ABC of bathing baby bathing. Is it possible to bathe a sick child. Features of bathing for various infections

They proceed with an increase in body temperature. If it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, then you can safely bathe the child. Do not make the water in the bathroom too hot - this will provoke a rise in temperature. The best option is to draw on warm water.

If the child has a high temperature (above 37.5), then by bathing in warm water (36.6 degrees), you can reduce it. This will allow less use of antipyretic drugs. In this case, bathing is a way to bring down the temperature, not a hygienic procedure. Do not use gels or other cleansers. Better to just place the baby in warm water and wait a little.

When you can't bathe your child

There are contraindications for bathing a child. Firstly, with otitis media, it is better to avoid water procedures. Secondly, in case of skin diseases, you should also not take a bath. This is not only dermatitis, but also chickenpox. In the case of chickenpox, doctors do not recommend bathing for the first 6 days of illness until the sores have crusted. After the sores are dry, you can bathe the baby to relieve the itching.

Hygiene procedures are essential during illness. If doctors do not recommend a bath for the child, then it can be wiped off with a damp towel or washed under the shower.

Bathing and colds

The most common illnesses in children are colds. If a child has a runny nose, then humid air is quite capable of relieving his condition. Mucus in the nose is the body's defense. This keeps bacteria in the nose and does not get inside. Many parents make a cardinal mistake trying to dry out a baby's runny nose unnecessarily. Whereas the opposite action helps - humid indoor air, for example. Therefore, bathing in the bathroom is a good help in treating nasal congestion in a child.

All of this applies to coughing. Bathing in the bathroom can replace inhalation. But at the same time, it is imperative to take into account the general condition of the baby, his temperature and the desire to swim. If a child does not want to take a bath during illness, do not force him.

When it comes to, while bathing, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs or essential oil (for example, eucalyptus) to the water. Before using herbs and oils, you must make sure that you are not allergic to them.

It is very important not to chill your child after bathing. It must be immediately wiped well and dressed according to the temperature in the room, given a warm drink or breast (if we are talking about a baby). Do not wrap up the child unnecessarily. A sick child should neither get cold nor sweat in clothes.

Thus, it is possible to bathe a sick child, but first it is necessary to assess his condition, listen to the doctor's recommendations and measure the child's body temperature. You will have to evaluate all contraindications for bathing every day while the child is sick.

Questions about bathing the baby in front of the parents arise immediately after the hospital. The skin of the crumbs is more delicate and, accordingly, more susceptible to the appearance of diaper rash, various injuries and the penetration of microbes through the wounds. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance - what temperature the water should be, how often the baby should be bathed, and how to choose a bath so that bathing will bring only positive emotions to the child. has its own important features - young parents should be aware of this. You can easily perform subsequent bathing of the baby, having learned the secrets of this parental science.

Is it possible to bathe a baby of the first year of life every day?

By itself, water is not capable of irritating baby's skin. And the frequency of bathing crumbs up to a year depends, first of all, on the means and devices that are used by the parents. And also, naturally, from the well-being of the baby. Perfectly, a baby up to six months can be bathed every day ... After - every other day.

Video: Bathing a newborn - basic rules

What you need to remember about bathing a child under one year old?

  • Potassium permanganate , which mothers often add to disinfect water, dries baby delicate skin ... And its illiterate breeding can cause skin burns. Therefore, you should be more careful with it, and it is not recommended for daily use.
  • To soften water, you can use decoctions of herbs (string, chamomile, etc.).
  • After bathing, you should be sure to dry the baby's skin and lubricate with special oil - the skin of the baby is very tender up to three months.
  • Daily bathing also depends on the health of the baby. If you are allergic or injured on the skin, it is better to consult a doctor ... But at elevated temperatures, it is absolutely impossible to swim.
  • Experts recommend bathing a baby with a cold with the addition of plant fees to the water ... But, again - in the absence of temperature.

Bathtub for bathing a child - which one to choose?

