39 weeks pregnant feeling. When will the baby be born? Decide for him! Is sexual intercourse allowed?

In the last stages of bearing a baby, the desire of every mother to meet her baby becomes more and more unbearable. What happens at this time and how to timely recognize the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous mothers at 39 weeks? This article will help you figure it out.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and is waiting to be born. The brain and other organs may well work outside of the mother's body. The peanut hears perfectly, recognizes voices, gets excited at loud sounds or bright lights. He can focus his vision on objects that are close to him. Clearly the little man recognizes bright colors.

Internal organs

Chewing muscles and salivation are poorly developed, but as soon as the baby is born and begins to suck on his mother's breast, they will become stronger. The mucous membrane of the mouth still has a large number of blood vessels, therefore it is colored red. Already 30 days after birth, the salivary glands begin to actively produce a secret. During this period, the little one will already be able to capture his mother's breast well and actively suck milk.

All internal organs are fully formed. The kidneys and liver are ready to fully perform their functions, despite the fact that even after birth they will still be formed. The pancreas produces the digestive enzymes needed to digest food. As a rule, they are enough to break down breast milk.

The stomach and intestines work well. The original feces appear in the rectum. When a baby is in the womb, his intestines are sterile. As soon as the baby receives breast milk, the first beneficial bacteria will settle in his digestive organs. In the future, this is necessary to improve the digestion of food.

What does a baby look like at 39 weeks

At the end of the third trimester, a small organism is formed and ready to meet the outside world. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, the little one will have to go through a rather difficult period. Not only mommy is experiencing physical pain at this time. Because of the contraction of the uterus, it is quite difficult for the child.

Outwardly, children at 39 weeks are very similar, but for every woman her baby is unique. The first thing parents pay attention to is eye color. Brown-eyed peanuts, as a rule, remain with dark eyes. If the newborn is blue-eyed, then after a while the shade may change. This also applies to hair. At birth, many babies have light hairs, but by the age of one they darken. It often happens the other way around.

The skin of the baby has a pink color, folds are clearly visible on the body. Many still have fluffy hairs. More often they are visible on the forehead, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds. There is a cheese-like lubricant on the body, which is necessary to protect the skin. The bones of the skull are mobile, fontanelles are preserved between them. Such a structure is necessary for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. The volume of the head is quite large and is approximately one-fourth of the length of the body. The growth of babies usually reaches 50-55 cm.

At week 39, the growth of the little one stops. This is necessary for normal childbirth. The movements of the baby are severely limited due to the pressure on his body of the walls of the uterus. The arms and legs are pressed to the body, are in a bent state. When you try to straighten them, mom clearly feels it.

In addition, the motor activity of the child decreases due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. During this period, the baby is completely ready for childbirth. His head descends into the pelvic area of ​​​​a woman and in this position the little man is until the very birth. The average body weight of a newborn should be about three kilograms. Height, as already mentioned, is about 50 cm.

Despite the decrease in physical activity, mommy should monitor the movements of her child. If they are less than 10 times in 12 hours, you should inform your doctor.

Feelings of a woman at 39 weeks

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe the feelings of a woman at the 39th week of pregnancy in a nutshell. The expectant mother experiences a whole range of feelings both from the moral and from the physical well-being. Many girls are afraid of the upcoming birth, but at the same time they dream of meeting their baby.

Physical health changes

At a period of 39 weeks, the body of a pregnant woman is actively preparing for the birth of a new life. During this period, the following changes occur:

  • The production of colostrum by the mammary glands begins. This product is necessary for a newborn in the first days of life. Colostrum provides the tiny body with all the necessary trace elements, which is important for the further development of the child.
  • The placenta has already fulfilled its role and begins to gradually age. At this stage, the baby needs fewer nutrients than during active growth.
  • Due to the prolapse of the tummy, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe, but along with this new difficulties come. It becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to walk, lie down and sit.
  • The movements of the crumbs become less active due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • The woman's weight gain is suspended. Often, body weight even decreases by several kilograms. Appetite also decreases.
  • The level of progesterone decreases, and the concentration of estrogen increases slightly.
  • Legs swell less than in earlier periods.
  • At 39 weeks, the cervix becomes soft and shortens.

The contractions will begin very soon, and the little man will be born. Thoughts about this make a woman experience new sensations.

Before the upcoming birth, the expectant mother experiences excitement. Often, fear is very strong and it is quite difficult to manage without the support of loved ones. To cope with these experiences, you do not need to withdraw into yourself. A girl should definitely share her feelings with her husband or other loved one.

In addition, experts recommend attending special courses. There are several types of courses. Some will help you get acquainted with the period of pregnancy, while others are necessary in order to find out how childbirth proceeds, how to behave during this period. Specialists will provide information on how to recognize contractions, what you need to take with you to the hospital, how to care for a newborn baby and how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

Courses can be attended not only by pregnant women, but also by young dads. This will help them in the future to help the mother care for the newborn.

Is sexual intercourse allowed?

At the 39th week of pregnancy, intimacy between partners is not only not prohibited, but, on the contrary, is welcomed. This is explained by the fact that sex is considered a good stimulation of the birth process. Male sperm contains substances that have a softening effect on the cervix. This helps her open up faster. In addition, during sexual intercourse, hormones are produced in the woman's body that have a positive effect on the emotional well-being of the mother. As you know, a good mood is transmitted to the baby.

The main rule during this process is the exclusion of pressure on the abdomen and the choice of a position that excludes deep penetration. By the way, after sex, a woman may experience slight brownish discharge.

Before childbirth, each girl to one degree or another has certain discharge. More often they are white, milky or yellow. There is no normal smell. The discharge should have a uniform consistency, which indicates normal physiological processes.

Sometimes they can be of a different nature. All of them can be divided into several groups:

  • Mucous. As a rule, mucous discharge is the discharge of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. There is no pain or any discomfort. The cork leaves in women from 36 to 39 weeks.
  • Watery. Such discharge may indicate two conditions. The first is the excretion of a small amount of urine from the bladder. Due to the voluminous tummy, the urinary organ is constantly under pressure. With any tension, coughing or sneezing, a pregnant woman can detect a small amount of liquid on her underwear. The second condition is the leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. It is normal if a woman's amniotic fluid does not leak, but sometimes it happens that a small amount of it still leaks. If the discharge is too abundant, then this may indicate depressurization of the placenta. In such cases, the doctor often decides to stimulate labor.
  • White curds. Such secretions have a thick base, they are characterized by a sour-milk smell. If they are abundant, this may indicate infection of the genital organs or the development of thrush.
  • Bloody or purulent. With any intensity of such secretions, you should immediately consult a doctor. An admixture of pus or blood often indicates various pathologies, including placental abruption and internal bleeding. Even if pink spots are found on the underwear, it is better to consult with your doctor. Blood clots may appear after examination by a gynecologist. This must be reported to the doctor.

Be that as it may, if you find any changes in yourself, it is better for a pregnant woman at any time to consult a doctor. During this period, excessive precaution does not hurt.

At 39 weeks, the belly of the expectant mother reaches its maximum size. At the same time, it falls down, which causes a lot of discomfort when walking. A woman can only sleep on her side. Most mothers associate the process when the fetus descends into the pelvic area with easier breathing. In this case, the uterus ceases to put pressure on the heart and lungs. The negative aspects include increased urination, because now the fetus exerts strong pressure on the bladder.

The navel in many pregnant women turns inward, down from it and up to the pubis a distinct pigment strip is visible. You don't need to worry. It usually disappears after a few months. Due to stretching, the skin is very itchy, flaky. During this period, it is important to use moisturizers. This can eliminate discomfort and prevent stretch marks.


At week 39, women pull the lower abdomen, often there are painful or pulling feelings in the lumbar region. The chest is painful to touch, when pressed, the pregnant woman experiences discomfort. If you squeeze the nipple, the young mother discovers colostrum.

Additional pain may appear in the pelvic bones. The fetal head exerts direct pressure on them during movement and sitting.

At the last term of bearing a baby in the body of a woman, the synthesis of a substance called relaxin begins. It is necessary to relax the ligaments and soften the bones.

Harbingers of childbirth in nulliparous women

It is known that with the birth of a new life, the hormonal background of a woman undergoes significant changes. During the development and growth of the fetus in the womb, the female hormone progesterone begins to be actively produced. This is necessary for the normal course and preservation of pregnancy.

Some time before birth, placental aging is observed, which leads to a decrease in the synthesis of progesterone. During this period, the production of another hormone, estrogen, begins. It is thanks to him that the body is preparing for the upcoming birth process. Of course, it is quite difficult for a woman to catch any changes at this level, but some of them still occur more noticeably. They are called the harbingers of childbirth.

