Vivid phrases about hatred. Hatred. Quotes, aphorisms, statements about hatred From hatred to love quotes statement

Men know how to hate, women can only feel disgust. The latter is much worse.

Henri Rainier

Love for God does not tolerate hatred for man.

Maxim the Confessor

People hate each other because they are afraid of each other; they are afraid because they know nothing about each other; do not know, because they do not communicate, and cannot communicate, because they are separated.

Martin King

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and most difficult - indifference.

Karl Burne

The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love.

Thomas Fuller

Close communication is where the most tender friendship and the strongest hatred originate.

Antoine Rivarol

Nobody can love another, if before that he has not loved himself ... Nobody can hate anyone, if before that he did not hate himself.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Hate is the bomb. Which destroys, first of all, the one who leaves it.

Dmitry Emets

Hating someone, you hate something in him that is in yourself. What is not in ourselves does not bother us.

Hermann Hesse

I do not know a hatred stronger than the hatred of a man whom fate forced to love against his own will.

Agatha Christie

Of all the objects of hatred, the most hated is the once beloved woman.

Max Beerbohm

We are filled with tenderness for those to whom we do good, and we passionately hate those who have suffered much wrong.

Jean La Bruyère

A woman always hates the one who loves her and loves the one who hates her.

Miguel Saavedra

When we don’t know whom to hate, self-hatred appears in us.

Chuck Palahniuk

Seeing bad things in people, do not rejoice, much less discuss. The gossip is hated forever. Say the worst, hear the worst.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

We do not yet hate man, as long as we consider him inferior to ourselves; we hate only when we consider him equal or higher than ourselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche

People hate those who make them feel inferior.

Philip Chesterfield

Only lovers who have loved not enough to hate each other can forget about each other.

Ernest Hemingway

It is easier for us to love those who hate us than those who love more than we want.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Love and hate often get in the way of fair judgment.

Blaise Pascal

Anger is outright and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and persistent anger.

Charles-Pino Duclos

Anyone who fears you in the eyes will hate you behind your back.

Thomas Fuller

If I hate, I take something from myself; if I love, I enrich myself with what I love. Misanthropy is a slow suicide; selfishness is the greatest poverty of a living creature.

Johann Schiller

People on earth should be friends ... I do not think that it is possible to force all people to love each other, but I would like to eliminate the hatred between people.

Isaac Asimov

Boring lessons are only good for instilling hatred both for those who teach them and for everything taught.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Since we hate something, then we take it to heart.

Michelle Montaigne

The soldiers are so full of such enmity towards the people on whose land they are fighting, that they cannot rob for their own pleasure and that the marauders are punished: people always hate those who are harmed.

Luc Vovenargue

People are more constant in their hatred than in love.

Samuel Johnson

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent; envy is passive. Therefore, one should not be surprised if envy quickly turns into hatred.

Johann Goethe

You can hate life only as a result of apathy and laziness.

Lev Tolstoy

There is no hate without fear.

Cyril Connolly

The antithesis of love is not necessarily hate; it could be another love.

Tadeusz Kotarbinski

What they hate the most is what they envy the most.

Henry Mencken

You can't hate someone you can laugh at.

Samuel Johnson

The worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.

George Shaw

Try as much as you can to love every person. If you can't, then at least don't hate anyone.

Maxim the Confessor

The hatred of people who have fallen into mercy is caused by love for this very mercy.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Where love or hate does not play along, the woman plays mediocre.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Often spouses hate each other especially strongly because they do not cheat on each other.

Only the unloved hate.

Charles Chaplin

Hatred is the anger of weak people.

Alphonse Daudet

Ah, how excruciating hatred is without reciprocity!

Alexander Kumor

As soon as we feel that a person has nothing to respect us for, we begin to almost hate him.

Luc Vovenargue

Seeing yourself in others, you not only love yourself, but also hate.

Georg Lichtenberg

Hatred is such a long-lasting and ineradicable feeling that the surest sign of the patient's imminent death is his reconciliation with his foe.

Jean La Bruyère

Anyone who loses his temper and offends others deserves ridicule. People who are truly kindhearted think and care even for those who hate them. But how difficult it is to achieve this.