In the first year of life, a bath is a must. It is quite difficult to keep a shared bath perfectly clean. In addition, herbal infusions spoil the color of the bathroom enamel, and it is much easier to disinfect a baby bath. Another point in favor of the bath is that it is easier to fill. What types of baths are there?

  • Anatomical.
    Ideal for a newborn. Has an anatomical slide, grooves for priests and armpits, an emphasis between the legs.
  • Classic.
    In such a bath there is more space than in the previous one - the baby has a place to turn around. Minus - you need to buy a slide or hold the baby in your hand.
  • Tray with stand.
    The main selection criterion is stability and maximum safety.
  • A bathtub for a shower cabin (or "mother's tummy").
    Traditionally - round shape. The bath is convenient for a summer residence or a tiny apartment, but you can only swim in it while sitting.
  • A bathtub built into the changing table.
    This design can be combined with a swimwear stand and a changing mattress. The water is drained using a hose, some models are equipped with castors.
  • Chest of drawers combined with a bath.
    The principle of operation is the same as in the previous version.
  • Inflatable.
    Convenient on trips, at the dacha, on the beach - cheated, bathed, blown away, removed.
  • Antibacterial.

What to look for when choosing a bath?

The best time for bathing a child, the duration of bathing a child up to a year

As practice shows, the ideal time for bathing a baby is around 8-9 pm, just before feeding... , very restless, you can use special foams or soothing herbs when bathing. True, there is one caveat: if the baby after bathing, on the contrary, is excited and does not want to go to bed, then it is better to postpone this procedure to the afternoon. Concerning the duration of the procedure - it is different for each age:

  • About 4-5 minutes - after birth and up to 3 months.
  • About 12-15 minutes - from 3 to 6 months.
  • About 30 minutes - from 6 to 12 months.
  • From year- up to 40 minutes.

Of course, it all depends on the condition of the baby. Keeping it in the water even for 15 minutes does not make sense if the child is crying, categorically does not want to swim or is sick.

Convenient accessories for bathing a child up to one year old - a circle, a hammock, a slide, a seat, a visor

In order to facilitate the bathing process for the mother and make it more comfortable for the baby, you can use modern bathing devices kids up to a year.

  • Slide .
    Helps to insure the baby when bathing.
  • Bath hammock.
    Created from fine mesh. It is pulled over the bottom of the tub with hooks.
  • Circle around the neck.
    Promotes the development of the baby's muscular system, stimulates the swimming reflex.
  • Seat.
    It is attached to the bottom with suction cups, has safety stops, reliably keeps it from falling and slipping.
  • Anti-slip mats.
    An irreplaceable thing when bathing a child. There are even models with temperature indicators - a color change indicates that the water is cooling down.
  • Protective visor.
    Convenient for shampooing. With such a visor, water will not get into the ears, nose and eyes.

Bathing your baby in a big bath - your baby's first swimming lessons

The main advantage of bathing crumbs in a large bathroom is freedom of movement, the ability to move your head, legs and arms, without restrictions. Also the advantages of bathing in such a bath are:

  • Longer cooling of water.
  • Spreading the baby's lungs and cleansing them , increasing the strength of the respiratory muscles.
  • Improved appetite and sleep quality.
  • Exercise the heart and muscles.

Video: Proper bathing for babies

At birth, the baby retains the skills of swimming in the intrauterine fluid, and if he has a large bath at his disposal, then he will not have to learn to swim again at 5-6 years old. Swimming helps both physical and intellectual development, restoration of muscle tone and reduction of colic. But, before engaging in such exercises with the baby, you should consult with a specialist for contraindications, and, regardless of exercise, the first procedures should be carried out only in the presence of an instructor.

The baby of the first days of age is fragile and helpless. How to pick up such a crumb? How to change clothes? How to understand how to calm him down if he cried? How to bathe a newborn? Young parents will have to master all the subtleties of life with a small child. This will require a lot of love, patience and a little practical knowledge.

