

Nourishing masks

Mix a small amount of cottage cheese (preferably with 0% fat content) with the required amount of milk until a thick slurry is formed. This mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, except for the skin around the eyes, rinse off after about a quarter of an hour.

Mask of melon and kefir

For 2 tsp yeast, take the same amount of sour cream, mix thoroughly in a glass and lower it into a container of hot water. The mask is ready as soon as the mixture begins to ferment. It should be applied to the skin of the face, previously cleansed with gel and lubricated with a light cream. Wash off with water after 10-15 minutes. This mask enriches the skin with vitamins and tightens pores.

Caring cosmetics for mixed skin

To care for combination skin, you will need:

  • day face cream;
  • night face cream;
  • cosmetic milk;
  • tonic for oily skin and tonic for dry skin;
  • mint or thermal water;
  • cleansing, nourishing and regenerating masks (marked "for combination skin");
  • soft scrub;
  • matting napkins.

Cream designed for combination skin, must have special properties. It is desirable that it contains anti-inflammatory components, such as extracts of chamomile, calendula, psyllium or sage. Cream for combination skin care should not be greasy: for combination skin, choose creams with natural shea butter or macadamia butter. In winter, when the air temperature is below zero, you can use a denser night cream as a day cream for additional skin protection.

In order for the effect of mixed skin care to be as effective as possible, oily facial skin should be treated with a tonic specially designed for such skin, thanks to which the skin on the cheeks, forehead and nose will not shine. At the same time, dry skin of the cheeks and neck does not need to be subjected to additional drying, so it is better to wipe these areas with a light tonic for dry skin.

Best for cleansing combination skin cosmetic milk, it eliminates oily sheen and gently cleanses dry skin. Mint and thermal water will be good for oily skin, and will not harm dry skin.

Masks for mixed skin, like a scrub, you can cook it yourself: this way you can save money and be sure that no unnatural substances will harm your skin.

Particularly oily areas of mixed skin can be wet during the day matting wipes, which effectively absorbs excess fat from the face when it is not possible to refresh the skin with a tonic or thoroughly cleanse.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

In order for the skin to remain young, supple and toned, it must be taken care of daily (morning and evening) with the help of cosmetics and procedures. In addition, you need not to abuse alcohol, stop smoking, limit the intake of salted foods (to avoid water retention in the body) and sweets (excessive consumption of sweets provokes acne), drink at least two liters of water per day (to avoid dehydration).

After the age of 35, creams marked “anti-age” and “anti-rides” can be added to the main care products, which slow down the formation of wrinkles and tighten the skin. Skin cleansing in adulthood is best started with exfoliating products containing alpha hydroxy acids - fruit acids, which are by far the most effective anti-aging agents.

In order for the skin to be in perfect condition, it is necessary to properly and regularly care for it. Skin care requires considerable effort, especially when it comes to combination or mixed type.

Combination skin is characterized by increased production of sebum in the forehead, nose and chin, the so-called T-zone (as a rule, the skin in this zone has a greasy sheen, enlarged pores and acne), and normal, and often dry, skin on the cheeks prone to flaking and early signs of aging. That is why the care of combination skin should be based on the use of products that would combine components suitable for both skin types. Otherwise, care should be taken at the same time using products for combination and dry or normal skin. This type of skin may have a patchy tone.

The main reason for the appearance of this type of skin is a large number of sebaceous glands in the T-zone and their practical absence in the cheek area. An excess amount of sebum secreted covers the skin with a greasy film. The culprit of increased sebum secretion is the male hormone testosterone, which has a stimulating effect on the sebaceous glands. As a rule, combination skin is inherent in young girls and young women. After thirty years, this type of skin will change, in most cases towards normal skin, since this process normalizes in areas of increased sebum secretion.

Cleansing. A cleansing routine is essential for any skin type, and for combination skin, it must be thorough. Twice a day it is necessary to wash your face with a special gel or foam for washing, corresponding to this type of skin or normal type. The product is applied to damp skin of the face, gently massaged, paying special attention to the T-zone, and washed off with cool water. It is important to know that washing with hot or warm water is not recommended for this type of skin, because of this, the pores expand and the skin in the cheek area dries out. When washing off the product from the T-shaped zone, you can use a sponge, this will give a slight peeling effect. After cleansing, the skin needs toning, which in this case should be done with a mattifying toner for combination or normal skin. If there are inflammatory processes in the T-shaped zone, you can lightly wipe it for disinfection with a cotton pad soaked in toilet water with alcohol.

