Care of the umbilical wound of a newborn: procedure. Umbilical wound in newborns

The first procedure for treating the umbilical wound of a newborn will be carried out by an obstetrician in the maternity hospital, a few seconds after cutting the umbilical cord. But then mom will have to take care of her on her own. And do not be afraid of the very concept - "wound", with proper care, it heals right before our eyes.

My baby is the "navel of the earth"

What a newly-made mother sees in her baby's navel in the first days after childbirth, in fact, still little resembles a normal, standard, human navel.

After cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor who received the baby leaves with him a small umbilical cord - literally a few centimeters long. After 4-10 days, this "tail", having dried, will disappear on its own. And God forbid you to try to get rid of it by any auxiliary means! Do not injure your own child with your own hands.

Actually, the still unhealed umbilical wound itself is the fundamental difference that distinguishes newborn babies from the general mass of babies.

In medical science, the term "newborn" is usually understood as a child in the first 28 days of his life. Just so much is normally required for the baby's navel to heal completely.

After the umbilical cord falls off, the wound still needs to be systematically looked after, namely: treat it with disinfectants, do not wet it with water (bathing a newborn baby is fundamentally different from), once again do not touch it with your hands and try not to injure it with clothes or. As a rule, on average, the umbilical wound of a newborn heals completely in 3-4 weeks.

The umbilical "ponytail" usually falls off on its own about 4-5 days after the baby is born.

Means for treating the umbilical wound of a newborn

After three weeks, the wound should heal completely. If you are in doubt whether the desired effect has been achieved, consult your pediatrician. He will promptly tell you whether it is still worth continuing the daily treatment of the umbilical wound, or your baby has already safely outgrown the status of a newborn ...

The umbilical wound of a newborn is one of the most vulnerable spots of a baby. It needs to be handled every day, doing it properly. However, many mothers, especially those who have had their first child, are afraid to even touch their navel. To allay all fears, you should learn the intricacies of caring for such a vulnerable spot of your child. When using the correct solution, following a certain technique and the regularity of the procedure, no problems will arise.

How and with what is the navel of a newborn treated in a maternity hospital?

After birth, the newborn's umbilical cord is tied in two stages:

  1. Open way. Cutting off the umbilical cord and fixing it with a sterile plastic clamp. The navel is treated daily with antiseptic drugs. After a few days later the umbilical residue falls off, an umbilical wound remains, which must be smeared with Chlorophyllipt or sprinkled with Baneocin until it heals.
  2. Applying a pressure bandage. In this case, the clothespin is not used. After two days, the remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off with a surgical instrument. A sterile pressure bandage is applied to the baby for two hours, then loosened, and after a day they are completely removed.

Home care

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Until the baby's umbilical wound is completely healed, special hygiene is required. After discharge from the hospital, hygiene procedures will have to be performed at home on their own. The creation of complete sterility is not required. A big mistake is the unwillingness of parents to bathe the child until the wound heals. You can also not apply a sterile bandage to the wound.

It is important that the navel is constantly open, which will help it dry quickly. The applied bandage, soaked with secretions from the wound, is capable of provoking the rapid multiplication of bacteria.

What is the best way to treat an umbilical wound?

Today, the umbilical wound of a newborn is recommended to be treated with both traditional drugs and new methods. It is very important that the use of both those and others was correct and carried out as intended, otherwise burns and ulcers may appear.

Traditional remedies for treating the navel of a newborn:

  1. 3% or alcoholic hydrogen peroxide solution. The first is buried in the umbilical fossa, the second is moistened with a cotton swab, which is then treated with the umbilical ring.
  2. 2-5% solution of potassium permanganate. This product dries and disinfects. Before treating the umbilical wound with it, you need to properly dilute the pink liquid and pass it through several layers of gauze to keep undissolved crystals.

New funds:

It is forbidden to use pure alcohol to treat the wound, which can provoke a burn and the appearance of ulcers on the skin. The use of diluted vodka is possible.

Zelenka for a baby's navel is not recommended by pediatricians today. When used, a thin film forms on the skin, which prevents rapid healing.

The use of iodine is possible only in extreme cases. It can only be applied to the wound itself, avoiding the skin around it. Iodine can dry out the skin and cause burns.

Belly button with a clothespin

A special clothespin, which presses the navel of a newborn, usually disappears in 4-5 days. However, it can last up to 10 days, which is quite normal.

Before the clothespin falls off, the navel does not need to be looked after in a special way. It is important to follow two basic rules - dryness and cleanliness. Do not allow the baby's navel to come into contact with dirty or infected things and objects. Clothes must be ironed. Fresh air access to the baby's navel is important. If the above conditions are met, the clothespin will fall off faster.