Bathing a baby from the first days at home will become a nightly ritual. The first time a baby takes a bath is an exciting procedure for parents. How to wash a newborn baby for the first time? How to prepare for this event so that it becomes comfortable for the child and easy for mom and dad.

When to start bathing?

The very first bath is a crucial moment for the whole family. The further mood for bathing the little person and his parents, who will have to bathe the baby every day, depends on how the bath for the newborn is taken for the first time.

Bathing benefits

Water procedures are important not only for hygiene, but also for immunity and emotional pleasure of the baby. A water of suitable temperature is:

  1. cleansing and caring for the skin of a newborn;
  2. calming, pacifying effect;
  3. hardening and training of thermoregulatory functions of the body;
  4. one of the ways a kid can learn about the world around him;
  5. pleasant emotions for the baby and for the parents.

Important! The first months of life, when the baby's skin is especially sensitive, bathing is carried out with a frequency of once a day. After six months, you can bathe your baby every two days.

Time for bathing

Bathing will help to relax the newborn and will be a great preparatory procedure for a sweet night's sleep.

It so happens that bathing does not calm the child, but rather invigorates. In such a special case, it is recommended to bathe the newborn in the morning. The most important thing is to choose the optimal moment for the bathing procedure to bring maximum benefit and pleasure to the baby, as well as to be easy and pleasant for the parents.

Observe an individual daily routine that is convenient for you and your baby. The daily routine will help you get used to the new living conditions with a small child in the house and establish a healthy development of the child's growing body.

Attention! If you bathe your child in the evening, try to create conditions for the bathing procedure to take place in the most relaxed atmosphere. Maintaining emotional balance will help to calmly put your baby to sleep at night.

Preparing to take a bath

In order for bathing to become a pleasant procedure for the baby and for the parents, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The most convenient way to bathe a newborn baby is in a baby bath. The bath must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water for disinfection;
  • For the first baths, until the umbilical wound has completely healed, it is recommended to use boiled water cooled to the required temperature. Read more about preparing bathing water for a newborn baby >>>
  • Measure the temperature of the water in the bath with a water thermometer. You can also use the “elbow method” to measure how well your baby can safely bathe. The optimum temperature for bathing is the closest to the temperature of the mother's amniotic fluid - 37-38 degrees;
  • If necessary, prepare decoctions of herbs, they will help in caring for the delicate skin of a newborn. Pick up herbs with a calming effect, or antiseptic decoctions, to combat allergies, or fortifying;
  • Hygiene products for children. It is not recommended to wash your newborn with soap more often than once a week. Shampoo for shampooing can not be used, it is enough to wash the hairs with clean water;
  • Baby washcloths. In order to wash a newborn baby, you can use special baby washcloths. They are usually made from natural soft tissues that will not harm the baby's skin;

In addition, these items are designed in the style of children's toys. They attract the attention of crumbs, are pleasant to the touch, and evoke positive emotions. Later, bright washcloths and other toys for bathing will become a bright positive moment in the process of bathing and playing with water. In the meantime, the baby is only a few days old, it can be washed with any soft cloth, a small cotton swab or just by hand.

  • To rinse the ransomed baby, you need to prepare a bucket with clean water;
  • Prepare a clean, dry diaper and a soft baby towel to dry and wrap your baby after bath. Regular adult towels are very convenient for this purpose, without corners with a hood. They are warm, absorb moisture well, and comfortably protect the baby's wet head;
  • Prepare all your baby's skin care supplies in advance after bathing. Cotton swabs and swabs, clean diapers, diaper skin care and umbilical wound treatments;
  • It is necessary to have a set of clean clothes ready in order to put on the washed crumbs.

Bathing and feeding

In order for the bathing procedure to take place in a comfortable, positive environment, the baby must be well-fed.

Know! If the baby is breastfed, then the breaks between feedings and bathing do not need to be observed. The newborn can be fed before bathing and immediately after. Mother's milk, unlike mixtures, is absorbed very quickly.