In primiparous mothers, the first harbingers of childbirth can be observed in the period from 36 to 40 weeks.

Harbingers at 36 weeks

As already mentioned, the first harbingers in primiparous girls can be observed as early as 36 weeks. During this period, the expectant mother notes a decrease in the motor activity of the fetus. This is due to the descent of the head into the pelvic area and the restriction of the movements of the crumbs by the walls of the uterus and pelvic bones.

Special attention should be paid to false or training contractions. Not knowing about their existence, many young mothers tend to get to the hospital as soon as possible, believing that childbirth has begun. False contractions are characterized by a lack of regularity and some other signs. With such contractions, the pregnant woman's stomach turns to stone, and the tension passes quickly. In addition, the interval between them is quite large.

Allocations at week 36 may be more abundant. In this case, do not worry, because this is due to the pressure of the fetal head on the vagina. You need to sound the alarm only in cases where the discharge is brown, bloody, or there is pus in them.

Harbingers at 37 weeks

At this time, the baby is considered to be fully full-term. If he is born into the world, he will be able to breathe and develop completely independently. When the harbingers of childbirth appear at 37 weeks, you should not worry and go to the hospital.

Signs of imminent labor:

  • Lowering of the abdomen. The fetus, along with the uterus at this stage, moves to the pelvic area. This contributes to the fact that a woman’s heartburn disappears, frequent belching, and breathing becomes easier. Along with this, symptoms such as increased urination appear, girls complain that they have a pull in the lower abdomen, and back pain appears.
  • Harbingers of childbirth include not only frequent urination, but also frequent bowel movements. This is explained by the increased pressure of the fetus on the intestines.
  • Weight loss in women. In the last stages, the appetite of the pregnant woman decreases, the excretion of fluid from the body increases. At 37 weeks, the expectant mother practically does not gain weight, she often loses 1-2 kg.
  • In the pelvic and pubic area, pain is increasingly occurring. This happens due to the process of expansion of the pelvic bones. Often the discomfort worsens at night.

If the harbingers are joined with a regular character, the frequency of which is constantly increasing, you should pack your things and go to the hospital.

At week 38, signs that are very similar to the precursors at week 37 can signal an imminent birth. The fetus continues to grow, although this is already happening not so intensively. During this period, changes in the gait of the expectant mother become very noticeable. Due to the shifted center of gravity, it becomes smooth, slow.

For many pregnant women, the mucus plug may come off at this stage. Do not be very scared, this does not always indicate an imminent birth. You can distinguish this sign from ordinary discharge by signs such as a yellowish or brown tint. The slime is quite thick.

Increasingly, false contractions occur during this period. Sometimes they cause severe discomfort and pain to a young mother. To relieve these symptoms, No-Shpa, Buscopan, Magnesia, or other antispasmodic medication may be prescribed.

Harbingers at 39 weeks

The penultimate week of pregnancy often ends in childbirth. This is an absolutely normal process, because at this time the little one is completely ready to meet his parents and the outside world.

Harbingers of childbirth at 39 weeks in primiparous mothers have a pronounced character:

  • Nesting instinct. Many women, a few days before giving birth, have a desire to rearrange, do a general cleaning, iron and prepare diapers for the baby. Often this helps to induce labor faster, because motor activity is an excellent stimulation.
  • Training bouts. At week 39, they happen quite often, and the expectant mother can already quite distinguish them from the real ones. If the contractions begin, but completely stop after a while, then the baby is not yet ready to be born.
  • Malaise. Many mothers feel sick, their head may hurt, they constantly want to sleep. This is explained by accumulated fatigue.
  • Discharge of water. The outpouring of water is a clear sign that the birth process will soon begin. If a pregnant woman's water has broken, you need to hurry to the hospital. A long stay of a child in the womb can lead to disastrous consequences.

On the part of the moral state, there is an increasing excitement, fear of the upcoming birth. Now is the time to calm down, tune in to a pleasant mood, because the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon happen.

At 40 weeks, mom's fatigue reaches its climax. Just a little more and the baby will be born. It is almost impossible to ignore the harbingers of childbirth during this period. They appear in the following changes:

  • A sharp decrease in appetite. Many mothers lose weight, because the baby during this period no longer requires many nutrients.
  • Reducing the number of movements. The baby is getting tighter in the mother's tummy. This provokes a decrease in the number of movements.
  • The cervix becomes soft and shortens. This is a natural process necessary for its disclosure during childbirth.
  • Often, primiparous women experience vomiting or increased defecation. No need to worry, this is a natural cleansing process to facilitate childbirth.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. A small amount of fluid can be observed in many pregnant women in the last stages. It is worth sounding the alarm only if there is too much leakage.
  • False contractions. Contractions of a training nature are observed for a period of 40 weeks in almost all women. At the same time, the stomach and lower back pull like during menstruation. If the contractions become too painful and the interval between them shortens, you need to go to the hospital.

It is impossible to say exactly how the harbingers of childbirth will manifest themselves in one or another mother. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Some women feel calm throughout their pregnancy, while others face training contractions and other harbingers quite often. Be that as it may, you need to remain calm, not panic, but think about your health and well-being of the crumbs.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women

The second and third births are somewhat different from the first. This is explained by the fact that during the first birth, the baby's head stretches the cervix and it is no longer fully restored, but remains softer and more elastic. Thanks to this, giving birth the second and subsequent times is not so painful. At least, this is evidenced by the reviews of many mothers.

In multiparous women, the harbingers of childbirth often occur a week before an exciting event. At week 39, the harbingers of childbirth can be of the following character:

Fetal prolapse

Abdominal prolapse is the process of moving the fetus into the lower part of the pelvis. This is the preparation of the baby for the birth. In most cases, the baby is positioned head down, but sometimes a breech presentation of the fetus occurs. In multiparous mothers, this sign is observed 5-6 days before childbirth.

Sometimes fetal prolapse occurs the day before childbirth or goes completely unnoticed by the woman. You should not focus only on this sign.

cork discharge

At the 39th week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers leave the mucous plug. It resembles a clot, often has a white or cream tint. Less commonly, bloody mucus due to the high content of blood streaks. Sometimes a girl may miss this event. The cork comes off about a week before the birth, but it can happen earlier. Often, mucous secretions are noted only during the progress of the baby through the birth canal.

Many women note that before giving birth, their appetite becomes less pronounced. This often results in reduced swelling and weight loss. In addition, the loss of kilograms is explained by the active preparation of the body for the upcoming birth by removing excess fluid.

This symptom is not observed in all cases, so you do not need to wait for it, because weight loss may not occur.

Stirring reduction

A decrease in the number of fetal movements may indicate an approaching birth. The baby becomes cramped in the mother's tummy, and he moves less actively. The amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the walls of the uterus hamper the movements of the baby. During this period, the expectant mother should carefully monitor the behavior of the baby. Restless behavior may indicate a lack of oxygen for the crumbs.

nesting instinct

The desire to make your home more comfortable is quite normal in the last stages of pregnancy. The woman is trying to make repairs, prepare things for the newborn, equip the crib. Psychologists call this desire the nesting instinct.

Change in defecation

Often, a woman notices a change in the nature of the stool a few days before the baby appears (diarrhea, less often constipation). Less commonly, other symptoms join the disorder of the stool, the woman feels nauseous, dizzy, drowsiness, weakness, high blood pressure occur, expectant mothers often sweat, sometimes insomnia occurs.

If nausea and other symptoms become too bothersome, it's best to let your doctor know. Perhaps this is not about the harbingers of childbirth, but about late toxicosis. In addition, diarrhea can lead to dehydration.

Increased urination

Due to the constant pressure of the uterus on the bladder, the urge to urinate appears even with its slight filling. At night, mothers also have to visit the toilet quite often. At 39 weeks, multiparous women may experience urinary retention or, conversely, too much urination.

False contractions are a kind of orgasm preparation for the upcoming birth. At 39 weeks in multiparous mothers, they occur quite often. Often there are no training contractions at all, and in some women they occur early.

You can understand that they began by such signs as uterine contraction, it seems to harden, the pregnant woman pulls her back, her lower back hurts, and her stomach aches. In terms of pain, they can be compared with pain during menstruation. At the same time, the contractions are irregular, they disappear very quickly.

If the training contractions last more than 15 minutes, with cramps, loose stools and other harbingers of an early birth, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Drainage of amniotic fluid

If a clear liquid has come out of the vagina in a fairly large amount, then we are talking about the outflow of amniotic fluid. Before that, a woman may not feel any harbingers. The amount of this fluid will depend on whether polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios was observed in a pregnant woman.

In multiparous girls, the amniotic sac bursts more often on its own. If this does not happen, an operation is performed in the delivery room to pierce it (amniotomy).