Algorithm for processing a navel with a clothespin:

  • wash your hands, take hydrogen peroxide and pour it over the area of ​​the skin under the clothespin (the clothespin itself can also be treated with hydrogen peroxide);
  • wait about 30 seconds for the crust to soften (the peroxide should stop hissing);
  • with cotton wool, remove the softened crusts around the umbilical cord;
  • Dry the cleaned umbilical ring with a cotton swab and lubricate with Chlorophyllipt, sprinkle with Baneocin or use another recommended agent (it is advisable that the drug does not get on the adjacent skin areas) (we recommend reading :).

When processing at home, you can safely touch the clothespin, but, of course, you cannot pull it too much. In due time, the clothespin falls off by itself without any discomfort for the baby. After the umbilical stump falls off, a few drops of blood may remain in its place - this is normal. For more information on how to handle the navel of a newborn on the recommendation of Dr. Komarovsky, see the video below.

Diaper and navel

As noted above, in order for the navel to heal better, air must be available to the wound. For this reason, the baby should wear the diaper in such a way that its edge does not cover or injure the navel wound.

Some diaper manufacturers have already taken this rule into account and produce diapers with special cutouts for the navel. However, very small babies are also born, in which such a cutout on the diaper is located above the waist. In such a situation, the top edge of the diaper should be folded back. This rule applies to all diapers, especially those without a navel cutout.

It is equally important to change the baby's diaper in a timely manner so that urine does not get into the wound. If this does happen, you need to take a cotton swab moistened with alcohol while changing the diaper and dab the wound with it.

Bathing and navel

It is possible and even necessary to bathe a child with an unhealed umbilical wound. You just have to wait for the navel to fall off.

Usually, for the first time, a baby is bathed in a maternity hospital, where a young mother can observe this process. It is not scary if water gets into the wound, this will only contribute to a better separation of the crusts.

Basic rules for bathing:

  • mandatory preliminary boiling of bathing water;
  • modern doctors do not recommend adding potassium permanganate to the water, as it greatly dries the skin;
  • bathing should precede the treatment of the navel according to the rules described above.

Healed umbilical wound of a newborn

After healing, the newborn's umbilical wound does not need to continue to be smeared. How long and how often should the baby's navel be treated? When does it heal completely? If the recovery process proceeds normally, a daily one-time care of the umbilical wound is sufficient. If drops of blood appear, the treatment should be done more often - up to three times a day. A common occurrence for babies is a weeping navel. This definition is used for the umbilical wound, in which pus constantly accumulates, which is a sign of infection.

Other unpleasant symptoms in which consultation of a pediatrician is required:

  • hyperemia, itching in the umbilical region;
  • swelling, inflammation;
  • pronounced moisture of the skin;
  • purulent discharge;
  • systematic spotting;
  • pronounced uncharacteristic smell from the navel.

If the umbilical region festers, continues to get wet despite three times of treatment, it is important not to overheat the child, try to avoid sweating. A prerequisite is the creation of a dry microclimate in the room in which the baby spends most of the time.

There are cases when, after healing, the baby's navel sticks out. If there are no other unpleasant signs, this manifestation is not dangerous, but it is better in such a situation to consult a doctor.

Self-medication of a child is very dangerous. If there is no effect from standard care measures, you need to see a doctor in time. Only a specialist will recommend the most suitable drug and the duration of the procedures for a specific case. Failure to comply with hygiene rules is fraught with dangerous consequences for the baby.

One of the first questions that young parents have after the appearance of a baby in the house is how to properly handle the navel? There is no need to be afraid of this procedure, it is important, but at the same time it is extremely simple. All you need is to choose the right product, follow the processing technique and be attentive to your child.

What is the navel

Before its birth, the child is connected to the mother by a vital thread - the umbilical cord. One end of it connects to the placenta, the other to the baby's umbilical ring located on his tummy. For nine months, the umbilical cord supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen and at the same time serves as a channel for the removal of metabolic products. After his first breath, the baby ceases to need the umbilical cord, so it is cut and clamped with a staple or tied with a thread. Within a day, the vessels inside the umbilical ring are closed, protecting the newborn from bleeding and infection. After 5-7 days, the remaining part of the umbilical cord dries up and falls off, leaving behind an umbilical wound. After some time, the wound is closed with skin, and a navel is formed - a kind of scar that remains in every person for life and serves as a reminder of the prenatal period.