A bottle-fed baby can be bathed one hour after feeding.

Bathing in herbs

Herbs are often used to bathe a small child with delicate, vulnerable skin:

  • and calendula will help with redness and rashes on the skin;
  • Chamomile will help to cope with colic;
  • Motherwort broth will relax and calm the baby.

To prepare a decoction of bathing herbs:

  1. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs in cold water;
  2. Bring to a boil and let it brew for 20 minutes under the lid;
  3. Before adding the broth to the bathing water, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Bathing. Sequence of the procedure

So, everything you need is ready, it's time to redeem your newborn baby:

  • The baby's tub should be high enough to keep your back straight. This will help you keep vigorous, not get tired of the responsible and exciting bathing procedure for your baby;
  • Lift one end of the tub by placing a thick book under the edge. A slight slope of the bath is necessary so that the head of the newborn does not submerge in water;

On a note! You can also purchase the so-called anatomical bathtub for bathing a newborn. It already has an inclined plane for comfortable placement of a small child.

  • Fill the tub with boiling water and dilute the water to 37 degrees. Stir the water for even temperature, then measure the temperature with a baby water thermometer and / or elbow;
  • If necessary, prepare a decoction of herbs, strain it and add to the water in which you will bathe the newborn;
  • Place a container of hot water in a convenient location away from you. When the water cools down, you will add a little hot water from the far end of the bath so as not to harm the baby;
  • Roll a thick diaper into a pillow and put it in a bathtub in the place where the baby's head will be placed;
  • After a short air bath, wrap the naked newborn in a thin diaper;
  • Gently immerse the baby in the water so that the body and shoulders are in the water, and the head is on the pillow. Keep your warm hand on the newborn's tummy;
  • With a small ladle, start pouring water on the child. Let the water flow down your hand onto the baby, so you will control its temperature;
  • If the water cools down, run a small stream of hot water around the edge of the tub and stir the water. In this case, the bath should be long enough so that the hot water does not create discomfort for the baby.

Attention! The length of the bathtub for bathing a newborn should be at least 65 centimeters.

  • Wash your baby's arms and legs, alternately releasing them from the thin diaper in which the newborn is wrapped. Then cover the baby again with a diaper so that he does not get cold;
  • Whether or not to use baby soap when bathing for the first time is up to mommy to decide. Some mothers do not use soap when they first bathe. If the baby was washed with baby soap, then it must be rinsed with clean water, which must be prepared in advance;
  • Wrap the washed baby in a warm diaper that absorbs moisture well. Wrap a warm bath towel over the diaper.

How to wash a newborn. rules

You immersed the baby in water, poured warm water on him. He is warm, comfortable and you are also calm that the baby enjoys water procedures. How to properly wash the head and the rest of the body of a newborn:

  1. The baby's head is on a towel or diaper pillow. My head with movements from the forehead to the back of the head. When rinsing the head, you can protect the baby's face by placing your palm with an edge on the baby's forehead;
  2. The body of the newborn is washed with a hand, a baby washcloth or a cotton swab with or without soap. We wash the cervical folds, armpits, the gaps between the fingers of the arms and legs;

By the way! Experimentally, you will find out over time whether your baby prefers warmer or cooler water.

  1. Wash the folds on the arms, legs, groin folds with a cotton swab, if soap was used, rinse thoroughly. If there is redness, then it is useful to rinse the folds with a decoction of herbs and treat with appropriate means (from diaper rash, prickly heat or irritation);
  2. We gently wash the genitals from the outside. In the process of bathing, while the baby is in the water, the genitals are cleared of contact with water. After bathing, rinse with clean water;
  3. We wipe the eyes with a clean cotton swab with movements from the outer edge of the eye to the nose;
  4. The auricles are gently wiped with a cotton swab soaked in clean water. We pay special attention to cleansing the folds behind the ear.