It often happens that childbirth begins much faster than a woman expects. This is due to the characteristics of each organism. To prevent difficulties, you should pack things for the hospital at the beginning of the third trimester. What exactly to take to the hospital will tell the gynecologist.

Of course, the first thing a pregnant woman needs to know is the need to keep calm. Strong experiences can provoke fetal hypoxia and other problems. Let's look at the symptoms, upon detection of which you should rush to the hospital.

You need to immediately go to the hospital when the following conditions appear:

  • Discharges with blood. This symptom is perhaps the most dangerous, because it can indicate both the onset of labor and placental abruption. Finding blood between the legs, you should quickly go to the hospital.
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid. In most cases, a few hours after this, the woman goes into labor. In multiparous mothers, this can happen even faster. If the situation is not taken under control in a timely manner, infection of the fetus and other dangerous complications can occur.
  • The appearance of true contractions. If you find symptoms such as increased uterine contractions and a decrease in the intervals between them, you should go to the hospital. Staying at home in such a situation is quite dangerous, because after true contractions, attempts and childbirth will soon begin.

All actions of a pregnant woman should be carried out calmly and with concentration.

If there is no husband or relative at home who can take you to the hospital, it is better to call an ambulance or a taxi. Going to the hospital by public transport is unwise.

CTG norm at obstetric week 39

Cardiotocography (CTG) is a diagnostic technique that allows you to assess the main vital functions of the fetus during pregnancy. Often, CTG is performed exactly at 39 weeks. During the procedure, special sensors are attached to the pregnant woman's abdomen to help record the baby's heart rate.

During the movements of the baby, the mother herself presses the button and the device fixes them on paper in the form of a graph. In addition, the sensor controls the contraction and relaxation of the uterus.


Evaluation of the results of CTG is carried out by an experienced specialist. He draws conclusions about the health of the fetus by recording the device. The following criteria are evaluated for decoding:

  • frequency and amplitude of instantaneous oscillations - heart rate deviations from the norm up or down;
  • basal rate - the average frequency of contractions of the fetal heart during 10 minutes of the study;
  • decelerations - are depicted on the graph as depressions. Decelerations mean deceleration of the heart rate relative to the norm by 15 beats or more;
  • accelerations are depicted on the graph as high sharp teeth. Acceleration is the acceleration of the fetal heart rate by 15 beats compared to the basal rate.

Decelerations are fixed during uterine contractions and movements of the baby. If CTG is poor, this requires further more detailed diagnosis.

CTG norm

The following indicators indicate the normal state of the child in the womb:

  • basal rate within 120-160 beats per minute;
  • amplitude of fluctuations (variability) of the heart rate - from 10 to 25 beats per minute;
  • decelerations are absent;
  • no more than two accelerations per 10 minutes of examination.

Minor deviations are allowed. If the values ​​​​deviate greatly from the norm, we are talking about pathology.

Photo CTG is normal.

Ultrasound examination at this stage of pregnancy allows you to determine the important parameters of the development of the child. In the table you can see the norm of the main criteria for a baby at this age, as well as what the approximate parameters of a baby should be.

If there are deviations from the norm, do not worry. Each baby is individual.

In the pictures you can see photos of ultrasound images at the end of the third trimester.

At this age, you can clearly see the floor and even facial expressions of the crumbs.

Causes of uterine tone at 39 weeks

Many expectant mothers face increased uterine tone. This sensation is very similar to muscle tension during orgasm, but it happens for reasons independent of sex and pleasure. What causes such a state?

If we are talking about the 39th week of pregnancy, most often the stomach becomes stone during false contractions. At the same time, it becomes hard, often there is discomfort and soreness. During training bouts, the pubic part, lower back, back hurts, shoots in the crotch area. Such organ contractions can be observed at night and during the day. It is very important to be able to distinguish false contractions from true ones.

Why doesn't labor start?

During pregnancy, it often happens that the time to give birth has already come, and the little one does not want to be born. Often women carry babies 41, 42 weeks. There are known cases of overwearing up to 45 weeks. Why is this happening? The reasons are different:

  • Features of the biological rhythm of a woman. It is known that girls who have a longer menstrual cycle often carry babies up to 40 weeks. In mothers with a short cycle, peanuts are born, as a rule, at 38-39 weeks.
  • Insufficient physical activity of a woman. When walking, the head of the fetus presses on the cervix, thereby irritating it. This is a great labor induction. If the loads are insufficient, this can lead to overwearing.
  • The reason for the absence of childbirth at 39 weeks may be too large a fetus (more than 4 kg).

Equally important is the emotional background of a woman. Due to fear and strong feelings, contractions may be absent for a long time.

39 weeks pregnant - how many months is it

Before answering this question, it is worth recalling that there is an obstetric and embryonic period. The difference between them is approximately 14 days, that is, 2 weeks. From this we can conclude that the 39th week of the embryonic term is 40-41 weeks of the obstetric period.

The danger lies in the fact that if the baby is in the womb for too long, changes occur in the placenta, which negatively affects the health of the fetus. Placental insufficiency often causes oxygen deficiency for the baby. This condition can even lead to the death of a child.

In addition to hypoxia, there is a threat of head injury during passage through the birth canal due to flattening of the cranial bones. Often there is aspiration of amniotic fluid - fluid retention in the lungs of a newborn.

When walking, a weak labor activity in a pregnant woman is often noted, there is a serious risk of bleeding and other complications.

How to induce labor at home

If the doctor gives the go-ahead to stimulate labor, you can safely use simple methods:

  • You can bring the birth closer with the help of a sharp one. Spicy food perfectly stimulates the intestines, which leads to a contraction of the uterine walls. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because too much spicy can provoke heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Masturbation and sex. It is believed that this helps not only to have fun, but also to train the vaginal muscles, as well as stimulate the onset of labor. You need to have sex and masturbate very carefully, observing the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Walking. While walking, the uterus is irritated, which is a great way to induce contractions.
  • Rubbing of the nipples. When rubbing the nipples, the production of the hormone oxytocin in the female body begins. It helps induce labor. In this case, the nipples should be rubbed for quite some time. Massage can be performed for an hour up to three times a day.

You can also speed up contractions with the help of folk remedies. It is believed that contractions can be caused by using raspberry leaves for tea, pineapple pulp, and kelp.

At 39 weeks, the baby has already gone down and is waiting for his birth. During this period, its intensive growth stops, therefore, the appetite of the pregnant woman decreases. Despite the fact that the baby is already fully formed, mom should not forget about proper nutrition and saturating the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, because she still has a rather difficult period - childbirth or a caesarean section.

Healthy foods

In the morning, a pregnant woman can treat herself to a bun, a sandwich with cheese and vegetables. Boiled meat, steamed fish, cottage cheese will be useful. In the afternoon, it is recommended to include cereals and dairy products in the diet.

Healthy foods:

  • beet;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • dried fruits;
  • currant;
  • raspberry;
  • legumes;
  • wholemeal bread and pasta.

At this stage, meat, carbohydrates, animal protein should be limited.

harmful products

As in the early stages of bearing a baby, at week 39 the following dishes should be excluded from the menu:

Pregnant women often have protein in their urine. In this case, you should always consult with a nutritionist, limit salt intake.

More often in expectant mothers, edema appears on the face and in the legs. To cope with this unpleasant symptom, you can follow these recommendations:

  • reduce the amount of liquid consumed;
  • limit salt in the diet;
  • you can drink a decoction of bearberry herb, lingonberry leaf tea;
  • fish, steamed meat will be useful;
  • the menu can include fruits and vegetables with a diuretic effect.

If swelling occurs after a walk, you can briefly put your feet in cool water. The temperature in the bath should not be too cold.

Proper nutrition is very important during the bearing of a baby, especially if the stomach often twists, heartburn, belching and other dyspeptic disorders are tortured.


In numerous forums, many mothers are looking for answers to various questions. We will try to answer the most common of them.

The right side hurts at 39 weeks, what could it be

A variety of diseases can be accompanied by pains of varying intensity in the right hypochondrium. These include gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis and others. If you experience pain, be sure to consult a doctor.

What to do if the child is quiet and does not move

Many girls notice that at week 39 the baby moves less. Do not worry, this is a completely normal physiological process, because the baby simply does not have enough space. The alarm should be sounded only if the little one does not push for a long time. As the experience of many mothers testifies, the subsidence of the fetus is often a harbinger of an early birth.

How to treat thrush

It is not uncommon for women to experience thrush during pregnancy. The disease occurs for various reasons and delivers a lot of discomfort. Pimafucin suppositories are the safest and most effective treatment for fungal infections. Treatment with a medicine should be carried out exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.