Shikibu Murasaki

There is a hatred of lies and pretense arising from sensitivity in matters of honor; there is the same hatred arising from cowardice, since lying is forbidden by the divine commandment. Too cowardly to lie ...

Friedrich Nietzsche

Envy is even more implacable than hatred.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Hatred is partisan, but love is even more partisan.

Johann Goethe

Rampant love must be feared as much as hate. When love is strong, it is always clear and calm.

Henry Thoreau

Kindness must not be devoid of a certain firmness, otherwise it is not kindness. When love is preached, in which there is too much whimpering and tearfulness, in opposition it is necessary to teach hatred.

Ralph Emerson

The peak of popularity is when the whole world hates one person.

Don Aminado

We are religious just enough to be able to hate each other.

Jonathan Swift

Let us not be afraid of people's hatred, let us only beware of earning it.

Julien-Ofret La Mettrie

A woman learns to hate to the extent that she forgets how to charm.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes you hate your wife as someone you love too much, and sometimes just as a stranger.

Jean Rostand

Many people think that they harbor love for God or for Nature, when in reality they only harbor hatred for people.

William Inge

Sometimes tolerance reaches such a limit that you would rather call it stupidity than kindness or generosity. A person must be smart enough to hate his enemies.

Nicola Shamfort

Envy is one of the most potent elements of hatred.

Honore Balzac

Among the hated qualities of the enemy, not the last place is occupied by his dignity.

Jean Rostand

Affects of love and hate are always accompanied by benevolence and anger ...

No feeling is born as quickly as antipathy.

Alfred Musset

The strongest hatred is the most silent, like the highest virtues and the most ferocious dogs.

Heavy, gloomy people become lighter precisely from what aggravates others, from love and hate, and for a while they rise to their surface.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It is not human nature to love someone who obviously hates us.

Henry Fielding

The love of a jealous person is more spent on hate.

The insane always hate the wise, the ignorant of the learned, the nasty, the nasty, and the spoiled the good.

John Damascene

I will never let myself sink so low as to hate a person.

Booker Washington

Out of pure philanthropy and hate for a short time.

Gilbert Chesterton

Too fierce hatred puts us below those we hate.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Hatred combined with contempt can shake off any yoke.

Sometimes it's good to love is good to hate, and righteousness to hate is to love.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

I have always hated myself at any given moment. The sum of these moments is my life.

Cyril Connolly

The gratitude of the people is soon communicated and likes to be expressed in loud exclamations; hatred alone is secretive and silent.

Ivan Lazhechnikov

When a person struggles to find ways to make others fear him ... he first of all achieves the fact that he begins to be hated.

Charles Montesquieu

People not only forget good deeds and insults, but even tend to hate their benefactors and forgive offenders. The need to give thanks for the good and avenge the evil seems to them a slavery, to which they do not want to submit.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

It is much easier for imagined hatred to turn into reality than it is for imaginary love, and it is much easier for a person who considers himself bad to turn around as bad than it is to become kind to someone who considers himself good.

There are people who cannot love before they are offended, and what others disgust only fuels their passion.

Lope Vega

I love everyone the way the Lord commands us to love our neighbors - with Christian love; but I hate only a few with all my heart.

Alexander (Father)

Hatred: A feeling that naturally arises in relation to someone who is superior to you in some way.

Ambrose Bierce

Living in the midst of hatred is like death.

Lorenzo Valla

Few can be completely happy without hatred for another person, nation, religion ...

Bertrand Russell

He who has friends who hate each other deserves their common hatred.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

False arguments can justify real hatred.

Karl Kraus

Hatred and flattery are pitfalls against which truth breaks.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

It seems to me that hatred is full of suffering for the one who feels it.

Charles Montesquieu

He who does not really hate evil does not really love the good either.

Romain Rolland

We are devout enough to hate each other, but not devout enough to love each other.

Jonathan Swift

Hatred is the highest, objective form of fear ... Hatred is a consequence of fear, because first we are afraid, and only then we hate. A child who is afraid of the dark, having matured, will hate the darkness ...