Attention! If your baby is cold in the tub, you will notice that his nose and lips turn blue. If the baby is too hot, then the face turns red. In addition, the baby will announce any discomfort with a loud cry.

Watch a helpful video tutorial on bathing your newborn:

Age features of bathing

If frequent bathing of the baby brings a lot of trouble and excitement, then this procedure becomes easier over time. How the process of taking a bath changes as the baby grows and develops:

  • From birth to 1.5 months. Bathing is done daily. To protect the infant's fragile body from the temperature difference between water and air, we bathe him wrapped in a thin diaper. Interesting information about what temperature should be in the room of a newborn >>>
  • From 1.5 to 3 months. The baby bathes in a recumbent position in a baby bath in a small amount of water;
  • From 3 months to six months. The kid becomes mobile, shows interest in the world around him. He can still be bathed in a baby bath, or he can bathe in a large bath with his mother;
  • Six months. At this age, the baby is already sitting. Now he will be interested in splashing around, playing with some water. You can bathe in a basin, or in the same baby bath with a special bathing chair. The Velcro highchair is attached to the bottom of the bathtub. The child sits on a high chair, plays with water and at the same time washes.

How long does the bathing last?

  1. If bathing crumbs is carried out daily at a certain time, then how long do you need to bathe a newborn? As a rule, the baby is not kept in the water for a long time during the first swim. The procedure usually takes 5-7 minutes;
  2. If the growing baby likes the bath, then the bathing can be extended as long as it is possible to maintain the optimal water temperature. After 1.5 - 2 months of life, bathing can last up to a quarter of an hour;
  3. After six months, when the baby bathes in a sitting position and plays with some water, the bathing procedure can last 30-40 minutes.

After bathing

The redeemed baby is snugly wrapped in a warm bath towel. In order for him to remain contented and soon fall asleep sweetly:

  • Rock the baby and feed him;
  • Lay the baby on the back, dry the folds of the skin with a diaper;
  • Treat the folds with appropriate hygiene products;
  • Put on a diaper;
  • Put on a cap so that the head of the newborn's ears are reliably protected after the bath;
  • Dress your baby in clean clothes;
  • Now you can go to bed.

For a detailed video about bathing a baby and caring for a newborn, see

Sometimes you can hear the puzzled question of a young mother about what is the purpose of bathing a newborn if it almost does not get dirty. Water procedures for the baby have a slightly different meaning - they contribute to physical and psychological development, bring benefits and good mood. Bathing in the bath before bedtime helps the baby to relax and calm down, despite the short time spent in the water.

Washing and bathing - what's the difference?

Normal hygiene has nothing to do with bathing a newborn, except for the presence of water in both procedures. Hygiene includes:

  • washing away;
  • washing;
  • washing the baby.

All this is necessary in order to make the baby cleaner. Parents will need:

  • wet wipes or water;
  • baby soap.
Bathing a baby is not just a cleansing procedure, but also a relaxing one that increases the tone of the whole body.

The process takes only 5 minutes in the morning, and much more time is needed to bathe a newborn baby. You need to bathe your little one for several reasons:

  1. In a miniature bathtub or large bathtub, the baby has a sense of calm and comfort, because swimming reminds him of his own recent existence in his mother's tummy.
  2. Due to the low pressure of the water when bathing, the child receives the necessary physical activity.
  3. New skills of the newborn are developed: emotional, tactile, communication.
  4. Metabolism and appetite are improved.
  5. Bathing your baby can be turned into a hardening procedure if the temperature is set correctly.

Regular water treatments are an excellent prevention of colds. This is what distinguishes bathing from daily washing.

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It is possible and necessary to wash a child from the first days after his birth. It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and nose, and also to avoid diaper rash under the diaper. It is forbidden to bathe the baby in running water and a large bath until the umbilical wound is completely healed.

It usually heals 2 weeks after the baby is born. Until that time, parents should stick to the alternatives:

  1. Bathing a newborn in a special bath using chilled boiled water (we recommend reading :).
  2. You don't have to bathe your little one, but wipe the dirty places every day with gentle wet wipes.