Why does the baby hiccup

Often, women at 39 weeks notice that their baby is hiccupping in the womb. Do not be afraid, because this is a completely normal natural process. If mommy eats something, the baby also feasts on her. Hiccups occur due to compression of the diaphragm.

Why can the temperature rise during this period

An increase in body temperature at 39 weeks of gestation may indicate both the approach of labor and any disease. Fever, chills, body aches, headache and other manifestations can indicate a common cold, SARS, or more serious pathologies such as tonsillitis, flu.

In any case, if a runny nose appears, body temperature rises, weakness and other symptoms occur, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor. With a cold, paracetamol is allowed.

Summing up

The 39th week of pregnancy is an exciting period before the upcoming birth. The whole calendar is already behind and the woman is entering the finish line. Very soon she will become a mother and finally meet her long-awaited child. In the meantime, you should enjoy your position, relax and think about the pleasant. A good mood and a positive attitude are essential in this happy and at the same time difficult period.


In this video, you can learn about the harbingers of childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation in more detail.

The 39th obstetric week of pregnancy has come, so the baby and mother have become even closer to the long-awaited meeting. The woman is looking forward to the onset of contractions and is surprised that the pregnancy has dragged on for so long. In fact, doctors often make mistakes when determining the expected date of birth, so you should not worry. To control the condition of the child, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy should regularly conduct an examination - measure the heart rate, if necessary, do an ultrasound scan.

Changes in a woman's body

What happens on the 39th week with a woman's body? The closer the day of birth, the more changes imperceptible from the side occur in the body of a pregnant woman. All of them are the result of irreversible processes that prepare the body of the expectant mother for childbirth:

  • The fetus puts more and more pressure on the pelvic bones and the cervix, in which a large number of nerve receptors are located;
  • Under the influence of this pressure, the intrareceptors located in the uterus begin to send impulses to the central nervous system (CNS), informing it of readiness No. 1. Having received these impulses, the central nervous system transmits commands to all organs and systems that are directly or indirectly involved in labor activity;
  • Changes are being made in the endocrine system - the level of production of the hormone progesterone is significantly reduced, which for almost 9 calendar months helped to maintain pregnancy, fixing the cervix and minimizing its contractions. By the way, this is another of the reasons that contribute to weight loss by a woman in the last weeks of pregnancy. Progesterone promotes the accumulation of fat, and since it becomes smaller, the fat layer on the body of the expectant mother may become slightly thinner;
  • Metabolism changes: the intestines begin to work in a more intensive mode, the urge to empty it becomes more frequent. The body is ready every minute for the onset of childbirth, and thus gets rid of unnecessary ballast;
  • Changes occur in the placenta that affect the immune relationship between mother and child. The body of a pregnant woman begins to perceive the fetus as a foreign body, and seeks to reject it.

A pregnant woman is increasingly worried about the tone of the uterus. You should not be afraid, this condition is dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. Indeed, during this period, the uterus, thus, is actively preparing for the upcoming birth.

To answer the question why in some women these processes start earlier, while in others later, medical science still cannot. It is believed that this is influenced by genetics, the size of the fetus, the health of the expectant mother and other factors.

Harbingers of childbirth

Before the birth process begins, a woman during this period, or even earlier, has characteristic signs. Harbingers of childbirth in nulliparous at 39 weeks of gestation include the following symptoms:

  • Increasing the number of allocations. Sometimes women confuse such discharge with water leakage. To get rid of doubts, you can use a special test or consult a doctor;
  • Weight loss. If the expectant mother keeps her weight under control, then she may notice that he has decreased by about 1 kg. This is due to the fact that edema gradually disappears before childbirth;
  • Loose mucus plug, which looks like a small clot of mucus
  • Increase in training bouts. They do not cause severe discomfort to a pregnant woman. In the event that severe cramping pain appears with a special frequency, then this may be a sign that true contractions have begun;
  • Lowering of the abdomen. A woman can immediately determine this, because it becomes easier for her to breathe. At the same time, nausea and heartburn disappear, because there is no longer such pressure on the stomach as before. The navel may become more convex;
  • Reduced baby activity. At the same time, the number of movements should still be at least 10-12 in 12 hours;
  • nesting syndrome. A pregnant woman suddenly has a lot of strength to comfortably equip the baby's room and clean up the house;
  • There is a violation of the stool. A pregnant woman has diarrhea. Loose stools are caused by high levels of estrogen. If the rest of the precursors appear a few days or weeks before the birth, then the body begins to cleanse naturally almost before the very birth;
  • In connection with the stretching of the ligaments, unpleasant, pulling sensations appear.

Pregnant women who are preparing to become a mother for the second time already know all the symptoms of an approaching birth. Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous at 39 weeks of gestation are almost the same. A distinctive feature is the following features:

  • The abdomen basically drops not 1-2 weeks before the onset of labor, as is the case with the first birth, but immediately before it begins;
  • The mucous plug is more voluminous;
  • Training contractions in multiparous women are more intense and may appear a little earlier;
  • Due to the fact that the ligaments holding the uterus are already a little prepared after the first pregnancy, there may not be any pulling sensations in the lumbar region;
  • All the harbingers appear brighter and faster. Therefore, in the second birth, the interval between the appearance of precursors and the onset of labor is less than it was in the first pregnancy.

Weight at 39 weeks pregnant

According to statistics, the 39th week of pregnancy is characterized by a weight gain of 12-15 kg from the initial body weight. The upper norm is considered very conditional and is calculated based on the characteristics of the physique and age of each individual woman. At this time, the weight of the expectant mother behaves very unpredictably: in some cases, it continues to creep up, in others it begins to gradually decrease. Both of these are the absolute norm, provided that the condition of the baby does not raise questions from the gynecologist.


The belly at 39 weeks of gestation is striking in its size. Despite the fact that the level of the fundus of the uterus has become lower - about 33-35 cm, its girth continues to grow. This is due to the fact that in the last two weeks before the birth, the baby begins to gain weight especially intensively. He could well be a child already born, and therefore his body begins to behave accordingly. If the expectant mother has problems with appetite, then the child will take the nutrients he needs for growth from her body, so you should not forget to drink vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

The baby's head is already deep in the pelvic region, right at the exit from the uterus. In this regard, at the 39th week, many doctors advise mothers not to wear a bandage - it can cause discomfort to the child. Some women are afraid to sit, so as not to press the head. These fears have a rational grain, therefore the best position of the body of a pregnant woman at the 39th week is reclining. This does not mean that you should lie down all day, on the contrary, in recent weeks, long walks are very welcome, stimulating the opening of the uterus and the onset of labor.

Many women note that their stomach turns to stone at 39 weeks of gestation. This means that the woman is likely to be bothered by training contractions.

Feelings of a woman at 39 weeks

The 39th week of pregnancy is not easy for a woman, not only from a physical, but also from a psychological point of view. Many acquaintances from the "pregnant" forums have already become happy mothers, and her baby is still in no hurry to be born. No persuasion and arguments help - the impatience of a woman at this time reaches its climax. She rejoices in every contraction of the uterus, hoping that these are finally not training contractions, but the beginning of labor. Due to constant expectation and fear, the expectant mother may experience insomnia.

To reduce jitters and brighten up the last days (or maybe hours) of waiting, the expectant mother should reconsider her attitude to protracted gestation, because she has a chance to complete preparations for meeting the child at the highest level. For example, stock up on children's wardrobe not in a hurry, but carefully and lovingly choosing exactly those baby things that you really like. When shopping, do not buy too many things for a newborn, as during this period, children grow at an incredible rate. The optimal clothing size for the first time is 3-6 months.

The remaining days can also be used for a good rest - very soon mom will need a lot of strength, because the baby will demand all her attention. If others greatly annoy an already worried woman with the question “when already?”, You can temporarily reduce the circle of contacts, leaving only sensitive and understanding people in it.

Physiological sensations:

  • sore legs, back, pelvic bones;
  • every day more and more pulls the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • every movement of a baby growing by leaps and bounds is given by pain in the ribs;
  • the digestive process is far from ideal - a pregnant woman can be tormented by heartburn, she is sick;
  • worried about mood swings.

The second pregnancy is especially difficult, because no one has canceled the daily duties of caring for older children, and the physical condition does not always allow you to cope with them one hundred percent. In this case, it is necessary to more often involve the father of the child and relatives in the help - for sure, they themselves will be happy with the opportunity to be useful.


Usually, an ultrasound examination is not performed during this period, but a woman can undergo this examination according to the doctor's indications and at the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy.

Indications during this period include:

  • identified early malpresentation of the fetus;
  • low attachment of the placenta;
  • suspicion of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the child;
  • suspicion that the baby is suffering from hypoxia.