Cyril Connolly

There is no doubt that people are naturally prone to hatred and envy, and that education only enhances these qualities. For parents usually support virtue in children only by measures calculated for their honor or envy.

Benedict Spinoza

Only a very few can be happy without hatred for any person, nation or belief.

Bertrand Russell

Almost everyone would rather agree to be hated than to be laughed at.

Sydney Smith

Sometimes people think that they hate flattery, while they hate only one form or another of it.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

No hatred, no disgust will be excessive towards the people who are the culprits of so much evil and who exploit others everywhere.

Jean Mellier

When I have to bail out people from financial dire straits, the hatred I have for them can only be matched by the hatred they have for me.

“I enter the nursery and kill white children,

Catch them and hang your parents

Quarter them to kill time

Entertain black kids of all ages.

Do not hesitate, hit them heartily,

To smell of death, to pour blood. "

If you think that the Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in Russia - ed.) Is now giving orders in poetic form, or that it is now fashionable to sow hatred and calls to murder in songs, then, according to the author of these lines, you full of racist prejudices. Islamists actually called for killing children in nurseries and schools, and this rapper's clip speaks of the mass murder of whites, however, according to his defenders, all this is art, creativity, misunderstood love. And if you are shocked by these words, it reflects a collective reluctance to recognize our mistakes and the mistakes of our fathers, a consequence of our ontological racism, as the rapper just wanted to "change roles, (...) the system so that whites and blacks can understand the situation." The clip is "fictional, which demonstrates what really happened to the black people." Recall that we are talking about the torture, humiliation and execution of a white person, moreover, filmed with genuine sadistic joy.

As for the rapper's excuses, first of all, we can say that he sings about hatred, because he carries it in himself. And justifies it with history. In his imagination and representation of the world, black can kill whites, because thereby he achieves historical justice, avenges the suffering of his people, the victims of slavery. But for such a judgment, one must be completely uneducated and not be afraid of falsifying history.

The historian Olivier Petré-Grenouilleau worked with the history of the Negro slave trade, which led to violent attacks as he shattered the simplistic ideological notion that slavery was the oppression of a black man by a white man. In fact, everything is much more diverse. There were three types of slave trade in total. First of all, African: blacks themselves captured and sold black slaves, the total number of which is estimated at 14 million people. The Arab-Muslim slave trade covered 17 million people, and its feature was the systematic castration of all men. Finally, the transatlantic slave trade, the work of "whites", affected 11 million people.

Seeing such a sad picture, no one can celebrate victory. No skin color can claim moral advantage over others. At the same time, it was Europeans who were the first to ban slavery as a result of intellectual and political work since the Enlightenment, which changed the perception of man and society. Thanks to the concept of equal dignity for all people, it became impossible for one person to own another. This idea of ​​equality and a new understanding of man and the world made slavery impossible. In Europe, this state of affairs has become the norm, since it is associated with the perception of the world on which we try to base our laws and customs. In Africa and in the East, slavery still exists (remember cadres from the slave markets in Libya), and the fight against it is not at all active, while the history of slavery has been used in the West for dubious political purposes. Slavery is of interest to leftist ideologists only to accuse the white man and justify manifestations of aggression. This contributes neither to knowledge of history, nor to the fight against discrimination.

As for art justification, which is used to open the door to hatred and silence anyone who expresses outrage, it implies the viewer's right to appreciate and reject the “work”. In addition, it cannot include a call to murder. Think of Radio Thousand Hills in Rwanda. Nice name for genocide. With the help of fiery appeals saturated with hatred (the "song" we are analyzing is at about the same level), it deliberately sowed destruction and death. They listened to him. And it is very active.

This rapper does the same thing in his own way. Because this madness is characteristic not only of him. It became a reflection of the rhetoric of hatred and the embodiment of a political project that was originally developed in the United States and is being implemented in our country by the Party of the indigenous inhabitants of the republic, the ultra-left and their Islamist allies. This rhetoric of racial hatred is justified and entrenched in our minds, since such an ideology has political and intellectual underpinnings. It even develops in universities in the framework of the so-called postcolonial studies, where they often prefer to train political activists, rather than engage in scientific work. This rhetoric is politically reflected in the suburbs, where youth representations are being built, and in the mainstream media, which increasingly promote racial views of society. This aggressive transformation is based on the political work of well-defined forces and is bearing fruit: yes, anti-white racism is indeed developing in the suburbs. Yes, you can be attacked simply because you are white. Yes, the rise of racial hatred contributes to attacks and a surge in unprovoked aggression.

