37 weeks uterus hurts. How is your baby's development going? The mucous plug has come off

A pregnant woman waiting for an early birth at 37 weeks can become nervous and irritable. Try to calm down and stay in a good mood. Almost all pregnant women at this time feel very awkward. Pain in the pelvic area intensifies, and the gait changes once again, due to a shift in the center of gravity. The baby begins to sink, so the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach decreases. And the increased pressure on the bladder can cause frequent urge to use the toilet, especially at night. Training contractions during this period can be long and painful. To reduce the discomfort, change your position, walk a little, or take a shower.

Weight may have dropped a little now - this is normal and there is no need to worry about it. Sleeping becomes more difficult, not only because of the inconvenience, but also because of the nervous tension. But still try to get enough sleep, because soon you will need a lot of strength and energy. In the placenta and ovaries, at 37 weeks, the production of the hormone relaxin increases, which prepares the body for the upcoming delivery. This hormone reduces the contractions of the uterus, preventing premature birth, softens the tissues of the cervix and the pubic symphysis. It also increases the extensibility of the pelvic floor bones. Also, under the influence of this hormone, the breast is prepared for the upcoming feeding.

Nutrition and bad habits

Lowering the fetus and lowering pressure on the stomach may increase appetite, but try not to overeat. It is better to eat in small portions, but often. Include light dietary meals in your diet. Eat cereals, lean meats, dairy products, and plenty of fresh vegetables. Avoid eating fatty, spicy, and salty foods. Remember to drink enough liquid, preferring unsweetened compotes, plain water, and weak tea. Since the pressure on your bladder has increased now, try not to drink a lot in the hours before bed. To reduce the number of nightly urge to use the toilet, do not drink yogurt and kefir 4 hours before bedtime. Severe discomfort during this period can be delivered by training contractions, which become more painful and prolonged. It can be very difficult to determine whether these are training contractions, or real ones. Some pregnant women even go to the hospital several times, deciding during training bouts that labor has already begun. To relieve the condition, walk around the room or take a shower. If the contractions persist, go to the hospital. The pressure on the bladder increases, so the urge to use the toilet at night becomes more frequent. Try not to drink a lot of fluids in the hours before bed.

Intimate life

Most modern gynecologists do not consider it necessary to end their intimate life in the last weeks of pregnancy. On the contrary, male semen contains substances that prepare the body of a pregnant woman for childbirth. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then you can have sex. You need to focus solely on your well-being. Many couples stop leading an intimate life during this period due to psychological factors. The presence of the baby becomes more tangible, so it seems that he is also involved in this process. If mucous lumps appear in the discharge, then intimate life will still have to be stopped before childbirth, since an infection can be injected when the plug comes off.

Physical activity

At 37 weeks, physical activity will have to be slightly reduced. To keep yourself in good shape, you can do simple exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer who will make sure that you are not injured. In no case should you force yourself to perform this or that exercise through force. To facilitate the process of childbirth and quickly recover from it, do Kegel exercises and breathing exercises.

Medicines and procedures

Taking any medications and undergoing medical procedures must be agreed with the gynecologist. At this time, medications cannot affect the development of the baby, but some of them can worsen his well-being. In some cases, your doctor may recommend delaying postpartum treatment. Only a qualified specialist can determine the effectiveness of a medicine and its safety.

The 37th week of pregnancy is the period during which the fetus prepares for birth. At this time, the baby will be able to breathe on his own and carry out sucking movements to receive milk from the female breast. His organs of the digestive tract are already ready to digest the first food, and the first black-green feces have formed in the intestines. It's called meconium. The skin of the fetus becomes denser, a fatty layer accumulates under it, which makes it possible to make the heat transfer processes more perfect.

At the same time, the mother's body continues to prepare for childbirth no less actively. If this process begins exactly at 37 weeks, then the pregnancy will be considered full-term and normal, no resuscitation measures will be required.

How many months is it?

As a rule, most pregnant women believe that they will carry a baby for 9 months. However, this is not an entirely correct belief. Doctors keep counting a little differently. If we consider a standard pregnancy, without any deviations, then it will last 280 days.

There is such a thing as obstetric month. So it is equal to 28 days, that is, it contains exactly 4 weeks of 7 days. Therefore, 37 weeks is the first week in the ninth obstetric month and the onset of labor at this time is quite normal.

Movement, weight and size of the fetus

At this time, global processes take place in the child's body:

    The adrenal glands increase in size. They get bigger kidneys. This is necessary for the production of the hormone. It will reduce the effects of stress the baby will experience during birth.

    The liver stores iron, which is necessary for the normal supply of blood cells to the baby in the first year of life.

    The mucous membranes lining the stomach and intestines of the child are completely covered with villous epithelium, so that the child can accept and digest food. The intestines begin to contract more actively.

    The child's neurons are covered with a protective sheath, which is necessary for normal coordination of movements in the future. This is not a quick process that will last until the very birth and throughout the entire first year of the baby's life.

    The cartilage in the nose and ears hardens. At the same time, the bones of the child's skull remain soft. This is necessary for easier passage of the baby through the birth canal. Two fontanelles are not at all tightened by bone tissue.

    At this time, the baby's facial features were already clearly formed, they are clearly distinguishable. Individual fingerprints (fingerprints) have also appeared.

    The skin becomes lighter, the lanugo disappears. But the eyes and hair have not yet acquired a permanent color.

    The child's lungs are developing intensively. This process is facilitated by the hormone cortisone, which is produced in increased quantities by the mother's body. While the lungs are "off", then immediately after the appearance of the crumbs, blood will begin to flow to them. The surfactant is sufficient for the child to be able to breathe normally.

    The immune and endocrine systems, sensory organs continue to form.