The sonologist assesses the degree of maturity of the placenta, the development of the baby, the condition of the umbilical cord, and the size of the cervix. The specialist also evaluates the composition and amount of amniotic fluid. The content of the original feces in them is an alarming sign. If the amount of amniotic fluid is less than normal, then the diagnosis is oligohydramnios. In women with this diagnosis, weak labor activity is noted.

If an incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus is detected, as well as the presence of other aggravating factors, the doctor may raise the question of the need for a caesarean section.

fetus at 39 weeks

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the height of the baby is 49-55 cm, and the weight is 3000-3700 g. Despite the fact that his world has become very small, he feels good, continues to grow and prepare for an early meeting with his parents. It is believed that by this time his nervous system is fully formed, but by saying this, doctors mean precisely its readiness for independent functioning and the maturity of all innate processes. In fact, the development of the central nervous system is a long process that will continue for several more years after birth.

The immaturity of the nervous system in a newborn is manifested by the following signs:

  • trembling of the chin during crying;
  • arms and legs;
  • twitching in sleep.

Such manifestations are not considered a serious abnormality if they resolve on their own before the age of six months. As a rule, they are not treated with medication - baths with soothing herbal preparations, massage courses, special gymnastics for newborns are enough.

Mother's neuroses have a negative impact on the CNS of the fetus, so she should worry less and stock up on a charge of positive and cheerfulness, despite all her worries.

The baby's eyes are already able to focus at a distance of 20-30 cm - it is this distance that will soon separate him from the mother's face during breastfeeding. Fortified, the baby will examine her features with pleasure and interest, and after a while, he will also feel her nose, lips, and examine her eyes. According to psychologists, children who often see their mother's smile in infancy grow up more calm and self-confident. The baby is able to distinguish shades, and after birth he will see the world in all its brightness.

In the mother's belly, a child after 39 weeks of pregnancy already looks like a newborn baby: smooth skin of a pleasant pink hue, rounded cheeks, fluff on the head, folds on the body. But it’s not worth expecting that he will appear in the world as handsome as well, because before getting out, he will have to go through the tight birth canal. Therefore, the head of newborns immediately after childbirth is often deformed, the face is swollen, the skin has a bluish or red tint. However, it will take quite a bit of time and the appearance of the baby will return to normal.

Discharge from the genital tract

The thirty-ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by copious discharge. This is a variant of the norm. Symptoms of the onset of an inflammatory process or a fungal infection for a woman should be itching, redness, burning sensation and discomfort in the vaginal area.

At this stage of pregnancy, inflammation in the genitals should not bother the expectant mother. She is under the constant supervision of a doctor who, at the slightest sign of a violation of the microflora, will prescribe treatment. But there is still a small risk, since a heavy uterus, the weight of which, together with the fetus and amniotic fluid, is already approximately 10 kg, presses on the bladder, urinary canals, while affecting the genitals.

If there are abundant watery discharge, then this may be a sign of water discharge. A long anhydrous period is very dangerous for the baby, therefore, with such discharge, a pregnant woman should immediately go to the hospital.

Possible problems

Pregnancy at 39 weeks is no longer so terrible in terms of possible problems. The risk of preeclampsia with subsequent eclampsia is very small, so the expectant mother can be calm - another danger has passed.

If it is a cold season outside, then a pregnant woman should be careful not to get ARVI, since even a banal runny nose will become a well-founded reason for her hospitalization in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital. The usual preventive measures will help her protect herself: tea with honey and viburnum / raspberries, airing and moistening the room, regular wet cleaning.


The menu for the 39th week of pregnancy should be designed in such a way as to help normalize upset digestion. Laxative foods should be excluded from it: beets, fatty kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, prunes, eggplants, etc. When compiling a diet, it is important to focus on your well-being and sensation.

If a woman is still suffering from heartburn at the 39th week of pregnancy, then foods that increase acidity should be excluded from the diet. In addition, you should eat in small portions.

Sex at 39 weeks

Intimate relationships after the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy are acceptable if the partners can find a position that is comfortable for the expectant mother. Given the size of the tummy, this is very difficult to do, so many women refuse to have sex. Do not contribute to carnal pleasures and accompanying the last weeks of pain in the lower abdomen, hips, legs, lower back, as well as a constant feeling of fatigue. But if the pregnant woman feels good and wants to live a full married life, there is no medical justification for refusing sex.

What to look out for

Many women are interested in the question of how to give birth faster? With the permission of the gynecologist in the last weeks of pregnancy it is very useful for a future mother to practice on a big ball - fitball. It helps to relax the muscles, relieves pain, does not put pressure on the child's head, and relaxes the uterus. During childbirth, the fitball contributes to its speedy disclosure, so you can try out the exercises in advance, which will soon be very useful.

  • Long walks will help start the birth process faster, especially climbing stairs helps. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise this advice can backfire and the onset of contractions will slow down;
  • Taking a bath. Water at about 38 degrees relaxes the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen, which gives the uterus strength for the occurrence of contractions;
  • How to speed up childbirth at the 39th obstetric week of pregnancy yet? The so-called "muzheterapiya" has a good stimulating effect. An orgasm can trigger uterine contractions. In addition, sperm prepares the cervix for the upcoming birth.

Before applying one of the above tips, you should consult a gynecologist.

It should be remembered that the 39th week can end in childbirth at any time, so the bag to the maternity hospital of the expectant mother should already be collected, and she should always carry an exchange card and other documents necessary for childbirth with her.

How many months at 39 weeks pregnant

There is very little time left before the long-awaited meeting, but most women are still wondering what month they are in.

The determination of the term by doctors is carried out according to the obstetric method, in 1 month of which there are 4 weeks or 28 days. Accordingly, the 39th week of pregnancy is 9 obstetric months and 3 weeks.

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Now your pregnancy is 9 obstetric months and 2 weeks.

This week, about 16 kg is considered normal weight gain. More weight women will not increase.

What happens at 39 weeks

At this time there is lowering of the uterine fundus, due to this, pressure on the internal organs is reduced, which helps to improve well-being. But on the other hand, it increases the pressure on the bladder, perineum and pelvic joints. can cause problems with balance, also due to pressure on the fetal head, severe and sharp pain in the pelvic area appears. Before childbirth begins, the baby's head must be fixed in the bone pelvis, so that it can easily pass through the birth canal.

Cervix this week to be in a constant tone: it narrows, then expands. As a result, some blood may appear in the discharge, but this is quite normal. Due to the fact that the child is constantly lowered, the woman's breathing improves and digestion is accelerated, which in turn can cause stool to thin.

This week, almost every woman begins appear colostrum, which in the first days of feeding will be food for the baby, until real milk begins to be produced in the female body.

going on aging of the placenta and its growth stops. She has already fulfilled her purpose, since the baby is already large and her functions are decreasing. Now the nutrients that come through the placenta are enough to support the life of the child. Sometimes there may be cases of oxygen starvation of the baby. But, despite the existing danger, hypoxia also has a positive side: it is an excellent training before childbirth, since during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, it will lack oxygen.

In addition, it decreases at week 39, but they are still enough to fulfill their immediate function - protecting the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, most women feel the hiccups of the baby. This happens when the baby inhales and swallows amniotic fluid into the trachea.

Possible risks

Beware of colds this week, as infections cling to a pregnant woman very easily. The danger lies in the fact that the disease is much more severe with serious complications. In no case should you resort to self-medication, be sure to consult a doctor for help. Read more about treating a cold during pregnancy.


Many women give birth this week and this is quite normal. At 39 weeks of gestation, the baby is considered full-term.

Signs that indicate the onset of labor:

  • increasing pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • exit of the mucous plug;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • regular contractions;
  • bloody issues;
  • diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature.

Read more about the harbingers of childbirth

Well-being of a woman at 39 weeks

The fatigue of a pregnant woman reaches its peak, there is no longer enough strength for anything. The baby is already very heavy and it is not so easy to carry it in oneself.

In addition, depression increases, a woman can be pissed off by any little thing. It is necessary to gather the last strength and wait for the birth of your miracle.