Peeling. Combination skin needs exfoliation twice a week, which should be done with scrubs or gommages. This type of cosmetics perfectly fights with the dead layer of dead cells. In addition, the use of these funds helps to reduce the production of sebum in the central zone of the face. Therefore, when using scrubs and gommages, more attention should be paid to the forehead, chin and nose areas (at least three minutes). But regarding the cheeks, the skin on which is already dry and sensitive, exfoliation should be done very carefully and not for long (no more than a minute). It should be noted that the evening is considered the most suitable time for peeling, since it is not recommended to go out into the air after such a procedure, since a huge number of microtraumas occur on the skin, which can cause infection in the air.

The most effective homemade scrub is considered to be oatmeal or brown bread scrub, which perfectly cleanses areas of oily skin, as well as softens and moisturizes normal or dry skin. The use of this scrub, in addition to significantly improving the condition of the skin, also makes it possible not to go through differentiated care for it. To prepare such a scrub, you need to mix a glass of Hercules oatmeal or a crumb of lightly dried black bread, passed through a meat grinder with a tablespoon of baking soda or borax, and the same amount of salt and sour milk. This mixture can be transferred to a glass dish with a lid and left for storage. Apply this scrub on a damp face and massage your face with massaging movements until the slurry glides easily over the skin. After that, the scrub can be washed off.

Steam baths. A couple of times a month for combination skin it is useful to do steam baths, best before bed. This procedure will open and cleanse the pores of impurities. For this type of skin, steam baths are best done with lemon or cranberries. They perfectly vitaminize and tone combination skin in its various parts. To do this, two liters of water should take half a lemon and half a glass of cranberries. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder, crush the cranberries until smooth, mix, put this mass in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Before making such a bath, the skin of the cheeks, eyelids and temples should be lightly greased with a fat cream. It is necessary to bend over the steam, while covering your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. After such a procedure, the skin is most prepared for further deep cleansing.

Masks for combination skin.
Care of any type of skin will not be complete without the use of cosmetic masks. Masks are considered the most effective cosmetics, the best time for which is 9-11 pm, since it is at this moment that our skin most intensively absorbs the substances applied to it. It is useful for combination skin to use natural masks, massage and compresses from medicinal herbs, mask wraps, lifting masks. Masks must be done at least once a week.

Recipes for masks for combination skin.

Yeast mask.
Mix two teaspoons of yeast with three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%) until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting mixture on the face with a thin layer, lightly rub into the skin. After 10-15 minutes, the mask should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm tea infusion. You can use another recipe: mix two teaspoons of yeast with half a teaspoon of linseed oil and a little honey. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and dip into hot water. After the first signs of fermentation appear, the mask can be applied to the skin, previously lubricated with cream, excluding the area around the eyes and mouth. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Purifying masks.
Mix two tablespoons of semolina with one egg white. Apply the resulting mass on the face and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Mash red or black grapes in a mortar, add fat-free yogurt or kefir to this mass. The resulting mask is applied to the face and left for twenty minutes, and then removed with a cotton pad dipped in warm green or black tea. This mask effectively cleanses the skin and at the same time tightens the pores.

Nourishing masks.
Take any berry puree (1 tablespoon) and grind with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Finely grate a medium-sized carrot and mix with whipped egg white and two teaspoons of your night cream. Apply this mixture on your face and wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Grind the yolk of one egg until white and mix with two teaspoons of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of apple juice and the same amount of honey or nourishing cream. All ingredients should be added gradually. The mask should be applied to wet skin twice with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

Take two tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese, add a spoonful of warm milk or cream, salt on the tip of a knife and a spoonful of warm vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the skin for 15 minutes.

Refreshing mask.
Add an egg yolk to a teaspoon of aloe juice and apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck. Three coats should be applied, each after three minutes. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.