The baby's weight at 37 weeks is 2.8-29 kg and it continues to increase every day. The growth of the fetus at this time can reach 49 cm, and the circumference of the head and abdomen is equal. Every day there is less and less space in the uterus, because the woman clearly feels even minor movements of the child. This is not surprising, because every week only in growth the child adds 1 cm.

At 37 weeks of intrauterine life, the child should take its permanent position. In 95% of cases, the baby lies head down, although other options are not excluded.

Sometimes the baby's movements can give the woman uncomfortable and even painful sensations, because he has grown noticeably and can push with more force. The mother-to-be needs to listen to the baby's movements. He should move at least 10 times every 12 hours, that is, almost every hour. If the child moves much more often or, on the contrary, there is no movement for several hours, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Harbingers of childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation

Labor may begin at 37 weeks gestation. First of all, this applies to women who give birth not for the first time. Be that as it may, you need to be prepared for the fact that labor can begin at any time.

It is important that the family members know how to behave if the woman has contractions. You should also take care of the bags you need to take with you to the hospital in advance. You should not go far from home, and you should always keep your exchange card and mobile phone close at hand.

The following signs may indicate an impending birth:

    Abdominal prolapse. The abdomen may drop lower, which will relieve pressure on the ribcage and make breathing easier. However, not every woman has a sagging belly, and this symptom may never appear.

The lower the fetus is, the stronger the painful lumbago in the perineum and lower extremities will be. The skin on the abdomen is taut and may cause mild itching. To get rid of this problem, you should use a moisturizer.

Some women experience a slight eversion of the navel. As a result, a dark line may appear in the center of the abdomen. There is nothing wrong with this, since after childbirth this line will disappear.

Naturally, the pressure on the intestines and on the bladder increases, which means that trips to the toilet become more frequent. The closer the moment of birth, the quieter the baby begins to behave.

    Exit of the mucous plug. The passage of the mucous plug that closes the cervix is ​​another harbinger of childbirth. She can leave both a few days before the onset of labor, and a few weeks before them. Again, getting out of the plug is optional. The mucous plug is represented by thick, viscous discharge. As a rule, it turns out not the whole cork, but part of it. The discharge can be clear, pink, brown, or even bloody.

    Energetic rise. Before giving birth, women often feel a surge of strength and energy. Their mood rises, desires and strength to do various things appear, as if a "second wind" opens.

    Discharge of water. Water can drain both during contractions and before they start. Be that as it may, if a woman saw liquid discharge flowing down her legs, she must either go to the hospital on her own, or call an ambulance. Moreover, you should not wait for contractions, since the discharge of water always indicates the onset of labor.

    Weight loss, decreased appetite. During pregnancy, a woman's appetite increases, but a few days before giving birth, it may, on the contrary, decrease. Sometimes 3-4 days before the birth of a child, women refuse to eat at all, since the desire to eat completely disappears. At the same time, it is possible to reduce body weight by 1-2 kg.

    Diarrhea. Sometimes, the stool may become thin on the day before giving birth. Therefore, when diarrhea occurs against the background of full health, it is quite natural that a woman will end up in a maternity hospital a couple of days later.

    Colostrum drops on clothes. Many women begin to notice small spots on their bra or sweater. If you bring them closer to your face, you can smell a milky smell. These are the first drops of colostrum, which also indicate the imminent birth of a child.

    Pain in the abdomen, lumbar pain of a pulling character, contractions. The fact that labor will soon begin will be evidenced by pulling pains localized in the lower abdomen. They also take hold of the lower back and can resemble the painful sensations a woman experiences before the start of her next menstrual period.

However, the most obvious sign of an imminent birth is labor pains. This is not about training contractions of the uterus, not about Braxton-Higgs contractions, which proceed without pain, but about real contractions. Therefore, if a woman experiences such sensations, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital.

Braxton Hicks contractions are called false because they do not signal the onset of labor. They can be removed by taking a cold shower, or simply by changing the position of the body. Real contractions are characterized by severe pain, and the rest interval between them is constantly decreasing.

Stomach pulls or hurts at 37 weeks of pregnancy

The abdomen can drop as at 37 weeks of gestation, and a week earlier or a week later. If this did not happen, then do not worry. Sometimes the belly does not go down until the very birth and this is a variant of the norm.

If the belly has dropped, this does not mean that labor should begin in the next few hours. It is possible that a woman will carry a baby for another 1-2 weeks. However, it will become much easier for her to breathe.

Along with the relief of breathing, other difficulties join. So, pain in the lower abdomen may increase. If the pain goes to the lower back and has a cramping character, then this may indicate the onset of labor.

Pain at 37 weeks of gestation

Pulling pains that occur at 37 weeks of gestation may be due to the fact that the woman's belly has dropped, and labor will begin soon.

There may also be painful sensations in the sacrum, in the lower extremities, in the spine, in the back. They are explained by the fact that the woman's body weight has increased significantly, and the uterus has become much larger in size. To reduce discomfort in the legs and back, you need to rest as much as possible, it is good at this time to put a roller or pillow under your feet. Antenatal bandage helps relieve stress from the spine.

Pain can also appear in the pubic area, in the pelvis. They occur due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. After all, the woman's ovaries and placenta produce more of the hormone relaxin, and the child himself presses on the bottom of the uterus. The fewer days remain until the baby is born, the more intense the pain in the lower abdomen can be.

Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Do not panic if traces of discharge are visible on your underwear - this is a variant of the norm. They may also have mucus, which makes the discharge stretch. Thus, the mucous plug comes off. The discharge is often brown, whitish, or pink in color. Sometimes the plug comes out completely. In this case, it looks like a lump consisting of milk jelly or a silicone formation. It is difficult to confuse a mucous plug with something else. In terms of volume, it can fit in two tablespoons, often there are bloody threads in such a lump. If a woman's mucous plug has completely come out, then there is no doubt that labor will begin very soon.

