Age features of the body. Age features of the development of a child of preschool age

Knowledge of the age characteristics of a child's development facilitates the construction of a system of physical education at this age, helps the correct construction of physical education classes (programming, selection and dosage of exercises, choice of methods of physical and motor training, etc.). Helps to monitor the physical and mental development of children.

The first years of a child's life are characterized by rapid growth and development of the body. Morphological indicators are intensively increasing: height and body weight, chest girth (Table 1).

The mass of newborn girls averages 3.3 kg, boys - 3.4 kg by the year the mass triples. In the second year of life, the child adds 2.5-3.5 kg, in the third year, 1.5-2.0 kg. At the fourth, fifth and sixth years of life, the annual increase is 1.5-2.0 kg. From the age of 7, an increased increase in body weight begins.

Like changes in mass, growth gains are uneven. The average height of newborns is 50 cm. During the first year of life, the height of a child increases by 25 cm. For the second and third years, it increases annually by 8 cm, and from 4 to 7 years, the annual increase in growth is 5-7 cm.

Table 1 Average indicators of body weight and height of healthy children of early and preschool age (according to Yu.F. Zmanovsky, 1989)

When a baby is born, the circumference of his head is larger than the circumference of his chest. The circumference of the head of a newborn child is 34 cm, and the chest is 33 cm. During the first year of life, the circumference of the head increases by 12 cm, becoming equal to 46 cm; in the second year, the head circumference increases only by 2 cm, over the next 4 years, the head circumference increases by another 3 cm, and by the age of 6 its value is 51 cm. By the end of the first year of life, the chest circumference reaches 48 cm, at 5 years - 56 cm , at 15 years old - 73 cm.

Age-related changes in body proportions. In a newborn, the length of the head is 1/4 of the total height, in a 2-year-old - 1/5, in a 6-year-old -1/6, and in an adult -1/8. In newborns, the length of the upper and lower limbs is approximately the same and is 1/3 of the height. By the age of 7, the legs lengthen from 18 cm to 57 cm, that is, more than three times. During the same period, the length of the arms increases by a little more than 2 times and becomes equal to 41 cm. The body increases to 37 cm, that is, 2 times. Over the entire period of development, the length of the legs increases 5 times, the arms - 4 times, and the body - 3 times.

From 2-3 years old, the formation of bone tissue with a lamellar structure begins. The process of ossification of the skeleton occurs gradually, throughout the entire period of childhood. The formation of physiological curves of the spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions continues throughout the entire preschool period (when the child begins to hold his head, lie on his back, sit, walk). The spine of children is characterized by mobility, its physiological curves are unstable and smooth out when the child lies down. The soft mass of the skeleton is easily amenable to influences that change its shape: incorrect body position when sitting, standing, lying down. Incorrect postures quickly become habitual, posture disorders appear that adversely affect the function of blood circulation, respiration, and abnormal bone growth occurs.

The skeletal system in children is richer in cartilage than in adults. Therefore, the bones of the child are soft, flexible, do not have sufficient strength, are easily distorted and acquire an irregular shape under the influence of adverse external factors (physical exercises that do not correspond to the functional and age capabilities of children, clothes, shoes, furniture that do not correspond to the growth of the child, etc.). ) .

The formation of the arch of the foot begins in the first year of life, most intensively with the beginning of walking and continues at preschool age.

During normal walking, the feet are placed in relation to the median (sagittal) plane of the body at an angle of up to 35 degrees. This is the most beneficial support. In most children, when walking, the feet are parallel, while in small ones they are slightly turned inward. If the angle of breeding the feet of children is wider than their own palm, then an overload of the internal arch of the feet is created under the weight of the body. This is one of the reasons for the subsidence of the arch, that is, the formation of flat feet.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of appropriate shoes (with heels), to use exercises to strengthen and properly form the arch of the foot.

The muscular system in a young child is still underdeveloped compared to an adult, and muscle mass is about 25% of his body weight, while in an adult it is on average 40-43%. In children of preschool age, the extensor muscles are underdeveloped and rather weak, so the child often takes the wrong posture: head down, shoulders drawn together, stooped back. By the age of 5, the mass of muscles increases significantly, especially the muscles of the lower extremities increase, the strength and performance of the muscles increase. Indicators of muscle strength reflect both the features of age-related development and the influence of physical education. The strength of the muscles of the hand increases from 3.5-4 kg at the age of 3-4 years to 13-15 kg by 7 years. Already from the age of 4, there are differences in the performance of boys and girls. The strength of the muscles of the body (backbone strength) by the age of 7 increases almost 2 times from 15-17 kg at 3-4 years to 32-34 kg.

A feature of the central nervous system of a child in the first years of life is the incompleteness of the morphological structure and functional development of the cerebral cortex.