Usually, the navel of a newborn after the umbilical cord falls off looks like a depression. But sometimes a small portion of the base of the umbilical cord is skin rather than connective tissue. In this case, the navel protrudes above the surface of the abdominal wall by 0.5–2 cm and is called the cutaneous navel. As the umbilical wound heals, such a navel will gradually decrease, being pulled inward. The navel of the skin should not be a cause for concern, you just need to keep in mind that the healing process may take longer.

The umbilical cord is clamped with a special clamp, after a week it will dry out and fall off naturally

Why is it necessary to treat the wound

An unhealed navel in a newborn is a wound that requires appropriate treatment. Arteries and veins closed almost immediately, but the risk of tissue inflammation always remains. The insufficiently formed immunity of the child is not able to resist various infections, which is why even a small wound in a newborn requires close attention.

A simple procedure for treating the navel is necessary for two reasons:

  • it prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms and the occurrence of inflammation;
  • correct processing helps to dry the wound and the early formation of crusts.

Dr. Komarovsky: how best to treat an umbilical wound

Preparations for home treatment and reviews about them

You can treat a baby's navel using different means. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, for each specific case, the funds are selected individually.

For the primary disinfection of the wound, antiseptics such as

  • Hydrogen peroxide solution 3%;
  • Potassium permanganate solution;

At the second stage of treatment, depending on the state of the umbilical wound, the following can be applied:

  • Brilliant green alcohol solution;
  • Chlorophyllipt;

Let's consider the action and use of these drugs in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide

A 3% solution is used to treat the navel. Peroxide is used to disinfect and clean the umbilical wound from crusts before being treated with a basic antiseptic.

Peroxide is often used to disinfect the umbilical sore

Hydrogen peroxide benefits:

  • helps to stop the secretion of ichor;
  • softens the crusts;
  • goes well with other drugs.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is a proven disinfectant with an additional drying effect. The umbilical wound can be treated with a solution of 2–5% concentration. It is advisable to use a ready-made solution purchased at a pharmacy.

How to properly breed potassium permanganate

If necessary, you can prepare a solution from the powder at home. How much powder to pour? Very little! The proportions of the solution for treating wounds are suitable: for 70 ml of warm water, only two grains of potassium permanganate will be enough. Try not to grab them with your hands, use tweezers or a toothpick. Stir until the manganese particles are completely dissolved. It is impossible to prevent undissolved crystals from getting on the baby's skin!

You can store the prepared solution for no more than 10 days in a tightly closed container on the refrigerator shelf. If the solution has lost its pink color and acquired a brownish tint, it means that it has lost its antiseptic properties and a new one needs to be prepared.

When preparing and using a solution of potassium permanganate, proportions must be observed so as not to burn sensitive baby skin with too high a concentration

Advantages of potassium permanganate:

  • dries the wound well;
  • helps to reduce discharge;
  • kills infectious agents.


  • if potassium permanganate is not diluted correctly, it can cause irritation and burns on the baby's body;
  • is a short-term antiseptic that kills microbes only at the time of processing, therefore, for effective protection against infections, it must be combined with long-acting drugs.

For the treatment of the umbilical ring, a solution of Chlorhexidine is used at a concentration of 0.05%. It is a clear liquid that has antiseptic properties. This drug is not used very often, although it is quite effective and safe. There have been studies that have shown that the use of chlorhexidine to disinfect the navel significantly reduces the risk of umbilical infections.

Chlorhexidine has been successfully used to prevent infection of the umbilical wound

Attention! Chlorhexidine can cause side effects such as rashes, itching, dry skin, and dermatitis. Should be used with care.


Zelenka or 1% alcohol solution of brilliant green is a classic remedy that is still very often used to care for the umbilical wound in babies. You need to dip a cotton swab in the green stuff and gently apply the product to the wound, moving from its center to the edges and trying not to touch the healthy skin around the navel.


  • disinfects well;
  • does not need independent breeding.


  • in large quantities irritates and burns the skin;
  • may interfere with the timely detection of redness and other signs of inflammation;
  • according to pediatricians, it can create a film on the surface that prevents rapid healing.

An interesting fact: despite the popularity of greenery in the CIS countries, it is not used at all in the rest of the world. This is due to the fact that clinical studies of this drug have never been conducted.

Treatment of the umbilical wound with brilliant green


To treat the navel at home, a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt is successfully used. This preparation contains eucalyptus leaf extract and is a recognized antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, especially effective in the prevention of dangerous staphylococcal infections.

Chlorophyllipt is an effective plant-based anti-antimicrobial agent

Chlorophyllipt advantages:

  • kills pathogens of infections, including staphylococcus;
  • does not irritate or dry out sensitive baby skin;
  • has a powerful disinfecting effect;
  • does not stain the skin, which allows you to notice signs of inflammation in time.