Whitening masks.
Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater and add 0.5 tsp to this mass. boric acid. Put the bowl with the mixture in a water bath and heat a little. Apply a warm mask on gauze, and then on the face for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, the skin should be wiped with cucumber juice and apply a nourishing cream.

Softening mask.
This mask, in addition to softening, gives a calming effect. In addition, it perfectly narrows the pores. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of crushed rose hips and sage leaves, add a teaspoon of mint. All this pour 300 ml of boiling water. Then put for half an hour in a water bath with a closed lid. Mix warm infusion with lemon juice (half a lemon). Apply the herbal mass on a gauze napkin and apply on the face, covering it with a towel. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water, and after drying, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Herbal mask.
Take any of the listed herbs (dandelion, plantain, chamomile flowers, nettle or mint) and make a gruel out of it with a mortar, while adding a little water. Mix the resulting mixture with honey in equal proportions and apply on the face, rinse with water at room temperature after 15-20 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask.
Mix a teaspoon of fresh yeast, a tablespoon of yogurt (or sour cream), a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of warm water. The resulting mass should be applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizing non-greasy cream or face gel to the skin.

Compresses for combination skin.
Hot and cold compresses have a beneficial effect on the condition of combination skin. Hot compresses are applied before cleansing or masks, and cold compresses are applied after these procedures, they soothe the skin and tighten pores. Hot compresses are applied to the entire face, and cold compresses are applied only to oily and porous areas. Alternate use of hot and cold compresses is great for combination skin. But at the same time they are already applied to the entire face. Compresses have a moisturizing effect on the skin, maintain water balance and improve metabolic processes in the skin.

Compress from a decoction of nettle and chamomile.
Place 1 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and chamomile flowers in a glass dish, pour half a liter of water, cover with a lid and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. The infusion should be filtered. The compress should be done on cleansed skin. Moisten a terry towel with hot infusion, squeeze a little and apply on the face for 3-5 minutes. A cold compress is done in the same way, only the exposure time will be much less, 20-30 seconds.

Moisturizing (nourishing) combination skin.
In the morning, after cleansing, the skin needs to be moisturized and protected. Therefore, you should apply a moisturizer at the same time for dry and oily skin. It is better if such a cream contains sunscreens, which is especially important in the summer. Of course, this procedure is a little longer, but after a couple of days of application, the result will be obvious. First, apply a moisturizing cream (for oily and inflamed skin) or gel to everything, and then apply a day oily cream to the cheeks. You can use one product, specially designed for combination skin, only the effectiveness will be significantly lower than with the simultaneous use of two types of creams.

In the evening, apply night cream on the cheeks to cleansed and toned skin with light patting movements. The T-zone is supplied with fat, so there is no need to apply a cream. If you have acne on your forehead, nose, or chin, apply an antibacterial cream based on salicylic acid or chamomile.

If you cannot do without decorative cosmetics, then you will have to abandon the use of powder, preference should be given to light tinting mousses and cream-based cheek blush.

Care for dry eyelid skin.
Combination skin is also characterized by dry eyelid skin. This explains the earlier appearance of wrinkles of the so-called "crow's feet". In order to slow down the process of their formation, it is necessary to use moisturizers designed specifically for the skin of the eyelids. This cream should be applied with light patting movements twice a day, morning and evening.

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes, you can use various masks. For example, melt in a water bath a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of wheat flour and one whipped protein. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. This mask should be done every day for a month. During this time, the skin will smooth out, wrinkles will noticeably decrease.

You can also use this effective method: pour a teaspoon of chamomile (dill or sage) with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes under the lid. Then the resulting infusion must be filtered and divided into two parts. One part to cool, and the other, on the contrary, to warm up. On the eyelids, alternately apply either a hot or a cold compress. It is recommended to do this procedure for one and a half months every other day. The regularity and consistency of the procedure contributes to the smoothness and hydration of the skin.

Herbs are also effective for combination skin. For example, dilute plantain juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. With this composition, wipe the skin of the face daily in the morning and evening. Chamomile infusion (1:10) is also useful for rubbing the face during the day.