At this age, the nervous processes are not strong enough and mobile, but the conditioned reflex connections are very strong and very difficult to alter. Therefore, in the process of physical education, it is necessary to teach children how to perform this or that exercise correctly, since the acquired skill is firmly and permanently fixed. Simple movements learned with errors will make it impossible to form more complex motor skills correctly in the future.

During the preschool period, there is a pronounced restructuring of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to a more economical and efficient level of functioning, in connection with which the capabilities of children increase when performing muscular activity.

In the first years of life, the cardiovascular system of a child undergoes significant morphological and functional changes. The mass of the heart increases from 70.8 g in children 3-4 years old to 92.3 g in 6-7 years old, due to which the strength of heart contractions increases and the efficiency of the heart increases.

The number of heartbeats in newborns 120-140, at 1 year 120-125, at 2 years 110-115, 3 years 105-110, 4 years 100-105, 5 years 98-100, 6 years 90-95, 7 years 85 -90. Gender differences in heart rate were noted: in boys less than in girls of the same age.

Blood pressure increases with age: in the first year of life it is 80-85 / 55-60 mm Hg. Art., at the age of 3-7 years ranges from 80-110 / 50-70 mm Hg. Art. The working capacity of the heart increases, the adaptive ability to physical activity increases: the value of indicators of the cardiovascular system decreases (pulse, blood pressure, stroke and minute volumes of blood circulation) in response to a standard muscle load, and the recovery period is shortened.

Respiratory rate decreases with age: by the end of the first year of life it is 30-35 per minute, by the end of the third - 25-30, and at 4-7 years old - 26-22. With age, the depth of breathing and pulmonary ventilation increases, oxygen consumption increases almost 2 times. These data indicate that the functional capabilities of children are great and fully meet the needs of growth and development.

An increase in the level of morphological and functional development of the main systems of the body also provides an increase in the physical performance of children. The ability to perform continuous work increases from 10 to 25-30 minutes, while the total amount of work increases by about 2.5 times.

Active movements in two-year-old children account for 70% of the time of wakefulness, and in three-year-olds - at least 60%. With age, the number of movements in children increases. The intensity of physical activity - the average number of movements per minute - is approximately 38-41 in children 2 years old, 43-50 - 2.5 years, 44-51 - 3 years. Children are characterized by a frequent change of movements and postures - up to 550-1000 times a day. Given this feature, it is necessary to provide a variety of motor activities for children, creating conditions for different movements.

Failure to comply with the age characteristics and capabilities of the child in the learning process, and so on. the acceleration of the pace of children's learning causes unbearable tension of the body, which is harmful to the health and neuropsychic development of children. Knowledge of the characteristics of the development of the organism of preschool children is a prerequisite for the construction of physical education classes.

During the first six years of life, a child grows and develops intensively. The skeletal and muscular systems are actively formed. The skeleton of a child is different from that of an adult. The newborn has a large head, a massive body and short arms and legs. The length of the lower segment of the body (up to the pubic joint), which in a newborn is 38% of the total body length, increases to 42% at three years, and reaches 49.5% in six-year-olds.

The skeletal system of a preschool child is rich in cartilage tissue. The bones are soft, flexible, not strong enough. They contain a significant amount of water and only 13% of mineral salts. The joints are very mobile, the ligamentous apparatus is easily stretched, the tendons are weaker and shorter than in adults. Ossification of the musculoskeletal system begins in children aged 2-63 years. During this period, bends are formed in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine. However, the lumbar column is very elastic and various postural disorders occur due to adverse environmental conditions.

Muscles in preschool children are relatively poorly developed and account for 20-25% of body weight. The flexor muscles are more developed than the extensor muscles, so children often take incorrect postures: the head is lowered, the shoulders are brought forward, the back is stooped. Muscle development occurs in a certain sequence. First, large muscle groups develop, later small ones. Therefore, it is easier for small children to move with the whole hand. Muscle fatigue in preschoolers occurs very quickly.

The skin of a child is much thinner and more delicate than the skin of an adult. She is more easily injured. The blood vessels of the skin are elastic and can accommodate a large amount of blood. Through the thin skin, the blood easily gives off its heat. The body's thermal equilibrium is disturbed faster than in an adult.

The cardiovascular system undergoes morphological and functional changes during the preschool period. The mass of the heart increases from 70.8 g in a 3-4 year old to 92.3 in a 6 year old child. Heart rate (HR) fluctuates in children of younger and preschool age within 85-105 beats / min, older 78-99 beats / min, and girls have 5-7 beats more than boys. The pulse changes depending on the physiological state of the body: during sleep it slows down, during wakefulness it increases. Deviations in the magnitude of blood pressure are relatively rare. Normally, systolic pressure at the age of three years is 103 mm Hg, 4 years - 104, at 5 years - 105, at 6 years - 106 mm Hg.