My daughter's navel was bleeding for over a week. I treated it with peroxide and brilliant green, cleaned everything, and the next day everything was again covered in bloody crusts. The nurse advised to remove the greenery, thoroughly clean the crust with peroxide, and then use an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. It helped.

Lisyanya, site "Country of mothers" (

The drug Baneocin contains antibiotics, due to which it has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is produced in the form of an ointment or powder, has no contraindications for age, it can be used to treat the navel of a child from birth. It is used both for the treatment of a normal umbilical wound, and in the event of suppuration and other manifestations of infection. In the normal state of the navel, it is used 2 times a day, in case of problems with healing - up to 4-5 times a day. The drug can be used for a week, but usually healing occurs within 2-5 days, even with a weeping navel. It has contraindications, so it should be used with caution.

Baneocin has been successfully used for navel infection


  • kills pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • effective in the treatment of a weeping or festering umbilical wound.


  • an allergic reaction is possible, manifested in the form of dry skin, itching and redness;
  • contraindicated in violation of the excretory function due to heart and renal failure.

I found out about Baneocin powder a month after the birth of my twins. I faced such a problem as the slow healing of the navel, which is familiar to many parents. One daughter's umbilical cord healed quickly, and the second of my girl's umbilical cord was thick, and the umbilical wound still did not want to heal. I carried out a complete treatment every day: first peroxide, then brilliant green. The navel continued to ooze, and I realized that this way we would not achieve anything. I explained the situation to the visiting nurse, and she advised the antibiotic for external use, Baneocin. The powder solved the problem very quickly, literally in two days. I covered the navel about 5 times a day. I wondered why we were not immediately prescribed this drug. Apparently, antibiotics should still be used only as a last resort when urgently needed.

Lebosch, Otzovik website (

Fukortsin is a strong antimicrobial drug with a pronounced antiseptic and antifungal effect. It has a bright burgundy color and is available in the form of an aqueous or alcoholic solution.

Fukortsin is a strong antiseptic for difficult situations


  • effectively fights infections;
  • dries well weeping wounds.


  • contains a toxic component - phenol;
  • should not be used in case of increased skin sensitivity and allergy to the drug;
  • in children under 12 years of age, it should be used strictly according to indications.

Attention! Due to the presence of a toxic substance in the composition of the drug in newborn children, fucorcin should be used as directed by a doctor. It is used when complications arise during the healing of the umbilical wound. A normally healing navel cannot be treated with this drug.

My child had a weeping navel, which we spent a whole month with. Finally, one surgeon advised to treat the navel with fucorcin solution, after which the wound began to dry just before our eyes. After 3 days, the navel stopped getting wet, after a week it healed.

Olga, site "dad + mom" (

Levomekol ointment is a combined product with antibiotic and skin regeneration stimulant properties. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and at the same time helps to restore tissue structure.

Levomekol is an excellent complex product approved for use from birth


  • cleans the umbilical wound and promotes early healing;
  • has a regenerating effect;
  • can be used both for the treatment of a healthy umbilical wound and for various complications.

disadvantages: long-term use of the ointment can cause allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, rash, redness.

How not to be mistaken in your choice?

From the means for cleaning and disinfecting the wound at the first stage, such as a solution of hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate, you need to choose one at the discretion of the parents. Peroxide is better for removing crusts.

For the second stage of processing, options are possible. Check with your pediatrician.

  • If the navel heals normally, there are no complications and the child is healthy, the mother can choose the green stuff on her own or - when the baby does not have a hereditary tendency to allergic reactions - Chlorophyllipt.
  • If there are difficulties in the healing of the navel, Levomekol or Baneocin can help.
  • Due to its high toxicity, Fukortsin should be used only in extreme, problematic situations, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

And in any case, if you experience signs of allergies (redness or rash on the skin), contact your doctor. Be sure to tell him what drugs you used.

Step-by-step instructions: how many times and how to process

It is most convenient to take care of the umbilical wound in the morning immediately after waking up or in the evening after bathing. Processing includes several sequential steps.

  1. Before starting treatment, wash your hands thoroughly and place the child on a flat surface.
  2. With the fingers of one hand, carefully open the navel, with the other hand, drop a solution of hydrogen peroxide (chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate) into it from a pipette or dispenser on the bottle.
  3. Wait until the peroxide stops fizzling and bubbling, softening the crusts, then use a cotton swab to separate them from the wound. This should be done with light rotational movements, without effort. You cannot tear off the crusts that do not lag behind on their own!
  4. After cleansing, the navel needs to be dried. To do this, blot it with a cotton swab or a piece of bandage folded several times.
  5. Spread the edges of the navel again and drip hydrogen peroxide or another solution chosen for treatment (brilliant green, chlorophyllipt) into it. You can apply the drug with a cotton swab, which is especially convenient if you are using an ointment. The powdery agent is simply poured onto the wound.