Greenish, yellowish, or dark brown discharge, frothy mucus or cottage cheese-like lumps are not normal. When such discharge appears, you need to go to the doctor's appointment as soon as possible. It is possible that an infection has occurred, which must be eliminated before the baby is born. After all, he can become infected with almost any disease while passing through the birth canal.

If a woman discovers spotting, then it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. Blood very often indicates placental abruption. This is a very dangerous condition that threatens the life of the child.

When water is poured out, you should also not hesitate to call the medical team. It is impossible not to notice them, as jets will flow down the legs. They indicate the onset of labor. Sometimes amniotic fluid does not come out all at once, but in portions. This indicates a violation of the integrity of the membranes. If a similar situation arises, you should also consult a doctor.

A woman for a period of 37 weeks should visit a gynecologist every 7 days. At this time, the doctor monitors the preparation of the body for childbirth, can examine the cervix, and be sure to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

As a rule, the woman has already undergone a planned ultrasound scan, which is the third in a row. However, sometimes another ultrasound examination is required, for example, when it becomes necessary to clarify the position of the baby in the uterus. Sometimes it does not go down with its head down, but turns its back or sideways. In this case, the question of performing a cesarean section may arise.

During an ultrasound scan, the doctor assesses the size of the fetus, the condition and amount of amniotic fluid and compares them with the norm. In parallel, it is necessary to clarify the maturity of the placenta, the state of the umbilical cord, uterus and cervix.

At this time, a woman can study as much information as possible on breastfeeding, find any artificial nutrition that could replace mother's milk is impossible. It contains antibodies and other unique components that are essential for a growing body. It is also worth learning the intricacies of caring for a baby, because he will be born very soon.

We pass tests, undergo examination

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy, then the woman will need to pass urine for a general analysis. Also, the doctor will measure her blood pressure, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen.

The height of the uterine fundus is 37 cm. If this indicator is exceeded, the doctor may suspect polyhydramnios. This is often the reason for referring a woman to a maternity hospital. This will allow doctors to constantly monitor the situation. If the height of the fundus of the uterus has decreased, it means that the child will soon be born, as this indicates his descent.

As for protein in urine, it should normally be absent there. If protein in the urine appears shortly before childbirth, then this is an alarming signal. It is possible that the woman begins to develop preeclampsia. This is one of the most severe forms of toxicosis that develops in late pregnancy. Other signs of preeclampsia are:, the appearance of edema, weight gain. At this time, the child will suffer from a lack of nutrition and oxygen starvation. In parallel, the load on all organ systems of a woman increases.

What complications can be at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby's bones and nails continue to grow, which requires calcium. It is also necessary for the most pregnant woman in order to prevent the development of and.

No less important is the regular intake of vitamin D into the body, which will prevent the development of rickets in a child.

In addition, a woman must monitor her weight. A quick increase is dangerous. So, if the fetus is large, then this increases the risk of the child getting injuries during the passage through the birth canal. This threatens a woman with numerous breaks.

Eclampsia remains the main danger in late pregnancy. It is the first leading cause of death among pregnant women worldwide. This also applies to developed countries. Eclampsia does not occur instantly, it is always preceded by preeclampsia. It is important not to ignore the first signs of impending toxicosis.

If the child is in breech presentation, then at this time it will no longer be possible to change his body position. In this case, the woman is hospitalized before the onset of childbirth, after which the question of performing a cesarean section will be decided.

It is very important that a woman does not experience serious physical exertion at 37 weeks of pregnancy. If you feel tired, you need to put off everything and rest. Do not be ashamed to ask for help from loved ones.

    Nutrition. It is important not to overeat, so the portions should be small, and the number of approaches to the table per day should not exceed seven times. If appetite disappears, then you need to switch to light, but nutritious meals. You should not include in the menu foods that can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. For example, these are citrus fruits or chocolate. Smoked, salty and spicy dishes should be removed from the menu. In this case, the woman needs to drink enough fluids. Non-carbonated mineral water, compote, tea, fruit drink are suitable as drinks. It is best to refuse store-bought juices, as their sugar content is very high.

    Vitamins. From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman should receive vitamins. You should not abandon them at a later date and even after childbirth. However, the doctor should choose the optimal drug.

    Sex. Doctors say that in the normal course of pregnancy, an intimate life can be preserved until the very birth. Studies have been carried out to establish that there is a substance in the semen that prepares the cervix for dilatation. However, after the release of the mucous plug, intimate life must be abandoned, as the risk of infection in the fetus increases.

    Sport. At 37 weeks of gestation, stress should be abandoned, although, under the supervision of an instructor, light exercises can be done to maintain muscle tone. You also need to hike in the fresh air, but at a slow pace. It is allowed to do breathing exercises.

    Taking medications, undergoing procedures... Without the permission of the doctor, you can not take any drugs and carry out any medical procedures. Any therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

At 37 weeks gestation, the baby continues to sleep a lot. At this time, the child's sleep has not only a fast, but also a slow phase. During the fast phase, his eyeballs move, slight twitching of the fingers is possible. During the slow phase, the baby relaxes completely. It accounts for about 40-60% of the total sleep duration.

While awake, he sucks his fingers, can touch and play with the umbilical cord. The child distinguishes well between the voices of the mother and the father, reacts to the inclusion of his favorite music, and can begin to move more actively when speaking loudly. A woman in late pregnancy is not advised to visit places with an increased level of noise.

You should also not often be in closed rooms where a large number of people accumulate. Indeed, in this case, the risk of catching ARVI or ARI increases, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus and the woman herself.

It is important for the expectant mother to eat well. Substances with pungent odors or addictive foods can adversely affect your child's health. Therefore, it is so important to completely exclude alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoke from entering the woman's body.