Prolonged physical and mental stress 5 can adversely affect the activity of the heart and lead to a violation of cardiac activity. Therefore, great care must be taken when dosing physical activity on the child's body.

The developmental feature of the child's respiratory system is different. By the age of 3-4, the chest type of breathing is established, but by the age of 6, the structure of the lung tissue has not yet been completed. The upper airways are relatively narrow, which limits the possibility of pulmonary ventilation. The chest is raised, as it were, and the ribs cannot fall as low as in an adult, so children are not able to take deep breaths and exhales. Much more blood flows through the lungs in a preschool child than in an adult. This satisfies the need of the child's body for oxygen, caused by an intensive metabolism.

During the period of preschool childhood, the most complex process of the formation of the nervous system is carried out. The main differentiation of nerve cells occurs before the age of three and almost ends at the end of preschool age. As the nervous system develops, static and dynamic functions of balance are formed, however, great excitability, reactivity and high plasticity of the nervous system remain. The most important feature of the development of the nervous system of a preschooler is the predominance of excitation over inhibition, instability of attention, impulsiveness in behavior, great emotionality, concreteness of perception and thinking.

Knowledge of the age characteristics of the development of the child will help to choose physical exercises, tempering procedures, monitor the physical and mental development of children.

The body of a preschooler is developing rapidly. During the first seven years of his life, not only all the internal organs increase, but their functions also improve. The main indicators of the physical development of the child are height, body weight and chest circumference. Knowing these indicators, it is possible to compare the data on the physical development of children of a particular child in a group with the average developmental indicators of children of the corresponding age (see Table 1)

Table 1.

Average indicators of physical development of children aged 3-6 years (according to Shebeko V.N. et al., 1996)

Indicators of physical development

Age, years

Body weight, kg

Body length, cm


Body weight, kg

Body length, cm

Chest circumference, cm

To ensure the normal physical development of the child, to give him the necessary load in physical education, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical features of the child's body. Peculiarities of children's movements, their coordination abilities change significantly from age to age, which significantly affects the organization of physical education classes.

Muscular system in children it is formed on the basis of the development of the nervous system and an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles, and this process occurs unevenly. In young years bones the child is rich in blood vessels, contain a small amount of salts. They are elastic, flexible, easily deformed and distorted, since the osseous system of 2-3 year old children has significant areas of cartilage tissue, weak, soft joints and ligaments. Toddlers do not yet have stable curves of the spine, which appear only by the age of four. All this must be taken into account when conducting physical education classes.

Particular attention should be paid to the development arch of the foot, since in the second and partially in the third year of life it is flattened. Therefore, it is useful to exercise babies in lifting, walking on an inclined plane and a ribbed board.

Small children breathe shallowly, often, unevenly, as respiratory the musculature is not yet fully formed. The development of the body of a child who masters walking leads to a restructuring of the breathing process and a gradual strengthening of the corresponding organs. The frequency normalizes, abdominal and then thoracic type of breathing appears, the lung capacity increases. Breathing quickens only with excitement or physical exertion. Taking into account the peculiarities of the respiratory system of preschoolers, care should be taken that they are as much as possible in the fresh air (A.P. Chabovskaya, 1971).

Prolonged physical and mental stress can adversely affect the activity of the heart and lead to violations of its function. Therefore, it is necessary with great care to dose the physical load on the child's body. The work of the heart is closely related to muscle development. Regular exercise trains the heart muscle, leading to a gradual decrease in heart rate.

Early and preschool age is characterized by significant changes not only in physical but also in motor development (Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov, 2004) (see Table 2).

At preschool age, all internal organs (lungs, heart, liver, kidneys) increase and their functions improve. The nervous system is actively developing. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened: cartilage tissue is gradually replaced by bone tissue, muscle mass and strength increase significantly. The formation of bone and muscle systems creates the prerequisites for the successful assimilation of various movements.

Skeletal system

Ligaments, joints provide the position of the body and the possibility of movement of its parts, performing a protective function. The bone tissue of a child contains water and only 13% of mineral salts, i.e. the elasticity of the bones prevents fractures. The joints in children are very mobile, the ligamentous apparatus is easily stretched, the tendons are shorter and weaker.

Excessive physical activity adversely affects the development of the skeleton, delays the growth of bones. Moderate exercise, on the contrary, stimulates the growth of bones, contributes to their strengthening.

Physiological curves of the spine are formed up to 6-7 years. The structure of the bone tissue of the vertebrae is not yet complete, the vertebral column is very elastic, consisting mainly of cartilage tissue. Due to unfavorable conditions, posture disorders may occur (the head is lowered, the back is bent, the shoulders are brought forward, etc.) Conditioned reflex connections reinforce the wrong position of the body, the skill of correct posture is lost, which can lead to spinal curvature.