If at the first stage during the next treatment, hydrogen peroxide does not hiss and does not form foam, this means that the umbilical wound has healed, and the use of peroxide is no longer required.

Video: how to properly treat the umbilical wound

Features of processing the navel before the stump falls off with a clothespin

If the part of the umbilical cord with the clamp has not yet fallen off, the navel should be processed as follows.

  1. With clean hands, take hydrogen peroxide and pour it liberally over the area under the clothespin. You can additionally treat the clamp itself with peroxide.
  2. Wait about 30 seconds until the crust softens. The peroxide should stop fizzling.
  3. Use cotton wool to remove the softened crusts around the umbilical cord. Don't be afraid to touch the clothespin, but you don't need to pull too hard. She herself should easily fall off at the right time, without causing discomfort to the child.
  4. After cleaning the umbilical ring under the clamp, it is dried with a cotton swab and smeared with greenery, chlorophyllipt or other means. If possible, do not allow the preparation to come into contact with the adjacent skin.

At the moment when the umbilical stump falls off, you can see a few drops of blood in its place - this is normal.

William Sears, American pediatrician

Rules for caring for a child during this period

The best medicine for the navel is fresh air.

Child Dr. E.O. Komarovsky

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, caring for the baby will have its own characteristics. To speed up the healing of the navel and prevent various complications, adhere to the following rules.

  1. A normally healing navel should be treated no more than 1-2 times a day... Excessive frequency of treatments will only interfere with healing. More frequent application of special drugs is possible only when treating complications according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor.
  2. Provide air access by keeping the wound as open as possible. This does not mean that the baby's tummy should be naked all the time. If the room is cool, he should be dressed accordingly, the main thing is that the clothes are made of natural fabrics. If you are putting on sliders on your child, make sure that the elastic does not go around the navel.
  3. Use special diapers. For normal navel healing, it is highly desirable that the diaper belt is not pressed against the umbilical wound. Disposable diapers for newborns quite often have a special notch in the navel or a low waist. If the diapers you are using overlap your belly button, try to fasten them loosely and tuck the belt.
  4. Be careful when bathing. It is not forbidden to bathe a child with an unhealed umbilical wound, but doctors recommend using such methods of disinfecting water as boiling or adding a solution of potassium permanganate to the water. If the umbilical cord has not yet fallen off, it is advisable to limit yourself to rubbing with a sponge moistened with warm water. In this case, you should avoid getting water on the wound. It is also worth refraining from bathing if the navel festers to avoid spreading the infection.
  5. After bathing, be sure to get wet and treat the navel.

Attention! When using potassium permanganate while bathing, do not add the powder directly to the bath to avoid getting undissolved crystals on baby's skin. Prepare the solution in a separate container and only then add it to the water in such an amount that it acquires a light pink color.

What not to do

When caring for a newborn's navel, it is very important not to overdo it. Wrong actions can lead to complications.

  • You can not handle the navel more than 1-2 times a day except in problem cases when the frequency of treatments is indicated by the doctor.
  • It is forbidden to seal the wound with a plaster... This will not protect it from the ingress of microbes, but it will block the access of the air necessary for healing.
  • You do not need to use more than two tools for processing... We clean the wound with one tool, lubricate with the other for long-term disinfection. Additional medications can only be used as directed by a physician.

Possible problems and solutions

Sometimes the umbilical wound does not heal well, despite the efforts of the parents. In the process, various complications can arise, some of which are easily treated in a few days, others require serious intervention of specialists. Pay attention to some of the signs and symptoms that may appear as your navel heals..

