What will your face turn into after a month of face fitness. Exercises for the top. Fitness for the face: contraindications

Sport is a source of health and beauty. We do fitness, improving our body, correcting what we don't like. But is it possible to correct the face with the help of fitness and how to achieve the "minus 10 years" effect without plastics?

It is no secret that with age, the skin of the face becomes less elastic and smooth: wrinkles appear, the oval of the face begins to "float", many have a double chin, lips lose their volume, eyebrows drop. And it is not only and not so much the skin that is to blame for these changes, the mimic muscles, which are designed to keep the face frame in good shape, give the slack.

“With age, muscle mass decreases, lymph stagnation occurs, microcirculation in tissues slows down,” notesElena Karkukli, founder and head coach of the Faceday club, -all this leads to a decrease in physiological functions. " To further exacerbate the situation:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol),
  • improper nutrition,
  • gravitational ptosis (drooping of the face),
  • mimic habits that deform the face and form the so-called "mimic masks",
  • improper posture and neck position,
  • the habits of stooping, lowering the head down.

But if the skin condition can be improved with cosmetics and procedures, the muscles need to be worked on. Just like we work with the muscles of the body. And face fitness will help with this - exercises on the facial muscles and relaxing lifting techniques.

Start doing face fitness at home right now with the face gymnastics course from Anastasia Burdyug. Learn more about the course.

Facial sports

In practice, face fitness is really very similar to normal, with the only difference that it is more delicate. And this is understandable: there are many differences between mimic and skeletal differences: the former are much thinner, weaker, have different functions and methods of attachment.
“The entire system of face fitness is aimed at working with the upper and middle layers of the facial muscles, as well as with the muscles of the neck,” explains Elena Karkukli, “there are both general strengthening complexes and directed, for example, specifically to remove the second chin, smooth the nasolabial or glabellar folds ".

When to start face fitness

“My youngest student is 19 years old,” says Elena. - With the help of face fitness, she reduced the second chin and highlighted the cheekbones. And for this she needed only a few lessons. And the most adult client is over 70, and she has already significantly improved her face, continues to study and becomes more and more attractive. " Elena herself began to practice face fitness four years ago - the result, as they say, is obvious.
Whether or not it is worth starting classes - each girl decides for herself, but, as Elena notes, it is never too late to master the method of preserving youth - to make yourself more beautiful, which means to cheer yourself up, give confidence.

On this topic:

How long will it last?

The effect of face fitness is cumulative. For some, it is very fast, for others, it takes longer. It depends on the existing age-related changes, facial habits and other individual characteristics. But, what is important, everyone has a result! Everyone who begins to regularly engage in face fitness, over time, notice how the oval of the face improves, the cheeks and eyelids noticeably rise, and the depth of wrinkles decreases. An added bonus to face fitness is that it has a positive effect on the overall. Microcirculation and lymphatic drainage improve, excess fluid leaves, and natural hydration is improved, the skin becomes fresh, healthy and toned. And these metamorphoses happen even if you start practicing in.

According to Elena Karkukli, the preservation of the effect of face fitness depends, first of all, on the duration of classes and the degree of age-related changes. It is absolutely ideal if, as a result of classes, you will be able to change mimic habits: stop pinching your lips, stooping, frowning, clenching your teeth, grimacing. This is perhaps not the most obvious, but the most important task of face fitness is not only to learn the correct exercises for certain muscles of the face, but also to get used to constantly relaxing the face, since the constant tension of facial muscles aggravates the appearance of age-related changes. If you regularly do special gymnastics for the face, you can change muscle memory from "harmful" to positive.

Who is not allowed to do face fitness

Of course, as in any sport, there are some contraindications, these include:

  • skin diseases,
  • acute disease of the facial nerves,
  • neuropathy,
  • viral, acute ENT diseases (bacteria can also spread to the body with lymph flow),
  • violation of cerebral circulation,
  • hypertension stage 3,
  • diseases for which sports are contraindicated.
  • How to enhance the action of face fitness

Just as fitness for the body will not work without observing the rules of nutrition and regular self-care, so face fitness must be supplemented with good facial care. Mandatory: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Elena Karkukli recommends, in addition to the set of exercises, to do lifting self-massage of the face and décolleté every day. It, in general, can be reduced to the correct application of the cream, and it only takes 1-2 minutes. It is good, in her opinion, to combine face fitness with massages by a specialist and facial osteopathy (delicate impact, the technique of which is based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology and even biomechanics).

What does it take to "work"?

Elena is sure that the main thing:

  • Believe it. “Face fitness bears fruit for everyone, always,” she assures.
  • Make daily 10-minute classes a system, introduce them into the daily routine.
  • Observe the main principles of face fitness: safety and delicacy.
  • While studying, it is better ... to under-finish than to do too much.

As in any sport, in face fitness, as they say, everything is in your hands. If you want to be successful, do not postpone the start of classes, do not skip workouts, follow the coach's recommendations. And then the result of face fitness - the same minus 10 years - will not be long in coming. Be healthy, beautiful and young!