Answers to questions about 37 weeks of pregnancy

    At 37 weeks of gestation, the belly often pulls. This is fine? This may indicate an imminent onset of labor? If false contractions occur more often and become more painful, then this may indicate the approach of labor. However, if this is the first birth, and the belly has not sank and the mucous plug has not come off, then it is quite possible that the baby will be born only after 1-2 weeks.

    First pregnancy, term 37 weeks. Legs, lower back and pelvic bones hurt badly. What's this? This is a completely normal feeling. Pain in the lower extremities occurs due to compression of blood vessels and nerves by the uterus. Such pains are not dangerous for either the woman or the child. To alleviate the condition, you need to rest more, massage your feet, wear comfortable shoes. Pain in the lower back and pelvis most often indicates prolapse of the fetus, which leads to the expansion of the pelvic bones.

    My weight increased by 17 kg at 37 weeks. I don't eat much, but I think that I still have excess weight. Is it so? The weight gain, which is 17 kg, is a slight excess of the norm, but this is not critical. It is important to limit the use of sweets and flour products before childbirth. The menu should contain more vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products. It is important that excess weight is not formed due to edema. If it was recruited gradually, then there should be no reason for concern. If the weight has increased dramatically, for example, within 7 days, then you definitely need to go to an appointment with a specialist.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

The 37th obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when every expectant mother should already be ready for the birth of a baby. According to official medicine, a baby born in the thirty-seventh week is considered full-term. This is especially true of multiple pregnancies and the birth of the second, third, subsequent children. The weight of the crumbs during this period reaches 2.8 - 2.9 kg, and the height varies within 48 - 50 cm. What is important for the expectant mother to think about at this time?

Fetal development

What happens to your baby this crucial week? His little body is already formed, only weight gain continues. Twins weigh less than regular babies. An unborn baby has all the characteristics of a full-term baby. At this time, the mother observes his reaction to his actions, sometimes she can even understand what the baby does not like, and what gives him special pleasure.

Internal changes in the fetus

The aging of the placenta begins, as a result of which less nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the baby. Unlike the 36th week, at the 37th week, the lungs are already sufficiently developed. It's just that at the moment they are not yet included in the blood supply system, which is automatically corrected during delivery, when a valve in the heart opens for blood to flow into the lungs. A hormone called cortisone produced in a small organism indicates the full development of the respiratory system. And the child himself is already trying to make breathing and swallowing movements.

The organs of hearing and sight have already matured. They allow the fetus to perceive and distinguish human voices, enjoy the mother's native voice, and even hear melodies and music. The organs of the digestive system are also actively involved in the work. In the intestine, already performing peristaltic movements, the first feces (meconium) were formed in a small amount.

A process is started in the brain that lasts throughout the first year of life - the development of coordination of movements. A protective sheath (the so-called myelin layer) forms on the neurons, which is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. The work of the brain is becoming more and more coordinated. Reflexes are becoming more and more stable, especially the sucking reflex. All the crumbs' pastime, except for sleep, is accompanied by thumb sucking, because this is how the preparation for breastfeeding takes place.

External changes in the fetus

If the expectant mother could contemplate her child, she would see that the fluff () has practically gone from his body, and the skin is light pink, since the subcutaneous fat layer has begun to form. Thanks to the fat, the baby's cheeks are plump and prettier. During this week, the head becomes even more covered with hairs, and the marigolds extend beyond the toes. So the baby can already scratch himself.

The skull has not yet become ossified, so the head remains soft, which in the future will help the fetus to pass through the birth canal. The process of consolidation of the nasal and ear cartilage continues, and now a fully formed nose and ears flaunt on the baby's head. By the thirty-seventh week, the reproductive system is also fully formed, and the boys' testicles descend into the scrotum. Sometimes by ultrasound at this time it is even possible to determine who the baby looks like.

The expectant mother should not be scared if she noticed that the child began to move less often. The fact is that it has become darker and less space in the uterus, so it can only make kneading movements.

The baby's lifestyle is almost no different from the life of a newly born baby. Most of his time is spent sleeping, and the rest is spent sucking fingers or the umbilical cord. Sleep now consists not only of a fast phase, but also of a slow one, when the pressure decreases and the muscles relax. That is why the number of perturbations decreases. Hiccups (contraction of the diaphragm) of the baby gradually fades away.

Location of the fetus in the uterus

The position of the fetus is stable. The most common is the head presentation, that is, the correct presentation. In this position, the baby lies head down, legs and arms crossed. Less often, doctors state a breech presentation (incorrect).

In some cases, due to the incorrect position of the fetus, a cesarean section is prescribed. However, don't panic right away. It is possible to induce the child to turn into the desired position through specially designed exercises. Whether the child has returned to the correct position is specified during the ultrasound scan.

What happens to a woman's body and sensations

For the thirty-seventh week, the state of continuous expectation of the onset of childbirth is characteristic. The desire to give birth is often reinforced by loved ones who constantly ask about when the baby will already appear. Remember that almost every expectant mother has to answer such questions. Therefore, the curiosity and excitement of others should be taken calmly. In addition, from this week onward, the desire for a speedy birth will only increase.

The cervix continues to mature. The fact that the cervix is ​​ripe can be recognized by its length - it should be less than 1 cm, and the length of the immature cervix starts from 2 cm. Closer to the birth of the baby, the cervix softens, remaining dense only in the area of ​​the internal pharynx. If the cervix has softened enough, labor may begin.

Fever may be a sign of an upcoming meeting with a daughter or son. In general, an elevated temperature can last throughout pregnancy, since for a woman in a position, low heat transfer is the norm. But if the temperature indicator suddenly "jumped" the mark of 38 degrees, you should consult a doctor. This may be the result of an infection or other malaise, or it may be a signal that it is time for you to go to the hospital.