  • The navel does not heal for a long time. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Due to a thick umbilical cord, weak immunity of the child, or due to excessive care. If you are doing everything correctly, but the wound does not want to heal in any way, consult your doctor.
  • The navel gets wet for more than two weeks. The final healing of the umbilical wound takes about 3 weeks, but after 2 weeks no discharge should be observed. If the navel continues to get wet, this indicates an infection. See your doctor for an additional antiseptic.
  • The navel festers. A yellowish or greenish discharge that has an unpleasant odor indicates that an infection has entered the wound. In this case, the pediatrician must also prescribe antiseptic drugs to destroy the pathogenic microflora that has got into the navel.
  • Blood is released from the navel, and a reddish nodule up to 2 cm in diameter forms at the bottom of the wound. This is a sign of the appearance of granulomas caused by the rapid growth of tissues and capillaries. You need to see a doctor who should cauterize the formation with silver nitrate. Further treatment will consist in the correct treatment of the wound.
  • The umbilical ring became inflamed, the skin around was reddened and swollen, the navel was bleeding heavily, the temperature rose. These symptoms indicate the occurrence of a dangerous inflammation - omphalitis. This disease can lead to serious complications such as abdominal peritonitis and blood poisoning. Immediate medical attention is required.
  • The belly button inflates when the baby coughs or when the baby cries. The swelling can reach the size of a walnut and is especially noticeable when holding the baby upright. Symptoms indicate the formation of a hernia of the navel. The disease requires a visit to a pediatric surgeon, who will show you special exercises for the child and massage to help reposition the hernia. If the hernia does not go away by itself before 3 years, surgery may be required.

Compliance with the rules of care will help mom in a few weeks to enjoy the sight of her baby's cute and completely healed navel. And if problems arise, knowledgeable parents will be able to take action in time and prevent the development of dangerous complications.

How and how much a navel heals in a newborn, how to take care of a wound - these questions are asked by parents to pediatricians when a baby is born and is discharged from the hospital. To get rid of fears, to avoid the risk of developing pathologies, you need to know about care and the reasons why it can take longer to heal.

What happens in the hospital

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is cut off, and closer to the tummy it is clamped with a clothespin. The doctor familiarizes the mother with the rules for caring for the wound while still in the maternity hospital: he treats the wound himself, thereby equipping the mother with the necessary information, showing and explaining how long the navel will heal in the newborn.

In the next 4-10 days at the place of pinching, the tail with a clothespin should fall off. Sometimes this takes longer. An open wound remains, which requires further careful care.

After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the wound must be dried immediately. A regular air bath will help. If the navel is clean and dry, no treatment is required.

If the clothespin dries up and heals, but does not disappear for more than 10 days, increase the number of air baths throughout the day, they will speed up the drying of the wound.

3 stages of healing

The umbilical cord is healed in stages. To get acquainted with how the navel heals in a newborn and not to panic in vain will help knowledge about the stages of healing the navel in a newborn:

The clothespin is sterile and made from safe material

During the first 5-10 days, the umbilical cord is a knot or tail clamped with a clothespin. During this period, it dries up and falls off on its own.
The wound may bleed slightly for the first 3 weeks, but this should not scare the parents. An umbilical wound, like any other, takes time to heal.
During the period of life from 3 to 4 weeks, the baby's umbilical cord is completely healed.

Newborn care at home

When the clothespin falls off, newly minted mothers wonder: when does the umbilical wound heal? With proper hygiene, the umbilical wound heals quickly - after 3-4 weeks not a trace will remain.

It is important to observe hygiene standards and ensure proper hygiene, since there is a risk of infection in the wound, and this will lead to complications during healing.

Wound treatment: what and how to treat

The following medications will help prevent infection:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide... A 3% solution will get rid of the ichor and accelerate healing.
  2. Chlorhexidine- odorless and colorless antiseptic, safe to use.
  3. Zelenka- an excellent disinfectant if used in small quantities. Using too much of the drug may cause burns. In addition, if redness appears on the area of ​​the skin treated with Zelenka, it will be impossible to see it due to the bright color of this drug.
  4. Potassium permanganate... A solution of weak concentration is a good remedy in the fight against infection and bacteria, but crystals should not be allowed to get on the delicate skin of the baby around the navel.
In order not to injure the child's skin and protect it from drying out or burns, brilliant green should be applied carefully and only on the wound

Air baths

The ability to "breathe" the umbilical cord will help it dry out and tighten much faster, do not fester. The duration of air baths directly depends on how much the navel heals in a newborn.

Air baths will not only help the navel heal as soon as possible, but also temper the child, strengthen his immunity

Air baths after swimming are very important. It's good to do them between yourself or changing a diaper.

The diaper should not come into contact with the umbilical cord area, rub, block the air supply... To do this, you can use special diapers with a cut for the navel.

In the absence of such diapers, the recess can be cut out by yourself or simply tucked in the edge.

Which diapers are best for newborns, read this.

Liseicheva E.A., pediatrician, City Hospital No. 2, Samara

Sometimes the navel looks like a tall tree stump. Do not think that this is a pathology or that it was poorly tied up by obstetricians. This is a skin tubercle, so the child got it.

Over time, its appearance will improve, the fat formed on the stomach will allow it to smooth out and a beautiful dimple will form in this place.