The formation of posture is significantly influenced by the static-dynamic function of the foot. A change in the shape of the foot can cause a displacement of the pelvis, curvature of the spine, and posture disorders in different planes. The diagnosis of flat feet is confirmed by plantography - a foot print using coloring solutions.

Muscular system

Muscles in children are poorly developed and make up 20-22% of body weight. They contain more water than proteins and fats. The flexor muscles are more developed than the extensor muscles. Children 3-4 years old often take the wrong posture - the head is lowered, the shoulders are brought forward, the back is stooped.

By the age of 5, muscle mass (especially of the lower extremities) increases significantly, muscle strength and performance increase, but children are not yet capable of prolonged physical activity.

Working with alternating tension and muscle relaxation is less tiring for the child than holding the muscles in a fixed position. Dynamic work promotes active blood flow to muscles and bones, which ensures their intensive growth.

The cardiovascular system

The blood vessels are wider than in adults. Blood pressure is weaker, heart rate is higher. Junior preschooler - 85-105 beats / min. Less during sleep, more during emotional arousal. In older preschoolers, it is more stable - 78-99 beats / min. Girls have 5-7 strokes more than boys.

The optimal load is 150-180% compared to the original data.

Arterial pressure almost does not change: 3-4 g. - 96/58 mm Hg. Art., 5-6 years old - 98/60 mm Hg. Art.

Prolonged physical and mental stress can adversely affect the activity of the heart.

Respiratory system

The upper respiratory tract is relatively narrow, the mucous membrane is rich in lymphatic and blood vessels. Under adverse conditions, it swells, breathing is disturbed.

Shallow breathing prevails. The development of the lungs is not yet fully completed: the nasal passages, trachea and bronchi are relatively narrow, which makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs, the chest is raised and the ribs on exhalation cannot fall as low as in an adult. Children cannot take deep breaths in and out. The respiratory rate is greater than in adults: infants - 40-35 breaths per minute, at 7 years old - 24-22 breaths.

Much more blood flows through the lungs than in adults. These meet the need for oxygen for intensive metabolism.

It is necessary to teach to breathe through the nose (cleansing and warming the air).

Internal organs

Not developed enough. The stomach has weak muscular walls, the muscular layer and elastic fibers in the intestinal wall are poorly developed. The activity of the intestines is easily disturbed.


Protects internal organs and tissues from damage and penetration of microorganisms, is an organ of excretion, thermoregulation and respiration. In children, tender, easily injured. It is necessary to protect, protect from damage, promote the development of thermoregulatory and protective functions.

Nervous system

The main differentiation of nerve cells occurs before the age of 3 and almost ends by the end of preschool age.

A feature is the ability to preserve traces of the processes that took place in it. Children quickly and easily memorize the movements shown to them. For consolidation and improvement, multiple repetitions are necessary.

High excitability, reactivity, high plasticity of the nervous system contribute to faster and better mastery of motor skills - skiing, skating, swimming. It is necessary to form motor skills correctly, it is difficult to correct them.

Features of the mental development of children:

Predominance of excitation over inhibition;

Instability of attention;

Impulsivity in behavior;

Great emotionality;

Concreteness of perception and thinking." alt="Features" align="left" width="560" height="137 src=">!}

Raising healthy children is a true art that takes a lifetime to perfect. The health of the child for his parents is the main concern, and sometimes anxiety. Even a healthy born child needs constant medical supervision, especially during early development and preschool age. At the same time, the parents of the child should be defenders of his health and active assistants to professional doctors. However, for this, parents need certain knowledge about the characteristics of the development of children in different age periods in order to recognize certain signs of the disease at the right time.

Not all diseases in children have obvious external signs and therefore are not immediately recognized. Only a doctor can identify the cause of the origin of a particular disease in a child, individually and scrupulously, taking into account a wide variety of factors that contribute to the external manifestation of the disease. To help prevent your child from getting sick,

you need to provide the doctor with the most detailed information about your observations of his development and health.

At preschool age, many external signs in a child depend on the influence of the environment. Unfavorable living conditions for a child in the family and in an educational institution, social disasters and natural disasters lead to disruption of the normal growth and development of children.

In the period of the first childhood (3-7 years), boys and girls differ little in the external shape of the body and in many physiological parameters of the body. From the first year of life to 4-5 years, the growth rate of children slows down. All body dimensions increase relatively evenly.

At the same time, there are no significant changes depending on the seasons of the year. Annual growth increases are from 4.0 to 5.0 cm, body weight - up to 1.5-2.0 kg. The rate of growth processes increases in the sixth year of life, while the proportions of the body change.

An approximate definition of physical development indicators (body length and weight) allows you to compare the data on the development of each child with age standards or evaluate the proportionality of sizes using formulas (indices). For example, a height-weight index is used: I = P / L2

(i.e. the child's weight in kg divided by the square of the height in meters).