Combination facial skin goes to many girls / women, if you briefly describe it, then it is “ice and fire”. Two types of skin coexist on the face - oily and normal, and the first type of skin "chooses" the T-shaped zone, which is located at the wings of the nose, captures the strip above the upper lip and chin. The type of skin in question is a problem, because you will need to learn how to properly care for it and this is not so easy, since you will need to pay attention to both oily skin and normal skin. To learn how to properly carry out caring procedures, it is worth studying the information about it, and our article will help with this.

Table of contents:

Features of combination skin

There are a lot of sebaceous glands in the T-shaped zone of the face, it is they who provoke excessive secretion, which leads just to excessive fat content. On the cheekbones, cheeks and forehead, the skin will be normal - even color, no rashes and no shine. Rarely, but there are girls whose skin on the cheeks, forehead and cheekbones is of a dry type - in this case, it will be characterized by peeling, inflammation and periodic redness. By the way, if the skin of the face outside the T-shaped zone is dry, then the lady will notice the appearance of early wrinkles in herself - this is one of the features of this type of skin.

It is noteworthy that in summer and spring the skin of the combined type looks fatter than usual, but in the cold season it is prone to peeling even in the T-shaped zone. Such variability of facial skin type requires special attention and well-conducted care procedures.

Note! As a rule, in women at the age of 35, the combined type of facial skin becomes normal, and all the above problems disappear on their own.

Daily care for combination skin

It is necessary to take into account the special type of facial skin and use special cosmetic care products - this is an indispensable condition for maintaining skin health and beauty.


Morning cleansing of combination skin should be carried out with a facial wash that is designed for normal or combination skin. It is taken in a small amount on the fingertips, then spread over the face and washed off with cool water. To cleanse oily areas of the face, it is advisable to use a sponge - a special cosmetic device that, due to its structure, imitates light peeling. Pay special attention to the temperature of the water - it should be exactly cool, as warm and hot increase peeling and secretion by the sebaceous glands.

After the washing process is over, the face must be treated with a tonic or lotion, which is designed specifically for the type of facial skin in question.

Note:if a woman with a combination type of facial skin is at the age of 35, then in order to avoid the consequences of age-related changes, she needs to start the day with the use of special creams that can exfoliate scales.

Skin hydration

If there are rashes on the face, then they can be removed with any product that contains salicylic acid. A regular moisturizer is applied to the rest of the face, and it is not at all necessary to purchase a product for a mixed skin type - anyone will do.

If the skin of a woman's face is already undergoing age-related changes, then after morning washing, special products should be applied to the face, which contain either hyaluronic acid or retinol. Typically, such components are present in cosmetic serums.


Before going outside with a combined type of facial skin, it is recommended to apply special day creams with UV protection.

Only after carrying out all the indicated stages of care for combination skin, you can apply makeup. But in the evening, you just need to cleanse your face with a special tonic (it is better not to carry out the procedure with soap) and apply a greasy cream to dry / normal areas of the face, but a drying cream to the T-shaped zone.

Yes, the process of daily care for combination skin is quite laborious, but only in this way it will be possible not only to achieve an excellent appearance, but also to support the skin, nourish it with vitamins and prevent the negative impact of external factors.

Masks for combination skin

The type of facial skin under consideration not only requires careful attention during daily care - masks should also be selected taking into account the types of skin present.

For T-zone

This area is always oily, so to care for it, you can and should use masks from honey and other components:

Remember that before applying the mask to the T-shaped area of ​​​​the face, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. After the mask is washed off with warm water, you need to dry your face (do not rub it with a towel!) And apply the cream that was chosen to care for the combined type of skin. The frequency of application of the above masks should not be more than 3 times a week.

For the whole face

We recommend reading:

Pay attention to some features of face masks for combination skin types:

  • you can’t change them too often - it’s better to choose one thing and make a course of masks;
  • 1-2 procedures will not give any effect, but 10-12 procedures will already show how correctly the mask recipe was chosen;
  • if vegetables or fruits / berries are present in the mask recipe for a combined type of facial skin, then you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them;
  • masks are applied only on a clean face, that is, without cosmetics and the field of removing dust from the skin with a tonic or lotion;
  • you can not use the above products for the care of combination skin more than 3 times a week.

The best option would be, of course, contacting a cosmetologist - a specialist will be able to accurately determine the type of facial skin, give recommendations on caring for it. But the recipes for masks in this material will also be useful, they do not pose any danger to a woman's health.