With age, facial skin becomes less healthy and toned. Its firmness and elasticity decreases. Wrinkles appear and contours are lost. One of the main problems of aging skin is the formation of facial wrinkles and double chin. The eyebrows also go down and the volume of the lips is lost. The result of such changes lies not only in the skin, but also in the muscles that keep the face frame in good shape. That is why it is important not only to provide skin care, but also to exercise the muscles. This will help a unique m

Face fitness or how to tighten the skin without botox

Face fitness for the face is a set of the best exercises that are aimed at eliminating wrinkles and restoring the elasticity of the facial skin. Like humans, muscles need food, breathing and work. Using the technique, you can restore the tone of the muscle frame of the face.

Constant stress, lack of sleep, malnutrition - all these negative factors lead to the first signs of a "tired" face, which appear already at the age of 25.

By the age of 30, the signs of aging are more pronounced, and by the age of 40, wrinkles are clearly visible on the face, especially in the forehead and around the eyes. The contours of the face become less defined, the cheeks are lowered and additional folds are formed on the chin. This is due to the fact that facial muscles atrophy faster than other muscles. It becomes less firm and elastic.

A woman's youth is judged by the condition of her face. Specially developed gymnastics will allow avoiding the appearance of wrinkles for a long time.

All of these processes occur as a result of a deterioration in blood flow and inadequate nutrition of muscle tissue. Additional training is needed to keep the muscles elastic. Face fitness exercises will help restore elasticity to muscles and skin. They are aimed at working out the upper and middle muscles of the face, as well as the neck. There are several options for performing the technique. Some of the exercises are performed in combination to maintain overall skin and muscle health, others to address a specific problem.

Innovative complex

The first set of exercises was developed about 30 years ago by Carol Magio. After her husband said that she was becoming less attractive, the woman was not upset, but decided to start training her facial muscles. The result was worth all the efforts. Now the technique is actively used all over the world by both women and men. Before starting classes, you need to consider the basic facts:

  • Age indicators. The complex can be used from the age of 18. This will keep the facial muscles firm and elastic, preventing premature aging of the skin.
  • Regularity of classes. To achieve good results, you need to do your workouts every day. Just 10 minutes is enough and the effect will not keep you waiting. The first signs of improvement will be visible within a few weeks.
  • The correctness of the technique. Before starting gymnastics, you need to wash, dry your face and apply a moisturizer. It is important that the phases of muscle tension and relaxation are alternated and performed at regular intervals. At first, all exercises are performed near a mirror to control their correctness. Over time, this need disappears. At the end of classes, you need to wash. It is recommended to do gymnastics a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Additional effect. In order for the technique to bring the desired results, it is also important to pay attention to the intake of vitamins, a healthy diet and the choice of quality cosmetics.
  • Contraindications Like sports, fitness for the face can be harmful under certain conditions. They are not recommended for people who have skin diseases, neuropathy, viruses in the body and problems with facial nerves.
  • The duration of the effect. The technique is cumulative. Depending on age indicators and individual characteristics, the result can manifest itself in different ways. Even if a woman starts doing gymnastics at a mature age, the results will be. The effect will last and improve if the training is constant.

Where to start practicing

Gymnastics of the face does not require money, but it gives the same high results as when using special anti-aging products. A correctly selected set of exercises will help to return an attractive and healthy look to your face in a short time. Face fitness for beginners consists of simple basic exercises. They will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Smiling is one of the principles of face fitness. It allows you to tone a large number of facial muscles.

Face fitness for beginners: basic exercises

It is important to remember to exercise regularly if significant changes are planned. The basic course consists of a set of exercises developed by Carol Magio, it includes:

  • Working out the cheeks. One hand rests on a wall or vertical surface. It is necessary to push off from it in order to create resistance. Put your lips together, as when pronouncing the sound "O". The index and thumb are located in the cheek area. It is necessary to smile with the upper lip, forming the position of the mouth in the form of a horizontal narrow oval, as when pronouncing the sound "E". Repeat 10 times.
  • Correction of the nose. Put your hand as in the previous exercise. With your index finger, lift the tip of the nose to the top, pulling the upper lip to the bottom, and then relax. Repeat 20 times.
  • Lip contouring. The hand is in the same position. The mouth is closed, the corners of the lips are tense. It is necessary to imagine how the corners of the lips move up and down. The thumb and forefinger are directed behind the imaginary movements. Then perform light circular movements until a burning sensation appears. When changing movements, the interval should be about 20 seconds.
  • Adding volume to the lips. The hand is in the starting position. Tuck your upper lip inward and stretch your face forward, take your shoulders back. Next, you need to tap with your index finger in the middle of the upper lip, as when breaking a ball. Repeat until you feel a burning sensation, count to 20, then tap the corners of your mouth with your thumb and forefinger for a count of 20.
  • Filling the nasolabial folds. The hand is in the starting position. The lips are folded in the form of a narrow vertical oval. The face is stretched forward, the shoulders are stretched back. The thumb and forefinger are located at the corners of the mouth. It is necessary to imagine how the energy is directed from the corners of the lips to the corner of the nose, smoothly move your fingers along the nasolabial folds up and down. Repeat until a burning sensation appears. Then pulsate with your fingers for 30 seconds.
  • Filling the face. The hand is in the same position. You need to open your mouth and pull the corners of the lips inward so that the lips are as close to the teeth as possible. The face is stretched forward, the shoulders are pulled back, the thumb and forefinger are located at the corners of the mouth. Perform circular movements until a burning sensation appears. Then perform quick movements in a circle for 20 seconds.
  • Elimination of the glabellar fold. The hand is in the starting position. The fingers are located between the eyebrows and go up, the face is laid forward, the shoulders are back, the feet are well fixed. Hold the position for 20 seconds.
  • Lifting the eyelids. Hand as in the previous exercise. The index and thumb are located at the outer corners of the eyes. The lower eyelids are raised, the face is directed forward, the shoulders are directed back, the feet are fixed. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Working out the neck. One hand is in the starting position, the other covers the neck. The head is lifted up and relaxation is performed. Repeat 20 times.
  • Opening the eyes. The index finger is located between the eyebrows. The thumbs are bent around the corners of the eyes. Next, you need to close your eyes tightly, stretch your face forward, and your shoulders back, your feet strongly adhere to the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

In the pictures before and after, you can see how effectively the technique works.

Simple exercises from the developed complex are available to every woman.

Morning face fitness

It is very useful to do facial exercises not only before going to bed, but also in the morning. This allows you to warm up the muscles well and improve their blood circulation, charging a charge of vivacity for the whole day. You can make up a set of exercises yourself. The most effective of them will be:

  • Get rid of bags under the eyes and dark spots under the eyes. Place the pads of the index fingers near the outer corners of the eyes. Light pressure is applied, at which muscle resistance should be felt. Then you need to open your eyes wide, as if in surprise, and focus on a certain point. Hold the position for about 10 seconds.
  • Reduction of crow's feet. The ring, middle and index fingers are located in the region of the temples. You will need to slightly tighten the skin in the direction from the temple to the back of the head and squint the eye with the lower eyelid, slightly pressing on the muscle that is tense under the finger.
  • Contour and cheek tightening. Take a deep breath through your mouth, drawing in air and puffing out your cheeks. Then roll the balloon from one side to the other. Repeat 10 times. Elimination of wrinkles around the mouth. Press your lips together tightly and try to smile. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then fold the lips in a bow and pull it forward. The cheeks should be drawn in, but not tense. This exercise is very effective from the wings.
  • Elimination of vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. Press your fingers on both sides of the vertically located wrinkle on the forehead and stretch the skin slightly, slowly moving your arms to the sides. Hold the position for a minute. At the time of execution, you need to try to move your eyebrows. To remove horizontal wrinkles, you need to place your index fingers over the eyebrows and raise the eyebrows as if in surprise, resisting with the fingers.
  • Elimination of wrinkles in the neck. Lower your head forward as much as possible and hold the position for a minute. Then raise and lower back. Breathing should be even. Repeat 10 times.
  • Reduction of nasolabial folds and restoration of lip shape. The exercise is performed with a tea spoon. Its tip should be flat and wide. You will need to wrap your lips behind your teeth and insert a spoon in the middle. Having fixed it well, you need to try to smile by using the zygomatic muscles. In this position, linger for 15 seconds. The corners of the lips should be directed upwards and not diverge to the sides. Perform the exercise 20 times. When finished, pat your cheeks a little with your fingers.

Exercises to lift saggy skin can help you achieve quick results.

Doing face fitness in the morning can achieve amazing results.

Morning face fitness is effective method rejuvenation.

Face fitness from the double chin

A set of exercises is provided, which is aimed at eliminating folds in the chin area. Women face such a problem very often. This is due not only to skin aging, but also to poor posture. The following exercises will help get rid of a double chin:

  • Ladle. Open your mouth and put your lower lip behind your teeth. Imagine scooping up water with the bottom of your mouth. Lower your head forward, scoop up and close your mouth, while lifting your head up. Repeat up to 7 times.
  • Reach the nose. Stick out your tongue as far forward as possible and try to touch it to the tip of the nose. The lips should be relaxed at this time. Repeat 5 times.
  • Resistance. Place two fists under the chin and slowly lower the lower jaw, pressing on it with your fists. Muscle resistance should occur. Gradually, you need to increase the force of pressure, when it reaches its peak, hold the position for 3 seconds, then relax. Repeat up to 7 times.
  • Smile. Close your teeth and try to stretch your lips to the sides. Then start pressing the tip of your tongue against the palate, gradually increasing the force. Hold the pressure for about 5 seconds, then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat up to 8 times.
  • Buka. Draw air in your mouth and close your lips tightly, puffing out your cheeks. Press on the cheeks with your palms to create tension. Hold this position for up to 5 seconds, then exhale and relax. Repeat up to 6 times.
  • Formation of an oval. Turn your head to the left and push the lower jaw forward. The muscles on the left side should be tense. Hold the position for 15 seconds, then exercise on the right side. Repeat 5 times.
  • Reach the top. Raise your head up, pushing the lower jaw slightly, lips folded into a tube. There should be a feeling of tension in the neck. Hold in position for about 8 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

A set of exercises will help you quickly get rid of a double chin and get a good face contour.