Approximately, if the result (index) is more than 22, then the child is overweight, and more than 25 - obesity; if the index is less than 14, then the child is underweight. For medical workers, when conducting more accurate examinations, special tables have been developed for children of different ages and regions of the country.

In the age period of 3-6 years, children are developing posture and arch of the foot. The natural curvatures of the spine (cervical, thoracic) have not yet been established and are smoothed out in the supine position. Bone tissue is still rich in organic elements. This causes a greater elasticity of the skeleton and, as in early childhood, preschoolers easily develop spinal deformities during prolonged stress, lifting weights, and incorrect posture while studying at the table. It is also possible to flatten the feet when wearing shoes that do not meet hygiene requirements with their size and materials from which it is made. During the formation of the arch of the foot and for its correct position, it is necessary to practice: walking children barefoot, performing special exercises, massage, water procedures.

To increase endurance and maintain health, a long-term, at least 3.5-4.0 hours, exposure of children to the air during the day is essential, of this time 1.5-2.0 hours during the period of solar insolation. Under such conditions, normal phosphorus-calcium metabolism is better carried out, which affects the skeleton and the functional state of the back muscles.

Preschoolers are characterized by a predominance of flexor muscle tone, which makes it impossible for children to keep their back straight when sitting for a long time. That is why the child should not sit at the table for more than 15 minutes without moving. To relieve fatigue and form the correct posture, physical exercises are shown.

It is important to note that at this age, the development of the bones of the wrist continues, and the ossification of the phalanges of the fingers is far from complete. These features of the formation of the hand must be taken into account when dosing such developing types as horizontal and vertical shading, drawing, modeling, playing the piano and stringed musical instruments.

At the same time, it is advisable in all classes with children already of middle preschool age to introduce exercises for the hands in the form of rhythmic squeezing and unclenching the fingers, alternately closing the first finger with the rest on each hand - “fingers say hello”, images with fingers of silhouettes of animals (“goat”, "bunny", "dog"), etc. Such exercises contribute to the development of precise coordination of small hand movements.

For the normal development of the bone tissue of preschool children, it is also necessary to have a proper balanced diet (with the obligatory content of minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.), an abundance of light and the presence of ultraviolet rays of the sun during walks, and always good-quality indoor air during games , activities and sleep, a sufficient amount of natural movements." width="806" height="1152 src="> Calcium found in milk and dairy products, especially cheese.

Phosphorus found in products of animal origin: in meat, fish, milk, dairy products, yolk. The need for phosphorus in children is 1.5 times higher than that of adults.

Magnesium found in plant foods.

Due to the different combination of food ingredients in products, children's nutrition should be varied. Some products (bread, butter, milk, meat, vegetables, sugar) are necessarily included in the menu every day, others (sour cream, cottage cheese, fish) are not given every day. However, within a week the due set of products should be used.

Teeth : The course of development and the biological age of preschoolers can be judged by the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, which begins at the age of 5-6. Milk teeth in children are delicate and fragile, this should be remembered when organizing the nutrition of children. Before the change, the roots of milk teeth dissolve, after which they fall out. Due to the fact that the rudiments of permanent teeth are under milk teeth, special attention should be paid to the condition of the oral cavity and teeth in preschool children. Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist should be carried out at least twice a year with the obligatory treatment of all detected carious teeth.

The beginning of the eruption of the first large molar in girls and boys falls on 5.5 years, and the front incisor in boys - at 5.8-6.0 years, in girls a little earlier - at 5.5-5.7 years.

The end of the eruption of the central incisor in boys and girls falls on 7.5 years. At the age of 6, the lateral (second) incisor begins to erupt. Its eruption is completed at 8 years of age.

In the upper jaw, permanent teeth erupt a little earlier than in the lower.

The muscular system and the inervation (nervous) apparatus are organically connected with the skeletal system, because they jointly provide human movements: from 3 to 5 years, the magnitude of muscle effort in children increases. Gradually, friendly movements of the arms and legs are established." width="92" height="132 src="> By the age of 5, children should be able to bounce, turning around; legs apart, legs together; jump 60 cm long, jump over objects 5-10 cm high; jump on one leg, moving forward; throw the ball 3.5-6.5 m; throw with two hands from below, from behind the head; hit the target with distance 2-2.5 m; walk on all fours, leaning on the feet and palms.

By the age of 6, the following requirements are added: stand on one leg, walk 3-4 m with eyes closed; jump from a place in length by 80 cm; from a run - not less than 1 m; jump in height by 20 cm; jump over a swinging rope; hit the ball that bounced off the ground at least 10 times in a row; throw the ball to each other; throw the ball at the target from a distance of 3-4 m and a distance of 5-9 m; do a "swallow" without the support of an adult; walk on the gymnastic bench." width="806" height="1152"> Development of the hand and phalanges of the fingers allows children to hold a pencil as early as the 4th year of life. Improving the coordination of movements and visual-spatial perception allows children to copy geometric figures well, to depict a person in a drawing, which also indicates a fairly high development of ideas and concepts.