How to determine the condition and why healing is delayed

You can understand that the umbilical cord has healed by the following signs:

  • skin color does not differ from the skin;
  • no purulent discharge;
  • body temperature is normal.
With suppuration of the navel, antiseptics are selected individually

There are times when the navel heals poorly in newborns:

  • purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor is formed;
  • does not stop bleeding;
  • redness is formed around the navel, swelling;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the umbilical cord gets wet for a long time.

This is an example of poor healing when it comes to seeing a pediatrician.
Problems with the umbilical wound occur quite often. The reasons for this may be not only improper care, but also:
Granuloma... The reason is the rapid growth of tissues and capillaries. Therefore, the vessels are confused, as a result of which the navel in a newborn does not heal well, the wound bleeds. The pediatrician will deal with the problem with the method of cauterization with a pencil with a silver rod, which can kill germs.
Hernia... Parents are able to detect it on their own, since the umbilical ring in this case increases in size and looks like a bump. No worries. First you need to consult your doctor. This can often be done with massage. Read about the reasons for the weakness of the umbilical ring.

Infection... Parents should be alerted to redness around the wound. The following symptoms can also confirm that the infection has got to the wound:

  • touching the tummy causes pain in the child;
  • the wound gets wet all the time;
  • the wound festers and smells bad.

Very large umbilical cord... It takes more time to heal.

Reztsova E.M., pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov

Do not be alarmed by the appearance of yellow or red discharge, as well as crusts on the navel. During processing, you need to carefully remove those crusts that have already exfoliated.

But if the navel has not yet fallen off, it is strictly forbidden to tear it off yourself.

Injury to the skin... Due to excessive care, mothers themselves injure the new skin and prevent it from healing. Do not try to do anything on your own. See your doctor, as you will need special medications to fight bacteria, and in case of complications, even surgery is possible.

Weakened immunity... This situation is common, especially when a baby is born prematurely. In this case, special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system, and also to be more attentive to the issues of wound treatment.

Any woman knows that during the period of intrauterine development, the child is connected to his mother by the umbilical cord. In this "cord" veins and arteries pass, which transport substances necessary for life to the fetus and remove unnecessary ones. After the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord is cut off - from that moment on it becomes a completely independent organism.

To stop bleeding, a special brace is put on the umbilical cord residue of the crumbs (in the old days, the navel was simply tied for this purpose). After several days, the brace, together with the umbilical cord, disappears - and the navel of the newborn begins to form. But in order for this process to take place safely and without complications, the baby's umbilical wound should be regularly looked after.

How to care for an umbilical wound

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn is one of the most important and mandatory procedures that should be repeated daily. This is usually done after bathing the baby.

By the way, about bathing: very often parents wonder whether it is possible to bathe a newborn until the umbilical wound has healed? Pediatricians say that getting liquid into the wound is very undesirable, but it is certainly possible to bathe the child, only not in the general, but in a separate, own baby bath. To do this, use boiled water, you can add a little potassium permanganate to it to a pale pink, barely noticeable color of water.

After bathing, it is imperative to remove the remaining moisture from the umbilical wound. To do this, it is enough to gently apply a cotton pad or a piece of sterile bandage to the navel and soak the water. Under no circumstances should you rub the navel of a newborn, pick out dirt from it, and in general, try to climb and touch it as little as possible.

In order for the umbilical wound to heal faster and better, it must constantly “breathe”, that is, nothing should impede the free access of air to it. In this regard, diapers should be tucked up in the navel area or a hole should be cut out here with scissors so that the navel always remains open (more precisely, until the period until it heals completely). On top of it, only a clean ironed undershirt or bodysuit made of natural fabric can be placed.

Any pathogenic bacterium that lives in the air or on the hands of a parent can penetrate the umbilical wound and lead to its infection. Therefore, care for the navel of a newborn should always be done with very clean hands.

What is the best way to treat an umbilical wound?

Probably, in most foreign maternity hospitals, mothers are not given any recommendations regarding the treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn, or they are advised not to process it. In Russian maternity hospitals, similar principles are already found, but nevertheless, more often than not, nurses in the old fashioned way recommend treating the wound upon arrival home with an alcohol solution.

As an alcoholic solution, the midwife or visitor's nurse advises something different each time. Most often, it is recommended to use a brilliant green solution (brilliant green) or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). You can hear tips about using alcohol, calendula tinctures, chlorophyllipt, iodine, etc. What should you choose?

And it's not easy to choose. Because, on the one hand, even medical students, and then practicing doctors, are told that brilliant green causes oozing, which in the case of an umbilical wound is completely unacceptable. On the other hand, many pediatricians and parents are accustomed to prescribing and using it to treat the navel, and practice shows that often brilliant green helps well.