Special complexes will allow you to get rid of specific local problems.

The body can be put in great shape through training and exercise. Face too! Thanks to special gymnastics, without expensive drugs and surgeries, it is quite possible to tighten the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles, and tone the muscles.

Age-related changes will affect everyone. And if some can afford to spend a lot of money on plastic surgery, anti-aging procedures or creams, then most are beyond their means.

Elena Karkukli and FaceDay magazine

But there is a great solution: face fitness versus botox! Elena Karkukli, at her Faceday Natural Facial Recovery Club, offers exercises that can achieve great results. A lot of desire and a little time - and it's really possible to lose a few years.

Without beauty injections and miraculous hardware interventions, the impact of which on health has not yet been studied. Without any financial costs. This is very important at this time of crisis.

But it is worth remembering that any workouts are effective only if you do them regularly.... A few minutes a day will be enough to see the effect.

The result of all this will be a fresher appearance, improved skin tone, return of youth. There are 57 muscles on the human face! And they lend themselves to training just as well as the muscles of the body. It's all about the system and systematicity.

The system of "face fitness against botox", promoted by Elena Karkukli, has helped thousands of women find youth.

Features of performing face fitness by Elena Karkukli

Face fitness versus botox! Facial gymnastics coach Elena Karkukli is ready to win this battle with confidence! After all, exercises are good because they can be performed at any age. For girls who have not yet felt the time on their beautiful faces, this technique will serve as an excellent prevention and will increase the period of youth.

For ladies in a more mature age, face fitness will help to cope with existing problems. That is, starting at 22-23 years old is quite normal: with regular training, age will not bother you for longer. In addition, the principle of this technique is complete safety.

Do not be afraid that the skin on your face will stretch, not tighten. It's all about the right exercises. Thanks to them, it is really possible to improve any area of ​​the face. For example, only 2 minutes are needed for exercises that improve the shape of the face and posture. A little less than five will take a complex for lifting the eyelids, smoothing wrinkles on the forehead.

A few more minutes will take 2 exercises to help lift the cheekbones and strengthen the cheeks. You can perform these exercises separately or in combination, which can be completely completed in 10-15 minutes. If this time is not available, then the express complex will help. It will take only 7 minutes.

A natural question may arise: how many times a week to practice? To see results - every day. If classes are held 2-3 times a week, then the effect will also be visible. But with daily training, the desired results are achieved faster. Moreover, it does not take much time.

Contraindications to face fitness

Despite its almost complete versatility, this technique has a number of contraindications:

Hypertension is a contraindication
  • Skin diseases. This includes both severe eczema, fungi, warts and minor pustules. It is not known where these problems may result.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerves, ENT diseases, neuropathy. Facial gymnastics can make the condition worse.
  • Problems with the lymphatic system. The transmission of bacteria is possible through it. And this will have a very deplorable effect on the whole body.
  • Impaired blood circulation in the brain.
  • Stage 3 hypertension. However, all hypertensive patients should use the Elena Karkukli's face fitness against botox system with caution, since pressure is a serious thing.
  • General poor health.
  • Any disease in an active form or in an exacerbation stage.

Face fitness complex from Elena Karkukli

Face fitness against botox by Elena Karkukli- these are just 6 exercises that can make a face change, help women regain self-confidence, take about 15 minutes, and return years!

Axial traction of the spine

A logical question arises: is the spine connected with the facial muscles? The spine is the framework with which all the muscles in the body are connected. It also adjusts the position of the head. And training its correct position will allow you to correct the chin line, restore the oval of the face, make the neck more graceful and higher. It turns out that this connection is very important.

The exercise is not difficult to complete. It is enough to imagine a magnet on the crown of the head pulling the whole body towards the ceiling. With this exercise, the back should be straightened, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the shoulders should be slightly lowered down.

The crown stretches upward as much as possible. At the same time, there should be no discomfort in the muscles. Ideally, be in this position always, since it contributes to the correction of posture, which in turn leads to relaxation of the muscles of the cervical spine.

Moving scalp, or "pulling off hair"

This exercise is aimed at reducing facial swelling, giving the face a blooming appearance and tightening its upper part.

A strange exercise at first glance. It is necessary to divide the hair into large sections. Grab a large section of hair at the roots and gently pull first up and then to the sides. Repeat until the strands run out. It should be pulled gently and carefully, without creating painful or unpleasant sensations.