At the 6-7th and subsequent years of life, these indicators in healthy preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are successfully improved. And yet, 1/3 of children have deviations in the development of general and fine motor skills. Children 5-6 years old with health problems, including those who are often ill, often lag behind in the development of motor skills and speech.

Respiratory system. In preschool age, the development of the respiratory system continues. One of the features of bronchopulmonary tissue in preschoolers is a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels. Abundant blood supply to the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi is the cause of more pronounced inflammatory reactions in preschool children in the form of mucosal edema and wet cough in acute respiratory diseases.

The vital capacity of the lungs (VC) at the age of 4 reaches 1.1 liters, the respiratory rate is 27-28 per minute. Then, VC with age, especially from the age of 5, begins to increase significantly (1.2-1.4). The excursion ("expansion and contraction") of the chest increases during inhalation and exhalation. The minute volume of the lungs in 5-year-old children reaches 5800 ml, the strength of the respiratory muscles increases.

The respiratory system of preschoolers is very sensitive to harmful air impurities (including tobacco smoke) and the presence of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly take care of the cleanliness of the air in the apartment and the child's room. This requirement can be easily ensured by proper cross-ventilation of all rooms, wet cleaning with the addition of disinfectants.

The cardiovascular system. The development of the cardiovascular system of children is closely related to the development of the lungs and their functions. In the first six years of life, the heart grows rapidly. The weight of the heart in the fifth year of life is 80-83 g, the pulse is 100-105 beats per minute. At 6-7 years of age, the heart rate (HR) decreases to 95-92 beats per minute. Arteries at 4-6 years of age are relatively wider than during second childhood. This feature is associated with a small amount of blood pressure. The cardiovascular system of preschool children is very active and quickly responds to physical and emotional stress.

organs of vision. The development of the organs of vision in children aged 4-6 years has not yet been completed, and the intensive formation of visual function largely depends on external conditions. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the observance of measures to prevent visual impairment and reduce the efficiency of the eye muscles.

Runners" - a wavy line is depicted in the entire sheet of whatman paper, at the beginning of which any colored figure is depicted, for example, a boat. The paper sheet is located on the wall opposite the standing child, who is invited to visually trace how the boat will sail along a given trajectory. Trajectory , along which children "run" with their eyes, can be in the form of an oval, "eight", zigzag, spiral.Line thickness - 1 cm.

2. "Translation of gaze" - bright pictures with fairy tales are attached to three walls of the room. The size of the picture is within the standard landscape sheet. A child standing at the fourth wall, without turning his head, alternately examines the drawings.

3. Exercises for the muscles of the eye:

- tightly close your eyes for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes for 3-5 seconds;

- blink quickly for 15-20 seconds;

- press the closed upper eyelids with your fingers, after 1-2 seconds, remove the fingers from the eyelids;

Look in front of you into the distance for 2-3 seconds, then put the index finger of your outstretched right hand in front of your face, look at the end of the finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds, lower your hand. Repeat 5-6 times.

For the prevention of visual impairment, the requirements for sufficient illumination of the room and the desktop at which the child is engaged should be especially strictly observed, and close attention should be paid to the rules for communicating children 5-6 years old with a computer and TV. Violation of the requirements for the duration of stay at the screen, their frequency and the optimal color background of the video terminal screen cause eye fatigue, a decrease in the functional state of the accommodative apparatus.

The relationship "href="/text/category/vzaimootnoshenie/" rel="bookmark"> relationships, vigorous activity, clear fulfillment of tasks and orders significantly stimulate the development of children. The child's speech becomes complex, with a rich vocabulary. In the fifth year of life, preschoolers in For the most part, they master articulation and pronounce sounds correctly.Speech defects (unstability of pronunciation, tongue-tied tongue) are still quite frequent and more common among children who are lagging behind in physical development.

The immune system. In the human environment, there are many microorganisms that can cause certain diseases. However, the human body has adapted to protect against many infectious agents. The immune system is responsible for this, which includes lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, blood elements, etc.

tonsils is part of the immune system. The lymphoid ring of the tonsils, retaining microorganisms, prevents them from entering the respiratory tract. The immune system of children is new to many infections that are familiar to us, and it works with increased stress. Therefore, the tonsils in babies are larger than in adults. As we grow older, this number of immune cells becomes unnecessary, and the tonsils shrink. By adolescence, the tonsils and adenoids become tiny, and in some they disappear altogether.