It is advisable to boil the water long before bathing the baby, so that it has time to cool down. It is better to measure the temperature not with the elbow, but with a special thermometer, since the baby's skin is thin and sensitive.

After the umbilical wound has completely healed, the newborn can be bathed as usual. The concepts of “wash” and “bath” should not be confused. Water procedures can be a fun and rewarding activity if you follow the rules:

  1. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends immediately let the child take a big swim in the spacious bath... For him, it will be a real adventure, because there you can walk around heartily, grab toys and watch them. The water in a large bath cools down for a long time, so bathing a child can take up to half an hour. The spent energy and physical activity will allow the baby to fall asleep quickly and soundly, without disturbing the parents at night. The more space, the more intense the stimulation of the work of internal organs and various muscles.
  2. For bathing the baby you no longer need boiled chilled water as after the allotted 2 weeks it is considered unreasonable and impractical. However, the water in the bath must be clean and free of visually visible impurities. If the water quality is poor, it is advisable to install filters.
  3. If made from regular bathing of a newborn fascinating process, the baby will be happy to wait for the moment when the opportunity to swim will appear. It is not easy to hold the baby's head without a break for 30 minutes, so special swimming circles and hats will become wonderful helpers for parents. The circle is attached around the neck, preventing the head from falling through and the mouth from accidentally swallowing water. Along the entire perimeter of the cap, there are pieces of foam plastic that hold the child's head well above the water surface.

Older babies love to swim with toys. Parents of such children can combine bathing with useful developmental activities.

Free swimming should not be feared, despite the admonitions of the older generation about the risk of water getting into a child's ears. The structure of the auricle does not allow water to penetrate too deeply, it flows freely back without causing absolutely no harm. After the water procedure, it is enough to gently blot the ears.

Optimum temperature

The temperature regime must be changed gradually, depending on how long the baby has already bathed. At the first "swim" the most suitable temperature is considered to be 33-34 C. It should be borne in mind that the data are indicated for a large space in which the baby can swim, flounder and be active.

Convenient time for water treatments

It is necessary to introduce the tradition of bathing babies before the evening feeding that precedes bedtime... For adults, bathing a child is fun, but for the participant it is a real sport. The calories expended and the load cause two basic desires: to eat and to rest.

For children under one year old, it is quite normal from the age of 4 months to sleep soundly throughout the night, without disturbing the mother with a request to feed. The duration of the baby's bathing in this case should be at least half an hour, and in the evening the little one must eat tightly. The time for water procedures is set by the parents themselves, based on their own schedule.

Is diving dangerous?

There is nothing wrong with bathing a newborn, even if he accidentally goes under water for a few seconds. Children of the first months of life have unique reflex: as soon as the water enters the respiratory tract, the resulting spasm does not allow it to go further. There is absolutely no chance of drowning. Access to important organs of the respiratory system is blocked, so the baby is physically unable to grab water. With a prolonged stay under water, the baby is threatened with a lack of oxygen, and not an abundance of water.

The baby holds its breath reflexively when immersed, so there is no need to be afraid to dip it into the water with your head. Finding himself in a familiar element, the baby rejoices and swims with pleasure

In the process of bathing the child, it helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of fear of water. In the absence of regular diving, the innate reflex of holding the breath disappears after 2-2.5 months from the moment the baby is born.


Ordinary clean water is suitable for bathing a newborn, but if there is a desire to diversify the process, it is worth adding a herbal decoction:

  1. measure with a glass, pour into a clean glass liter container.
  2. Pour boiling water over completely and leave until evening. The water should be at the top of the can.
  3. Before bathing the baby, strain the broth through cheesecloth and add to the bath.

For relaxation, potassium permanganate does not have a particular healing effect. Potassium permanganate crystals can cause skin burns, so it should be diluted to a slightly pink hue, but such a solution is not anti-inflammatory. A composition of a more saturated color can burn the mucous membrane of the eye, so it is undesirable to take risks.