A woman begins to experience a whole range of new sensations for her. Despite the fact that you still feel the same awkward, you may lose weight. This is one of the points of preparation of the body for the upcoming childbirth. During a thirty-seventh week pregnancy, stretching of the skin can cause a severe itchiness in the abdomen and the belly button may turn outward. You can also notice how the strip on the tummy darkens, but this is not a cause for alarm, since the strip will gradually disappear after childbirth.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Companions of a pregnant woman at the 37th obstetric week can become indigestion, nausea and loose stools. In this way, the body gets rid of everything that can interfere with the course of the birth process. If you are still comfortable wearing rings on your toes and have no problem wearing your shoes, you are very lucky. Most women during this period have to deal with swelling of the hands and feet. The reason is a sedentary lifestyle, an unusually large load on the kidneys, as well as an excess of salt in the diet.

Harbingers of childbirth

At the age of 37, the stomach can go down, and the baby's head can move to the pelvic region. Together with this, heartburn and shortness of breath go away, so mom can breathe easy. But now the whole weight of the abdomen falls on the bladder and abdomen, so the urge to go to the toilet will visit you more and more often. Since the fetus presses on the organs of the lower body, hemorrhoids may appear, causing not only inconvenience, but also painful sensations. In this case, it will be helpful to lean on foods with laxative properties.

Abdominal prolapse is a signal of an impending birth. But the stomach before childbirth does not sink at all. In this case, do not worry, as other signs will help to understand that you will soon give birth.

A speedy delivery also portends various painful sensations. The most striking harbinger of childbirth is the Brexton-Hicks contractions, reminiscent of pain during menstruation. These are training contractions that prepare the uterus for the serious "work" ahead. Such contractions are also called "false".

The contractions are becoming more and more like labor pains. Along with this, the woman's pains become longer. At this stage, due to the gained weight, pain can be given to the back, groin and abdomen. Training contractions are also destined to experience not everyone.


At the 37th obstetric week, the general feeling of discomfort increases, expectant mothers may be disturbed by the following pains:

  • more and more clearly manifested pain in the perineum;
  • sore legs, especially when you have to stand or walk for a long time during the day;
  • numbness of the legs and arms due to a violation of blood microcirculation;
  • aching pain in the lower back and tailbone;
  • the baby's thrusts, which, although they have become less frequent, are becoming more and more tangible;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which may indicate the imminent discharge of the mucous plug.

If you notice recurrent pain in the tummy area, contact your doctor right away. The feeling that the stomach is pulling is quite normal for this period. However, if you have already noted more than once that the stomach "turns to stone", this is also a reason to visit a doctor. A "stony" abdomen is most likely a sign that the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity, and this often leads to premature birth.


The hormonal background changes throughout pregnancy. In connection with the next changes at term 37, the discharge becomes more intense and more liquid. However, if the discharge is too runny, it could be a sign of water leakage. Therefore, you should urgently conduct a special test that can be done at the hospital or at home by purchasing it at the nearest pharmacy. If the waters have a greenish tint or stand out in large portions, immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Colorless, yellowish or pinkish mucus with a small amount of blood streaks is added to the usual secretions. This is a mucous plug that protected the entrance of the uterus from various microorganisms throughout the pregnancy. Usually, the cork begins to come out in parts half a month before the expected birth. If she has already departed, then it is better for a woman to suspend her intimate life and not swim in stagnant water so as not to infect an infection. Colostrum may also begin to flow from the breast.

It is very important: spotting is a reason to immediately seek help, especially if it is accompanied by pain! Such discharge can occur when falling and getting injured, or for no apparent reason.

What you need to know about 37 weeks pregnant

Intimate life

The thirty-seventh week of pregnancy in itself is by no means a reason for refusing an active sex life. However, if you feel unwell, the beginning of labor and the passage of the cork, sex is contraindicated. Also, doctors can prescribe sexual rest. And even if it seems to you that the doctor's prescriptions are not justified, it is better to listen to his opinion, because sex at this time can lead to the onset of labor.

Sometimes the parents-to-be themselves in the last weeks of pregnancy voluntarily give up their intimate life. They understand that the child is already an "adult", and this becomes a psychological barrier for them. Others are afraid to harm the baby. And for some couples it is simply uncomfortable to have sex when the belly is already very large. This is especially true for a woman who, instead of having a pleasant pastime, can only get a feeling of discomfort.

Examination of a pregnant woman

If you are not shown other tests, then the main procedure this week is cardiotocography (CGT). This is a record of the fetal heartbeat and the contractions and movements of the uterus. KGT is needed to determine the presence of possible pathologies of the fetus and mother. This examination will help to identify violations such as hypoxia, anomaly in the development of the cardiovascular system, the threat of premature birth, infection of the fetus, low and polyhydramnios.

In the obstetrician's office, they will check the results of the tests you have already passed, as they usually measure blood pressure, find out the circumference of the tummy, and die the height of the standing of the uterine fundus. The limbs should also be checked for edema. In addition, the doctor may check if the cervix is ​​ready for labor.

What to fear

Each week of pregnancy has its own risks, and week 37 is no exception. The most important danger at this time is the possibility of gestosis. This term refers to a condition where the body cannot cope with a double load, as a result of which kidney function is impaired. The first symptoms are an increase in pressure, edema and an increase in the protein index in urine analysis.

If the early signs of gestosis are ignored, then more serious symptoms may occur. These include headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness and the appearance of "flies" before the eyes. In this case, you may not even have time to call an ambulance. Therefore, it will be much wiser to deal with gestosis at the initial stage ( ).