If the tonsils become inflamed, they cease to perform their protective function and become the focus of infection in the body. Inflammation of the tonsils can be acute (tonsillitis) and chronic (tonsillitis). Usually, with acute sore throat, accompanied by fever and general malaise of the child, parents must seek medical help. In chronic tonsillitis, there may either be no external signs, or the only manifestation of the disease is the general weakness and fatigue of the child. In such cases, parents may not pay enough attention to the treatment of the disease, and subsequently the child develops serious complications." alt="What should alert parents" align="left" width="661" height="106">!}

m" pronounces it like "b" ("baslo", instead of "oil"); sleeps with an open mouth, snores (healthy children do not snore!); constantly asks again; complains of a headache, often naughty, grimaces, urinates in bed.

A simple test will show how things are with nasal breathing: bring a piece of cotton wool to one nostril of the child, and lightly press the other with your finger. Ask to breathe through your nose, and by the movement of the villi you will immediately see how well the air passes.

It relieves congestion and makes breathing easier by washing the nose with a solution of furacilin, a weak tincture of propolis, a decoction of chamomile, green tea or sea salt (1 teaspoon per glass of water).


Few of the children aged 3-6 do not suffer from influenza and other acute respiratory diseases (ARVI), which are commonly called colds.

Most people usually blame the cold, dampness, drafts for the occurrence of a cold, so many parents try to wrap their child warmer and increase the temperature in the room. But, unfortunately, all these activities not only do not give the desired result, but, on the contrary, because of this, the child gets sick more often. A "wrapped" child quickly overheats, sweats and, having unbuttoned his clothes, immediately becomes supercooled. At the same time, the still insufficiently formed immune defense system of the child's body does not adequately respond to external negative influences, that is, it weakens the resistance to emerging infections. Bad, cold weather forces the child to spend more time indoors, which is often not well ventilated. This, in turn, creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microbes and viruses.

The peak of childhood colds traditionally falls on the winter period, but some viruses are active throughout the autumn-winter-spring period. Therefore, even if a runny nose and other foci of infection, including carious teeth, tonsillitis and adenoids, are cured before autumn, it can be difficult to protect yourself from a new disease. It is especially difficult to do this if there are already people with viral diseases in the environment of the child.

The most common colds in children are upper respiratory tract infections. As a rule, acute respiratory diseases are relatively mild and do not lead to the development of severe complications, but nevertheless require close attention and mastery of the necessary skills to care for a sick child, treat him and prevent subsequent diseases.

At a temperature not exceeding 38 ° C, antipyretics are not needed (except in cases of convulsions). For most children, this temperature is harmless, moreover, it can mobilize the body's defenses to fight infection.

During the period of illness, a child needs to include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, especially those containing vitamin C. These are tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, cranberries, currants, and chokeberries. Juices, fruit drinks, fruit compotes are very useful.

Many parents believe that a cold child should not be bathed. In fact, a hot bath is a very effective remedy for colds. Cleanliness of the skin is also important, as toxins are released through its pores. Just make sure that the apartment is warm enough, after water procedures the baby should not get cold.

The main symptoms of the disease are the following: fever, malaise, headache, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness, sweating, unstable mood.

How to care?

1. Put the child to bed, because the more actively he moves, the higher his temperature will be.

2. Follow the principle: "Keep your head cold and your feet warm." Dress your baby comfortably, in accordance with the temperature in the room, and in no case wrap him up so that there is no overheating of the body. For example, under a quilt, the temperature can rise a degree higher, so it is better to cover the child with a woolen or sheet.

3. Well ventilate the room in which the sick child is located - this is an effective way to reduce body temperature.

4. Be sure to let your child drink - fractionally, in small portions, preferably water or fruit drinks at room temperature; the more he drinks, the faster the temperature drops.

5. If the temperature rises above 38°C, wipe the entire body of the child with a sponge moistened with warm to the touch water (30-32°C) for 2-3 minutes; after the procedure, do not wipe dry, leave the skin slightly damp.

Call an emergency physician.

It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the sick child is located, to carry out wet cleaning. "Stale" air irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, promotes the reproduction of pathogens. It is important to remember that children of smokers are more prone to colds.

Raspberries - a very effective folk remedy. It can rightfully be attributed to purely medicinal plants. The fact that there are a lot of vitamins in raspberries is obvious, but besides this, it has a lot of iron, zinc, copper, manganese. Therefore, this berry is necessary for adults and children.

As a powerful prophylactic, vitamin remedy in the "flu" period, doctors advise mixed vitamin teas from dried raspberries and rose hips (in equal parts). With influenza, medicinal teas from raspberries and lime blossoms (in equal parts), raspberries and oregano, coltsfoot (also in equal parts) give a good effect. Instead of sugar, you can add honey to enhance the effect. Children can also make mixed raspberry-cranberry tea, it is not only tasty, but also healthy. In addition to all of the above, raspberries also have a powerful anti-allergic effect.

Prevention of colds

If a child gets sick often, parents are very worried, but do not know what to do. The child has not had time to recover from one disease, as another is superimposed. Why is this happening?