Only now part of the media deny this, thereby participating in the legitimization of those who increase racial tensions. Imagine someone singing something like that about blacks. Do you think the press would give him the opportunity to justify himself? Wouldn't he immediately find himself isolated from those around him? Well-meaning personalities demand not to let Eric Zemmour go on the air, although his ridiculous trick has absolutely nothing to do with a call to murder, but for some reason they are silent when it comes to hate-calling rapper who is absolutely impossible to justify.

Even worse, in order not to take a position on such unpleasant issues, they reach the point of denying reality. For example, Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racism, refuses to see the rise of racial hatred and its transformation into politics, calling anti-white racism a far-right fiction. Erik Cocquerel, a member of Unconquered France, says the same. The rapper claims to "change" roles, he puts white in place of black and bases the clip on a scene from an American film in which two members of the Ku Klux Klan mock a black man. His justification is intended to silence all those for whom "left" and "repentance" have become synonymous. And it works. Only the logic behind such a judgment is extremely stupid: the members of the KKK are representatives of a special ideological group. They cannot be used as a reference, an example or an example. They only cause shame among fellow citizens who struggle with their political ideas. They don't represent whites. Giving them such symbolic significance is the same as confusing a Nazi and a German, an Islamist and a Muslim.

As for the rapper's latest provocation, his claims that love is actually hidden behind the words "hang whites" ... If you need evidence of what the rapper really thinks, his video ends with Malcolm X's next line: "Death is the price of others respecting your human rights." In the context of the video, young people can only understand such words as a call to murder. Worse, she may see murder as a sign of those who know how to make themselves respect. Terrifying, impressive, but completely false. The cost of respecting your rights is the recognition of the equal dignity of all people, the uniting of their brotherhood and duty in relation to others. Moreover, the color of the skin does not play any role here.

Hatred is a feeling that naturally arises in relation to someone who is superior to you in some way.
Ambrose Bierce

Hatred is such a long-lasting and ineradicable feeling that the surest sign of the patient's imminent death is his reconciliation with his foe.
Jean La Bruyère

Hate is the anger of the weak.
Alphonse Daudet

Hatred overshadows reason.
Alexander Suvorov

Hatred is a coward's revenge for the fear experienced.
George Bernard Shaw

The hatred of the weak is less dangerous than their friendship.
Luc de Vauvenargue

The hatred we have for our enemies is less damaging to their happiness than to our own.
Jean Petit-Senne

Hate is the bomb. Which destroys, first of all, the one who leaves it.
Dmitry Emets

Hatred can be inherited, love never.

The strongest hatred, like the most ferocious dog, is silent.
Jean Paul

Hatred does not make sense.
Lev Shestov

Hatred is something dead. How many of you would like to become a crypt?
Hamil Jubran

Hate can be ended not with hatred, but only with love.
author unknown

From hatred to love - one step, from love to hate - one moment.
Anton Potopakhin

Victory breeds hatred; the defeated one lives in sorrow. The calm lives in happiness, who has refused victory and defeat.

If he decided to make peace with a dying enemy, it was only in order to approach his deathbed and enjoy his agony.
Henri de Montherland

Where the weak hates, the strong destroys.
Alexandra Green

False arguments can justify real hatred.
Karl Kraus

Instill hate hate speech.
Anatole France

At first, the dog does not like the cat, and then he looks for arguments.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, not knowing how to hate, it is unimportant to sincerely love.
Maksim Gorky

They killed by order, but hated in order to have a clear conscience.
Stefan Garczynski

Sometimes it's good to love is good to hate, and righteousness to hate is to love.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Discussion with hatred kindles her fire.
Stefan Garczynski

You can't hate someone you can laugh at.
Samuel Johnson

The one who burns out fire with fire usually remains on the ashes.
Abigail van Beren

There is no hate without fear.
Cyril Connolly

Lin Starling

What they hate the most is what they envy the most.
Henry Mencken

As soon as we feel that a person has nothing to respect us for, we begin to almost hate him.
Luc de Vauvenargue

The peak of popularity is when the whole world hates one person.
Don Aminado

The more unjust our hatred, the more persistent it is.