Exercise "ladle"

An excellent face fitness exercise that serves as an example against botox for to reduce the double chin, to restore a clear line of the lower jaw, in order to completely relax the chin and neck.

Elena Karkukli clarifies, it does not matter how to perform it: sitting or standing. The main thing is that the body is exactly vertical, the back is straight. Stretch the neck as in the exercise "axial traction of the spine".

Turn the head slightly to the side, the chin is slightly raised and it is slightly necessary to push the lower jaw. In this case, there should be a pleasant feeling of stretching of the muscles of the chin and neck. It’s just pleasant. Otherwise, the exercise is performed incorrectly.

For 20 seconds, you need to pat the chin with light movements. Then turn your head the other way and repeat the exercise. Do not forget to monitor the correct position of the head. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the chin: they should not be tense.


A wonderful exercise, because it can increase the volume of the lips (and also relax them), get rid of the habit of pinching them, which helps to reduce the number of wrinkles around the lips, which can show the real age of their owner.

A small plastic stopper (such as wine) or cap should be put in your mouth. At the same time, the lips should be relaxed, and the teeth should be closed (but not clenched).

The cap should only fit between the lips. In this case, there should be no folds around the lips. You need to hold the cap for about half a minute. If the exercise is performed correctly, then at the end of the exercise, lightness should form in the lips.

Lift of the temples and corners of the eyes

Exercise aimed at raising the temples, the outer part of the upper eyelids and reducing the temporal cavities. An excellent anti-aging exercise. It is with such problems that they most often try to cope with the help of plastic surgery.

"Fitness against Botox" Elena Karkukli shows the exercise "lifting the temples"

The execution is not difficult. You need to put your palms to the temples, pull them up a few millimeters, to the crown. Then, letting go of her hands, you need to slowly open and then close your mouth. Repeat at least 20-30 times. If done correctly, muscle movement should be felt under the palms.

Cheek Raising Spoon Exercises

It is also a very important "age" exercise, as it helps to reduce nasolabial folds, lip augmentation, and also helps to make the cheekbones higher. In a simple way - remove the "flew".

An inventory is needed here: a light teaspoon with a wide flat end. To perform this exercise correctly, you should try to tuck your lips so that they are behind your teeth. Then you need to insert a spoon into your lips. Further, holding the spoon, you need to slowly smile widely.

It is important to make sure that the corners of the lips move upward when smiling, but not to the sides.

This exercise should be done at least 20 times, after which the lips should be kept in a smile for about half a minute.

After that, the lips should be relaxed, without releasing the spoon from the mouth, while patting the cheeks with your fingers. Do 1-3 sets. It is better to perform them in front of a mirror: make sure that wrinkles do not form. If found, gently hold the skin with your hands.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that there is no tension in the neck muscles or chin. There should also be no movement of the lower jaw.

These exercises are not difficult to perform. And the result is amazing! Elena Karkukli's face fitness against botox offers a toned, fresh face without signs of fatigue. The secret of youth is no longer a secret. The main thing is regularity and consistency, and the result is minus a few years on the face.

Videos about face fitness from Elena Karkuli

How Elena Karkuklina fights against botex with her face fitness technique:

Face fitness from Elena Karkukli:

V last years, there has been a steady trend in the use of everything natural and natural. Only your own efforts and a minimum of interference! Face fitness and other facial gymnastics techniques were taken up by this movement and gained immense popularity among Russian women. The exercises are not difficult to perform and can be performed by a woman herself at home.

What is face fitness?

Face fitness is a facial exercise system. She embodies the idea of ​​preserving youth without resorting to plastic and beauty injections. It was first dubbed by a plastic surgeon from Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. His book on face fitness has been published in German and English.

The technique really worked, but did not gain popularity. Only a few decades later, after introducing it into her program Jack LaLane (09/29/1915-22/01/2011), she became widely known. This bodybuilding and fitness guru, as well as a nutritional expert, played sports until his death. By his example, he proved that a person himself can build his body and improve his health to the limits limited only by his own strength and laziness.

In Russia, this method of rejuvenation has become known relatively recently, only since the early 2000s. But, as in the world, the idea did not take root right away. This is due to the widespread belief that getting younger is possible only through surgery and injections, as well as the persistent stereotypical opinion that intense touching and stretching of the skin can worsen its condition.

Will fitness for the face remove minus 10 years in 10 minutes and is it a 100% guarantee against wrinkles in old age? You shouldn't be encouraging yourself with such promises. Your skin won't stop aging. But she will look better than those who do not do gymnastics. And you will never have to resort to plastic surgery and injections, the consequences of which bring very disastrous results.

How does face fitness work?

Face fitness for the face aims to work out the weakened muscles under the skin. Over time, they get tired of holding the "frame", become the cause of the appearance of wrinkles, loss of contour, and the appearance of a double chin. Performing the same movements - facial expressions, emotions, muscles remember creases and form folds that become wrinkles.