In the final weeks of pregnancy, there is a risk of premature placental abruption. This can lead to the loss of a considerable amount of blood, oxygen starvation of the fetus and even death. You can find out about a possible placental abruption by a sharp pain in the abdomen and by the traces of bloody discharge on underwear. Women, whose last childbirth was performed by caesarean section, should be aware that there is a risk of uterine rupture due to an old, already healed scar. Therefore, any significant pain in the abdomen should serve as a reason to check the condition of the uterus.


This is too early for a scheduled cesarean section. But cases of emergency caesarean section for thirty-seven obstetric weeks from the beginning of pregnancy are not uncommon. Operation at term 37 is prescribed when something threatens the life of the baby and mother.

There can be many indications for urgent surgery. The main ones are acute hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus), the discrepancy between the size of the head of the crumbs and the mother's pelvis, entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord and placental abruption. But a woman should not be overly worried if she was prescribed a caesarean section. All systems and organs of the child are already formed, so he is quite ready for extrauterine life.

  1. The very first and foremost advice is to be mentally prepared for childbirth. The baby may decide to be born this week, so you must understand that contractions can begin at any time.
  2. Continue to attend antenatal clinics and follow the doctor's appointments.
  3. Find out exactly in which maternity hospital you will have a baby. It's time to pay a visit to the doctor who plans to take your childbirth and discuss all possible details with him. Also discuss what additional services you will use. If your husband wants to be personally present at the minute of the birth of the baby, it is time for him to pass all the tests necessary for this.
  4. If the bag for the trip to the hospital has not yet been assembled, do it as soon as possible ().
  5. Don't relax. You should not spend all your free time at embroidery or a computer. Keep walking and moving. The main thing is to do everything in moderation.
  6. Are you using a bandage? Then it's time to take it off, as it can interfere with the timely lowering of the abdomen, which can delay the birth of the baby.
  7. Keep track of your daily diet and drink at least one and a half liters of clean water. There should be as little spicy, fried, fatty and sweet as possible on your table. Eat more vegetables and foods to prevent constipation. Avoid allergenic foods.
  8. It's time to familiarize yourself with the rules of caring for an infant, especially if you are becoming a mother for the first time. For example, you can explore all the questions about breastfeeding. This will make it easier for you to take on your responsibilities as a mother. (Here is the article "", and here is the article "")

Your pregnancy is coming to an end. If you are expecting your first child, you will usually be born around the fortieth week, although there are some exceptions. Don't let fears and negative thoughts cloud the joy of meeting your son or daughter soon. Enjoy the last minutes of such a wonderful state as pregnancy!

Video guide: 37 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mother, the harbingers of childbirth, the beginning of labor pains

Postpartum procedures with a baby

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!


At 37 weeks, the pregnant woman continues to be bothered by painful sensations of a different nature and degree of intensity. Here are the main areas that are most affected by pain in later stages:

  • small of the back;
  • area of ​​the sacrum, pelvic bones;
  • stomach;
  • legs and arms.

Most often, abdominal pain is caused by Brexton-Hicks contractions, which prepare the uterus for labor. And the ailments associated with sensations in the sacrum and pelvis are a consequence of the separation of the bones, which will facilitate the child's exit into the world. Extremity pain is usually triggered by edema. For some women, the accumulation of fluid in the body becomes a real problem towards the end of pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to always monitor the swelling so that they are not brought to a deplorable state.


Discharge from the genital tract directly indicates how the pregnancy is progressing. By week 37, the volume of discharge, which is normally colorless and odorless, increases. This fact should not cause anxiety or panic, it does not mean that labor is about to begin.

The real reason to sound the alarm will be discharge with blood or mucus clots. It is necessary to call emergency medical care and go to the hospital.

Childbirth at 37 weeks gestation

Thirty-seventh week of pregnancy is the normal time for having a baby when it comes to multiple pregnancies. If there is only one fetus, then it is desirable to reach this week, then the birth will not be considered premature. However, if the baby is still impatient and he was born right now, then the woman does not need to worry about his health. All the life systems of the little man are ready to separate from the mother.

The following signs indicate the onset of labor:

  • exit from the genital tract of the mucous plug;
  • increasing the intensity of contractions, repeating them every five minutes;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.

For some mums, giving birth at 37 weeks may come as a complete surprise. However, the process that has suddenly begun cannot be stopped, therefore it is extremely important that the woman maintains calm and firmness of mind. It is necessary to quickly prepare for the arrival of the ambulance and take a bag in which the necessary things were packed in advance. Upon arrival at the hospital, you should carefully listen to the recommendations of the medical staff in order to avoid complications that may affect the health of the child.


A woman should track movements at 37 weeks of gestation - their frequency and intensity. Various methods are used for counting, but the most popular is the following.

Normally, the expectant mother should feel about 10 shocks in a 12-hour cycle.

If, after this time, a woman has counted a figure that deviates significantly from the norm up or down, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

A child's lack of movement, like hyperactivity, can be a serious threat. We add to this that at 37 weeks, rare movements may indicate that childbirth will begin from day to day.

Complications at 37 weeks of gestation

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother was very tired of the stress, and serious complications may develop from scratch. It is very important to monitor your well-being, especially with regard to the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, edema and high blood pressure. If negative manifestations are not noticed in time, the signs can intensify and lead to such a dangerous disease as late toxicosis.

If, along with severe swelling, the expectant mother is constantly nauseous, then this indicates impaired blood circulation. The woman and the child are in urgent need of medical attention.

Necessary research and analysis

The set of tests that must be taken at 37 weeks is the same as in the previous periods. General urine and blood tests are required to monitor the health of the expectant mother. A gynecological smear is taken only if necessary. For example, if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with candidiasis at a later date and treatment is prescribed.

The gynecologist at the reception performs the following procedures:

  • measures the weight and pressure of the patient, the size of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen;
  • listens to the baby's heartbeat;
  • with the help of palpation, it determines the position that the fetus has taken in the uterus;
  • examines the test results.