The soothing fees that pediatricians often prescribe have a beneficial effect exclusively on moms. Children's doctor Komarovsky sincerely does not understand why this is being done. The placebo effect has not yet been canceled, therefore, after bathing a newborn in such a decoction, many mothers sincerely consider their children to be calmer.

The main stages of the procedure

It's important to have a plan and stick to it. The baby may not like the changes, and the regime will set in a favorable mood:

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary items and means for bathing the child while he lies in the crib - this is much better than then rushing around the apartment with the little one in his arms in search of the missing component.
  2. Before bathing the baby, it is advisable to wash it and only then immerse it in the bath.
  3. If the baby went on a big voyage, it is enough to keep his head slightly, holding his chin and the back of his head. The ears can be in the water, and only the face remains on the surface. There is nothing dangerous in bathing a child, because there is a lot of fat in the baby's body, hence the increased "buoyancy". Infants float very well on the water, so a little support is sufficient.
  4. When bathing a child in a baby bath, it is necessary to hold him so that his head rests on the forearm of an adult. For convenience, it is advisable to use a fabric or plastic slide.
  5. First, you should bathe the baby, and then wash it, starting from the upper part of the body, moving towards the legs. The head is also washed last.

Among the rules for bathing a newborn is a wonderful exercise that stimulates development.

Water procedures for the baby are of undoubted benefit.

A child who has bought a baby will eat better and fall asleep faster.

With proper bathing, a hardening process takes place, as a result of which the child is less likely to get sick.

But all this does not mean that children should be bathed as often as possible.

According to many professionals, abuse of water washes away the protective film from the skin of the child, the skin becomes drier, redness and flaking appear.

Moreover, in families that seek sterile conditions for their baby, diseases manifest themselves more often, especially.

Therefore, Russian pediatricians advise to bathe children under 6 months of age no more than once a day, or even less often.

Considering that babies hardly get dirty, washing and washing is enough. There are wet wipes for the hands and face, and for the prevention of diaper rash, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not lie in wet.

Until how many months should you bathe your baby every day?

In general, international recommendations are as follows - up to six months, children are bathed daily, from 6 months to a year - every other day, and after a year, once every two or three days is enough.

If the purpose of bathing is, then you need to bathe every day.

After the newborn is discharged, it is important to monitor, therefore, bathing in the first 10-15 days, if carried out, is very careful.

At this age, it is enough to wipe the baby and arrange air baths for him. If the baby was born prematurely, then bathing should be postponed until the recommendation of the observing doctor.

A small child is bathed no more often than once a day. If the baby gets dirty, it is washed under running water. During the summer months, in hot conditions, the child is bathed more often to avoid overheating the body. In winter, you can turn on the heater until the baby is dressed.

As for the bathing time, it is carried out either 30 minutes before eating, or after 40-50 minutes after feeding.

Many people prefer to carry out water treatments before evening feeding.

This promotes better sleep for the baby, however, there are children who, on the contrary, are excited by bathing, so each child needs to choose "his" time.

In terms of duration, bathing begins from 3 minutes, the next day it is extended to 5 minutes and then it is brought up to 15–20 minutes.

In general, as with bathing time, bath time should be individualized. If the baby likes to swim, then you can splash for longer, the main thing is not to overcool the child. We also monitor the skin: redness, dryness and peeling are a sign of the need to interrupt water procedures. If a child is sick, it is not recommended to put him in hot water in order to avoid overheating. The baby's temperature in front of the bath should be no higher than 37.5 degrees, and instead of a bath, the baby is washed under the shower.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be 19-20 degrees for the first three months. In the future, such precautions are unnecessary, but, of course, you should not arrange drafts in the bathroom.

Before bathing, they prepare all the necessary things so as not to be distracted from the procedure and go with a wet baby for a forgotten thing. The temperature of the water for the newborn is selected at about 34 degrees. They check it with a thermometer, not relying only on their own feelings from the water.