Uniform loads make muscles stronger and increase their resistance. These, in turn, create a solid foundation for the skin. Metabolism improves, active blood circulation, lymph movement is stimulated. The overall skin condition and complexion are naturally improved. Women notice the smoothness, elasticity, firmness and radiance of the skin after completing gymnastics courses, as well as reducing inflammation, rashes and age spots. Face fitness copes with these problems no worse than salon procedures or traditional medicine.

For most exercises, only hands are needed, but in some cases they resort to using auxiliary objects: banks, spoons, special simulators.

Basic principles of face fitness.


Face fitness is useful at any age. But here it is obvious that the sooner the better! Basic exercises can be done from the age of 18. This will preserve the firmness and elasticity of the face, and prevent premature aging of the skin.

Regularity of classes

Exercising for the face is enough for only 10-20 minutes a day. But that would be the result, you need to do it every day! And after a couple of weeks, undoubtedly, you can notice positive changes.

Preparation and adherence to technique

Exercise is best done in the morning and evening two hours before bedtime. The skin of the face and hands must be cleaned, dried and moisturized with a suitable cream. To get used to the technique, it is better to do the first lessons strictly according to the instructions and in front of a mirror. An experienced trainer can also be of great help. For exercise, it is recommended to sit comfortably, and you also need to monitor your posture, do not slouch. The skin should not be stretched too much, as new wrinkles may appear. At the end, the face needs to be washed and moisturized.

A complex approach

Proper nutrition, taking vitamins and high-quality cosmetics - all this will help you get the desired and good result!

Saving the effect

A slight burning sensation, tingling sensation after exercise is not a cause for concern and refusal to exercise, but an indicator that the muscles have begun to work fruitfully. But it shouldn't hurt, it can harm the vessels and increase the sensitivity of the skin, thereby harming it. The effect of exercise accumulates and manifests itself in different ways, depending on age and individual characteristics.

Face fitness changes a woman's attitude to her face and makes them control their facial habits, stop grimacing and frown, and follow their posture. A positive attitude, a smile and regular training will help to maintain and improve the result!

Take a look at the site for healthy habits to help improve and maintain good skin condition.


Fitness for the face is contraindicated in:

  1. Skin diseases (abscesses, eczema, warts, fungi);
  2. Neuropathies and diseases of the facial and trigeminal nerve;
  3. Traumatic brain injury and cerebrovascular accident;
  4. Oncology;
  5. Thyroid problems;
  6. Diseases of the ENT organs (runny nose, sinusitis);
  7. Hypertension stages 2 and 3;
  8. General poor health;
  9. Care should be taken with facial paresis and paralysis;
  10. If in doubt, consult an appropriate physician.

How to start practicing?

The result of facial gymnastics is sometimes comparable to the effect of special anti-aging techniques. The basic set consists of four simple exercises. Their essence lies in creating tension in the main muscles of the face: on the forehead, around the eyes, in the cheeks and on the neck.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the forehead

  1. Place your hands on your forehead and lightly press the skin;
  2. Now try to wrinkle your forehead by lifting your eyebrows up. Your palms will create resistance and interfere with movement;
  3. Stay tense for 15 seconds;
  4. Then relax.

Repeat 20 times in the morning and in the evening. The systematic repetition of this exercise smoothes the skin of the forehead.

Exercise for the eye area (against crow's feet)

  1. Press your index and middle fingers to the outer corners of your eyes;
  2. Try to close your eyes and close your eyes at the same time. You will feel that the fingers will also create resistance and prevent the skin from clenching along with the muscles;
  3. Hold in a tense state for 15 seconds.

Repeat 20 times in the morning and in the evening. Exercise smoothes the skin around the corners of the eyes.

Exercise for the cheeks

  1. Fold your lips tightly and pull forward with a "duck";
  2. Then press your cheeks tightly with your palms;
  3. Next, try to open your mouth and smile broadly. Feel the tension in your cheek muscles and hold for 15 seconds and relax.

Repeat 20 times in the morning and in the evening. This exercise strengthens the lips, muscles of the nasolabial triangle and eliminates the "flews".

Exercise for the neck

  1. Tilt your head back, pull your chin up;
  2. Next, squeeze and unclench your jaws intensively, as if you are chewing;
  3. Then push the lower jaw forward and gently move it to the right and left. At the same time, you should feel intense tension not only in the chin, but also in the lateral muscles of the neck.


These four exercises do not exhaust all the possibilities of this technique. Based on experience, trainers and experts from all over the world have developed numerous programs and courses. On the pages of the site you can find the most famous and best fitness exercises for the face.

Fitness for the face will help get rid of wrinkles, as well as slow down the process of deformation of the oval of the face

Fitness for the face, the video of which is presented in the article, is necessary for every woman. Systematic training makes it possible to get rid of wrinkles, as well as slow down the process of deformation of the face oval.