Throughout pregnancy, doctors prescribe tests that allow you to monitor the condition of the mother and baby. During the first trimester screening, the woman passed a triple test, consisting of tests for the hCG hormone, estriol and AFP protein. He made it possible to determine whether there is a risk of manifestation of genetic abnormalities in the embryo. Mandatory examination at 37 weeks is cardiotocography. CTG is performed in order to determine the tone of the muscles of the uterus, as well as to assess the heart rate of the child. The study allows you to understand whether the fetus has enough nutrients and whether there is hypoxia. The way the birth will take place, in a natural or artificial way, largely depends on the results of CTG.

37 weeks pregnant - how many months?

Some women may be surprised to find out that at 37 weeks gestation, they are entering their tenth month! But if we calculate everything correctly, we will understand what the matter is. Ideally, carrying a baby in the womb lasts 280 days. Exactly so much is allocated by nature for its origin, development, growth and maturation. One obstetric month lasts 28 days or 4 weeks. So it turns out that this is 10 gynecological months, which the obstetricians consider the duration of pregnancy, or a little more than 9 calendar months, which we, the common people, consider it to be.

So, exactly 9 obstetric months are behind, but in order to give birth, as the book says, you need to leave one more. 37 weeks pregnant - the first week of the last tenth month. In fact, childbirth can occur any day. But how is the baby - is he ready to meet his mother?

Fetus at 37 weeks gestation

Great news this week - the baby is ready for birth! And although the time of childbirth has not yet come, they will no longer be considered premature if they come now. By this time, the child is ready to accept, assimilate and digest food: the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is lined with villous epithelium, which will absorb nutrients, the baby's original feces - meconium - has already been formed, peristalsis is activated. The child is able to suck on her mother's breast - he is already quite strong and has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat, due to which the skin is practically smoothed. Heat exchange processes take place without interruption, the baby will be able to retain and maintain heat in the body at the level necessary for life.

The born baby will already be able to breathe on its own, the lungs are ripe enough. In addition, at 37 weeks of gestation, the hormone cortisone is produced in a small organism, which brings the pulmonary system to perfection, that is, final maturation.

Birth will no longer be as stressful for the baby as it used to be. The adrenal glands have taken care of this: they are greatly enlarged and produce a special hormone that helps the baby to adapt to life outside the womb. As you can see, there is no need to be afraid of childbirth, although the development of the child at 37 weeks of gestation is still ongoing.

The liver of the crumbs intensively accumulates iron: it will be needed to produce blood cells, which it will provide for the baby in the first year of his life.

The process of covering neurons with protective membranes, which are responsible for the coordination of movements, continues. The establishment of nerve connections will last until childbirth and further - for a whole year.

Your child at 37 weeks of gestation is absolutely unique: he has individual facial features, his own pattern has formed on the skin, marigolds, hairs have grown (although it is quite possible that your miracle will be born bald), nasal and ear cartilages have hardened. The bones of the skull are still quite soft and elastic, because, passing through the mother's pelvis, the head will deform. Two fontanelles remain completely open, which will close only a few months after childbirth. The lanugo fluff has practically disappeared from the body, as well as the generic lubricant, the remnants of which are collected only in the skin folds. The head and tummy of the little one are now equal in circumference. Its size already reaches 48-50 cm and every week increases by an average of 1 cm, and its weight reaches 2,900 g. Of course, in this sense, all babies are different.


There is less and less space in the tummy for the baby, but he does not stop growing. It's cramped there, and mom feels it pretty well, especially when the baby is trying to "dance": the movements sometimes become even painful, especially the tremors of the legs in the hypochondrium.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the belly may begin to slowly sink, which the woman will be incredibly happy about: firstly, this means that childbirth is approaching (and she is already tired of carrying a load - what can I say), and secondly, she will finally be able to breathe air full breast (how long has it not been!). True, instead of this, pains and a feeling of heaviness will appear in the lower abdomen and perineal area - the tummy will begin to press down with its weight.

However, the belly does not always sink before childbirth, and this is also the norm. But you can predict the approaching birth by your feelings: the lower abdomen begins to pull and ache.

Due to the strong tension of the skin, the tummy can itch, and the navel can turn outward. Also, the strip on the abdomen becomes dark, but after childbirth, all these changes will disappear.

Now you should listen to the training contractions every time: they can become more frequent and stronger, but if the contractions begin to differ in rhythm, and all the time become more painful and longer, then your time has come.

Ultrasound at 37 weeks of gestation

Most likely, you have already had the last ultrasound scan, during which the expected date of birth was finally established. But it happens that ultrasound is also prescribed to clarify a number of points. One of the main questions: how did the baby sit before going out. Most babies rush head down, because this position is the most physiological: this is how it will be easiest to be born, and the uterus has such a shape that the baby turned upside down repeats its outline, which is very convenient in conditions of a catastrophic lack of space. However, some of the guys sit on their bottom or lay across. Breech presentation today is not an absolute indication for cesarean section, but operative delivery can be prescribed taking into account aggravating factors.

During ultrasound diagnostics at week 37, a specialist will carefully examine the baby and the degree of its development, record the main parameters, heartbeat, assess the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the uterus and cervix, umbilical cord, and the degree of maturity of the placenta. Most likely, Doppler sonography will also be performed to assess uteroplacental blood flow.

We will have to disappoint parents who expect to find out the gender of the child by ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The baby practically does not spin in the tummy anymore, it has occupied the entire uterine cavity - and the movements are no longer as active as before. The likelihood that the genitals will be exposed for public viewing is very low. So the question about the gender of the heir may remain unanswered until birth.