Let us not be afraid of people's hatred, let us only beware of earning it.
Julien-Ofret La Mettrie

I do not know a hatred stronger than the hatred of a man whom fate forced to love against his own will.
Agatha Christie

Among the hated qualities of the enemy, not the last place is occupied by his dignity.
Jean Rostand

We hate those we love because they can cause us the most suffering.
Lin Starling

The love of a jealous person is more spent on hate.

Of all the objects of hatred, the most hated is the once beloved woman.
Max Beerbohm

Too fierce hatred puts us below those we hate.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

Only the unloved hate.
Charles Chaplin

Hatred combined with contempt can shake off any yoke.

Hate, like love, is a limitless field.
Jacques Lacan

A woman always hates the one who loves her and loves the one who hates her.
Miguel Saavedra

Hatred: A feeling that naturally arises in relation to someone who is superior to you in some way.
Ambrose Bierce

Since we hate something, then we take it to heart.
Michelle Montaigne

He who does not really hate evil does not really love the good either.
Romain Rolland

The hatred generated by rivalry experiences fear and does not stop in relation to the vanquished, even after the disappearance of the very object of hatred.
Welley Paterculus

Love and hate often get in the way of fair judgment.
Blaise Pascal

Hatred is the highest, objective form of fear ... Hatred is a consequence of fear, because first we are afraid, and only then we hate. A child who is afraid of the dark, having matured, will hate the darkness ...
Cyril Connolly

Men know how to hate; women only feel disgust. The latter is much worse.
Henri Rainier

Almost everyone would rather agree to be hated than to be laughed at.
Sydney Smith

People are more constant in their hatred than in love.
Samuel Johnson

When I have to bail out people from financial dire straits, the hatred I have for them can only be matched by the hatred they have for me.
George Shaw

There is no person in whom there would not be something hateful, in which a fierce beast would not be hidden, but only a few honestly say how they cope with this fierce beast.

Hating enemies is easier and more fun than loving friends.
Bertrand Russell

The cure for hatred is separation.

The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love.
Thomas Fuller

People always hate those who are wronged.
Luc de Vauvenargue

Ah, how excruciating hatred is without reciprocity!
Leszek Kumor

Hatred, like a neglected cancer, eats away at the human personality and takes away all vitality.
Martin Luther King

Love for God does not tolerate hatred for man.

What they hate the most is what they envy the most.

People are more constant in their hatred than in love.

Of all the objects of hatred, the most hated is once a woman.

Anger is outright and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and persistent anger.

A woman always hates the one who loves her and loves the one who hates her.

Among the hated qualities of the enemy, not the last place is occupied by his dignity.

If I hate, I take something from myself; if I love, I enrich myself with what I love. Misanthropy is a slow suicide; selfishness is the greatest poverty of a living creature.

Vivid phrases of hate

Sometimes you hate your wife as someone you love too much, and sometimes just as a stranger.

There is no hate without fear.

I will never let myself sink so low as to hate a person.

It is not human nature to love someone who obviously hates us.

Harsh vivid phrases of hate

Close communication is where the most tender friendship and the strongest hatred originate.

Many people think that they harbor love for God or for Nature, when in reality they only harbor hatred for people.

Since we hate something, then we take it to heart.

Often spouses hate each other especially strongly because they do not cheat on each other.

Ah, how excruciating hatred is without reciprocity!

Rampant love must be feared as much as hate. When love is strong, it is always clear and calm.

Where love or hate does not play along, the woman plays mediocre.

Envy is one of the most potent elements of hatred.

Hatred is the anger of weak people.

No feeling is born as quickly as antipathy.

He who has friends who hate each other deserves their common hatred.