Possible physical sensations

The body is already ready for childbirth, so significant changes in the body of a woman practically do not occur:

  1. Uterus. The distance from the pubic symphysis is about 40 cm, and from the navel about 20 cm. This week, the cervix begins to contract and open.
  2. Stomach. The size of the abdomen is so huge that it seems that it can burst. At the same time, the skin stretches very strongly, it loses its elasticity, as a result of which a pigment strip appears in the center of the abdomen, as well as itching and peeling. In this case, you should definitely use it against the appearance of stretch marks.
  3. Pain sensations. At week 39, the pain becomes more pronounced and chronic. A woman may feel pain in the perineum due to the large pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Pain in the lower back and sacrum indicates a divergence of bones and softening of the joints. In addition, a woman may feel pain in her chest, which indicates that the production of colostrum has begun.
  4. Training bouts. This week, the contractions become more frequent, but their duration has not changed. Training contractions are the preparatory stages for childbirth. How to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor, read
  5. The weight. The total weight gain until this week will be about 16 kg. In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman can lose up to 2 kg, do not worry, this will not affect the baby in any way. This leaves the body with excess fluid.
  6. Allocations. If a woman's mucous plug begins to move away, then a thick pulling yellow or cream-colored mucus will appear. Just remember that now the infection is open to the baby in the uterus, so refrain from sex, swimming in ponds and other activities that can provoke infection:
    1. if there is a lot of blood in the discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, as this indicates placental abruption;
    2. if the discharge has become watery, then most likely you have amniotic fluid. There are cases when they do not come out immediately, but the so-called leakage occurs.
  1. Movement. The active activity of the baby has decreased significantly, as there is not enough space for him. Continue to count the movements, at this time, 10 shocks in 12 hours are considered the norm. Read about why it is necessary to track the movements of the child.
  2. Diarrhea. Diarrhea indicates the approach of childbirth, so the body is simply cleansed of everything unnecessary. In this case, in no case should you resort to self-medication, as this can provoke the appearance of serious problems.
  3. Nausea. The cause of nausea at week 39 may be late toxicosis. In this case, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as this can cause serious harm to the child. To reduce nausea, eat only light foods and spend plenty of time outdoors.

Possible emotional experiences

Most pregnant women at this time feel nervous, emotions are on the edge. The reason, most likely, is that you are simply afraid to give birth and do not know what lies ahead. Due to the constant action of hormones, a woman may experience frequent mood swings.

In this case, only understanding of loved ones and various ways to cheer yourself up will help:

  • send a shopping tour to the shops;
  • find yourself a hobby;
  • go to meetings with friends;
  • watch a good movie
  • do whatever brings you pleasure.

Reviews of women about 39 weeks

What do pregnant women who are already waiting, can not wait to meet their baby:

Pauline: “Today we are 39 weeks old and apparently the baby is not going to go out at all. Although I was in storage at 36 weeks and everyone around me thought that I was not carrying a baby. I feel a very strong pain in my lower back, it feels like someone is pulling down. The doctor said that I can go another week. Now I sit on the bags and constantly listen to my feelings so as not to miss the beginning.

Hope: “This week, the feeling of heaviness in the lower back has increased. The mucous plug came out 5 days ago, but my son does not want to go out at all. I have absolutely no strength left, I can’t imagine how I will take care of him and not sleep and rest again. ”

Marina: “I only had 2 harbingers of childbirth: nesting syndrome and I also lost 1 kg. I sleep very badly, as my daughter is very active. Yes, I fall asleep closer to 3 o'clock. In addition, I go to the toilet 5 times. In general, I ask my daughter to be born as soon as possible, since mommy can no longer live like this.

Anastasia: “All my bones hurt a lot, it’s easier to become, only while walking and doing light exercises. Decreased appetite, eat no more than 3 times a day. At times, very severe heartburn worries. The belly sank, so it's much easier to breathe. I'm counting down the days until I meet my son.

Arina: “It's already 39 weeks. The abdomen sank at 38 weeks, there are no other harbingers of approaching labor. What is important, I am in a very good mood, and I am not at all afraid to give birth. Now it remains to wait for the baby to ask to go outside.

Svetlana: “As the stomach sank, the pressure on the bladder increased, so you always want to go to the toilet. Legs hurt, walking is difficult. I sleep badly, at night it hurts in the lower abdomen, but there are no contractions. I’m waiting for the time to go to the hospital.”

Alexandra: “I don’t want to give birth yet, I want to be like this for a couple of weeks. I do not feel any pain or heartburn, I even sleep well and do not get up to go to the toilet. I have already prepared everything for the meeting of the baby, even the crib was assembled. But still, I want to postpone the period of lack of sleep and overwork that awaits after childbirth.

Faith: “I have not been able to walk long distances for more than 3 weeks, the only thing I have enough for is to go out and walk to the store on the next street. I feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, the pressure on the uterus is huge. The pressure of the fetus is so great that sometimes I can not move. I don’t experience any harbingers of childbirth, even training fights. ”

Eve: “I was given a due date in 5 days, but there are no signs of an approaching birth. Pregnancy is going great, only this week I got back pain. It feels like the muscles are pulling down. I live in dreams when I already hug my daughter.

Jeanne: “Today we are exactly 39 weeks old. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound, as the baby was quite large, but today the doctor said that everything is fine and the child is developing on time. Childbirth scares me very much, I don’t know what and how will happen, I’m terribly worried. ”

Fetal development at 39 weeks gestation

The growth of the child at this time is about 51 cm, and the weight is about 3250 g.

The diameter of the head is about 92.5 mm, the chest is about 98 mm, and the tummy is about 92 mm.

Keep in mind that these are only estimates and each child develops differently. Baby already fully prepared to meet you. Now he is in a head-down position, and his knees are pressed to his chin. There is practically no place to lead a too active lifestyle, so the baby's movements are more like spinning or rolling. In addition, the child sleeps for about 20 hours, as he gains strength before the main breakthrough into a new life.

He is well developed grasping reflex, and he can hold on tight enough. The baby's skin is already almost clean, only on some folds you can see a small amount of lagoon. Nails are no longer only on the hands, but also on the legs of the industry completely. The skin has become a pale pink color, and the hair may begin to curl.

In the child's body, the hormone cortisol begins to be produced, which affects the final maturation of the lungs. Thanks to this, the baby will be completely ready to breathe independently.

The salivary glands will begin to function only a month after birth. To facilitate sucking, the baby has special rollers that are located on the mucous membrane of the lips and jaws.

The child is ready to an independent existence and he can provide for his own life.

At this time, some children may entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. But this is not a reason for a caesarean section, since basically the length of the umbilical cord is about 60 cm, and the thickness is about 2 cm. After birth, it will be removed immediately, and nothing will interfere with the baby.

But if the umbilical cord is short, it can tighten during childbirth. During childbirth, doctors monitor the condition of the child, listen to his heart, and if there is at least some danger to the life of the fetus, the doctors will perform a caesarean section. Using ultrasound, it is impossible to determine the length of the umbilical cord. The baby continues to receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and oxygen through 2 arteries and a vein, which are located in the umbilical cord. Read more about cord entanglement and its consequences.

Eyes the baby can already focus at a distance of about 30 cm. This distance is equal to the distance from the child to the mother's face during feeding. In addition, he has sensitivity in contrast and sharpness, volume, and he also has color vision, a reaction to flickering and movement.

Departments of the central nervous system develop differently. This week, only the nerve cells of the spinal cord and glial tissue are fully developed. A small amount of mother's antibodies can pass through the placenta to the baby and thereby trigger his own immune system.

In the intestines the first stool, which is called meconium, is already accumulating. It usually comes out after the baby is born, but there are times when it happens while still in the womb. Because the baby is breathing and some of the amniotic fluid enters his lungs, some meconium may also get in with it. In this case, after the birth, doctors will have to perform a special procedure called lavage. It is necessary for clearing the bronchi.

The intestines are ready to receive, digest and assimilate food, since villi have already formed inside, which are responsible for moving food through the digestive tract. In addition, enzymes are produced in the stomach that will break down food. For digestion of food, bacteria are needed, which will enter the body along with mother's milk.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

Photo 3D ultrasound of the fetus for a period of 39 weeks:

Examinations at 39 weeks

During the visit, the doctor will certainly check the baby's heartbeat, this is necessary in order to make sure that everything is in order with him.

In addition, the doctor will definitely check the readiness for childbirth of the cervix. If previously there were any problems with the child, then an ultrasound scan may be prescribed at this time.

During the next visit to the doctor, the main procedures will be carried out:

  • weighing;
  • measurement ;
  • ;. After lowering the uterus, the pressure on the stomach has decreased, which in turn can cause an increase in appetite, but do not give in and eat plenty of food. It is absolutely not necessary to overload the body before childbirth.

    The daily menu should include squirrels. It is recommended to get them from such products: fermented milk products, fish, cereals. At this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This is necessary in order to accumulate energy for the upcoming birth.

    You can eat such foods: semolina, rice, biscuits, yogurt and cottage cheese desserts. At 39 weeks you you can afford sweets, the main thing is that they are natural, for example, a bun with homemade jam. In addition to simple carbohydrates, do not forget about the complex ones that are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. These products include: products made from wholemeal flour, vegetables, fruits, etc.

    intimate relationship

    For quite a long time there were disputes about the benefits or harms of sex in late pregnancy. Today, doctors say that the most important thing is the well-being of a pregnant woman. If you feel great and want your spouse, you should not deny yourself pleasure. Otherwise, you do not need to force yourself to have sex.