The eve of imminent birth is often the reason for refusal to have sex at 37 weeks of gestation. Some parents now perceive it as a threesome, others have difficulty finding a comfortable position. It should be said that none of the reasons are significant enough to deprive each other of pleasure. Of course, a big tummy definitely gets in the way, but if you want to adapt, you can still, for example, by practicing the dog-style position on all fours.

Until recently, doctors advised to refrain from intimate relationships before childbirth. But today they have a different opinion on this matter: if both parents are healthy, the integrity of the fetal bladder is not violated, and having sex does not give the woman pain, then they can be continued until the birth itself. And even useful: it was found that sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, making it easier to open during childbirth.


Sex should be stopped if you notice watery discharge in yourself - this is most likely water leakage. They can gush out in a stream or come out in small portions, soaking laundry.

The discharge of amniotic fluid indicates that the birth process has begun. Normally, they should be transparent, but with fetal hypoxia they have a greenish color.

Together with the waters or independently of them, the mucous plug also leaves before giving birth. Throughout pregnancy, she blocked the entrance to the uterus, protecting the baby from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. After her departure, the path to the little one opens, so now it will be impossible to swim in stagnant water and have sex, so as not to bring some kind of infection.

The mucus plug looks like a lump of mucus, similar to jelly or silicone, the total volume of which is approximately two tablespoons. If it comes off in parts, then the woman notices lumps of thick mucus on the linen. The cork can be white, translucent, creamy or even bloody - you will immediately recognize it. However, not all women manage to see this object: often the cork leaves already in childbirth.

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital if bleeding begins after the passage of water or a plug. Bloody discharge may indicate an abnormal position or presentation of the placenta.

We hope that pathological discharge at 37 weeks of gestation no longer bothers you. Thrush and other sexual diseases, if any, had to be cured by this time.

Pain at 37 weeks of gestation

The discharge of the mucous plug before childbirth is often preceded by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Along with other signs, she talks about the approaching date of birth. The child presses on the perineum, the pelvic bones soften and gradually diverge, so here, in the lower abdomen and pubic area, the woman feels pain and heaviness. Often shooting pains at 37 weeks of gestation radiate to the legs, especially when walking.

But, if the tummy has dropped, then the pain in the hypochondrium has already disappeared or, at least, the pain in the hypochondrium has decreased: the baby no longer reaches with his legs so high. Training contractions, on the other hand, can get a little painful.

The back, lower back, sacrum, legs are still quite sore and aching. The baby is already heavy and continues to gain weight, and you are getting heavier - the load on the bones and the musculoskeletal system in the last weeks of pregnancy is enormous!


An overweight baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, high blood volumes, breasts, and your own body fat will undoubtedly affect your weight at 37 weeks gestation. From the beginning of gestation, you could already gain more than 13 kg. In each individual case, the increase will differ in one direction or another, since it depends on the parameters and physique of the woman, concomitant diseases and aggravating factors, heredity. But sharp differences from the norms of the increase at 37 weeks of gestation, which are 10-17 kg, are, of course, undesirable.

Closer to childbirth, weight usually decreases slightly. In ancient times, this was also facilitated by the fact that women in the last weeks of pregnancy ate a fast diet.

Sensations (movements) at 37 weeks of gestation

We have already said that the belly can go down at 37 weeks of gestation. In addition to making breathing easier, you will feel less frequent heartburn and constipation. However, more often you have to run to the toilet, because the uterus puts even more pressure on the bladder. This is especially annoying at night, when sleep is not always possible. This is how nature prepares a woman for sleepless nights after childbirth. It is necessary to overcome insomnia and try to get enough sleep before childbirth - in the future you will need strength. To sleep better at night, do light work during the day and shorten your rest time if you are used to taking an hour or two naps. Be sure to take daily short walks in the fresh air, it is very good to take a walk before bed. Avoid eating too much at night, and also reduce the amount of fluid you drink after 6 pm. Ventilate the room before bed, or even leave the window open overnight.

In the last stages, a woman feels a feeling of internal heat, sweats a lot, she is stuffy all the time. All because of the markedly increased blood volume.

The movements of the child sometimes bring painful sensations, because it is very cramped for him there: the amniotic fluid becomes less, its size and weight increase, and the uterus, as it were, clamps the baby. By the way, control of perturbations should be carried out even at 37 weeks of gestation: you should feel at least 10 per day. And before giving birth, the baby calms down a little, his activity decreases.

In general, the inconvenience did not last long. Very soon you will miss the baby's movements, your own funny tummy. By the way, be sure to take a photo at 37 weeks of pregnancy for your album.

During a routine examination, the gynecologist will assess the degree of readiness of the cervix for disclosure, and it is likely that after the examination you will begin to have precursors of childbirth.


Childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is highly likely to occur in multiparous and women carrying twins. But other women may well give birth right now. Therefore, you must be completely ready to go to the hospital at any moment: collect all the necessary things, give instructions to family and friends, do not leave the house without an exchange card and other necessary documents.

Watch carefully for the precursors of childbirth, but do not rush ahead of time: you should go to the hospital only when the contractions are repeated at short intervals (less than 5 minutes) and become rather painful. In the meantime, you can have something light to eat. Begin to apply breathing techniques, walk back and forth, relieving your condition.

Childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is considered timely and occurs naturally: the placenta is aging by this time, it can no longer cope with its functions of providing the baby with vital substances, and he "makes a decision" about the birth. The baton is picked up by my mother's body: it begins to produce hormones, which ultimately leads to the onset of labor and labor.

Set yourself up straight away that childbirth is a job. Not necessarily heavy, but not always light. It must be done perfectly, and remember that not only you will try - the baby is also working hard! Do not let this understanding allow you to flinch or give up. Maintain an optimistic attitude and follow the instructions of the medical staff: hours, if not minutes remain until the most desired meeting in the world ... Drive away all doubts and fears, and rush forward towards your blood.