Nevertheless, most children's doctors agree that it is better to use potassium permanganate for these purposes: it dries well, which must be achieved by treating the umbilical wound, and the intolerance of brilliant green is much more common. It is only necessary to properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate - until the crystals are completely dissolved, strain it before use and cook fresh every day.

So, you bathed the crumbs and blotted out the remaining moisture in the navel. If the umbilical wound is bleeding, then now you need to treat it with peroxide. To do this, gently slide the skin into the fold so that the navel is inside, and drop a drop into it, or blot a cotton pad with peroxide and apply it to the navel. Then with a dry disc, gently but thoroughly remove the foamed contents, then treat the wound with an alcohol solution or manganese. It is better to do the same - drop a drop into the navel, wait until it dries, and remove the remaining liquid.

Very often, pediatricians say that overuse of peroxide impairs the healing of the navel, and therefore do not use it too often.

The umbilical wound gets wet

A sign of good healing of the umbilical wound is its stay in a dry state. If you notice the discharge of fluid from the umbilical wound of a newborn, it gets wet, it is wet all the time and oozes, then this means that the healing process does not take place.

Analyze what you might be doing wrong. Maybe the navel "does not breathe" or after bathing, water remains in the umbilical bottom. Perhaps the solution you have chosen for treating the umbilical wound is not suitable for the baby: change the brilliant green to potassium permanganate or try an alcohol tincture of calendula. For many, xeroform powder quickly and effectively helps, but you should consult your doctor about its use.

If you see that the umbilical wound does not heal for a long time, then by all means show the navel to the pediatrician. In extremely rare cases, the navel may become wet and bloody for other reasons that require surgical treatment. In addition, there are cases when the vascular and connective tissue inside the navel begins to grow, forming granulomas. Such complications are treated with cauterization lapis - a special pencil with a silver-impregnated rod.

The umbilical wound in a newborn does not heal for a long time

Until complete healing, the navel remains an open wound and a free entrance for any infections. It is warm and humid here, and therefore pathogenic microbes feel very good and begin to multiply quite quickly. The inflammatory process in the navel is called omphalitis, and depending on its severity and characteristics of the course, doctors distinguish several types of omphalitis.

Usually the inflamed navel swells, becomes swollen, reddish, which may not be visible under coloring solutions (brilliant green, potassium permanganate) - that is why doctors prefer "transparent" treatment of the umbilical wound.

The skin around the inflamed navel may be hot, a putrid smell is felt from the inside, or fluid oozes, and pus is released. If you notice something like this, then you need to call the pediatrician at home or go to the site.

Why is the umbilical wound bleeding?

Unlike pus, blood from the navel of a newborn is released not only during inflammation. It often happens that after a seeming healing, a few days later, the navel begins to bleed again ... There is nothing to worry about if such cases are of an episodic nature and do not turn into constant oozing and blooming.

Most often, the umbilical wound begins to bleed when the baby strains the abdominal muscles - after straining during crying or defecation. When the navel is completely healed, the blood will stop leaking. But if it is repeated regularly, then you need to tell the doctor about it.

How long to treat the umbilical wound

It should be said that not all parents treat the umbilical wound, and even in such cases, healing often occurs quickly and without problems. But if you started to process the navel, then this should be done regularly, although not abusing: once a day will be enough, and it is not necessary to apply peroxide every time.

The navel is considered to be healed if no fluid is released from it and for a long time it remains dry, and the skin around the navel does not differ from the surrounding tissues - even, smooth, non-hot, non-inflamed. An indirect sign of this may be the absence of foaming after instilling hydrogen peroxide into the navel.

It is believed that the treatment of the navel can be stopped if it remains completely dry for more than two days, but the child at this point should have at least 2 weeks.

How many days does the umbilical wound heal

In general, the navel heals in everyone in different ways: both in duration and in concomitant symptoms. There are parents who have not encountered any problems associated with the umbilical wound. Others try, diligently follow all the recommendations for treatment and care - and the umbilical wound stubbornly does not heal.

The main thing is not to miss the moment when the child's navel needs to be shown to the pediatrician:

  • the skin around the navel is red, inflamed, hot;
  • the umbilical wound bleeds for more than 10 days in a row;
  • pus, ichor is released from the inside;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor from the navel;
  • the navel gets wet for more than three weeks.

In all other cases, if there is a positive trend, or at least there is no deterioration, you do not need to panic. The umbilical wound in all babies heals at different times: some lucky ones, a week after birth, no longer have any worries with the navel, others continue the treatment for up to a month or even more. But a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous in any case.

Especially for - Elena Semenova