    Pros of intimate relationships at 39 weeks:

    1. During sex, a hormone is released in the female body, which is an anesthetic for the body.
    2. In the sperm of a man there is prostaglandin, which improves the elasticity of the uterus, thereby preparing it for childbirth.
    3. During orgasm, the baby experiences the same pleasure as his mother.
    4. Orgasm is an excellent workout for the uterus, which stimulates productive labor.
    5. Sex can bring the long-awaited birth in a natural way.

    Highly important to follow safety precautions during sex, penetration should not be deep and sharp. As for the position, at this time only those that involve penetration from behind are suitable.

    Video about 39 weeks pregnant

Everything will happen soon)))) everything that you dreamed about can happen at any moment !!!)))

Today we have:

Day of last menstrual period

Estimated date of birth

Your baby is already

8 months 4 weeks 1 day 11 hours 45 minutes

Until the expected date of birth left

6 days 13 hours 14 minutes

Baby's height approx.

Baby weight approx.

Your difficult path has been passed on

39 weeks pregnant

The child changed his position, he pressed his knees to his chin and is already ready to be born. He is completely immobilized, his body weight continues to increase. All vital organs function in the same way as in an adult, but he is still very weak. The umbilical cord still transmits useful substances to the baby, but at this stage there may be a danger if the umbilical cord twists into a strong knot around the baby's neck and cuts off oxygen to him. As a rule, this happens quite often, and does not carry serious consequences.

The woman does not feel strong changes in the state of health, but the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Nervousness rises, and emotions go wild, but this is not related to the physiology of the body, but depends only on your fear of childbirth. The cervix regularly narrows and expands, over time, the mucous plug disappears, which protected the child. Because of this, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, there is nothing to worry about. Over time, the fetus descends lower and lower, so the woman's breathing improves and digestion speeds up, which can cause stool to thin. If you feel that the baby is descending at a high speed, and your breathing becomes much easier, it is quite possible that the birth will come very soon.

Ultrasound pictures at 39 weeks39 weeks of fetal development in the photo

fetus at 39 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy is coming to an end, the beginning of childbirth is expected from day to day. And your baby can't wait to be born. At 39 weeks, the baby's lungs are fully formed and ready to receive the first portion of air, the pancreas produces enzymes for the full functioning of the digestive system. But beneficial bacteria will populate the still sterile environment of the intestine only after the first serving of colostrum.

At this time, the active movements of the baby slow down. This is due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, their renewal still occurs every 3 hours, but there is no longer enough room for movement and, as a rule, the starting position for the appearance of the baby has already been selected. The most basic reflex - sucking, is now developing most actively. After the first feedings, a chewing reflex will form.

At week 39, the rhythm of the baby's life is already about the same as it will be after childbirth. He actively reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes flickering, loud sound and touching the mother's stomach. Focusing the gaze at a short distance will become possible from the first days of life, do not forget to thank the baby for the efforts with your smile.

The development of the central nervous system is a long process and will continue after childbirth, monitor your emotional state, stress and anxiety are transmitted to the baby and negatively affect the small body. Take care of your psyche, keep calm and avoid negative information.

Your weight gain at this stage is not necessary, but the baby continues to grow. His height and weight are now very individual, but often already exceed 50 cm and 3500 kg. Subcutaneous fat gradually smoothes wrinkles, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a pleasant shade.


Pregnancy at 39 weeks is a difficult and tiring test for a woman. Every movement of the baby is felt with special force. About 10 kilograms of weight constantly put pressure on the bladder, causing a chronic desire to visit the toilet. The pressure on the pelvic bones increases, aching pains in the lumbar region increase. The pain often radiates to the legs, making walking difficult.

To make your baby feel comfortable and not experience additional stress, provide him with enough oxygen, walks in the fresh air should be daily and long.

Physical malaise, weakness and fatigue during this period helps a woman overcome the "nesting" syndrome. Future mothers with frantic zeal seek to clean up the house, prepare a new environment for the long-awaited family member.

A charge of vivacity in many ways muffles discomfort and allows you to remember the end of pregnancy in the best colors and emotions. But remember that it will be much more useful for you and your baby if you take on the role of an organizer, and the future dad and relatives will do all the work for you. Your strength will be needed during childbirth, take care of them!
The cervix at this time is significantly shortened and begins to open. The baby's head may drop a little and put pressure on the pelvic bones.

It is very important that your movements are not accompanied by prolonged pain, short discomfort and tingling are acceptable. Try to choose comfortable positions for sleeping and sitting still, respond to the baby's disturbing pushes, he may well tell you about his anxieties and experiences.


During this period of pregnancy, the abdomen can drop a few weeks before childbirth, mainly in nulliparous women, it can drop right the day before, most often in multiparous women, or not fall at all. A little cramped, but clear movements of the child in the amount of up to 10 times in 12 hours, already indicate the readiness of the baby to be born. Its head, with proper diligence, gradually enters the pelvic area, the tone of the press decreases markedly, and the bottom of the uterus deviates anteriorly.

The size of the abdomen now seems especially huge to you. The skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, a pigmented stripe appears, itching and peeling can disturb. These symptoms can be alleviated with the help of special means, and after childbirth they disappear by themselves.

The uterus begins active training, with false contractions and a peak in tone, the stomach can become hard. Rest will help relieve this tension.

Your previously active baby gradually becomes calmer, in the last weeks, his movements should be felt more clearly by the mother, but the visual swaying of the abdomen from side to side is usually not so clearly observed.

Weight at 39 weeks pregnant

The preparatory period planned by nature before childbirth is actively expressed in helping the expectant mother to become more mobile and flexible. Your weight loss can reach 1-2 kilograms, but do not worry, this will not affect the weight of the child in any way, most often, excess fluid is intensively removed from your body. The normal total weight gain by the 39th week of pregnancy will be 11-16 kilograms, however, the individual characteristics of the body can lead to significant deviations in this indicator. If you regularly weigh yourself and fix your weight, then suddenly dropped kilograms can be the first bell of an approaching birth.

Some women notice a decrease in appetite or more frequent bowel movements before giving birth, but not everyone has these symptoms.


For a long time, doctors were unambiguously against sex in the last weeks of pregnancy. This was justified by the stimulation of preterm labor after contraction of the uterus during an orgasm in the expectant mother. To date, this theory has been debunked. In this matter, you need to focus solely on your well-being and the needs of the body. If fatigue and discomfort do not allow you to relax as much as possible and feel attracted to your spouse, you do not need to force yourself.

But if you feel the need to be close to your husband, feel the need for his warmth and affection, sex will be a soft preparation for childbirth. Moreover, the hormones released in the female body during orgasm can serve as a mild pain reliever, and the prostaglandin contained in male secretion will help increase the elasticity of the uterus and prepare it for the upcoming birth. Orgasm also contributes to the active training of the uterus, stimulates productive labor activity.

Despite the fact that the baby is securely covered with protective layers, having sex in late pregnancy should be as accurate as possible. If pain occurs, sexual intercourse should be stopped, also avoid uncomfortable positions and any pressure on the stomach, it is best if it is in a free position.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

Pain at the 39th week of pregnancy becomes especially pronounced and is chronic. Aching pain in the lower abdomen appears as a result of fetal pressure on the pelvic floor. Pain in the sacrum and lower back occurs due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. The totality of these harbingers of childbirth can be significantly enhanced, sometimes developing into stabbing and sharp forms. It is very important to learn how to relieve pain with breathing exercises and simple relaxation techniques, these skills will help you during the birth itself.

False contractions become more pronounced and can also cause a lot of pain, training uterine contractions are an important stage in preparing the body for childbirth, you cannot avoid them. But you can not aggravate the state of the body with excessive loads. Rest will be your best assistant in overcoming pain - change the position of the body, find a comfortable position.

Chest pain at 39 weeks will indicate the beginning of colostrum production, because after a while you will have to feed your baby.


If in the last weeks of pregnancy you begin to notice swelling of the breast and the formation of the first colostrum, discharge may appear from the breast. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, continue to observe hygiene and protect your chest from hypothermia and injury.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​clogged with a mucous protective plug, in the last weeks it can depart in parts, in the form of slight secretions of thick, viscous mucus that is yellowish, white or cream in color. Rare streaks of blood in a very small amount are also considered the norm.

Detachment of the cork does not yet indicate the onset of labor and it is not worth rushing to the hospital. However, remember that the absence of a plug makes the cervix vulnerable to infections, so sex and swimming in stagnant water should be avoided. Abundant spots of reddish spotting will indicate the imminent onset of labor activity, within a few hours.