Face fitness effect

To look younger, women resort to a variety of tricks. The use of numerous face creams designed to moisturize, smooth and nourish the skin with valuable substances, "beauty injections" and face lifting. However, all this in a number of cases gives only a temporary result. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple: creams have only a superficial effect, while aging processes are primarily associated with the loss of muscles of their original tone. And muscles, as you know, keep their shape only if they are subjected to regular stress.

With facial fitness, you can restore firmness to your muscles. If you practice regularly, the effect will not be long in coming: you will look much younger, and therefore more attractive.

Advice!The main thing is faith in the result. Rest assured that you will succeed, and within a few weeks you will start receiving compliments!

When should you start?

The golden rule of self-care is: "The sooner the better." After all, prevention is always more effective than dealing with the consequences. As a rule, women do not find time to take care of themselves: at first it seems that the first signs of aging are still far away, then work and family take too much energy. And now the reflection in the mirror ceases to please: wrinkles, nasolabials, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

It is best to start doing facial fitness at the age of 18-20. Then the effect will gradually accumulate, and by 30 you will look much younger than your peers. The creator of one of the fitness systems for the face, Alena Rossoshinskaya, claims that it was necessary to start "already yesterday": the sooner you start exercising, the more pronounced the result will be. However, it is never too late to start exercising: in any case, you will quickly notice the positive effect.

Advice!Try to do the exercises in a good mood. This will make them even more effective.

Fitness for face with Alena Rossoshinskaya

Alena Rossoshinskaya does not promise miracles: it is impossible to beat age. At 50, no one looks like a young girl. However, if you regularly perform the proposed exercises, then even at 80 years old you will have a tightened oval of the face, and, on the contrary, sagging cheeks and deep nasolabial folds will not appear.

Exercises should be performed regularly: only in this case they will bring results. Do not forget about the usual care: creams, masks and regular cleansing. It also makes sense to combine fitness with various salon treatments.

Advice! Immediately after completing your chosen set of exercises, pamper yourself with a cup of coffee or a hot bath. Thanks to this, a positive association between exercise and a stimulus that is pleasant for you will form in the subconscious.

How to do the exercises correctly?

In order for the exercises to bring the desired effect, a number of rules must be followed:

  • You should train in front of a mirror. This will make it possible to do the exercises correctly and control yourself;
  • Exercises are performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening;
  • During the exercise, you should fully concentrate on your feelings: in no case should you be distracted;
  • If you feel unwell, you cannot do exercises;
  • It is strictly forbidden to stretch the skin too much: in this case, you run the risk of earning new wrinkles, and not getting rid of existing defects;
  • The entire complex should be performed completely, even if the exercise affects areas of the face that are not affected by age-related changes.

Advice!It is advisable to do the exercises in solitude: during the lesson you can look quite funny.

Exercises for the upper half of the face

First of all, you should warm up slightly: just like before strength training in the gym. The complex begins with a light scratching of the scalp. It is performed with the pads of the fingers, you should move from the temples and the back of the head to the crown. Exercise will help you cheer up, tune in to the next complex, and also improve your complexion.

Then you can start to activate the body. This exercise is based on oriental medicine: it is believed that biologically active points are concentrated on the auricle of a person, the stimulation of which leads to an improvement in the functioning of internal organs. The auricles should be rubbed and pulled in different directions.

After rubbing the auricles, it is the turn of the exercises for the eyebrows and forehead. Press your fingers to your forehead and try to frown. A total of 20 such "approaches" need to be done. Exercise helps to smoothen your forehead, lift your eyelids, and tighten existing wrinkles.

For the skin of the eyelids to be elastic, it is required to press with the pads of the fingers on the area under the eyes and close your eyes with all your might. You need to hold out in this way for 20 seconds.

Advice! After you are finished with your exercises, apply a firming or toning mask to your face.

Exercises for the lower half of the face

To restore facial contours and prevent nasolabial folds, the following exercise is recommended. Press firmly against the skin of your cheeks with your palms, then try to puff out your cheeks. After that, with large tweaks, go over the cheeks from the corners of the lips to the cheekbones. In this case, the skin should not be stretched!

To improve the contour of your lips, imagine that you are making the sound "O". Pull your lips forward as hard as you can, hold this position for 40-50 seconds.

You can get rid of a double chin by regularly repeating the following exercise. Place your fists under your chin and press lightly. In this case, you cannot move your head. You need to repeat the exercises 20 times.

Advice!In order for the skin and muscles to be better supplied with oxygen, exercise should be done in a well-ventilated area.

Facebook building with Evgeniya Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk created an author's course of facial exercises, which is very popular among women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for a long time. The system has proven itself from the best side: many note the onset of a fairly quick effect.

You can see the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk by visiting the YouTube channel of the author of the system:

Regular face-building allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Getting rid of existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • Getting rid of "bags" under the eyes;
  • Increasing the elasticity of the zygomatic muscles;
  • Getting rid of double chin and nasolabial folds;
  • Creation of an attractive face contour.