Pathogens that enter the respiratory tract of a child from different sick people may differ from each other in their properties. Therefore, the specific qualities of immunity that the child's body has developed to the first pathogen during the course of the disease do not always coincide with the signs of the next pathogen. And the whole process of the disease is repeated almost anew.

To increase the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases, a well-known method is used - hardening.

Humidity" href="/text/category/vlazhnostmz/" rel="bookmark">humidity, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. Hardening is the most important factor in maintaining the health of children. The means of hardening include air and sun baths, water procedures. The use of these means of hardening in combination with physical exercises leads to the greatest healing effect.The use of hardening procedures makes it possible to develop a conditioned reflex to cooling in a child.Functional changes in blood circulation that occur during repeated local cooling are characterized by the fact that the vessels narrow and expand, as if "gymnastics" occurs.

As a result of the systematic and gradual hardening of the body, the temperature of the body decreases, and the temperature of the limbs rises. The temperature of the skin in different and symmetrical parts of the body evens out. When using all hardening agents, the following essential principles must be observed:

Dosing procedures depending on the age of children, their health and individual reactions to acting factors;

- gradual increase in the intensity of procedures;

- daily, without interruptions, their implementation, starting from an early age;

- constant monitoring of the effect of procedures on the body;

- comfortable thermal condition of children; positive emotional state.

It is important to remember that after each cold or a sufficiently long break in hardening procedures, it is necessary to start hardening again.

air hardening can be held all year round. Hardening of children with air baths begins in summer in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 20 ° C. The duration of the first baths should not be more than 10-15 minutes, of which 5-7 minutes are done in gymnastics. Then the duration of the baths is increased gradually. You can not allow the child to cool, the appearance of trembling, "goose bumps" and cyanosis.

Water procedures- Wiping, dousing, bathing. The choice of water procedures is determined by the doctor based on the data on the child's health." width="806" height="1152">

Bathing- the most irritating and cooling procedure, therefore each child is allowed to bathe only with the permission of a doctor.

Bathing is usually carried out after sunbathing and begins at a water temperature of at least 22-24°C. The first bathing is short - 2-3 minutes, and the subsequent ones gradually increase. Bathing time is strictly dependent on the temperature of water and air, and most importantly - on the state of health of the child and his reaction. Children should not be allowed to stay in the pond for a long time. Excessive cooling, manifested in the form of trembling, blue lips, "goose bumps", is harmful to health. The maximum duration of bathing for preschoolers with their active movement (swimming, playing ball, etc.) is 8-10 minutes. Children who are hot and sweaty should sit quietly for 10-15 minutes before bathing.

One of the simplest, most effective and harmless ways to prevent and treat acute respiratory infections is to massage special areas on the skin that are associated with important regulators of the activity of internal organs.

medicinal" substances, which are very often much more effective and safer than pills.

Acupressure techniques are very easy to master for adults and then teach children.

Psychiatry" href="/text/category/psihiatriya/" rel="bookmark">psychiatrist .

Advice 4. Your child often asks again or does not always respond to the speech addressed to him, he has frequent sore throats, loss of voice, cough, constant runny nose, if the child sleeps with his mouth open, snores in his sleep, nasal when talking - consult the child with an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist).

Tip 5. If a child has poor appetite, often nausea, vomiting, stool disorders (constipation, loose stools), abdominal pain (before eating, after eating), you should seek qualified help from a gastroenterologist.

Tip 6. Seeking the advice of an allergist is necessary in cases where, in the preschool period, the child has a reaction (rash, swelling, shortness of breath, sudden runny nose, sneezing) to some food, smells, pollen, medicines, vaccinations.

Tip 7. Inflammation of the skin in different parts of the body (more often on the arms and legs), accompanied by redness, itching, peeling, exudation - perhaps these are signs of chronic dermatitis or eczema, which a dermatologist will help to cure. A dermatologist should be consulted for any visible changes in the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.

Tip 8. If you notice that the child narrows his eyelids when he examines distant objects, or leans low over a sheet of an album or book, sits close to the TV screen, if he does not distinguish small ones (up to 1 cm in diameter) from afar (from a distance of 5 meters). ) items, you need to check your child's visual acuity - contact an optometrist (ophthalmologist).

Tip 9. Constantly pay attention to the posture of the child: when walking, he stoops, he has one shoulder lower than the other, the shoulder blades protrude strongly with a straight back; sitting on a chair, he noticeably bends in one direction or another, often tries to change his position, bends low (almost lies on the table) while drawing, etc. - an orthopedic specialist should examine the condition of the spine.

Endocrinology" href="/text/category/yendokrinologiya/" rel="bookmark"> endocrinologist (prevention of thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, growth disorders), surgeon (detection of congenital anomalies), dentist (detection and treatment of caries), cardiologist (diagnosis of disorders of the function of the heart and blood vessels), speech therapist (disorders of speech and perception of sounds).