Hatred combined with contempt can shake off any yoke.

Only lovers who have loved not enough to hate each other can forget about each other.

Fast, flashy hate phrases

Affects of love and hate are always accompanied by benevolence and anger.

Only the unloved hate.

The worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.

Love and hate often get in the way of fair judgment.

You can hate life only as a result of apathy and laziness.

We are religious just enough to be able to hate each other.

Men know how to hate, women can only feel disgust. The latter is much worse.

As soon as we feel that a person has nothing to respect us for, we begin to almost hate him.

The strongest hatred is the most silent, like the highest virtues and the most ferocious dogs.

You can't hate someone you can laugh at.

People on earth should be friends. I don’t think you can make all people love each other, but I would like to eliminate the hatred between people.

He who does not truly hate evil does not really love the good either.

Try as much as you can to love every person. If you can't, then at least don't hate anyone.

Sung vivid hate phrases

I do not know a hatred stronger than the hatred of a man whom fate forced to love against his own will.

We do not yet hate man, as long as we consider him inferior to ourselves; we hate only when we consider him equal or higher than ourselves.

Heavy, gloomy people become lighter precisely from what aggravates others, from love and hate, and for a while they rise to their surface.

Seeing bad things in people, do not rejoice, much less discuss. The gossip is hated forever. Say the worst, hear the worst.

We are devout enough to hate each other, but not devout enough to love each other.

I have always hated myself at any given moment. The sum of these moments is my life.

The love of a jealous person is more spent on hate.

Anyone who loses his temper and offends others deserves ridicule. People truly think and care even for those who hate them. But how difficult it is to achieve this.

When I have to bail out people from financial dire straits, the hatred I have for them can only be matched by the hatred they have for me.

Hate is the bomb. Which destroys, first of all, the one who leaves it.

Too fierce hatred puts us below those we hate.

It is much easier for imagined hatred to turn into reality than it is for imaginary love, and it is much easier for a person who considers himself bad to turn around as bad than it is to become kind to someone who considers himself good.

Sometimes people think that they hate flattery, while they hate only one form or another of it.

Hatred is the highest, objective form of fear. Hatred is a consequence of fear, because first we are afraid, and only then we hate. A child who is afraid of the dark, growing up, will hate the dark ...

Out of pure philanthropy and hate for a short time.

Living in the midst of hatred is like death.

Multicolored bright hate phrases

No hatred, no disgust will be excessive towards the people who are the culprits of so much evil and who exploit others everywhere.

The soldiers are so full of such enmity towards the people on whose land they are fighting, that they cannot rob for their own pleasure and that the marauders are punished: people always hate those who are harmed.

Only a very few can be happy, doing without hatred for any, peoples or beliefs.

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and most difficult - indifference.

No one can love another if he has not loved himself before. No one can hate anyone if he has not hated himself before.

When a person struggles to find ways to make others fear him, he first of all achieves the fact that he begins to be hated.

A woman learns to hate to the extent that she forgets how to charm.

Envy is even more implacable than hatred.

Kindness must not be devoid of a certain firmness, otherwise it is not kindness. When love is preached, in which there is too much whimpering and tearfulness, in opposition it is necessary to teach hatred.

Seeing yourself in others, you not only love yourself, but also hate.

People hate those who make them feel inferior.

When we don’t know whom to hate, self-hatred appears in us.

Love can never be as strong as hate. She is capable of anything - to destroy, to burn out the soul.

The paradox: people do harm to someone, and then they also hate for it! - L. Vovenargue

Our enemies do not feel our hatred. It doesn't touch them in any way. And it destroys us. - J. Petit-San

In 90 cases out of 100, even the most sincere, sublime love is eventually transformed into hatred - B. Spinoza.

Hate is often born when you realize that a person dared to be better than you in any way. - A. Bierce.

Invented hatred is very easy to believe. And it becomes a reality ... But love, no matter how much you invent it for yourself, does not appear. - J.-P. Richter

There is nothing worse than casual, fleeting love. She's not real. Temporary. You like someone in the beginning. Then I like it less. Then even less. Disgust is slowly born. You cease to understand why at least someone communicates with this person - after all, he is disgusting. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Only those who are capable of hatred can truly love.