Advice! Exercise to your favorite tunes!

Basic principles of fitness for the face from Evgeniya Baglyk

The result of regular exercise developed by Evgeniya Baglyk is achieved due to the fact that the muscles and skin of the face begin to be better supplied with oxygen. This improves muscle tone and improves complexion.

In order to achieve the result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • When massaging your face, you should use high-quality natural oils that do not contain artificial fragrances;

Advice! If you light an aroma lamp before you start exercising, you can combine facial fitness with aromatherapy!

Exercises for the eye contour

In order to prevent sagging of the eyelids and the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, it is recommended to do the following exercises:

  • Blink vigorously for a few seconds;
  • Make several circular movements with your head in one direction or the other;
  • "Draw" a figure eight with your eyes, while keeping your head motionless;
  • Press two fingers to the corners of your eye and try to open your eyelids as wide as possible, and then close your eyes. In this case, you do not need to move your eyebrows;
  • Place two fingers at the corner of your eye. Open your eye as wide as possible, try to see the ceiling, while slightly pulling the lower eyelid downward;
  • This exercise allows you to enlarge your eyes. Open your eyelids as wide as possible, hold in this position for 15 seconds. The exercise should be repeated several times a day.

Advice!When you memorize all the exercises and the need to do them in front of the mirror disappears, you can do face building while taking a bath.

Lip exercises

These exercises will help you get rid of wrinkles and give your lips a more attractive shape.

  • Spank with relaxed lips while making the "P" sound. This is a warm-up that will prepare you for the following exercises;
  • Place your palms against the corners of your lips, pressing them firmly. Make a movement as if you are sending an air kiss, while the corners of the lips should be fixed;
  • This exercise will help to avoid drooping of the corners of the lips. Lift the corners of your mouth with your fingers, fix your fingers at the top point. After that, lift the corners of the lips with the help of facial muscles, resisting with your fingers;
  • Open your mouth so that it takes the shape of an oval. Press the corners of your mouth with your fingers and make a movement, imitating a fish: then stretch your lips, then lower them. Only the lips work, the cheeks should be completely relaxed.

Advice!Take photos of your face regularly: by comparing photos, you can see the results of your efforts!

Exercises to improve facial contours

By regularly performing these exercises, you can prevent age-related deformities of the face oval.

  • The following exercise will help you tone your cheek muscles. Stretch out your mouth with the letter "O". Place your index fingers in your mouth in such a way as to cover the entire lower arch. As you move your cheek muscles, try to move your fingers to your tongue. Repeat the exercise several times;
  • To form a beautiful line of cheekbones, stretch out your mouth with the letter "O", and place your index fingers under the upper lip at a slight angle. Lower your fingers while moving the muscles of the upper lip. You should feel tension around the nose: this is a signal that the exercise is being performed correctly;
  • This exercise also contributes to the formation of beautiful cheekbones. Stretch out your mouth with the letter "O". Stand in front of a mirror, try, without helping yourself with your fingers, to tighten the zygomatic muscles to the eye area. The corners of the mouth shouldn't work.

Advice!Treat your skin with care: Face building is not strength training. In no case should you stretch the skin.

Sculptural facelift for face with Galina Dubinina

Thanks to the set of exercises from Galina Dubinina, you can refuse plastic surgery and expensive salon procedures: many women who practice this system note a fairly quick and noticeable effect.

The main idea of ​​facelift is to influence the deep layers of the skin, due to which the effect of rejuvenation occurs. The set of exercises has no contraindications, therefore, any woman can do facelift, regardless of age and state of health. In addition, facelift has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, which distinguishes it from other fitness rejuvenation systems.

You can see how the exercises are performed in this video:

Advice! If you've recently had plastic surgery, postpone your classes for six months.

Exercises by Galina Dubinina

To prevent sagging neck skin, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back. Raise your head up as much as you can. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times;
  • Take the "embryonic" pose with your knees pulled up towards you. Freeze for one minute.

To get rid of a double chin:

  • Tilt your head back, trying to touch the tip of your tongue to your chin;
  • Open your mouth, move your tongue first forward, then up.

These exercises must be repeated 15–20 times.

To strengthen the eyelids:

  • Raise your eyebrows, look up. Start blinking your lower eyelid, counting to twenty;
  • To get rid of the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, stretch your eyes to the temples and blink for a couple of minutes.

To tone and firm the cheeks:

  • Pull your lower jaw forward. Place your lower lip on your upper lip, then swap them. Repeat the exercise 20 times;
  • Press your lips together as tightly as possible, press the corners with your fingers. Start tightening and relaxing your lips. It is necessary to make 20 such "approaches".

To improve the shape of the face:

  • Smile 20 times. Place your finger on the checkmark above your upper lip and smile 16 more times;
  • Purse your upper lip with your teeth and smile 16 more times.

Advice!Believe in yourself! You can achieve any goal you set if you really want it.