If the discharge of mucus begins to be accompanied by bleeding, then you should go to the hospital immediately, this is a symptom of premature detachment of the placenta.

Allocations in the form of a clear liquid may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid, their leakage can be observed for a long time. Sometimes the bubble bursts immediately, the water leaves in a strong stream, this harbinger of childbirth cannot be missed.

You will not feel pain, it can happen at any time. It is not necessary to wait for contractions after the water flows out, you need to pack up and arrive at the hospital in a very short time, labor will begin soon. But it often happens the other way around: regular contractions pass without the discharge of water and even their leakage, you should not worry about this - piercing the fetal bladder is an absolutely safe and harmless procedure.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the article, we have already mentioned various harbingers of childbirth more than once. Let's summarize them. Firstly, it is increased pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and perineum. Secondly, frequent urge to empty the stomach and intestines. Thirdly, reduced appetite and slight weight loss. And fourthly, the lowering of the abdomen, and in connection with this, the relief of your breathing.

It is necessary to know and remember about the harbingers, but be sure that you will never oversleep childbirth: real contractions are quite painful and increase all the time, it is difficult not to notice the discharge of amniotic fluid. Tune in a positive way, relax and try to rest as much as possible in between contractions, accumulate strength. A pre-assembled bag with all the necessary things for you and your baby will help a lot at this stage, you won’t need any fuss and extra movement around the rooms.

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

So the birth began. Now it is very important to focus on your well-being and carefully monitor your breathing, body position. Remember. Now help is needed not only for you, but also for your child, listen to him and strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors.

Lying and sitting during contractions is not recommended, try to stay on your feet as long as possible. With the increase in contractions, remember the breathing exercises - deep and calm breaths will help save strength for the subsequent birth stages.

The second stage of labor activity will begin with the appearance of attempts. Initially, they can be confused with pressure on the intestines and we want to empty. But pushing without a doctor's command is not recommended, it takes a lot of strength. But after you take a comfortable position on the birth chair, and your body is completely ready for productive attempts after the uterus is fully opened, listen to the doctor's advice and push. Try to direct the flow of your breath down the abdomen, use the diaphragm as much as possible, it is she who can significantly help the baby move forward. At the request of the doctor, attempts should be stopped, use this time to rest and relax all muscles, restore spent strength.

Forget about pain and fears, all your thoughts should be directed to helping the child, believe me: he tries no less than you, and the birth will take a lot of strength from your crumbs. Now it will be important to get together and remember everything that you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. Much will depend on your emotional state - do not panic, nature has taken care of everything.

Childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy is physiological, the baby is ready to be born, just help him with this.

After the birth of the child, the third stage will come - the birth of the placenta. While your baby will be examined by neonatologists, and the obstetrician will cut the already non-pulsating umbilical cord, your body will continue labor activity - the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate, the fetal membrane and the remnants of the umbilical cord will come out. In the first half hour after giving birth, your baby will be attached to the chest - this exciting moment will remain in your memory for a lifetime. The first colostrum is essential for the final completion of childbirth, because it is the strength, health and immunity of the baby. A very important point will be putting the baby on your chest, with your warmth you have to warm him up and give him some time to adapt in an unfamiliar world.


At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, a depressive prenatal state is possible. The woman has a lot of discomfort, she often runs to the toilet. She is worried about the unknown. At this time, the support of your husband and loved ones is very important.

It is normal if there are sufficiently transparent discharges and real contractions can already begin, which differ from the preparatory ones in that they occur at regular intervals.

Visit stores for babies and for expectant mothers with your husband or loved ones. Get the necessary linen and something pleasant for the soul. You will do it better than your husband after childbirth. In addition, shopping always improves mood, and this is very important in the last days before childbirth.

Already by the onset of the 38th week, the child is considered fully full-term. His systems and organs are mature and fully viable. However, the fetus continues to grow little by little, receiving the necessary nutrients through the placenta and umbilical cord. The lungs are ready to go to work, and immediately after birth, the first breath will be taken. The stomach is already producing the enzymes needed to break down food, and the intestines are about to begin absorbing the food that enters the body.

The reflexes of the child are well developed, especially the sucking reflex, which the baby will need immediately after birth. At the same time, the central nervous system is still unevenly developed, and only the following elements of it have matured:

  • sensitive analyzers;
  • spinal cord;
  • facial nerve;
  • glial tissue.

The baby's gaze can already focus at a distance of up to 30 cm, which corresponds to the distance to the mother's face during future feeding. We are actively improving the child's brain: it is able to distinguish and remember three-dimensional objects, colors and all kinds of movements. The length of the hair on his head can reach 4-5 cm, and at the same time, a specific fluff and original lubricant have already left the body. Fingernails and toenails have grown. The baby's skin has a pale pink color, indicating the completion of the formation of the subcutaneous fat layer.

By the onset of the 39th week, the child's motor activity is noticeably reduced, but this should not be a cause for concern: there is simply too little room in the stomach for intense body movements. In addition, the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased. And the baby is saving up strength to participate in the upcoming birth process.

Feelings of the expectant mother

As a rule, women at the 39th week of pregnancy try not to resort to physical activity without special need, they psychologically tune in to childbirth, which may well begin any day. In addition to the noticeable heaviness in the abdomen and all the inconvenience that it causes, a woman may experience:

  • cramping and pulling pain in the lower abdomen due to narrowing of the walls of the uterus;
  • drawing pains in the perineum and lumbar under the pressure of the fetus;
  • lumbago in the pelvic area that occurs with sudden movements of the baby;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • numbness of the arms and legs, painful swelling of the extremities;
  • constipation, in some cases leading to prolapse of hemorrhoids.

The body of a woman is actively preparing for the upcoming birth process. The most noticeable changes occur in the uterus, which rises above the pubic joint by about 40 cm, and its neck is shortened and softened. Soon the baby will have to pass through it without getting injured.

The tissue that connects the pelvic bones softens so that they can move apart during childbirth and miss the baby. Sometimes slight tremors can be felt in the lower abdomen, indicating that the baby's head is pressed against the exit of the uterus, thereby preparing for the birth.

Signs of the onset of labor

It is very important to recognize in time that childbirth is about to begin. Before the onset of approximately the 38th and subsequent weeks of pregnancy, a woman should already have experienced such a phenomenon as training or false contractions (“Brexton-Hicks contractions”). They differ from the true urge to give birth not too painful sensations and occur no more than a few times a day. If contractions begin to occur several times an hour, causing noticeable pain, it is urgent to call an ambulance. In addition, the completion of pregnancy is usually indicated by:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • discharge of water and mucous plug;
  • release of colostrum;
  • weight loss.

It all starts with a gradual lowering of the abdomen at the same time as pressing the presenting part of the fetus (head or buttocks) to the entrance to the small pelvis. The woman begins to feel a decrease in pressure on the stomach and lungs. At the same time, weekly weight gain stops, and even its rollback begins in the opposite direction.

Simultaneously with these phenomena, appetite decreases: with active preparation for childbirth, the body does not require extra fluids and nutrients. Also, under the pressure of the fetus on the bladder and intestines, the urge to urinate and defecate frequently in a woman can increase dramatically in the prenatal period.

The mammary glands begin to actively produce colostrum - a special secret containing a large amount of protein. The baby will eat this liquid in the first days of his life. If earlier colostrum could be released only in small volumes when squeezing the breast, now it is able to flow out independently and in large quantities, talking about the imminent onset of childbirth.

The most obvious sign that it's time to go to the hospital is the discharge of amniotic fluid. It is a colorless and odorless liquid that flows from the vagina in a thin stream or in an intense stream. This phenomenon may be accompanied by the passage of a mucous plug - a substance of white, pinkish or yellow color with red streaks, which closes the entrance to the cervix. Usually the mucous plug leaves 1-2 weeks before childbirth or immediately before them.

At the moment, all the main examinations should already be completed. A woman can expect to have her last urinalysis before giving birth. In addition, the obstetrician-gynecologist measures the blood pressure of the woman in labor, her body weight, abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus. With the help of palpation of the abdomen with hands, the location of the fetus in the uterus is revealed. A woman may be advised to undergo cardiotocography if the procedure has not been performed for a long time. During it, the fetal heartbeats, the frequency of uterine contractions, and the characteristic features of the baby's body movements are measured. When carrying twins or with future births by Caesarean section, an additional ultrasound is prescribed.

It's time to discuss with the doctor the upcoming hospitalization before childbirth. The exact date will be assigned, based on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. If the primary signs of the onset of labor are already observed, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Usually the procedure begins to be carried out in the next 1-2 days. It remains only to wait for sufficient disclosure of the cervix, and obstetricians will be ready to fulfill their professional duty.