Read the continuation of beautiful quotes on the pages:

No amount of rage can compare with love turned into hate. - V. Congreve

A little hate purifies kindness. - J. Renard

The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love. - T. Fuller

The more unjust our hatred, the more persistent it is. - Seneca

The worst hatred is the hatred that comes from relatives. - Tacitus

But falling in love does not mean to love. You can fall in love and hate. Fyodor Dostoevsky The brothers Karamazov

Hate is the wrong side of love. - Proverb

And most of all they hate the one who is able to fly. - F. Nietzsche

Hatred combined with contempt can shake off any yoke. - Voltaire

Indeed, hate is a gift that you acquire over the years

He who is at war with others will not be able to live in harmony with himself. - W. Hazlitt

There is no greater hatred in the world than the hatred of the ignorant for knowledge. - G. Galilei

Hatred is universal and universal. She is a thing in itself.

That heart will not learn to love, which is tired of hating. A. Nekrasov.

No one can hate anyone if he has not hated himself before. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Anger is outright and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and persistent anger. - C. Duclos

Love is immortal and gives immortality to everything that surrounds us. And hatred dies every minute.

Hatred is a coward's revenge for the fear he has experienced. - B. Shaw

Love and hate are two flip sides of the same coin. If you hate, then you have not stopped loving yet. If you say that you have forgiven and forgotten, then you still remember. Indifference is the death of love.

It is hard to miss a loved one, but it is incomparably easier than living with an unloved one. - J. La Bruyere

Haste can surprise your friends. Enemies are pleased with it.

The stronger the feeling, the sooner hatred is born of disappointment. - A. Morua

Hatred and flattery are pitfalls against which the truth breaks. - F. La Rochefoucauld

When I killed Mahito, I was insanely disappointed, because my anger and hatred did not disappear. After all, once born offense does not just disappear.

gods war soul good evil love hate fear doubt

Only apathy and unwillingness to do anything can provoke hatred of life. - L. Tolstoy

I don’t torture me - it’s dumb to present. Silence to torment a deprivation for fear of injustice: as if I saw a child, for a child ... And for spontaneous hatred, on how ydesh, I can’t make an obtrusive thought, we don’t need to worry about it.

Hatred is the highest degree of inhumanity, turned into passion.

It's not that she doesn't love him, but that she can't hate him. Where does hatred come from? Because he's ... he's Frank.

Connect with your hatred, set it free, because you know how strong and domineering it is. This is precisely the fight against evil, this is the only way to stop the invasion, although at first it seems difficult and terrible.

The hatred of the weak is less dangerous than their friendship. - L. Vovenargue

Hatred is the most useless of feelings.

Misanthropy is a slow suicide. - F. Schiller

From hatred to love - one step. But from nausea to love - a hundred years on a hippopotamus

Hatred awoke in me after no one understood my desire to love everyone. - M. Yu. Lermontov.

Sebastian de Loc, Master of the Ermine Lodge, chud.

Too fierce hatred puts us below those we hate. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Whoever fears you in your presence will hate you in your absence. - T. Fuller

Love and hate are one instinct on both sides. Two sides of one instinct. Survival. Life. Victory. And the more powerful the life instinct, the higher the energy of the organism, the more a person loves and hates.

Hatred is a gift that you acquire over the years.

Perhaps, Mr. Huntingdon, you find it very funny to make me jealous. But beware lest you awaken hatred in its place. And if you extinguish my love, it will be very difficult for you to make it flare up again.

Jealous love is more like hate. - J. Moliere

Love, friendship, respect are not so connected as a general hatred for something. - A. Chekhov

The hatred of the weak is more dangerous than their friendship. - L. Voveran

Hate almost always, one way or another, grows out of fear.

I kept my hatred in check. She lay still, ready to jump at any moment, like a wild cat stalking prey: with half-closed eyes and sensitive ears, catching the slightest movement, whisper or sigh.

Hatred awakens in relation to those people who, in our opinion, have no reason to treat us with respect. - L. Vovenar