Within a month, it can be reduced by 2 degrees, at two months for a child, the optimal temperature will be 28-30 degrees. A good hardening procedure will be rinsing with cool water after the bath: first, the temperature difference should be at least 1 degree, then gradually bring it to 22 degrees. In this case, you do not need to pour water too much so that the baby does not get scared. Another option: after bathing, without rubbing with a towel, gently blot wet places and give the baby an air bath.

The best indicator of what kind of water should be is the behavior of the baby. If he is crying, the water may be too cold or hot; if he is not moving, it may be too warm. It is optimal if the child is actively moving in the water.

It is not recommended to add scented shampoos or essential oils to bathing water, especially the first one.

It is not necessary to boil water; ordinary water from the tap is also suitable for bathing the smallest crumbs. There is also no need to add potassium permanganate.

If the water is of poor quality, you can use water filters. Before bathing, the bath is thoroughly washed, but not with the use of chemicals. Soda and boiling water will be enough to process the bath.

Bathing can be carried out on the condition that no one except the parents uses it. It is advisable to bathe in a baby bath for up to 4 months. It is much more convenient for parents, and the child also does not need a lot of space to frolic in the water yet. After 2 months, you can already carry out special exercises for swimming, which will add immunity to the baby.

Lowering the baby into the water, he is held so that the child's head rests on the parent's forearm, and the armpits are held with the hands. All folds are carefully washed from the neck to the crotch. Pay attention to the interdigital spaces. The head is washed last so that the baby does not sit with wet hair.

For a child, special hypoallergenic products with a neutral value are purchased - baby shampoos or gels. It is not necessary to wash them every day, since the baby's skin already contains a film that protects the body from infections. In addition, the abuse of soap dries out the skin and disrupts the sebaceous glands. Washcloths can easily injure delicate skin, so it's best to use either a soft sponge or a flannel wipe. In any case, it should be an individual sponge. Shampoos are used no more than once a week. At the same time, with each bath, improving blood circulation to the scalp.

After water, it will be useful to lubricate the skin with baby milk or cream. When wiping the skin, special attention is paid to the skin folds: they are thoroughly dried and lubricated with a moisturizer.

After a year, the baby may have a fear of water. This could be due to discomfort, such as getting soap in your eyes.

Now you can buy a special visor for your baby's eyes or find instructions on how to make it yourself.

The baby will have more pleasant sensations if, while bathing, the parents behave calmly and talk affectionately.

At the age of 1.5 years, you can gradually accustom the child to the soul. It is especially useful for inactive children with poor appetite. You can take a shower every day, and a bath is enough 1-2 times a week, combining it with shampooing.

By the age of two, bathing is already a fun game for a child, and its duration increases to half an hour. At this age, it is appropriate to wash after an evening walk, when the child plays enough and comes home dirty. The temperature of the bath water is about 28-30 degrees, and the air temperature is about 21. By these years you can already give your child a washcloth so that he learns to wash.

You can already use baby foams and gels for bathing, but you should refrain from cosmetic salts. We use soap more often, but not every day. Pouring with clean cool water up to 21 degrees is still practiced. After the bath, the child is covered with a terry towel and wiped off.

Herbal infusions (string, chamomile, calendula) are used after 3-4 months, and coniferous baths - over 6 months.

Baths with valerian or motherwort will help with a nervous breakdown and. Do not overuse herbs, as they dry the skin.

Swimming in open reservoirs begins at the age of 2 at an air temperature of 25-26 degrees and a water temperature of 23. It is preferable to swim in the morning. You can also start swimming in the sea from the age of 2.

Between the ages of 6 and 11, you can wash yourself once a week. In addition, you can take a shower if the child went to the pool, sweated or got dirty.

From about 11 years of age, you need to wash more often, as the skin becomes more greasy. A shower is taken daily, plus additionally after physical exertion. Shampooing carries the same recommendations as for adults.